Lots of comments, and some more descriptive names.

This commit is contained in:
Lindsey Kuper 2011-05-27 17:58:22 -07:00
parent b6e0c5829f
commit dc9d5e1689
2 changed files with 209 additions and 56 deletions

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@ -886,7 +886,13 @@ native mod llvm = llvm_lib {
native mod rustllvm = llvm_lib {
/* Slightly more terse object-interface to LLVM's 'builder' functions. */
/* Slightly more terse object-interface to LLVM's 'builder' functions. For the
* most part, build.Foo() wraps LLVMBuildFoo(), threading the correct
* BuilderRef B into place. A BuilderRef is a cursor-like LLVM value that
* inserts instructions for a particular BasicBlockRef at a particular
* position; for our purposes, it always inserts at the end of the basic block
* it's attached to.
// FIXME: Do we want to support mutable object fields?
obj builder(BuilderRef B, @mutable bool terminated) {

View File

@ -129,44 +129,155 @@ type local_ctxt = rec(vec[str] path,
@crate_ctxt ccx);
// The type used for llself.
type self_vt = rec(ValueRef v, ty::t t);
state type fn_ctxt = rec(ValueRef llfn,
ValueRef lltaskptr,
ValueRef llenv,
ValueRef llretptr,
mutable BasicBlockRef llallocas,
mutable BasicBlockRef llcopyargs,
mutable BasicBlockRef llderivedtydescs,
mutable option::t[self_vt] llself,
mutable option::t[ValueRef] lliterbody,
hashmap[ast::def_id, ValueRef] llargs,
hashmap[ast::def_id, ValueRef] llobjfields,
hashmap[ast::def_id, ValueRef] lllocals,
hashmap[ast::def_id, ValueRef] llupvars,
mutable vec[ValueRef] lltydescs,
hashmap[ty::t, derived_tydesc_info] derived_tydescs,
ast::span sp,
@local_ctxt lcx);
// Function context. Every LLVM function we create will have one of these.
state type fn_ctxt = rec(
// The ValueRef returned from a call to llvm::LLVMAddFunction; the address
// of the first instruction in the sequence of instructions for this
// function that will go in the .text section of the executable we're
// generating.
ValueRef llfn,
// The three implicit arguments that arrive in the function we're
// creating. For instance, foo(int, int) is really foo(ret*, task*, env*,
// int, int). These are also available via llvm::LLVMGetParam(llfn, uint)
// where uint = 2, 0, 1 respectively, but we unpack them here for
// convenience.
ValueRef lltaskptr,
ValueRef llenv,
ValueRef llretptr,
// The next three elements: "hoisted basic blocks" containing
// administrative activities that have to happen in only one place in the
// function, due to LLVM's quirks.
// A block for all the function's allocas, so that LLVM will coalesce them
// into a single alloca.
mutable BasicBlockRef llallocas,
// A block containing code that copies incoming arguments to space already
// allocated by code in the llallocas block. (LLVM requires that
// arguments be copied to local allocas before allowing most any operation
// to be performed on them.)
mutable BasicBlockRef llcopyargs,
// A block containing derived tydescs received from the runtime. See
// description of derived_tydescs, below.
mutable BasicBlockRef llderivedtydescs,
// FIXME: Is llcopyargs actually the block containing the allocas for
// incoming function arguments? Or is it merely the block containing code
// that copies incoming args to space already alloca'd by code in
// llallocas?
// The 'self' object currently in use in this function, if there is one.
mutable option::t[self_vt] llself,
// If this function is actually a iter, a block containing the code called
// whenever the iter calls 'put'.
mutable option::t[ValueRef] lliterbody,
// The next four items: hash tables mapping from AST def_ids to
// LLVM-stuff-in-the-frame.
// Maps arguments to allocas created for them in llallocas.
hashmap[ast::def_id, ValueRef] llargs,
// Maps fields in objects to pointers into the interior of llself's body.
hashmap[ast::def_id, ValueRef] llobjfields,
// Maps the def_ids for local variables to the allocas created for them in
// llallocas.
hashmap[ast::def_id, ValueRef] lllocals,
// The same as above, but for variables accessed via the frame pointer we
// pass into an iter, for access to the static environment of the
// iter-calling frame.
hashmap[ast::def_id, ValueRef] llupvars,
// For convenience, a vector of the incoming tydescs for each of this
// functions type parameters, fetched via llvm::LLVMGetParam. For
// example, for a function foo[A, B, C](), lltydescs contains the
// ValueRefs for the tydescs for A, B, and C.
mutable vec[ValueRef] lltydescs,
// Derived tydescs are tydescs created at runtime, for types that involve
// type parameters inside type constructors. For example, suppose a
// function parameterized by T creates a vector of type vec[T]. The
// function doesn't know what T is until runtime, and the function's
// caller knows T but doesn't know that a vector is involved. So a tydesc
// for vec[T] can't be created until runtime, when information about both
// "vec" and "T" are available. When such a tydesc is created, we cache
// it in the derived_tydescs table for the next time that such a tydesc is
// needed.
hashmap[ty::t, derived_tydesc_info] derived_tydescs,
// The source span where this function comes from, for error reporting.
ast::span sp,
// This function's enclosing local context.
@local_ctxt lcx
tag cleanup {
clean(fn(&@block_ctxt cx) -> result);
tag block_kind {
// A scope block is a basic block created by translating a block { ... }
// the the source language. Since these blocks create variable scope, any
// variables created in them that are still live at the end of the block
// must be dropped and cleaned up when the block ends.
// A basic block created from the body of a loop. Contains pointers to
// which block to jump to in the case of "continue" or "break", with the
// "continue" block optional, because "while" and "do while" don't support
// "continue" (TODO: is this intentional?)
LOOP_SCOPE_BLOCK(option::t[@block_ctxt], @block_ctxt);
// A non-scope block is a basic block created as a translation artifact
// from translating code that expresses conditional logic rather than by
// explicit { ... } block structure in the source language. It's called a
// non-scope block because it doesn't introduce a new variable scope.
state type block_ctxt = rec(BasicBlockRef llbb,
builder build,
block_parent parent,
block_kind kind,
mutable vec[cleanup] cleanups,
ast::span sp,
@fn_ctxt fcx);
// Basic block context. We create a block context for each basic block
// (single-entry, single-exit sequence of instructions) we generate from Rust
// code. Each basic block we generate is attached to a function, typically
// with many basic blocks per function. All the basic blocks attached to a
// function are organized as a directed graph.
state type block_ctxt = rec(
// The BasicBlockRef returned from a call to
// llvm::LLVMAppendBasicBlock(llfn, name), which adds a basic block to the
// function pointed to by llfn. We insert instructions into that block by
// way of this block context.
BasicBlockRef llbb,
// The llvm::builder object serving as an interface to LLVM's LLVMBuild*
// functions.
builder build,
// The block pointing to this one in the function's digraph.
block_parent parent,
// The 'kind' of basic block this is.
block_kind kind,
// A list of functions that run at the end of translating this block,
// cleaning up any variables that were introduced in the block and need to
// go out of scope at the end of it.
mutable vec[cleanup] cleanups,
// The source span where this block comes from, for error reporting.
ast::span sp,
// The function context for the function to which this block is attached.
@fn_ctxt fcx
// FIXME: we should be able to use option::t[@block_parent] here but
// the infinite-tag check in rustboot gets upset.
@ -3115,7 +3226,7 @@ tag copy_action {
fn copy_ty(&@block_ctxt cx,
fn copy_val(&@block_ctxt cx,
copy_action action,
ValueRef dst,
ValueRef src,
@ -3143,7 +3254,7 @@ fn copy_ty(&@block_ctxt cx,
ret memmove_ty(r.bcx, dst, src, t);
cx.fcx.lcx.ccx.sess.bug("unexpected type in trans::copy_ty: " +
cx.fcx.lcx.ccx.sess.bug("unexpected type in trans::copy_val: " +
ty::ty_to_str(cx.fcx.lcx.ccx.tcx, t));
@ -3263,7 +3374,7 @@ fn trans_unary(&@block_ctxt cx, ast::unop op,
body = sub.bcx.build.PointerCast(body, llety);
sub = copy_ty(sub.bcx, INIT, body, e_val, e_ty);
sub = copy_val(sub.bcx, INIT, body, e_val, e_ty);
ret res(sub.bcx, box);
case (ast::deref) {
@ -3353,7 +3464,7 @@ fn trans_vec_add(&@block_ctxt cx, &ty::t t,
ValueRef lhs, ValueRef rhs) -> result {
auto r = alloc_ty(cx, t);
auto tmp = r.val;
r = copy_ty(r.bcx, INIT, tmp, lhs, t);
r = copy_val(r.bcx, INIT, tmp, lhs, t);
auto bcx = trans_vec_append(r.bcx, t, tmp, rhs).bcx;
tmp = load_if_immediate(bcx, tmp, t);
find_scope_cx(cx).cleanups +=
@ -3681,7 +3792,7 @@ fn trans_for(&@block_ctxt cx,
auto local_res = alloc_local(scope_cx, local);
auto bcx = copy_ty(local_res.bcx, INIT, local_res.val, curr, t).bcx;
auto bcx = copy_val(local_res.bcx, INIT, local_res.val, curr, t).bcx;
scope_cx.cleanups +=
[clean(bind drop_slot(_, local_res.val, t))];
bcx = trans_block(bcx, body).bcx;
@ -4113,7 +4224,7 @@ fn trans_pat_binding(&@block_ctxt cx, &@ast::pat pat,
bcx.fcx.lllocals.insert(def_id, dst);
bcx.cleanups +=
[clean(bind drop_slot(_, dst, t))];
ret copy_ty(bcx, INIT, dst, llval, t);
ret copy_val(bcx, INIT, dst, llval, t);
case (ast::pat_tag(_, ?subpats, ?ann)) {
@ -4846,7 +4957,7 @@ fn trans_bind(&@block_ctxt cx, &@ast::expr f,
for (ValueRef v in bound_vals) {
auto bound = bcx.build.GEP(bindings,
[C_int(0), C_int(i as int)]);
bcx = copy_ty(bcx, INIT, bound, v, bound_tys.(i)).bcx;
bcx = copy_val(bcx, INIT, bound, v, bound_tys.(i)).bcx;
i += 1u;
@ -5180,7 +5291,7 @@ fn trans_tup(&@block_ctxt cx, &vec[ast::elt] elts,
bcx = src_res.bcx;
auto dst_res = GEP_tup_like(bcx, t, tup_val, [0, i]);
bcx = dst_res.bcx;
bcx = copy_ty(src_res.bcx, INIT, dst_res.val, src_res.val, e_ty).bcx;
bcx = copy_val(src_res.bcx, INIT, dst_res.val, src_res.val, e_ty).bcx;
i += 1;
ret res(bcx, tup_val);
@ -5250,7 +5361,7 @@ fn trans_vec(&@block_ctxt cx, &vec[@ast::expr] args,
dst_val = dst_res.val;
bcx = copy_ty(bcx, INIT, dst_val, src_res.val, unit_ty).bcx;
bcx = copy_val(bcx, INIT, dst_val, src_res.val, unit_ty).bcx;
i += 1;
auto fill = bcx.build.GEP(vec_val,
@ -5310,7 +5421,7 @@ fn trans_rec(&@block_ctxt cx, &vec[ast::field] fields,
bcx = src_res.bcx;
bcx = copy_ty(bcx, INIT, dst_res.val, src_res.val, e_ty).bcx;
bcx = copy_val(bcx, INIT, dst_res.val, src_res.val, e_ty).bcx;
i += 1;
ret res(bcx, rec_val);
@ -5376,7 +5487,7 @@ fn trans_expr(&@block_ctxt cx, &@ast::expr e) -> result {
auto rhs_res = trans_expr(lhs_res.res.bcx, src);
auto t = node_ann_type(cx.fcx.lcx.ccx, ann);
// FIXME: calculate copy init-ness in typestate.
ret copy_ty(rhs_res.bcx, DROP_EXISTING,
ret copy_val(rhs_res.bcx, DROP_EXISTING,
lhs_res.res.val, rhs_res.val, t);
@ -5401,7 +5512,7 @@ fn trans_expr(&@block_ctxt cx, &@ast::expr e) -> result {
auto v = trans_eager_binop(rhs_res.bcx, op, t,
lhs_val, rhs_res.val);
// FIXME: calculate copy init-ness in typestate.
ret copy_ty(v.bcx, DROP_EXISTING,
ret copy_val(v.bcx, DROP_EXISTING,
lhs_res.res.val, v.val, t);
@ -5752,7 +5863,7 @@ fn trans_ret(&@block_ctxt cx, &option::t[@ast::expr] e) -> result {
auto r = trans_expr(cx, x);
bcx = r.bcx;
val = r.val;
bcx = copy_ty(bcx, INIT, cx.fcx.llretptr, val, t).bcx;
bcx = copy_val(bcx, INIT, cx.fcx.llretptr, val, t).bcx;
case (_) {
auto t = llvm::LLVMGetElementType(val_ty(cx.fcx.llretptr));
@ -6029,7 +6140,7 @@ fn trans_send(&@block_ctxt cx, &@ast::expr lhs, &@ast::expr rhs,
auto data_alloc = alloc_ty(bcx, unit_ty);
bcx = data_alloc.bcx;
auto data_tmp = copy_ty(bcx, INIT, data_alloc.val, data.val, unit_ty);
auto data_tmp = copy_val(bcx, INIT, data_alloc.val, data.val, unit_ty);
bcx = data_tmp.bcx;
find_scope_cx(bcx).cleanups +=
@ -6069,7 +6180,7 @@ fn recv_val(&@block_ctxt cx, ValueRef lhs, &@ast::expr rhs,
[bcx.fcx.lltaskptr, lldataptr, llportptr]);
auto data_load = load_if_immediate(bcx, lhs, unit_ty);
auto cp = copy_ty(bcx, action, lhs, data_load, unit_ty);
auto cp = copy_val(bcx, action, lhs, data_load, unit_ty);
bcx = cp.bcx;
// TODO: Any cleanup need to be done here?
@ -6119,9 +6230,9 @@ fn trans_anon_obj(&@block_ctxt cx, &ast::span sp,
alt (anon_obj.with_obj) {
case (none[@ast::expr]) { }
case (some[@ast::expr](?e)) {
// Translating with_obj returns a pointer to a 2-word value. We
// want to allocate space for this value in our outer object, then
// copy it into the outer object.
// Translating with_obj returns a ValueRef (pointer to a 2-word
// value) wrapped in a result. We want to allocate space for this
// value in our outer object, then copy it into the outer object.
with_obj_val = some[result](trans_expr(cx, e));
@ -6164,7 +6275,7 @@ fn init_local(&@block_ctxt cx, &@ast::local local) -> result {
alt (init.op) {
case (ast::init_assign) {
auto sub = trans_expr(bcx, init.expr);
bcx = copy_ty(sub.bcx, INIT, llptr, sub.val, ty).bcx;
bcx = copy_val(sub.bcx, INIT, llptr, sub.val, ty).bcx;
case (ast::init_recv) {
bcx = recv_val(bcx, llptr, init.expr, ty, INIT).bcx;
@ -6273,7 +6384,13 @@ fn new_raw_block_ctxt(&@fn_ctxt fcx, BasicBlockRef llbb) -> @block_ctxt {
// trans_block_cleanups: Go through all the cleanups attached to this
// block_ctxt and execute them.
// When translating a block that introdces new variables during its scope, we
// need to make sure those variables go out of scope when the block ends. We
// do that by running a 'cleanup' function for each variable.
// trans_block_cleanups runs all the cleanup functions for the block.
fn trans_block_cleanups(&@block_ctxt cx,
&@block_ctxt cleanup_cx) -> @block_ctxt {
auto bcx = cx;
@ -6407,7 +6524,7 @@ fn trans_block(&@block_ctxt cx, &ast::block b) -> result {
zero_alloca(llbcx, res_alloca.val, r_ty);
// Now we're working in our own block context again
auto res_copy = copy_ty(bcx, INIT,
auto res_copy = copy_val(bcx, INIT,
res_alloca.val, r.val, r_ty);
bcx = res_copy.bcx;
@ -6713,6 +6830,8 @@ fn finish_fn(&@fn_ctxt fcx, BasicBlockRef lltop) {
// trans_fn: creates an LLVM function corresponding to a source language
// function.
fn trans_fn(@local_ctxt cx, &ast::span sp, &ast::_fn f, ast::def_id fid,
option::t[tup(TypeRef, ty::t)] ty_self,
&vec[ast::ty_param] ty_params, &ast::ann ann) {
@ -6751,7 +6870,7 @@ fn trans_fn(@local_ctxt cx, &ast::span sp, &ast::_fn f, ast::def_id fid,
finish_fn(fcx, lltop);
fn trans_vtbl(@local_ctxt cx,
fn create_vtbl(@local_ctxt cx,
TypeRef llself_ty,
ty::t self_ty,
&ast::_obj ob,
@ -6828,11 +6947,21 @@ fn trans_dtor(@local_ctxt cx,
ret llfn;
// trans_obj: creates an LLVM function that is the object constructor for the
// object being translated.
fn trans_obj(@local_ctxt cx, &ast::span sp, &ast::_obj ob, ast::def_id oid,
&vec[ast::ty_param] ty_params, &ast::ann ann) {
// To make a function, we have to create a function context and, inside
// that, a number of block contexts for which code is generated.
auto ccx = cx.ccx;
auto llctor_decl = ccx.item_ids.get(oid);
// Much like trans_fn, we must create an LLVM function, but since we're
// starting with an ast::_obj rather than an ast::_fn, we have some setup
// work to do.
// Translate obj ctor args to function arguments.
let vec[ast::arg] fn_args = [];
for (ast::obj_field f in ob.fields) {
@ -6848,6 +6977,8 @@ fn trans_obj(@local_ctxt cx, &ast::span sp, &ast::_obj ob, ast::def_id oid,
let vec[ty::arg] arg_tys = arg_tys_of_fn(ccx, ann);
copy_args_to_allocas(fcx, fn_args, arg_tys);
// Make the first block context in the function and keep a handle on it
// to pass to finish_fn later.
auto bcx = new_top_block_ctxt(fcx);
auto lltop = bcx.llbb;
@ -6855,7 +6986,8 @@ fn trans_obj(@local_ctxt cx, &ast::span sp, &ast::_obj ob, ast::def_id oid,
auto llself_ty = type_of(ccx, sp, self_ty);
auto pair = bcx.fcx.llretptr;
auto vtbl = trans_vtbl(cx, llself_ty, self_ty, ob, ty_params);
auto vtbl = create_vtbl(cx, llself_ty, self_ty, ob, ty_params);
auto pair_vtbl = bcx.build.GEP(pair,
@ -6874,6 +7006,7 @@ fn trans_obj(@local_ctxt cx, &ast::span sp, &ast::_obj ob, ast::def_id oid,
bcx.build.Store(C_null(llbox_ty), pair_box);
} else {
// Malloc a box for the body and copy args in.
let vec[ty::t] obj_fields = [];
for (ty::arg a in arg_tys) {
vec::push[ty::t](obj_fields, a.ty);
@ -6886,12 +7019,19 @@ fn trans_obj(@local_ctxt cx, &ast::span sp, &ast::_obj ob, ast::def_id oid,
vec::push[ty::t](tps, tydesc_ty);
// typarams_ty = [typaram_ty, ...]
let ty::t typarams_ty = ty::mk_imm_tup(ccx.tcx, tps);
let ty::t fields_ty = ty::mk_imm_tup(ccx.tcx, obj_fields);
// fields_ty = [field_ty, ...]
let ty::t fields_ty = ty::mk_imm_tup(ccx.tcx, obj_fields);
// body_ty = [tydesc_ty, [typaram_ty, ...], [field_ty, ...]]
let ty::t body_ty = ty::mk_imm_tup(ccx.tcx,
// boxed_body_ty = [[tydesc_ty, [typaram_ty, ...], [field_ty, ...]]]
let ty::t boxed_body_ty = ty::mk_imm_box(ccx.tcx, body_ty);
// Malloc a box for the body.
@ -6900,12 +7040,19 @@ fn trans_obj(@local_ctxt cx, &ast::span sp, &ast::_obj ob, ast::def_id oid,
auto rc = GEP_tup_like(bcx, boxed_body_ty, box.val,
[0, abi::box_rc_field_refcnt]);
bcx = rc.bcx;
// We've now created a structure that looks like:
// [refcount, [tydesc_ty, [typaram_ty, ...], [field_ty, ...]]]
auto body = GEP_tup_like(bcx, boxed_body_ty, box.val,
[0, abi::box_rc_field_body]);
bcx = body.bcx;
bcx.build.Store(C_int(1), rc.val);
// Store body tydesc.
// Put together a tydesc for the body, so that the object can later be
// freed by calling through its tydesc.
auto body_tydesc =
GEP_tup_like(bcx, body_ty, body.val,
[0, abi::obj_body_elt_tydesc]);
@ -6938,7 +7085,7 @@ fn trans_obj(@local_ctxt cx, &ast::span sp, &ast::_obj ob, ast::def_id oid,
auto capture = GEP_tup_like(bcx, typarams_ty, body_typarams.val,
[0, i]);
bcx = capture.bcx;
bcx = copy_ty(bcx, INIT, capture.val, typaram, tydesc_ty).bcx;
bcx = copy_val(bcx, INIT, capture.val, typaram, tydesc_ty).bcx;
i += 1;
@ -6955,7 +7102,7 @@ fn trans_obj(@local_ctxt cx, &ast::span sp, &ast::_obj ob, ast::def_id oid,
auto field = GEP_tup_like(bcx, fields_ty, body_fields.val,
[0, i]);
bcx = field.bcx;
bcx = copy_ty(bcx, INIT, field.val, arg, arg_tys.(i).ty).bcx;
bcx = copy_val(bcx, INIT, field.val, arg, arg_tys.(i).ty).bcx;
i += 1;
// Store box ptr in outer pair.
@ -7040,7 +7187,7 @@ fn trans_tag_variant(@local_ctxt cx, ast::def_id tag_id,
llargval = bcx.build.Load(llargptr);
rslt = copy_ty(bcx, INIT, lldestptr, llargval, arg_ty);
rslt = copy_val(bcx, INIT, lldestptr, llargval, arg_ty);
bcx = rslt.bcx;
i += 1u;