Merge #8178
8178: Show item info when hovering intra doc links r=Veykril a=Veykril  Co-authored-by: Lukas Wirth <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -50,16 +50,16 @@ pub(crate) fn incoming_calls(db: &RootDatabase, position: FilePosition) -> Optio
for (file_id, references) in refs.references {
let file = sema.parse(file_id);
let file = file.syntax();
for (r_range, _) in references {
let token = file.token_at_offset(r_range.start()).next()?;
for (relative_range, token) in references
.filter_map(|(range, _)| Some(range).zip(file.token_at_offset(range.start()).next()))
let token = sema.descend_into_macros(token);
// This target is the containing function
if let Some(nav) = token.ancestors().find_map(|node| {
let fn_ = ast::Fn::cast(node)?;
let def = sema.to_def(&fn_)?;
let def = ast::Fn::cast(node).and_then(|fn_| sema.to_def(&fn_))?;
}) {
let relative_range = r_range;
calls.add(&nav, relative_range);
@ -87,7 +87,6 @@ pub(crate) fn outgoing_calls(db: &RootDatabase, position: FilePosition) -> Optio
let name_ref = call_node.name_ref()?;
let func_target = match call_node {
FnCallNode::CallExpr(expr) => {
//FIXME: Type::as_callable is broken
let callable = sema.type_of_expr(&expr.expr()?)?.as_callable(db)?;
match callable.kind() {
hir::CallableKind::Function(it) => it.try_to_nav(db),
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
//! Resolves and rewrites links in markdown documentation.
//! Extracts, resolves and rewrites links and intra-doc links in markdown documentation.
use std::{convert::TryFrom, iter::once, ops::Range};
@ -15,7 +15,10 @@ use ide_db::{
defs::{Definition, NameClass, NameRefClass},
use syntax::{ast, match_ast, AstNode, SyntaxKind::*, SyntaxToken, TokenAtOffset, T};
use syntax::{
ast, match_ast, AstNode, AstToken, SyntaxKind::*, SyntaxNode, SyntaxToken, TextRange, TextSize,
TokenAtOffset, T,
use crate::{FilePosition, Semantics};
@ -60,29 +63,6 @@ pub(crate) fn rewrite_links(db: &RootDatabase, markdown: &str, definition: &Defi
pub(crate) fn extract_definitions_from_markdown(
markdown: &str,
) -> Vec<(String, Option<hir::Namespace>, Range<usize>)> {
let mut res = vec![];
let mut cb = |link: BrokenLink| {
// These allocations are actually unnecessary but the lifetimes on BrokenLinkCallback are wrong
// this is fixed in the repo but not on the release yet
/*url*/ link.reference.to_owned().into(),
/*title*/ link.reference.to_owned().into(),
let doc = Parser::new_with_broken_link_callback(markdown, Options::empty(), Some(&mut cb));
for (event, range) in doc.into_offset_iter() {
if let Event::Start(Tag::Link(_, target, title)) = event {
let link = if target.is_empty() { title } else { target };
let (link, ns) = parse_link(&link);
res.push((link.to_string(), ns, range));
/// Remove all links in markdown documentation.
pub(crate) fn remove_links(markdown: &str) -> String {
let mut drop_link = false;
@ -118,6 +98,105 @@ pub(crate) fn remove_links(markdown: &str) -> String {
pub(crate) fn extract_definitions_from_markdown(
markdown: &str,
) -> Vec<(Range<usize>, String, Option<hir::Namespace>)> {
let mut res = vec![];
let mut cb = |link: BrokenLink| {
// These allocations are actually unnecessary but the lifetimes on BrokenLinkCallback are wrong
// this is fixed in the repo but not on the release yet
/*url*/ link.reference.to_owned().into(),
/*title*/ link.reference.to_owned().into(),
let doc = Parser::new_with_broken_link_callback(markdown, Options::empty(), Some(&mut cb));
for (event, range) in doc.into_offset_iter() {
if let Event::Start(Tag::Link(_, target, title)) = event {
let link = if target.is_empty() { title } else { target };
let (link, ns) = parse_intra_doc_link(&link);
res.push((range, link.to_string(), ns));
/// Extracts a link from a comment at the given position returning the spanning range, link and
/// optionally it's namespace.
pub(crate) fn extract_positioned_link_from_comment(
position: TextSize,
comment: &ast::Comment,
) -> Option<(TextRange, String, Option<hir::Namespace>)> {
let doc_comment = comment.doc_comment()?;
let comment_start =
comment.syntax().text_range().start() + TextSize::from(comment.prefix().len() as u32);
let def_links = extract_definitions_from_markdown(doc_comment);
let (range, def_link, ns) =
def_links.into_iter().find_map(|(Range { start, end }, def_link, ns)| {
let range = TextRange::at(
comment_start + TextSize::from(start as u32),
TextSize::from((end - start) as u32),
range.contains(position).then(|| (range, def_link, ns))
Some((range, def_link, ns))
/// Turns a syntax node into it's [`Definition`] if it can hold docs.
pub(crate) fn doc_owner_to_def(
sema: &Semantics<RootDatabase>,
item: &SyntaxNode,
) -> Option<Definition> {
let res: hir::ModuleDef = match_ast! {
match item {
ast::SourceFile(_it) => sema.scope(item).module()?.into(),
ast::Fn(it) => sema.to_def(&it)?.into(),
ast::Struct(it) => sema.to_def(&it)?.into(),
ast::Enum(it) => sema.to_def(&it)?.into(),
ast::Union(it) => sema.to_def(&it)?.into(),
ast::Trait(it) => sema.to_def(&it)?.into(),
ast::Const(it) => sema.to_def(&it)?.into(),
ast::Static(it) => sema.to_def(&it)?.into(),
ast::TypeAlias(it) => sema.to_def(&it)?.into(),
ast::Variant(it) => sema.to_def(&it)?.into(),
ast::Trait(it) => sema.to_def(&it)?.into(),
ast::Impl(it) => return sema.to_def(&it).map(Definition::SelfType),
ast::MacroRules(it) => return sema.to_def(&it).map(Definition::Macro),
ast::TupleField(it) => return sema.to_def(&it).map(Definition::Field),
ast::RecordField(it) => return sema.to_def(&it).map(Definition::Field),
_ => return None,
pub(crate) fn resolve_doc_path_for_def(
db: &dyn HirDatabase,
def: Definition,
link: &str,
ns: Option<hir::Namespace>,
) -> Option<hir::ModuleDef> {
match def {
Definition::ModuleDef(def) => match def {
ModuleDef::Module(it) => it.resolve_doc_path(db, &link, ns),
ModuleDef::Function(it) => it.resolve_doc_path(db, &link, ns),
ModuleDef::Adt(it) => it.resolve_doc_path(db, &link, ns),
ModuleDef::Variant(it) => it.resolve_doc_path(db, &link, ns),
ModuleDef::Const(it) => it.resolve_doc_path(db, &link, ns),
ModuleDef::Static(it) => it.resolve_doc_path(db, &link, ns),
ModuleDef::Trait(it) => it.resolve_doc_path(db, &link, ns),
ModuleDef::TypeAlias(it) => it.resolve_doc_path(db, &link, ns),
ModuleDef::BuiltinType(_) => None,
Definition::Macro(it) => it.resolve_doc_path(db, &link, ns),
Definition::Field(it) => it.resolve_doc_path(db, &link, ns),
| Definition::Local(_)
| Definition::GenericParam(_)
| Definition::Label(_) => None,
// BUG: For Option::Some
// Returns
@ -197,26 +276,8 @@ fn rewrite_intra_doc_link(
title: &str,
) -> Option<(String, String)> {
let link = if target.is_empty() { title } else { target };
let (link, ns) = parse_link(link);
let resolved = match def {
Definition::ModuleDef(def) => match def {
ModuleDef::Module(it) => it.resolve_doc_path(db, link, ns),
ModuleDef::Function(it) => it.resolve_doc_path(db, link, ns),
ModuleDef::Adt(it) => it.resolve_doc_path(db, link, ns),
ModuleDef::Variant(it) => it.resolve_doc_path(db, link, ns),
ModuleDef::Const(it) => it.resolve_doc_path(db, link, ns),
ModuleDef::Static(it) => it.resolve_doc_path(db, link, ns),
ModuleDef::Trait(it) => it.resolve_doc_path(db, link, ns),
ModuleDef::TypeAlias(it) => it.resolve_doc_path(db, link, ns),
ModuleDef::BuiltinType(_) => return None,
Definition::Macro(it) => it.resolve_doc_path(db, link, ns),
Definition::Field(it) => it.resolve_doc_path(db, link, ns),
| Definition::Local(_)
| Definition::GenericParam(_)
| Definition::Label(_) => return None,
let (link, ns) = parse_intra_doc_link(link);
let resolved = resolve_doc_path_for_def(db, def, link, ns)?;
let krate = resolved.module(db)?.krate();
let canonical_path = resolved.canonical_path(db)?;
let mut new_url = get_doc_url(db, &krate)?
@ -228,24 +289,23 @@ fn rewrite_intra_doc_link(
if let ModuleDef::Trait(t) = resolved {
let items = t.items(db);
if let Some(field_or_assoc_item) = items.iter().find_map(|assoc_item| {
if let Some(assoc_item) = t.items(db).into_iter().find_map(|assoc_item| {
if let Some(name) = {
if *link == format!("{}::{}", canonical_path, name) {
return Some(FieldOrAssocItem::AssocItem(*assoc_item));
return Some(assoc_item);
}) {
if let Some(fragment) = get_symbol_fragment(db, &field_or_assoc_item) {
if let Some(fragment) =
get_symbol_fragment(db, &FieldOrAssocItem::AssocItem(assoc_item))
new_url = new_url.join(&fragment).ok()?;
let new_target = new_url.into_string();
let new_title = strip_prefixes_suffixes(title);
Some((new_target, new_title.to_string()))
Some((new_url.into_string(), strip_prefixes_suffixes(title).to_string()))
/// Try to resolve path to local documentation via path-based links (i.e. `../gateway/struct.Shard.html`).
@ -322,73 +382,61 @@ fn map_links<'e>(
fn parse_link(s: &str) -> (&str, Option<hir::Namespace>) {
let path = strip_prefixes_suffixes(s);
let ns = ns_from_intra_spec(s);
(path, ns)
/// Strip prefixes, suffixes, and inline code marks from the given string.
fn strip_prefixes_suffixes(mut s: &str) -> &str {
s = s.trim_matches('`');
(TYPES.0.iter(), TYPES.1.iter()),
(VALUES.0.iter(), VALUES.1.iter()),
(MACROS.0.iter(), MACROS.1.iter()),
.for_each(|(prefixes, suffixes)| {
prefixes.clone().for_each(|prefix| s = s.trim_start_matches(*prefix));
suffixes.clone().for_each(|suffix| s = s.trim_end_matches(*suffix));
static TYPES: ([&str; 7], [&str; 0]) =
(["type", "struct", "enum", "mod", "trait", "union", "module"], []);
static VALUES: ([&str; 8], [&str; 1]) =
const TYPES: ([&str; 9], [&str; 0]) =
(["type", "struct", "enum", "mod", "trait", "union", "module", "prim", "primitive"], []);
const VALUES: ([&str; 8], [&str; 1]) =
(["value", "function", "fn", "method", "const", "static", "mod", "module"], ["()"]);
static MACROS: ([&str; 1], [&str; 1]) = (["macro"], ["!"]);
const MACROS: ([&str; 2], [&str; 1]) = (["macro", "derive"], ["!"]);
/// Extract the specified namespace from an intra-doc-link if one exists.
/// # Examples
/// * `struct MyStruct` -> `Namespace::Types`
/// * `panic!` -> `Namespace::Macros`
/// * `fn@from_intra_spec` -> `Namespace::Values`
fn ns_from_intra_spec(s: &str) -> Option<hir::Namespace> {
/// * `struct MyStruct` -> ("MyStruct", `Namespace::Types`)
/// * `panic!` -> ("panic", `Namespace::Macros`)
/// * `fn@from_intra_spec` -> ("from_intra_spec", `Namespace::Values`)
fn parse_intra_doc_link(s: &str) -> (&str, Option<hir::Namespace>) {
let s = s.trim_matches('`');
(hir::Namespace::Types, (TYPES.0.iter(), TYPES.1.iter())),
(hir::Namespace::Values, (VALUES.0.iter(), VALUES.1.iter())),
(hir::Namespace::Macros, (MACROS.0.iter(), MACROS.1.iter())),
.filter(|(_ns, (prefixes, suffixes))| {
.map(|prefix| {
&& s.chars()
.nth(prefix.len() + 1)
.map(|c| c == '@' || c == ' ')
.any(|cond| cond)
|| suffixes
.map(|suffix| {
&& s.chars()
.nth(suffix.len() + 1)
.map(|c| c == '@' || c == ' ')
.any(|cond| cond)
.find_map(|(ns, (mut prefixes, mut suffixes))| {
if let Some(prefix) = prefixes.find(|&&prefix| {
&& s.chars().nth(prefix.len()).map_or(false, |c| c == '@' || c == ' ')
}) {
Some((&s[prefix.len() + 1..], ns))
} else {
suffixes.find_map(|&suffix| s.strip_suffix(suffix).zip(Some(ns)))
.map(|(ns, (_, _))| *ns)
.map_or((s, None), |(s, ns)| (s, Some(ns)))
fn strip_prefixes_suffixes(s: &str) -> &str {
(TYPES.0.iter(), TYPES.1.iter()),
(VALUES.0.iter(), VALUES.1.iter()),
(MACROS.0.iter(), MACROS.1.iter()),
.find_map(|(mut prefixes, mut suffixes)| {
if let Some(prefix) = prefixes.find(|&&prefix| {
&& s.chars().nth(prefix.len()).map_or(false, |c| c == '@' || c == ' ')
}) {
Some(&s[prefix.len() + 1..])
} else {
suffixes.find_map(|&suffix| s.strip_suffix(suffix))
/// Get the root URL for the documentation of a crate.
@ -1,18 +1,14 @@
use std::ops::Range;
use either::Either;
use hir::{HasAttrs, ModuleDef, Semantics};
use hir::Semantics;
use ide_db::{
defs::{Definition, NameClass, NameRefClass},
defs::{NameClass, NameRefClass},
use syntax::{
ast, match_ast, AstNode, AstToken, SyntaxKind::*, SyntaxToken, TextRange, TextSize,
TokenAtOffset, T,
use syntax::{ast, match_ast, AstNode, AstToken, SyntaxKind::*, SyntaxToken, TokenAtOffset, T};
use crate::{
display::TryToNav, doc_links::extract_definitions_from_markdown, runnables::doc_owner_to_def,
doc_links::{doc_owner_to_def, extract_positioned_link_from_comment, resolve_doc_path_for_def},
FilePosition, NavigationTarget, RangeInfo,
@ -35,7 +31,9 @@ pub(crate) fn goto_definition(
let token = sema.descend_into_macros(original_token.clone());
let parent = token.parent()?;
if let Some(comment) = ast::Comment::cast(token) {
let nav = def_for_doc_comment(&sema, position, &comment)?.try_to_nav(db)?;
let (_, link, ns) = extract_positioned_link_from_comment(position.offset, &comment)?;
let def = doc_owner_to_def(&sema, &parent)?;
let nav = resolve_doc_path_for_def(db, def, &link, ns)?.try_to_nav(db)?;
return Some(RangeInfo::new(original_token.text_range(), vec![nav]));
@ -61,54 +59,6 @@ pub(crate) fn goto_definition(
Some(RangeInfo::new(original_token.text_range(), nav.into_iter().collect()))
fn def_for_doc_comment(
sema: &Semantics<RootDatabase>,
position: FilePosition,
doc_comment: &ast::Comment,
) -> Option<hir::ModuleDef> {
let parent = doc_comment.syntax().parent()?;
let (link, ns) = extract_positioned_link_from_comment(position, doc_comment)?;
let def = doc_owner_to_def(sema, parent)?;
match def {
Definition::ModuleDef(def) => match def {
ModuleDef::Module(it) => it.resolve_doc_path(sema.db, &link, ns),
ModuleDef::Function(it) => it.resolve_doc_path(sema.db, &link, ns),
ModuleDef::Adt(it) => it.resolve_doc_path(sema.db, &link, ns),
ModuleDef::Variant(it) => it.resolve_doc_path(sema.db, &link, ns),
ModuleDef::Const(it) => it.resolve_doc_path(sema.db, &link, ns),
ModuleDef::Static(it) => it.resolve_doc_path(sema.db, &link, ns),
ModuleDef::Trait(it) => it.resolve_doc_path(sema.db, &link, ns),
ModuleDef::TypeAlias(it) => it.resolve_doc_path(sema.db, &link, ns),
ModuleDef::BuiltinType(_) => return None,
Definition::Macro(it) => it.resolve_doc_path(sema.db, &link, ns),
Definition::Field(it) => it.resolve_doc_path(sema.db, &link, ns),
| Definition::Local(_)
| Definition::GenericParam(_)
| Definition::Label(_) => return None,
fn extract_positioned_link_from_comment(
position: FilePosition,
comment: &ast::Comment,
) -> Option<(String, Option<hir::Namespace>)> {
let doc_comment = comment.doc_comment()?;
let comment_start =
comment.syntax().text_range().start() + TextSize::from(comment.prefix().len() as u32);
let def_links = extract_definitions_from_markdown(doc_comment);
let (def_link, ns, _) = def_links.into_iter().find(|&(_, _, Range { start, end })| {
comment_start + TextSize::from(start as u32),
TextSize::from((end - start) as u32),
Some((def_link, ns))
fn pick_best(tokens: TokenAtOffset<SyntaxToken>) -> Option<SyntaxToken> {
return tokens.max_by_key(priority);
fn priority(n: &SyntaxToken) -> usize {
@ -11,11 +11,14 @@ use ide_db::{
use itertools::Itertools;
use stdx::format_to;
use syntax::{ast, match_ast, AstNode, SyntaxKind::*, SyntaxToken, TokenAtOffset, T};
use syntax::{ast, match_ast, AstNode, AstToken, SyntaxKind::*, SyntaxToken, TokenAtOffset, T};
use crate::{
display::{macro_label, TryToNav},
doc_links::{remove_links, rewrite_links},
doc_owner_to_def, extract_positioned_link_from_comment, remove_links,
resolve_doc_path_for_def, rewrite_links,
runnables::{runnable_fn, runnable_mod},
@ -93,20 +96,35 @@ pub(crate) fn hover(
let mut res = HoverResult::default();
let node = token.parent()?;
let mut range = None;
let definition = match_ast! {
match node {
// we don't use NameClass::referenced_or_defined here as we do not want to resolve
// field pattern shorthands to their definition
ast::Name(name) => NameClass::classify(&sema, &name).and_then(|class| match class {
NameClass::ConstReference(def) => Some(def),
def => def.defined(sema.db),
def => def.defined(db),
ast::NameRef(name_ref) => NameRefClass::classify(&sema, &name_ref).map(|d| d.referenced(sema.db)),
ast::Lifetime(lifetime) => NameClass::classify_lifetime(&sema, &lifetime)
.map_or_else(|| NameRefClass::classify_lifetime(&sema, &lifetime).map(|d| d.referenced(sema.db)), |d| d.defined(sema.db)),
_ => None,
ast::NameRef(name_ref) => {
NameRefClass::classify(&sema, &name_ref).map(|d| d.referenced(db))
ast::Lifetime(lifetime) => NameClass::classify_lifetime(&sema, &lifetime).map_or_else(
|| NameRefClass::classify_lifetime(&sema, &lifetime).map(|d| d.referenced(db)),
|d| d.defined(db),
_ => ast::Comment::cast(token.clone())
.and_then(|comment| {
let (idl_range, link, ns) =
extract_positioned_link_from_comment(position.offset, &comment)?;
range = Some(idl_range);
let def = doc_owner_to_def(&sema, &node)?;
resolve_doc_path_for_def(db, def, &link, ns)
if let Some(definition) = definition {
let famous_defs = match &definition {
Definition::ModuleDef(ModuleDef::BuiltinType(_)) => {
@ -128,15 +146,16 @@ pub(crate) fn hover(
let range = sema.original_range(&node).range;
let range = range.unwrap_or_else(|| sema.original_range(&node).range);
return Some(RangeInfo::new(range, res));
if token.kind() == syntax::SyntaxKind::COMMENT {
// don't highlight the entire parent node on comment hover
return None;
if let res @ Some(_) = hover_for_keyword(&sema, links_in_hover, markdown, &token) {
return res;
@ -3483,6 +3502,7 @@ fn foo$0() {}
fn hover_comments_dont_highlight_parent() {
fn no_hover() {
@ -3755,4 +3775,29 @@ fn main() {
fn hover_intra_doc_links() {
/// This is the [`foo`](foo$0) function.
fn foo() {}
fn foo()
This is the [`foo`](*/test/ function.
@ -7,17 +7,13 @@ use hir::{AsAssocItem, HasAttrs, HasSource, HirDisplay, Semantics};
use ide_assists::utils::test_related_attribute;
use ide_db::{
base_db::{FilePosition, FileRange},
RootDatabase, SymbolKind,
use itertools::Itertools;
use rustc_hash::FxHashSet;
use syntax::{
ast::{self, AstNode, AttrsOwner},
match_ast, SyntaxNode,
use syntax::ast::{self, AstNode, AttrsOwner};
use crate::{
display::{ToNav, TryToNav},
@ -271,28 +267,6 @@ pub(crate) fn runnable_mod(sema: &Semantics<RootDatabase>, def: hir::Module) ->
Some(Runnable { nav, kind: RunnableKind::TestMod { path }, cfg })
// FIXME: figure out a proper API here.
pub(crate) fn doc_owner_to_def(
sema: &Semantics<RootDatabase>,
item: SyntaxNode,
) -> Option<Definition> {
let res: hir::ModuleDef = match_ast! {
match item {
ast::SourceFile(_it) => sema.scope(&item).module()?.into(),
ast::Fn(it) => sema.to_def(&it)?.into(),
ast::Struct(it) => sema.to_def(&it)?.into(),
ast::Enum(it) => sema.to_def(&it)?.into(),
ast::Union(it) => sema.to_def(&it)?.into(),
ast::Trait(it) => sema.to_def(&it)?.into(),
ast::Const(it) => sema.to_def(&it)?.into(),
ast::Static(it) => sema.to_def(&it)?.into(),
ast::TypeAlias(it) => sema.to_def(&it)?.into(),
_ => return None,
fn module_def_doctest(sema: &Semantics<RootDatabase>, def: hir::ModuleDef) -> Option<Runnable> {
let attrs = match def {
hir::ModuleDef::Module(it) => it.attrs(sema.db),
@ -190,10 +190,10 @@ pub(super) fn doc_comment(
.filter_map(|(link, ns, range)| {
validate_intra_doc_link(sema.db, &def, &link, ns).zip(Some(range))
.filter_map(|(range, link, ns)| {
Some(range).zip(validate_intra_doc_link(sema.db, &def, &link, ns))
.map(|(def, Range { start, end })| {
.map(|(Range { start, end }, def)| {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user