Move extra arguments for highlight URL generation into a new ContextInfo struct for better readability

This commit is contained in:
Guillaume Gomez 2021-05-05 14:19:51 +02:00 committed by Guillaume Gomez
parent e8869cb7a7
commit dffc9c0a79
5 changed files with 42 additions and 40 deletions

View File

@ -19,6 +19,21 @@
use super::format::{self, Buffer};
use super::render::{LightSpan, LinkFromSrc};
/// This type is needed in case we want to render links on items to allow to go to their definition.
crate struct ContextInfo<'a, 'b, 'c> {
crate context: &'a Context<'b>,
/// This represents the "lo" bytes of the current file we're rendering. To get a [`Span`] from
/// it, you just need to add add your current byte position in the string and its length (to get
/// the "hi" part).
/// This is used to create a [`LightSpan`] which is then used as an index in the `span_map` in
/// order to retrieve the definition's [`Span`] (which is used to generate the URL).
crate file_span_lo: u32,
/// This field is used to know "how far" from the top of the directory we are to link to either
/// documentation pages or other source pages.
crate root_path: &'c str,
/// Highlights `src`, returning the HTML output.
crate fn render_with_highlighting(
src: &str,
@ -28,9 +43,7 @@
tooltip: Option<(Option<Edition>, &str)>,
edition: Edition,
extra_content: Option<Buffer>,
file_span_lo: u32,
context: Option<&Context<'_>>,
root_path: &str,
context_info: Option<ContextInfo<'_, '_, '_>>,
) {
debug!("highlighting: ================\n{}\n==============", src);
if let Some((edition_info, class)) = tooltip {
@ -47,7 +60,7 @@
write_header(out, class, extra_content);
write_code(out, &src, edition, file_span_lo, context, root_path);
write_code(out, &src, edition, context_info);
write_footer(out, playground_button);
@ -69,37 +82,28 @@ fn write_header(out: &mut Buffer, class: Option<&str>, extra_content: Option<Buf
/// Some explanations on the last arguments:
/// In case we are rendering a code block and not a source code file, `file_span_lo` value doesn't
/// matter and `context` will be `None`. To put it more simply: if `context` is `None`, the code
/// won't try to generate links to an ident definition.
/// In case we are rendering a code block and not a source code file, `context_info` will be `None`.
/// To put it more simply: if `context_info` is `None`, the code won't try to generate links to an
/// item definition.
/// More explanations about spans and how we use them here are provided in the
/// [`LightSpan::new_in_file`] function documentation about how it works.
/// As for `root_path`, it's used to know "how far" from the top of the directory we are to link
/// to either documentation pages or other source pages.
/// Same as `file_span_lo`: its value doesn't matter in case you are not rendering a source code
/// file.
fn write_code(
out: &mut Buffer,
src: &str,
edition: Edition,
file_span_lo: u32,
context: Option<&Context<'_>>,
root_path: &str,
context_info: Option<ContextInfo<'_, '_, '_>>,
) {
// This replace allows to fix how the code source with DOS backline characters is displayed.
let src = src.replace("\r\n", "\n");
Classifier::new(&src, edition, file_span_lo).highlight(&mut |highlight| {
match highlight {
Highlight::Token { text, class } => {
string(out, Escape(text), class, context, root_path)
Highlight::EnterSpan { class } => enter_span(out, class),
Highlight::ExitSpan => exit_span(out),
Classifier::new(&src, edition, context_info.as_ref().map(|c| c.file_span_lo).unwrap_or(0))
.highlight(&mut |highlight| {
match highlight {
Highlight::Token { text, class } => string(out, Escape(text), class, &context_info),
Highlight::EnterSpan { class } => enter_span(out, class),
Highlight::ExitSpan => exit_span(out),
fn write_footer(out: &mut Buffer, playground_button: Option<&str>) {
@ -540,8 +544,7 @@ fn string<T: Display>(
out: &mut Buffer,
text: T,
klass: Option<Class>,
context: Option<&Context<'_>>,
root_path: &str,
context_info: &Option<ContextInfo<'_, '_, '_>>,
) {
let klass = match klass {
None => return write!(out, "{}", text),
@ -570,14 +573,19 @@ fn string<T: Display>(
if let Some(context) = context {
if let Some(href) =
context.shared.span_correspondance_map.get(&def_span).and_then(|href| {
if let Some(context_info) = context_info {
if let Some(href) = context_info
.and_then(|href| {
let context = context_info.context;
match href {
LinkFromSrc::Local(span) => {
.map(|s| format!("{}{}", root_path, s))
.map(|s| format!("{}{}", context_info.root_path, s))
LinkFromSrc::External(def_id) => {
format::href(*def_id, context).map(|(url, _, _)| url)

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ fn test_html_highlighting() {
let src = include_str!("fixtures/");
let html = {
let mut out = Buffer::new();
write_code(&mut out, src, Edition::Edition2018, 0, None, "");
write_code(&mut out, src, Edition::Edition2018, None);
format!("{}<pre><code>{}</code></pre>\n", STYLE, out.into_inner())
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ fn test_dos_backline() {
let mut html = Buffer::new();
write_code(&mut html, src, Edition::Edition2018, 0, None, "");
write_code(&mut html, src, Edition::Edition2018, None);

View File

@ -330,9 +330,7 @@ fn dont_escape(c: u8) -> bool {

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@ -1081,9 +1081,7 @@ fn item_macro(w: &mut Buffer, cx: &Context<'_>, it: &clean::Item, t: &clean::Mac
document(w, cx, it, None)

View File

@ -275,8 +275,6 @@ fn print_src(
Some(highlight::ContextInfo { context, file_span_lo, root_path }),