diff --git a/src/librustdoc/html/static/js/search.js b/src/librustdoc/html/static/js/search.js
index a2aa50194e4..e9dd3c439b3 100644
--- a/src/librustdoc/html/static/js/search.js
+++ b/src/librustdoc/html/static/js/search.js
@@ -1331,7 +1331,7 @@ function initSearch(rawSearchIndex) {
* @type Map|null
- let mgens = mgensIn === null ? null : new Map(mgensIn);
+ const mgens = mgensIn === null ? null : new Map(mgensIn);
if (queryElems.length === 0) {
return !solutionCb || solutionCb(mgens);
@@ -1339,10 +1339,10 @@ function initSearch(rawSearchIndex) {
return false;
const ql = queryElems.length;
- let fl = fnTypesIn.length;
+ const fl = fnTypesIn.length;
- // Fast path
- if (queryElems.length === 1 && queryElems[0].generics.length === 0) {
+ // One element fast path / base case
+ if (ql === 1 && queryElems[0].generics.length === 0) {
const queryElem = queryElems[0];
for (const fnType of fnTypesIn) {
if (!unifyFunctionTypeIsMatchCandidate(fnType, queryElem, whereClause, mgens)) {
@@ -1396,183 +1396,113 @@ function initSearch(rawSearchIndex) {
return false;
- // Slow path
+ // Multiple element recursive case
* @type Array
- let fnTypes = fnTypesIn.slice();
+ const fnTypes = fnTypesIn.slice();
- * loop works by building up a solution set in the working arrays
+ * Algorithm works by building up a solution set in the working arrays
* fnTypes gets mutated in place to make this work, while queryElems
- * is left alone
+ * is left alone.
- * vvvvvvv `i` points here
- * queryElems = [ good, good, good, unknown, unknown ],
- * fnTypes = [ good, good, good, unknown, unknown ],
- * ---------------- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ `j` iterates after `i`,
- * | looking for candidates
- * everything before `i` is the
- * current working solution
+ * It works backwards, because arrays can be cheaply truncated that way.
+ *
+ * vvvvvvv `queryElem`
+ * queryElems = [ unknown, unknown, good, good, good ]
+ * fnTypes = [ unknown, unknown, good, good, good ]
+ * ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ loop over these elements to find candidates
* Everything in the current working solution is known to be a good
* match, but it might not be the match we wind up going with, because
* there might be more than one candidate match, and we need to try them all
* before giving up. So, to handle this, it backtracks on failure.
- *
- * @type Array<{
- * "fnTypesScratch": Array,
- * "queryElemsOffset": integer,
- * "fnTypesOffset": integer
- * }>
- const backtracking = [];
- let i = 0;
- let j = 0;
- const backtrack = () => {
- while (backtracking.length !== 0) {
- // this session failed, but there are other possible solutions
- // to backtrack, reset to (a copy of) the old array, do the swap or unboxing
- const {
- fnTypesScratch,
- mgensScratch,
- queryElemsOffset,
- fnTypesOffset,
- unbox,
- } = backtracking.pop();
- mgens = mgensScratch !== null ? new Map(mgensScratch) : null;
- const fnType = fnTypesScratch[fnTypesOffset];
- const queryElem = queryElems[queryElemsOffset];
- if (unbox) {
- if (fnType.id < 0) {
- if (mgens === null) {
- mgens = new Map();
- } else if (mgens.has(fnType.id) && mgens.get(fnType.id) !== 0) {
- continue;
- }
- mgens.set(fnType.id, 0);
- }
- const generics = fnType.id < 0 ?
- whereClause[(-fnType.id) - 1] :
- fnType.generics;
- fnTypes = fnTypesScratch.toSpliced(fnTypesOffset, 1, ...generics);
- fl = fnTypes.length;
- // re-run the matching algorithm on this item
- i = queryElemsOffset - 1;
- } else {
- if (fnType.id < 0) {
- if (mgens === null) {
- mgens = new Map();
- } else if (mgens.has(fnType.id) &&
- mgens.get(fnType.id) !== queryElem.id) {
- continue;
- }
- mgens.set(fnType.id, queryElem.id);
- }
- fnTypes = fnTypesScratch.slice();
- fl = fnTypes.length;
- const tmp = fnTypes[queryElemsOffset];
- fnTypes[queryElemsOffset] = fnTypes[fnTypesOffset];
- fnTypes[fnTypesOffset] = tmp;
- // this is known as a good match; go to the next one
- i = queryElemsOffset;
- }
- return true;
+ const flast = fl - 1;
+ const qlast = ql - 1;
+ const queryElem = queryElems[qlast];
+ let queryElemsTmp = null;
+ for (let i = flast; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
+ const fnType = fnTypes[i];
+ if (!unifyFunctionTypeIsMatchCandidate(fnType, queryElem, whereClause, mgens)) {
+ continue;
- return false;
- };
- for (i = 0; i !== ql; ++i) {
- const queryElem = queryElems[i];
- /**
- * list of potential function types that go with the current query element.
- * @type Array
- */
- const matchCandidates = [];
- let fnTypesScratch = null;
- let mgensScratch = null;
- // don't try anything before `i`, because they've already been
- // paired off with the other query elements
- for (j = i; j !== fl; ++j) {
- const fnType = fnTypes[j];
- if (unifyFunctionTypeIsMatchCandidate(fnType, queryElem, whereClause, mgens)) {
- if (!fnTypesScratch) {
- fnTypesScratch = fnTypes.slice();
+ let mgensScratch;
+ if (fnType.id < 0) {
+ mgensScratch = new Map(mgens);
+ if (mgensScratch.has(fnType.id)
+ && mgensScratch.get(fnType.id) !== queryElem.id) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ mgensScratch.set(fnType.id, queryElem.id);
+ } else {
+ mgensScratch = mgens;
+ }
+ // fnTypes[i] is a potential match
+ // fnTypes[flast] is the last item in the list
+ // swap them, and drop the potential match from the list
+ // check if the remaining function types also match
+ fnTypes[i] = fnTypes[flast];
+ fnTypes.length = flast;
+ if (!queryElemsTmp) {
+ queryElemsTmp = queryElems.slice(0, qlast);
+ }
+ const passesUnification = unifyFunctionTypes(
+ fnTypes,
+ queryElemsTmp,
+ whereClause,
+ mgensScratch,
+ mgensScratch => {
+ if (fnType.generics.length === 0 && queryElem.generics.length === 0) {
+ return !solutionCb || solutionCb(mgensScratch);
- unifyFunctionTypes(
+ return unifyFunctionTypes(
- mgens,
- mgensScratch => {
- matchCandidates.push({
- fnTypesScratch,
- mgensScratch,
- queryElemsOffset: i,
- fnTypesOffset: j,
- unbox: false,
- });
- return false; // "reject" all candidates to gather all of them
- }
+ mgensScratch,
+ solutionCb
- if (unifyFunctionTypeIsUnboxCandidate(fnType, queryElem, whereClause, mgens)) {
- if (!fnTypesScratch) {
- fnTypesScratch = fnTypes.slice();
- }
- if (!mgensScratch && mgens !== null) {
- mgensScratch = new Map(mgens);
- }
- backtracking.push({
- fnTypesScratch,
- mgensScratch,
- queryElemsOffset: i,
- fnTypesOffset: j,
- unbox: true,
- });
- }
+ );
+ if (passesUnification) {
+ return true;
- if (matchCandidates.length === 0) {
- if (backtrack()) {
+ // backtrack
+ fnTypes[flast] = fnTypes[i];
+ fnTypes[i] = fnType;
+ fnTypes.length = fl;
+ }
+ for (let i = flast; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
+ const fnType = fnTypes[i];
+ if (!unifyFunctionTypeIsUnboxCandidate(fnType, queryElem, whereClause, mgens)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ let mgensScratch;
+ if (fnType.id < 0) {
+ mgensScratch = new Map(mgens);
+ if (mgensScratch.has(fnType.id) && mgensScratch.get(fnType.id) !== 0) {
- } else {
- return false;
+ mgensScratch.set(fnType.id, 0);
+ } else {
+ mgensScratch = mgens;
- // use the current candidate
- const {fnTypesOffset: candidate, mgensScratch: mgensNew} = matchCandidates.pop();
- if (fnTypes[candidate].id < 0 && queryElems[i].id < 0) {
- if (mgens === null) {
- mgens = new Map();
- }
- mgens.set(fnTypes[candidate].id, queryElems[i].id);
- }
- if (mgensNew !== null) {
- if (mgens === null) {
- mgens = mgensNew;
- } else {
- for (const [fid, qid] of mgensNew) {
- mgens.set(fid, qid);
- }
- }
- }
- // `i` and `j` are paired off
- // `queryElems[i]` is left in place
- // `fnTypes[j]` is swapped with `fnTypes[i]` to pair them off
- const tmp = fnTypes[candidate];
- fnTypes[candidate] = fnTypes[i];
- fnTypes[i] = tmp;
- // write other candidates to backtracking queue
- for (const otherCandidate of matchCandidates) {
- backtracking.push(otherCandidate);
- }
- // If we're on the last item, check the solution with the callback
- // backtrack if the callback says its unsuitable
- while (i === (ql - 1) && solutionCb && !solutionCb(mgens)) {
- if (!backtrack()) {
- return false;
- }
+ const generics = fnType.id < 0 ?
+ whereClause[(-fnType.id) - 1] :
+ fnType.generics;
+ const passesUnification = unifyFunctionTypes(
+ fnTypes.toSpliced(i, 1, ...generics),
+ queryElems,
+ whereClause,
+ mgensScratch,
+ solutionCb
+ );
+ if (passesUnification) {
+ return true;
- return true;
+ return false;
function unifyFunctionTypeIsMatchCandidate(fnType, queryElem, whereClause, mgens) {
// type filters look like `trait:Read` or `enum:Result`