auto merge of #17381 : tbu-/rust/pr_mapinplace2, r=aturon
Additionally, support zero-sized types. Now there isn't a safe interface of `PartialVec` anymore, it's just a bare data structure with destructor that assumes you handled everything correctly before.
This commit is contained in:
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ use alloc::heap::{EMPTY, allocate, reallocate, deallocate};
use core::cmp::max;
use core::default::Default;
use core::fmt;
use core::kinds::marker::InvariantType;
use core::mem;
use core::num;
use core::ops;
@ -1818,56 +1819,15 @@ pub mod raw {
/// An owned, partially type-converted vector.
/// An owned, partially type-converted vector of elements with non-zero size.
/// This struct takes two type parameters `T` and `U` which must be of the
/// same, non-zero size having the same minimal alignment.
/// `T` and `U` must have the same, non-zero size. They must also have the same
/// alignment.
/// No allocations are performed by usage, only a deallocation happens in the
/// destructor which should only run when unwinding.
/// It can be used to convert a vector of `T`s into a vector of `U`s, by
/// converting the individual elements one-by-one.
/// You may call the `push` method as often as you get a `Some(t)` from `pop`.
/// After pushing the same number of `U`s as you got `T`s, you can `unwrap` the
/// vector.
/// # Example
/// ```ignore
/// let pv = PartialVec::from_vec(vec![0u32, 1]);
/// assert_eq!(pv.pop(), Some(0));
/// assert_eq!(pv.pop(), Some(1));
/// assert_eq!(pv.pop(), None);
/// pv.push(2u32);
/// pv.push(3);
/// assert_eq!(pv.into_vec().as_slice(), &[2, 3]);
/// ```
// Upheld invariants:
// (a) `vec` isn't modified except when the `PartialVec` goes out of scope, the
// only thing it is used for is keeping the memory which the `PartialVec`
// uses for the inplace conversion.
// (b) `start_u` points to the start of the vector.
// (c) `end_u` points to one element beyond the vector.
// (d) `start_u` <= `end_u` <= `start_t` <= `end_t`.
// (e) From `start_u` (incl.) to `end_u` (excl.) there are sequential instances
// of type `U`.
// (f) From `start_t` (incl.) to `end_t` (excl.) there are sequential instances
// of type `T`.
// (g) The size of `T` and `U` is equal and non-zero.
// (h) The `min_align_of` of `T` and `U` is equal.
struct PartialVec<T,U> {
/// When the destructor of this struct runs, all `U`s from `start_u` (incl.) to
/// `end_u` (excl.) and all `T`s from `start_t` (incl.) to `end_t` (excl.) are
/// destructed. Additionally the underlying storage of `vec` will be freed.
struct PartialVecNonZeroSized<T,U> {
vec: Vec<T>,
start_u: *mut U,
@ -1876,166 +1836,34 @@ struct PartialVec<T,U> {
end_t: *mut T,
impl<T,U> PartialVec<T,U> {
/// Creates a `PartialVec` from a `Vec`.
/// # Failure
/// Fails if `T` and `U` have differing sizes, are zero-sized or have
/// differing minimal alignments.
fn from_vec(mut vec: Vec<T>) -> PartialVec<T,U> {
// FIXME: Assert statically that the types `T` and `U` have the same
// size.
// These asserts make sure (g) and (h) are satisfied.
assert!(mem::size_of::<T>() != 0);
assert!(mem::size_of::<U>() != 0);
assert!(mem::size_of::<T>() == mem::size_of::<U>());
assert!(mem::min_align_of::<T>() == mem::min_align_of::<U>());
let start = vec.as_mut_ptr();
// This `as int` cast is safe, because the size of the elements of the
// vector is not 0, and:
// 1) If the size of the elements in the vector is 1, the `int` may
// overflow, but it has the correct bit pattern so that the
// `.offset()` function will work.
// Example:
// Address space 0x0-0xF.
// `u8` array at: 0x1.
// Size of `u8` array: 0x8.
// Calculated `offset`: -0x8.
// After `array.offset(offset)`: 0x9.
// (0x1 + 0x8 = 0x1 - 0x8)
// 2) If the size of the elements in the vector is >1, the `uint` ->
// `int` conversion can't overflow.
let offset = vec.len() as int;
let start_u = start as *mut U;
let end_u = start as *mut U;
let start_t = start;
// This points inside the vector, as the vector has length `offset`.
let end_t = unsafe { start_t.offset(offset) };
// (b) is satisfied, `start_u` points to the start of `vec`.
// (c) is also satisfied, `end_t` points to the end of `vec`.
// `start_u == end_u == start_t <= end_t`, so also `start_u <= end_u <=
// start_t <= end_t`, thus (b).
// As `start_u == end_u`, it is represented correctly that there are no
// instances of `U` in `vec`, thus (e) is satisfied.
// At start, there are only elements of type `T` in `vec`, so (f) is
// satisfied, as `start_t` points to the start of `vec` and `end_t` to
// the end of it.
PartialVec {
// (a) is satisfied, `vec` isn't modified in the function.
vec: vec,
start_u: start_u,
end_u: end_u,
start_t: start_t,
end_t: end_t,
/// Pops a `T` from the `PartialVec`.
/// Removes the next `T` from the vector and returns it as `Some(T)`, or
/// `None` if there are none left.
fn pop(&mut self) -> Option<T> {
// The `if` ensures that there are more `T`s in `vec`.
if self.start_t < self.end_t {
let result;
unsafe {
// (f) is satisfied before, so in this if branch there actually
// is a `T` at `start_t`. After shifting the pointer by one,
// (f) is again satisfied.
result = ptr::read(self.start_t as *const T);
self.start_t = self.start_t.offset(1);
} else {
/// Pushes a new `U` to the `PartialVec`.
/// # Failure
/// Fails if not enough `T`s were popped to have enough space for the new
/// `U`.
fn push(&mut self, value: U) {
// The assert assures that still `end_u <= start_t` (d) after
// the function.
assert!(self.end_u as *const () < self.start_t as *const (),
"writing more elements to PartialVec than reading from it")
unsafe {
// (e) is satisfied before, and after writing one `U`
// to `end_u` and shifting it by one, it's again
// satisfied.
ptr::write(self.end_u, value);
self.end_u = self.end_u.offset(1);
/// Unwraps the new `Vec` of `U`s after having pushed enough `U`s and
/// popped all `T`s.
/// # Failure
/// Fails if not all `T`s were popped, also fails if not the same amount of
/// `U`s was pushed before calling `unwrap`.
fn into_vec(mut self) -> Vec<U> {
// If `self.end_u == self.end_t`, we know from (e) that there are no
// more `T`s in `vec`, we also know that the whole length of `vec` is
// now used by `U`s, thus we can just interpret `vec` as a vector of
// `U` safely.
assert!(self.end_u as *const () == self.end_t as *const (),
"trying to unwrap a PartialVec before completing the writes to it");
// Extract `vec` and prevent the destructor of `PartialVec` from
// running. Note that none of the function calls can fail, thus no
// resources can be leaked (as the `vec` member of `PartialVec` is the
// only one which holds allocations -- and it is returned from this
// function.
unsafe {
let vec_len = self.vec.len();
let vec_cap = self.vec.capacity();
let vec_ptr = self.vec.as_mut_ptr() as *mut U;
Vec::from_raw_parts(vec_len, vec_cap, vec_ptr)
/// An owned, partially type-converted vector of zero-sized elements.
/// When the destructor of this struct runs, all `num_t` `T`s and `num_u` `U`s
/// are destructed.
struct PartialVecZeroSized<T,U> {
num_t: uint,
num_u: uint,
marker_t: InvariantType<T>,
marker_u: InvariantType<U>,
impl<T,U> Drop for PartialVec<T,U> {
impl<T,U> Drop for PartialVecNonZeroSized<T,U> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe {
// As per (a) `vec` hasn't been modified until now. As it has a
// length currently, this would run destructors of `T`s which might
// not be there. So at first, set `vec`s length to `0`. This must
// be done at first to remain memory-safe as the destructors of `U`
// or `T` might cause unwinding where `vec`s destructor would be
// executed.
// `vec` hasn't been modified until now. As it has a length
// currently, this would run destructors of `T`s which might not be
// there. So at first, set `vec`s length to `0`. This must be done
// at first to remain memory-safe as the destructors of `U` or `T`
// might cause unwinding where `vec`s destructor would be executed.
// As per (e) and (f) we have instances of `U`s and `T`s in `vec`.
// Destruct them.
while self.start_u < self.end_u {
// We have instances of `U`s and `T`s in `vec`. Destruct them.
while self.start_u != self.end_u {
let _ = ptr::read(self.start_u as *const U); // Run a `U` destructor.
self.start_u = self.start_u.offset(1);
while self.start_t < self.end_t {
while self.start_t != self.end_t {
let _ = ptr::read(self.start_t as *const T); // Run a `T` destructor.
self.start_t = self.start_t.offset(1);
@ -2045,14 +1873,31 @@ impl<T,U> Drop for PartialVec<T,U> {
impl<T,U> Drop for PartialVecZeroSized<T,U> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe {
// Destruct the instances of `T` and `U` this struct owns.
while self.num_t != 0 {
let _: T = mem::uninitialized(); // Run a `T` destructor.
self.num_t -= 1;
while self.num_u != 0 {
let _: U = mem::uninitialized(); // Run a `U` destructor.
self.num_u -= 1;
impl<T> Vec<T> {
/// Converts a `Vec<T>` to a `Vec<U>` where `T` and `U` have the same
/// non-zero size and the same minimal alignment.
/// size and in case they are not zero-sized the same minimal alignment.
/// # Failure
/// Fails if `T` and `U` have differing sizes, are zero-sized or have
/// differing minimal alignments.
/// Fails if `T` and `U` have differing sizes or are not zero-sized and
/// have differing minimal alignments.
/// # Example
@ -2068,13 +1913,174 @@ impl<T> Vec<T> {
/// assert_eq!(newtyped_bytes.as_slice(), [Newtype(0x11), Newtype(0x22)].as_slice());
/// ```
pub fn map_in_place<U>(self, f: |T| -> U) -> Vec<U> {
let mut pv = PartialVec::from_vec(self);
loop {
let maybe_t = pv.pop();
match maybe_t {
Some(t) => pv.push(f(t)),
None => return pv.into_vec(),
// FIXME: Assert statically that the types `T` and `U` have the same
// size.
assert!(mem::size_of::<T>() == mem::size_of::<U>());
let mut vec = self;
if mem::size_of::<T>() != 0 {
// FIXME: Assert statically that the types `T` and `U` have the
// same minimal alignment in case they are not zero-sized.
// These asserts are necessary because the `min_align_of` of the
// types are passed to the allocator by `Vec`.
assert!(mem::min_align_of::<T>() == mem::min_align_of::<U>());
// This `as int` cast is safe, because the size of the elements of the
// vector is not 0, and:
// 1) If the size of the elements in the vector is 1, the `int` may
// overflow, but it has the correct bit pattern so that the
// `.offset()` function will work.
// Example:
// Address space 0x0-0xF.
// `u8` array at: 0x1.
// Size of `u8` array: 0x8.
// Calculated `offset`: -0x8.
// After `array.offset(offset)`: 0x9.
// (0x1 + 0x8 = 0x1 - 0x8)
// 2) If the size of the elements in the vector is >1, the `uint` ->
// `int` conversion can't overflow.
let offset = vec.len() as int;
let start = vec.as_mut_ptr();
let mut pv = PartialVecNonZeroSized {
vec: vec,
start_t: start,
// This points inside the vector, as the vector has length
// `offset`.
end_t: unsafe { start.offset(offset) },
start_u: start as *mut U,
end_u: start as *mut U,
// start_t
// start_u
// |
// +-+-+-+-+-+-+
// |T|T|T|...|T|
// +-+-+-+-+-+-+
// | |
// end_u end_t
while pv.end_u as *mut T != pv.end_t {
unsafe {
// start_u start_t
// | |
// +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
// |U|...|U|T|T|...|T|
// +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
// | |
// end_u end_t
let t = ptr::read(pv.start_t as *const T);
// start_u start_t
// | |
// +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
// |U|...|U|X|T|...|T|
// +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
// | |
// end_u end_t
// We must not fail here, one cell is marked as `T`
// although it is not `T`.
pv.start_t = pv.start_t.offset(1);
// start_u start_t
// | |
// +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
// |U|...|U|X|T|...|T|
// +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
// | |
// end_u end_t
// We may fail again.
// The function given by the user might fail.
let u = f(t);
ptr::write(pv.end_u, u);
// start_u start_t
// | |
// +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
// |U|...|U|U|T|...|T|
// +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
// | |
// end_u end_t
// We should not fail here, because that would leak the `U`
// pointed to by `end_u`.
pv.end_u = pv.end_u.offset(1);
// start_u start_t
// | |
// +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
// |U|...|U|U|T|...|T|
// +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
// | |
// end_u end_t
// We may fail again.
// start_u start_t
// | |
// +-+-+-+-+-+-+
// |U|...|U|U|U|
// +-+-+-+-+-+-+
// |
// end_t
// end_u
// Extract `vec` and prevent the destructor of
// `PartialVecNonZeroSized` from running. Note that none of the
// function calls can fail, thus no resources can be leaked (as the
// `vec` member of `PartialVec` is the only one which holds
// allocations -- and it is returned from this function. None of
// this can fail.
unsafe {
let vec_len = pv.vec.len();
let vec_cap = pv.vec.capacity();
let vec_ptr = pv.vec.as_mut_ptr() as *mut U;
Vec::from_raw_parts(vec_len, vec_cap, vec_ptr)
} else {
// Put the `Vec` into the `PartialVecZeroSized` structure and
// prevent the destructor of the `Vec` from running. Since the
// `Vec` contained zero-sized objects, it did not allocate, so we
// are not leaking memory here.
let mut pv = PartialVecZeroSized::<T,U> {
num_t: vec.len(),
num_u: 0,
marker_t: InvariantType,
marker_u: InvariantType,
unsafe { mem::forget(vec); }
while pv.num_t != 0 {
unsafe {
// Create a `T` out of thin air and decrement `num_t`. This
// must not fail between these steps, as otherwise a
// destructor of `T` which doesn't exist runs.
let t = mem::uninitialized();
pv.num_t -= 1;
// The function given by the user might fail.
let u = f(t);
// Forget the `U` and increment `num_u`. This increment
// cannot overflow the `uint` as we only do this for a
// number of times that fits into a `uint` (and start with
// `0`). Again, we should not fail between these steps.
pv.num_u += 1;
// Create a `Vec` from our `PartialVecZeroSized` and make sure the
// destructor of the latter will not run. None of this can fail.
let mut result = Vec::new();
unsafe { result.set_len(pv.num_u); }
@ -2448,7 +2454,7 @@ mod tests {
fn test_map_inp_lace_incompatible_types_fail() {
fn test_map_in_place_incompatible_types_fail() {
let v = vec![0u, 1, 2];
v.map_in_place(|_| ());
@ -2459,6 +2465,14 @@ mod tests {
assert_eq!(v.map_in_place(|i: uint| i as int - 1).as_slice(), [-1i, 0, 1].as_slice());
fn test_map_in_place_zero_sized() {
let v = vec![(), ()];
#[deriving(PartialEq, Show)]
struct ZeroSized;
assert_eq!(v.map_in_place(|_| ZeroSized).as_slice(), [ZeroSized, ZeroSized].as_slice());
fn bench_new(b: &mut Bencher) {
b.iter(|| {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user