Optimize librustc_driver.so
with BOLT
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
use anyhow::Context;
use crate::exec::cmd;
use crate::training::LlvmBoltProfile;
use crate::training::BoltProfile;
use camino::{Utf8Path, Utf8PathBuf};
use crate::utils::io::copy_file;
/// Instruments an artifact at the given `path` (in-place) with BOLT and then calls `func`.
/// After this function finishes, the original file will be restored.
pub fn with_bolt_instrumented<F: FnOnce() -> anyhow::Result<R>, R>(
pub fn with_bolt_instrumented<F: FnOnce(&Utf8Path) -> anyhow::Result<R>, R>(
path: &Utf8Path,
func: F,
) -> anyhow::Result<R> {
@ -20,10 +20,16 @@ pub fn with_bolt_instrumented<F: FnOnce() -> anyhow::Result<R>, R>(
let instrumented_path = tempfile::NamedTempFile::new()?.into_temp_path();
let profile_dir =
tempfile::TempDir::new().context("Could not create directory for BOLT profiles")?;
let profile_prefix = profile_dir.path().join("prof.fdata");
let profile_prefix = Utf8Path::from_path(&profile_prefix).unwrap();
// Instrument the original file with BOLT, saving the result into `instrumented_path`
// Make sure that each process will write its profiles into a separate file
@ -36,11 +42,11 @@ pub fn with_bolt_instrumented<F: FnOnce() -> anyhow::Result<R>, R>(
// Run the function that will make use of the instrumented artifact.
// The original file will be restored when `_backup_file` is dropped.
/// Optimizes the file at `path` with BOLT in-place using the given `profile`.
pub fn bolt_optimize(path: &Utf8Path, profile: &LlvmBoltProfile) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
pub fn bolt_optimize(path: &Utf8Path, profile: &BoltProfile) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
// Copy the artifact to a new location, so that we do not use the same input and output file.
// BOLT cannot handle optimizing when the input and output is the same file, because it performs
// in-place patching.
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
use crate::environment::Environment;
use crate::metrics::{load_metrics, record_metrics};
use crate::timer::TimerSection;
use crate::training::{LlvmBoltProfile, LlvmPGOProfile, RustcPGOProfile};
use crate::training::{BoltProfile, LlvmPGOProfile, RustcPGOProfile};
use camino::{Utf8Path, Utf8PathBuf};
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::fs::File;
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ impl Bootstrap {
pub fn with_bolt_profile(mut self, profile: LlvmBoltProfile) -> Self {
pub fn with_bolt_profile(mut self, profile: BoltProfile) -> Self {
self.cmd = self.cmd.arg("--reproducible-artifact").arg(profile.0.as_str());
@ -12,7 +12,10 @@ use crate::environment::{Environment, EnvironmentBuilder};
use crate::exec::{cmd, Bootstrap};
use crate::tests::run_tests;
use crate::timer::Timer;
use crate::training::{gather_llvm_bolt_profiles, gather_llvm_profiles, gather_rustc_profiles};
use crate::training::{
gather_bolt_profiles, gather_llvm_profiles, gather_rustc_profiles, llvm_benchmarks,
use crate::utils::artifact_size::print_binary_sizes;
use crate::utils::io::{copy_directory, move_directory, reset_directory};
use crate::utils::{
@ -246,13 +249,13 @@ fn execute_pipeline(
let llvm_bolt_profile = if env.use_bolt() {
let bolt_profiles = if env.use_bolt() {
// Stage 3: Build BOLT instrumented LLVM
// We build a PGO optimized LLVM in this step, then instrument it with BOLT and gather BOLT profiles.
// Note that we don't remove LLVM artifacts after this step, so that they are reused in the final dist build.
// BOLT instrumentation is performed "on-the-fly" when the LLVM library is copied to the sysroot of rustc,
// therefore the LLVM artifacts on disk are not "tainted" with BOLT instrumentation and they can be reused.
timer.section("Stage 3 (LLVM BOLT)", |stage| {
timer.section("Stage 3 (BOLT)", |stage| {
stage.section("Build PGO optimized LLVM", |stage| {
@ -261,16 +264,17 @@ fn execute_pipeline(
// Find the path to the `libLLVM.so` file
let llvm_lib = io::find_file_in_dir(
let libdir = env.build_artifacts().join("stage2").join("lib");
let llvm_lib = io::find_file_in_dir(&libdir, "libLLVM", ".so")?;
// Instrument it and gather profiles
let profile = with_bolt_instrumented(&llvm_lib, || {
stage.section("Gather profiles", |_| gather_llvm_bolt_profiles(env))
log::info!("Optimizing {llvm_lib} with BOLT");
// FIXME(kobzol: try gather profiles together, at once for LLVM and rustc
// Instrument the libraries and gather profiles
let llvm_profile = with_bolt_instrumented(&llvm_lib, |llvm_profile_dir| {
stage.section("Gather profiles", |_| {
gather_bolt_profiles(env, "LLVM", llvm_benchmarks(env), llvm_profile_dir)
@ -279,13 +283,29 @@ fn execute_pipeline(
// the final dist build. However, when BOLT optimizes an artifact, it does so *in-place*,
// therefore it will actually optimize all the hard links, which means that the final
// packaged `libLLVM.so` file *will* be BOLT optimized.
bolt_optimize(&llvm_lib, &profile).context("Could not optimize LLVM with BOLT")?;
bolt_optimize(&llvm_lib, &llvm_profile).context("Could not optimize LLVM with BOLT")?;
let rustc_lib = io::find_file_in_dir(&libdir, "librustc_driver", ".so")?;
log::info!("Optimizing {rustc_lib} with BOLT");
// Instrument it and gather profiles
let rustc_profile = with_bolt_instrumented(&rustc_lib, |rustc_profile_dir| {
stage.section("Gather profiles", |_| {
gather_bolt_profiles(env, "rustc", rustc_benchmarks(env), rustc_profile_dir)
// Now optimize the library with BOLT.
bolt_optimize(&rustc_lib, &rustc_profile)
.context("Could not optimize rustc with BOLT")?;
// LLVM is not being cleared here, we want to use the BOLT-optimized LLVM
Ok(vec![llvm_profile, rustc_profile])
} else {
let mut dist = Bootstrap::dist(env, &dist_args)
@ -293,13 +313,13 @@ fn execute_pipeline(
if let Some(llvm_bolt_profile) = llvm_bolt_profile {
dist = dist.with_bolt_profile(llvm_bolt_profile);
for bolt_profile in bolt_profiles {
dist = dist.with_bolt_profile(bolt_profile);
// Final stage: Assemble the dist artifacts
// The previous PGO optimized rustc build and PGO optimized LLVM builds should be reused.
timer.section("Stage 4 (final build)", |stage| dist.run(stage))?;
timer.section("Stage 5 (final build)", |stage| dist.run(stage))?;
// After dist has finished, run a subset of the test suite on the optimized artifacts to discover
// possible regressions.
@ -27,8 +27,6 @@ const RUSTC_PGO_CRATES: &[&str] = &[
fn init_compiler_benchmarks(
env: &Environment,
profiles: &[&str],
@ -113,6 +111,14 @@ fn log_profile_stats(
pub fn llvm_benchmarks(env: &Environment) -> CmdBuilder {
init_compiler_benchmarks(env, &["Debug", "Opt"], &["Full"], LLVM_PGO_CRATES)
pub fn rustc_benchmarks(env: &Environment) -> CmdBuilder {
init_compiler_benchmarks(env, &["Check", "Debug", "Opt"], &["All"], RUSTC_PGO_CRATES)
pub struct LlvmPGOProfile(pub Utf8PathBuf);
pub fn gather_llvm_profiles(
@ -122,9 +128,7 @@ pub fn gather_llvm_profiles(
log::info!("Running benchmarks with PGO instrumented LLVM");
with_log_group("Running benchmarks", || {
init_compiler_benchmarks(env, &["Debug", "Opt"], &["Full"], LLVM_PGO_CRATES)
.context("Cannot gather LLVM PGO profiles")
llvm_benchmarks(env).run().context("Cannot gather LLVM PGO profiles")
let merged_profile = env.artifact_dir().join("llvm-pgo.profdata");
@ -157,7 +161,7 @@ pub fn gather_rustc_profiles(
// Here we're profiling the `rustc` frontend, so we also include `Check`.
// The benchmark set includes various stress tests that put the frontend under pressure.
with_log_group("Running benchmarks", || {
init_compiler_benchmarks(env, &["Check", "Debug", "Opt"], &["All"], RUSTC_PGO_CRATES)
.env("LLVM_PROFILE_FILE", profile_template.as_str())
.context("Cannot gather rustc PGO profiles")
@ -176,23 +180,25 @@ pub fn gather_rustc_profiles(
pub struct LlvmBoltProfile(pub Utf8PathBuf);
pub struct BoltProfile(pub Utf8PathBuf);
pub fn gather_llvm_bolt_profiles(env: &Environment) -> anyhow::Result<LlvmBoltProfile> {
log::info!("Running benchmarks with BOLT instrumented LLVM");
pub fn gather_bolt_profiles(
env: &Environment,
name: &str,
benchmarks: CmdBuilder,
profile_prefix: &Utf8Path,
) -> anyhow::Result<BoltProfile> {
log::info!("Running benchmarks with BOLT instrumented {name}");
with_log_group("Running benchmarks", || {
init_compiler_benchmarks(env, &["Check", "Debug", "Opt"], &["Full"], LLVM_BOLT_CRATES)
.context("Cannot gather LLVM BOLT profiles")
benchmarks.run().with_context(|| "Cannot gather {name} BOLT profiles")
let merged_profile = env.artifact_dir().join("llvm-bolt.profdata");
let profile_root = Utf8PathBuf::from("/tmp/prof.fdata");
log::info!("Merging LLVM BOLT profiles to {merged_profile}");
let merged_profile = env.artifact_dir().join(format!("{name}-bolt.profdata"));
log::info!("Merging {name} BOLT profiles from {profile_prefix} to {merged_profile}");
let profiles: Vec<_> =
glob::glob(&format!("{profile_root}*"))?.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?;
glob::glob(&format!("{profile_prefix}*"))?.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?;
let mut merge_args = vec!["merge-fdata"];
merge_args.extend(profiles.iter().map(|p| p.to_str().unwrap()));
@ -204,7 +210,7 @@ pub fn gather_llvm_bolt_profiles(env: &Environment) -> anyhow::Result<LlvmBoltPr
.context("Cannot merge BOLT profiles")
log::info!("LLVM BOLT statistics");
log::info!("{name} BOLT statistics");
"{merged_profile}: {}",
humansize::format_size(std::fs::metadata(merged_profile.as_std_path())?.len(), BINARY)
@ -216,8 +222,17 @@ pub fn gather_llvm_bolt_profiles(env: &Environment) -> anyhow::Result<LlvmBoltPr
.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?
log::info!("{profile_root}: {}", humansize::format_size(size, BINARY));
log::info!("{profile_prefix}: {}", humansize::format_size(size, BINARY));
log::info!("Profile file count: {}", profiles.len());
// Delete the gathered profiles
for profile in glob::glob(&format!("{profile_prefix}*"))?.into_iter() {
if let Ok(profile) = profile {
if let Err(error) = std::fs::remove_file(&profile) {
log::error!("Cannot delete BOLT profile {}: {error:?}", profile.display());
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