1734: Strip indents and empty lines in check_apply_diagnostic_fix_from_position r=matklad a=matklad

Co-authored-by: Phil Ellison <phil.j.ellison@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
bors[bot] 2019-08-25 09:58:54 +00:00 committed by GitHub
commit cd433ed194
No known key found for this signature in database
6 changed files with 319 additions and 5 deletions

View File

@ -143,3 +143,31 @@ impl AstDiagnostic for MissingFields {
pub struct MissingOkInTailExpr {
pub file: HirFileId,
pub expr: AstPtr<ast::Expr>,
impl Diagnostic for MissingOkInTailExpr {
fn message(&self) -> String {
"wrap return expression in Ok".to_string()
fn source(&self) -> Source<SyntaxNodePtr> {
Source { file_id: self.file, ast: self.expr.into() }
fn as_any(&self) -> &(dyn Any + Send + 'static) {
impl AstDiagnostic for MissingOkInTailExpr {
type AST = ast::Expr;
fn ast(&self, db: &impl HirDatabase) -> Self::AST {
let root = db.parse_or_expand(self.file).unwrap();
let node = self.source().ast.to_node(&root);

View File

@ -6,11 +6,14 @@ use ra_syntax::ast::{AstNode, RecordLit};
use super::{Expr, ExprId, RecordLitField};
use crate::{
diagnostics::{DiagnosticSink, MissingFields},
diagnostics::{DiagnosticSink, MissingFields, MissingOkInTailExpr},
Function, HasSource, HirDatabase, Name, Path,
path::{PathKind, PathSegment},
ty::{ApplicationTy, InferenceResult, Ty, TypeCtor},
Function, HasSource, HirDatabase, ModuleDef, Name, Path, PerNs, Resolution,
use ra_syntax::ast;
pub(crate) struct ExprValidator<'a, 'b: 'a> {
func: Function,
@ -29,11 +32,17 @@ impl<'a, 'b> ExprValidator<'a, 'b> {
pub(crate) fn validate_body(&mut self, db: &impl HirDatabase) {
let body = self.func.body(db);
for e in body.exprs() {
if let (id, Expr::RecordLit { path, fields, spread }) = e {
self.validate_record_literal(id, path, fields, *spread, db);
let body_expr = &body[body.body_expr()];
if let Expr::Block { statements: _, tail: Some(t) } = body_expr {
self.validate_results_in_tail_expr(*t, db);
fn validate_record_literal(
@ -87,4 +96,42 @@ impl<'a, 'b> ExprValidator<'a, 'b> {
fn validate_results_in_tail_expr(&mut self, id: ExprId, db: &impl HirDatabase) {
let mismatch = match self.infer.type_mismatch_for_expr(id) {
Some(m) => m,
None => return,
let std_result_path = Path {
kind: PathKind::Abs,
segments: vec![
PathSegment { name: name::STD, args_and_bindings: None },
PathSegment { name: name::RESULT_MOD, args_and_bindings: None },
PathSegment { name: name::RESULT_TYPE, args_and_bindings: None },
let resolver = self.func.resolver(db);
let std_result_enum =
match resolver.resolve_path_segments(db, &std_result_path).into_fully_resolved() {
PerNs { types: Some(Resolution::Def(ModuleDef::Enum(e))), .. } => e,
_ => return,
let std_result_ctor = TypeCtor::Adt(AdtDef::Enum(std_result_enum));
let params = match &mismatch.expected {
Ty::Apply(ApplicationTy { ctor, parameters }) if ctor == &std_result_ctor => parameters,
_ => return,
if params.len() == 2 && &params[0] == &mismatch.actual {
let source_map = self.func.body_source_map(db);
let file_id = self.func.source(db).file_id;
if let Some(expr) = source_map.expr_syntax(id).and_then(|n| n.cast::<ast::Expr>()) {
self.sink.push(MissingOkInTailExpr { file: file_id, expr });

View File

@ -120,6 +120,8 @@ pub(crate) const TRY: Name = Name::new(SmolStr::new_inline_from_ascii(3, b"Try")
pub(crate) const OK: Name = Name::new(SmolStr::new_inline_from_ascii(2, b"Ok"));
pub(crate) const FUTURE_MOD: Name = Name::new(SmolStr::new_inline_from_ascii(6, b"future"));
pub(crate) const FUTURE_TYPE: Name = Name::new(SmolStr::new_inline_from_ascii(6, b"Future"));
pub(crate) const RESULT_MOD: Name = Name::new(SmolStr::new_inline_from_ascii(6, b"result"));
pub(crate) const RESULT_TYPE: Name = Name::new(SmolStr::new_inline_from_ascii(6, b"Result"));
pub(crate) const OUTPUT: Name = Name::new(SmolStr::new_inline_from_ascii(6, b"Output"));
fn resolve_name(text: &SmolStr) -> SmolStr {

View File

@ -106,6 +106,13 @@ impl Default for BindingMode {
/// A mismatch between an expected and an inferred type.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Hash)]
pub struct TypeMismatch {
pub expected: Ty,
pub actual: Ty,
/// The result of type inference: A mapping from expressions and patterns to types.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Default)]
pub struct InferenceResult {
@ -120,6 +127,7 @@ pub struct InferenceResult {
diagnostics: Vec<InferenceDiagnostic>,
pub(super) type_of_expr: ArenaMap<ExprId, Ty>,
pub(super) type_of_pat: ArenaMap<PatId, Ty>,
pub(super) type_mismatches: ArenaMap<ExprId, TypeMismatch>,
impl InferenceResult {
@ -141,6 +149,9 @@ impl InferenceResult {
pub fn assoc_resolutions_for_pat(&self, id: PatId) -> Option<ImplItem> {
pub fn type_mismatch_for_expr(&self, expr: ExprId) -> Option<&TypeMismatch> {
pub(crate) fn add_diagnostics(
db: &impl HirDatabase,
@ -1345,9 +1356,15 @@ impl<'a, D: HirDatabase> InferenceContext<'a, D> {
// use a new type variable if we got Ty::Unknown here
let ty = self.insert_type_vars_shallow(ty);
self.unify(&ty, &expected.ty);
let could_unify = self.unify(&ty, &expected.ty);
let ty = self.resolve_ty_as_possible(&mut vec![], ty);
self.write_expr_ty(tgt_expr, ty.clone());
if !could_unify {
TypeMismatch { expected: expected.ty.clone(), actual: ty.clone() },

View File

@ -75,6 +75,19 @@ pub(crate) fn diagnostics(db: &RootDatabase, file_id: FileId) -> Vec<Diagnostic>
severity: Severity::Error,
fix: Some(fix),
.on::<hir::diagnostics::MissingOkInTailExpr, _>(|d| {
let node = d.ast(db);
let mut builder = TextEditBuilder::default();
let replacement = format!("Ok({})", node.syntax());
builder.replace(node.syntax().text_range(), replacement);
let fix = SourceChange::source_file_edit_from("wrap with ok", file_id, builder.finish());
res.borrow_mut().push(Diagnostic {
range: d.highlight_range(),
message: d.message(),
severity: Severity::Error,
fix: Some(fix),
if let Some(m) = source_binder::module_from_file_id(db, file_id) {
m.diagnostics(db, &mut sink);
@ -171,10 +184,11 @@ fn check_struct_shorthand_initialization(
mod tests {
use insta::assert_debug_snapshot_matches;
use join_to_string::join;
use ra_syntax::SourceFile;
use test_utils::assert_eq_text;
use crate::mock_analysis::single_file;
use crate::mock_analysis::{analysis_and_position, single_file};
use super::*;
@ -203,6 +217,48 @@ mod tests {
assert_eq_text!(after, &actual);
/// Takes a multi-file input fixture with annotated cursor positions,
/// and checks that:
/// * a diagnostic is produced
/// * this diagnostic touches the input cursor position
/// * that the contents of the file containing the cursor match `after` after the diagnostic fix is applied
fn check_apply_diagnostic_fix_from_position(fixture: &str, after: &str) {
let (analysis, file_position) = analysis_and_position(fixture);
let diagnostic = analysis.diagnostics(file_position.file_id).unwrap().pop().unwrap();
let mut fix = diagnostic.fix.unwrap();
let edit = fix.source_file_edits.pop().unwrap().edit;
let target_file_contents = analysis.file_text(file_position.file_id).unwrap();
let actual = edit.apply(&target_file_contents);
// Strip indent and empty lines from `after`, to match the behaviour of
// `parse_fixture` called from `analysis_and_position`.
let margin = fixture
.filter(|it| it.trim_start().starts_with("//-"))
.map(|it| it.len() - it.trim_start().len())
.expect("empty fixture");
let after = join(after.lines().filter_map(|line| {
if line.len() > margin {
} else {
assert_eq_text!(&after, &actual);
diagnostic.range.start() <= file_position.offset
&& diagnostic.range.end() >= file_position.offset,
"diagnostic range {} does not touch cursor position {}",
fn check_apply_diagnostic_fix(before: &str, after: &str) {
let (analysis, file_id) = single_file(before);
let diagnostic = analysis.diagnostics(file_id).unwrap().pop().unwrap();
@ -212,12 +268,169 @@ mod tests {
assert_eq_text!(after, &actual);
/// Takes a multi-file input fixture with annotated cursor position and checks that no diagnostics
/// apply to the file containing the cursor.
fn check_no_diagnostic_for_target_file(fixture: &str) {
let (analysis, file_position) = analysis_and_position(fixture);
let diagnostics = analysis.diagnostics(file_position.file_id).unwrap();
assert_eq!(diagnostics.len(), 0);
fn check_no_diagnostic(content: &str) {
let (analysis, file_id) = single_file(content);
let diagnostics = analysis.diagnostics(file_id).unwrap();
assert_eq!(diagnostics.len(), 0);
fn test_wrap_return_type() {
let before = r#"
//- /main.rs
use std::{string::String, result::Result::{self, Ok, Err}};
fn div(x: i32, y: i32) -> Result<i32, String> {
if y == 0 {
return Err("div by zero".into());
x / y<|>
//- /std/lib.rs
pub mod string {
pub struct String { }
pub mod result {
pub enum Result<T, E> { Ok(T), Err(E) }
let after = r#"
use std::{string::String, result::Result::{self, Ok, Err}};
fn div(x: i32, y: i32) -> Result<i32, String> {
if y == 0 {
return Err("div by zero".into());
Ok(x / y)
check_apply_diagnostic_fix_from_position(before, after);
fn test_wrap_return_type_handles_generic_functions() {
let before = r#"
//- /main.rs
use std::result::Result::{self, Ok, Err};
fn div<T>(x: T) -> Result<T, i32> {
if x == 0 {
return Err(7);
//- /std/lib.rs
pub mod result {
pub enum Result<T, E> { Ok(T), Err(E) }
let after = r#"
use std::result::Result::{self, Ok, Err};
fn div<T>(x: T) -> Result<T, i32> {
if x == 0 {
return Err(7);
check_apply_diagnostic_fix_from_position(before, after);
fn test_wrap_return_type_handles_type_aliases() {
let before = r#"
//- /main.rs
use std::{string::String, result::Result::{self, Ok, Err}};
type MyResult<T> = Result<T, String>;
fn div(x: i32, y: i32) -> MyResult<i32> {
if y == 0 {
return Err("div by zero".into());
x <|>/ y
//- /std/lib.rs
pub mod string {
pub struct String { }
pub mod result {
pub enum Result<T, E> { Ok(T), Err(E) }
let after = r#"
use std::{string::String, result::Result::{self, Ok, Err}};
type MyResult<T> = Result<T, String>;
fn div(x: i32, y: i32) -> MyResult<i32> {
if y == 0 {
return Err("div by zero".into());
Ok(x / y)
check_apply_diagnostic_fix_from_position(before, after);
fn test_wrap_return_type_not_applicable_when_expr_type_does_not_match_ok_type() {
let content = r#"
//- /main.rs
use std::{string::String, result::Result::{self, Ok, Err}};
fn foo() -> Result<String, i32> {
//- /std/lib.rs
pub mod string {
pub struct String { }
pub mod result {
pub enum Result<T, E> { Ok(T), Err(E) }
fn test_wrap_return_type_not_applicable_when_return_type_is_not_result() {
let content = r#"
//- /main.rs
use std::{string::String, result::Result::{self, Ok, Err}};
enum SomeOtherEnum {
fn foo() -> SomeOtherEnum {
//- /std/lib.rs
pub mod string {
pub struct String { }
pub mod result {
pub enum Result<T, E> { Ok(T), Err(E) }
fn test_fill_struct_fields_empty() {
let before = r"

View File

@ -31,6 +31,13 @@ impl SyntaxNodePtr {
pub fn kind(self) -> SyntaxKind {
pub fn cast<N: AstNode>(self) -> Option<AstPtr<N>> {
if !N::can_cast(self.kind()) {
return None;
Some(AstPtr { raw: self, _ty: PhantomData })
/// Like `SyntaxNodePtr`, but remembers the type of node