diff --git a/src/libstd/collections/hash/map.rs b/src/libstd/collections/hash/map.rs
index e43101b7c9d..43bf86a0039 100644
--- a/src/libstd/collections/hash/map.rs
+++ b/src/libstd/collections/hash/map.rs
@@ -272,6 +272,35 @@ fn test_resize_policy() {
 /// }
 /// ```
+/// `HashMap` also implements an [`Entry API`](#method.entry), which allows
+/// for more complex methods of getting, setting, updating and removing keys and
+/// their values:
+/// ```
+/// use std::collections::HashMap;
+/// // type inference lets us omit an explicit type signature (which
+/// // would be `HashMap<&str, u8>` in this example).
+/// let mut player_stats = HashMap::new();
+/// fn random_stat_buff() -> u8 {
+///   // could actually return some random value here - let's just return
+///   // some fixed value for now
+///   42
+/// }
+/// // insert a key only if it doesn't already exist
+/// player_stats.entry("health").or_insert(100);
+/// // insert a key using a function that provides a new value only if it
+/// // doesn't already exist
+/// player_stats.entry("defence").or_insert_with(random_stat_buff);
+/// // update a key, guarding against the key possibly not being set
+/// let stat = player_stats.entry("attack").or_insert(100);
+/// *stat += random_stat_buff();
+/// ```
 /// The easiest way to use `HashMap` with a custom type as key is to derive `Eq` and `Hash`.
 /// We must also derive `PartialEq`.