make Parse fields private
this is in preparation for the new rowan API
This commit is contained in:
@ -71,11 +71,11 @@ impl<'a, DB: HirDatabase> AssistCtx<'a, DB> {
F: FnOnce(AssistCtx<DB>) -> T,
let source_file = &db.parse(frange.file_id).tree;
let parse = db.parse(frange.file_id);
let assist =
if should_compute_edit { Assist::Resolved(vec![]) } else { Assist::Unresolved(vec![]) };
let ctx = AssistCtx { db, frange, source_file, should_compute_edit, assist };
let ctx = AssistCtx { db, frange, source_file: parse.tree(), should_compute_edit, assist };
@ -278,8 +278,8 @@ impl AstBuilder<ast::NameRef> {
fn ast_node_from_file_text<N: AstNode>(text: &str) -> TreeArc<N> {
let file = SourceFile::parse(text).tree;
let res = file.syntax().descendants().find_map(N::cast).unwrap().to_owned();
let parse = SourceFile::parse(text);
let res = parse.tree().syntax().descendants().find_map(N::cast).unwrap().to_owned();
@ -287,7 +287,8 @@ mod tokens {
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
use ra_syntax::{AstNode, SourceFile, SyntaxKind::*, SyntaxToken, TreeArc, T};
static SOURCE_FILE: Lazy<TreeArc<SourceFile>> = Lazy::new(|| SourceFile::parse(",\n; ;").tree);
static SOURCE_FILE: Lazy<TreeArc<SourceFile>> =
Lazy::new(|| SourceFile::parse(",\n; ;").tree().to_owned());
pub(crate) fn comma() -> SyntaxToken<'static> {
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ fn main() -> Result<()> {
fn file() -> Result<TreeArc<SourceFile>> {
let text = read_stdin()?;
fn read_stdin() -> Result<String> {
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ impl ModuleSource {
) -> ModuleSource {
match (file_id, decl_id) {
(Some(file_id), _) => {
let source_file = db.parse(file_id).tree;
let source_file = db.parse(file_id).tree().to_owned();
(None, Some(item_id)) => {
@ -71,7 +71,8 @@ impl<'a, 'b> ExprValidator<'a, 'b> {
let source_map = self.func.body_source_map(db);
let file_id = self.func.source(db).file_id;
let source_file = db.parse(file_id.original_file(db)).tree;
let parse = db.parse(file_id.original_file(db));
let source_file = parse.tree();
if let Some(field_list_node) = source_map
.map(|ptr| ptr.to_node(source_file.syntax()))
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ impl HirFileId {
file_id: HirFileId,
) -> Option<TreeArc<SyntaxNode>> {
match file_id.0 {
HirFileIdRepr::File(file_id) => Some(db.parse(file_id).tree.syntax().to_owned()),
HirFileIdRepr::File(file_id) => Some(db.parse(file_id).tree().syntax().to_owned()),
HirFileIdRepr::Macro(macro_file) => db.parse_macro(macro_file),
@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ pub fn module_from_declaration(
/// Locates the module by position in the source code.
pub fn module_from_position(db: &impl HirDatabase, position: FilePosition) -> Option<Module> {
let file = db.parse(position.file_id).tree;
match find_node_at_offset::<ast::Module>(file.syntax(), position.offset) {
let parse = db.parse(position.file_id);
match find_node_at_offset::<ast::Module>(parse.tree().syntax(), position.offset) {
Some(m) if !m.has_semi() => module_from_inline(db, position.file_id, m),
_ => module_from_file_id(db, position.file_id),
@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ use crate::{db::RootDatabase, CallInfo, FilePosition, FunctionSignature};
/// Computes parameter information for the given call expression.
pub(crate) fn call_info(db: &RootDatabase, position: FilePosition) -> Option<CallInfo> {
let file = db.parse(position.file_id).tree;
let syntax = file.syntax();
let parse = db.parse(position.file_id);
let syntax = parse.tree().syntax();
// Find the calling expression and it's NameRef
let calling_node = FnCallNode::with_node(syntax, position.offset)?;
@ -135,8 +135,8 @@ impl LibraryData {
files: Vec<(FileId, RelativePathBuf, Arc<String>)>,
) -> LibraryData {
let symbol_index = SymbolIndex::for_files(files.par_iter().map(|(file_id, _, text)| {
let file = SourceFile::parse(text).tree;
(*file_id, file)
let parse = SourceFile::parse(text);
(*file_id, parse)
let mut root_change = RootChange::default();
root_change.added = files
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ impl<'a> CompletionContext<'a> {
) -> Option<CompletionContext<'a>> {
let module = source_binder::module_from_position(db, position);
let token =
find_token_at_offset(original_parse.tree.syntax(), position.offset).left_biased()?;
find_token_at_offset(original_parse.tree().syntax(), position.offset).left_biased()?;
let analyzer =
hir::SourceAnalyzer::new(db, position.file_id, token.parent(), Some(position.offset));
let mut ctx = CompletionContext {
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ impl<'a> CompletionContext<'a> {
// actual completion.
let file = {
let edit = AtomTextEdit::insert(offset, "intellijRulezz".to_string());
// First, let's try to complete a reference to some declaration.
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ impl<'a> CompletionContext<'a> {
self.is_param = true;
self.classify_name_ref(&original_parse.tree, name_ref);
self.classify_name_ref(original_parse.tree(), name_ref);
// Otherwise, see if this is a declaration. We can use heuristics to
@ -27,14 +27,14 @@ pub(crate) fn diagnostics(db: &RootDatabase, file_id: FileId) -> Vec<Diagnostic>
let parse = db.parse(file_id);
let mut res = Vec::new();
res.extend(parse.errors.iter().map(|err| Diagnostic {
res.extend(parse.errors().iter().map(|err| Diagnostic {
range: location_to_range(err.location()),
message: format!("Syntax Error: {}", err),
severity: Severity::Error,
fix: None,
for node in parse.tree.syntax().descendants() {
for node in parse.tree().syntax().descendants() {
check_unnecessary_braces_in_use_statement(&mut res, file_id, node);
check_struct_shorthand_initialization(&mut res, file_id, node);
@ -181,18 +181,18 @@ mod tests {
type DiagnosticChecker = fn(&mut Vec<Diagnostic>, FileId, &SyntaxNode) -> Option<()>;
fn check_not_applicable(code: &str, func: DiagnosticChecker) {
let file = SourceFile::parse(code).tree;
let parse = SourceFile::parse(code);
let mut diagnostics = Vec::new();
for node in file.syntax().descendants() {
for node in parse.tree().syntax().descendants() {
func(&mut diagnostics, FileId(0), node);
fn check_apply(before: &str, after: &str, func: DiagnosticChecker) {
let file = SourceFile::parse(before).tree;
let parse = SourceFile::parse(before);
let mut diagnostics = Vec::new();
for node in file.syntax().descendants() {
for node in parse.tree().syntax().descendants() {
func(&mut diagnostics, FileId(0), node);
let diagnostic =
@ -93,8 +93,8 @@ impl NavigationTarget {
file_id: FileId,
pat: AstPtr<ast::Pat>,
) -> NavigationTarget {
let file = db.parse(file_id).tree;
let (name, full_range) = match pat.to_node(file.syntax()).kind() {
let parse = db.parse(file_id);
let (name, full_range) = match pat.to_node(parse.tree().syntax()).kind() {
ast::PatKind::BindPat(pat) => return NavigationTarget::from_bind_pat(file_id, &pat),
_ => ("_".into(), pat.syntax_node_ptr().range()),
@ -315,8 +315,8 @@ impl NavigationTarget {
pub(crate) fn docs_from_symbol(db: &RootDatabase, symbol: &FileSymbol) -> Option<String> {
let file = db.parse(symbol.file_id).tree;
let node = symbol.ptr.to_node(file.syntax()).to_owned();
let parse = db.parse(symbol.file_id);
let node = symbol.ptr.to_node(parse.tree().syntax()).to_owned();
fn doc_comments<N: ast::DocCommentsOwner>(node: &N) -> Option<String> {
@ -341,8 +341,8 @@ pub(crate) fn docs_from_symbol(db: &RootDatabase, symbol: &FileSymbol) -> Option
/// e.g. `struct Name`, `enum Name`, `fn Name`
pub(crate) fn description_from_symbol(db: &RootDatabase, symbol: &FileSymbol) -> Option<String> {
let file = db.parse(symbol.file_id).tree;
let node = symbol.ptr.to_node(file.syntax()).to_owned();
let parse = db.parse(symbol.file_id);
let node = symbol.ptr.to_node(parse.tree().syntax()).to_owned();
.visit(|node: &ast::FnDef| node.short_label())
@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ use crate::{db::RootDatabase, FileRange};
// FIXME: restore macro support
pub(crate) fn extend_selection(db: &RootDatabase, frange: FileRange) -> TextRange {
let source_file = db.parse(frange.file_id).tree;
try_extend_selection(source_file.syntax(), frange.range).unwrap_or(frange.range)
let parse = db.parse(frange.file_id);
try_extend_selection(parse.tree().syntax(), frange.range).unwrap_or(frange.range)
fn try_extend_selection(root: &SyntaxNode, range: TextRange) -> Option<TextRange> {
@ -212,10 +212,10 @@ mod tests {
fn do_check(before: &str, afters: &[&str]) {
let (cursor, before) = extract_offset(before);
let file = SourceFile::parse(&before).tree;
let parse = SourceFile::parse(&before);
let mut range = TextRange::offset_len(cursor, 0.into());
for &after in afters {
range = try_extend_selection(file.syntax(), range).unwrap();
range = try_extend_selection(parse.tree().syntax(), range).unwrap();
let actual = &before[range];
assert_eq!(after, actual);
@ -192,8 +192,8 @@ mod tests {
fn do_check(text: &str, fold_kinds: &[FoldKind]) {
let (ranges, text) = extract_ranges(text, "fold");
let file = SourceFile::parse(&text).tree;
let folds = folding_ranges(&file);
let parse = SourceFile::parse(&text);
let folds = folding_ranges(parse.tree());
@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ pub(crate) fn goto_definition(
db: &RootDatabase,
position: FilePosition,
) -> Option<RangeInfo<Vec<NavigationTarget>>> {
let file = db.parse(position.file_id).tree;
let syntax = file.syntax();
let parse = db.parse(position.file_id);
let syntax = parse.tree().syntax();
if let Some(name_ref) = find_node_at_offset::<ast::NameRef>(syntax, position.offset) {
let navs = reference_definition(db, position.file_id, name_ref).to_vec();
return Some(RangeInfo::new(name_ref.syntax().range(), navs.to_vec()));
@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ pub(crate) fn goto_type_definition(
db: &RootDatabase,
position: FilePosition,
) -> Option<RangeInfo<Vec<NavigationTarget>>> {
let file = db.parse(position.file_id).tree;
let parse = db.parse(position.file_id);
let node = find_token_at_offset(file.syntax(), position.offset).find_map(|token| {
let node = find_token_at_offset(parse.tree().syntax(), position.offset).find_map(|token| {
@ -94,7 +94,8 @@ fn hover_text(docs: Option<String>, desc: Option<String>) -> Option<String> {
pub(crate) fn hover(db: &RootDatabase, position: FilePosition) -> Option<RangeInfo<HoverResult>> {
let file = db.parse(position.file_id).tree;
let parse = db.parse(position.file_id);
let file = parse.tree();
let mut res = HoverResult::new();
let mut range = None;
@ -241,8 +242,8 @@ pub(crate) fn hover(db: &RootDatabase, position: FilePosition) -> Option<RangeIn
pub(crate) fn type_of(db: &RootDatabase, frange: FileRange) -> Option<String> {
let file = db.parse(frange.file_id).tree;
let syntax = file.syntax();
let parse = db.parse(frange.file_id);
let syntax = parse.tree().syntax();
let leaf_node = find_covering_element(syntax, frange.range);
// if we picked identifier, expand to pattern/expression
let node = leaf_node
@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ pub(crate) fn goto_implementation(
db: &RootDatabase,
position: FilePosition,
) -> Option<RangeInfo<Vec<NavigationTarget>>> {
let file = db.parse(position.file_id).tree;
let syntax = file.syntax();
let parse = db.parse(position.file_id);
let syntax = parse.tree().syntax();
let module = source_binder::module_from_position(db, position)?;
@ -503,8 +503,8 @@ fn foo() {
fn check_join_lines_sel(before: &str, after: &str) {
let (sel, before) = extract_range(before);
let file = SourceFile::parse(&before).tree;
let result = join_lines(&file, sel);
let parse = SourceFile::parse(&before);
let result = join_lines(parse.tree(), sel);
let actual = result.apply(&before);
assert_eq_text!(after, &actual);
@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ impl Analysis {
/// Gets the syntax tree of the file.
pub fn parse(&self, file_id: FileId) -> TreeArc<SourceFile> {
/// Gets the file's `LineIndex`: data structure to convert between absolute
@ -343,7 +343,8 @@ impl Analysis {
/// Returns position of the matching brace (all types of braces are
/// supported).
pub fn matching_brace(&self, position: FilePosition) -> Option<TextUnit> {
let file = self.db.parse(position.file_id).tree;
let parse = self.db.parse(position.file_id);
let file = parse.tree();
matching_brace::matching_brace(&file, position.offset)
@ -356,10 +357,10 @@ impl Analysis {
/// Returns an edit to remove all newlines in the range, cleaning up minor
/// stuff like trailing commas.
pub fn join_lines(&self, frange: FileRange) -> SourceChange {
let file = self.db.parse(frange.file_id).tree;
let parse = self.db.parse(frange.file_id);
let file_edit = SourceFileEdit {
file_id: frange.file_id,
edit: join_lines::join_lines(&file, frange.range),
edit: join_lines::join_lines(parse.tree(), frange.range),
SourceChange::source_file_edit("join lines", file_edit)
@ -374,7 +375,8 @@ impl Analysis {
/// this works when adding `let =`.
// FIXME: use a snippet completion instead of this hack here.
pub fn on_eq_typed(&self, position: FilePosition) -> Option<SourceChange> {
let file = self.db.parse(position.file_id).tree;
let parse = self.db.parse(position.file_id);
let file = parse.tree();
let edit = typing::on_eq_typed(&file, position.offset)?;
"add semicolon",
@ -390,14 +392,14 @@ impl Analysis {
/// Returns a tree representation of symbols in the file. Useful to draw a
/// file outline.
pub fn file_structure(&self, file_id: FileId) -> Vec<StructureNode> {
let file = self.db.parse(file_id).tree;
let parse = self.db.parse(file_id);
/// Returns the set of folding ranges.
pub fn folding_ranges(&self, file_id: FileId) -> Vec<Fold> {
let file = self.db.parse(file_id).tree;
let parse = self.db.parse(file_id);
/// Fuzzy searches for a symbol.
@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ mod tests {
fn test_matching_brace() {
fn do_check(before: &str, after: &str) {
let (pos, before) = extract_offset(before);
let file = SourceFile::parse(&before).tree;
let new_pos = match matching_brace(&file, pos) {
let parse = SourceFile::parse(&before);
let new_pos = match matching_brace(parse.tree(), pos) {
None => pos,
Some(pos) => pos,
@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ pub(crate) fn find_all_refs(
db: &RootDatabase,
position: FilePosition,
) -> Option<ReferenceSearchResult> {
let file = db.parse(position.file_id).tree;
let (binding, analyzer) = find_binding(db, &file, position)?;
let parse = db.parse(position.file_id);
let (binding, analyzer) = find_binding(db, parse.tree(), position)?;
let declaration = NavigationTarget::from_bind_pat(position.file_id, binding);
let references = analyzer
@ -88,8 +88,8 @@ pub(crate) fn rename(
position: FilePosition,
new_name: &str,
) -> Option<SourceChange> {
let source_file = db.parse(position.file_id).tree;
let syntax = source_file.syntax();
let parse = db.parse(position.file_id);
let syntax = parse.tree().syntax();
if let Some((ast_name, ast_module)) = find_name_and_module_at_offset(syntax, position) {
rename_mod(db, ast_name, ast_module, position, new_name)
@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ pub enum RunnableKind {
pub(crate) fn runnables(db: &RootDatabase, file_id: FileId) -> Vec<Runnable> {
let source_file = db.parse(file_id).tree;
source_file.syntax().descendants().filter_map(|i| runnable(db, file_id, i)).collect()
let parse = db.parse(file_id);
parse.tree().syntax().descendants().filter_map(|i| runnable(db, file_id, i)).collect()
fn runnable(db: &RootDatabase, file_id: FileId, item: &SyntaxNode) -> Option<Runnable> {
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ impl FromIterator<TableEntry<FileId, Parse>> for SyntaxTreeStats {
let mut res = SyntaxTreeStats::default();
for entry in iter {
|||| += 1;
if let Some(tree) = entry.value.as_ref().map(|it| &it.tree) {
if let Some(tree) = entry.value.as_ref().map(|it| it.tree()) {
res.retained += 1;
res.retained_size += tree.syntax().memory_size_of_subtree();
@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ use ra_db::{
use ra_syntax::{
algo::visit::{visitor, Visitor},
ast::{self, NameOwner},
AstNode, SmolStr, SourceFile,
AstNode, Parse, SmolStr, SourceFile,
SyntaxKind::{self, *},
SyntaxNode, SyntaxNodePtr, TextRange, TreeArc, WalkEvent,
SyntaxNode, SyntaxNodePtr, TextRange, WalkEvent,
use rayon::prelude::*;
@ -59,9 +59,9 @@ pub(crate) trait SymbolsDatabase: hir::db::HirDatabase {
fn file_symbols(db: &impl SymbolsDatabase, file_id: FileId) -> Arc<SymbolIndex> {
let source_file = db.parse(file_id).tree;
let parse = db.parse(file_id);
let symbols = source_file_to_file_symbols(&source_file, file_id);
let symbols = source_file_to_file_symbols(parse.tree(), file_id);
// FIXME: add macros here
@ -169,11 +169,9 @@ impl SymbolIndex {
|||| + self.symbols.len() * mem::size_of::<FileSymbol>()
pub(crate) fn for_files(
files: impl ParallelIterator<Item = (FileId, TreeArc<SourceFile>)>,
) -> SymbolIndex {
pub(crate) fn for_files(files: impl ParallelIterator<Item = (FileId, Parse)>) -> SymbolIndex {
let symbols = files
.flat_map(|(file_id, file)| source_file_to_file_symbols(&file, file_id))
.flat_map(|(file_id, file)| source_file_to_file_symbols(file.tree(), file_id))
@ -32,7 +32,8 @@ fn is_control_keyword(kind: SyntaxKind) -> bool {
pub(crate) fn highlight(db: &RootDatabase, file_id: FileId) -> Vec<HighlightedRange> {
let _p = profile("highlight");
let source_file = db.parse(file_id).tree;
let parse = db.parse(file_id);
let root = parse.tree().syntax();
fn calc_binding_hash(file_id: FileId, text: &SmolStr, shadow_count: u32) -> u64 {
fn hash<T: std::hash::Hash + std::fmt::Debug>(x: T) -> u64 {
@ -51,7 +52,7 @@ pub(crate) fn highlight(db: &RootDatabase, file_id: FileId) -> Vec<HighlightedRa
let mut bindings_shadow_count: FxHashMap<SmolStr, u32> = FxHashMap::default();
let mut res = Vec::new();
for node in source_file.syntax().descendants_with_tokens() {
for node in root.descendants_with_tokens() {
if highlighted.contains(&node) {
@ -89,11 +90,8 @@ pub(crate) fn highlight(db: &RootDatabase, file_id: FileId) -> Vec<HighlightedRa
Some(SelfType(_)) => "type",
Some(Pat(ptr)) => {
binding_hash = Some({
let text = ptr
let text =
let shadow_count =
calc_binding_hash(file_id, &text, *shadow_count)
@ -178,7 +176,7 @@ pub(crate) fn highlight(db: &RootDatabase, file_id: FileId) -> Vec<HighlightedRa
pub(crate) fn highlight_as_html(db: &RootDatabase, file_id: FileId, rainbow: bool) -> String {
let source_file = db.parse(file_id).tree;
let parse = db.parse(file_id);
fn rainbowify(seed: u64) -> String {
use rand::prelude::*;
@ -200,7 +198,7 @@ pub(crate) fn highlight_as_html(db: &RootDatabase, file_id: FileId, rainbow: boo
let mut buf = String::new();
let tokens = source_file.syntax().descendants_with_tokens().filter_map(|it| it.as_token());
let tokens = parse.tree().syntax().descendants_with_tokens().filter_map(|it| it.as_token());
for token in tokens {
could_intersect.retain(|it| token.range().start() <= it.range.end());
while let Some(r) = ranges.get(frontier) {
@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ pub(crate) fn syntax_tree(
file_id: FileId,
text_range: Option<TextRange>,
) -> String {
let parse = db.parse(file_id);
if let Some(text_range) = text_range {
let file = db.parse(file_id).tree;
let node = match algo::find_covering_element(file.syntax(), text_range) {
let node = match algo::find_covering_element(parse.tree().syntax(), text_range) {
SyntaxElement::Node(node) => node,
SyntaxElement::Token(token) => {
if let Some(tree) = syntax_tree_for_string(token, text_range) {
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ pub(crate) fn syntax_tree(
} else {
@ -84,8 +84,8 @@ fn syntax_tree_for_token(node: SyntaxToken, text_range: TextRange) -> Option<Str
// If the "file" parsed without errors,
// return its syntax
if parsed.errors.is_empty() {
return Some(parsed.tree.syntax().debug_dump());
if parsed.errors().is_empty() {
return Some(parsed.tree().syntax().debug_dump());
@ -11,7 +11,8 @@ use ra_syntax::{
use ra_text_edit::{TextEdit, TextEditBuilder};
pub(crate) fn on_enter(db: &RootDatabase, position: FilePosition) -> Option<SourceChange> {
let file = db.parse(position.file_id).tree;
let parse = db.parse(position.file_id);
let file = parse.tree();
let comment = find_token_at_offset(file.syntax(), position.offset)
@ -86,10 +87,10 @@ pub fn on_eq_typed(file: &SourceFile, eq_offset: TextUnit) -> Option<TextEdit> {
pub(crate) fn on_dot_typed(db: &RootDatabase, position: FilePosition) -> Option<SourceChange> {
let file = db.parse(position.file_id).tree;
assert_eq!(file.syntax().text().char_at(position.offset), Some('.'));
let parse = db.parse(position.file_id);
assert_eq!(parse.tree().syntax().text().char_at(position.offset), Some('.'));
let whitespace = find_token_at_offset(file.syntax(), position.offset)
let whitespace = find_token_at_offset(parse.tree().syntax(), position.offset)
@ -139,8 +140,8 @@ mod tests {
let mut edit = TextEditBuilder::default();
edit.insert(offset, "=".to_string());
let before = edit.finish().apply(&before);
let file = SourceFile::parse(&before).tree;
if let Some(result) = on_eq_typed(&file, offset) {
let parse = SourceFile::parse(&before);
if let Some(result) = on_eq_typed(parse.tree(), offset) {
let actual = result.apply(&before);
assert_eq_text!(after, &actual);
} else {
@ -95,8 +95,8 @@ pub(crate) fn expand_to_expr(
pub(crate) fn text_to_tokentree(text: &str) -> tt::Subtree {
// wrap the given text to a macro call
let wrapped = format!("wrap_macro!( {} )", text);
let wrapped = ast::SourceFile::parse(&wrapped).tree;
let wrapped = wrapped.syntax().descendants().find_map(ast::TokenTree::cast).unwrap();
let wrapped = ast::SourceFile::parse(&wrapped);
let wrapped = wrapped.tree().syntax().descendants().find_map(ast::TokenTree::cast).unwrap();
let mut wrapped = ast_to_token_tree(wrapped).unwrap().0;
wrapped.delimiter = tt::Delimiter::None;
@ -59,11 +59,19 @@ pub use rowan::{SmolStr, TextRange, TextUnit};
/// files.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Parse {
pub tree: TreeArc<SourceFile>,
pub errors: Arc<Vec<SyntaxError>>,
tree: TreeArc<SourceFile>,
errors: Arc<Vec<SyntaxError>>,
impl Parse {
pub fn tree(&self) -> &SourceFile {
pub fn errors(&self) -> &[SyntaxError] {
pub fn ok(self) -> Result<TreeArc<SourceFile>, Arc<Vec<SyntaxError>>> {
if self.errors.is_empty() {
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ fn lexer_tests() {
fn parser_tests() {
dir_tests(&test_data_dir(), &["parser/inline/ok", "parser/ok"], |text, path| {
let parse = SourceFile::parse(text);
let errors = parse.errors.as_slice();
let errors = parse.errors();
&[] as &[ra_syntax::SyntaxError],
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ fn parser_tests() {
dir_tests(&test_data_dir(), &["parser/err", "parser/inline/err"], |text, path| {
let parse = SourceFile::parse(text);
let errors = parse.errors.as_slice();
let errors = parse.errors();
assert!(!errors.is_empty(), "There should be errors in the file {:?}", path.display());
Reference in New Issue
Block a user