warn on use of ok().expect()

This commit is contained in:
Florian Hartwig 2015-11-19 14:39:27 +01:00
parent 68e97ea643
commit cad88a9137
3 changed files with 128 additions and 6 deletions

View File

@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ pub fn plugin_registrar(reg: &mut Registry) {
reg.register_late_lint_pass(box unicode::Unicode);
reg.register_late_lint_pass(box strings::StringAdd);
reg.register_early_lint_pass(box returns::ReturnPass);
reg.register_late_lint_pass(box methods::MethodsPass);
reg.register_late_lint_pass(box methods::MethodsPass::new());
reg.register_late_lint_pass(box shadow::ShadowPass);
reg.register_late_lint_pass(box types::LetPass);
reg.register_late_lint_pass(box types::UnitCmp);
@ -151,6 +151,7 @@ pub fn plugin_registrar(reg: &mut Registry) {

View File

@ -1,18 +1,81 @@
use rustc_front::hir::*;
use rustc::lint::*;
use rustc::middle::ty;
use rustc::middle::subst::Subst;
use rustc::middle::subst::{Subst, TypeSpace};
use std::iter;
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::collections::HashSet;
use utils::{snippet, span_lint, match_path, match_type, walk_ptrs_ty_depth};
use utils::{snippet, span_lint, match_path, match_type, walk_ptrs_ty_depth,
use self::SelfKind::*;
use self::OutType::*;
pub struct MethodsPass;
use rustc::middle::def_id::DefId;
use rustc::middle::ty::TypeFlags;
pub struct MethodsPass { types_implementing_debug: Option<HashSet<DefId>> }
impl MethodsPass {
pub fn new() -> MethodsPass {
MethodsPass { types_implementing_debug: None }
fn get_debug_impls(&mut self, cx: &LateContext) -> Option<&HashSet<DefId>> {
if self.types_implementing_debug.is_none() {
let debug = match cx.tcx.lang_items.debug_trait() {
Some(debug) => debug,
None => return None
let debug_def = cx.tcx.lookup_trait_def(debug);
let mut impls = HashSet::new();
debug_def.for_each_impl(cx.tcx, |d| {
let o_self_ty = &cx.tcx.impl_trait_ref(d)
.map(|x| x.substs)
.and_then(|x| x.self_ty());
let self_ty = match *o_self_ty {
Some(self_type) => self_type,
None => return
let self_ty_def_id = self_ty.ty_to_def_id();
if let Some(self_ty_def_id) = self_ty_def_id {
let has_params = self_ty.flags.get().contains(TypeFlags::HAS_PARAMS);
if !has_params {
self.types_implementing_debug = Some(impls);
// This checks whether a given type is known to implement Debug. It's
// conservative, i.e. it should not return false positives, but will return
// false negatives.
fn has_debug_impl(&mut self, ty: ty::Ty, cx: &LateContext) -> bool {
let debug_impls = match self.get_debug_impls(cx) {
Some(debug_impls) => debug_impls,
None => return false
match walk_ptrs_ty(ty).sty {
ty::TyBool | ty::TyChar | ty::TyInt(..) | ty::TyUint(..)
| ty::TyFloat(..) | ty::TyStr => true,
ty::TyTuple(ref v) if v.is_empty() => true,
ty::TyStruct(..) | ty::TyEnum(..) => {
match ty.ty_to_def_id() {
Some(ref ty_def_id) => debug_impls.contains(ty_def_id),
None => false
_ => false
declare_lint!(pub OPTION_UNWRAP_USED, Allow,
"using `Option.unwrap()`, which should at least get a better message using `expect()`");
@ -30,16 +93,21 @@ declare_lint!(pub WRONG_SELF_CONVENTION, Warn,
declare_lint!(pub WRONG_PUB_SELF_CONVENTION, Allow,
"defining a public method named with an established prefix (like \"into_\") that takes \
`self` with the wrong convention");
declare_lint!(pub OK_EXPECT, Warn,
"using `ok().expect()`, which gives worse error messages than \
calling `expect` directly on the Result");
impl LintPass for MethodsPass {
fn get_lints(&self) -> LintArray {
impl LateLintPass for MethodsPass {
fn check_expr(&mut self, cx: &LateContext, expr: &Expr) {
if let ExprMethodCall(ref name, _, ref args) = expr.node {
let (obj_ty, ptr_depth) = walk_ptrs_ty_depth(cx.tcx.expr_ty(&args[0]));
if name.node.as_str() == "unwrap" {
@ -70,6 +138,22 @@ impl LateLintPass for MethodsPass {
`clone()` to make a copy");
else if name.node.as_str() == "expect" {
if let ExprMethodCall(ref inner_name, _, ref inner_args) = args[0].node {
if inner_name.node.as_str() == "ok"
&& match_type(cx, cx.tcx.expr_ty(&inner_args[0]), &RESULT_PATH) {
let result_type = cx.tcx.expr_ty(&inner_args[0]);
if let Some(error_type) = get_error_type(cx, result_type) {
if self.has_debug_impl(error_type, cx) {
span_lint(cx, OK_EXPECT, expr.span,
"called `ok().expect()` on a Result \
value. You can call `expect` directly
on the `Result`");
@ -115,6 +199,20 @@ impl LateLintPass for MethodsPass {
// Given a `Result<T, E>` type, return its error type (`E`)
fn get_error_type<'a>(cx: &LateContext, ty: ty::Ty<'a>) -> Option<ty::Ty<'a>> {
if !match_type(cx, ty, &RESULT_PATH) {
return None;
if let ty::TyEnum(_, substs) = ty.sty {
if let Some(err_ty) = substs.types.opt_get(TypeSpace, 1) {
return Some(err_ty);
const CONVENTIONS: [(&'static str, &'static [SelfKind]); 5] = [
("into_", &[ValueSelf]),
("to_", &[RefSelf]),

View File

@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ impl Mul<T> for T {
fn main() {
use std::io;
let opt = Some(0);
let _ = opt.unwrap(); //~ERROR used unwrap() on an Option
@ -46,4 +48,25 @@ fn main() {
let v = &"str";
let string = v.to_string(); //~ERROR `(*v).to_owned()` is faster
let _again = string.to_string(); //~ERROR `String.to_string()` is a no-op
res.ok().expect("disaster!"); //~ERROR called `ok().expect()`
// the following should not warn, since `expect` isn't implemented unless
// the error type implements `Debug`
let res2: Result<i32, MyError> = Ok(0);
res2.ok().expect("oh noes!");
// we're currently don't warn if the error type has a type parameter
// (but it would be nice if we did)
let res3: Result<u32, MyErrorWithParam<u8>>= Ok(0);
let res4: Result<u32, io::Error> = Ok(0);
res4.ok().expect("argh"); //~ERROR called `ok().expect()`
let res5: io::Result<u32> = Ok(0);
res5.ok().expect("oops"); //~ERROR called `ok().expect()`
struct MyError(()); // doesn't implement Debug
struct MyErrorWithParam<T> {
x: T