De-export gc and io. Part of #3583.
This commit is contained in:
@ -248,9 +248,7 @@ mod pipes;
// Runtime and language-primitive support
mod gc;
mod io;
mod libc;
mod os;
@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ type fd_t = c_int;
#[abi = "cdecl"]
extern mod rustrt {
fn rust_get_stdin() -> *libc::FILE;
fn rust_get_stdout() -> *libc::FILE;
fn rust_get_stderr() -> *libc::FILE;
@ -27,11 +26,11 @@ extern mod rustrt {
// FIXME (#2004): This is all buffered. We might need an unbuffered variant
// as well
enum SeekStyle { SeekSet, SeekEnd, SeekCur, }
pub enum SeekStyle { SeekSet, SeekEnd, SeekCur, }
// The raw underlying reader trait. All readers must implement this.
trait Reader {
pub trait Reader {
// FIXME (#2004): Seekable really should be orthogonal.
// FIXME (#2982): This should probably return an error.
@ -45,7 +44,7 @@ trait Reader {
// Generic utility functions defined on readers
trait ReaderUtil {
pub trait ReaderUtil {
fn read_bytes(len: uint) -> ~[u8];
fn read_line() -> ~str;
@ -267,7 +266,7 @@ fn FILERes(f: *libc::FILE) -> FILERes {
fn FILE_reader(f: *libc::FILE, cleanup: bool) -> Reader {
pub fn FILE_reader(f: *libc::FILE, cleanup: bool) -> Reader {
if cleanup {
{base: f, cleanup: FILERes(f)} as Reader
} else {
@ -279,9 +278,9 @@ fn FILE_reader(f: *libc::FILE, cleanup: bool) -> Reader {
// top-level functions that take a reader, or a set of default methods on
// reader (which can then be called reader)
fn stdin() -> Reader { rustrt::rust_get_stdin() as Reader }
pub fn stdin() -> Reader { rustrt::rust_get_stdin() as Reader }
fn file_reader(path: &Path) -> Result<Reader, ~str> {
pub fn file_reader(path: &Path) -> Result<Reader, ~str> {
let f = os::as_c_charp(path.to_str(), |pathbuf| {
os::as_c_charp("r", |modebuf|
libc::fopen(pathbuf, modebuf)
@ -297,7 +296,7 @@ fn file_reader(path: &Path) -> Result<Reader, ~str> {
// Byte buffer readers
type ByteBuf = {buf: &[const u8], mut pos: uint};
pub type ByteBuf = {buf: &[const u8], mut pos: uint};
impl ByteBuf: Reader {
fn read(buf: &[mut u8], len: uint) -> uint {
@ -326,21 +325,21 @@ impl ByteBuf: Reader {
fn tell() -> uint { self.pos }
fn with_bytes_reader<t>(bytes: &[u8], f: fn(Reader) -> t) -> t {
pub fn with_bytes_reader<t>(bytes: &[u8], f: fn(Reader) -> t) -> t {
f({buf: bytes, mut pos: 0u} as Reader)
fn with_str_reader<T>(s: &str, f: fn(Reader) -> T) -> T {
pub fn with_str_reader<T>(s: &str, f: fn(Reader) -> T) -> T {
str::byte_slice(s, |bytes| with_bytes_reader(bytes, f))
// Writing
enum FileFlag { Append, Create, Truncate, NoFlag, }
pub enum FileFlag { Append, Create, Truncate, NoFlag, }
// What type of writer are we?
enum WriterType { Screen, File }
pub enum WriterType { Screen, File }
impl WriterType : Eq {
pub impl WriterType : Eq {
pure fn eq(other: &WriterType) -> bool {
match (self, (*other)) {
(Screen, Screen) | (File, File) => true,
@ -352,7 +351,7 @@ impl WriterType : Eq {
// FIXME (#2004): Seekable really should be orthogonal.
// FIXME (#2004): eventually u64
trait Writer {
pub trait Writer {
fn write(v: &[const u8]);
fn seek(int, SeekStyle);
fn tell() -> uint;
@ -393,7 +392,7 @@ impl *libc::FILE: Writer {
fn FILE_writer(f: *libc::FILE, cleanup: bool) -> Writer {
pub fn FILE_writer(f: *libc::FILE, cleanup: bool) -> Writer {
if cleanup {
{base: f, cleanup: FILERes(f)} as Writer
} else {
@ -442,7 +441,7 @@ fn FdRes(fd: fd_t) -> FdRes {
fn fd_writer(fd: fd_t, cleanup: bool) -> Writer {
pub fn fd_writer(fd: fd_t, cleanup: bool) -> Writer {
if cleanup {
{base: fd, cleanup: FdRes(fd)} as Writer
} else {
@ -451,7 +450,7 @@ fn fd_writer(fd: fd_t, cleanup: bool) -> Writer {
fn mk_file_writer(path: &Path, flags: &[FileFlag])
pub fn mk_file_writer(path: &Path, flags: &[FileFlag])
-> Result<Writer, ~str> {
@ -481,7 +480,8 @@ fn mk_file_writer(path: &Path, flags: &[FileFlag])
fn u64_to_le_bytes<T>(n: u64, size: uint, f: fn(v: &[u8]) -> T) -> T {
pub fn u64_to_le_bytes<T>(n: u64, size: uint,
f: fn(v: &[u8]) -> T) -> T {
assert size <= 8u;
match size {
1u => f(&[n as u8]),
@ -512,7 +512,8 @@ fn u64_to_le_bytes<T>(n: u64, size: uint, f: fn(v: &[u8]) -> T) -> T {
fn u64_to_be_bytes<T>(n: u64, size: uint, f: fn(v: &[u8]) -> T) -> T {
pub fn u64_to_be_bytes<T>(n: u64, size: uint,
f: fn(v: &[u8]) -> T) -> T {
assert size <= 8u;
match size {
1u => f(&[n as u8]),
@ -543,7 +544,8 @@ fn u64_to_be_bytes<T>(n: u64, size: uint, f: fn(v: &[u8]) -> T) -> T {
fn u64_from_be_bytes(data: &[const u8], start: uint, size: uint) -> u64 {
pub fn u64_from_be_bytes(data: &[const u8],
start: uint, size: uint) -> u64 {
let mut sz = size;
assert (sz <= 8u);
let mut val = 0_u64;
@ -558,7 +560,7 @@ fn u64_from_be_bytes(data: &[const u8], start: uint, size: uint) -> u64 {
// FIXME: #3048 combine trait+impl (or just move these to
// default methods on writer)
trait WriterUtil {
pub trait WriterUtil {
fn write_char(ch: char);
fn write_str(s: &str);
fn write_line(s: &str);
@ -655,13 +657,13 @@ impl<T: Writer> T : WriterUtil {
fn file_writer(path: &Path, flags: &[FileFlag]) -> Result<Writer, ~str> {
pub fn file_writer(path: &Path, flags: &[FileFlag]) -> Result<Writer, ~str> {
mk_file_writer(path, flags).chain(|w| result::Ok(w))
// FIXME: fileflags // #2004
fn buffered_file_writer(path: &Path) -> Result<Writer, ~str> {
pub fn buffered_file_writer(path: &Path) -> Result<Writer, ~str> {
let f = do os::as_c_charp(path.to_str()) |pathbuf| {
do os::as_c_charp("w") |modebuf| {
libc::fopen(pathbuf, modebuf)
@ -675,13 +677,13 @@ fn buffered_file_writer(path: &Path) -> Result<Writer, ~str> {
// FIXME (#2004) it would be great if this could be a const
// FIXME (#2004) why are these different from the way stdin() is
// implemented?
fn stdout() -> Writer { fd_writer(libc::STDOUT_FILENO as c_int, false) }
fn stderr() -> Writer { fd_writer(libc::STDERR_FILENO as c_int, false) }
pub fn stdout() -> Writer { fd_writer(libc::STDOUT_FILENO as c_int, false) }
pub fn stderr() -> Writer { fd_writer(libc::STDERR_FILENO as c_int, false) }
fn print(s: &str) { stdout().write_str(s); }
fn println(s: &str) { stdout().write_line(s); }
pub fn print(s: &str) { stdout().write_str(s); }
pub fn println(s: &str) { stdout().write_line(s); }
struct BytesWriter {
pub struct BytesWriter {
buf: DVec<u8>,
mut pos: uint,
@ -725,17 +727,17 @@ impl @BytesWriter : Writer {
fn get_type() -> WriterType { (*self).get_type() }
fn BytesWriter() -> BytesWriter {
pub fn BytesWriter() -> BytesWriter {
BytesWriter { buf: DVec(), mut pos: 0u }
fn with_bytes_writer(f: fn(Writer)) -> ~[u8] {
pub fn with_bytes_writer(f: fn(Writer)) -> ~[u8] {
let wr = @BytesWriter();
f(wr as Writer);
wr.buf.check_out(|buf| buf)
fn with_str_writer(f: fn(Writer)) -> ~str {
pub fn with_str_writer(f: fn(Writer)) -> ~str {
let mut v = with_bytes_writer(f);
// Make sure the vector has a trailing null and is proper utf8.
@ -746,7 +748,7 @@ fn with_str_writer(f: fn(Writer)) -> ~str {
// Utility functions
fn seek_in_buf(offset: int, pos: uint, len: uint, whence: SeekStyle) ->
pub fn seek_in_buf(offset: int, pos: uint, len: uint, whence: SeekStyle) ->
uint {
let mut bpos = pos as int;
let blen = len as int;
@ -760,7 +762,7 @@ fn seek_in_buf(offset: int, pos: uint, len: uint, whence: SeekStyle) ->
fn read_whole_file_str(file: &Path) -> Result<~str, ~str> {
pub fn read_whole_file_str(file: &Path) -> Result<~str, ~str> {
result::chain(read_whole_file(file), |bytes| {
if str::is_utf8(bytes) {
@ -773,7 +775,7 @@ fn read_whole_file_str(file: &Path) -> Result<~str, ~str> {
// FIXME (#2004): implement this in a low-level way. Going through the
// abstractions is pointless.
fn read_whole_file(file: &Path) -> Result<~[u8], ~str> {
pub fn read_whole_file(file: &Path) -> Result<~[u8], ~str> {
result::chain(file_reader(file), |rdr| {
@ -781,10 +783,9 @@ fn read_whole_file(file: &Path) -> Result<~[u8], ~str> {
// fsync related
mod fsync {
pub mod fsync {
enum Level {
pub enum Level {
// whatever fsync does on that platform
@ -799,7 +800,7 @@ mod fsync {
// Artifacts that need to fsync on destruction
struct Res<t: Copy> {
pub struct Res<t: Copy> {
arg: Arg<t>,
drop {
match self.arg.opt_level {
@ -812,13 +813,13 @@ mod fsync {
fn Res<t: Copy>(+arg: Arg<t>) -> Res<t>{
pub fn Res<t: Copy>(+arg: Arg<t>) -> Res<t>{
Res {
arg: move arg
type Arg<t> = {
pub type Arg<t> = {
val: t,
opt_level: Option<Level>,
fsync_fn: fn@(+f: t, Level) -> int
@ -827,8 +828,8 @@ mod fsync {
// fsync file after executing blk
// FIXME (#2004) find better way to create resources within lifetime of
// outer res
fn FILE_res_sync(file: &FILERes, opt_level: Option<Level>,
blk: fn(+v: Res<*libc::FILE>)) {
pub fn FILE_res_sync(file: &FILERes, opt_level: Option<Level>,
blk: fn(+v: Res<*libc::FILE>)) {
blk(move Res({
val: file.f, opt_level: opt_level,
fsync_fn: fn@(+file: *libc::FILE, l: Level) -> int {
@ -838,8 +839,8 @@ mod fsync {
// fsync fd after executing blk
fn fd_res_sync(fd: &FdRes, opt_level: Option<Level>,
blk: fn(+v: Res<fd_t>)) {
pub fn fd_res_sync(fd: &FdRes, opt_level: Option<Level>,
blk: fn(+v: Res<fd_t>)) {
blk(move Res({
val: fd.fd, opt_level: opt_level,
fsync_fn: fn@(+fd: fd_t, l: Level) -> int {
@ -849,11 +850,11 @@ mod fsync {
// Type of objects that may want to fsync
trait FSyncable { fn fsync(l: Level) -> int; }
pub trait FSyncable { fn fsync(l: Level) -> int; }
// Call o.fsync after executing blk
fn obj_sync(+o: FSyncable, opt_level: Option<Level>,
blk: fn(+v: Res<FSyncable>)) {
pub fn obj_sync(+o: FSyncable, opt_level: Option<Level>,
blk: fn(+v: Res<FSyncable>)) {
val: o, opt_level: opt_level,
fsync_fn: fn@(+o: FSyncable, l: Level) -> int {
@ -865,7 +866,6 @@ mod fsync {
mod tests {
fn test_simple() {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user