auto merge of #9209 : blake2-ppc/rust/from-str, r=thestinger
Remove these in favor of the two traits themselves and the wrapper function std::from_str::from_str. Add the function std::num::from_str_radix in the corresponding role for the FromStrRadix trait. With `from_str` in the prelude, and `from_str_radix` in `std::num`, the feature is unfied under the type annotation of these functions instead of using the modules-named-as-types (std::uint and others): What was before: let n = std::uint::from_str("1"); let m = std::i32::from_str_radix("10", 16); is now: let n = from_str::<uint>("1"); let m = std::num::from_str_radix::<i32>("10", 16);
This commit is contained in:
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ fn read_int_pairs() -> ~[(int,int)] {
[a, b] => {
// 5. Try parsing both fields as ints.
match (int::from_str(a), int::from_str(b)) {
match (from_str::<int>(a), from_str::<int>(b)) {
// 6. If parsing succeeded for both, push both.
(Some(a), Some(b)) => pairs.push((a,b)),
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ for conveying a value of type `T`, represented as `Some(T)`
_or_ the sentinel `None`, to indicate the absence of a `T` value.
For simple APIs, it may be sufficient to encode errors as `Option<T>`,
returning `Some(T)` on success and `None` on error.
In the example program, the call to `int::from_str` returns `Option<int>`
In the example program, the call to `from_str::<int>` returns `Option<int>`
with the understanding that "all parse errors" result in `None`.
The resulting `Option<int>` values are matched against the pattern `(Some(a), Some(b))`
in steps 5 and 6 in the example program,
@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ This second mechanism for indicating an error is called a `Result`.
The type `std::result::Result<T,E>` is another simple `enum` type with two forms, `Ok(T)` and `Err(E)`.
The `Result` type is not substantially different from the `Option` type in terms of its ergonomics.
Its main advantage is that the error constructor `Err(E)` can convey _more detail_ about the error.
For example, the `int::from_str` API could be reformed
For example, the `from_str` API could be reformed
to return a `Result` carrying an informative description of a parse error,
like this:
@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ enum IntParseErr {
fn int::from_str(&str) -> Result<int,IntParseErr> {
fn from_str(&str) -> Result<int,IntParseErr> {
// ...
@ -297,8 +297,8 @@ fn read_int_pairs() -> ~[(int,int)] {
let line = fi.read_line();
let fields = line.word_iter().to_owned_vec();
match fields {
[a, b] => pairs.push((int::from_str(a).unwrap(),
[a, b] => pairs.push((from_str::<int>(a).unwrap(),
// Explicitly fail on malformed lines.
_ => fail!()
@ -398,8 +398,8 @@ fn read_int_pairs() -> ~[(int,int)] {
let line = fi.read_line();
let fields = line.word_iter().to_owned_vec();
match fields {
[a, b] => pairs.push((int::from_str(a).unwrap(),
[a, b] => pairs.push((from_str::<int>(a).unwrap(),
// On malformed lines, call the condition handler and
// push whatever the condition handler returns.
@ -475,8 +475,8 @@ fn read_int_pairs() -> ~[(int,int)] {
let line = fi.read_line();
let fields = line.word_iter().to_owned_vec();
match fields {
[a, b] => pairs.push((int::from_str(a).unwrap(),
[a, b] => pairs.push((from_str::<int>(a).unwrap(),
_ => pairs.push(malformed_line::cond.raise(line.clone()))
@ -553,8 +553,8 @@ fn read_int_pairs() -> ~[(int,int)] {
let line = fi.read_line();
let fields = line.word_iter().to_owned_vec();
match fields {
[a, b] => pairs.push((int::from_str(a).unwrap(),
[a, b] => pairs.push((from_str::<int>(a).unwrap(),
// On malformed lines, call the condition handler and
// either ignore the line (if the handler returns `None`)
@ -649,8 +649,8 @@ fn read_int_pairs() -> ~[(int,int)] {
let line = fi.read_line();
let fields = line.word_iter().to_owned_vec();
match fields {
[a, b] => pairs.push((int::from_str(a).unwrap(),
[a, b] => pairs.push((from_str::<int>(a).unwrap(),
// On malformed lines, call the condition handler and
// take action appropriate to the enum value returned.
@ -776,7 +776,7 @@ fn main() {
// Parse an int; if parsing fails, call the condition handler and
// return whatever it returns.
fn parse_int(x: &str) -> int {
match int::from_str(x) {
match from_str::<int>(x) {
Some(v) => v,
None => malformed_int::cond.raise(x.to_owned())
@ -833,8 +833,8 @@ There are three other things to note in this variant of the example program:
so long as the `raise` occurs within a callee (of any depth) of the logic protected by the `trap` call,
it will invoke the handler.
- This variant insulates callers from a design choice in the `int` library:
the `int::from_str` function was designed to return an `Option<int>`,
- This variant insulates callers from a design choice in the library:
the `from_str` function was designed to return an `Option<int>`,
but this program insulates callers from that choice,
routing all `None` values that arise from parsing integers in this file into the condition.
@ -873,4 +873,4 @@ To compensate for this risk, correct C++ and Java code must program in an extrem
or else risk introducing silent and very difficult-to-debug errors due to control resuming in a corrupted heap after a caught exception.
These errors are frequently memory-safety errors, which Rust strives to eliminate,
and so Rust unwinding is unrecoverable within a single task:
once unwinding starts, the entire local heap of a task is destroyed and the task is terminated.
once unwinding starts, the entire local heap of a task is destroyed and the task is terminated.
@ -538,8 +538,8 @@ mod test {
do input_vec_state(filenames) |line, state| {
let nums: ~[&str] = line.split_iter(' ').collect();
let file_num = uint::from_str(nums[0]).unwrap();
let line_num = uint::from_str(nums[1]).unwrap();
let file_num = from_str::<uint>(nums[0]).unwrap();
let line_num = from_str::<uint>(nums[1]).unwrap();
assert_eq!(line_num, state.line_num_file);
assert_eq!(file_num * 3 + line_num, state.line_num);
@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ use std::io::{ReaderUtil};
use std::io;
use std::option::{Option, Some, None};
use std::to_str::ToStr;
use std::uint;
#[deriving(Clone, Eq)]
pub enum Identifier {
@ -140,7 +139,7 @@ fn take_nonempty_prefix(rdr: @io::Reader,
fn take_num(rdr: @io::Reader, ch: char) -> (uint, char) {
let (s, ch) = take_nonempty_prefix(rdr, ch, char::is_digit);
match uint::from_str(s) {
match from_str::<uint>(s) {
None => { bad_parse::cond.raise(()); (0, ch) },
Some(i) => (i, ch)
@ -149,7 +148,7 @@ fn take_num(rdr: @io::Reader, ch: char) -> (uint, char) {
fn take_ident(rdr: @io::Reader, ch: char) -> (Identifier, char) {
let (s,ch) = take_nonempty_prefix(rdr, ch, char::is_alphanumeric);
if s.iter().all(char::is_digit) {
match uint::from_str(s) {
match from_str::<uint>(s) {
None => { bad_parse::cond.raise(()); (Numeric(0), ch) },
Some(i) => (Numeric(i), ch)
@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ use std::task;
use std::to_str::ToStr;
use std::f64;
use std::os;
use std::uint;
// The name of a test. By convention this follows the rules for rust
@ -253,7 +252,7 @@ pub fn parse_opts(args: &[~str]) -> OptRes {
let ratchet_metrics = ratchet_metrics.map_move(|s| Path(s));
let ratchet_noise_percent = getopts::opt_maybe_str(&matches, "ratchet-noise-percent");
let ratchet_noise_percent = ratchet_noise_percent.map_move(|s| f64::from_str(s).unwrap());
let ratchet_noise_percent = ratchet_noise_percent.map_move(|s| from_str::<f64>(s).unwrap());
let save_metrics = getopts::opt_maybe_str(&matches, "save-metrics");
let save_metrics = save_metrics.map_move(|s| Path(s));
@ -281,7 +280,7 @@ pub fn opt_shard(maybestr: Option<~str>) -> Option<(uint,uint)> {
None => None,
Some(s) => {
match s.split_iter('.').to_owned_vec() {
[a, b] => match (uint::from_str(a), uint::from_str(b)) {
[a, b] => match (from_str::<uint>(a), from_str::<uint>(b)) {
(Some(a), Some(b)) => Some((a,b)),
_ => None
@ -383,20 +383,6 @@ impl Primitive for $T {
// String conversion functions and impl str -> num
/// Parse a string as a number in base 10.
pub fn from_str(s: &str) -> Option<$T> {
strconv::from_str_common(s, 10u, true, false, false,
strconv::ExpNone, false, false)
/// Parse a string as a number in the given base.
pub fn from_str_radix(s: &str, radix: uint) -> Option<$T> {
strconv::from_str_common(s, radix, true, false, false,
strconv::ExpNone, false, false)
/// Parse a byte slice as a number in the given base.
pub fn parse_bytes(buf: &[u8], radix: uint) -> Option<$T> {
@ -407,14 +393,16 @@ pub fn parse_bytes(buf: &[u8], radix: uint) -> Option<$T> {
impl FromStr for $T {
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Option<$T> {
strconv::from_str_common(s, 10u, true, false, false,
strconv::ExpNone, false, false)
impl FromStrRadix for $T {
fn from_str_radix(s: &str, radix: uint) -> Option<$T> {
from_str_radix(s, radix)
strconv::from_str_common(s, radix, true, false, false,
strconv::ExpNone, false, false)
@ -462,10 +450,7 @@ mod tests {
use super::*;
use int;
use i16;
use i32;
use i64;
use i8;
use num;
use sys;
@ -670,20 +655,20 @@ mod tests {
fn test_from_str() {
assert_eq!(from_str("0"), Some(0 as $T));
assert_eq!(from_str("3"), Some(3 as $T));
assert_eq!(from_str("10"), Some(10 as $T));
assert_eq!(i32::from_str("123456789"), Some(123456789 as i32));
assert_eq!(from_str("00100"), Some(100 as $T));
assert_eq!(from_str::<$T>("0"), Some(0 as $T));
assert_eq!(from_str::<$T>("3"), Some(3 as $T));
assert_eq!(from_str::<$T>("10"), Some(10 as $T));
assert_eq!(from_str::<i32>("123456789"), Some(123456789 as i32));
assert_eq!(from_str::<$T>("00100"), Some(100 as $T));
assert_eq!(from_str("-1"), Some(-1 as $T));
assert_eq!(from_str("-3"), Some(-3 as $T));
assert_eq!(from_str("-10"), Some(-10 as $T));
assert_eq!(i32::from_str("-123456789"), Some(-123456789 as i32));
assert_eq!(from_str("-00100"), Some(-100 as $T));
assert_eq!(from_str::<$T>("-1"), Some(-1 as $T));
assert_eq!(from_str::<$T>("-3"), Some(-3 as $T));
assert_eq!(from_str::<$T>("-10"), Some(-10 as $T));
assert_eq!(from_str::<i32>("-123456789"), Some(-123456789 as i32));
assert_eq!(from_str::<$T>("-00100"), Some(-100 as $T));
assert!(from_str(" ").is_none());
assert!(from_str::<$T>(" ").is_none());
@ -751,36 +736,36 @@ mod tests {
fn test_int_from_str_overflow() {
let mut i8_val: i8 = 127_i8;
assert_eq!(i8::from_str("127"), Some(i8_val));
assert_eq!(from_str::<i8>("127"), Some(i8_val));
i8_val += 1 as i8;
assert_eq!(i8::from_str("-128"), Some(i8_val));
assert_eq!(from_str::<i8>("-128"), Some(i8_val));
let mut i16_val: i16 = 32_767_i16;
assert_eq!(i16::from_str("32767"), Some(i16_val));
assert_eq!(from_str::<i16>("32767"), Some(i16_val));
i16_val += 1 as i16;
assert_eq!(i16::from_str("-32768"), Some(i16_val));
assert_eq!(from_str::<i16>("-32768"), Some(i16_val));
let mut i32_val: i32 = 2_147_483_647_i32;
assert_eq!(i32::from_str("2147483647"), Some(i32_val));
assert_eq!(from_str::<i32>("2147483647"), Some(i32_val));
i32_val += 1 as i32;
assert_eq!(i32::from_str("-2147483648"), Some(i32_val));
assert_eq!(from_str::<i32>("-2147483648"), Some(i32_val));
let mut i64_val: i64 = 9_223_372_036_854_775_807_i64;
assert_eq!(i64::from_str("9223372036854775807"), Some(i64_val));
assert_eq!(from_str::<i64>("9223372036854775807"), Some(i64_val));
i64_val += 1 as i64;
assert_eq!(i64::from_str("-9223372036854775808"), Some(i64_val));
assert_eq!(from_str::<i64>("-9223372036854775808"), Some(i64_val));
@ -439,6 +439,11 @@ pub trait FromStrRadix {
fn from_str_radix(str: &str, radix: uint) -> Option<Self>;
/// A utility function that just calls FromStrRadix::from_str_radix
pub fn from_str_radix<T: FromStrRadix>(str: &str, radix: uint) -> Option<T> {
FromStrRadix::from_str_radix(str, radix)
/// Calculates a power to a given radix, optimized for uint `pow` and `radix`.
/// Returns `radix^pow` as `T`.
@ -238,20 +238,6 @@ impl Int for $T {}
// String conversion functions and impl str -> num
/// Parse a string as a number in base 10.
pub fn from_str(s: &str) -> Option<$T> {
strconv::from_str_common(s, 10u, false, false, false,
strconv::ExpNone, false, false)
/// Parse a string as a number in the given base.
pub fn from_str_radix(s: &str, radix: uint) -> Option<$T> {
strconv::from_str_common(s, radix, false, false, false,
strconv::ExpNone, false, false)
/// Parse a byte slice as a number in the given base.
pub fn parse_bytes(buf: &[u8], radix: uint) -> Option<$T> {
@ -262,14 +248,16 @@ pub fn parse_bytes(buf: &[u8], radix: uint) -> Option<$T> {
impl FromStr for $T {
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Option<$T> {
strconv::from_str_common(s, 10u, false, false, false,
strconv::ExpNone, false, false)
impl FromStrRadix for $T {
fn from_str_radix(s: &str, radix: uint) -> Option<$T> {
from_str_radix(s, radix)
strconv::from_str_common(s, radix, false, false, false,
strconv::ExpNone, false, false)
@ -347,9 +335,6 @@ mod tests {
use num;
use sys;
use u16;
use u32;
use u64;
use u8;
fn test_num() {
@ -459,15 +444,15 @@ mod tests {
pub fn test_from_str() {
assert_eq!(from_str("0"), Some(0u as $T));
assert_eq!(from_str("3"), Some(3u as $T));
assert_eq!(from_str("10"), Some(10u as $T));
assert_eq!(u32::from_str("123456789"), Some(123456789 as u32));
assert_eq!(from_str("00100"), Some(100u as $T));
assert_eq!(from_str::<$T>("0"), Some(0u as $T));
assert_eq!(from_str::<$T>("3"), Some(3u as $T));
assert_eq!(from_str::<$T>("10"), Some(10u as $T));
assert_eq!(from_str::<u32>("123456789"), Some(123456789 as u32));
assert_eq!(from_str::<$T>("00100"), Some(100u as $T));
assert!(from_str(" ").is_none());
assert!(from_str::<$T>(" ").is_none());
@ -514,36 +499,36 @@ mod tests {
fn test_uint_from_str_overflow() {
let mut u8_val: u8 = 255_u8;
assert_eq!(u8::from_str("255"), Some(u8_val));
assert_eq!(from_str::<u8>("255"), Some(u8_val));
u8_val += 1 as u8;
assert_eq!(u8::from_str("0"), Some(u8_val));
assert_eq!(from_str::<u8>("0"), Some(u8_val));
let mut u16_val: u16 = 65_535_u16;
assert_eq!(u16::from_str("65535"), Some(u16_val));
assert_eq!(from_str::<u16>("65535"), Some(u16_val));
u16_val += 1 as u16;
assert_eq!(u16::from_str("0"), Some(u16_val));
assert_eq!(from_str::<u16>("0"), Some(u16_val));
let mut u32_val: u32 = 4_294_967_295_u32;
assert_eq!(u32::from_str("4294967295"), Some(u32_val));
assert_eq!(from_str::<u32>("4294967295"), Some(u32_val));
u32_val += 1 as u32;
assert_eq!(u32::from_str("0"), Some(u32_val));
assert_eq!(from_str::<u32>("0"), Some(u32_val));
let mut u64_val: u64 = 18_446_744_073_709_551_615_u64;
assert_eq!(u64::from_str("18446744073709551615"), Some(u64_val));
assert_eq!(from_str::<u64>("18446744073709551615"), Some(u64_val));
u64_val += 1 as u64;
assert_eq!(u64::from_str("0"), Some(u64_val));
assert_eq!(from_str::<u64>("0"), Some(u64_val));
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
use from_str::from_str;
use libc::{uintptr_t, exit, STDERR_FILENO};
use option::{Some, None, Option};
use rt::util::dumb_println;
@ -28,7 +29,7 @@ static log_level_names : &'static[&'static str] = &'static["error", "warn", "inf
/// Parse an individual log level that is either a number or a symbolic log level
fn parse_log_level(level: &str) -> Option<u32> {
let num = u32::from_str(level);
let num = from_str::<u32>(level);
let mut log_level;
match num {
Some(num) => {
@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
// except according to those terms.
use libc;
use uint;
use option::{Some, None};
use cell::Cell;
use clone::Clone;
@ -382,9 +381,10 @@ fn base_port() -> uint {
/// stress tests. Default 1.
pub fn stress_factor() -> uint {
use os::getenv;
use from_str::from_str;
match getenv("RUST_RT_STRESS") {
Some(val) => uint::from_str(val).unwrap(),
Some(val) => from_str::<uint>(val).unwrap(),
None => 1
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ use parse::token::{str_to_ident};
use std::cast::transmute;
use std::char;
use std::either;
use std::u64;
use std::num::from_str_radix;
use std::util;
pub use ext::tt::transcribe::{TtReader, new_tt_reader};
@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ fn scan_number(c: char, rdr: @mut StringReader) -> token::Token {
if num_str.len() == 0u {
rdr.fatal(~"no valid digits found for number");
let parsed = match u64::from_str_radix(num_str, base as uint) {
let parsed = match from_str_radix::<u64>(num_str, base as uint) {
Some(p) => p,
None => rdr.fatal(~"int literal is too large")
@ -509,7 +509,7 @@ fn scan_number(c: char, rdr: @mut StringReader) -> token::Token {
if num_str.len() == 0u {
rdr.fatal(~"no valid digits found for number");
let parsed = match u64::from_str_radix(num_str, base as uint) {
let parsed = match from_str_radix::<u64>(num_str, base as uint) {
Some(p) => p,
None => rdr.fatal(~"int literal is too large")
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ pub trait read {
impl read for int {
fn readMaybe(s: ~str) -> Option<int> {
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ fn main() {
let args = os::args();
let n_keys = {
if args.len() == 2 {
} else {
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ fn main() {
let args = os::args();
let num_keys = {
if args.len() == 2 {
} else {
100 // woefully inadequate for any real measurement
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ fn main() {
let n = uint::from_str(args[1]).unwrap();
let n = from_str::<uint>(args[1]).unwrap();
for i in range(0u, n) {
let x = i.to_str();
@ -418,8 +418,8 @@ fn main() {
let scale = uint::from_str(args[1]).unwrap();
let num_keys = uint::from_str(args[2]).unwrap();
let scale = from_str::<uint>(args[1]).unwrap();
let num_keys = from_str::<uint>(args[2]).unwrap();
let do_validate = false;
let do_sequential = true;
@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ fn run(args: &[~str]) {
let to_child = SharedChan::new(to_child);
let size = uint::from_str(args[1]).unwrap();
let workers = uint::from_str(args[2]).unwrap();
let size = from_str::<uint>(args[1]).unwrap();
let workers = from_str::<uint>(args[2]).unwrap();
let num_bytes = 100;
let start = extra::time::precise_time_s();
let mut worker_results = ~[];
@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ fn run(args: &[~str]) {
let (from_parent, to_child) = stream();
let to_child = SharedChan::new(to_child);
let size = uint::from_str(args[1]).unwrap();
let workers = uint::from_str(args[2]).unwrap();
let size = from_str::<uint>(args[1]).unwrap();
let workers = from_str::<uint>(args[2]).unwrap();
let num_bytes = 100;
let start = extra::time::precise_time_s();
let mut worker_results = ~[];
@ -78,8 +78,8 @@ fn main() {
let num_tasks = uint::from_str(args[1]).unwrap();
let msg_per_task = uint::from_str(args[2]).unwrap();
let num_tasks = from_str::<uint>(args[1]).unwrap();
let msg_per_task = from_str::<uint>(args[2]).unwrap();
let (num_chan, num_port) = init();
let num_chan = Cell::new(num_chan);
@ -74,8 +74,8 @@ fn main() {
let num_tasks = uint::from_str(args[1]).unwrap();
let msg_per_task = uint::from_str(args[2]).unwrap();
let num_tasks = from_str::<uint>(args[1]).unwrap();
let msg_per_task = from_str::<uint>(args[2]).unwrap();
let (num_chan, num_port) = init();
let num_chan = Cell::new(num_chan);
@ -65,13 +65,13 @@ fn main() {
let args = os::args();
let n = if args.len() == 3 {
} else {
let m = if args.len() == 3 {
} else {
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ fn main() {
let args = os::args();
let n = if args.len() == 2 {
} else {
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ fn main() {
let args = os::args();
let n = if args.len() == 2 {
} else {
@ -34,6 +34,6 @@ fn main() {
} else {
let n = int::from_str(args[1]).unwrap();
let n = from_str::<int>(args[1]).unwrap();
printfln!("Ack(3,%d): %d\n", n, ack(3, n));
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ fn main() {
let n = int::from_str(args[1]).unwrap();
let n = from_str::<int>(args[1]).unwrap();
let min_depth = 4;
let mut max_depth;
if min_depth + 2 > n {
@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ fn main() {
let nn = uint::from_str(args[1]).unwrap();
let nn = from_str::<uint>(args[1]).unwrap();
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ fn main() {
let n = int::from_str(args[1]).unwrap();
let n = from_str::<int>(args[1]).unwrap();
let iub: ~[AminoAcids] =
make_cumulative(~[acid('a', 27u32), acid('c', 12u32), acid('g', 12u32),
@ -30,6 +30,6 @@ fn main() {
} else {
let n = int::from_str(args[1]).unwrap();
let n = from_str::<int>(args[1]).unwrap();
printfln!("%d\n", fib(n));
@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ fn main() {
} else {
let max = uint::from_str(args[1]).unwrap();
let rep = uint::from_str(args[2]).unwrap();
let max = from_str::<uint>(args[1]).unwrap();
let rep = from_str::<uint>(args[2]).unwrap();
let mut checkf = 0.0;
let mut appendf = 0.0;
@ -74,9 +74,9 @@ impl Sudoku {
let comps: ~[&str] = line.trim().split_iter(',').collect();
if comps.len() == 3u {
let row = uint::from_str(comps[0]).unwrap() as u8;
let col = uint::from_str(comps[1]).unwrap() as u8;
g[row][col] = uint::from_str(comps[2]).unwrap() as u8;
let row = from_str::<uint>(comps[0]).unwrap() as u8;
let col = from_str::<uint>(comps[1]).unwrap() as u8;
g[row][col] = from_str::<uint>(comps[2]).unwrap() as u8;
else {
fail!("Invalid sudoku file");
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ fn main() {
let (p,c) = comm::stream();
child_generation(uint::from_str(args[1]).unwrap(), c);
child_generation(from_str::<uint>(args[1]).unwrap(), c);
if p.try_recv().is_none() {
fail!("it happened when we slumbered");
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ fn main() {
let num_tasks = uint::from_str(args[1]).unwrap();
let num_tasks = from_str::<uint>(args[1]).unwrap();
// Main group #0 waits for unsupervised group #1.
// Grandparent group #1 waits for middle group #2, then fails, killing #3.
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ fn main() {
let children = uint::from_str(args[1]).get();
let children = from_str::<uint>(args[1]).get();
let (wait_port, wait_chan) = stream();
do task::spawn {
calc(children, &wait_chan);
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ fn main() {
} else {
let n = uint::from_str(args[1]).unwrap();
let n = from_str::<uint>(args[1]).unwrap();
let mut i = 0u;
while i < n { task::spawn(|| f(n) ); i += 1u; }
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ priv fn chop(s: ~str) -> ~str {
priv fn parse_bulk(io: @io::Reader) -> Result {
match int::from_str(chop(io.read_line())) {
match from_str::<int>(chop(io.read_line())) {
None => fail!(),
Some(-1) => Nil,
Some(len) if len >= 0 => parse_data(len as uint, io),
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ priv fn parse_bulk(io: @io::Reader) -> Result {
priv fn parse_multi(io: @io::Reader) -> Result {
match int::from_str(chop(io.read_line())) {
match from_str::<int>(chop(io.read_line())) {
None => fail!(),
Some(-1) => Nil,
Some(0) => List(~[]),
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ priv fn parse_multi(io: @io::Reader) -> Result {
priv fn parse_int(io: @io::Reader) -> Result {
match int::from_str(chop(io.read_line())) {
match from_str::<int>(chop(io.read_line())) {
None => fail!(),
Some(i) => Int(i)
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ pub fn main() {
// sometimes we have had trouble finding
// the right type for f, as we unified
// bot and u32 here
let f = match uint::from_str("1234") {
let f = match from_str::<uint>("1234") {
None => return (),
Some(num) => num as u32
Reference in New Issue
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