Added missing lifetime annotations, doc and whitespace cleanups
This commit is contained in:
@ -186,6 +186,7 @@ pub fn push_str_no_overallocate(lhs: &mut ~str, rhs: &str) {
raw::set_len(lhs, llen + rlen);
/// Appends a string slice to the back of a string
pub fn push_str(lhs: &mut ~str, rhs: &str) {
@ -214,7 +215,6 @@ pub fn append(lhs: ~str, rhs: &str) -> ~str {
/// Concatenate a vector of strings
pub fn concat(v: &[~str]) -> ~str {
let mut s: ~str = ~"";
@ -435,15 +435,12 @@ pub fn slice(s: &'a str, begin: uint, end: uint) -> &'a str {
/// Splits a string into substrings at each occurrence of a given character
pub fn each_split_char(s: &str, sep: char, it: &fn(&str) -> bool) {
pub fn each_split_char(s: &'a str, sep: char, it: &fn(&'a str) -> bool) {
each_split_char_inner(s, sep, len(s), true, true, it)
* Like `split_char`, but a trailing empty string is omitted
* (e.g. `split_char_no_trailing("A B ",' ') == ~[~"A",~"B"]`)
pub fn each_split_char_no_trailing(s: &str, sep: char, it: &fn(&str) -> bool) {
/// Like `each_split_char`, but a trailing empty string is omitted
pub fn each_split_char_no_trailing(s: &'a str, sep: char, it: &fn(&'a str) -> bool) {
each_split_char_inner(s, sep, len(s), true, false, it)
@ -451,19 +448,19 @@ pub fn each_split_char_no_trailing(s: &str, sep: char, it: &fn(&str) -> bool) {
* Splits a string into substrings at each occurrence of a given
* character up to 'count' times.
* The byte must be a valid UTF-8/ASCII byte
* The character must be a valid UTF-8/ASCII character
pub fn each_splitn_char(s: &str, sep: char, count: uint, it: &fn(&str) -> bool) {
pub fn each_splitn_char(s: &'a str, sep: char, count: uint, it: &fn(&'a str) -> bool) {
each_split_char_inner(s, sep, count, true, true, it)
/// Like `split_char`, but omits empty strings from the returned vector
pub fn each_split_char_nonempty(s: &str, sep: char, it: &fn(&str) -> bool) {
/// Like `each_split_char`, but omits empty strings
pub fn each_split_char_nonempty(s: &'a str, sep: char, it: &fn(&'a str) -> bool) {
each_split_char_inner(s, sep, len(s), false, false, it)
fn each_split_char_inner(s: &str, sep: char, count: uint, allow_empty: bool,
allow_trailing_empty: bool, it: &fn(&str) -> bool) {
fn each_split_char_inner(s: &'a str, sep: char, count: uint, allow_empty: bool,
allow_trailing_empty: bool, it: &fn(&'a str) -> bool) {
if sep < 128u as char {
let b = sep as u8, l = len(s);
let mut done = 0u;
@ -478,7 +475,7 @@ fn each_split_char_inner(s: &str, sep: char, count: uint, allow_empty: bool,
i += 1u;
// only push a non-empty trailing substring
// only slice a non-empty trailing substring
if allow_trailing_empty || start < l {
if !it( unsafe{ raw::slice_bytes(s, start, l) } ) { return; }
@ -488,15 +485,12 @@ fn each_split_char_inner(s: &str, sep: char, count: uint, allow_empty: bool,
/// Splits a string into substrings using a character function
pub fn each_split(s: &str, sepfn: &fn(char) -> bool, it: &fn(&str) -> bool) {
pub fn each_split(s: &'a str, sepfn: &fn(char) -> bool, it: &fn(&'a str) -> bool) {
each_split_inner(s, sepfn, len(s), true, true, it)
* Like `split`, but a trailing empty string is omitted
* (e.g. `split_no_trailing("A B ",' ') == ~[~"A",~"B"]`)
pub fn each_split_no_trailing(s: &str, sepfn: &fn(char) -> bool, it: &fn(&str) -> bool) {
/// Like `each_split`, but a trailing empty string is omitted
pub fn each_split_no_trailing(s: &'a str, sepfn: &fn(char) -> bool, it: &fn(&'a str) -> bool) {
each_split_inner(s, sepfn, len(s), true, false, it)
@ -504,17 +498,17 @@ pub fn each_split_no_trailing(s: &str, sepfn: &fn(char) -> bool, it: &fn(&str) -
* Splits a string into substrings using a character function, cutting at
* most `count` times.
pub fn each_splitn(s: &str, sepfn: &fn(char) -> bool, count: uint, it: &fn(&str) -> bool) {
pub fn each_splitn(s: &'a str, sepfn: &fn(char) -> bool, count: uint, it: &fn(&'a str) -> bool) {
each_split_inner(s, sepfn, count, true, true, it)
/// Like `split`, but omits empty strings from the returned vector
pub fn each_split_nonempty(s: &str, sepfn: &fn(char) -> bool, it: &fn(&str) -> bool) {
/// Like `each_split`, but omits empty strings
pub fn each_split_nonempty(s: &'a str, sepfn: &fn(char) -> bool, it: &fn(&'a str) -> bool) {
each_split_inner(s, sepfn, len(s), false, false, it)
fn each_split_inner(s: &str, sepfn: &fn(cc: char) -> bool, count: uint,
allow_empty: bool, allow_trailing_empty: bool, it: &fn(&str) -> bool) {
fn each_split_inner(s: &'a str, sepfn: &fn(cc: char) -> bool, count: uint,
allow_empty: bool, allow_trailing_empty: bool, it: &fn(&'a str) -> bool) {
let l = len(s);
let mut i = 0u, start = 0u, done = 0u;
while i < l && done < count {
@ -576,16 +570,18 @@ fn iter_between_matches(s: &'a str, sep: &'b str, f: &fn(uint, uint) -> bool) {
* # Example
* ~~~
* fail_unless!(["", "XXX", "YYY", ""] == split_str(".XXX.YYY.", "."))
* let mut v = ~[];
* for each_split_str(".XXX.YYY.", ".") |subs| { v.push(subs); }
* fail_unless!(v == ["", "XXX", "YYY", ""]);
* ~~~
pub fn each_split_str(s: &'a str, sep: &'b str, it: &fn(&str) -> bool) {
pub fn each_split_str(s: &'a str, sep: &'b str, it: &fn(&'a str) -> bool) {
for iter_between_matches(s, sep) |from, to| {
if !it( unsafe { raw::slice_bytes(s, from, to) } ) { return; }
pub fn each_split_str_nonempty(s: &'a str, sep: &'b str, it: &fn(&str) -> bool) {
pub fn each_split_str_nonempty(s: &'a str, sep: &'b str, it: &fn(&'a str) -> bool) {
for iter_between_matches(s, sep) |from, to| {
if to > from {
if !it( unsafe { raw::slice_bytes(s, from, to) } ) { return; }
@ -628,15 +624,17 @@ pub fn levdistance(s: &str, t: &str) -> uint {
* Splits a string into a vector of the substrings separated by LF ('\n').
* Splits a string into substrings separated by LF ('\n').
pub fn each_line(s: &str, it: &fn(&str) -> bool) { each_split_char_no_trailing(s, '\n', it) }
pub fn each_line(s: &'a str, it: &fn(&'a str) -> bool) {
each_split_char_no_trailing(s, '\n', it)
* Splits a string into a vector of the substrings separated by LF ('\n')
* Splits a string into substrings separated by LF ('\n')
* and/or CR LF ("\r\n")
pub fn each_line_any(s: &str, it: &fn(&str) -> bool) {
pub fn each_line_any(s: &'a str, it: &fn(&'a str) -> bool) {
for each_line(s) |s| {
let l = s.len();
if l > 0u && s[l - 1u] == '\r' as u8 {
@ -647,23 +645,36 @@ pub fn each_line_any(s: &str, it: &fn(&str) -> bool) {
/// Splits a string into a vector of the substrings separated by whitespace
pub fn each_word(s: &str, it: &fn(&str) -> bool) {
each_split_nonempty(s, |c| char::is_whitespace(c), it)
/// Splits a string into substrings separated by whitespace
pub fn each_word(s: &'a str, it: &fn(&'a str) -> bool) {
each_split_nonempty(s, char::is_whitespace, it)
/** Split a string into a vector of substrings,
* each of which is less bytes long than a limit
/** Splits a string into substrings with possibly internal whitespace,
* each of them at most `lim` bytes long. The substrings have leading and trailing
* whitespace removed, and are only cut at whitespace boundaries.
* #Failure:
* Fails during iteration if the string contains a non-whitespace
* sequence longer than the limit.
pub fn each_split_within(ss: &str, lim: uint, it: &fn(&str) -> bool) {
// Just for fun, let's write this as an automaton
pub fn each_split_within(ss: &'a str, lim: uint, it: &fn(&'a str) -> bool) {
// Just for fun, let's write this as an state machine:
enum SplitWithinState {
A, // Leading whitespace, initial state
B, // Words
C, // Internal and trailing whitespace
A, // leading whitespace, initial state
B, // words
C, // internal and trailing whitespace
enum Whitespace {
Ws, // current char is whitespace
Cr // current char is not whitespace
enum LengthLimit {
UnderLim, // current char makes current substring still fit in limit
OverLim // current char makes current substring no longer fit in limit
enum Whitespace { Ws, Cr }
enum LengthLimit { UnderLim, OverLim }
let mut slice_start = 0;
let mut last_start = 0;
@ -671,9 +682,9 @@ pub fn each_split_within(ss: &str, lim: uint, it: &fn(&str) -> bool) {
let mut state = A;
let mut cont = true;
let slice = || { cont = it(ss.slice(slice_start, last_end)) };
let slice: &fn() = || { cont = it(slice(ss, slice_start, last_end)) };
let machine = |i: uint, c: char| {
let machine: &fn(uint, char) -> bool = |i, c| {
let whitespace = if char::is_whitespace(c) { Ws } else { Cr };
let limit = if (i - slice_start + 1) <= lim { UnderLim } else { OverLim };
@ -693,12 +704,13 @@ pub fn each_split_within(ss: &str, lim: uint, it: &fn(&str) -> bool) {
(C, Ws, OverLim) => { slice(); A }
(C, Ws, UnderLim) => { C }
str::each_chari(ss, machine);
// Let the automaton 'run out'
// Let the automaton 'run out' by supplying trailing whitespace
let mut fake_i = ss.len();
while cont && match state { B | C => true, A => false } {
machine(fake_i, ' ');
@ -1186,8 +1198,7 @@ pub fn rfind_char_from(s: &str, c: char, start: uint) -> Option<uint> {
* or equal to `len(s)`. `start` must be the index of a character boundary,
* as defined by `is_char_boundary`.
pub fn rfind_char_between(s: &str, c: char, start: uint, end: uint)
-> Option<uint> {
pub fn rfind_char_between(s: &str, c: char, start: uint, end: uint) -> Option<uint> {
if c < 128u as char {
fail_unless!(start >= end);
fail_unless!(start <= len(s));
@ -1268,11 +1279,7 @@ pub fn find_from(s: &str, start: uint, f: &fn(char)
* or equal to `len(s)`. `start` must be the index of a character
* boundary, as defined by `is_char_boundary`.
pub fn find_between(s: &str,
start: uint,
end: uint,
f: &fn(char) -> bool)
-> Option<uint> {
pub fn find_between(s: &str, start: uint, end: uint, f: &fn(char) -> bool) -> Option<uint> {
fail_unless!(start <= end);
fail_unless!(end <= len(s));
fail_unless!(is_char_boundary(s, start));
@ -1323,8 +1330,7 @@ pub fn rfind(s: &str, f: &fn(char) -> bool) -> Option<uint> {
* `start` must be less than or equal to `len(s)', `start` must be the
* index of a character boundary, as defined by `is_char_boundary`
pub fn rfind_from(s: &str, start: uint, f: &fn(char) -> bool)
-> Option<uint> {
pub fn rfind_from(s: &str, start: uint, f: &fn(char) -> bool) -> Option<uint> {
rfind_between(s, start, 0u, f)
@ -1350,9 +1356,7 @@ pub fn rfind_from(s: &str, start: uint, f: &fn(char) -> bool)
* than or equal to `len(s)`. `start` must be the index of a character
* boundary, as defined by `is_char_boundary`
pub fn rfind_between(s: &str, start: uint, end: uint,
f: &fn(char) -> bool)
-> Option<uint> {
pub fn rfind_between(s: &str, start: uint, end: uint, f: &fn(char) -> bool) -> Option<uint> {
fail_unless!(start >= end);
fail_unless!(start <= len(s));
fail_unless!(is_char_boundary(s, start));
@ -1408,8 +1412,7 @@ pub fn find_str(haystack: &'a str, needle: &'b str) -> Option<uint> {
* `start` must be less than or equal to `len(s)`
pub fn find_str_from(haystack: &'a str, needle: &'b str, start: uint)
-> Option<uint> {
pub fn find_str_from(haystack: &'a str, needle: &'b str, start: uint) -> Option<uint> {
find_str_between(haystack, needle, start, len(haystack))
@ -1433,9 +1436,8 @@ pub fn find_str_from(haystack: &'a str, needle: &'b str, start: uint)
* `start` must be less than or equal to `end` and `end` must be less than
* or equal to `len(s)`.
pub fn find_str_between(haystack: &'a str, needle: &'b str, start: uint,
-> Option<uint> {
pub fn find_str_between(haystack: &'a str, needle: &'b str, start: uint, end:uint)
-> Option<uint> {
// See Issue #1932 for why this is a naive search
fail_unless!(end <= len(haystack));
let needle_len = len(needle);
@ -1638,7 +1640,6 @@ pub fn utf16_chars(v: &[u16], f: &fn(char)) {
pub fn from_utf16(v: &[u16]) -> ~str {
let mut buf = ~"";
unsafe {
@ -1955,7 +1956,6 @@ pub fn as_c_str<T>(s: &str, f: &fn(*libc::c_char) -> T) -> T {
* Work with the byte buffer and length of a slice.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user