internal: Remove unnecessary usages of ExpansionInfo
This commit is contained in:
@ -80,6 +80,9 @@ pub trait ExpandDatabase: SourceDatabase {
fn span_map(&self, file_id: HirFileId) -> SpanMap;
fn expansion_span_map(&self, file_id: MacroFileId) -> Arc<ExpansionSpanMap>;
fn real_span_map(&self, file_id: FileId) -> Arc<RealSpanMap>;
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ use either::Either;
use span::{FileId, FileRange, HirFileId, HirFileIdRepr, MacroFileId, SyntaxContextId};
use syntax::{AstNode, SyntaxNode, SyntaxToken, TextRange, TextSize};
use crate::{db, ExpansionInfo, MacroFileIdExt};
use crate::{db, map_node_range_up, span_for_offset, MacroFileIdExt};
/// `InFile<T>` stores a value of `T` inside a particular file/syntax tree.
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ impl InFile<&SyntaxNode> {
HirFileIdRepr::FileId(file_id) => FileRange { file_id, range: self.value.text_range() },
HirFileIdRepr::MacroFile(mac_file) => {
if let Some((res, ctxt)) =
ExpansionInfo::new(db, mac_file).map_node_range_up(db, self.value.text_range())
map_node_range_up(db, &db.expansion_span_map(mac_file), self.value.text_range())
// FIXME: Figure out an API that makes proper use of ctx, this only exists to
// keep pre-token map rewrite behaviour.
@ -163,12 +163,15 @@ impl InFile<&SyntaxNode> {
/// Falls back to the macro call range if the node cannot be mapped up fully.
pub fn original_file_range_full(self, db: &dyn db::ExpandDatabase) -> FileRange {
pub fn original_file_range_with_macro_call_body(
db: &dyn db::ExpandDatabase,
) -> FileRange {
match self.file_id.repr() {
HirFileIdRepr::FileId(file_id) => FileRange { file_id, range: self.value.text_range() },
HirFileIdRepr::MacroFile(mac_file) => {
if let Some((res, ctxt)) =
ExpansionInfo::new(db, mac_file).map_node_range_up(db, self.value.text_range())
map_node_range_up(db, &db.expansion_span_map(mac_file), self.value.text_range())
// FIXME: Figure out an API that makes proper use of ctx, this only exists to
// keep pre-token map rewrite behaviour.
@ -193,7 +196,7 @@ impl InFile<&SyntaxNode> {
Some((FileRange { file_id, range: self.value.text_range() }, SyntaxContextId::ROOT))
HirFileIdRepr::MacroFile(mac_file) => {
ExpansionInfo::new(db, mac_file).map_node_range_up(db, self.value.text_range())
map_node_range_up(db, &db.expansion_span_map(mac_file), self.value.text_range())
@ -215,7 +218,7 @@ impl InFile<&SyntaxNode> {
let (FileRange { file_id, range }, ctx) =
ExpansionInfo::new(db, file_id).map_node_range_up(db, self.value.text_range())?;
map_node_range_up(db, &db.expansion_span_map(file_id), self.value.text_range())?;
// FIXME: Figure out an API that makes proper use of ctx, this only exists to
// keep pre-token map rewrite behaviour.
@ -246,8 +249,11 @@ impl InFile<SyntaxToken> {
match self.file_id.repr() {
HirFileIdRepr::FileId(file_id) => FileRange { file_id, range: self.value.text_range() },
HirFileIdRepr::MacroFile(mac_file) => {
let (range, ctxt) = ExpansionInfo::new(db, mac_file)
.span_for_offset(db, self.value.text_range().start());
let (range, ctxt) = span_for_offset(
// FIXME: Figure out an API that makes proper use of ctx, this only exists to
// keep pre-token map rewrite behaviour.
@ -269,8 +275,11 @@ impl InFile<SyntaxToken> {
Some(FileRange { file_id, range: self.value.text_range() })
HirFileIdRepr::MacroFile(mac_file) => {
let (range, ctxt) = ExpansionInfo::new(db, mac_file)
.span_for_offset(db, self.value.text_range().start());
let (range, ctxt) = span_for_offset(
// FIXME: Figure out an API that makes proper use of ctx, this only exists to
// keep pre-token map rewrite behaviour.
@ -286,7 +295,7 @@ impl InFile<SyntaxToken> {
impl InMacroFile<TextSize> {
pub fn original_file_range(self, db: &dyn db::ExpandDatabase) -> (FileRange, SyntaxContextId) {
ExpansionInfo::new(db, self.file_id).span_for_offset(db, self.value)
span_for_offset(db, &db.expansion_span_map(self.file_id), self.value)
@ -300,7 +309,7 @@ impl InFile<TextRange> {
(FileRange { file_id, range: self.value }, SyntaxContextId::ROOT)
HirFileIdRepr::MacroFile(mac_file) => {
match ExpansionInfo::new(db, mac_file).map_node_range_up(db, self.value) {
match map_node_range_up(db, &db.expansion_span_map(mac_file), self.value) {
Some(it) => it,
None => {
let loc = db.lookup_intern_macro_call(mac_file.macro_call_id);
@ -315,7 +324,7 @@ impl InFile<TextRange> {
match self.file_id.repr() {
HirFileIdRepr::FileId(file_id) => FileRange { file_id, range: self.value },
HirFileIdRepr::MacroFile(mac_file) => {
match ExpansionInfo::new(db, mac_file).map_node_range_up(db, self.value) {
match map_node_range_up(db, &db.expansion_span_map(mac_file), self.value) {
Some((it, SyntaxContextId::ROOT)) => it,
_ => {
let loc = db.lookup_intern_macro_call(mac_file.macro_call_id);
@ -335,7 +344,7 @@ impl InFile<TextRange> {
Some((FileRange { file_id, range: self.value }, SyntaxContextId::ROOT))
HirFileIdRepr::MacroFile(mac_file) => {
ExpansionInfo::new(db, mac_file).map_node_range_up(db, self.value)
map_node_range_up(db, &db.expansion_span_map(mac_file), self.value)
@ -355,8 +364,11 @@ impl<N: AstNode> InFile<N> {
return None;
let (FileRange { file_id, range }, ctx) = ExpansionInfo::new(db, file_id)
.map_node_range_up(db, self.value.syntax().text_range())?;
let (FileRange { file_id, range }, ctx) = map_node_range_up(
// FIXME: Figure out an API that makes proper use of ctx, this only exists to
// keep pre-token map rewrite behaviour.
@ -677,6 +677,10 @@ impl ExpansionInfo {
pub fn call_file(&self) -> HirFileId {
/// Maps the passed in file range down into a macro expansion if it is the input to a macro call.
pub fn map_range_down(
@ -697,13 +701,7 @@ impl ExpansionInfo {
offset: TextSize,
) -> (FileRange, SyntaxContextId) {
let span = self.exp_map.span_at(offset);
let anchor_offset = db
(FileRange { file_id: span.anchor.file_id, range: span.range + anchor_offset }, span.ctx)
span_for_offset(db, &self.exp_map, offset)
/// Maps up the text range out of the expansion hierarchy back into the original file its from.
@ -713,27 +711,7 @@ impl ExpansionInfo {
range: TextRange,
) -> Option<(FileRange, SyntaxContextId)> {
let mut spans = self.exp_map.spans_for_range(range);
let Span { range, anchor, ctx } =;
let mut start = range.start();
let mut end = range.end();
for span in spans {
if span.anchor != anchor || span.ctx != ctx {
return None;
start = start.min(span.range.start());
end = end.max(span.range.end());
let anchor_offset =
FileRange {
file_id: anchor.file_id,
range: TextRange::new(start, end) + anchor_offset,
map_node_range_up(db, &self.exp_map, range)
/// Maps up the text range out of the expansion into is macro call.
@ -822,6 +800,47 @@ impl ExpansionInfo {
/// Maps up the text range out of the expansion hierarchy back into the original file its from.
pub fn map_node_range_up(
db: &dyn ExpandDatabase,
exp_map: &ExpansionSpanMap,
range: TextRange,
) -> Option<(FileRange, SyntaxContextId)> {
let mut spans = exp_map.spans_for_range(range);
let Span { range, anchor, ctx } =;
let mut start = range.start();
let mut end = range.end();
for span in spans {
if span.anchor != anchor || span.ctx != ctx {
return None;
start = start.min(span.range.start());
end = end.max(span.range.end());
let anchor_offset =
FileRange { file_id: anchor.file_id, range: TextRange::new(start, end) + anchor_offset },
/// Looks up the span at the given offset.
pub fn span_for_offset(
db: &dyn ExpandDatabase,
exp_map: &ExpansionSpanMap,
offset: TextSize,
) -> (FileRange, SyntaxContextId) {
let span = exp_map.span_at(offset);
let anchor_offset = db
(FileRange { file_id: span.anchor.file_id, range: span.range + anchor_offset }, span.ctx)
/// In Rust, macros expand token trees to token trees. When we want to turn a
/// token tree into an AST node, we need to figure out what kind of AST node we
/// want: something like `foo` can be a type, an expression, or a pattern.
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
//! Span maps for real files and macro expansions.
use span::{FileId, HirFileId, HirFileIdRepr, Span};
use span::{FileId, HirFileId, HirFileIdRepr, MacroFileId, Span};
use syntax::{AstNode, TextRange};
use triomphe::Arc;
@ -94,3 +94,10 @@ pub(crate) fn real_span_map(db: &dyn ExpandDatabase, file_id: FileId) -> Arc<Rea
pub(crate) fn expansion_span_map(
db: &dyn ExpandDatabase,
file_id: MacroFileId,
) -> Arc<ExpansionSpanMap> {
@ -20,12 +20,12 @@ use hir_def::{
use hir_expand::{
attrs::collect_attrs, db::ExpandDatabase, files::InRealFile, name::AsName, ExpansionInfo,
HirFileIdExt, InMacroFile, MacroCallId, MacroFileId, MacroFileIdExt,
InMacroFile, MacroCallId, MacroFileId, MacroFileIdExt,
use itertools::Itertools;
use rustc_hash::{FxHashMap, FxHashSet};
use smallvec::{smallvec, SmallVec};
use span::Span;
use span::{Span, SyntaxContextId, ROOT_ERASED_FILE_AST_ID};
use stdx::TupleExt;
use syntax::{
@ -132,6 +132,7 @@ pub struct SemanticsImpl<'db> {
/// Rootnode to HirFileId cache
cache: RefCell<FxHashMap<SyntaxNode, HirFileId>>,
// These 2 caches are mainly useful for semantic highlighting as nothing else descends a lot of tokens
// So we might wanna move them out into something specific for semantic highlighting
expansion_info_cache: RefCell<FxHashMap<MacroFileId, ExpansionInfo>>,
/// MacroCall to its expansion's MacroFileId cache
macro_call_cache: RefCell<FxHashMap<InFile<ast::MacroCall>, MacroFileId>>,
@ -620,47 +621,47 @@ impl<'db> SemanticsImpl<'db> {
let parent = token.parent()?;
let file_id = self.find_file(&parent).file_id.file_id()?;
let mut cache = self.expansion_info_cache.borrow_mut();
// iterate related crates and find all include! invocations that include_file_id matches
for (invoc, _) in self
.flat_map(|krate| self.db.include_macro_invoc(*krate))
.filter(|(_, include_file_id)| *include_file_id == file_id)
.filter(|&(_, include_file_id)| include_file_id == file_id)
// find file_id which original calls include!
let Some(callnode) = invoc.as_file().original_call_node(self.db.upcast()) else {
let macro_file = invoc.as_macro_file();
let expansion_info = cache
.or_insert_with(|| macro_file.expansion_info(self.db.upcast()));
// call .parse to avoid panic in .find_file
let _ = self.parse(callnode.file_id);
let Some(sa) = self.analyze_no_infer(&callnode.value) else { continue };
let expinfo = invoc.as_macro_file().expansion_info(self.db.upcast());
let InMacroFile { file_id, value } = expinfo.expanded();
self.cache(value, file_id.into());
// map token to the corresponding span in include! macro file
let Some((_, span)) =
expinfo.exp_map.iter().find(|(_, x)| x.range == token.text_range())
// Create the source analyzer for the macro call scope
let Some(sa) = self.analyze_no_infer(&self.parse_or_expand(expansion_info.call_file()))
else {
let InMacroFile { file_id: macro_file, value } = expansion_info.expanded();
self.cache(value, macro_file.into());
// get mapped token in the include! macro file
let Some(InMacroFile { file_id: _, value: mapped_tokens }) =
let span = span::SpanData {
range: token.text_range(),
anchor: span::SpanAnchor { file_id, ast_id: ROOT_ERASED_FILE_AST_ID },
ctx: SyntaxContextId::ROOT,
let Some(InMacroFile { file_id, value: mut mapped_tokens }) =
else {
// if we find one, then return
if let Some(t) = mapped_tokens.into_iter().next() {
return Some((sa, invoc.as_file(), t, span));
if let Some(t) = {
return Some((sa, file_id.into(), t, span));
@ -672,44 +673,37 @@ impl<'db> SemanticsImpl<'db> {
f: &mut dyn FnMut(InFile<SyntaxToken>) -> ControlFlow<()>,
) {
let _p = tracing::span!(tracing::Level::INFO, "descend_into_macros");
let mut include_macro_file_id_and_span = None;
let sa = match token.parent().and_then(|parent| self.analyze_no_infer(&parent)) {
Some(it) => it,
None => {
// if we cannot find a source analyzer for this token, then we try to find out whether this file is included from other file
let Some((it, macro_file_id, mapped_token, s)) = self.is_from_include_file(token)
else {
include_macro_file_id_and_span = Some((macro_file_id, s));
token = mapped_token;
let span = if let Some((_, s)) = include_macro_file_id_and_span {
} else {
match sa.file_id.file_id() {
Some(file_id) => self.db.real_span_map(file_id).span_for_range(token.text_range()),
let (sa, span, file_id) =
match token.parent().and_then(|parent| self.analyze_no_infer(&parent)) {
Some(sa) => match sa.file_id.file_id() {
Some(file_id) => (
None => {
None => {
// if we cannot find a source analyzer for this token, then we try to find out
// whether this file is an included file and treat that as the include input
let Some((it, macro_file_id, mapped_token, s)) =
else {
token = mapped_token;
(it, s, macro_file_id)
let mut cache = self.expansion_info_cache.borrow_mut();
let mut mcache = self.macro_call_cache.borrow_mut();
let def_map = sa.resolver.def_map();
let mut stack: Vec<(_, SmallVec<[_; 2]>)> =
if let Some((macro_file_id, _)) = include_macro_file_id_and_span {
vec![(macro_file_id, smallvec![token])]
} else {
vec![(sa.file_id, smallvec![token])]
let mut stack: Vec<(_, SmallVec<[_; 2]>)> = vec![(file_id, smallvec![token])];
let mut process_expansion_for_token = |stack: &mut Vec<_>, macro_file| {
let expansion_info = cache
@ -303,14 +303,18 @@ impl Definition {
DefWithBody::InTypeConst(_) => return SearchScope::empty(),
return match def {
Some(def) => SearchScope::file_range(def.as_ref().original_file_range_full(db)),
Some(def) => SearchScope::file_range(
None => SearchScope::single_file(file_id),
if let Definition::SelfType(impl_) = self {
return match impl_.source(db).map(|src| src.syntax().cloned()) {
Some(def) => SearchScope::file_range(def.as_ref().original_file_range_full(db)),
Some(def) => SearchScope::file_range(
None => SearchScope::single_file(file_id),
@ -327,7 +331,9 @@ impl Definition {
hir::GenericDef::Const(it) => it.source(db).map(|src| src.syntax().cloned()),
return match def {
Some(def) => SearchScope::file_range(def.as_ref().original_file_range_full(db)),
Some(def) => SearchScope::file_range(
None => SearchScope::single_file(file_id),
@ -241,9 +241,8 @@ mod tests {
fn goto_def_in_included_file() {
//- minicore:include
//- /
macro_rules! include {}
@ -256,6 +255,35 @@ fn func_in_include() {
fn foo() {
fn goto_def_in_included_file_nested() {
//- minicore:include
//- /
macro_rules! passthrough {
($($tt:tt)*) => { $($tt)* }
fn main() {
//- /
fn func_in_include() {
fn foo() {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user