diff --git a/compiler/rustc_target/src/spec/mod.rs b/compiler/rustc_target/src/spec/mod.rs
index 0642290f109..4a8b6ee9cf2 100644
--- a/compiler/rustc_target/src/spec/mod.rs
+++ b/compiler/rustc_target/src/spec/mod.rs
@@ -1577,6 +1577,7 @@ supported_targets! {
     ("wasm32-unknown-emscripten", wasm32_unknown_emscripten),
     ("wasm32-unknown-unknown", wasm32_unknown_unknown),
     ("wasm32-wasi", wasm32_wasi),
+    ("wasm32-wasip1", wasm32_wasip1),
     ("wasm32-wasip2", wasm32_wasip2),
     ("wasm32-wasi-preview1-threads", wasm32_wasi_preview1_threads),
     ("wasm64-unknown-unknown", wasm64_unknown_unknown),
diff --git a/compiler/rustc_target/src/spec/targets/wasm32_wasi.rs b/compiler/rustc_target/src/spec/targets/wasm32_wasi.rs
index 6dbcb01ea43..2752125c009 100644
--- a/compiler/rustc_target/src/spec/targets/wasm32_wasi.rs
+++ b/compiler/rustc_target/src/spec/targets/wasm32_wasi.rs
@@ -1,119 +1,11 @@
-//! The `wasm32-wasi` target is a new and still (as of April 2019) an
-//! experimental target. The definition in this file is likely to be tweaked
-//! over time and shouldn't be relied on too much.
+//! NB: This target is in the process of being renamed to
+//! `wasm32-wasip1`. For more information see:
-//! The `wasi` target is a proposal to define a standardized set of syscalls
-//! that WebAssembly files can interoperate with. This set of syscalls is
-//! intended to empower WebAssembly binaries with native capabilities such as
-//! filesystem access, network access, etc.
-//! You can see more about the proposal at <https://wasi.dev>.
-//! The Rust target definition here is interesting in a few ways. We want to
-//! serve two use cases here with this target:
-//! * First, we want Rust usage of the target to be as hassle-free as possible,
-//!   ideally avoiding the need to configure and install a local wasm32-wasi
-//!   toolchain.
-//! * Second, one of the primary use cases of LLVM's new wasm backend and the
-//!   wasm support in LLD is that any compiled language can interoperate with
-//!   any other. To that the `wasm32-wasi` target is the first with a viable C
-//!   standard library and sysroot common definition, so we want Rust and C/C++
-//!   code to interoperate when compiled to `wasm32-unknown-unknown`.
-//! You'll note, however, that the two goals above are somewhat at odds with one
-//! another. To attempt to solve both use cases in one go we define a target
-//! that (ab)uses the `crt-static` target feature to indicate which one you're
-//! in.
-//! ## No interop with C required
-//! By default the `crt-static` target feature is enabled, and when enabled
-//! this means that the bundled version of `libc.a` found in `liblibc.rlib`
-//! is used. This isn't intended really for interoperation with a C because it
-//! may be the case that Rust's bundled C library is incompatible with a
-//! foreign-compiled C library. In this use case, though, we use `rust-lld` and
-//! some copied crt startup object files to ensure that you can download the
-//! wasi target for Rust and you're off to the races, no further configuration
-//! necessary.
-//! All in all, by default, no external dependencies are required. You can
-//! compile `wasm32-wasi` binaries straight out of the box. You can't, however,
-//! reliably interoperate with C code in this mode (yet).
-//! ## Interop with C required
-//! For the second goal we repurpose the `target-feature` flag, meaning that
-//! you'll need to do a few things to have C/Rust code interoperate.
-//! 1. All Rust code needs to be compiled with `-C target-feature=-crt-static`,
-//!    indicating that the bundled C standard library in the Rust sysroot will
-//!    not be used.
-//! 2. If you're using rustc to build a linked artifact then you'll need to
-//!    specify `-C linker` to a `clang` binary that supports
-//!    `wasm32-wasi` and is configured with the `wasm32-wasi` sysroot. This
-//!    will cause Rust code to be linked against the libc.a that the specified
-//!    `clang` provides.
-//! 3. If you're building a staticlib and integrating Rust code elsewhere, then
-//!    compiling with `-C target-feature=-crt-static` is all you need to do.
-//! You can configure the linker via Cargo using the
-//! `CARGO_TARGET_WASM32_WASI_LINKER` env var. Be sure to also set
-//! `CC_wasm32-wasi` if any crates in the dependency graph are using the `cc`
-//! crate.
-//! ## Remember, this is all in flux
-//! The wasi target is **very** new in its specification. It's likely going to
-//! be a long effort to get it standardized and stable. We'll be following it as
-//! best we can with this target. Don't start relying on too much here unless
-//! you know what you're getting in to!
+//! * <https://github.com/rust-lang/compiler-team/issues/607>
+//! * <https://github.com/rust-lang/compiler-team/issues/695>
-use crate::spec::crt_objects;
-use crate::spec::LinkSelfContainedDefault;
-use crate::spec::{base, Cc, LinkerFlavor, Target};
+use crate::spec::Target;
 pub fn target() -> Target {
-    let mut options = base::wasm::options();
-    options.os = "wasi".into();
-    options.add_pre_link_args(LinkerFlavor::WasmLld(Cc::Yes), &["--target=wasm32-wasi"]);
-    options.pre_link_objects_self_contained = crt_objects::pre_wasi_self_contained();
-    options.post_link_objects_self_contained = crt_objects::post_wasi_self_contained();
-    // FIXME: Figure out cases in which WASM needs to link with a native toolchain.
-    options.link_self_contained = LinkSelfContainedDefault::True;
-    // Right now this is a bit of a workaround but we're currently saying that
-    // the target by default has a static crt which we're taking as a signal
-    // for "use the bundled crt". If that's turned off then the system's crt
-    // will be used, but this means that default usage of this target doesn't
-    // need an external compiler but it's still interoperable with an external
-    // compiler if configured correctly.
-    options.crt_static_default = true;
-    options.crt_static_respected = true;
-    // Allow `+crt-static` to create a "cdylib" output which is just a wasm file
-    // without a main function.
-    options.crt_static_allows_dylibs = true;
-    // WASI's `sys::args::init` function ignores its arguments; instead,
-    // `args::args()` makes the WASI API calls itself.
-    options.main_needs_argc_argv = false;
-    // And, WASI mangles the name of "main" to distinguish between different
-    // signatures.
-    options.entry_name = "__main_void".into();
-    Target {
-        llvm_target: "wasm32-wasi".into(),
-        pointer_width: 32,
-        data_layout: "e-m:e-p:32:32-p10:8:8-p20:8:8-i64:64-n32:64-S128-ni:1:10:20".into(),
-        arch: "wasm32".into(),
-        options,
-    }
+    super::wasm32_wasip1::target()
diff --git a/compiler/rustc_target/src/spec/targets/wasm32_wasip1.rs b/compiler/rustc_target/src/spec/targets/wasm32_wasip1.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3d42fb8a640
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/rustc_target/src/spec/targets/wasm32_wasip1.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+//! The `wasm32-wasip1` enables compiling to WebAssembly using the first
+//! version of the WASI standard, called "preview1". This version of the
+//! standard was never formally specified and WASI has since evolved to a
+//! "preview2". This target in rustc uses the previous version of the proposal.
+//! This target uses the syscalls defined at
+//! <https://github.com/WebAssembly/WASI/tree/main/legacy/preview1>.
+//! Note that this target was historically called `wasm32-wasi` originally and
+//! was since renamed to `wasm32-wasip1` after the preview2 target was
+//! introduced.
+use crate::spec::crt_objects;
+use crate::spec::LinkSelfContainedDefault;
+use crate::spec::{base, Cc, LinkerFlavor, Target};
+pub fn target() -> Target {
+    let mut options = base::wasm::options();
+    options.os = "wasi".into();
+    options.add_pre_link_args(LinkerFlavor::WasmLld(Cc::Yes), &["--target=wasm32-wasi"]);
+    options.pre_link_objects_self_contained = crt_objects::pre_wasi_self_contained();
+    options.post_link_objects_self_contained = crt_objects::post_wasi_self_contained();
+    // FIXME: Figure out cases in which WASM needs to link with a native toolchain.
+    options.link_self_contained = LinkSelfContainedDefault::True;
+    // Right now this is a bit of a workaround but we're currently saying that
+    // the target by default has a static crt which we're taking as a signal
+    // for "use the bundled crt". If that's turned off then the system's crt
+    // will be used, but this means that default usage of this target doesn't
+    // need an external compiler but it's still interoperable with an external
+    // compiler if configured correctly.
+    options.crt_static_default = true;
+    options.crt_static_respected = true;
+    // Allow `+crt-static` to create a "cdylib" output which is just a wasm file
+    // without a main function.
+    options.crt_static_allows_dylibs = true;
+    // WASI's `sys::args::init` function ignores its arguments; instead,
+    // `args::args()` makes the WASI API calls itself.
+    options.main_needs_argc_argv = false;
+    // And, WASI mangles the name of "main" to distinguish between different
+    // signatures.
+    options.entry_name = "__main_void".into();
+    Target {
+        llvm_target: "wasm32-wasi".into(),
+        pointer_width: 32,
+        data_layout: "e-m:e-p:32:32-p10:8:8-p20:8:8-i64:64-n32:64-S128-ni:1:10:20".into(),
+        arch: "wasm32".into(),
+        options,
+    }
diff --git a/config.example.toml b/config.example.toml
index cef33a7905a..d12ed052fe4 100644
--- a/config.example.toml
+++ b/config.example.toml
@@ -820,9 +820,9 @@
 # The full path to the musl libdir.
 #musl-libdir = musl-root/lib
-# The root location of the `wasm32-wasi` sysroot. Only used for the
-# `wasm32-wasi` target. If you are building wasm32-wasi target, make sure to
-# create a `[target.wasm32-wasi]` section and move this field there.
+# The root location of the `wasm32-wasip1` sysroot. Only used for WASI
+# related targets. Make sure to create a `[target.wasm32-wasip1]`
+# section and move this field there (or equivalent for the target being built).
 #wasi-root = <none> (path)
 # Used in testing for configuring where the QEMU images are located, you
diff --git a/src/bootstrap/src/core/build_steps/compile.rs b/src/bootstrap/src/core/build_steps/compile.rs
index 43ac71b112c..4bf50e19c3f 100644
--- a/src/bootstrap/src/core/build_steps/compile.rs
+++ b/src/bootstrap/src/core/build_steps/compile.rs
@@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ fn copy_self_contained_objects(
-            .join(target.to_string().replace("-preview1", "").replace("p2", ""));
+            .join(target.to_string().replace("-preview1", "").replace("p2", "").replace("p1", ""));
         for &obj in &["libc.a", "crt1-command.o", "crt1-reactor.o"] {
diff --git a/src/ci/docker/host-x86_64/dist-various-2/Dockerfile b/src/ci/docker/host-x86_64/dist-various-2/Dockerfile
index 5f1fec74bed..e90141bb9a9 100644
--- a/src/ci/docker/host-x86_64/dist-various-2/Dockerfile
+++ b/src/ci/docker/host-x86_64/dist-various-2/Dockerfile
@@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ ENV TARGETS=x86_64-unknown-fuchsia
 ENV TARGETS=$TARGETS,aarch64-unknown-fuchsia
 ENV TARGETS=$TARGETS,wasm32-unknown-unknown
+ENV TARGETS=$TARGETS,wasm32-wasip1
 ENV TARGETS=$TARGETS,wasm32-wasi-preview1-threads
 ENV TARGETS=$TARGETS,sparcv9-sun-solaris
 ENV TARGETS=$TARGETS,x86_64-pc-solaris
@@ -135,7 +136,8 @@ ENV TARGETS=$TARGETS,x86_64-unknown-uefi
 RUN ln -s /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/asm /usr/local/include/asm
 ENV RUST_CONFIGURE_ARGS --enable-extended --enable-lld --disable-docs \
-  --set target.wasm32-wasi.wasi-root=/wasm32-wasi \
+  --set target.wasm32-wasi.wasi-root=/wasm32-wasip1 \
+  --set target.wasm32-wasip1.wasi-root=/wasm32-wasip1 \
   --set target.wasm32-wasi-preview1-threads.wasi-root=/wasm32-wasi-preview1-threads \
diff --git a/src/ci/docker/host-x86_64/dist-various-2/build-wasi-toolchain.sh b/src/ci/docker/host-x86_64/dist-various-2/build-wasi-toolchain.sh
index 4b0d360686f..a2447494078 100755
--- a/src/ci/docker/host-x86_64/dist-various-2/build-wasi-toolchain.sh
+++ b/src/ci/docker/host-x86_64/dist-various-2/build-wasi-toolchain.sh
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ make -j$(nproc) \
     CC="$bin/clang" \
     NM="$bin/llvm-nm" \
     AR="$bin/llvm-ar" \
-    INSTALL_DIR=/wasm32-wasi \
+    INSTALL_DIR=/wasm32-wasip1 \
 cd ..
diff --git a/src/doc/rustc/src/SUMMARY.md b/src/doc/rustc/src/SUMMARY.md
index 90ac97f35f6..26e43491c40 100644
--- a/src/doc/rustc/src/SUMMARY.md
+++ b/src/doc/rustc/src/SUMMARY.md
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@
     - [\*-unknown-netbsd\*](platform-support/netbsd.md)
     - [*-unknown-openbsd](platform-support/openbsd.md)
     - [\*-unknown-uefi](platform-support/unknown-uefi.md)
+    - [wasm32-wasip1](platform-support/wasm32-wasip1.md)
     - [wasm32-wasi-preview1-threads](platform-support/wasm32-wasi-preview1-threads.md)
     - [wasm32-wasip2](platform-support/wasm32-wasip2.md)
     - [wasm64-unknown-unknown](platform-support/wasm64-unknown-unknown.md)
diff --git a/src/doc/rustc/src/platform-support.md b/src/doc/rustc/src/platform-support.md
index 5500dca9dc2..73e22c1ba96 100644
--- a/src/doc/rustc/src/platform-support.md
+++ b/src/doc/rustc/src/platform-support.md
@@ -192,7 +192,8 @@ target | std | notes
 [`thumbv8m.main-none-eabihf`](platform-support/arm-none-eabi.md) | * | Bare ARMv8-M Mainline, hardfloat
 `wasm32-unknown-emscripten` | ✓ | WebAssembly via Emscripten
 `wasm32-unknown-unknown` | ✓ | WebAssembly
-`wasm32-wasi` | ✓ | WebAssembly with WASI
+`wasm32-wasi` | ✓ | WebAssembly with WASI (undergoing a [rename to `wasm32-wasip1`][wasi-rename])
+[`wasm32-wasip1`](platform-support/wasm32-wasip1.md) | ✓ | WebAssembly with WASI
 [`wasm32-wasi-preview1-threads`](platform-support/wasm32-wasi-preview1-threads.md) | ✓ |  | WebAssembly with WASI Preview 1 and threads
 `x86_64-apple-ios` | ✓ | 64-bit x86 iOS
 [`x86_64-fortanix-unknown-sgx`](platform-support/x86_64-fortanix-unknown-sgx.md) | ✓ | [Fortanix ABI] for 64-bit Intel SGX
@@ -207,6 +208,7 @@ target | std | notes
 [`x86_64-unknown-uefi`](platform-support/unknown-uefi.md) | * | 64-bit UEFI
 [^x86_32-floats-x87]: Floating-point support on `i586` targets is non-compliant: the `x87` registers and instructions used for these targets do not provide IEEE-754-compliant behavior, in particular when it comes to rounding and NaN payload bits. See [issue #114479][x86-32-float-issue].
+[wasi-rename]: https://github.com/rust-lang/compiler-team/issues/607
 [Fortanix ABI]: https://edp.fortanix.com/
diff --git a/src/doc/rustc/src/platform-support/wasm32-wasip1.md b/src/doc/rustc/src/platform-support/wasm32-wasip1.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..71f8d281bc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/doc/rustc/src/platform-support/wasm32-wasip1.md
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+# `wasm32-wasip1`
+**Tier: 2**
+The `wasm32-wasip1` target is a WebAssembly compilation target which
+assumes that the [WASIp1] (aka "WASI preview1") set of "syscalls" are available
+for use in the standard library. Historically this target in the Rust compiler
+was one of the first for WebAssembly where Rust and C code are explicitly
+intended to interoperate as well.
+There's a bit of history to the target and current development which is also
+worth explaining before going much further. Historically this target was
+originally called `wasm32-wasi` in both rustc and Clang. This was first added
+to Rust in 2019. In the intervening years leading up to 2024 the WASI standard
+continued to be developed and was eventually "rebased" on top of the [Component
+Model]. This was a large change to the WASI specification and was released as
+0.2.0 ("WASIp2" colloquially) in January 2024. The previous target's name in
+rustc, `wasm32-wasi`, was then renamed to `wasm32-wasip1`, to avoid
+confusion with this new target to be added to rustc as `wasm32-wasip2`.
+Some more context can be found in these MCPs:
+* [Rename wasm32-wasi target to wasm32-wasip1](https://github.com/rust-lang/compiler-team/issues/607)
+* [Smooth the renaming transition of wasm32-wasi](https://github.com/rust-lang/compiler-team/issues/695)
+At this point the `wasm32-wasip1` target is intended for historical
+compatibility with the first version of the WASI standard. As of now (January
+2024) the 0.2.0 target of WASI ("WASIp2") is relatively new. The state of
+WASI will likely change in few years after which point this documentation will
+probably receive another update.
+[WASI Preview1]: https://github.com/WebAssembly/WASI/tree/main/legacy/preview1
+[Component Model]: https://github.com/webassembly/component-model
+Today the `wasm32-wasip1` target will generate core WebAssembly modules
+which will import functions from the `wasi_snapshot_preview1` module for
+OS-related functionality (e.g. printing).
+## Target maintainers
+When this target was added to the compiler platform-specific documentation here
+was not maintained at that time. This means that the list below is not
+exhaustive and there are more interested parties in this target. That being
+said since when this document was last updated those interested in maintaining
+this target are:
+- Alex Crichton, https://github.com/alexcrichton
+## Requirements
+This target is cross-compiled. The target includes support for `std` itself,
+but not all of the standard library works. For example spawning a thread will
+always return an error (see the `wasm32-wasi-preview1-threads` target for
+example). Another example is that spawning a process will always return an
+error. Operations such as opening a file, however, will be implemented by
+calling WASI-defined APIs.
+The WASI targets for Rust are explicitly intended to interoperate with other
+languages compiled to WebAssembly, for example C/C++. Any ABI differences or
+mismatches are considered bugs that need to be fixed.
+By default the WASI targets in Rust ship in rustup with a precompiled copy of
+[`wasi-libc`] meaning that a WebAssembly-targetting-Clang is not required to
+use the WASI targets from Rust.  If there is no actual interoperation with C
+then `rustup target add wasm32-wasip1` is all that's needed to get
+started with WASI.
+Note that this behavior can be controlled with `-Clinker` and
+`-Clink-self-contained`, however. By specifying `clang` as a linker and
+disabling the `link-self-contained` option an external version of `libc.a` can
+be used instead.
+[`wasi-libc`]: https://github.com/WebAssembly/wasi-libc
+## Building the target
+To build this target a compiled version of [`wasi-libc`] is required to be
+present at build time. This can be installed through
+[`wasi-sdk`](https://github.com/WebAssembly/wasi-sdk) as well. This is the
+configured with:
+wasi-root = ".../wasi-libc/sysroot"
+Additionally users will need to enable LLD when building Rust from source as
+LLVM's `wasm-ld` driver for LLD is required when linking WebAssembly code
+## Building Rust programs
+The `wasm32-wasip1` target is shipped with rustup so users can install
+the target with:
+rustup target add wasm32-wasip1
+> **Note**: the `wasm32-wasip1` target is new and may only be available
+> on nightly by the time you're reading this. If `wasm32-wasip1` isn't
+> available on stable Rust then `wasm32-wasi` should be available instead.
+Rust programs can be built for that target:
+rustc --target wasm32-wasip1 your-code.rs
+## Cross-compilation
+This target can be cross-compiled from any hosts.
+## Testing
+Currently the WASI target is not tested in rust-lang/rust CI. This means that
+tests in the repository are not guaranteed to pass. This is theoretically
+possibly by installing a standalone WebAssembly runtime and using it as a
+"runner" for all tests, but there are various failures that will need to be
+waded through to adjust tests to work on the WASI target.
diff --git a/src/tools/build-manifest/src/main.rs b/src/tools/build-manifest/src/main.rs
index f0975fc0823..067bf4054da 100644
--- a/src/tools/build-manifest/src/main.rs
+++ b/src/tools/build-manifest/src/main.rs
@@ -148,6 +148,7 @@ static TARGETS: &[&str] = &[
+    "wasm32-wasip1",
diff --git a/src/tools/compiletest/src/header/tests.rs b/src/tools/compiletest/src/header/tests.rs
index a01f71a6876..eff76a38d2e 100644
--- a/src/tools/compiletest/src/header/tests.rs
+++ b/src/tools/compiletest/src/header/tests.rs
@@ -533,6 +533,16 @@ fn wasm_special() {
         ("wasm32-wasi", "wasm32", true),
         ("wasm32-wasi", "wasm32-bare", false),
         ("wasm32-wasi", "wasi", true),
+        // NB: the wasm32-wasip1 target is new so this isn't tested for
+        // the bootstrap compiler.
+        #[cfg(not(bootstrap))]
+        ("wasm32-wasip1", "emscripten", false),
+        #[cfg(not(bootstrap))]
+        ("wasm32-wasip1", "wasm32", true),
+        #[cfg(not(bootstrap))]
+        ("wasm32-wasip1", "wasm32-bare", false),
+        #[cfg(not(bootstrap))]
+        ("wasm32-wasip1", "wasi", true),
         ("wasm64-unknown-unknown", "emscripten", false),
         ("wasm64-unknown-unknown", "wasm32", false),
         ("wasm64-unknown-unknown", "wasm32-bare", false),
diff --git a/tests/assembly/stack-protector/stack-protector-target-support.rs b/tests/assembly/stack-protector/stack-protector-target-support.rs
index 5fa93b3617e..df8a0dce40b 100644
--- a/tests/assembly/stack-protector/stack-protector-target-support.rs
+++ b/tests/assembly/stack-protector/stack-protector-target-support.rs
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@
 //@ [r71] needs-llvm-components: webassembly
 //@ [r72] compile-flags:--target wasm32-unknown-unknown
 //@ [r72] needs-llvm-components: webassembly
-//@ [r73] compile-flags:--target wasm32-wasi
+//@ [r73] compile-flags:--target wasm32-wasip1
 //@ [r73] needs-llvm-components: webassembly
 //@ [r74] compile-flags:--target wasm32-wasi-preview1-threads
 //@ [r74] needs-llvm-components: webassembly
diff --git a/tests/assembly/targets/targets-elf.rs b/tests/assembly/targets/targets-elf.rs
index 4051957c222..4af94730b7d 100644
--- a/tests/assembly/targets/targets-elf.rs
+++ b/tests/assembly/targets/targets-elf.rs
@@ -486,6 +486,9 @@
 //@ revisions: wasm32_wasi
 //@ [wasm32_wasi] compile-flags: --target wasm32-wasi
 //@ [wasm32_wasi] needs-llvm-components: webassembly
+//@ revisions: wasm32_wasip1
+//@ [wasm32_wasip1] compile-flags: --target wasm32-wasip1
+//@ [wasm32_wasip1] needs-llvm-components: webassembly
 //@ revisions: wasm32_wasi_preview1_threads
 //@ [wasm32_wasi_preview1_threads] compile-flags: --target wasm32-wasi-preview1-threads
 //@ [wasm32_wasi_preview1_threads] needs-llvm-components: webassembly
diff --git a/tests/ui/abi/compatibility.rs b/tests/ui/abi/compatibility.rs
index fcf31aa970c..2449e515f5f 100644
--- a/tests/ui/abi/compatibility.rs
+++ b/tests/ui/abi/compatibility.rs
@@ -43,9 +43,9 @@
 //@ revisions: wasm
 //@[wasm] compile-flags: --target wasm32-unknown-unknown
 //@[wasm] needs-llvm-components: webassembly
-//@ revisions: wasi
-//@[wasi] compile-flags: --target wasm32-wasi
-//@[wasi] needs-llvm-components: webassembly
+//@ revisions: wasip1
+//@[wasip1] compile-flags: --target wasm32-wasip1
+//@[wasip1] needs-llvm-components: webassembly
 //@ revisions: bpf
 //@[bpf] compile-flags: --target bpfeb-unknown-none
 //@[bpf] needs-llvm-components: bpf