Don't evaluate discriminator value constants when parsing.

Remove disr_val from ast::variant_ and always use ty::variant_info
when the value is needed.  Move what was done during parsing into
other passes, primary  This move also correctly type checks
the disr. value expression; thus, fixing rustc --pretty=typed when
disr. values are used.
This commit is contained in:
Kevin Atkinson 2012-01-16 02:36:47 -07:00 committed by Marijn Haverbeke
parent edf11ebf02
commit e1c50c4410
10 changed files with 106 additions and 51 deletions

View File

@ -232,6 +232,8 @@ fn encode_tag_variant_info(ecx: @encode_ctxt, ebml_w: ebml::writer,
id: node_id, variants: [variant],
&index: [entry<int>], ty_params: [ty_param]) {
let disr_val = 0;
let i = 0;
let vi = ty::tag_variants(ecx.ccx.tcx, {crate: local_crate, node: id});
for variant: variant in variants {
index += [{val:, pos: ebml_w.writer.tell()}];
ebml::start_tag(ebml_w, tag_items_data_item);
@ -244,13 +246,14 @@ fn encode_tag_variant_info(ecx: @encode_ctxt, ebml_w: ebml::writer,
encode_symbol(ecx, ebml_w,;
encode_discriminant(ecx, ebml_w,;
if variant.node.disr_val != disr_val {
encode_disr_val(ecx, ebml_w, variant.node.disr_val);
disr_val = variant.node.disr_val;
if vi[i].disr_val != disr_val {
encode_disr_val(ecx, ebml_w, vi[i].disr_val);
disr_val = vi[i].disr_val;
encode_type_param_bounds(ebml_w, ecx, ty_params);
disr_val += 1;
i += 1;

View File

@ -15,6 +15,13 @@ fn check_crate(sess: session, crate: @crate) {
fn check_item(it: @item, &&_is_const: bool, v: visit::vt<bool>) {
alt it.node {
item_const(_, ex) { v.visit_expr(ex, true, v); }
item_tag(vs, _) {
for var in vs {
option::may(var.node.disr_expr) {|ex|
v.visit_expr(ex, true, v);
_ { visit::visit_item(it, false, v); }

View File

@ -4543,7 +4543,7 @@ fn trans_res_ctor(cx: @local_ctxt, sp: span, dtor: ast::fn_decl,
fn trans_tag_variant(cx: @local_ctxt, tag_id: ast::node_id,
variant: ast::variant, is_degen: bool,
variant: ast::variant, disr: int, is_degen: bool,
ty_params: [ast::ty_param]) {
let ccx = cx.ccx;
@ -4593,7 +4593,7 @@ fn trans_tag_variant(cx: @local_ctxt, tag_id: ast::node_id,
let lltagptr =
PointerCast(bcx, fcx.llretptr, T_opaque_tag_ptr(ccx));
let lldiscrimptr = GEPi(bcx, lltagptr, [0, 0]);
Store(bcx, C_int(ccx, variant.node.disr_val), lldiscrimptr);
Store(bcx, C_int(ccx, disr), lldiscrimptr);
GEPi(bcx, lltagptr, [0, 1])
i = 0u;
@ -4938,8 +4938,13 @@ fn trans_item(cx: @local_ctxt, item: ast::item) {
ast::item_tag(variants, tps) {
let sub_cx = extend_path(cx, item.ident);
let degen = vec::len(variants) == 1u;
let vi = ty::tag_variants(cx.ccx.tcx, {crate: ast::local_crate,
let i = 0;
for variant: ast::variant in variants {
trans_tag_variant(sub_cx,, variant, degen, tps);
trans_tag_variant(sub_cx,, variant,
vi[i].disr_val, degen, tps);
i += 1;
ast::item_const(_, expr) { trans_const(cx.ccx, expr,; }
@ -5268,10 +5273,13 @@ fn trans_constant(ccx: @crate_ctxt, it: @ast::item, &&pt: [str],
visit::visit_item(it, new_pt, v);
alt it.node {
ast::item_tag(variants, _) {
let vi = ty::tag_variants(ccx.tcx, {crate: ast::local_crate,
let i = 0;
for variant in variants {
let p = new_pt + [, "discrim"];
let s = mangle_exported_name(ccx, p, ty::mk_int(ccx.tcx));
let disr_val = variant.node.disr_val;
let disr_val = vi[i].disr_val;
let discrim_gvar = str::as_buf(s, {|buf|
llvm::LLVMAddGlobal(ccx.llmod, ccx.int_type, buf)
@ -5280,6 +5288,7 @@ fn trans_constant(ccx: @crate_ctxt, it: @ast::item, &&pt: [str],
ast_util::local_def(, discrim_gvar);
ccx.discrim_symbols.insert(, s);
i += 1;
ast::item_impl(tps, some(@{node: ast::ty_path(_, id), _}), _, ms) {

View File

@ -2631,17 +2631,30 @@ fn tag_variants(cx: ctxt, id: ast::def_id) -> @[variant_info] {
let result = if ast::local_crate != id.crate {
@csearch::get_tag_variants(cx, id)
} else {
// FIXME: Now that the variants are run through the type checker (to
// check the disr_expr if one exists), this code should likely be
// moved there to avoid having to call eval_const_expr twice
alt cx.items.get(id.node) {
ast_map::node_item(@{node: ast::item_tag(variants, _), _}) {
let disr_val = -1;
@vec::map(variants, {|variant|
let ctor_ty = node_id_to_monotype(cx,;
let arg_tys = if vec::len(variant.node.args) > 0u {
vec::map(ty_fn_args(cx, ctor_ty), {|a| a.ty})
} else { [] };
alt variant.node.disr_expr {
some (ex) {
// FIXME: issue #1417
disr_val = alt syntax::ast_util::eval_const_expr(ex) {
ast_util::const_int(val) {val as int}
_ {disr_val += 1;}
@{args: arg_tys,
ctor_ty: ctor_ty,
id: ast_util::local_def(,
disr_val: variant.node.disr_val
disr_val: disr_val

View File

@ -2461,6 +2461,55 @@ fn check_const(ccx: @crate_ctxt, _sp: span, e: @ast::expr, id: ast::node_id) {
demand::simple(fcx, e.span, declty, cty);
fn check_tag_variants(ccx: @crate_ctxt, _sp: span, vs: [ast::variant],
id: ast::node_id) {
// FIXME: this is kinda a kludge; we manufacture a fake function context
// and statement context for checking the initializer expression.
let rty = node_id_to_type(ccx.tcx, id);
let fixups: [ast::node_id] = [];
let fcx: @fn_ctxt =
@{ret_ty: rty,
purity: ast::pure_fn,
proto: ast::proto_box,
var_bindings: ty::unify::mk_var_bindings(),
locals: new_int_hash::<int>(),
next_var_id: @mutable 0,
mutable fixups: fixups,
ccx: ccx};
let disr_vals: [int] = [];
let disr_val = 0;
for v in vs {
alt v.node.disr_expr {
some(e) {
check_expr(fcx, e);
let cty = expr_ty(fcx.ccx.tcx, e);
let declty =ty::mk_int(fcx.ccx.tcx);
demand::simple(fcx, e.span, declty, cty);
// FIXME: issue #1417
// Also, check_expr (from check_const pass) doesn't guarantee that
// the expression in an form that eval_const_expr, so we may still
// get an internal compiler error
alt syntax::ast_util::eval_const_expr(e) {
syntax::ast_util::const_int(val) {
disr_val = val as int;
_ {
"expected signed integer constant");
_ {}
if vec::member(disr_val, disr_vals) {
"discriminator value already exists.");
disr_vals += [disr_val];
disr_val += 1;
// A generic function for checking the pred in a check
// or if-check
fn check_pred_expr(fcx: @fn_ctxt, e: @ast::expr) -> bool {
@ -2632,6 +2681,7 @@ fn check_method(ccx: @crate_ctxt, method: @ast::method) {
fn check_item(ccx: @crate_ctxt, it: @ast::item) {
alt it.node {
ast::item_const(_, e) { check_const(ccx, it.span, e,; }
ast::item_tag(vs, _) { check_tag_variants(ccx, it.span, vs,; }
ast::item_fn(decl, tps, body) {
check_fn(ccx, ast::proto_bare, decl, body,, none);

View File

@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ type native_mod =
type variant_arg = {ty: @ty, id: node_id};
type variant_ = {name: ident, args: [variant_arg], id: node_id,
disr_val: int, disr_expr: option::t<@expr>};
disr_expr: option::t<@expr>};
type variant = spanned<variant_>;

View File

@ -241,8 +241,7 @@ tag const_val {
// FIXME (#1417): any function that uses this function should likely be moved
// into the middle end
// FIXME: issue #1417
fn eval_const_expr(e: @expr) -> const_val {
fn fromb(b: bool) -> const_val { const_int(b as i64) }
alt e.node {

View File

@ -432,21 +432,12 @@ fn noop_fold_variant(v: variant_, fld: ast_fold) -> variant_ {
let fold_variant_arg = bind fold_variant_arg_(_, fld);
let args = vec::map(v.args, fold_variant_arg);
let (de, dv) = alt v.disr_expr {
some(e) {
let de = fld.fold_expr(e);
// FIXME (#1417): see
let dv = alt syntax::ast_util::eval_const_expr(e) {
ast_util::const_int(val) {
val as int
(some(de), dv)
none. { (none, v.disr_val) }
let de = alt v.disr_expr {
some(e) {some(fld.fold_expr(e))}
none. {none}
ret {name:, args: args, id:,
disr_val: dv, disr_expr: de};
disr_expr: de};
fn noop_fold_ident(&&i: ident, _fld: ast_fold) -> ident { ret i; }

View File

@ -2023,7 +2023,6 @@ fn parse_item_tag(p: parser, attrs: [ast::attribute]) -> @ast::item {
{name: id,
args: [{ty: ty, id: p.get_id()}],
id: p.get_id(),
disr_val: 0,
disr_expr: none});
ret mk_item(p, lo, ty.span.hi, id,
ast::item_tag([variant], ty_params), attrs);
@ -2031,7 +2030,6 @@ fn parse_item_tag(p: parser, attrs: [ast::attribute]) -> @ast::item {
expect(p, token::LBRACE);
let all_nullary = true;
let have_disr = false;
let disr_val = 0;
while p.token != token::RBRACE {
let tok = p.token;
alt tok {
@ -2056,38 +2054,15 @@ fn parse_item_tag(p: parser, attrs: [ast::attribute]) -> @ast::item {
token::EQ. {
have_disr = true;
let e = parse_expr(p);
// FIXME: eval_const_expr does no error checking, nor do I.
// Also, the parser is not the right place to do this; likely
// somewhere in the middle end so that constants can be
// refereed to, even if they are after the declaration for the
// type. Finally, eval_const_expr probably shouldn't exist as
// it Graydon puts it: "[I] am a little worried at its
// presence since it quasi-duplicates stuff that trans should
// probably be doing." (See issue #1417)
alt syntax::ast_util::eval_const_expr(e) {
syntax::ast_util::const_int(val) {
// FIXME: check that value is in range
disr_val = val as int;
if option::is_some
(variants, {|v| v.node.disr_val == disr_val}))
p.fatal("discriminator value " + /* str(disr_val) + */
"already exists.");
disr_expr = some(e);
disr_expr = some(parse_expr(p));
_ {/* empty */ }
expect(p, token::SEMI);
let vr = {name: p.get_str(name), args: args, id: p.get_id(),
disr_val: disr_val, disr_expr: disr_expr};
disr_expr: disr_expr};
variants += [spanned(vlo, vhi, vr)];
disr_val += 1;
token::RBRACE. {/* empty */ }
_ {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
//error-pattern: mismatched types
tag color {
red = 1u;
blue = 2;
fn main() {}