Refactor value_determined
-> value_result
, type_determined
-> type_result
This commit is contained in:
@ -38,23 +38,23 @@ impl<'a> Resolver<'a> {
/// Contains data for specific types of import directives.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum ImportDirectiveSubclass {
pub enum ImportDirectiveSubclass<'a> {
SingleImport {
target: Name,
source: Name,
type_determined: Cell<bool>,
value_determined: Cell<bool>,
value_result: Cell<Result<&'a NameBinding<'a>, bool /* determined? */>>,
type_result: Cell<Result<&'a NameBinding<'a>, bool /* determined? */>>,
GlobImport { is_prelude: bool },
impl ImportDirectiveSubclass {
impl<'a> ImportDirectiveSubclass<'a> {
pub fn single(target: Name, source: Name) -> Self {
SingleImport {
target: target,
source: source,
type_determined: Cell::new(false),
value_determined: Cell::new(false),
type_result: Cell::new(Err(false)),
value_result: Cell::new(Err(false)),
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ pub struct ImportDirective<'a> {
parent: Module<'a>,
module_path: Vec<Name>,
target_module: Cell<Option<Module<'a>>>, // the resolution of `module_path`
subclass: ImportDirectiveSubclass,
subclass: ImportDirectiveSubclass<'a>,
span: Span,
vis: ty::Visibility, // see note in ImportResolutionPerNamespace about how to use this
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ impl<'a> Resolver<'a> {
// Add an import directive to the current module.
pub fn add_import_directive(&mut self,
module_path: Vec<Name>,
subclass: ImportDirectiveSubclass,
subclass: ImportDirectiveSubclass<'a>,
span: Span,
id: NodeId,
vis: ty::Visibility) {
@ -488,30 +488,35 @@ impl<'a, 'b:'a> ImportResolver<'a, 'b> {
let (source, target, value_determined, type_determined) = match directive.subclass {
SingleImport { source, target, ref value_determined, ref type_determined } =>
(source, target, value_determined, type_determined),
let (source, target, value_result, type_result) = match directive.subclass {
SingleImport { source, target, ref value_result, ref type_result } =>
(source, target, value_result, type_result),
GlobImport { .. } => return self.resolve_glob_import(target_module, directive),
// We need to resolve both namespaces for this to succeed.
let span = directive.span;
let value_result =
self.resolve_name_in_module(target_module, source, ValueNS, false, Some(span));
let type_result =
self.resolve_name_in_module(target_module, source, TypeNS, false, Some(span));
let mut privacy_error = true;
for &(ns, result, determined) in &[(ValueNS, &value_result, value_determined),
(TypeNS, &type_result, type_determined)] {
match *result {
Failed(..) if !determined.get() => {
for &(ns, result) in &[(ValueNS, value_result), (TypeNS, type_result)] {
let was_determined = if let Err(false) = result.get() {
let span = Some(directive.span);
match self.resolve_name_in_module(target_module, source, ns, false, span) {
Success(binding) => Ok(binding),
Indeterminate => Err(false),
Failed(_) => Err(true),
} else {
match result.get() {
Err(true) if !was_determined => {
self.update_resolution(module, target, ns, |_, resolution| {
Success(binding) if !binding.is_importable() => {
Ok(binding) if !binding.is_importable() => {
let msg = format!("`{}` is not directly importable", target);
struct_span_err!(self.session, directive.span, E0253, "{}", &msg)
.span_label(directive.span, &format!("cannot be imported directly"))
@ -521,9 +526,8 @@ impl<'a, 'b:'a> ImportResolver<'a, 'b> {
return Success(());
Success(binding) if !self.is_accessible(binding.vis) => {}
Success(binding) if !determined.get() => {
Ok(binding) if !self.is_accessible(binding.vis) => {}
Ok(binding) if !was_determined => {
let imported_binding = self.import(binding, directive);
let conflict = self.try_define(module, target, ns, imported_binding);
if let Err(old_binding) = conflict {
@ -532,14 +536,15 @@ impl<'a, 'b:'a> ImportResolver<'a, 'b> {
privacy_error = false;
Success(_) => privacy_error = false,
Ok(_) => privacy_error = false,
_ => {}
match (&value_result, &type_result) {
(&Indeterminate, _) | (_, &Indeterminate) => return Indeterminate,
(&Failed(_), &Failed(_)) => {
let (value_result, type_result) = (value_result.get(), type_result.get());
match (value_result, type_result) {
(Err(false), _) | (_, Err(false)) => return Indeterminate,
(Err(true), Err(true)) => {
let resolutions = target_module.resolutions.borrow();
let names = resolutions.iter().filter_map(|(&(ref name, _), resolution)| {
if *name == source { return None; } // Never suggest the same name
@ -565,17 +570,17 @@ impl<'a, 'b:'a> ImportResolver<'a, 'b> {
if privacy_error {
for &(ns, result) in &[(ValueNS, &value_result), (TypeNS, &type_result)] {
let binding = match *result { Success(binding) => binding, _ => continue };
for &(ns, result) in &[(ValueNS, value_result), (TypeNS, type_result)] {
let binding = match result { Ok(binding) => binding, _ => continue };
self.privacy_errors.push(PrivacyError(directive.span, source, binding));
let imported_binding = self.import(binding, directive);
let _ = self.try_define(module, target, ns, imported_binding);
match (&value_result, &type_result) {
(&Success(binding), _) if !binding.pseudo_vis().is_at_least(directive.vis, self) &&
self.is_accessible(binding.vis) => {
match (value_result, type_result) {
(Ok(binding), _) if !binding.pseudo_vis().is_at_least(directive.vis, self) &&
self.is_accessible(binding.vis) => {
let msg = format!("`{}` is private, and cannot be reexported", source);
let note_msg = format!("consider marking `{}` as `pub` in the imported module",
@ -584,8 +589,8 @@ impl<'a, 'b:'a> ImportResolver<'a, 'b> {
(_, &Success(binding)) if !binding.pseudo_vis().is_at_least(directive.vis, self) &&
self.is_accessible(binding.vis) => {
(_, Ok(binding)) if !binding.pseudo_vis().is_at_least(directive.vis, self) &&
self.is_accessible(binding.vis) => {
if binding.is_extern_crate() {
let msg = format!("extern crate `{}` is private, and cannot be reexported \
(error E0364), consider declaring with `pub`",
@ -607,9 +612,9 @@ impl<'a, 'b:'a> ImportResolver<'a, 'b> {
// Record what this import resolves to for later uses in documentation,
// this may resolve to either a value or a type, but for documentation
// purposes it's good enough to just favor one over the other.
let def = match type_result.success().and_then(NameBinding::def) {
let def = match type_result.ok().and_then(NameBinding::def) {
Some(def) => def,
None => value_result.success().and_then(NameBinding::def).unwrap(),
None => value_result.ok().and_then(NameBinding::def).unwrap(),
let path_resolution = PathResolution::new(def);
self.def_map.insert(, path_resolution);
Reference in New Issue
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