Make push_outlives_components into a visitor
This commit is contained in:
@ -124,12 +124,7 @@ impl<'cx, 'tcx> VerifyBoundCx<'cx, 'tcx> {
// see the extensive comment in projection_must_outlive
let recursive_bound = {
let mut components = smallvec![];
&mut components,
&mut Default::default(),
compute_alias_components_recursive(self.tcx, alias_ty_as_ty, &mut components);
@ -3,11 +3,10 @@
//! RFC for reference.
use smallvec::{smallvec, SmallVec};
use tracing::debug;
use crate::data_structures::SsoHashSet;
use crate::inherent::*;
use crate::visit::TypeVisitableExt as _;
use crate::visit::{TypeSuperVisitable, TypeVisitable, TypeVisitableExt as _, TypeVisitor};
use crate::{self as ty, Interner};
@ -55,217 +54,149 @@ pub enum Component<I: Interner> {
/// Push onto `out` all the things that must outlive `'a` for the condition
/// `ty0: 'a` to hold. Note that `ty0` must be a **fully resolved type**.
pub fn push_outlives_components<I: Interner>(
tcx: I,
ty0: I::Ty,
out: &mut SmallVec<[Component<I>; 4]>,
) {
let mut visited = SsoHashSet::new();
compute_components_for_ty(tcx, ty0, out, &mut visited);
debug!("components({:?}) = {:?}", ty0, out);
fn compute_components_for_arg<I: Interner>(
tcx: I,
arg: I::GenericArg,
out: &mut SmallVec<[Component<I>; 4]>,
visited: &mut SsoHashSet<I::GenericArg>,
) {
match arg.kind() {
ty::GenericArgKind::Type(ty) => {
compute_components_for_ty(tcx, ty, out, visited);
ty::GenericArgKind::Lifetime(lt) => {
compute_components_for_lt(lt, out);
ty::GenericArgKind::Const(ct) => {
compute_components_for_const(tcx, ct, out, visited);
fn compute_components_for_ty<I: Interner>(
tcx: I,
ty: I::Ty,
out: &mut SmallVec<[Component<I>; 4]>,
visited: &mut SsoHashSet<I::GenericArg>,
) {
if !visited.insert(ty.into()) {
ty.visit_with(&mut OutlivesCollector { tcx, out, visited: Default::default() });
struct OutlivesCollector<'a, I: Interner> {
tcx: I,
out: &'a mut SmallVec<[Component<I>; 4]>,
visited: SsoHashSet<I::Ty>,
impl<I: Interner> TypeVisitor<I> for OutlivesCollector<'_, I> {
fn visit_ty(&mut self, ty: I::Ty) -> Self::Result {
if !self.visited.insert(ty) {
// Descend through the types, looking for the various "base"
// components and collecting them into `out`. This is not written
// with `collect()` because of the need to sometimes skip subtrees
// in the `subtys` iterator (e.g., when encountering a
// projection).
match ty.kind() {
ty::FnDef(_, args) => {
// HACK(eddyb) ignore lifetimes found shallowly in `args`.
// This is inconsistent with `ty::Adt` (including all args)
// and with `ty::Closure` (ignoring all args other than
// upvars, of which a `ty::FnDef` doesn't have any), but
// consistent with previous (accidental) behavior.
// See
// for further background and discussion.
for child in args.iter() {
match child.kind() {
ty::GenericArgKind::Lifetime(_) => {}
ty::GenericArgKind::Type(_) | ty::GenericArgKind::Const(_) => {
ty::Closure(_, args) => {
ty::CoroutineClosure(_, args) => {
ty::Coroutine(_, args) => {
// We ignore regions in the coroutine interior as we don't
// want these to affect region inference
// All regions are bound inside a witness, and we don't emit
// higher-ranked outlives components currently.
ty::CoroutineWitness(..) => {}
// OutlivesTypeParameterEnv -- the actual checking that `X:'a`
// is implied by the environment is done in regionck.
ty::Param(p) => {
ty::Placeholder(p) => {
// For projections, we prefer to generate an obligation like
// `<P0 as Trait<P1...Pn>>::Foo: 'a`, because this gives the
// regionck more ways to prove that it holds. However,
// regionck is not (at least currently) prepared to deal with
// higher-ranked regions that may appear in the
// trait-ref. Therefore, if we see any higher-ranked regions,
// we simply fallback to the most restrictive rule, which
// requires that `Pi: 'a` for all `i`.
ty::Alias(_, alias_ty) => {
if !alias_ty.has_escaping_bound_vars() {
// best case: no escaping regions, so push the
// projection and skip the subtree (thus generating no
// constraints for Pi). This defers the choice between
// the rules OutlivesProjectionEnv,
// OutlivesProjectionTraitDef, and
// OutlivesProjectionComponents to regionck.
} else {
// fallback case: hard code
// OutlivesProjectionComponents. Continue walking
// through and constrain Pi.
let mut subcomponents = smallvec![];
compute_alias_components_recursive(self.tcx, ty, &mut subcomponents);
// We assume that inference variables are fully resolved.
// So, if we encounter an inference variable, just record
// the unresolved variable as a component.
ty::Infer(infer_ty) => {
// Most types do not introduce any region binders, nor
// involve any other subtle cases, and so the WF relation
// simply constraints any regions referenced directly by
// the type and then visits the types that are lexically
// contained within.
| ty::Char
| ty::Int(_)
| ty::Uint(_)
| ty::Float(_)
| ty::Str
| ty::Never
| ty::Error(_) => {
// Trivial
ty::Bound(_, _) => {
// FIXME: Bound vars matter here!
ty::Adt(_, _)
| ty::Foreign(_)
| ty::Array(_, _)
| ty::Pat(_, _)
| ty::Slice(_)
| ty::RawPtr(_, _)
| ty::Ref(_, _, _)
| ty::FnPtr(_)
| ty::Dynamic(_, _, _)
| ty::Tuple(_) => {
// Descend through the types, looking for the various "base"
// components and collecting them into `out`. This is not written
// with `collect()` because of the need to sometimes skip subtrees
// in the `subtys` iterator (e.g., when encountering a
// projection).
match ty.kind() {
ty::FnDef(_, args) => {
// HACK(eddyb) ignore lifetimes found shallowly in `args`.
// This is inconsistent with `ty::Adt` (including all args)
// and with `ty::Closure` (ignoring all args other than
// upvars, of which a `ty::FnDef` doesn't have any), but
// consistent with previous (accidental) behavior.
// See
// for further background and discussion.
for child in args.iter() {
match child.kind() {
ty::GenericArgKind::Type(ty) => {
compute_components_for_ty(tcx, ty, out, visited);
ty::GenericArgKind::Lifetime(_) => {}
ty::GenericArgKind::Const(ct) => {
compute_components_for_const(tcx, ct, out, visited);
ty::Pat(element, _) | ty::Array(element, _) => {
compute_components_for_ty(tcx, element, out, visited);
ty::Closure(_, args) => {
let tupled_ty = args.as_closure().tupled_upvars_ty();
compute_components_for_ty(tcx, tupled_ty, out, visited);
ty::CoroutineClosure(_, args) => {
let tupled_ty = args.as_coroutine_closure().tupled_upvars_ty();
compute_components_for_ty(tcx, tupled_ty, out, visited);
ty::Coroutine(_, args) => {
// Same as the closure case
let tupled_ty = args.as_coroutine().tupled_upvars_ty();
compute_components_for_ty(tcx, tupled_ty, out, visited);
// We ignore regions in the coroutine interior as we don't
// want these to affect region inference
// All regions are bound inside a witness, and we don't emit
// higher-ranked outlives components currently.
ty::CoroutineWitness(..) => {},
// OutlivesTypeParameterEnv -- the actual checking that `X:'a`
// is implied by the environment is done in regionck.
ty::Param(p) => {
ty::Placeholder(p) => {
// For projections, we prefer to generate an obligation like
// `<P0 as Trait<P1...Pn>>::Foo: 'a`, because this gives the
// regionck more ways to prove that it holds. However,
// regionck is not (at least currently) prepared to deal with
// higher-ranked regions that may appear in the
// trait-ref. Therefore, if we see any higher-ranked regions,
// we simply fallback to the most restrictive rule, which
// requires that `Pi: 'a` for all `i`.
ty::Alias(_, alias_ty) => {
if !alias_ty.has_escaping_bound_vars() {
// best case: no escaping regions, so push the
// projection and skip the subtree (thus generating no
// constraints for Pi). This defers the choice between
// the rules OutlivesProjectionEnv,
// OutlivesProjectionTraitDef, and
// OutlivesProjectionComponents to regionck.
} else {
// fallback case: hard code
// OutlivesProjectionComponents. Continue walking
// through and constrain Pi.
let mut subcomponents = smallvec![];
let mut subvisited = SsoHashSet::new();
compute_alias_components_recursive(tcx, ty, &mut subcomponents, &mut subvisited);
// We assume that inference variables are fully resolved.
// So, if we encounter an inference variable, just record
// the unresolved variable as a component.
ty::Infer(infer_ty) => {
// Most types do not introduce any region binders, nor
// involve any other subtle cases, and so the WF relation
// simply constraints any regions referenced directly by
// the type and then visits the types that are lexically
// contained within. (The comments refer to relevant rules
// from RFC1214.)
ty::Bool | // OutlivesScalar
ty::Char | // OutlivesScalar
ty::Int(..) | // OutlivesScalar
ty::Uint(..) | // OutlivesScalar
ty::Float(..) | // OutlivesScalar
ty::Never | // OutlivesScalar
ty::Foreign(..) | // OutlivesNominalType
ty::Str | // OutlivesScalar (ish)
ty::Bound(..) |
ty::Error(_) => {
// Trivial.
// OutlivesNominalType
ty::Adt(_, args) => {
for arg in args.iter() {
compute_components_for_arg(tcx, arg, out, visited);
// OutlivesNominalType
ty::Slice(ty) |
ty::RawPtr(ty, _) => {
compute_components_for_ty(tcx, ty, out, visited);
ty::Tuple(tys) => {
for ty in tys.iter() {
compute_components_for_ty(tcx, ty, out, visited);
// OutlivesReference
ty::Ref(lt, ty, _) => {
compute_components_for_lt(lt, out);
compute_components_for_ty(tcx, ty, out, visited);
ty::Dynamic(preds, lt, _) => {
compute_components_for_lt(lt, out);
for pred in preds.iter() {
match pred.skip_binder() {
ty::ExistentialPredicate::Trait(tr) => {
for arg in tr.args.iter() {
compute_components_for_arg(tcx, arg, out, visited);
ty::ExistentialPredicate::Projection(proj) => {
for arg in proj.args.iter() {
compute_components_for_arg(tcx, arg, out, visited);
match proj.term.kind() {
ty::TermKind::Ty(ty) => {
compute_components_for_ty(tcx, ty, out, visited)
ty::TermKind::Const(ct) => {
compute_components_for_const(tcx, ct, out, visited)
ty::ExistentialPredicate::AutoTrait(..) => {}
ty::FnPtr(sig) => {
for ty in sig.skip_binder().inputs_and_output.iter() {
compute_components_for_ty(tcx, ty, out, visited);
fn visit_region(&mut self, lt: I::Region) -> Self::Result {
if !lt.is_bound() {
@ -278,7 +209,6 @@ pub fn compute_alias_components_recursive<I: Interner>(
tcx: I,
alias_ty: I::Ty,
out: &mut SmallVec<[Component<I>; 4]>,
visited: &mut SsoHashSet<I::GenericArg>,
) {
let ty::Alias(kind, alias_ty) = alias_ty.kind() else {
unreachable!("can only call `compute_alias_components_recursive` on an alias type")
@ -287,49 +217,12 @@ pub fn compute_alias_components_recursive<I: Interner>(
let opt_variances =
if kind == ty::Opaque { Some(tcx.variances_of(alias_ty.def_id)) } else { None };
let mut visitor = OutlivesCollector { tcx, out, visited: Default::default() };
for (index, child) in alias_ty.args.iter().enumerate() {
if opt_variances.and_then(|variances| variances.get(index)) == Some(ty::Bivariant) {
compute_components_for_arg(tcx, child, out, visited);
fn compute_components_for_lt<I: Interner>(lt: I::Region, out: &mut SmallVec<[Component<I>; 4]>) {
if !lt.is_bound() {
fn compute_components_for_const<I: Interner>(
tcx: I,
ct: I::Const,
out: &mut SmallVec<[Component<I>; 4]>,
visited: &mut SsoHashSet<I::GenericArg>,
) {
if !visited.insert(ct.into()) {
match ct.kind() {
| ty::ConstKind::Bound(_, _)
| ty::ConstKind::Infer(_)
| ty::ConstKind::Placeholder(_)
| ty::ConstKind::Error(_) => {
// Trivial
ty::ConstKind::Expr(e) => {
for arg in e.args().iter() {
compute_components_for_arg(tcx, arg, out, visited);
ty::ConstKind::Value(ty, _) => {
compute_components_for_ty(tcx, ty, out, visited);
ty::ConstKind::Unevaluated(uv) => {
for arg in uv.args.iter() {
compute_components_for_arg(tcx, arg, out, visited);
child.visit_with(&mut visitor);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user