rustc: Move middle::tstate::auxiliary and middle::tstate::bitvectors over to interior vectors
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
import std::ivec;
import std::str;
import std::vec;
import std::vec::len;
@ -48,7 +49,7 @@ fn def_id_to_str(def_id d) -> str {
ret int::str(d._0) + "," + int::str(d._1);
fn comma_str(vec[@constr_arg_use] args) -> str {
fn comma_str(&(@constr_arg_use)[] args) -> str {
auto rslt = "";
auto comma = false;
for (@constr_arg_use a in args) {
@ -107,7 +108,7 @@ fn first_difference_string(&fn_ctxt fcx, &tritv::t expected, &tritv::t actual)
fn log_tritv_err(fn_ctxt fcx, tritv::t v) { log_err tritv_to_str(fcx, v); }
fn tos(vec[uint] v) -> str {
fn tos(&uint[] v) -> str {
auto rslt = "";
for (uint i in v) { if (i == 0u) { rslt += "0"; }
else if (i == 1u) { rslt += "1"; }
@ -115,9 +116,9 @@ fn tos(vec[uint] v) -> str {
ret rslt;
fn log_cond(vec[uint] v) { log tos(v); }
fn log_cond(&uint[] v) { log tos(v); }
fn log_cond_err(vec[uint] v) { log_err tos(v); }
fn log_cond_err(&uint[] v) { log_err tos(v); }
fn log_pp(&pre_and_post pp) {
auto p1 = tritv::to_vec(pp.precondition);
@ -157,10 +158,10 @@ fn log_states_err(&pre_and_post_state pp) {
fn print_ident(&ident i) { log " " + i + " "; }
fn print_idents(vec[ident] idents) {
if (len[ident](idents) == 0u) {
} else { log "an ident: " + pop[ident](idents); print_idents(idents); }
fn print_idents(&mutable ident[] idents) {
if (ivec::len[ident](idents) == 0u) { ret; }
log "an ident: " + ivec::pop[ident](idents);
@ -194,7 +195,7 @@ to represent predicate *arguments* however. This type
Both types store an ident and span, for error-logging purposes.
type pred_desc_ = rec(vec[@constr_arg_use] args, uint bit_num);
type pred_desc_ = rec((@constr_arg_use)[] args, uint bit_num);
type pred_desc = spanned[pred_desc_];
@ -202,10 +203,13 @@ type constr_arg_use = constr_arg_general[tup(ident, def_id)];
tag constraint {
cinit(uint, span, ident);
cpred(path, @mutable vec[pred_desc]);
cpred(path, @mutable pred_desc[]);
tag constr__ { ninit(ident); npred(path, vec[@constr_arg_use]); }
tag constr__ {
npred(path, (@constr_arg_use)[]);
type constr_ = rec(node_id id, constr__ c);
@ -223,11 +227,11 @@ type fn_info = rec(constr_map constrs,
// Doesn't seem to work without the @ --
// bug?
@mutable vec[node_id] used_vars);
@mutable node_id[] used_vars);
/* mapping from node ID to typestate annotation */
type node_ann_table = @mutable vec[mutable ts_ann];
type node_ann_table = @mutable ts_ann[mutable];
/* mapping from function name to fn_info map */
@ -243,15 +247,15 @@ fn get_fn_info(&crate_ctxt ccx, node_id id) -> fn_info {
fn add_node(&crate_ctxt ccx, node_id i, &ts_ann a) {
auto sz = len(*ccx.node_anns);
auto sz = ivec::len(*ccx.node_anns);
if (sz <= i as uint) {
grow(*ccx.node_anns, (i as uint) - sz + 1u, empty_ann(0u));
ivec::grow_mut(*ccx.node_anns, (i as uint) - sz + 1u, empty_ann(0u));
ccx.node_anns.(i) = a;
fn get_ts_ann(&crate_ctxt ccx, node_id i) -> option::t[ts_ann] {
if (i as uint < len(*ccx.node_anns)) {
if (i as uint < ivec::len(*ccx.node_anns)) {
ret some[ts_ann](ccx.node_anns.(i));
} else { ret none[ts_ann]; }
@ -439,7 +443,7 @@ fn pure_exp(&crate_ctxt ccx, node_id id, &prestate p) -> bool {
fn num_constraints(fn_info m) -> uint { ret m.num_constraints; }
fn new_crate_ctxt(ty::ctxt cx) -> crate_ctxt {
let vec[mutable ts_ann] na = vec::empty_mut();
let ts_ann[mutable] na = ~[mutable];
ret rec(tcx=cx, node_anns=@mutable na, fm=@new_int_hash[fn_info]());
@ -474,19 +478,18 @@ fn node_id_to_def(&crate_ctxt ccx, node_id id) -> option::t[def] {
ret ccx.tcx.def_map.find(id);
fn norm_a_constraint(node_id id, &constraint c) -> vec[norm_constraint] {
fn norm_a_constraint(node_id id, &constraint c) -> norm_constraint[] {
alt (c) {
case (cinit(?n, ?sp, ?i)) {
ret [rec(bit_num=n, c=respan(sp, rec(id=id, c=ninit(i))))];
ret ~[rec(bit_num=n, c=respan(sp, rec(id=id, c=ninit(i))))];
case (cpred(?p, ?descs)) {
let vec[norm_constraint] rslt = [];
let norm_constraint[] rslt = ~[];
for (pred_desc pd in *descs) {
rslt += ~[rec(bit_num=pd.node.bit_num,
c=npred(p, pd.node.args)))));
c=npred(p, pd.node.args))))];
ret rslt;
@ -496,15 +499,15 @@ fn norm_a_constraint(node_id id, &constraint c) -> vec[norm_constraint] {
// Tried to write this as an iterator, but I got a
// non-exhaustive match in trans.
fn constraints(&fn_ctxt fcx) -> vec[norm_constraint] {
let vec[norm_constraint] rslt = [];
fn constraints(&fn_ctxt fcx) -> norm_constraint[] {
let norm_constraint[] rslt = ~[];
for each (@tup(node_id, constraint) p in fcx.enclosing.constrs.items()) {
rslt += norm_a_constraint(p._0, p._1);
ret rslt;
fn match_args(&fn_ctxt fcx, vec[pred_desc] occs, &(@constr_arg_use)[] occ) ->
fn match_args(&fn_ctxt fcx, &pred_desc[] occs, &(@constr_arg_use)[] occ) ->
uint {
log "match_args: looking at " +
constr_args_to_str(std::util::fst[ident, def_id], occ);
@ -564,10 +567,10 @@ fn expr_to_constr_arg(ty::ctxt tcx, &@expr e) -> @constr_arg_use {
fn exprs_to_constr_args(ty::ctxt tcx, vec[@expr] args) ->
vec[@constr_arg_use] {
fn exprs_to_constr_args(ty::ctxt tcx, &(@expr)[] args)
-> (@constr_arg_use)[] {
auto f = bind expr_to_constr_arg(tcx, _);
ret vec::map(f, args);
ret ivec::map(f, args);
fn expr_to_constr(ty::ctxt tcx, &@expr e) -> constr {
@ -578,10 +581,14 @@ fn expr_to_constr(ty::ctxt tcx, &@expr e) -> constr {
expr_call(?operator, ?args)) {
alt (operator.node) {
case (expr_path(?p)) {
// FIXME: Remove this vec->ivec conversion.
auto args_ivec = ~[];
for (@expr e in args) { args_ivec += ~[e]; }
ret respan(e.span,
exprs_to_constr_args(tcx, args))));
c=npred(p, exprs_to_constr_args(tcx,
case (_) {
@ -609,20 +616,20 @@ fn pred_desc_to_str(&pred_desc p) -> str {
constr_args_to_str(std::util::fst[ident, def_id], cau_ivec) + ">";
fn substitute_constr_args(&ty::ctxt cx, &vec[@expr] actuals,
fn substitute_constr_args(&ty::ctxt cx, &(@expr)[] actuals,
&@ty::constr_def c) -> constr__ {
let vec[@constr_arg_use] rslt = [];
let (@constr_arg_use)[] rslt = ~[];
for (@constr_arg a in c.node.args) {
rslt += [substitute_arg(cx, actuals, a)];
rslt += ~[substitute_arg(cx, actuals, a)];
ret npred(c.node.path, rslt);
type subst = vec[tup(arg, @expr)];
type subst = tup(arg, @expr)[];
fn substitute_arg(&ty::ctxt cx, &vec[@expr] actuals, @constr_arg a) ->
fn substitute_arg(&ty::ctxt cx, &(@expr)[] actuals, @constr_arg a) ->
@constr_arg_use {
auto num_actuals = vec::len(actuals);
auto num_actuals = ivec::len(actuals);
alt (a.node) {
case (carg_ident(?i)) {
if (i < num_actuals) {
@ -778,26 +785,28 @@ fn non_init_constraint_mentions(&fn_ctxt fcx, &norm_constraint c,
fn args_mention(&vec[@constr_arg_use] args, &def_id v) -> bool {
fn args_mention(&(@constr_arg_use)[] args, &def_id v) -> bool {
fn mentions(&def_id v, &@constr_arg_use a) -> bool {
alt (a.node) {
case (carg_ident(?p1)) { p1._1 == v }
case (_) { false }
ret util::common::any[@constr_arg_use](bind mentions(v,_), args);
ret ivec::any[@constr_arg_use](bind mentions(v,_), args);
fn use_var(&fn_ctxt fcx, &node_id v) {
vec::push(*fcx.enclosing.used_vars, v);
*fcx.enclosing.used_vars += ~[v];
fn vec_contains(&@mutable vec[node_id] v, &node_id i) -> bool {
// FIXME: This should be a function in std::ivec::.
fn vec_contains(&@mutable (node_id[]) v, &node_id i) -> bool {
for (node_id d in *v) {
if (d == i) { ret true; }
ret false;
// Local Variables:
// mode: rust
@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
import syntax::ast::*;
import syntax::walk;
import std::ivec;
import std::option::*;
import std::vec;
import std::vec::len;
import std::vec::slice;
import aux::constr_arg_use;
import aux::local_node_id_to_def;
import aux::fn_ctxt;
@ -70,7 +69,8 @@ fn bit_num(&fn_ctxt fcx, &constr_ c) -> uint {
for (@constr_arg_use cau in args) {
cau_ivec += ~[cau];
ret match_args(fcx, *descs, cau_ivec);
auto d = *descs;
ret match_args(fcx, d, cau_ivec);
case (_) {
fcx.ccx.tcx.sess.bug("bit_num: asked for pred constraint,"
@ -106,11 +106,11 @@ fn seq_tritv(&postcond p, &postcond q) {
fn seq_postconds(&fn_ctxt fcx, &vec[postcond] ps) -> postcond {
auto sz = vec::len(ps);
fn seq_postconds(&fn_ctxt fcx, &postcond[] ps) -> postcond {
auto sz = ivec::len(ps);
if (sz >= 1u) {
auto prev = tritv_clone(ps.(0));
for (postcond p in slice(ps, 1u, sz)) {
for (postcond p in ivec::slice(ps, 1u, sz)) {
seq_tritv(prev, p);
ret prev;
@ -124,14 +124,14 @@ fn seq_postconds(&fn_ctxt fcx, &vec[postcond] ps) -> postcond {
// return the precondition for evaluating each expr in order.
// So, if e0's post is {x} and e1's pre is {x, y, z}, the entire
// precondition shouldn't include x.
fn seq_preconds(&fn_ctxt fcx, &vec[pre_and_post] pps) -> precond {
let uint sz = len(pps);
fn seq_preconds(&fn_ctxt fcx, &pre_and_post[] pps) -> precond {
let uint sz = ivec::len(pps);
let uint num_vars = num_constraints(fcx.enclosing);
fn seq_preconds_go(&fn_ctxt fcx, &vec[pre_and_post] pps,
fn seq_preconds_go(&fn_ctxt fcx, &pre_and_post[] pps,
&pre_and_post first)
-> precond {
let uint sz = len(pps);
let uint sz = ivec::len(pps);
if (sz >= 1u) {
auto second = pps.(0);
assert (pps_len(second) == num_constraints(fcx.enclosing));
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ fn seq_preconds(&fn_ctxt fcx, &vec[pre_and_post] pps) -> precond {
union(next_first, second_pre);
auto next_first_post = clone(first.postcondition);
seq_tritv(next_first_post, second.postcondition);
ret seq_preconds_go(fcx, slice(pps, 1u, sz),
ret seq_preconds_go(fcx, ivec::slice(pps, 1u, sz),
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ fn seq_preconds(&fn_ctxt fcx, &vec[pre_and_post] pps) -> precond {
if (sz >= 1u) {
auto first = pps.(0);
assert (pps_len(first) == num_vars);
ret seq_preconds_go(fcx, slice(pps, 1u, sz), first);
ret seq_preconds_go(fcx, ivec::slice(pps, 1u, sz), first);
} else { ret true_precond(num_vars); }
@ -46,11 +46,15 @@ fn collect_pred(&@expr e, &ctxt cx, &visit::vt[ctxt] v) {
// If it's a call, generate appropriate instances of the
// call's constraints.
case (expr_call(?operator, ?operands)) {
// FIXME: Remove this vec->ivec conversion.
auto operands_ivec = ~[];
for (@expr opd in operands) { operands_ivec += ~[opd]; }
for (@ty::constr_def c in constraints_expr(cx.tcx, operator)) {
let aux::constr ct = respan(c.span,
operands, c)));
operands_ivec, c)));
vec::push(*cx.cs, ct);
@ -93,18 +97,17 @@ fn add_constraint(&ty::ctxt tcx, aux::constr c, uint next, constr_map tbl) ->
" as a variable and a pred");
case (cpred(_, ?pds)) {
rec(args=args, bit_num=next)));
*pds += ~[respan(c.span,
rec(args=args, bit_num=next))];
case (none) {
@mutable [respan(c.span,
@mutable ~[respan(c.span,
@ -134,7 +137,7 @@ fn mk_fn_info(&crate_ctxt ccx, &_fn f, &vec[ty_param] tp,
auto name = fn_ident_to_string(id, f_name);
add_constraint(cx.tcx, respan(f_sp, rec(id=id, c=ninit(name))), next,
let @mutable vec[node_id] v = @mutable [];
let @mutable node_id[] v = @mutable ~[];
auto rslt =
num_constraints=vec::len(*cx.cs) + 1u,
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import std::ivec;
import std::vec;
import std::vec::plus_option;
import std::option;
@ -110,7 +111,7 @@ fn find_pre_post_item(&crate_ctxt ccx, &item i) {
alt (i.node) {
case (item_const(_, ?e)) {
// make a fake fcx
let @mutable vec[node_id] v = @mutable [];
let @mutable node_id[] v = @mutable ~[];
auto fake_fcx =
@ -163,9 +164,13 @@ fn find_pre_post_exprs(&fn_ctxt fcx, &vec[@expr] args, node_id id) {
auto g = bind get_pp(fcx.ccx, _);
auto pps = vec::map[@expr, pre_and_post](g, args);
auto h = get_post;
set_pre_and_post(fcx.ccx, id, seq_preconds(fcx, pps),
seq_postconds(fcx, vec::map(h, pps)));
// TODO: Remove this vec->ivec conversion.
auto pps_ivec = ~[];
for (pre_and_post pp in pps) { pps_ivec += ~[pp]; }
set_pre_and_post(fcx.ccx, id, seq_preconds(fcx, pps_ivec),
seq_postconds(fcx, ivec::map(get_post, pps_ivec)));
fn find_pre_post_loop(&fn_ctxt fcx, &@local l, &@expr index, &block body,
@ -179,10 +184,8 @@ fn find_pre_post_loop(&fn_ctxt fcx, &@local l, &@expr index, &block body,
// so we pretend they're used
auto loop_precond =
[expr_pp(fcx.ccx, index),
block_pp(fcx.ccx, body)]);
auto loop_precond = seq_preconds(fcx, ~[expr_pp(fcx.ccx, index),
block_pp(fcx.ccx, body)]);
auto loop_postcond = intersect_states(expr_postcond(fcx.ccx, index),
block_postcond(fcx.ccx, body));
copy_pre_post_(fcx.ccx, id, loop_precond, loop_postcond);
@ -205,10 +208,8 @@ fn join_then_else(&fn_ctxt fcx, &@expr antec, &block conseq,
case (_) {}
auto precond_res =
[expr_pp(fcx.ccx, antec),
block_pp(fcx.ccx, conseq)]);
auto precond_res = seq_preconds(fcx,
~[expr_pp(fcx.ccx, antec), block_pp(fcx.ccx, conseq)]);
set_pre_and_post(fcx.ccx, id, precond_res,
expr_poststate(fcx.ccx, antec));
@ -219,13 +220,11 @@ fn join_then_else(&fn_ctxt fcx, &@expr antec, &block conseq,
is *not* true in the alternative
find_pre_post_expr(fcx, altern);
auto precond_false_case =
[expr_pp(fcx.ccx, antec),
expr_pp(fcx.ccx, altern)]);
auto postcond_false_case =
seq_postconds(fcx, [expr_postcond(fcx.ccx, antec),
expr_postcond(fcx.ccx, altern)]);
auto precond_false_case = seq_preconds(fcx,
~[expr_pp(fcx.ccx, antec), expr_pp(fcx.ccx, altern)]);
auto postcond_false_case = seq_postconds(fcx,
~[expr_postcond(fcx.ccx, antec),
expr_postcond(fcx.ccx, altern)]);
/* Be sure to set the bit for the check condition here,
so that it's *not* set in the alternative. */
@ -236,17 +235,14 @@ fn join_then_else(&fn_ctxt fcx, &@expr antec, &block conseq,
case (_) {}
auto precond_true_case =
[expr_pp(fcx.ccx, antec),
block_pp(fcx.ccx, conseq)]);
auto postcond_true_case =
seq_postconds(fcx, [expr_postcond(fcx.ccx, antec),
block_postcond(fcx.ccx, conseq)]);
auto precond_true_case = seq_preconds(fcx,
~[expr_pp(fcx.ccx, antec), block_pp(fcx.ccx, conseq)]);
auto postcond_true_case = seq_postconds(fcx,
~[expr_postcond(fcx.ccx, antec),
block_postcond(fcx.ccx, conseq)]);
auto precond_res =
seq_postconds(fcx, [precond_true_case,
auto precond_res = seq_postconds(fcx, ~[precond_true_case,
auto postcond_res =
intersect_states(postcond_true_case, postcond_false_case);
set_pre_and_post(fcx.ccx, id, precond_res, postcond_res);
@ -286,6 +282,11 @@ fn find_pre_post_expr(&fn_ctxt fcx, @expr e) {
case (expr_call(?operator, ?operands)) {
auto args = vec::clone(operands);
vec::push(args, operator);
// TODO: Remove this vec->ivec conversion.
auto operands_ivec = ~[];
for (@expr e in operands) { operands_ivec += ~[e]; }
find_pre_post_exprs(fcx, args,;
/* see if the call has any constraints on its type */
for (@ty::constr_def c in constraints_expr(fcx.ccx.tcx, operator))
@ -294,7 +295,8 @@ fn find_pre_post_expr(&fn_ctxt fcx, @expr e) {
operands, c)));
require(i, expr_pp(fcx.ccx, e));
@ -440,7 +442,7 @@ fn find_pre_post_expr(&fn_ctxt fcx, @expr e) {
find_pre_post_expr(fcx, l);
find_pre_post_expr(fcx, r);
auto overall_pre = seq_preconds(fcx,
[expr_pp(fcx.ccx, l), expr_pp(fcx.ccx, r)]);
~[expr_pp(fcx.ccx, l), expr_pp(fcx.ccx, r)]);
@ -465,20 +467,18 @@ fn find_pre_post_expr(&fn_ctxt fcx, @expr e) {
find_pre_post_expr(fcx, test);
find_pre_post_block(fcx, body);
[expr_pp(fcx.ccx, test),
block_pp(fcx.ccx, body)]),
seq_preconds(fcx, ~[expr_pp(fcx.ccx, test),
block_pp(fcx.ccx, body)]),
intersect_states(expr_postcond(fcx.ccx, test),
block_postcond(fcx.ccx, body)));
case (expr_do_while(?body, ?test)) {
find_pre_post_block(fcx, body);
find_pre_post_expr(fcx, test);
auto loop_postcond =
seq_postconds(fcx, [block_postcond(fcx.ccx, body),
expr_postcond(fcx.ccx, test)]);
/* conservative approximination: if the body
auto loop_postcond = seq_postconds(fcx,
~[block_postcond(fcx.ccx, body),
expr_postcond(fcx.ccx, test)]);
/* conservative approximation: if the body
could break or cont, the test may never be executed */
if (has_nonlocal_exits(body)) {
@ -486,8 +486,8 @@ fn find_pre_post_expr(&fn_ctxt fcx, @expr e) {
[block_pp(fcx.ccx, body),
expr_pp(fcx.ccx, test)]),
~[block_pp(fcx.ccx, body),
expr_pp(fcx.ccx, test)]),
case (expr_for(?d, ?index, ?body)) {
@ -509,7 +509,7 @@ fn find_pre_post_expr(&fn_ctxt fcx, @expr e) {
auto alt_pps = vec::map[arm, pre_and_post](f, alts);
fn combine_pp(pre_and_post antec, fn_ctxt fcx, &pre_and_post pp,
&pre_and_post next) -> pre_and_post {
union(pp.precondition, seq_preconds(fcx, [antec, next]));
union(pp.precondition, seq_preconds(fcx, ~[antec, next]));
intersect(pp.postcondition, next.postcondition);
ret pp;
@ -664,27 +664,23 @@ fn find_pre_post_block(&fn_ctxt fcx, block b) {
fn do_inner_(fn_ctxt fcx, &@expr e) { find_pre_post_expr(fcx, e); }
auto do_inner = bind do_inner_(fcx, _);
option::map[@expr, ()](do_inner, b.node.expr);
let vec[pre_and_post] pps = [];
fn get_pp_stmt(crate_ctxt ccx, &@stmt s) -> pre_and_post {
ret stmt_pp(ccx, *s);
let pre_and_post[] pps = ~[];
for (@stmt s in b.node.stmts) { pps += ~[stmt_pp(fcx.ccx, *s)]; }
alt (b.node.expr) {
case (none) { /* no-op */ }
case (some(?e)) { pps += ~[expr_pp(fcx.ccx, e)]; }
auto f = bind get_pp_stmt(fcx.ccx, _);
pps += vec::map[@stmt, pre_and_post](f, b.node.stmts);
fn get_pp_expr(crate_ctxt ccx, &@expr e) -> pre_and_post {
ret expr_pp(ccx, e);
auto g = bind get_pp_expr(fcx.ccx, _);
pre_and_post](g, b.node.expr));
auto block_precond = seq_preconds(fcx, pps);
auto h = get_post;
auto postconds = vec::map[pre_and_post, postcond](h, pps);
auto postconds = ~[];
for (pre_and_post pp in pps) { postconds += ~[get_post(pp)]; }
/* A block may be empty, so this next line ensures that the postconds
vector is non-empty. */
postconds += ~[block_precond];
vec::push[postcond](postconds, block_precond);
auto block_postcond = empty_poststate(nv);
/* conservative approximation */
@ -240,11 +240,11 @@ fn tritv_doesntcare(&t v) -> bool {
ret true;
fn to_vec(&t v) -> vec[uint] {
fn to_vec(&t v) -> uint[] {
let uint i = 0u;
let vec[uint] rslt = [];
let uint[] rslt = ~[];
while (i < v.nbits) {
rslt += [alt (tritv_get(v, i)) {
rslt += ~[alt (tritv_get(v, i)) {
case (dont_care) { 2u }
case (ttrue) { 1u }
case (tfalse) { 0u } }];
Reference in New Issue
Block a user