pre-rebase commit

This commit is contained in:
Marvin Löbel 2013-03-23 17:25:16 +01:00
parent 624a685283
commit d74606ead6
2 changed files with 119 additions and 101 deletions

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@ -56,15 +56,15 @@ pub fn from_slice(s: &str) -> ~str {
impl ToStr for ~str {
fn to_str(&self) -> ~str { copy *self }
fn to_str(&self) -> ~str { from_slice(*self) }
impl ToStr for &'self str {
fn to_str(&self) -> ~str { ::str::from_slice(*self) }
fn to_str(&self) -> ~str { from_slice(*self) }
impl ToStr for @str {
fn to_str(&self) -> ~str { ::str::from_slice(*self) }
fn to_str(&self) -> ~str { from_slice(*self) }
@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ Section: Transforming strings
* Converts a string to a vector of bytes
* Converts a string to a unique vector of bytes
* The result vector is not null-terminated.
@ -403,14 +403,11 @@ pub fn byte_slice<T>(s: &str, f: &fn(v: &[u8]) -> T) -> T {
/// Convert a string to a vector of characters
pub fn chars(s: &str) -> ~[char] {
let mut buf = ~[], i = 0;
let len = len(s);
while i < len {
let CharRange {ch, next} = char_range_at(s, i);
unsafe { buf.push(ch); }
i = next;
/// Convert a string to a unique vector of characters
pub fn to_chars(s: &str) -> ~[char] {
let mut buf = ~[];
for each_char(s) |c| {
@ -418,7 +415,7 @@ pub fn chars(s: &str) -> ~[char] {
* Take a substring of another.
* Returns a string containing `n` characters starting at byte offset
* Returns a slice pointing at `n` characters starting from byte offset
* `begin`.
pub fn substr(s: &'a str, begin: uint, n: uint) -> &'a str {
@ -437,10 +434,17 @@ pub fn slice(s: &'a str, begin: uint, end: uint) -> &'a str {
unsafe { raw::slice_bytes(s, begin, end) }
/// Splits a string into substrings at each occurrence of a given
/// character.
pub fn split_char(s: &str, sep: char) -> ~[~str] {
split_char_inner(s, sep, len(s), true, true)
/// Splits a string into substrings at each occurrence of a given character
pub fn each_split_char(s: &str, sep: char, it: &fn(&str) -> bool) {
each_split_char_inner(s, sep, len(s), true, true, it)
* Like `split_char`, but a trailing empty string is omitted
* (e.g. `split_char_no_trailing("A B ",' ') == ~[~"A",~"B"]`)
pub fn each_split_char_no_trailing(s: &str, sep: char, it: &fn(&str) -> bool) {
each_split_char_inner(s, sep, len(s), true, false, it)
@ -449,35 +453,25 @@ pub fn split_char(s: &str, sep: char) -> ~[~str] {
* The byte must be a valid UTF-8/ASCII byte
pub fn splitn_char(s: &str, sep: char, count: uint) -> ~[~str] {
split_char_inner(s, sep, count, true, true)
pub fn each_splitn_char(s: &str, sep: char, count: uint, it: &fn(&str) -> bool) {
each_split_char_inner(s, sep, count, true, true, it)
/// Like `split_char`, but omits empty strings from the returned vector
pub fn split_char_nonempty(s: &str, sep: char) -> ~[~str] {
split_char_inner(s, sep, len(s), false, false)
pub fn each_split_char_nonempty(s: &str, sep: char, it: &fn(&str) -> bool) {
each_split_char_inner(s, sep, len(s), false, false, it)
* Like `split_char`, but a trailing empty string is omitted
* (e.g. `split_char_no_trailing("A B ",' ') == ~[~"A",~"B"]`)
pub fn split_char_no_trailing(s: &str, sep: char) -> ~[~str] {
split_char_inner(s, sep, len(s), true, false)
fn split_char_inner(s: &str, sep: char, count: uint, allow_empty: bool,
allow_trailing_empty: bool) -> ~[~str] {
fn each_split_char_inner(s: &str, sep: char, count: uint, allow_empty: bool,
allow_trailing_empty: bool), it: &fn(&str) -> bool) {
if sep < 128u as char {
let b = sep as u8, l = len(s);
let mut result = ~[], done = 0u;
let mut done = 0u;
let mut i = 0u, start = 0u;
while i < l && done < count {
if s[i] == b {
if allow_empty || start < i {
unsafe {
result.push(raw::slice_bytes_unique(s, start, i));
if !it( unsafe{ raw::slice_bytes(s, start, i) } ) { return; }
start = i + 1u;
done += 1u;
@ -486,56 +480,48 @@ fn split_char_inner(s: &str, sep: char, count: uint, allow_empty: bool,
// only push a non-empty trailing substring
if allow_trailing_empty || start < l {
unsafe { result.push(raw::slice_bytes_unique(s, start, l) ) };
if !it( unsafe{ raw::slice_bytes(s, start, l) } ) { return; }
} else {
split_inner(s, |cur| cur == sep, count, allow_empty, allow_trailing_empty)
each_split_inner(s, |cur| cur == sep, count, allow_empty, allow_trailing_empty, it)
/// Splits a string into substrings using a character function
pub fn split(s: &str, sepfn: &fn(char) -> bool) -> ~[~str] {
split_inner(s, sepfn, len(s), true, true)
pub fn each_split(s: &str, sepfn: &fn(char) -> bool, it: &fn(&str) -> bool) {
each_split_inner(s, sepfn, len(s), true, true, it)
* Like `split`, but a trailing empty string is omitted
* (e.g. `split_no_trailing("A B ",' ') == ~[~"A",~"B"]`)
pub fn each_split_no_trailing(s: &str, sepfn: &fn(char) -> bool, it: &fn(&str) -> bool) {
each_split_inner(s, sepfn, len(s), true, false, it)
* Splits a string into substrings using a character function, cutting at
* most `count` times.
pub fn splitn(s: &str,
sepfn: &fn(char) -> bool,
count: uint)
-> ~[~str] {
split_inner(s, sepfn, count, true, true)
pub fn each_splitn(s: &str, sepfn: &fn(char) -> bool, count: uint, it: &fn(&str) -> bool) {
each_split_inner(s, sepfn, count, true, true, it)
/// Like `split`, but omits empty strings from the returned vector
pub fn split_nonempty(s: &str, sepfn: &fn(char) -> bool) -> ~[~str] {
split_inner(s, sepfn, len(s), false, false)
pub fn each_split_nonempty(s: &str, sepfn: &fn(char) -> bool, it: &fn(&str) -> bool) {
each_split_inner(s, sepfn, len(s), false, false, it)
* Like `split`, but a trailing empty string is omitted
* (e.g. `split_no_trailing("A B ",' ') == ~[~"A",~"B"]`)
pub fn split_no_trailing(s: &str, sepfn: &fn(char) -> bool) -> ~[~str] {
split_inner(s, sepfn, len(s), true, false)
fn split_inner(s: &str, sepfn: &fn(cc: char) -> bool, count: uint,
allow_empty: bool, allow_trailing_empty: bool) -> ~[~str] {
pure fn each_split_inner(s: &str, sepfn: &fn(cc: char) -> bool, count: uint,
allow_empty: bool, allow_trailing_empty: bool), it: &fn(&str) -> bool) {
let l = len(s);
let mut result = ~[], i = 0u, start = 0u, done = 0u;
let mut i = 0u, start = 0u, done = 0u;
while i < l && done < count {
let CharRange {ch, next} = char_range_at(s, i);
if sepfn(ch) {
if allow_empty || start < i {
unsafe {
result.push(raw::slice_bytes_unique(s, start, i));
if !it( unsafe{ raw::slice_bytes(s, start, i) } ) { return; }
start = next;
done += 1u;
@ -543,11 +529,8 @@ fn split_inner(s: &str, sepfn: &fn(cc: char) -> bool, count: uint,
i = next;
if allow_trailing_empty || start < l {
unsafe {
result.push(raw::slice_bytes_unique(s, start, l));
if !it( unsafe{ raw::slice_bytes(s, start, l) } ) { return; }
// See Issue #1932 for why this is a naive search
@ -596,22 +579,18 @@ fn iter_between_matches(s: &'a str, sep: &'b str, f: &fn(uint, uint)) {
* fail_unless!(["", "XXX", "YYY", ""] == split_str(".XXX.YYY.", "."))
* ~~~
pub fn split_str(s: &'a str, sep: &'b str) -> ~[~str] {
let mut result = ~[];
pub fn each_split_str(s: &'a str, sep: &'b str, it: &fn(&str) -> bool) {
do iter_between_matches(s, sep) |from, to| {
unsafe { result.push(raw::slice_bytes_unique(s, from, to)); }
if !it( unsafe { raw::slice_bytes(s, from, to) } ) { return; }
pub fn split_str_nonempty(s: &'a str, sep: &'b str) -> ~[~str] {
let mut result = ~[];
pub fn each_split_str_nonempty(s: &'a str, sep: &'b str, it: &fn(&str) -> bool) {
do iter_between_matches(s, sep) |from, to| {
if to > from {
unsafe { result.push(raw::slice_bytes_unique(s, from, to)); }
if !it( unsafe { raw::slice_bytes(s, from, to) } ) { return; }
/// Levenshtein Distance between two strings
@ -651,34 +630,32 @@ pub fn levdistance(s: &str, t: &str) -> uint {
* Splits a string into a vector of the substrings separated by LF ('\n').
pub fn lines(s: &str) -> ~[~str] {
split_char_no_trailing(s, '\n')
pub fn each_line(s: &str, it: &fn(&str) -> bool) { each_split_char(s, '\n', it) }
* Splits a string into a vector of the substrings separated by LF ('\n')
* and/or CR LF ("\r\n")
pub fn lines_any(s: &str) -> ~[~str] {
vec::map(lines(s), |s| {
let l = len(*s);
let mut cp = copy *s;
pub fn each_line_any(s: &str, it: &fn(&str) -> bool) {
for each_line(s) |s| {
let l = s.len();
if l > 0u && s[l - 1u] == '\r' as u8 {
unsafe { raw::set_len(&mut cp, l - 1u); }
if !it( unsafe { raw::slice_bytes(s, 0, l - 1) } ) { return; }
} else {
if !it( s ) { return; }
/// Splits a string into a vector of the substrings separated by whitespace
pub fn words(s: &str) -> ~[~str] {
split_nonempty(s, char::is_whitespace)
pub fn each_word(s: &str, it: &fn(&str) -> bool) {
each_split_nonempty(s, |c| char::is_whitespace(c), it)
/** Split a string into a vector of substrings,
* each of which is less than a limit
* each of which is less bytes long than a limit
pub fn split_within(ss: &str, lim: uint) -> ~[~str] {
pub fn each_split_within(ss: &str, lim: uint, it: &fn(&str) -> bool) {
let words = str::words(ss);
// empty?
@ -705,6 +682,22 @@ pub fn split_within(ss: &str, lim: uint) -> ~[~str] {
if row != ~"" { rows.push(row); }
// NOTE: Finish change here
let mut last_slice_i = 0, last_word_i = 0, word_start = true;
for each_chari(s) |i, c| {
if (i - last_slice_i) <= lim {
if char::is_whitespace(c) {
} else {
} else {
@ -997,10 +990,17 @@ pub fn eachi_reverse(s: &str, it: &fn(uint, u8) -> bool) {
/// Iterates over the chars in a string
/// Iterate over each char of a string, without allocating
pub fn each_char(s: &str, it: &fn(char) -> bool) {
each_chari(s, |_i, c| it(c))
let mut i = 0;
let len = len(s);
while i < len {
let CharRange {ch, next} = char_range_at(s, i);
if !it(ch) { return; }
i = next;
/// Iterates over the chars in a string, with indices
@ -1038,31 +1038,34 @@ pub fn each_chari_reverse(s: &str, it: &fn(uint, char) -> bool) {
/// Apply a function to each substring after splitting by character
// NOTE: Remove afterwards
/* /// Apply a function to each substring after splitting by character
pub fn split_char_each(ss: &str, cc: char, ff: &fn(v: &str) -> bool) {
vec::each(split_char(ss, cc), |s| ff(*s))
* Apply a function to each substring after splitting by character, up to
* `count` times
pub fn splitn_char_each(ss: &str, sep: char, count: uint,
ff: &fn(v: &str) -> bool) {
vec::each(splitn_char(ss, sep, count), |s| ff(*s))
/// Apply a function to each word
/ Apply a function to each word
pub fn words_each(ss: &str, ff: &fn(v: &str) -> bool) {
vec::each(words(ss), |s| ff(*s))
* Apply a function to each line (by '\n')
pub fn lines_each(ss: &str, ff: &fn(v: &str) -> bool) {
vec::each(lines(ss), |s| ff(*s))
} */
Section: Searching
@ -2511,7 +2514,7 @@ impl OwnedStr for ~str {
impl Clone for ~str {
fn clone(&self) -> ~str {
self.to_str() // hilarious

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@ -601,7 +601,7 @@ pub mod groups {
row += match short_name.len() {
0 => ~"",
1 => ~"-" + short_name + " ",
_ => fail!(~"the short name should only be 1 char long"),
_ => fail!(~"the short name should only be 1 ascii char long"),
// long option
@ -617,6 +617,7 @@ pub mod groups {
Maybe => ~"[" + hint + ~"]",
// FIXME: #5516
// here we just need to indent the start of the description
let rowlen = row.len();
row += if rowlen < 24 {
@ -625,8 +626,22 @@ pub mod groups {
// Normalize desc to contain words seperated by one space character
let mut desc_normalized_whitespace = ~str
for desc.each_word |word| {
desc_normalized_whitespace.push_char(' ');
// FIXME: #5516
let mut desc_rows: ~[~str] = ~[];
for desc_normalized_whitespace.each_split_within(54) |substr| {
// FIXME: #5516
// wrapped description
row += str::connect(str::split_within(desc, 54), desc_sep);
row += str::connect(desc_rows, desc_sep);