Generate a main fn for test running. Issue #428
This commit is contained in:
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ fn compile_input(session::session sess, ast::crate_cfg cfg, str input,
bind front::config::strip_unconfigured_items(crate));
if (sess.get_opts().test) {
crate = time(time_passes, "building test harness",
bind front::test::modify_for_testing(sess, crate));
bind front::test::modify_for_testing(crate));
auto ast_map = time(time_passes, "ast indexing",
bind middle::ast_map::map_crate(*crate));
@ -1,37 +1,99 @@
import driver::session;
// Code that generates a test runner to run all the tests in a crate
import std::option;
import syntax::ast;
import syntax::fold;
export modify_for_testing;
type test_ctxt = rec(@session::session sess);
type node_id_gen = @fn() -> ast::node_id;
type test_ctxt = rec(node_id_gen next_node_id);
// Traverse the crate, collecting all the test functions, eliding any
// existing main functions, and synthesizing a main test harness
fn modify_for_testing(&session::session sess,
@ast::crate crate) -> @ast::crate {
fn modify_for_testing(@ast::crate crate) -> @ast::crate {
auto cx = rec(sess = @sess);
// FIXME: This hackasaurus assumes that 200000 is a safe number to start
// generating node_ids at (which is totally not the case). pauls is going
// to land a patch that puts parse_sess into session, which will give us
// access to the real next node_id.
auto next_node_id = @mutable 200000;
auto next_node_id_fn = @bind fn(@mutable ast::node_id next_node_id)
-> ast::node_id {
auto this_node_id = *next_node_id;
*next_node_id = next_node_id + 1;
ret this_node_id;
} (next_node_id);
auto precursor = rec(fold_crate = bind fold_crate(cx, _, _)
with *fold::default_ast_fold());
auto cx = rec(next_node_id = next_node_id_fn);
auto fold = fold::make_fold(precursor);
auto res = @fold.fold_crate(*crate);
// FIXME: This is necessary to break a circular reference
ret res;
auto precursor = rec(fold_crate = bind fold_crate(cx, _, _)
with *fold::default_ast_fold());
auto fold = fold::make_fold(precursor);
auto res = @fold.fold_crate(*crate);
// FIXME: This is necessary to break a circular reference
ret res;
fn fold_crate(&test_ctxt cx, &ast::crate_ c,
fold::ast_fold fld) -> ast::crate_ {
auto folded = fold::noop_fold_crate(c, fld);
ret rec(module = add_test_module(folded.module)
with folded);
auto folded = fold::noop_fold_crate(c, fld);
// Add a special __test module to the crate that will contain code
// generated for the test harness
ret rec(module = add_test_module(cx, folded.module)
with folded);
fn add_test_module(&ast::_mod m) -> ast::_mod {
ret m;
fn add_test_module(&test_ctxt cx, &ast::_mod m) -> ast::_mod {
auto testmod = mk_test_module(cx);
ret rec(items = m.items + [testmod]
with m);
fn mk_test_module(&test_ctxt cx) -> @ast::item {
auto mainfn = mk_main(cx);
let ast::_mod testmod = rec(view_items = [],
items = [mainfn]);
auto item_ = ast::item_mod(testmod);
let ast::item item = rec(ident = "__test",
attrs = ~[],
id = cx.next_node_id(),
node = item_,
span = rec(lo=0u, hi=0u));
ret @item;
fn mk_main(&test_ctxt cx) -> @ast::item {
auto ret_ty = @rec(node=ast::ty_nil,
span=rec(lo=0u, hi=0u));
let ast::fn_decl decl = rec(inputs = [],
output = ret_ty,
purity = ast::impure_fn,
cf = ast::return,
constraints = ~[]);
auto proto = ast::proto_fn;
let ast::block_ body_ = rec(stmts = [],
expr = option::none,
id = cx.next_node_id());
auto body = rec(node = body_, span = rec(lo=0u, hi=0u));
auto fn_ = rec(decl = decl,
proto = proto,
body = body);
auto item_ = ast::item_fn(fn_, []);
let ast::item item = rec(ident = "main",
attrs = ~[],
id = cx.next_node_id(),
node = item_,
span = rec(lo=0u, hi=0u));
ret @item;
// Local Variables:
Reference in New Issue
Block a user