Implement checking against assignments to immutable obj fields
This commit is contained in:
@ -30,35 +30,53 @@ type restrict = @rec(vec[def_num] root_vars,
vec[ty::t] tys,
vec[uint] depends_on,
mutable valid ok);
type scope = vec[restrict];
type scope = rec(vec[tup(def_num, ast::mode)] args,
vec[restrict] rs);
fn scope(&scope sc, vec[restrict] add) -> scope {
ret rec(args=sc.args, + add);
tag local_info {
type ctx = rec(@ty::ctxt tcx,
resolve::def_map dm);
resolve::def_map dm,
std::map::hashmap[def_num,local_info] local_map);
fn check_crate(@ty::ctxt tcx, resolve::def_map dm, &@ast::crate crate) {
auto cx = @rec(tcx = tcx, dm = dm);
auto v = @rec(visit_fn = visit_fn,
auto cx = @rec(tcx = tcx,
dm = dm,
// Stores information about object fields and function
// arguments that's otherwise not easily available.
local_map = util::common::new_int_hash());
auto v = @rec(visit_fn = bind visit_fn(cx, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _),
visit_item = bind visit_item(cx, _, _, _),
visit_expr = bind visit_expr(cx, _, _, _)
with *visit::default_visitor[scope]());
visit::visit_crate(*crate, rec(args=[], rs=[]), visit::vtor(v));
visit::visit_crate(*crate, [], visit::vtor(v));
fn visit_fn(&ast::_fn f, &vec[ast::ty_param] tp, &span sp, &ident name,
&ast::def_id d_id, &ast::ann a, &scope sc, &vt[scope] v) {
fn visit_fn(@ctx cx, &ast::_fn f, &vec[ast::ty_param] tp, &span sp,
&ident name, &ast::def_id d_id, &ast::ann a, &scope sc,
&vt[scope] v) {
visit::visit_fn_decl(f.decl, sc, v);
auto args = [];
for (ast::arg arg in f.decl.inputs) {
vec::push(args, tup(, arg.mode));
for (ast::arg arg_ in f.decl.inputs) {
cx.local_map.insert(, arg(arg_.mode));
vt(v).visit_block(f.body, rec(args=args, rs=[]), v);
vt(v).visit_block(f.body, [], v);
fn visit_expr(&@ctx cx, &@ast::expr ex, &scope sc, &vt[scope] v) {
fn visit_item(@ctx cx, &@ast::item i, &scope sc, &vt[scope] v) {
alt (i.node) {
case (ast::item_obj(_, ?o, _, _, _)) {
for (ast::obj_field f in o.fields) {
cx.local_map.insert(, objfield(f.mut));
case (_) {}
visit::visit_item(i, sc, v);
fn visit_expr(@ctx cx, &@ast::expr ex, &scope sc, &vt[scope] v) {
auto handled = false;
alt (ex.node) {
case (ast::expr_call(?f, ?args, _)) {
@ -193,7 +211,7 @@ fn check_call(&ctx cx, &@ast::expr f, &vec[@ast::expr] args, &scope sc)
// Ensure we're not passing a root by mutable alias.
for (tup(uint, def_num) root in mut_roots) {
auto mut_alias_to_root = vec::count(root._1, roots) > 1u;
for (restrict r in {
for (restrict r in sc) {
if (vec::member(root._1, r.root_vars)) {
mut_alias_to_root = true;
@ -225,12 +243,12 @@ fn check_alt(&ctx cx, &@ast::expr input, &vec[ast::arm] arms,
auto dnums = arm_defnums(a);
auto new_sc = sc;
if (vec::len(dnums) > 0u) {
new_sc = scope(sc, [@rec(root_vars=roots,
depends_on=deps(sc, roots),
mutable ok=valid)]);
new_sc = sc + [@rec(root_vars=roots,
depends_on=deps(sc, roots),
mutable ok=valid)];
visit::visit_arm(a, new_sc, v);
@ -269,7 +287,7 @@ fn check_for_each(&ctx cx, &@ast::local local, &@ast::expr call,
depends_on=deps(sc, data.root_vars),
mutable ok=valid);
visit::visit_block(block, scope(sc, [new_sc]), v);
visit::visit_block(block, sc + [new_sc], v);
@ -303,7 +321,7 @@ fn check_for(&ctx cx, &@ast::local local, &@ast::expr seq,
depends_on=deps(sc, root_def),
mutable ok=valid);
visit::visit_block(block, scope(sc, [new_sc]), v);
visit::visit_block(block, sc + [new_sc], v);
fn check_var(&ctx cx, &@ast::expr ex, &ast::path p, ast::ann ann, bool assign,
@ -312,7 +330,7 @@ fn check_var(&ctx cx, &@ast::expr ex, &ast::path p, ast::ann ann, bool assign,
if (!def_is_local(def)) { ret; }
auto my_defnum = ast::def_id_of_def(def)._1;
auto var_t = ty::expr_ty(*cx.tcx, ex);
for (restrict r in {
for (restrict r in sc) {
// excludes variables introduced since the alias was made
if (my_defnum < r.block_defnum) {
for (ty::t t in r.tys) {
@ -334,13 +352,16 @@ fn check_assign(&@ctx cx, &@ast::expr dest, &@ast::expr src,
alt (dest.node) {
case (ast::expr_path(?p, ?ann)) {
auto dnum = ast::def_id_of_def(;
if (is_immutable_alias(sc, dnum)) {
if (is_immutable_alias(cx, sc, dnum)) {
(dest.span, "assigning to immutable alias");
} else if (is_immutable_objfield(cx, dnum)) {
(dest.span, "assigning to immutable obj field");
auto var_t = ty::expr_ty(*cx.tcx, dest);
for (restrict r in {
for (restrict r in sc) {
if (vec::member(dnum, r.root_vars)) {
r.ok = overwritten(dest.span, p);
@ -365,21 +386,25 @@ fn check_assign(&@ctx cx, &@ast::expr dest, &@ast::expr src,
fn is_immutable_alias(&scope sc, def_num dnum) -> bool {
for (tup(def_num, ast::mode) arg in sc.args) {
if (arg._0 == dnum && arg._1 == ast::alias(false)) { ret true; }
fn is_immutable_alias(&@ctx cx, &scope sc, def_num dnum) -> bool {
alt (cx.local_map.find(dnum)) {
case (some(arg(ast::alias(false)))) { ret true; }
case (_) {}
for (restrict r in {
for (restrict r in sc) {
if (vec::member(dnum, r.bindings)) { ret true; }
ret false;
fn is_immutable_objfield(&@ctx cx, def_num dnum) -> bool {
ret cx.local_map.find(dnum) == some(objfield(ast::imm));
fn test_scope(&ctx cx, &scope sc, &restrict r, &ast::path p) {
auto prob = r.ok;
for (uint dep in r.depends_on) {
if (prob != valid) { break; }
prob =;
prob = sc.(dep).ok;
if (prob != valid) {
auto msg = alt (prob) {
@ -399,7 +424,7 @@ fn test_scope(&ctx cx, &scope sc, &restrict r, &ast::path p) {
fn deps(&scope sc, vec[def_num] roots) -> vec[uint] {
auto i = 0u;
auto result = [];
for (restrict r in {
for (restrict r in sc) {
for (def_num dn in roots) {
if (vec::member(dn, r.bindings)) {
vec::push(result, i);
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ type visitor[E] =
fn(&@view_item v, &E e, &vt[E] v) visit_view_item,
fn(&@native_item i, &E e, &vt[E] v) visit_native_item,
fn(&@item i, &E e, &vt[E] v) visit_item,
fn(&@local l, &E e, &vt[E] v) visit_local,
fn(&@local l, &E e, &vt[E] v) visit_local,
fn(&block b, &E e, &vt[E] v) visit_block,
fn(&@stmt s, &E e, &vt[E] v) visit_stmt,
fn(&arm a, &E e, &vt[E] v) visit_arm,
@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
// xfail-stage0
// xfail-stage1
// xfail-stage2
// error-pattern: writing to immutable type
// error-pattern:assigning to immutable obj field
obj objy(int x) {
fn foo() -> () {
x = 5;
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ fn slow_growth() {
fn slow_growth2_helper(str s) { // ref up: s
obj acc(vec[str] v) {
obj acc(mutable vec[str] v) {
fn add(&str s) { v += [s]; }
Reference in New Issue
Block a user