Inline parameters in inline_call if possible

This commit is contained in:
Lukas Wirth 2021-07-03 20:05:00 +02:00
parent 14e18bfa38
commit d308f17a21
3 changed files with 111 additions and 56 deletions

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
use ast::make;
use hir::{HasSource, PathResolution};
use ide_db::{defs::Definition, search::FileReference};
use itertools::izip;
use syntax::{
ast::{self, edit::AstNodeEdit, ArgListOwner},
ted, AstNode,
@ -69,23 +71,25 @@ pub(crate) fn inline_(
arg_list: Vec<ast::Expr>,
expr: ast::Expr,
) -> Option<()> {
let hir::InFile { value: function_source, .. } = function.source(ctx.db())?;
let hir::InFile { value: function_source, file_id } = function.source(ctx.db())?;
let param_list = function_source.param_list()?;
let mut assoc_fn_params = function.assoc_fn_params(ctx.sema.db).into_iter();
let mut params = Vec::new();
if let Some(self_param) = param_list.self_param() {
// FIXME this should depend on the receiver as well as the self_param
for param in param_list.params() {
if arg_list.len() != params.len() {
@ -95,8 +99,6 @@ pub(crate) fn inline_(
return None;
let new_bindings = params.into_iter().zip(arg_list);
let body = function_source.body()?;
@ -104,32 +106,88 @@ pub(crate) fn inline_(
|builder| {
// FIXME: emit type ascriptions when a coercion happens?
// FIXME: dont create locals when its not required
let statements = new_bindings
.map(|(pattern, value)| make::let_stmt(pattern, Some(value)).into())
let body = body.clone_for_update();
let file_id = file_id.original_file(ctx.sema.db);
let usages_for_locals = |local| {
// Contains the nodes of usages of parameters.
// If the inner Vec for a parameter is empty it either means there are no usages or that the parameter
// has a pattern that does not allow inlining
let param_use_nodes: Vec<Vec<_>> = params
.map(|(pat, param)| {
if !matches!(pat, ast::Pat::IdentPat(pat) if pat.is_simple_ident()) {
return Vec::new();
.map(|FileReference { name, range, .. }| match name {
ast::NameLike::NameRef(_) => body
.filter(|it| ast::PathExpr::can_cast(it.kind())),
_ => None,
// Rewrite `self` to `this`
if param_list.self_param().is_some() {
let this = make::name_ref("this").syntax().clone_for_update();
.flat_map(|FileReference { name, range, .. }| match name {
ast::NameLike::NameRef(_) => Some(body.syntax().covering_element(range)),
_ => None,
.for_each(|it| {
ted::replace(it, &this);
// Inline parameter expressions or generate `let` statements depending on whether inlining works or not.
for ((pat, _), usages, expr) in izip!(params, param_use_nodes, arg_list).rev() {
match &*usages {
// inline single use parameters
[usage] => {
ted::replace(usage, expr.syntax().clone_for_update());
// inline parameters whose expression is a simple local reference
[_, ..]
if matches!(&expr,
if expr.path().and_then(|path| path.as_single_name_ref()).is_some()
) =>
let expr = expr.syntax().clone_for_update();
usages.into_iter().for_each(|usage| {
ted::replace(usage, &expr);
// cant inline, emit a let statement
// FIXME: emit type ascriptions when a coercion happens?
_ => body.push_front(make::let_stmt(pat, Some(expr)).clone_for_update().into()),
let original_indentation = expr.indent_level();
let mut replacement = make::block_expr(statements, body.tail_expr())
let replacement = body.reset_indent().indent(original_indentation);
if param_list.self_param().is_some() {
replacement = replacement.clone_for_update();
let this = make::name_ref("this").syntax().clone_for_update();
// FIXME dont look into descendant methods
.filter(|n| n.self_token().is_some())
.for_each(|self_ref| ted::replace(self_ref.syntax(), &this));
builder.replace_ast(expr, ast::Expr::BlockExpr(replacement));
let replacement = match replacement.tail_expr() {
Some(expr) if replacement.statements().next().is_none() => expr,
_ => ast::Expr::BlockExpr(replacement),
builder.replace_ast(expr, replacement);
@ -153,9 +211,7 @@ fn main() {
fn foo() { println!("Hello, World!"); }
fn main() {
println!("Hello, World!");
{ println!("Hello, World!"); };
@ -174,10 +230,7 @@ fn main() {
fn foo(name: String) { println!("Hello, {}!", name); }
fn main() {
let name = String::from("Michael");
println!("Hello, {}!", name);
{ let name = String::from("Michael"); println!("Hello, {}!", name); };
@ -218,10 +271,8 @@ fn foo(a: u32, b: u32) -> u32 {
fn main() {
let x = {
let a = 1;
let b = 2;
let x = a + b;
let x = { let b = 2;
let x = 1 + b;
let y = x - b;
x * y
@ -257,11 +308,7 @@ impl Foo {
fn main() {
let x = {
let this = Foo(3);
let a = 2;
Foo(this.0 + a)
let x = Foo(Foo(3).0 + 2);
@ -294,11 +341,7 @@ impl Foo {
fn main() {
let x = {
let this = Foo(3);
let a = 2;
Foo(this.0 + a)
let x = Foo(Foo(3).0 + 2);
@ -331,10 +374,8 @@ impl Foo {
fn main() {
let x = {
let ref this = Foo(3);
let a = 2;
Foo(this.0 + a)
let x = { let ref this = Foo(3);
Foo(this.0 + 2)
@ -370,8 +411,7 @@ impl Foo {
fn main() {
let mut foo = Foo(3);
let ref mut this = foo;
{ let ref mut this = foo;
this.0 = 0;

@ -431,6 +431,12 @@ impl ast::RecordExprFieldList {
impl ast::BlockExpr {
pub fn push_front(&self, statement: ast::Stmt) {
ted::insert(Position::after(self.l_curly_token().unwrap()), statement.syntax());
fn normalize_ws_between_braces(node: &SyntaxNode) -> Option<()> {
let l = node

@ -641,6 +641,15 @@ impl ast::SlicePat {
impl ast::IdentPat {
pub fn is_simple_ident(&self) -> bool {
&& self.mut_token().is_none()
&& self.ref_token().is_none()
&& self.pat().is_none()
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum SelfParamKind {
/// self