Use the user-defined type aliases when reporting type errors

This commit is contained in:
Patrick Walton 2010-10-13 15:14:04 -07:00
parent 5c622b6ecb
commit e129a9b4ce

@ -37,6 +37,61 @@ let iflog cx thunk =
else ()
(* Pretty-printing of type names *)
let type_name_cache = ref None
let get_type_name_cache cx =
match !type_name_cache with
None ->
let cache = Hashtbl.create 0 in
let add item_id ty =
let item_names = cx.Semant.ctxt_all_item_names in
if Hashtbl.mem item_names item_id then
Hashtbl.add cache ty (Hashtbl.find item_names item_id)
Hashtbl.iter add cx.Semant.ctxt_all_type_items;
type_name_cache := Some cache;
| Some cache -> cache
let rec friendly_stringify cx fallback ty =
let cache = get_type_name_cache cx in
if Hashtbl.mem cache ty then
let names = (Ast.sprintf_name ()) (Hashtbl.find_all cache ty) in
String.concat " = " names
match ty with
Ast.TY_vec ty' -> "vec[" ^ (friendly_stringify cx fallback ty') ^ ")"
| Ast.TY_chan ty' ->
"chan[" ^ (friendly_stringify cx fallback ty') ^ ")"
| Ast.TY_port ty' ->
"port[" ^ (friendly_stringify cx fallback ty') ^ ")"
| Ast.TY_box ty' -> "@" ^ (friendly_stringify cx fallback ty')
| Ast.TY_mutable ty' ->
"(mutable " ^ (friendly_stringify cx fallback ty') ^ ")"
| Ast.TY_constrained (ty', _) ->
"(" ^ (friendly_stringify cx fallback ty') ^ " : <constrained>)"
| Ast.TY_tup tys ->
let tys_str = (friendly_stringify cx fallback) tys in
"tup(" ^ (String.concat ", " (Array.to_list tys_str)) ^ ")"
| Ast.TY_rec fields ->
let format_field (ident, ty') =
ident ^ "=" ^ (friendly_stringify cx fallback ty')
let fields = Array.to_list ( format_field fields) in
"rec(" ^ (String.concat ", " fields) ^ ")"
| Ast.TY_fn (fnsig, _) ->
let format_slot slot =
match slot.Ast.slot_ty with
None -> Common.bug () "no ty in slot"
| Some ty' -> friendly_stringify cx fallback ty'
let fn_args = format_slot fnsig.Ast.sig_input_slots in
let fn_args_str = String.concat ", " (Array.to_list fn_args) in
let fn_rv_str = format_slot fnsig.Ast.sig_output_slot in
Printf.sprintf "fn(%s) -> %s" fn_args_str fn_rv_str
| _ -> fallback ty (* TODO: we can do better for objects *)
let head_only ty =
match ty with
@ -59,11 +114,11 @@ let head_only ty =
let rec rec_diff
(a:Ast.ty_rec) (b:Ast.ty_rec)
(abuf:Buffer.t) (bbuf:Buffer.t)
: unit =
Buffer.add_string abuf "rec(";
Buffer.add_string bbuf "rec(";
let rec append_first_diff buf a b i =
@ -86,23 +141,21 @@ let rec rec_diff
if aty <> bty
let (a,_) = summarize_difference aty bty in
let (a,_) = summarize_difference cx aty bty in
Printf.bprintf buf "... %s %s ...)" a alab
append_first_diff buf a b (i+1)
append_first_diff abuf a b 0;
append_first_diff bbuf b a 0;
Buffer.add_string abuf ")";
Buffer.add_string bbuf ")";
and tup_diff
(a:Ast.ty_tup) (b:Ast.ty_tup)
(abuf:Buffer.t) (bbuf:Buffer.t)
: unit =
Buffer.add_string abuf "tup(";
Buffer.add_string bbuf "tup(";
let rec append_first_diff buf a b i =
@ -121,18 +174,16 @@ and tup_diff
let (bty) = b.(i) in
if aty <> bty
let (a,_) = summarize_difference aty bty in
let (a,_) = summarize_difference cx aty bty in
Printf.bprintf buf "... %s ...)" a
append_first_diff buf a b (i+1)
append_first_diff abuf a b 0;
append_first_diff bbuf b a 0;
Buffer.add_string abuf ")";
Buffer.add_string bbuf ")";
and summarize_difference (expected:Ast.ty) (actual:Ast.ty)
and summarize_difference cx (expected:Ast.ty) (actual:Ast.ty)
: (string * string) =
if expected = actual
then ("_", "_")
@ -142,23 +193,23 @@ and summarize_difference (expected:Ast.ty) (actual:Ast.ty)
let abuf = Buffer.create 10 in
let p s =
Buffer.add_string ebuf s;
Buffer.add_string abuf s
let sub e a =
let (e, a) = summarize_difference e a in
Printf.bprintf ebuf "%s" e;
Printf.bprintf abuf "%s" a;
let (_, a) = summarize_difference cx e a in
Printf.bprintf abuf "%s" a
Buffer.add_string ebuf (friendly_stringify cx head_only expected);
match expected, actual with
(Ast.TY_tup etys, Ast.TY_tup atys) ->
tup_diff etys atys ebuf abuf
tup_diff cx etys atys abuf
| (Ast.TY_rec eelts, Ast.TY_rec aelts) ->
rec_diff eelts aelts ebuf abuf
rec_diff cx eelts aelts abuf
| (Ast.TY_vec e, Ast.TY_vec a) ->
p "vec["; sub e a; p "]";
@ -175,9 +226,8 @@ and summarize_difference (expected:Ast.ty) (actual:Ast.ty)
| (Ast.TY_mutable e, Ast.TY_mutable a) ->
p "mutable "; sub e a;
| (e, a) ->
Buffer.add_string ebuf (head_only e);
Buffer.add_string abuf (head_only a)
| (_, a) ->
Buffer.add_string abuf (friendly_stringify cx head_only a)
(Buffer.contents ebuf, Buffer.contents abuf)
@ -253,7 +303,7 @@ let check_stmt (cx:Semant.ctxt) : (fn_ctx -> Ast.stmt -> unit) =
let demand (expected:Ast.ty) (actual:Ast.ty) : unit =
let expected, actual = fundamental_ty expected, fundamental_ty actual in
if expected <> actual then
let (e,a) = summarize_difference expected actual in
let (e,a) = summarize_difference cx expected actual in
type_error_full e a
let demand_integer (actual:Ast.ty) : unit =