Working homing UDP socket prototype.

This commit is contained in:
Eric Reed 2013-08-07 02:57:33 -07:00
parent 88f718341e
commit d7b6fcba29

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@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ use rt::io::net::ip::{SocketAddr, IpAddr};
use rt::io::{standard_error, OtherIoError};
use rt::local::Local;
use rt::rtio::*;
use rt::sched::Scheduler;
use rt::sched::{Scheduler, SchedHandle};
use rt::tube::Tube;
use rt::uv::*;
use rt::uv::idle::IdleWatcher;
@ -239,6 +239,27 @@ impl UvIoFactory {
pub fn uv_loop<'a>(&'a mut self) -> &'a mut Loop {
match self { &UvIoFactory(ref mut ptr) => ptr }
pub fn homed_udp_bind(&mut self, addr: SocketAddr) -> Result<~HomedUvUdpSocket, IoError> {
let mut watcher = UdpWatcher::new(self.uv_loop());
match watcher.bind(addr) {
Ok(_) => {
let home = do Local::borrow::<Scheduler, SchedHandle> |sched| {sched.make_handle()};
Ok(~HomedUvUdpSocket { watcher: watcher, home: home })
Err(uverr) => {
let scheduler = Local::take::<Scheduler>();
do scheduler.deschedule_running_task_and_then |_, task| {
let task_cell = Cell::new(task);
do watcher.close {
let scheduler = Local::take::<Scheduler>();
impl IoFactory for UvIoFactory {
@ -582,6 +603,135 @@ impl RtioTcpStream for UvTcpStream {
pub struct HomedUvUdpSocket {
watcher: UdpWatcher,
home: SchedHandle,
impl HomedUvUdpSocket {
fn go_home(&mut self) {
use rt::sched::PinnedTask;
let scheduler = Local::take::<Scheduler>();
do scheduler.deschedule_running_task_and_then |_, task| {
do task.wake().map_move |task| { self.home.send(PinnedTask(task)); };
impl Drop for HomedUvUdpSocket {
fn drop(&self) {
rtdebug!("closing homed udp socket");
// first go home
// XXX need mutable finalizer
let this = unsafe { transmute::<&HomedUvUdpSocket, &mut HomedUvUdpSocket>(self) };
// now we're home so block the task and start IO
let scheduler = Local::take::<Scheduler>();
do scheduler.deschedule_running_task_and_then |_, task| {
let task_cell = Cell::new(task);
do this.watcher.close {
// now IO is finished so resume the blocked task
let scheduler = Local::take::<Scheduler>();
impl RtioSocket for HomedUvUdpSocket {
fn socket_name(&mut self) -> Result<SocketAddr, IoError> {
socket_name(Udp, self.watcher)
fn test_simple_homed_udp_io_bind_only() {
do run_in_newsched_task {
unsafe {
let io = Local::unsafe_borrow::<IoFactoryObject>();
let addr = next_test_ip4();
let maybe_socket = (*io).homed_udp_bind(addr);
fn test_simple_homed_udp_io_bind_then_move_then_home_and_close() {
use rt::sleeper_list::SleeperList;
use rt::work_queue::WorkQueue;
use rt::thread::Thread;
use rt::task::Task;
use rt::sched::{Shutdown, TaskFromFriend};
do run_in_bare_thread {
let sleepers = SleeperList::new();
let work_queue1 = WorkQueue::new();
let work_queue2 = WorkQueue::new();
let queues = ~[work_queue1.clone(), work_queue2.clone()];
let mut sched1 = ~Scheduler::new(~UvEventLoop::new(), work_queue1, queues.clone(),
let mut sched2 = ~Scheduler::new(~UvEventLoop::new(), work_queue2, queues.clone(),
let handle1 = Cell::new(sched1.make_handle());
let handle2 = Cell::new(sched2.make_handle());
let tasksFriendHandle = Cell::new(sched2.make_handle());
let on_exit: ~fn(bool) = |exit_status| {
let test_function: ~fn() = || {
let io = unsafe { Local::unsafe_borrow::<IoFactoryObject>() };
let addr = next_test_ip4();
let maybe_socket = unsafe { (*io).homed_udp_bind(addr) };
// this socket is bound to this event loop
// block self on sched1
let scheduler = Local::take::<Scheduler>();
do scheduler.deschedule_running_task_and_then |_, task| {
// unblock task
do task.wake().map_move |task| {
// send self to sched2
// sched1 should now sleep since it has nothing else to do
// sched2 will wake up and get the task
// as we do nothing else, the function ends and the socket goes out of scope
// sched2 will start to run the destructor
// the destructor will first block the task, set it's home as sched1, then enqueue it
// sched2 will dequeue the task, see that it has a home, and send it to sched1
// sched1 will wake up, execute the close function on the correct loop, and then we're done
let mut main_task = ~Task::new_root(&mut sched1.stack_pool, None, test_function);
main_task.death.on_exit = Some(on_exit);
let main_task = Cell::new(main_task);
let null_task = Cell::new(~do Task::new_root(&mut sched2.stack_pool, None) || {});
let sched1 = Cell::new(sched1);
let sched2 = Cell::new(sched2);
// XXX could there be a race on the threads that causes a crash?
let thread1 = do Thread::start {
let thread2 = do Thread::start {
pub struct UvUdpSocket(UdpWatcher);
impl Drop for UvUdpSocket {