Split ty.rs into several modules
It was just getting too big. We now have: - ty: the `Ty` enum and helpers - ty::infer: actual type inference - ty::lower: lowering from HIR to `Ty` - ty::op: helpers for binary operations, currently
This commit is contained in:
@ -483,6 +483,10 @@ impl Function {
pub fn ty(&self, db: &impl HirDatabase) -> Ty {
db.type_for_def((*self).into(), Namespace::Values)
pub fn scopes(&self, db: &impl HirDatabase) -> ScopesWithSyntaxMapping {
let scopes = db.expr_scopes(*self);
let syntax_mapping = db.body_syntax_mapping(*self);
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
//! Methods for lowering the HIR to types. There are two main cases here:
//! - Lowering a type reference like `&usize` or `Option<foo::bar::Baz>` to a
//! type: The entry point for this is `Ty::from_hir`.
//! - Building the type for an item: This happens through the `type_for_def` query.
//! This usually involves resolving names, collecting generic arguments etc.
use std::sync::Arc;
use crate::{
Function, Struct, StructField, Enum, EnumVariant, Path, Name,
resolve::{Resolver, Resolution},
use super::{Ty, primitive, FnSig, Substs};
impl Ty {
pub(crate) fn from_hir(db: &impl HirDatabase, resolver: &Resolver, type_ref: &TypeRef) -> Self {
match type_ref {
TypeRef::Never => Ty::Never,
TypeRef::Tuple(inner) => {
let inner_tys =
inner.iter().map(|tr| Ty::from_hir(db, resolver, tr)).collect::<Vec<_>>();
TypeRef::Path(path) => Ty::from_hir_path(db, resolver, path),
TypeRef::RawPtr(inner, mutability) => {
let inner_ty = Ty::from_hir(db, resolver, inner);
Ty::RawPtr(Arc::new(inner_ty), *mutability)
TypeRef::Array(inner) => {
let inner_ty = Ty::from_hir(db, resolver, inner);
TypeRef::Slice(inner) => {
let inner_ty = Ty::from_hir(db, resolver, inner);
TypeRef::Reference(inner, mutability) => {
let inner_ty = Ty::from_hir(db, resolver, inner);
Ty::Ref(Arc::new(inner_ty), *mutability)
TypeRef::Placeholder => Ty::Unknown,
TypeRef::Fn(params) => {
let mut inner_tys =
params.iter().map(|tr| Ty::from_hir(db, resolver, tr)).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let return_ty =
inner_tys.pop().expect("TypeRef::Fn should always have at least return type");
let sig = FnSig { input: inner_tys, output: return_ty };
TypeRef::Error => Ty::Unknown,
pub(crate) fn from_hir_path(db: &impl HirDatabase, resolver: &Resolver, path: &Path) -> Self {
if let Some(name) = path.as_ident() {
// TODO handle primitive type names in resolver as well?
if let Some(int_ty) = primitive::UncertainIntTy::from_name(name) {
return Ty::Int(int_ty);
} else if let Some(float_ty) = primitive::UncertainFloatTy::from_name(name) {
return Ty::Float(float_ty);
} else if let Some(known) = name.as_known_name() {
match known {
KnownName::Bool => return Ty::Bool,
KnownName::Char => return Ty::Char,
KnownName::Str => return Ty::Str,
_ => {}
// Resolve the path (in type namespace)
let resolution = resolver.resolve_path(db, path).take_types();
let def = match resolution {
Some(Resolution::Def(def)) => def,
Some(Resolution::LocalBinding(..)) => {
// this should never happen
panic!("path resolved to local binding in type ns");
Some(Resolution::GenericParam(idx)) => {
return Ty::Param {
// TODO: maybe return name in resolution?
name: path
.expect("generic param should be single-segment path")
Some(Resolution::SelfType(impl_block)) => {
return impl_block.target_ty(db);
None => return Ty::Unknown,
let typable: TypableDef = match def.into() {
None => return Ty::Unknown,
Some(it) => it,
let ty = db.type_for_def(typable, Namespace::Types);
let substs = Ty::substs_from_path(db, resolver, path, typable);
/// Collect generic arguments from a path into a `Substs`. See also
/// `create_substs_for_ast_path` and `def_to_ty` in rustc.
pub(super) fn substs_from_path(
db: &impl HirDatabase,
resolver: &Resolver,
path: &Path,
resolved: TypableDef,
) -> Substs {
let mut substs = Vec::new();
let last = path.segments.last().expect("path should have at least one segment");
let (def_generics, segment) = match resolved {
TypableDef::Function(func) => (func.generic_params(db), last),
TypableDef::Struct(s) => (s.generic_params(db), last),
TypableDef::Enum(e) => (e.generic_params(db), last),
TypableDef::EnumVariant(var) => {
// the generic args for an enum variant may be either specified
// on the segment referring to the enum, or on the segment
// referring to the variant. So `Option::<T>::None` and
// `Option::None::<T>` are both allowed (though the former is
// preferred). See also `def_ids_for_path_segments` in rustc.
let len = path.segments.len();
let segment = if len >= 2 && path.segments[len - 2].args_and_bindings.is_some() {
// Option::<T>::None
&path.segments[len - 2]
} else {
// Option::None::<T>
(var.parent_enum(db).generic_params(db), segment)
let parent_param_count = def_generics.count_parent_params();
substs.extend((0..parent_param_count).map(|_| Ty::Unknown));
if let Some(generic_args) = &segment.args_and_bindings {
// if args are provided, it should be all of them, but we can't rely on that
let param_count = def_generics.params.len();
for arg in generic_args.args.iter().take(param_count) {
match arg {
GenericArg::Type(type_ref) => {
let ty = Ty::from_hir(db, resolver, type_ref);
// add placeholders for args that were not provided
// TODO: handle defaults
let supplied_params = substs.len();
for _ in supplied_params..def_generics.count_params_including_parent() {
assert_eq!(substs.len(), def_generics.count_params_including_parent());
/// Build the declared type of an item. This depends on the namespace; e.g. for
/// `struct Foo(usize)`, we have two types: The type of the struct itself, and
/// the constructor function `(usize) -> Foo` which lives in the values
/// namespace.
pub(crate) fn type_for_def(db: &impl HirDatabase, def: TypableDef, ns: Namespace) -> Ty {
match (def, ns) {
(TypableDef::Function(f), Namespace::Values) => type_for_fn(db, f),
(TypableDef::Struct(s), Namespace::Types) => type_for_struct(db, s),
(TypableDef::Struct(s), Namespace::Values) => type_for_struct_constructor(db, s),
(TypableDef::Enum(e), Namespace::Types) => type_for_enum(db, e),
(TypableDef::EnumVariant(v), Namespace::Values) => type_for_enum_variant_constructor(db, v),
// 'error' cases:
(TypableDef::Function(_), Namespace::Types) => Ty::Unknown,
(TypableDef::Enum(_), Namespace::Values) => Ty::Unknown,
(TypableDef::EnumVariant(_), Namespace::Types) => Ty::Unknown,
/// Build the type of a specific field of a struct or enum variant.
pub(crate) fn type_for_field(db: &impl HirDatabase, field: StructField) -> Ty {
let parent_def = field.parent_def(db);
let resolver = match parent_def {
VariantDef::Struct(it) => it.resolver(db),
VariantDef::EnumVariant(it) => it.parent_enum(db).resolver(db),
let var_data = parent_def.variant_data(db);
let type_ref = &var_data.fields().unwrap()[field.id].type_ref;
Ty::from_hir(db, &resolver, type_ref)
/// Build the declared type of a function. This should not need to look at the
/// function body.
fn type_for_fn(db: &impl HirDatabase, def: Function) -> Ty {
let signature = def.signature(db);
let resolver = def.resolver(db);
let generics = def.generic_params(db);
let name = def.name(db);
let input =
signature.params().iter().map(|tr| Ty::from_hir(db, &resolver, tr)).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let output = Ty::from_hir(db, &resolver, signature.ret_type());
let sig = Arc::new(FnSig { input, output });
let substs = make_substs(&generics);
Ty::FnDef { def: def.into(), sig, name, substs }
/// Build the type of a tuple struct constructor.
fn type_for_struct_constructor(db: &impl HirDatabase, def: Struct) -> Ty {
let var_data = def.variant_data(db);
let fields = match var_data.fields() {
Some(fields) => fields,
None => return type_for_struct(db, def), // Unit struct
let resolver = def.resolver(db);
let generics = def.generic_params(db);
let name = def.name(db).unwrap_or_else(Name::missing);
let input = fields
.map(|(_, field)| Ty::from_hir(db, &resolver, &field.type_ref))
let output = type_for_struct(db, def);
let sig = Arc::new(FnSig { input, output });
let substs = make_substs(&generics);
Ty::FnDef { def: def.into(), sig, name, substs }
/// Build the type of a tuple enum variant constructor.
fn type_for_enum_variant_constructor(db: &impl HirDatabase, def: EnumVariant) -> Ty {
let var_data = def.variant_data(db);
let fields = match var_data.fields() {
Some(fields) => fields,
None => return type_for_enum(db, def.parent_enum(db)), // Unit variant
let resolver = def.parent_enum(db).resolver(db);
let generics = def.parent_enum(db).generic_params(db);
let name = def.name(db).unwrap_or_else(Name::missing);
let input = fields
.map(|(_, field)| Ty::from_hir(db, &resolver, &field.type_ref))
let substs = make_substs(&generics);
let output = type_for_enum(db, def.parent_enum(db)).apply_substs(substs.clone());
let sig = Arc::new(FnSig { input, output });
Ty::FnDef { def: def.into(), sig, name, substs }
fn make_substs(generics: &GenericParams) -> Substs {
.map(|p| Ty::Param { idx: p.idx, name: p.name.clone() })
fn type_for_struct(db: &impl HirDatabase, s: Struct) -> Ty {
let generics = s.generic_params(db);
Ty::Adt {
def_id: s.into(),
name: s.name(db).unwrap_or_else(Name::missing),
substs: make_substs(&generics),
fn type_for_enum(db: &impl HirDatabase, s: Enum) -> Ty {
let generics = s.generic_params(db);
Ty::Adt {
def_id: s.into(),
name: s.name(db).unwrap_or_else(Name::missing),
substs: make_substs(&generics),
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum TypableDef {
impl_froms!(TypableDef: Function, Struct, Enum, EnumVariant);
impl From<ModuleDef> for Option<TypableDef> {
fn from(def: ModuleDef) -> Option<TypableDef> {
let res = match def {
ModuleDef::Function(f) => f.into(),
ModuleDef::Struct(s) => s.into(),
ModuleDef::Enum(e) => e.into(),
ModuleDef::EnumVariant(v) => v.into(),
| ModuleDef::Static(_)
| ModuleDef::Module(_)
| ModuleDef::Trait(_)
| ModuleDef::Type(_) => return None,
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum CallableDef {
impl_froms!(CallableDef: Function, Struct, EnumVariant);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
use crate::expr::BinaryOp;
use super::{Ty, InferTy};
pub(super) fn binary_op_return_ty(op: BinaryOp, rhs_ty: Ty) -> Ty {
match op {
| BinaryOp::BooleanAnd
| BinaryOp::EqualityTest
| BinaryOp::NegatedEqualityTest
| BinaryOp::LesserEqualTest
| BinaryOp::GreaterEqualTest
| BinaryOp::LesserTest
| BinaryOp::GreaterTest => Ty::Bool,
| BinaryOp::AddAssign
| BinaryOp::SubAssign
| BinaryOp::DivAssign
| BinaryOp::MulAssign
| BinaryOp::RemAssign
| BinaryOp::ShrAssign
| BinaryOp::ShlAssign
| BinaryOp::BitAndAssign
| BinaryOp::BitOrAssign
| BinaryOp::BitXorAssign => Ty::unit(),
| BinaryOp::Subtraction
| BinaryOp::Multiplication
| BinaryOp::Division
| BinaryOp::Remainder
| BinaryOp::LeftShift
| BinaryOp::RightShift
| BinaryOp::BitwiseAnd
| BinaryOp::BitwiseOr
| BinaryOp::BitwiseXor => match rhs_ty {
| Ty::Float(..)
| Ty::Infer(InferTy::IntVar(..))
| Ty::Infer(InferTy::FloatVar(..)) => rhs_ty,
_ => Ty::Unknown,
BinaryOp::RangeRightOpen | BinaryOp::RangeRightClosed => Ty::Unknown,
pub(super) fn binary_op_rhs_expectation(op: BinaryOp, lhs_ty: Ty) -> Ty {
match op {
BinaryOp::BooleanAnd | BinaryOp::BooleanOr => Ty::Bool,
BinaryOp::Assignment | BinaryOp::EqualityTest => match lhs_ty {
Ty::Int(..) | Ty::Float(..) | Ty::Str | Ty::Char | Ty::Bool => lhs_ty,
_ => Ty::Unknown,
| BinaryOp::GreaterEqualTest
| BinaryOp::LesserTest
| BinaryOp::GreaterTest
| BinaryOp::AddAssign
| BinaryOp::SubAssign
| BinaryOp::DivAssign
| BinaryOp::MulAssign
| BinaryOp::RemAssign
| BinaryOp::ShrAssign
| BinaryOp::ShlAssign
| BinaryOp::BitAndAssign
| BinaryOp::BitOrAssign
| BinaryOp::BitXorAssign
| BinaryOp::Addition
| BinaryOp::Subtraction
| BinaryOp::Multiplication
| BinaryOp::Division
| BinaryOp::Remainder
| BinaryOp::LeftShift
| BinaryOp::RightShift
| BinaryOp::BitwiseAnd
| BinaryOp::BitwiseOr
| BinaryOp::BitwiseXor => match lhs_ty {
Ty::Int(..) | Ty::Float(..) => lhs_ty,
_ => Ty::Unknown,
_ => Ty::Unknown,
Reference in New Issue
Block a user