Add test cases for select

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Ben Blum 2013-07-19 20:45:54 -04:00
parent f34fadd126
commit cccfa8acc4
2 changed files with 254 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -100,3 +100,231 @@ pub fn select2<TA, A: SelectPort<TA>, TB, B: SelectPort<TB>>(mut a: A, mut b: B)
mod test {
use super::*;
use option::*;
use rt::comm::*;
use rt::test::*;
use vec::*;
use comm::GenericChan;
use task;
use cell::Cell;
#[test] #[ignore(cfg(windows))] #[should_fail]
fn select_doesnt_get_trolled() {
/* non-blocking select tests */
fn select_helper(num_ports: uint, send_on_chans: &[uint]) {
// Unfortunately this does not actually test the block_on early-break
// codepath in select -- racing between the sender and the receiver in
// separate tasks is necessary to get around the optimistic check.
let (ports, chans) = unzip(from_fn(num_ports, |_| oneshot::<()>()));
let mut dead_chans = ~[];
let mut ports = ports;
for chans.consume_iter().enumerate().advance |(i, chan)| {
if send_on_chans.contains(&i) {
} else {
let ready_index = select(ports);
let _ = dead_chans;
// Same thing with streams instead.
// FIXME(#7971): This should be in a macro but borrowck isn't smart enough.
let (ports, chans) = unzip(from_fn(num_ports, |_| stream::<()>()));
let mut dead_chans = ~[];
let mut ports = ports;
for chans.consume_iter().enumerate().advance |(i, chan)| {
if send_on_chans.contains(&i) {
} else {
let ready_index = select(ports);
let _ = dead_chans;
fn select_one() {
do run_in_newsched_task { select_helper(1, [0]) }
fn select_two() {
// NB. I would like to have a test that tests the first one that is
// ready is the one that's returned, but that can't be reliably tested
// with the randomized behaviour of optimistic_check.
do run_in_newsched_task { select_helper(2, [1]) }
do run_in_newsched_task { select_helper(2, [0]) }
do run_in_newsched_task { select_helper(2, [1,0]) }
fn select_a_lot() {
do run_in_newsched_task { select_helper(12, [7,8,9]) }
fn select_stream() {
use util;
use comm::GenericChan;
// Sends 10 buffered packets, and uses select to retrieve them all.
// Puts the port in a different spot in the vector each time.
do run_in_newsched_task {
let (ports, _) = unzip(from_fn(10, |_| stream()));
let (port, chan) = stream();
for 10.times { chan.send(31337); }
let mut ports = ports;
let mut port = Some(port);
let order = [5u,0,4,3,2,6,9,8,7,1];
for order.iter().advance |&index| {
// put the port in the vector at any index
util::swap(port.get_mut_ref(), &mut ports[index]);
assert!(select(ports) == index);
// get it back out
util::swap(port.get_mut_ref(), &mut ports[index]);
// NB. Not recv(), because optimistic_check randomly fails.
let (data, new_port) = port.take_unwrap().recv_ready().unwrap();
assert!(data == 31337);
port = Some(new_port);
fn select_unkillable() {
do run_in_newsched_task {
unsafe { do task::unkillable { select_helper(2, [1]) } }
/* blocking select tests */
fn select_blocking() {
fn select_blocking_helper(killable: bool) {
do run_in_newsched_task {
let (p1,_c) = oneshot();
let (p2,c2) = oneshot();
let mut ports = [p1,p2];
let (p3,c3) = oneshot();
let (p4,c4) = oneshot();
let x = Cell::new((c2, p3, c4));
do task::spawn {
let (c2, p3, c4) = x.take();
p3.recv(); // handshake parent
c4.send(()); // normal receive
c2.send(()); // select receive
// Try to block before child sends on c2.
if killable {
assert!(select(ports) == 1);
} else {
unsafe { do task::unkillable { assert!(select(ports) == 1); } }
fn select_racing_senders() {
static NUM_CHANS: uint = 10;
select_racing_senders_helper(true, ~[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]);
select_racing_senders_helper(false, ~[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]);
select_racing_senders_helper(true, ~[0,1,2]);
select_racing_senders_helper(false, ~[0,1,2]);
select_racing_senders_helper(true, ~[3,4,5,6]);
select_racing_senders_helper(false, ~[3,4,5,6]);
select_racing_senders_helper(true, ~[7,8,9]);
select_racing_senders_helper(false, ~[7,8,9]);
fn select_racing_senders_helper(killable: bool, send_on_chans: ~[uint]) {
use uint;
use rt::test::spawntask_random;
do run_in_newsched_task {
// A bit of stress, since ordinarily this is just smoke and mirrors.
for 4.times {
let send_on_chans = send_on_chans.clone();
do task::spawn {
let mut ports = ~[];
for uint::range(0, NUM_CHANS) |i| {
let (p,c) = oneshot();
if send_on_chans.contains(&i) {
let c = Cell::new(c);
do spawntask_random {
// nondeterministic result, but should succeed
if killable {
} else {
unsafe { do task::unkillable { select(ports); } }
#[test] #[ignore(cfg(windows))]
fn select_killed() {
do run_in_newsched_task {
let (success_p, success_c) = oneshot::<bool>();
let success_c = Cell::new(success_c);
do task::try {
unsafe {
let success_c = Cell::new(success_c.take());
do task::unkillable {
let (p,c) = oneshot();
let c = Cell::new(c);
do task::spawn {
let (dead_ps, dead_cs) = unzip(from_fn(5, |_| oneshot::<()>()));
let mut ports = dead_ps;
select(ports); // should get killed; nothing should leak
c.take().send(()); // must not happen
// Make sure dead_cs doesn't get closed until after select.
let _ = dead_cs;
do task::spawn {
fail!(); // should kill sibling awake
// wait for killed selector to close (NOT send on) its c.
// hope to send 'true'.

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@ -444,6 +444,32 @@ mod tests {
fn arclike_newN() {
// Tests that the many-refcounts-at-once constructors don't leak.
let _ = UnsafeAtomicRcBox::new2(~~"hello");
let x = UnsafeAtomicRcBox::newN(~~"hello", 0);
assert_eq!(x.len(), 0)
let x = UnsafeAtomicRcBox::newN(~~"hello", 1);
assert_eq!(x.len(), 1)
let x = UnsafeAtomicRcBox::newN(~~"hello", 10);
assert_eq!(x.len(), 10)
fn arclike_cloneN() {
// Tests that the many-refcounts-at-once special-clone doesn't leak.
let x = UnsafeAtomicRcBox::new(~~"hello");
let x = x.cloneN(0);
assert_eq!(x.len(), 0);
let x = UnsafeAtomicRcBox::new(~~"hello");
let x = x.cloneN(1);
assert_eq!(x.len(), 1);
let x = UnsafeAtomicRcBox::new(~~"hello");
let x = x.cloneN(10);
assert_eq!(x.len(), 10);
fn arclike_unwrap_basic() {
unsafe {