Fail typechecking for bad binop/type combinations

Includes assignment operations. Add regression tests for lots of less useful,
less used or unexpected combinations, as well as a selection of compile-fail
tests. Closes  (again!)
This commit is contained in:
Brian Anderson 2011-06-24 14:19:58 -07:00
parent 51d07830ba
commit cfaa0f4b91
12 changed files with 330 additions and 12 deletions

@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ export get_element_type;
export hash_ty;
export idx_nil;
export is_lval;
export is_binopable;
export item_table;
export lookup_item_type;
export method;
@ -2792,6 +2793,96 @@ fn strip_boxes(&ctxt cx, &ty::t t) -> ty::t {
fn is_binopable(&ctxt cx, t ty, ast::binop op) -> bool {
const int tycat_other = 0;
const int tycat_bool = 1;
const int tycat_int = 2;
const int tycat_float = 3;
const int tycat_str = 4;
const int tycat_vec = 5;
const int tycat_struct = 6;
const int opcat_add = 0;
const int opcat_sub = 1;
const int opcat_mult = 2;
const int opcat_shift = 3;
const int opcat_rel = 4;
const int opcat_eq = 5;
const int opcat_bit = 6;
const int opcat_logic = 7;
fn opcat(ast::binop op) -> int {
alt (op) {
case (ast::add) { opcat_add }
case (ast::sub) { opcat_sub }
case (ast::mul) { opcat_mult }
case (ast::div) { opcat_mult }
case (ast::rem) { opcat_mult }
case (ast::and) { opcat_logic }
case (ast::or) { opcat_logic }
case (ast::bitxor) { opcat_bit }
case (ast::bitand) { opcat_bit }
case (ast::bitor) { opcat_bit }
case (ast::lsl) { opcat_shift }
case (ast::lsr) { opcat_shift }
case (ast::asr) { opcat_shift }
case (ast::eq) { opcat_eq }
case (ast::ne) { opcat_eq }
case (ast::lt) { opcat_rel }
case (ast::le) { opcat_rel }
case (ast::ge) { opcat_rel }
case (ast::gt) { opcat_rel }
fn tycat(&ctxt cx, t ty) -> int {
alt (struct(cx, strip_boxes(cx, ty))) {
case (ty_bool) { tycat_bool }
case (ty_int) { tycat_int }
case (ty_uint) { tycat_int }
case (ty_machine(ty_i8)) { tycat_int }
case (ty_machine(ty_i16)) { tycat_int }
case (ty_machine(ty_i32)) { tycat_int }
case (ty_machine(ty_i64)) { tycat_int }
case (ty_machine(ty_u8)) { tycat_int }
case (ty_machine(ty_u16)) { tycat_int }
case (ty_machine(ty_u32)) { tycat_int }
case (ty_machine(ty_u64)) { tycat_int }
case (ty_float) { tycat_float }
case (ty_machine(ty_f32)) { tycat_float }
case (ty_machine(ty_f64)) { tycat_float }
case (ty_char) { tycat_int }
case (ty_ptr(_)) { tycat_int }
case (ty_str) { tycat_str }
case (ty_istr) { tycat_str }
case (ty_vec(_)) { tycat_vec }
case (ty_ivec(_)) { tycat_vec }
case (ty_tup(_)) { tycat_struct }
case (ty_rec(_)) { tycat_struct }
case (ty_tag(_, _)) { tycat_struct }
case (_) { tycat_other }
const bool t = true;
const bool f = false;
/*. add, shift, bit
. sub, rel, logic
. mult, eq, */
auto tbl = [[f, f, f, f, t, t, f, f], /*other*/
[f, f, f, f, t, t, t, t], /*bool*/
[t, t, t, t, t, t, t, f], /*int*/
[t, t, t, f, t, t, f, f], /*float*/
[t, f, f, f, t, t, f, f], /*str*/
[t, f, f, f, t, t, f, f], /*vec*/
[f, f, f, f, t, t, f, f]];/*struct*/
ret tbl.(tycat(cx, ty)).(opcat(op));
// Local Variables:
// mode: rust
// fill-column: 78;

@ -1476,6 +1476,19 @@ fn check_expr(&@fn_ctxt fcx, &@ast::expr expr) {
write::ty_only_fixup(fcx, id, if_t);
// Checks the compatibility
fn check_binop_type_compat(&@fn_ctxt fcx, common::span span,
ty::t ty, ast::binop binop) {
auto resolved_t = resolve_type_vars_if_possible(fcx, ty);
if (!ty::is_binopable(fcx.ccx.tcx, resolved_t, binop)) {
auto binopstr = ast::binop_to_str(binop);
auto t_str = ty_to_str(fcx.ccx.tcx, resolved_t);
auto errmsg = "binary operation " + binopstr
+ " cannot be applied to type `" + t_str + "`";
fcx.ccx.tcx.sess.span_fatal(span, errmsg);
auto id =;
alt (expr.node) {
case (ast::expr_lit(?lit)) {
@ -1490,19 +1503,17 @@ fn check_expr(&@fn_ctxt fcx, &@ast::expr expr) {
auto rhs_t = expr_ty(fcx.ccx.tcx, rhs);
demand::autoderef(fcx, rhs.span, lhs_t, rhs_t, AUTODEREF_OK);
check_binop_type_compat(fcx, expr.span, lhs_t, binop);
// FIXME: Binops have a bit more subtlety than this.
auto t = strip_boxes(fcx, expr.span, lhs_t);
alt (binop) {
case (ast::eq) { t = ty::mk_bool(fcx.ccx.tcx); }
case (ast::lt) { t = ty::mk_bool(fcx.ccx.tcx); }
case (ast::le) { t = ty::mk_bool(fcx.ccx.tcx); }
case (ast::ne) { t = ty::mk_bool(fcx.ccx.tcx); }
case (ast::ge) { t = ty::mk_bool(fcx.ccx.tcx); }
case (ast::gt) { t = ty::mk_bool(fcx.ccx.tcx); }
case (_) {/* fall through */ }
auto t = alt (binop) {
case (ast::eq) { ty::mk_bool(fcx.ccx.tcx) }
case (ast::lt) { ty::mk_bool(fcx.ccx.tcx) }
case (ast::le) { ty::mk_bool(fcx.ccx.tcx) }
case (ast::ne) { ty::mk_bool(fcx.ccx.tcx) }
case (ast::ge) { ty::mk_bool(fcx.ccx.tcx) }
case (ast::gt) { ty::mk_bool(fcx.ccx.tcx) }
case (_) { strip_boxes(fcx, expr.span, lhs_t) }
write::ty_only_fixup(fcx, id, t);
case (ast::expr_unary(?unop, ?oper)) {
@ -1646,6 +1657,8 @@ fn check_expr(&@fn_ctxt fcx, &@ast::expr expr) {
case (ast::expr_assign_op(?op, ?lhs, ?rhs)) {
require_impure(fcx.ccx.tcx.sess, fcx.purity, expr.span);
check_assignment(fcx, expr.span, lhs, rhs, id);
check_binop_type_compat(fcx, expr.span,
expr_ty(fcx.ccx.tcx, lhs), op);
case (ast::expr_send(?lhs, ?rhs)) {
require_impure(fcx.ccx.tcx.sess, fcx.purity, expr.span);

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
// xfail-stage0
// error-pattern:+ cannot be applied to type `tup(bool)`
fn main() {
auto x = tup(true);
x += tup(false);

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
// xfail-stage0
// error-pattern:+ cannot be applied to type `tup(bool)`
fn main() {
auto x = tup(true) + tup(false);

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
// xfail-stage0
// error-pattern:\^ cannot be applied to type `str`
fn main() {
auto x = "a" ^ "b";

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
// xfail-stage0
// error-pattern:|| cannot be applied to type `f32`
fn main() {
auto x = 1.0_f32 || 2.0_f32;

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
// xfail-stage0
// error-pattern:&& cannot be applied to type `int`
fn main() {
auto x = 1 && 2;

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
// xfail-stage0
// error-pattern:* cannot be applied to type `bool`
fn main() {
auto x = true * false;

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
// xfail-stage0
// error-pattern:>> cannot be applied to type `port\[int\]`
fn main() {
let port[int] p1 = port();
let port[int] p2 = port();
auto x = p1 >> p2;

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
// xfail-stage0
// error-pattern:\- cannot be applied to type `obj
fn main() {
auto x = obj(){} - obj(){};

src/test/run-pass/ Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
// Binop corner cases
fn test_nil() {
assert () == ();
assert !(() != ());
// FIXME (#576): The current implementation of relational ops on nil
// is nonsensical
assert () < ();
assert () <= ();
assert !(() > ());
assert !(() >= ());
fn test_bool() {
assert !(true < false);
assert !(true <= false);
assert (true > false);
assert (true >= false);
assert (false < true);
assert (false <= true);
assert !(false > true);
assert !(false >= true);
// Bools support bitwise binops
assert (false & false == false);
assert (true & false == false);
assert (true & true == true);
assert (false | false == false);
assert (true | false == true);
assert (true | true == true);
assert (false ^ false == false);
assert (true ^ false == true);
assert (true ^ true == false);
fn test_char() {
auto ch10 = 10 as char;
auto ch4 = 4 as char;
auto ch2 = 2 as char;
assert ch10 + ch4 == 14 as char;
assert ch10 - ch4 == 6 as char;
assert ch10 * ch4 == 40 as char;
assert ch10 / ch4 == ch2;
assert ch10 % ch4 == ch2;
assert ch10 >> ch2 == ch2;
assert ch10 >>> ch2 == ch2;
assert ch10 << ch4 == 160 as char;
assert ch10 | ch4 == 14 as char;
assert ch10 & ch2 == ch2;
assert ch10 ^ ch2 == 8 as char;
fn test_box() {
assert @10 == 10;
assert 0xFF & @0xF0 == 0xF0;
assert tup(1, 3) < @tup(1, 4);
assert @rec(a = 'x') != @rec(a = 'y');
fn test_port() {
let port[int] p1 = port();
let port[int] p2 = port();
// FIXME (#577) comparison of ports
// assert (p1 != p2);
// assert !(p1 < p2);
// etc
fn test_chan() {
let port[int] p = port();
auto ch1 = chan(p);
auto ch2 = chan(p);
// FIXME (#577) comparison of channels
// assert (ch1 != ch2);
// etc
fn test_ptr() {
// FIXME: Don't know what binops apply to pointers. Don't know how
// to make or use pointers
fn test_task() {
fn f() {}
auto t1 = spawn f();
auto t2 = spawn f();
// FIXME (#577) comparison of tasks
//assert t1 != t2;
fn test_fn() {
fn f() {}
fn g() {}
fn h(int i) {}
auto f1 = f;
auto f2 = f;
auto g1 = g;
auto h1 = h;
auto h2 = h;
assert (f1 == f2);
assert (f1 == f);
assert (f1 == g1);
assert (h1 == h2);
assert !(f1 != f2);
assert !(h1 < h2);
assert (h1 <= h2);
assert !(h1 > h2);
assert (h1 >= h2);
native "rust" mod native_mod {
fn str_byte_len(str s) -> vec[u8];
fn str_alloc(uint n_bytes) -> str;
// FIXME: comparison of native fns
fn test_native_fn() {
/*assert (native_mod::str_byte_len == native_mod::str_byte_len);
assert (native_mod::str_byte_len != native_mod::str_alloc);*/
fn test_obj() {
auto o1 = obj() { };
auto o2 = obj() { };
assert (o1 == o2);
assert !(o1 != o2);
assert !(o1 < o2);
assert (o1 <= o2);
assert !(o1 > o2);
assert (o1 >= o2);
obj constr1(int i) { };
obj constr2(int i) { };
auto o5 = constr1(10);
auto o6 = constr1(10);
auto o7 = constr1(11);
auto o8 = constr2(11);
assert (o5 == o6);
assert (o6 == o7);
assert (o7 == o8);
fn main() {

@ -18,4 +18,5 @@ fn main() {
assert (0xf0 >> 4 == 0xf);
assert (-16 >>> 2 == -4);
assert (0b1010_1010 | 0b0101_0101 == 0xff);
assert (-1000 >> 3 == 536870787);