Change a number of result-returning functions to return @block_ctxt

The uniformity doesn't seem to be worth the extra noise and pointless
code being generated. If something doesn't produce a value, don't make
it return one. (For now, trans_[exprtype] things are left in the result-
returning form, even when they never return anything useful, since in
that case uniformity is arguably helpful.)
This commit is contained in:
Marijn Haverbeke 2011-08-30 13:50:58 +02:00
parent adec3ecfe0
commit e17e6af4f0
3 changed files with 187 additions and 234 deletions

View File

@ -404,17 +404,17 @@ fn trans_native_call(cx: &@block_ctxt, externs: &hashmap<istr, ValueRef>,
ret Call(cx, llnative, call_args);
fn trans_non_gc_free(cx: &@block_ctxt, v: ValueRef) -> result {
fn trans_non_gc_free(cx: &@block_ctxt, v: ValueRef) -> @block_ctxt {
Call(cx, bcx_ccx(cx),
[cx.fcx.lltaskptr, PointerCast(cx, v, T_ptr(T_i8())),
ret rslt(cx, C_int(0));
ret cx;
fn trans_shared_free(cx: &@block_ctxt, v: ValueRef) -> result {
fn trans_shared_free(cx: &@block_ctxt, v: ValueRef) -> @block_ctxt {
Call(cx, bcx_ccx(cx).upcalls.shared_free,
[cx.fcx.lltaskptr, PointerCast(cx, v, T_ptr(T_i8()))]);
ret rslt(cx, C_int(0));
ret cx;
fn umax(cx: &@block_ctxt, a: ValueRef, b: ValueRef) -> ValueRef {
@ -1312,18 +1312,18 @@ fn make_take_glue(cx: &@block_ctxt, v: ValueRef, t: ty::t) {
let bcx = cx;
// NB: v is an *alias* of type t here, not a direct value.
if ty::type_is_boxed(bcx_tcx(bcx), t) {
bcx = incr_refcnt_of_boxed(bcx, Load(bcx, v)).bcx;
bcx = incr_refcnt_of_boxed(bcx, Load(bcx, v));
} else if ty::type_is_structural(bcx_tcx(bcx), t) {
bcx = iter_structural_ty(bcx, v, t, take_ty).bcx;
bcx = iter_structural_ty(bcx, v, t, take_ty);
} else if ty::type_is_ivec(bcx_tcx(bcx), t) {
bcx = ivec::duplicate(bcx, v);
bcx = ivec::iter_ivec(bcx, v, t, take_ty).bcx;
bcx = ivec::iter_ivec(bcx, v, t, take_ty);
fn incr_refcnt_of_boxed(cx: &@block_ctxt, box_ptr: ValueRef) -> result {
fn incr_refcnt_of_boxed(cx: &@block_ctxt, box_ptr: ValueRef) -> @block_ctxt {
let rc_ptr =
GEP(cx, box_ptr, [C_int(0), C_int(abi::box_rc_field_refcnt)]);
let rc = Load(cx, rc_ptr);
@ -1336,119 +1336,104 @@ fn incr_refcnt_of_boxed(cx: &@block_ctxt, box_ptr: ValueRef) -> result {
rc = Add(rc_adj_cx, rc, C_int(1));
Store(rc_adj_cx, rc, rc_ptr);
Br(rc_adj_cx, next_cx.llbb);
ret rslt(next_cx, C_nil());
ret next_cx;
fn make_free_glue(cx: &@block_ctxt, v0: ValueRef, t: ty::t) {
fn make_free_glue(bcx: &@block_ctxt, v0: ValueRef, t: ty::t) {
// NB: v is an *alias* of type t here, not a direct value.
let rs =
alt ty::struct(bcx_tcx(cx), t) {
ty::ty_str. {
let v = Load(cx, v0);
if !bcx_ccx(cx).sess.get_opts().do_gc {
trans_non_gc_free(cx, v)
} else { rslt(cx, C_nil()) }
ty::ty_box(body_mt) {
let v = Load(cx, v0);
let body =
GEP(cx, v, [C_int(0), C_int(abi::box_rc_field_body)]);
let body_ty = body_mt.ty;
let rs = drop_ty(cx, body, body_ty);
if !bcx_ccx(cx).sess.get_opts().do_gc {
trans_non_gc_free(rs.bcx, v)
} else { rslt(cx, C_nil()) }
ty::ty_uniq(_) { fail "free uniq unimplemented"; }
ty::ty_obj(_) {
// Call through the obj's own fields-drop glue first.
// Then free the body.
let box_cell =
GEP(cx, v0, [C_int(0), C_int(abi::obj_field_box)]);
let b = Load(cx, box_cell);
let ccx = bcx_ccx(cx);
let llbox_ty = T_opaque_obj_ptr(*ccx);
b = PointerCast(cx, b, llbox_ty);
let body =
GEP(cx, b, [C_int(0), C_int(abi::box_rc_field_body)]);
let tydescptr =
GEP(cx, body,
[C_int(0), C_int(abi::obj_body_elt_tydesc)]);
let tydesc = Load(cx, tydescptr);
let ti = none::<@tydesc_info>;
call_tydesc_glue_full(cx, body, tydesc,
abi::tydesc_field_drop_glue, ti);
if !bcx_ccx(cx).sess.get_opts().do_gc {
trans_non_gc_free(cx, b)
} else { rslt(cx, C_nil()) }
ty::ty_fn(_, _, _, _, _) {
// Call through the closure's own fields-drop glue first.
// Then free the body.
let box_cell =
GEP(cx, v0, [C_int(0), C_int(abi::fn_field_box)]);
let v = Load(cx, box_cell);
let body =
GEP(cx, v, [C_int(0), C_int(abi::box_rc_field_body)]);
let bindings =
GEP(cx, body,
[C_int(0), C_int(abi::closure_elt_bindings)]);
let tydescptr =
GEP(cx, body,
[C_int(0), C_int(abi::closure_elt_tydesc)]);
let ti = none::<@tydesc_info>;
call_tydesc_glue_full(cx, bindings, Load(cx, tydescptr),
abi::tydesc_field_drop_glue, ti);
if !bcx_ccx(cx).sess.get_opts().do_gc {
trans_non_gc_free(cx, v)
} else { rslt(cx, C_nil()) }
_ { rslt(cx, C_nil()) }
let bcx = alt ty::struct(bcx_tcx(bcx), t) {
ty::ty_str. {
let v = Load(bcx, v0);
if !bcx_ccx(bcx).sess.get_opts().do_gc {
trans_non_gc_free(bcx, v)
} else { bcx }
ty::ty_box(body_mt) {
let v = Load(bcx, v0);
let body = GEP(bcx, v, [C_int(0), C_int(abi::box_rc_field_body)]);
let bcx = drop_ty(bcx, body, body_mt.ty);
if !bcx_ccx(bcx).sess.get_opts().do_gc {
trans_non_gc_free(bcx, v)
} else { bcx }
ty::ty_uniq(_) { fail "free uniq unimplemented"; }
ty::ty_obj(_) {
// Call through the obj's own fields-drop glue first.
// Then free the body.
let box_cell =
GEP(bcx, v0, [C_int(0), C_int(abi::obj_field_box)]);
let b = Load(bcx, box_cell);
let ccx = bcx_ccx(bcx);
let llbox_ty = T_opaque_obj_ptr(*ccx);
b = PointerCast(bcx, b, llbox_ty);
let body =
GEP(bcx, b, [C_int(0), C_int(abi::box_rc_field_body)]);
let tydescptr =
GEP(bcx, body, [C_int(0), C_int(abi::obj_body_elt_tydesc)]);
let tydesc = Load(bcx, tydescptr);
let ti = none;
call_tydesc_glue_full(bcx, body, tydesc,
abi::tydesc_field_drop_glue, ti);
if !bcx_ccx(bcx).sess.get_opts().do_gc {
trans_non_gc_free(bcx, b)
} else { bcx }
ty::ty_fn(_, _, _, _, _) {
// Call through the closure's own fields-drop glue first.
// Then free the body.
let box_cell = GEP(bcx, v0, [C_int(0), C_int(abi::fn_field_box)]);
let v = Load(bcx, box_cell);
let body = GEP(bcx, v, [C_int(0), C_int(abi::box_rc_field_body)]);
let bindings =
GEP(bcx, body, [C_int(0), C_int(abi::closure_elt_bindings)]);
let tydescptr =
GEP(bcx, body, [C_int(0), C_int(abi::closure_elt_tydesc)]);
let ti = none;
call_tydesc_glue_full(bcx, bindings, Load(bcx, tydescptr),
abi::tydesc_field_drop_glue, ti);
if !bcx_ccx(bcx).sess.get_opts().do_gc {
trans_non_gc_free(bcx, v)
} else { bcx }
_ { bcx }
fn make_drop_glue(cx: &@block_ctxt, v0: ValueRef, t: ty::t) {
fn make_drop_glue(bcx: &@block_ctxt, v0: ValueRef, t: ty::t) {
// NB: v0 is an *alias* of type t here, not a direct value.
let ccx = bcx_ccx(cx);
let rs =
alt ty::struct(ccx.tcx, t) {
ty::ty_str. { decr_refcnt_maybe_free(cx, v0, v0, t) }
ty::ty_vec(_) {
rslt(ivec::make_drop_glue(cx, v0, t), C_nil())
ty::ty_istr. {
rslt(ivec::make_drop_glue(cx, v0, t), C_nil())
ty::ty_box(_) { decr_refcnt_maybe_free(cx, v0, v0, t) }
ty::ty_uniq(_) { trans_shared_free(cx, Load(cx, v0)) }
ty::ty_obj(_) {
let box_cell =
GEP(cx, v0, [C_int(0), C_int(abi::obj_field_box)]);
decr_refcnt_maybe_free(cx, box_cell, v0, t)
ty::ty_res(did, inner, tps) {
trans_res_drop(cx, v0, did, inner, tps)
ty::ty_fn(_, _, _, _, _) {
let box_cell =
GEP(cx, v0, [C_int(0), C_int(abi::fn_field_box)]);
decr_refcnt_maybe_free(cx, box_cell, v0, t)
_ {
if ty::type_has_pointers(ccx.tcx, t) &&
ty::type_is_structural(ccx.tcx, t) {
iter_structural_ty(cx, v0, t, drop_ty)
} else { rslt(cx, C_nil()) }
let ccx = bcx_ccx(bcx);
let bcx = alt ty::struct(ccx.tcx, t) {
ty::ty_str. { decr_refcnt_maybe_free(bcx, v0, v0, t) }
ty::ty_vec(_) { ivec::make_drop_glue(bcx, v0, t) }
ty::ty_istr. { ivec::make_drop_glue(bcx, v0, t) }
ty::ty_box(_) { decr_refcnt_maybe_free(bcx, v0, v0, t) }
ty::ty_uniq(_) { trans_shared_free(bcx, Load(bcx, v0)) }
ty::ty_obj(_) {
let box_cell =
GEP(bcx, v0, [C_int(0), C_int(abi::obj_field_box)]);
decr_refcnt_maybe_free(bcx, box_cell, v0, t)
ty::ty_res(did, inner, tps) {
trans_res_drop(bcx, v0, did, inner, tps)
ty::ty_fn(_, _, _, _, _) {
let box_cell = GEP(bcx, v0, [C_int(0), C_int(abi::fn_field_box)]);
decr_refcnt_maybe_free(bcx, box_cell, v0, t)
_ {
if ty::type_has_pointers(ccx.tcx, t) &&
ty::type_is_structural(ccx.tcx, t) {
iter_structural_ty(bcx, v0, t, drop_ty)
} else { bcx }
fn trans_res_drop(cx: @block_ctxt, rs: ValueRef, did: &ast::def_id,
inner_t: ty::t, tps: &[ty::t]) -> result {
inner_t: ty::t, tps: &[ty::t]) -> @block_ctxt {
let ccx = bcx_ccx(cx);
let inner_t_s = ty::substitute_type_params(ccx.tcx, tps, inner_t);
let tup_ty = ty::mk_tup(ccx.tcx, [ty::mk_int(ccx.tcx), inner_t_s]);
@ -1488,14 +1473,14 @@ fn trans_res_drop(cx: @block_ctxt, rs: ValueRef, did: &ast::def_id,
let val_cast = BitCast(cx, val.val, val_llty);
FastCall(cx, dtor_addr, args + [val_cast]);
cx = drop_ty(cx, val.val, inner_t_s).bcx;
cx = drop_ty(cx, val.val, inner_t_s);
Store(cx, C_int(0), drop_flag.val);
Br(cx, next_cx.llbb);
ret rslt(next_cx, C_nil());
ret next_cx;
fn decr_refcnt_maybe_free(cx: &@block_ctxt, box_ptr_alias: ValueRef,
full_alias: ValueRef, t: ty::t) -> result {
full_alias: ValueRef, t: ty::t) -> @block_ctxt {
let ccx = bcx_ccx(cx);
let load_rc_cx = new_sub_block_ctxt(cx, ~"load rc");
let rc_adj_cx = new_sub_block_ctxt(cx, ~"rc--");
@ -1518,16 +1503,9 @@ fn decr_refcnt_maybe_free(cx: &@block_ctxt, box_ptr_alias: ValueRef,
Store(rc_adj_cx, rc, rc_ptr);
let zero_test = ICmp(rc_adj_cx, lib::llvm::LLVMIntEQ, C_int(0), rc);
CondBr(rc_adj_cx, zero_test, free_cx.llbb, next_cx.llbb);
let free_res =
free_ty(free_cx, full_alias, t);
Br(free_res.bcx, next_cx.llbb);
let t_else = T_nil();
let v_else = C_nil();
let phi =
Phi(next_cx, t_else, [v_else, v_else, v_else, free_res.val],
[cx.llbb, load_rc_cx.llbb, rc_adj_cx.llbb,
ret rslt(next_cx, phi);
let free_cx = free_ty(free_cx, full_alias, t);
Br(free_cx, next_cx.llbb);
ret next_cx;
@ -1658,10 +1636,8 @@ fn compare_scalar_values(cx: &@block_ctxt, lhs: ValueRef, rhs: ValueRef,
ret rslt(last_cx, last_result);
type val_pair_fn = fn(&@block_ctxt, ValueRef, ValueRef) -> result;
type val_fn = fn(&@block_ctxt, ValueRef) -> result;
type val_and_ty_fn = fn(&@block_ctxt, ValueRef, ty::t) -> result;
type val_pair_fn = fn(&@block_ctxt, ValueRef, ValueRef) -> @block_ctxt;
type val_and_ty_fn = fn(&@block_ctxt, ValueRef, ty::t) -> @block_ctxt;
fn load_inbounds(cx: &@block_ctxt, p: ValueRef, idxs: &[ValueRef]) ->
ValueRef {
@ -1680,10 +1656,10 @@ fn incr_ptr(cx: &@block_ctxt, p: ValueRef, incr: ValueRef, pp: ValueRef) {
// Iterates through the elements of a structural type.
fn iter_structural_ty(cx: &@block_ctxt, av: ValueRef, t: ty::t,
f: &val_and_ty_fn) -> result {
fn iter_boxpp(cx: @block_ctxt, box_cell: ValueRef, f: &val_and_ty_fn) ->
result {
fn iter_structural_ty(cx: @block_ctxt, av: ValueRef, t: ty::t,
f: &val_and_ty_fn) -> @block_ctxt {
fn iter_boxpp(cx: @block_ctxt, box_cell: ValueRef, f: &val_and_ty_fn)
-> @block_ctxt {
let box_ptr = Load(cx, box_cell);
let tnil = ty::mk_nil(bcx_tcx(cx));
let tbox = ty::mk_imm_box(bcx_tcx(cx), tnil);
@ -1691,17 +1667,15 @@ fn iter_structural_ty(cx: &@block_ctxt, av: ValueRef, t: ty::t,
let next_cx = new_sub_block_ctxt(cx, ~"next");
let null_test = IsNull(cx, box_ptr);
CondBr(cx, null_test, next_cx.llbb, inner_cx.llbb);
let r = f(inner_cx, box_cell, tbox);
Br(r.bcx, next_cx.llbb);
ret rslt(next_cx, C_nil());
let inner_cx = f(inner_cx, box_cell, tbox);
Br(inner_cx, next_cx.llbb);
ret next_cx;
fn iter_variant(cx: @block_ctxt, a_tup: ValueRef,
variant: &ty::variant_info, tps: &[ty::t],
tid: &ast::def_id, f: &val_and_ty_fn) -> result {
if std::vec::len::<ty::t>(variant.args) == 0u {
ret rslt(cx, C_nil());
tid: &ast::def_id, f: &val_and_ty_fn) -> @block_ctxt {
if std::vec::len::<ty::t>(variant.args) == 0u { ret cx; }
let fn_ty = variant.ctor_ty;
let ccx = bcx_ccx(cx);
alt ty::struct(ccx.tcx, fn_ty) {
@ -1712,32 +1686,28 @@ fn iter_structural_ty(cx: &@block_ctxt, av: ValueRef, t: ty::t,
let llfldp_a = rslt.val;
cx = rslt.bcx;
let ty_subst = ty::substitute_type_params(ccx.tcx, tps, a.ty);
rslt = f(cx, llfldp_a, ty_subst);
cx = rslt.bcx;
cx = f(cx, llfldp_a, ty_subst);
j += 1;
ret rslt(cx, C_nil());
ret cx;
let r: result = rslt(cx, C_nil());
alt ty::struct(bcx_tcx(cx), t) {
ty::ty_rec(fields) {
let i: int = 0;
for fld: ty::field in fields {
r = GEP_tup_like(r.bcx, t, av, [0, i]);
let llfld_a = r.val;
r = f(r.bcx, llfld_a,;
let {bcx, val: llfld_a} = GEP_tup_like(cx, t, av, [0, i]);
cx = f(bcx, llfld_a,;
i += 1;
ty::ty_tup(args) {
let i = 0;
for arg in args {
r = GEP_tup_like(r.bcx, t, av, [0, i]);
let llfld_a = r.val;
r = f(r.bcx, llfld_a, arg);
let {bcx, val: llfld_a} = GEP_tup_like(cx, t, av, [0, i]);
cx = f(bcx, llfld_a, arg);
i += 1;
@ -1746,9 +1716,8 @@ fn iter_structural_ty(cx: &@block_ctxt, av: ValueRef, t: ty::t,
let inner1 = ty::substitute_type_params(tcx, tps, inner);
let inner_t_s = ty::substitute_type_params(tcx, tps, inner);
let tup_t = ty::mk_tup(tcx, [ty::mk_int(tcx), inner_t_s]);
r = GEP_tup_like(r.bcx, tup_t, av, [0, 1]);
let llfld_a = r.val;
r = f(r.bcx, llfld_a, inner1);
let {bcx, val: llfld_a} = GEP_tup_like(cx, tup_t, av, [0, 1]);
ret f(bcx, llfld_a, inner1);
ty::ty_tag(tid, tps) {
let variants = ty::tag_variants(bcx_tcx(cx), tid);
@ -1767,26 +1736,23 @@ fn iter_structural_ty(cx: &@block_ctxt, av: ValueRef, t: ty::t,
// NB: we must hit the discriminant first so that structural
// comparison know not to proceed when the discriminants differ.
let bcx = cx;
bcx = f(bcx, lldiscrim_a_ptr, ty::mk_int(bcx_tcx(cx))).bcx;
let unr_cx = new_sub_block_ctxt(bcx, ~"tag-iter-unr");
cx = f(cx, lldiscrim_a_ptr, ty::mk_int(bcx_tcx(cx)));
let unr_cx = new_sub_block_ctxt(cx, ~"tag-iter-unr");
let llswitch = Switch(bcx, lldiscrim_a, unr_cx.llbb, n_variants);
let next_cx = new_sub_block_ctxt(bcx, ~"tag-iter-next");
let llswitch = Switch(cx, lldiscrim_a, unr_cx.llbb, n_variants);
let next_cx = new_sub_block_ctxt(cx, ~"tag-iter-next");
let i = 0u;
for variant: ty::variant_info in variants {
let variant_cx =
~"tag-iter-variant-" +
uint::to_str(i, 10u));
new_sub_block_ctxt(cx, ~"tag-iter-variant-" +
uint::to_str(i, 10u));
llvm::LLVMAddCase(llswitch, C_int(i as int), variant_cx.llbb);
variant_cx =
iter_variant(variant_cx, llunion_a_ptr, variant, tps, tid,
variant_cx = iter_variant(variant_cx, llunion_a_ptr, variant,
tps, tid, f);
Br(variant_cx, next_cx.llbb);
i += 1u;
ret rslt(next_cx, C_nil());
ret next_cx;
ty::ty_fn(_, _, _, _, _) {
let box_cell_a =
@ -1800,21 +1766,14 @@ fn iter_structural_ty(cx: &@block_ctxt, av: ValueRef, t: ty::t,
_ { bcx_ccx(cx).sess.unimpl(~"type in iter_structural_ty"); }
ret r;
ret cx;
// Iterates through a pointer range, until the src* hits the src_lim*.
fn iter_sequence_raw(cx: @block_ctxt, dst: ValueRef,
// elt*
// elt*
// elt*
ValueRef, f: &val_pair_fn) -> result {
src: ValueRef, src_lim: ValueRef,
elt_sz: ValueRef, f: &val_pair_fn) -> @block_ctxt {
let bcx = cx;
let dst_int: ValueRef = vp2i(bcx, dst);
let src_int: ValueRef = vp2i(bcx, src);
@ -1832,24 +1791,20 @@ fn iter_sequence_raw(cx: @block_ctxt, dst: ValueRef,
CondBr(cond_cx, end_test, body_cx.llbb, next_cx.llbb);
let dst_curr_ptr = vi2p(body_cx, dst_curr, T_ptr(T_i8()));
let src_curr_ptr = vi2p(body_cx, src_curr, T_ptr(T_i8()));
let body_res = f(body_cx, dst_curr_ptr, src_curr_ptr);
body_cx = body_res.bcx;
let body_cx = f(body_cx, dst_curr_ptr, src_curr_ptr);
let dst_next = Add(body_cx, dst_curr, elt_sz);
let src_next = Add(body_cx, src_curr, elt_sz);
Br(body_cx, cond_cx.llbb);
AddIncomingToPhi(dst_curr, [dst_next], [body_cx.llbb]);
AddIncomingToPhi(src_curr, [src_next], [body_cx.llbb]);
ret rslt(next_cx, C_nil());
ret next_cx;
fn iter_sequence_inner(cx: &@block_ctxt, src: ValueRef,
// elt*
elt_ty: & // elt*
ty::t, f: &val_and_ty_fn) -> result {
src_lim: ValueRef,
elt_ty: &ty::t, f: &val_and_ty_fn) -> @block_ctxt {
fn adaptor_fn(f: val_and_ty_fn, elt_ty: ty::t, cx: &@block_ctxt,
_dst: ValueRef, src: ValueRef) -> result {
_dst: ValueRef, src: ValueRef) -> @block_ctxt {
let llptrty;
if !ty::type_has_dynamic_size(bcx_tcx(cx), elt_ty) {
let llty = type_of(bcx_ccx(cx), cx.sp, elt_ty);
@ -1866,10 +1821,10 @@ fn iter_sequence_inner(cx: &@block_ctxt, src: ValueRef,
// Iterates through the elements of a vec or str.
fn iter_sequence(cx: @block_ctxt, v: ValueRef, t: ty::t, f: &val_and_ty_fn)
-> result {
-> @block_ctxt {
fn iter_sequence_body(bcx: @block_ctxt, v: ValueRef, elt_ty: ty::t,
f: &val_and_ty_fn, trailing_null: bool,
interior: bool) -> result {
interior: bool) -> @block_ctxt {
let p0;
let len;
let llunit_ty = type_of_or_i8(bcx, elt_ty);
@ -2057,11 +2012,11 @@ fn call_tydesc_glue_full(cx: &@block_ctxt, v: ValueRef, tydesc: ValueRef,
fn call_tydesc_glue(cx: &@block_ctxt, v: ValueRef, t: ty::t, field: int) ->
result {
@block_ctxt {
let ti: option::t<@tydesc_info> = none::<@tydesc_info>;
let td = get_tydesc(cx, t, false, tps_normal, ti).result;
call_tydesc_glue_full(td.bcx, v, td.val, field, ti);
ret rslt(td.bcx, C_nil());
let {bcx, val: td} = get_tydesc(cx, t, false, tps_normal, ti).result;
call_tydesc_glue_full(bcx, v, td, field, ti);
ret bcx;
fn call_cmp_glue(cx: &@block_ctxt, lhs: ValueRef, rhs: ValueRef, t: ty::t,
@ -2152,25 +2107,25 @@ fn compare(cx: &@block_ctxt, lhs: ValueRef, rhs: ValueRef, t: ty::t,
ret call_cmp_glue(cx, lhs, rhs, t, llop);
fn take_ty(cx: &@block_ctxt, v: ValueRef, t: ty::t) -> result {
fn take_ty(cx: &@block_ctxt, v: ValueRef, t: ty::t) -> @block_ctxt {
if ty::type_has_pointers(bcx_tcx(cx), t) {
ret call_tydesc_glue(cx, v, t, abi::tydesc_field_take_glue);
ret rslt(cx, C_nil());
ret cx;
fn drop_ty(cx: &@block_ctxt, v: ValueRef, t: ty::t) -> result {
fn drop_ty(cx: &@block_ctxt, v: ValueRef, t: ty::t) -> @block_ctxt {
if ty::type_needs_drop(bcx_tcx(cx), t) {
ret call_tydesc_glue(cx, v, t, abi::tydesc_field_drop_glue);
ret rslt(cx, C_nil());
ret cx;
fn free_ty(cx: &@block_ctxt, v: ValueRef, t: ty::t) -> result {
fn free_ty(cx: &@block_ctxt, v: ValueRef, t: ty::t) -> @block_ctxt {
if ty::type_has_pointers(bcx_tcx(cx), t) {
ret call_tydesc_glue(cx, v, t, abi::tydesc_field_free_glue);
ret rslt(cx, C_nil());
ret cx;
fn call_memmove(cx: &@block_ctxt, dst: ValueRef, src: ValueRef,
@ -2268,17 +2223,17 @@ fn copy_val_no_check(cx: &@block_ctxt, action: copy_action, dst: ValueRef,
} else if ty::type_is_boxed(ccx.tcx, t) ||
ty::type_is_ivec(ccx.tcx, t) {
let bcx = if action == DROP_EXISTING {
drop_ty(cx, dst, t).bcx
drop_ty(cx, dst, t)
} else { cx };
Store(bcx, src, dst);
bcx = take_ty(bcx, dst, t).bcx;
bcx = take_ty(bcx, dst, t);
ret bcx;
} else if type_is_structural_or_param(ccx.tcx, t) {
let bcx = if action == DROP_EXISTING {
drop_ty(cx, dst, t).bcx
drop_ty(cx, dst, t)
} else { cx };
bcx = memmove_ty(bcx, dst, src, t).bcx;
ret take_ty(bcx, dst, t).bcx;
ret take_ty(bcx, dst, t);
ccx.sess.bug(~"unexpected type in trans::copy_val_no_check: " +
ty_to_str(ccx.tcx, t));
@ -2305,7 +2260,7 @@ fn move_val(cx: @block_ctxt, action: copy_action, dst: ValueRef,
ty::type_is_boxed(tcx, t) {
if src.is_mem { src_val = Load(cx, src_val); }
if action == DROP_EXISTING {
cx = drop_ty(cx, dst, t).bcx;
cx = drop_ty(cx, dst, t);
Store(cx, src_val, dst);
if src.is_mem { ret zero_alloca(cx, src.res.val, t).bcx; }
@ -2314,7 +2269,7 @@ fn move_val(cx: @block_ctxt, action: copy_action, dst: ValueRef,
revoke_clean(cx, src_val);
ret cx;
} else if type_is_structural_or_param(tcx, t) {
if action == DROP_EXISTING { cx = drop_ty(cx, dst, t).bcx; }
if action == DROP_EXISTING { cx = drop_ty(cx, dst, t); }
cx = memmove_ty(cx, dst, src_val, t).bcx;
if src.is_mem {
ret zero_alloca(cx, src_val, t).bcx;
@ -2735,7 +2690,7 @@ fn trans_for(cx: &@block_ctxt, local: &@ast::local, seq: &@ast::expr,
// FIXME: We bind to an alias here to avoid a segfault... this is
// obviously a bug.
fn inner(cx: &@block_ctxt, local: @ast::local, curr: ValueRef, t: ty::t,
body: &ast::blk, outer_next_cx: @block_ctxt) -> result {
body: &ast::blk, outer_next_cx: @block_ctxt) -> @block_ctxt {
let next_cx = new_sub_block_ctxt(cx, ~"next");
let scope_cx =
@ -2745,25 +2700,22 @@ fn trans_for(cx: &@block_ctxt, local: &@ast::local, seq: &@ast::expr,
let local_res = alloc_local(scope_cx, local);
let bcx = copy_val(local_res.bcx, INIT, local_res.val, curr, t);
add_clean(scope_cx, local_res.val, t);
let bcx =
trans_alt::bind_irrefutable_pat(bcx, local.node.pat,
local_res.val, cx.fcx.lllocals,
let bcx = trans_alt::bind_irrefutable_pat
(bcx, local.node.pat, local_res.val, cx.fcx.lllocals, false);
bcx = trans_block(bcx, body, return).bcx;
if !is_terminated(bcx) {
Br(bcx, next_cx.llbb);
// otherwise, this code is unreachable
ret rslt(next_cx, C_nil());
ret next_cx;
let next_cx = new_sub_block_ctxt(cx, ~"next");
let seq_ty = ty::expr_ty(bcx_tcx(cx), seq);
let seq_res = trans_expr(cx, seq);
let it =
iter_sequence(seq_res.bcx, seq_res.val, seq_ty,
bind inner(_, local, _, _, body, next_cx));
Br(it.bcx, next_cx.llbb);
ret rslt(next_cx, it.val);
let bcx = iter_sequence(seq_res.bcx, seq_res.val, seq_ty,
bind inner(_, local, _, _, body, next_cx));
Br(bcx, next_cx.llbb);
ret rslt(next_cx, C_nil());
@ -3821,14 +3773,14 @@ fn trans_arg_expr(cx: &@block_ctxt, arg: &ty::arg, lldestty0: TypeRef,
} else {
if ty::type_is_ivec(ccx.tcx, e_ty) {
let arg_copy = do_spill(bcx, Load(bcx, val));
bcx = take_ty(bcx, arg_copy, e_ty).bcx;
bcx = take_ty(bcx, arg_copy, e_ty);
val = Load(bcx, arg_copy);
} else if lv.is_mem {
bcx = take_ty(bcx, val, e_ty).bcx;
bcx = take_ty(bcx, val, e_ty);
val = load_if_immediate(bcx, val, e_ty);
} else if is_ext_vec_plus {
let spilled = do_spill(bcx, val);
bcx = take_ty(bcx, spilled, e_ty).bcx;
bcx = take_ty(bcx, spilled, e_ty);
add_clean_temp(bcx, val, e_ty);
@ -4838,8 +4790,8 @@ fn trans_block_cleanups(cx: &@block_ctxt, cleanup_cx: &@block_ctxt) ->
i -= 1u;
let c = cleanup_cx.cleanups[i];
alt c {
clean(cfn) { bcx = cfn(bcx).bcx; }
clean_temp(_, cfn) { bcx = cfn(bcx).bcx; }
clean(cfn) { bcx = cfn(bcx); }
clean_temp(_, cfn) { bcx = cfn(bcx); }
ret bcx;
@ -5158,7 +5110,7 @@ fn copy_args_to_allocas(fcx: @fn_ctxt, scope: @block_ctxt,
// Args that are locally assigned to need to do a local
// take/drop
if fcx.lcx.ccx.mut_map.contains_key( {
bcx = take_ty(bcx, addr, arg_ty).bcx;
bcx = take_ty(bcx, addr, arg_ty);
add_clean(scope, addr, arg_ty);

View File

@ -297,15 +297,16 @@ type fn_ctxt =
lcx: @local_ctxt};
tag cleanup {
clean(fn(&@block_ctxt) -> result);
clean_temp(ValueRef, fn(&@block_ctxt) -> result);
clean(fn(&@block_ctxt) -> @block_ctxt);
clean_temp(ValueRef, fn(&@block_ctxt) -> @block_ctxt);
fn add_clean(cx: &@block_ctxt, val: ValueRef, ty: ty::t) {
find_scope_cx(cx).cleanups += [clean(bind drop_ty(_, val, ty))];
fn add_clean_temp(cx: &@block_ctxt, val: ValueRef, ty: ty::t) {
fn spill_and_drop(bcx: &@block_ctxt, val: ValueRef, ty: ty::t) -> result {
fn spill_and_drop(bcx: &@block_ctxt, val: ValueRef, ty: ty::t)
-> @block_ctxt {
let spilled = trans::spill_if_immediate(bcx, val, ty);
ret drop_ty(bcx, spilled, ty);

View File

@ -84,9 +84,9 @@ fn make_drop_glue(bcx: &@block_ctxt, vptrptr: ValueRef, vec_ty: ty::t)
let null_test = IsNull(bcx, vptr);
CondBr(bcx, null_test, next_cx.llbb, drop_cx.llbb);
if ty::type_needs_drop(bcx_tcx(bcx), unit_ty) {
drop_cx = iter_ivec(drop_cx, vptrptr, vec_ty, trans::drop_ty).bcx;
drop_cx = iter_ivec(drop_cx, vptrptr, vec_ty, trans::drop_ty);
drop_cx = trans::trans_shared_free(drop_cx, vptr).bcx;
drop_cx = trans::trans_shared_free(drop_cx, vptr);
Br(drop_cx, next_cx.llbb);
ret next_cx;
@ -170,8 +170,8 @@ fn trans_append(cx: &@block_ctxt, vec_ty: ty::t, lhsptr: ValueRef,
} else {
incr_ptr(bcx, write_ptr, C_int(1), write_ptr_ptr);
ret rslt(bcx, C_nil());
ret bcx;
ret rslt(bcx, C_nil());
@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ fn trans_add(bcx: &@block_ctxt, vec_ty: ty::t, lhs: ValueRef,
let write_ptr_ptr = do_spill(bcx, get_dataptr(bcx, new_vec, llunitty));
let copy_fn = bind fn(bcx: &@block_ctxt, addr: ValueRef, _ty: ty::t,
write_ptr_ptr: ValueRef, unit_ty: ty::t,
llunitsz: ValueRef) -> result {
llunitsz: ValueRef) -> @block_ctxt {
let write_ptr = Load(bcx, write_ptr_ptr);
let bcx = copy_val(bcx, INIT, write_ptr,
load_if_immediate(bcx, addr, unit_ty), unit_ty);
@ -225,20 +225,20 @@ fn trans_add(bcx: &@block_ctxt, vec_ty: ty::t, lhs: ValueRef,
} else {
incr_ptr(bcx, write_ptr, C_int(1), write_ptr_ptr);
ret rslt(bcx, C_nil());
ret bcx;
} (_, _, _, write_ptr_ptr, unit_ty, llunitsz);
let bcx = iter_ivec_raw(bcx, lhs, vec_ty, lhs_fill, copy_fn).bcx;
let bcx = iter_ivec_raw(bcx, rhs, vec_ty, rhs_fill, copy_fn).bcx;
let bcx = iter_ivec_raw(bcx, lhs, vec_ty, lhs_fill, copy_fn);
let bcx = iter_ivec_raw(bcx, rhs, vec_ty, rhs_fill, copy_fn);
ret rslt(bcx, new_vec);
type val_and_ty_fn = fn(&@block_ctxt, ValueRef, ty::t) -> result;
type iter_ivec_block = block(&@block_ctxt, ValueRef, ty::t) -> result;
type iter_ivec_block = block(&@block_ctxt, ValueRef, ty::t) -> @block_ctxt;
fn iter_ivec_raw(bcx: &@block_ctxt, vptr: ValueRef, vec_ty: ty::t,
fill: ValueRef, f: &iter_ivec_block) -> result {
fill: ValueRef, f: &iter_ivec_block) -> @block_ctxt {
let unit_ty = ty::sequence_element_type(bcx_tcx(bcx), vec_ty);
let llunitty = type_of_or_i8(bcx, unit_ty);
let {bcx, val: unit_sz} = size_of(bcx, unit_ty);
@ -260,18 +260,18 @@ fn iter_ivec_raw(bcx: &@block_ctxt, vptr: ValueRef, vec_ty: ty::t,
let body_cx = new_sub_block_ctxt(bcx, ~"iter_ivec_loop_body");
let next_cx = new_sub_block_ctxt(bcx, ~"iter_ivec_next");
CondBr(header_cx, not_yet_at_end, body_cx.llbb, next_cx.llbb);
body_cx = f(body_cx, data_ptr, unit_ty).bcx;
body_cx = f(body_cx, data_ptr, unit_ty);
let increment = if ty::type_has_dynamic_size(bcx_tcx(bcx), unit_ty) {
} else { C_int(1) };
incr_ptr(body_cx, data_ptr, increment, data_ptr_ptr);
Br(body_cx, header_cx.llbb);
ret rslt(next_cx, C_nil());
ret next_cx;
fn iter_ivec(bcx: &@block_ctxt, vptrptr: ValueRef, vec_ty: ty::t,
f: &iter_ivec_block) -> result {
f: &iter_ivec_block) -> @block_ctxt {
let vptr = Load(bcx, PointerCast(bcx, vptrptr,
ret iter_ivec_raw(bcx, vptr, vec_ty, get_fill(bcx, vptr), f);