Share the InterpCx creation between static and const evaluation

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Oli Scherer 2024-03-12 09:41:49 +00:00
parent 02a0ac8058
commit cc7e0b2200

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@ -282,15 +282,7 @@ pub fn eval_static_initializer_provider<'tcx>(
let instance = ty::Instance::mono(tcx, def_id.to_def_id());
let cid = rustc_middle::mir::interpret::GlobalId { instance, promoted: None };
let ecx = InterpCx::new(
// Statics (and promoteds inside statics) may access other statics, because unlike consts
// they do not have to behave "as if" they were evaluated at runtime.
CompileTimeInterpreter::new(CanAccessMutGlobal::Yes, CheckAlignment::Error),
eval_in_interpreter(ecx, cid)
eval_in_interpreter(tcx, cid, ty::ParamEnv::reveal_all())
pub trait InterpretationResult<'tcx> {
@ -335,27 +327,27 @@ pub fn eval_to_allocation_raw_provider<'tcx>(
trace!("const eval: {:?} ({})", key, instance);
let cid = key.value;
eval_in_interpreter(tcx, key.value, key.param_env)
fn eval_in_interpreter<'tcx, R: InterpretationResult<'tcx>>(
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
cid: GlobalId<'tcx>,
param_env: ty::ParamEnv<'tcx>,
) -> Result<R, ErrorHandled> {
let def = cid.instance.def.def_id();
let is_static = tcx.is_static(def);
let ecx = InterpCx::new(
let mut ecx = InterpCx::new(
// Statics (and promoteds inside statics) may access mutable global memory, because unlike consts
// they do not have to behave "as if" they were evaluated at runtime.
// For consts however we want to ensure they behave "as if" they were evaluated at runtime,
// so we have to reject reading mutable global memory.
CompileTimeInterpreter::new(CanAccessMutGlobal::from(is_static), CheckAlignment::Error),
eval_in_interpreter(ecx, cid)
fn eval_in_interpreter<'mir, 'tcx, R: InterpretationResult<'tcx>>(
mut ecx: InterpCx<'mir, 'tcx, CompileTimeInterpreter<'mir, 'tcx>>,
cid: GlobalId<'tcx>,
) -> Result<R, ErrorHandled> {
let res = ecx.load_mir(cid.instance.def, cid.promoted);
match res.and_then(|body| eval_body_using_ecx(&mut ecx, cid, body)) {
Err(error) => {