diff --git a/compiler/rustc_mir_build/src/build/matches/mod.rs b/compiler/rustc_mir_build/src/build/matches/mod.rs
index 7474b4b37d7..3b90856db2c 100644
--- a/compiler/rustc_mir_build/src/build/matches/mod.rs
+++ b/compiler/rustc_mir_build/src/build/matches/mod.rs
@@ -315,7 +315,8 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx> Builder<'a, 'tcx> {
         // The set of places that we are creating fake borrows of. If there are
         // no match guards then we don't need any fake borrows, so don't track
         // them.
-        let mut fake_borrows = match_has_guard.then(FxIndexSet::default);
+        let mut fake_borrows = match_has_guard
+            .then(|| util::FakeBorrowCollector::collect_fake_borrows(self, candidates));
         let otherwise_block = self.cfg.start_new_block();
@@ -1373,37 +1374,6 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx> Builder<'a, 'tcx> {
-        if let Some(fake_borrows) = fake_borrows {
-            // Insert a borrows of prefixes of places that are bound and are
-            // behind a dereference projection.
-            //
-            // These borrows are taken to avoid situations like the following:
-            //
-            // match x[10] {
-            //     _ if { x = &[0]; false } => (),
-            //     y => (), // Out of bounds array access!
-            // }
-            //
-            // match *x {
-            //     // y is bound by reference in the guard and then by copy in the
-            //     // arm, so y is 2 in the arm!
-            //     y if { y == 1 && (x = &2) == () } => y,
-            //     _ => 3,
-            // }
-            for Binding { source, .. } in &candidate.bindings {
-                if let Some(i) =
-                    source.projection.iter().rposition(|elem| elem == ProjectionElem::Deref)
-                {
-                    let proj_base = &source.projection[..i];
-                    fake_borrows.insert(Place {
-                        local: source.local,
-                        projection: self.tcx.mk_place_elems(proj_base),
-                    });
-                }
-            }
-        }
         candidate.pre_binding_block = Some(start_block);
         let otherwise_block = self.cfg.start_new_block();
         if candidate.has_guard {
@@ -1656,13 +1626,6 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx> Builder<'a, 'tcx> {
             _ => {}
-        // Insert a Shallow borrow of any places that is switched on.
-        if let Some(fb) = fake_borrows
-            && let Some(resolved_place) = match_place.try_to_place(self)
-        {
-            fb.insert(resolved_place);
-        }
         (match_place, test)
diff --git a/compiler/rustc_mir_build/src/build/matches/util.rs b/compiler/rustc_mir_build/src/build/matches/util.rs
index 637cef29e18..2351f69a914 100644
--- a/compiler/rustc_mir_build/src/build/matches/util.rs
+++ b/compiler/rustc_mir_build/src/build/matches/util.rs
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 use crate::build::expr::as_place::{PlaceBase, PlaceBuilder};
-use crate::build::matches::{FlatPat, MatchPair, TestCase};
+use crate::build::matches::{Binding, Candidate, FlatPat, MatchPair, TestCase};
 use crate::build::Builder;
+use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxIndexSet;
 use rustc_infer::infer::type_variable::{TypeVariableOrigin, TypeVariableOriginKind};
 use rustc_middle::mir::*;
 use rustc_middle::thir::{self, *};
@@ -260,3 +261,82 @@ impl<'pat, 'tcx> MatchPair<'pat, 'tcx> {
         MatchPair { place, test_case, subpairs, pattern }
+pub(super) struct FakeBorrowCollector<'a, 'b, 'tcx> {
+    cx: &'a mut Builder<'b, 'tcx>,
+    fake_borrows: FxIndexSet<Place<'tcx>>,
+impl<'a, 'b, 'tcx> FakeBorrowCollector<'a, 'b, 'tcx> {
+    pub(super) fn collect_fake_borrows(
+        cx: &'a mut Builder<'b, 'tcx>,
+        candidates: &[&mut Candidate<'_, 'tcx>],
+    ) -> FxIndexSet<Place<'tcx>> {
+        let mut collector = Self { cx, fake_borrows: FxIndexSet::default() };
+        for candidate in candidates.iter() {
+            collector.visit_candidate(candidate);
+        }
+        collector.fake_borrows
+    }
+    fn visit_candidate(&mut self, candidate: &Candidate<'_, 'tcx>) {
+        for binding in &candidate.bindings {
+            self.visit_binding(binding);
+        }
+        for match_pair in &candidate.match_pairs {
+            self.visit_match_pair(match_pair);
+        }
+    }
+    fn visit_flat_pat(&mut self, flat_pat: &FlatPat<'_, 'tcx>) {
+        for binding in &flat_pat.bindings {
+            self.visit_binding(binding);
+        }
+        for match_pair in &flat_pat.match_pairs {
+            self.visit_match_pair(match_pair);
+        }
+    }
+    fn visit_match_pair(&mut self, match_pair: &MatchPair<'_, 'tcx>) {
+        if let TestCase::Or { pats, .. } = &match_pair.test_case {
+            for flat_pat in pats.iter() {
+                self.visit_flat_pat(flat_pat)
+            }
+        } else {
+            // Insert a Shallow borrow of any place that is switched on.
+            if let Some(resolved_place) = match_pair.place.try_to_place(self.cx) {
+                self.fake_borrows.insert(resolved_place);
+            }
+            for subpair in &match_pair.subpairs {
+                self.visit_match_pair(subpair);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    fn visit_binding(&mut self, Binding { source, .. }: &Binding<'tcx>) {
+        // Insert a borrows of prefixes of places that are bound and are
+        // behind a dereference projection.
+        //
+        // These borrows are taken to avoid situations like the following:
+        //
+        // match x[10] {
+        //     _ if { x = &[0]; false } => (),
+        //     y => (), // Out of bounds array access!
+        // }
+        //
+        // match *x {
+        //     // y is bound by reference in the guard and then by copy in the
+        //     // arm, so y is 2 in the arm!
+        //     y if { y == 1 && (x = &2) == () } => y,
+        //     _ => 3,
+        // }
+        if let Some(i) = source.projection.iter().rposition(|elem| elem == ProjectionElem::Deref) {
+            let proj_base = &source.projection[..i];
+            self.fake_borrows.insert(Place {
+                local: source.local,
+                projection: self.cx.tcx.mk_place_elems(proj_base),
+            });
+        }
+    }