diff --git a/src/lib/term.rs b/src/lib/term.rs
index cfec5ff6b8f..c0dc9ee588d 100644
--- a/src/lib/term.rs
+++ b/src/lib/term.rs
@@ -1,52 +1,65 @@
+Module: term
+Simple ANSI color library
-// Simple ANSI color library.
 // TODO: Windows support.
+/* Const: color_black */
 const color_black: u8 = 0u8;
+/* Const: color_red */
 const color_red: u8 = 1u8;
+/* Const: color_green */
 const color_green: u8 = 2u8;
+/* Const: color_yellow */
 const color_yellow: u8 = 3u8;
+/* Const: color_blue */
 const color_blue: u8 = 4u8;
+/* Const: color_magenta */
 const color_magenta: u8 = 5u8;
+/* Const: color_cyan */
 const color_cyan: u8 = 6u8;
+/* Const: color_light_gray */
 const color_light_gray: u8 = 7u8;
+/* Const: color_light_grey */
 const color_light_grey: u8 = 7u8;
+/* Const: color_dark_gray */
 const color_dark_gray: u8 = 8u8;
+/* Const: color_dark_grey */
 const color_dark_grey: u8 = 8u8;
+/* Const: color_bright_red */
 const color_bright_red: u8 = 9u8;
+/* Const: color_bright_green */
 const color_bright_green: u8 = 10u8;
+/* Const: color_bright_yellow */
 const color_bright_yellow: u8 = 11u8;
+/* Const: color_bright_blue */
 const color_bright_blue: u8 = 12u8;
+/* Const: color_bright_magenta */
 const color_bright_magenta: u8 = 13u8;
+/* Const: color_bright_cyan */
 const color_bright_cyan: u8 = 14u8;
+/* Const: color_bright_white */
 const color_bright_white: u8 = 15u8;
 fn esc(writer: io::buf_writer) { writer.write([0x1bu8, '[' as u8]); }
+Function: reset
+Reset the foreground and background colors to default
 fn reset(writer: io::buf_writer) {
     writer.write(['0' as u8, 'm' as u8]);
+Function: color_supported
+Returns true if the terminal supports color
 fn color_supported() -> bool {
     let supported_terms = ["xterm-color", "xterm", "screen-bce"];
     ret alt generic_os::getenv("TERM") {
@@ -67,15 +80,23 @@ fn set_color(writer: io::buf_writer, first_char: u8, color: u8) {
     writer.write([first_char, ('0' as u8) + color, 'm' as u8]);
+Function: fg
+Set the foreground color
 fn fg(writer: io::buf_writer, color: u8) {
     ret set_color(writer, '3' as u8, color);
+Function: fg
+Set the background color
 fn bg(writer: io::buf_writer, color: u8) {
     ret set_color(writer, '4' as u8, color);
-// export fg;
-// export bg;
 // Local Variables:
 // fill-column: 78;
diff --git a/src/lib/time.rs b/src/lib/time.rs
index 236f19a5abf..9460c96154d 100644
--- a/src/lib/time.rs
+++ b/src/lib/time.rs
@@ -1,12 +1,18 @@
+Module: time
+// FIXME: Document what these functions do
 native "c-stack-cdecl" mod rustrt {
     fn get_time(&sec: u32, &usec: u32);
     fn nano_time(&ns: u64);
+/* Type: timeval */
 type timeval = {sec: u32, usec: u32};
+/* Function: get_time */
 fn get_time() -> timeval {
     let sec = 0u32;
     let usec = 0u32;
@@ -14,8 +20,10 @@ fn get_time() -> timeval {
     ret {sec: sec, usec: usec};
+/* Function: precise_time_ns */
 fn precise_time_ns() -> u64 { let ns = 0u64; rustrt::nano_time(ns); ret ns; }
+/* Function: precise_time_s */
 fn precise_time_s() -> float {
     ret (precise_time_ns() as float) / 1000000000.;
diff --git a/src/lib/u32.rs b/src/lib/u32.rs
index de368fff9d8..626ca8b6fbd 100644
--- a/src/lib/u32.rs
+++ b/src/lib/u32.rs
@@ -1,6 +1,21 @@
-pure fn max_value() -> u32 { ret 4294967296u32; }
+Module: u32
+Function: min_value
+Return the minimal value for a u32
 pure fn min_value() -> u32 { ret 0u32; }
+Function: max_value
+Return the maximal value for a u32
+pure fn max_value() -> u32 { ret 4294967296u32; }
 // Local Variables:
 // mode: rust
diff --git a/src/lib/u64.rs b/src/lib/u64.rs
index 497b60acdbf..b0b78af3995 100644
--- a/src/lib/u64.rs
+++ b/src/lib/u64.rs
@@ -1,6 +1,26 @@
-pure fn max_value() -> u64 { ret 18446744073709551615u64; }
+Module: u64
+Function: min_value
+Return the minimal value for a u64
 pure fn min_value() -> u64 { ret 0u64; }
+Function: max_value
+Return the maximal value for a u64
+pure fn max_value() -> u64 { ret 18446744073709551615u64; }
+Function: to_str
+Convert to a string in a given base
 fn to_str(n: u64, radix: uint) -> str {
     assert (0u < radix && radix <= 16u);
@@ -36,4 +56,9 @@ fn to_str(n: u64, radix: uint) -> str {
     ret s;
+Function: str
+Convert to a string
 fn str(n: u64) -> str { ret to_str(n, 10u); }
diff --git a/src/lib/u8.rs b/src/lib/u8.rs
index 5f594165e19..6faab75873c 100644
--- a/src/lib/u8.rs
+++ b/src/lib/u8.rs
@@ -49,6 +49,11 @@ pure fn ge(x: u8, y: u8) -> bool { ret x >= y; }
 /* Predicate: gt */
 pure fn gt(x: u8, y: u8) -> bool { ret x > y; }
+Function: range
+Iterate over the range [`lo`..`hi`)
 fn range(lo: u8, hi: u8, it: block(u8)) {
     while lo < hi { it(lo); lo += 1u8; }
diff --git a/src/lib/unsafe.rs b/src/lib/unsafe.rs
index 5194392d1be..0259555adc4 100644
--- a/src/lib/unsafe.rs
+++ b/src/lib/unsafe.rs
@@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
-// Unsafe operations.
+Module: unsafe
+Unsafe operations
 native "rust-intrinsic" mod rusti {
     fn cast<T, U>(src: T) -> U;
@@ -8,7 +12,21 @@ native "c-stack-cdecl" mod rustrt {
     fn leak<T>(-thing: T);
-// Casts the value at `src` to U. The two types must have the same length.
+Function: reinterpret_cast
+Casts the value at `src` to U. The two types must have the same length.
 fn reinterpret_cast<T, U>(src: T) -> U { ret rusti::cast(src); }
+Function: leak
+Move `thing` into the void.
+The leak function will take ownership of the provided value but neglect
+to run any required cleanup or memory-management operations on it. This
+can be used for various acts of magick, particularly when using
+reinterpret_cast on managed pointer types.
 fn leak<T>(-thing: T) { rustrt::leak(thing); }
diff --git a/src/lib/util.rs b/src/lib/util.rs
index 3c441f1656f..466dfdcc97f 100644
--- a/src/lib/util.rs
+++ b/src/lib/util.rs
@@ -1,23 +1,49 @@
+Module: util
+Function: id
+The identity function
 pure fn id<T>(x: T) -> T { x }
+Function: unreachable
+A standard function to use to indicate unreachable code. Because the
+function is guaranteed to fail typestate will correctly identify
+any code paths following the appearance of this function as unreachable.
 fn unreachable() -> ! {
     fail "Internal error: entered unreachable code";
 /* FIXME (issue #141):  See test/run-pass/constrained-type.rs.  Uncomment
  * the constraint once fixed. */
+Function: rational
+A rational number
 type rational = {num: int, den: int}; // : int::positive(*.den);
-// : int::positive(*.den);
+Function: rational_leq
 pure fn rational_leq(x: rational, y: rational) -> bool {
     // NB: Uses the fact that rationals have positive denominators WLOG:
     x.num * y.den <= y.num * x.den
+Function: orb
 pure fn orb(a: bool, b: bool) -> bool { a || b }
+// FIXME: Document what this is for or delete it
 tag void {