Move BigUint and BigDIgit to std::bigint.

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gifnksm 2012-12-22 10:34:30 +09:00
parent ccc1f8d5e8
commit c6a8778ef7
3 changed files with 834 additions and 845 deletions

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@ -1,13 +1,486 @@
A Big signed integer.
A Big integer (signed version: BigInt, unsigned version: BigUint).
A BigUint is represented as an array of BigDigits.
A BigInt is a combination of BigUint and Sign.
use core::cmp::{Eq, Ord};
use biguint::{BigDigit, BigUint};
A BigDigit is a BigUint's composing element.
A BigDigit is half the size of machine word size.
#[cfg(target_arch = "x86")]
#[cfg(target_arch = "arm")]
pub type BigDigit = u16;
A BigDigit is a BigUint's composing element.
A BigDigit is half the size of machine word size.
#[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
pub type BigDigit = u32;
pub mod BigDigit {
#[cfg(target_arch = "x86")]
#[cfg(target_arch = "arm")]
pub const bits: uint = 16;
#[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
pub const bits: uint = 32;
pub const base: uint = 1 << bits;
priv const hi_mask: uint = (-1 as uint) << bits;
priv const lo_mask: uint = (-1 as uint) >> bits;
priv pure fn get_hi(n: uint) -> BigDigit { (n >> bits) as BigDigit }
priv pure fn get_lo(n: uint) -> BigDigit { (n & lo_mask) as BigDigit }
/// Split one machine sized unsigned integer into two BigDigits.
pub pure fn from_uint(n: uint) -> (BigDigit, BigDigit) {
(get_hi(n), get_lo(n))
/// Join two BigDigits into one machine sized unsigned integer
pub pure fn to_uint(hi: BigDigit, lo: BigDigit) -> uint {
(lo as uint) | ((hi as uint) << bits)
A big unsigned integer type.
A BigUint-typed value BigUint { data: @[a, b, c] } represents a number
(a + b * BigDigit::base + c * BigDigit::base^2).
pub struct BigUint {
priv data: @[BigDigit]
impl BigUint : Eq {
pure fn eq(&self, other: &BigUint) -> bool { self.cmp(other) == 0 }
pure fn ne(&self, other: &BigUint) -> bool { self.cmp(other) != 0 }
impl BigUint : Ord {
pure fn lt(&self, other: &BigUint) -> bool { self.cmp(other) < 0 }
pure fn le(&self, other: &BigUint) -> bool { self.cmp(other) <= 0 }
pure fn ge(&self, other: &BigUint) -> bool { self.cmp(other) >= 0 }
pure fn gt(&self, other: &BigUint) -> bool { self.cmp(other) > 0 }
impl BigUint : ToStr {
pure fn to_str() -> ~str { self.to_str_radix(10) }
impl BigUint : from_str::FromStr {
static pure fn from_str(s: &str) -> Option<BigUint> {
BigUint::from_str_radix(s, 10)
impl BigUint : Shl<uint, BigUint> {
pure fn shl(&self, rhs: &uint) -> BigUint {
let n_unit = *rhs / BigDigit::bits;
let n_bits = *rhs % BigDigit::bits;
return self.shl_unit(n_unit).shl_bits(n_bits);
impl BigUint : Shr<uint, BigUint> {
pure fn shr(&self, rhs: &uint) -> BigUint {
let n_unit = *rhs / BigDigit::bits;
let n_bits = *rhs % BigDigit::bits;
return self.shr_unit(n_unit).shr_bits(n_bits);
impl BigUint : Num {
pure fn add(&self, other: &BigUint) -> BigUint {
let new_len = uint::max(,;
let mut carry = 0;
let sum = do at_vec::from_fn(new_len) |i| {
let ai = if i < {[i] } else { 0 };
let bi = if i < {[i] } else { 0 };
let (hi, lo) = BigDigit::from_uint(
(ai as uint) + (bi as uint) + (carry as uint)
carry = hi;
if carry == 0 { return BigUint::from_at_vec(sum) };
return BigUint::from_at_vec(sum + [carry]);
pure fn sub(&self, other: &BigUint) -> BigUint {
let new_len = uint::max(,;
let mut borrow = 0;
let diff = do at_vec::from_fn(new_len) |i| {
let ai = if i < {[i] } else { 0 };
let bi = if i < {[i] } else { 0 };
let (hi, lo) = BigDigit::from_uint(
(BigDigit::base) +
(ai as uint) - (bi as uint) - (borrow as uint)
hi * (base) + lo == 1*(base) + ai - bi - borrow
=> ai - bi - borrow < 0 <=> hi == 0
borrow = if hi == 0 { 1 } else { 0 };
assert borrow == 0; // <=> assert (self >= other);
return BigUint::from_at_vec(diff);
pure fn mul(&self, other: &BigUint) -> BigUint {
if self.is_zero() || other.is_zero() { return BigUint::zero(); }
let s_len =, o_len =;
if s_len == 1 { return mul_digit(other,[0]); }
if o_len == 1 { return mul_digit(self,[0]); }
// Using Karatsuba multiplication
// (a1 * base + a0) * (b1 * base + b0)
// = a1*b1 * base^2 +
// (a1*b1 + a0*b0 - (a1-b0)*(b1-a0)) * base +
// a0*b0
let half_len = uint::max(s_len, o_len) / 2;
let (sHi, sLo) = cut_at(self, half_len);
let (oHi, oLo) = cut_at(other, half_len);
let ll = sLo * oLo;
let hh = sHi * oHi;
let mm = match (sub_sign(sHi, sLo), sub_sign(oHi, oLo)) {
((s1, n1), (s2, n2)) if s1 * s2 < 0 => hh + ll + (n1 * n2),
((s1, n1), (s2, n2)) if s1 * s2 > 0 => hh + ll - (n1 * n2),
_ => hh + ll,
return ll + mm.shl_unit(half_len) + hh.shl_unit(half_len * 2);
pure fn mul_digit(a: &BigUint, n: BigDigit) -> BigUint {
if n == 0 { return BigUint::zero(); }
if n == 1 { return *a; }
let mut carry = 0;
let prod = do at_vec::map( |ai| {
let (hi, lo) = BigDigit::from_uint(
(*ai as uint) * (n as uint) + (carry as uint)
carry = hi;
if carry == 0 { return BigUint::from_at_vec(prod) };
return BigUint::from_at_vec(prod + [carry]);
pure fn cut_at(a: &BigUint, n: uint) -> (BigUint, BigUint) {
let mid = uint::min(, n);
return (BigUint::from_slice(vec::view(, mid,,
BigUint::from_slice(vec::view(, 0, mid)));
pure fn sub_sign(a: BigUint, b: BigUint) -> (int, BigUint) {
match a.cmp(&b) {
s if s < 0 => (s, b - a),
s if s > 0 => (s, a - b),
_ => (0, BigUint::zero())
pure fn div(&self, other: &BigUint) -> BigUint{
pure fn modulo(&self, other: &BigUint) -> BigUint {
pure fn neg(&self) -> BigUint { fail }
pure fn to_int(&self) -> int {
uint::min(self.to_uint(), int::max_value as uint) as int
static pure fn from_int(n: int) -> BigUint {
if (n < 0) { BigUint::zero() } else { BigUint::from_uint(n as uint) }
pub impl BigUint {
/// Creates and initializes an BigUint.
static pub pure fn from_uint(n: uint) -> BigUint {
match BigDigit::from_uint(n) {
(0, 0) => BigUint::zero(),
(0, n0) => BigUint::from_at_vec(@[n0]),
(n1, n0) => BigUint::from_at_vec(@[n0, n1])
/// Creates and initializes an BigUint.
static pub pure fn from_slice(slice: &[BigDigit]) -> BigUint {
// omit trailing zeros
let new_len = slice.rposition(|n| *n != 0)
.map_default(0, |p| *p + 1);
return BigUint { data: at_vec::from_fn(new_len, |i| slice[i]) };
/// Creates and initializes an BigUint.
static pub pure fn from_at_vec(at_vec: @[BigDigit]) -> BigUint {
// omit trailing zeros
let new_len = at_vec.rposition(|n| *n != 0)
.map_default(0, |p| *p + 1);
if new_len == at_vec.len() { return BigUint { data: at_vec }; }
return BigUint { data: at_vec::from_fn(new_len, |i| at_vec[i]) };
/// Creates and initializes an BigUint.
static pub pure fn from_str_radix(s: &str, radix: uint)
-> Option<BigUint> {
BigUint::parse_bytes(str::to_bytes(s), radix)
/// Creates and initializes an BigUint.
static pub pure fn parse_bytes(buf: &[u8], radix: uint)
-> Option<BigUint> {
let (base, unit_len) = get_radix_base(radix);
let base_num: BigUint = BigUint::from_uint(base);
let mut end = buf.len();
let mut n: BigUint = BigUint::zero();
let mut power: BigUint = BigUint::one();
loop {
let start = uint::max(end, unit_len) - unit_len;
match uint::parse_bytes(vec::view(buf, start, end), radix) {
Some(d) => n += BigUint::from_uint(d) * power,
None => return None
if end <= unit_len {
return Some(n);
end -= unit_len;
power *= base_num;
static pub pure fn zero() -> BigUint { BigUint::from_at_vec(@[]) }
static pub pure fn one() -> BigUint { BigUint::from_at_vec(@[1]) }
pure fn abs() -> BigUint { self }
/// Compare two BigUint value.
pure fn cmp(other: &BigUint) -> int {
let s_len =, o_len =;
if s_len < o_len { return -1; }
if s_len > o_len { return 1; }
for vec::rev_eachi( |i, elm| {
match (*elm,[i]) {
(l, r) if l < r => return -1,
(l, r) if l > r => return 1,
_ => loop
return 0;
pure fn divmod(other: &BigUint) -> (BigUint, BigUint) {
if other.is_zero() { fail }
if self.is_zero() { return (BigUint::zero(), BigUint::zero()); }
if *other == BigUint::one() { return (self, BigUint::zero()); }
match self.cmp(other) {
s if s < 0 => return (BigUint::zero(), self),
0 => return (BigUint::one(), BigUint::zero()),
_ => {} // Do nothing
let mut shift = 0;
let mut n =;
while n < (1 << BigDigit::bits - 2) {
n <<= 1;
shift += 1;
assert shift < BigDigit::bits;
let (d, m) = divmod_inner(self << shift, other << shift);
return (d, m >> shift);
pure fn divmod_inner(a: BigUint, b: BigUint) -> (BigUint, BigUint) {
let mut r = a;
let mut d = BigUint::zero();
let mut n = 1;
while r >= b {
let mut (d0, d_unit, b_unit) = div_estimate(r, b, n);
let mut prod = b * d0;
while prod > r {
d0 -= d_unit;
prod -= b_unit;
if d0.is_zero() {
n = 2;
n = 1;
d += d0;
r -= prod;
return (d, r);
pure fn div_estimate(a: BigUint, b: BigUint, n: uint)
-> (BigUint, BigUint, BigUint) {
if < n {
return (BigUint::zero(), BigUint::zero(), a);
let an = vec::view(, - n,;
let bn =;
let mut d = ~[];
let mut carry = 0;
for vec::rev_each(an) |elt| {
let ai = BigDigit::to_uint(carry, *elt);
let di = ai / (bn as uint);
assert di < BigDigit::base;
carry = (ai % (bn as uint)) as BigDigit;
d = ~[di as BigDigit] + d;
let shift = ( - an.len()) - ( - 1);
return (BigUint::from_slice(d).shl_unit(shift),
pure fn quot(other: &BigUint) -> BigUint { self.quotrem(other).first() }
pure fn rem(other: &BigUint) -> BigUint { self.quotrem(other).second() }
pure fn quotrem(other: &BigUint) -> (BigUint, BigUint) {
pure fn is_zero() -> bool { }
pure fn is_not_zero() -> bool { }
pure fn is_positive() -> bool { self.is_not_zero() }
pure fn is_negative() -> bool { false }
pure fn is_nonpositive() -> bool { self.is_zero() }
pure fn is_nonnegative() -> bool { true }
pure fn to_uint() -> uint {
match {
0 => 0,
1 =>[0] as uint,
2 => BigDigit::to_uint([1],[0]),
_ => uint::max_value
pure fn to_str_radix(radix: uint) -> ~str {
assert 1 < radix && radix <= 16;
pure fn convert_base(n: BigUint, base: uint) -> @[BigDigit] {
if base == BigDigit::base { return; }
let divider = BigUint::from_uint(base);
let mut result = @[];
let mut r = n;
while r > divider {
let (d, r0) = r.divmod(&divider);
result += [r0.to_uint() as BigDigit];
r = d;
if r.is_not_zero() {
result += [r.to_uint() as BigDigit];
return result;
pure fn fill_concat(v: &[BigDigit], radix: uint, l: uint) -> ~str {
if v.is_empty() { return ~"0" }
str::trim_left_chars(str::concat(vec::reversed(v).map(|n| {
let s = uint::to_str(*n as uint, radix);
str::from_chars(vec::from_elem(l - s.len(), '0')) + s
})), ['0'])
let (base, max_len) = get_radix_base(radix);
return fill_concat(convert_base(self, base), radix, max_len);
priv pure fn shl_unit(n_unit: uint) -> BigUint {
if n_unit == 0 || self.is_zero() { return self; }
return BigUint::from_at_vec(at_vec::from_elem(n_unit, 0) +;
priv pure fn shl_bits(n_bits: uint) -> BigUint {
if n_bits == 0 || self.is_zero() { return self; }
let mut carry = 0;
let shifted = do at_vec::map( |elem| {
let (hi, lo) = BigDigit::from_uint(
(*elem as uint) << n_bits | (carry as uint)
carry = hi;
if carry == 0 { return BigUint::from_at_vec(shifted); }
return BigUint::from_at_vec(shifted + [carry]);
priv pure fn shr_unit(n_unit: uint) -> BigUint {
if n_unit == 0 { return self; }
if < n_unit { return BigUint::zero(); }
return BigUint::from_slice(
vec::view(, n_unit,
priv pure fn shr_bits(n_bits: uint) -> BigUint {
if n_bits == 0 || { return self; }
let mut borrow = 0;
let mut shifted = @[];
for vec::rev_each( |elem| {
// internal compiler error: no enclosing scope with id 10671
// shifted = @[(*elem >> n_bits) | borrow] + shifted;
shifted = at_vec::append(@[(*elem >> n_bits) | borrow], shifted);
borrow = *elem << (uint::bits - n_bits);
return BigUint::from_at_vec(shifted);
priv pure fn get_radix_base(radix: uint) -> (uint, uint) {
assert 1 < radix && radix <= 16;
match radix {
2 => (4294967296, 32),
3 => (3486784401, 20),
4 => (4294967296, 16),
5 => (1220703125, 13),
6 => (2176782336, 12),
7 => (1977326743, 11),
8 => (1073741824, 10),
9 => (3486784401, 10),
10 => (1000000000, 9),
11 => (2357947691, 9),
12 => (429981696, 8),
13 => (815730721, 8),
14 => (1475789056, 8),
15 => (2562890625, 8),
16 => (4294967296, 8),
_ => fail
/// A Sign is a BigInt's composing element.
pub enum Sign { Minus, Zero, Plus }
@ -288,7 +761,364 @@ pub impl BigInt {
mod tests {
mod biguint_tests {
fn test_from_slice() {
let pairs = [
(&[1], &[1]),
(&[0, 0], &[]),
(&[1, 2, 0, 0], &[1, 2]),
(&[0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0], &[0, 0, 1, 2]),
(&[-1], &[-1])
for pairs.each |p| {
assert p.second() == BigUint::from_slice(p.first()).data;
fn test_cmp() {
let data = [ &[], &[1], &[2], &[-1], &[0, 1], &[2, 1], &[1, 1, 1] ]
.map(|v| BigUint::from_slice(*v));
for data.eachi |i, ni| {
for vec::view(data, i, data.len()).eachi |j0, nj| {
let j = j0 + i;
if i == j {
assert ni.cmp(nj) == 0;
assert nj.cmp(ni) == 0;
assert ni == nj;
assert !(ni != nj);
assert ni <= nj;
assert ni >= nj;
assert !(ni < nj);
assert !(ni > nj);
} else {
assert ni.cmp(nj) < 0;
assert nj.cmp(ni) > 0;
assert !(ni == nj);
assert ni != nj;
assert ni <= nj;
assert !(ni >= nj);
assert ni < nj;
assert !(ni > nj);
assert !(nj <= ni);
assert nj >= ni;
assert !(nj < ni);
assert nj > ni;
fn test_shl() {
assert BigUint::from_at_vec(@[]) << 3 == BigUint::from_at_vec(@[]);
assert BigUint::from_at_vec(@[1, 1, 1]) << 3 ==
BigUint::from_at_vec(@[1 << 3, 1 << 3, 1 << 3]);
assert BigUint::from_at_vec(@[1 << (BigDigit::bits - 2)]) << 2 ==
BigUint::from_at_vec(@[0, 1]);
assert BigUint::from_at_vec(@[1 << (BigDigit::bits - 2)]) << 3 ==
BigUint::from_at_vec(@[0, 2]);
assert (BigUint::from_at_vec(@[1 << (BigDigit::bits - 2)])
<< (3 + BigDigit::bits)) ==
BigUint::from_at_vec(@[0, 0, 2]);
assert BigUint::from_at_vec(
@[0x7654_3210, 0xfedc_ba98, 0x7654_3210, 0xfedc_ba98]
) << 4 == BigUint::from_at_vec(
@[0x6543_2100, 0xedcb_a987, 0x6543_210f, 0xedcb_a987, 0xf]
assert BigUint::from_at_vec(
@[0x2222_1111, 0x4444_3333, 0x6666_5555, 0x8888_7777]
) << 16 == BigUint::from_at_vec(
@[0x1111_0000, 0x3333_2222, 0x5555_4444, 0x7777_6666, 0x8888]
fn test_shr() {
assert BigUint::from_at_vec(@[]) >> 3 == BigUint::from_at_vec(@[]);
assert BigUint::from_at_vec(@[1, 1, 1]) >> 3 == BigUint::from_at_vec(
@[1 << (BigDigit::bits - 3), 1 << (BigDigit::bits - 3)]
assert BigUint::from_at_vec(@[1 << 2]) >> 2 ==
assert BigUint::from_at_vec(@[1, 2]) >> 3 ==
BigUint::from_at_vec(@[1 << (BigDigit::bits - 2)]);
assert BigUint::from_at_vec(@[1, 1, 2]) >> (3 + BigDigit::bits) ==
BigUint::from_at_vec(@[1 << (BigDigit::bits - 2)]);
assert BigUint::from_at_vec(
@[0x6543_2100, 0xedcb_a987, 0x6543_210f, 0xedcb_a987, 0xf]
) >> 4 == BigUint::from_at_vec(
@[0x7654_3210, 0xfedc_ba98, 0x7654_3210, 0xfedc_ba98]
assert BigUint::from_at_vec(
@[0x1111_0000, 0x3333_2222, 0x5555_4444, 0x7777_6666, 0x8888]
) >> 16 == BigUint::from_at_vec(
@[0x2222_1111, 0x4444_3333, 0x6666_5555, 0x8888_7777]
fn test_convert_int() {
fn check_conv(b: BigUint, i: int) {
assert b == num::Num::from_int(i);
assert b.to_int() == i;
check_conv(BigUint::zero(), 0);
check_conv(BigUint::from_at_vec(@[1]), 1);
(uint::max_value >> BigDigit::bits) as int);
check_conv(BigUint::from_at_vec(@[ 0, 1]),
((uint::max_value >> BigDigit::bits) + 1) as int);
check_conv(BigUint::from_at_vec(@[-1, -1 >> 1]),
assert BigUint::from_at_vec(@[0, -1]).to_int() == int::max_value;
assert BigUint::from_at_vec(@[0, 0, 1]).to_int() == int::max_value;
assert BigUint::from_at_vec(@[0, 0, -1]).to_int() == int::max_value;
fn test_convert_uint() {
fn check_conv(b: BigUint, u: uint) {
assert b == BigUint::from_uint(u);
assert b.to_uint() == u;
check_conv(BigUint::zero(), 0);
check_conv(BigUint::from_at_vec(@[ 1]), 1);
uint::max_value >> BigDigit::bits);
check_conv(BigUint::from_at_vec(@[ 0, 1]),
(uint::max_value >> BigDigit::bits) + 1);
check_conv(BigUint::from_at_vec(@[ 0, -1]),
uint::max_value << BigDigit::bits);
check_conv(BigUint::from_at_vec(@[-1, -1]),
assert BigUint::from_at_vec(@[0, 0, 1]).to_uint() == uint::max_value;
assert BigUint::from_at_vec(@[0, 0, -1]).to_uint() == uint::max_value;
const sum_triples: &[(&[BigDigit], &[BigDigit], &[BigDigit])] = &[
(&[], &[], &[]),
(&[], &[ 1], &[ 1]),
(&[ 1], &[ 1], &[ 2]),
(&[ 1], &[ 1, 1], &[ 2, 1]),
(&[ 1], &[-1], &[ 0, 1]),
(&[ 1], &[-1, -1], &[ 0, 0, 1]),
(&[-1, -1], &[-1, -1], &[-2, -1, 1]),
(&[ 1, 1, 1], &[-1, -1], &[ 0, 1, 2]),
(&[ 2, 2, 1], &[-1, -2], &[ 1, 1, 2])
fn test_add() {
for sum_triples.each |elm| {
let (aVec, bVec, cVec) = *elm;
let a = BigUint::from_slice(aVec);
let b = BigUint::from_slice(bVec);
let c = BigUint::from_slice(cVec);
assert a + b == c;
assert b + a == c;
fn test_sub() {
for sum_triples.each |elm| {
let (aVec, bVec, cVec) = *elm;
let a = BigUint::from_slice(aVec);
let b = BigUint::from_slice(bVec);
let c = BigUint::from_slice(cVec);
assert c - a == b;
assert c - b == a;
const mul_triples: &[(&[BigDigit], &[BigDigit], &[BigDigit])] = &[
(&[], &[], &[]),
(&[], &[ 1], &[]),
(&[ 2], &[], &[]),
(&[ 1], &[ 1], &[1]),
(&[ 2], &[ 3], &[ 6]),
(&[ 1], &[ 1, 1, 1], &[1, 1, 1]),
(&[ 1, 2, 3], &[ 3], &[ 3, 6, 9]),
(&[ 1, 1, 1], &[-1], &[-1, -1, -1]),
(&[ 1, 2, 3], &[-1], &[-1, -2, -2, 2]),
(&[ 1, 2, 3, 4], &[-1], &[-1, -2, -2, -2, 3]),
(&[-1], &[-1], &[ 1, -2]),
(&[-1, -1], &[-1], &[ 1, -1, -2]),
(&[-1, -1, -1], &[-1], &[ 1, -1, -1, -2]),
(&[-1, -1, -1, -1], &[-1], &[ 1, -1, -1, -1, -2]),
(&[-1/2 + 1], &[ 2], &[ 0, 1]),
(&[0, -1/2 + 1], &[ 2], &[ 0, 0, 1]),
(&[ 1, 2], &[ 1, 2, 3], &[1, 4, 7, 6]),
(&[-1, -1], &[-1, -1, -1], &[1, 0, -1, -2, -1]),
(&[-1, -1, -1], &[-1, -1, -1, -1], &[1, 0, 0, -1, -2, -1, -1]),
(&[ 0, 0, 1], &[ 1, 2, 3], &[0, 0, 1, 2, 3]),
(&[ 0, 0, 1], &[ 0, 0, 0, 1], &[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1])
const divmod_quadruples: &[(&[BigDigit], &[BigDigit],
&[BigDigit], &[BigDigit])]
= &[
(&[ 1], &[ 2], &[], &[1]),
(&[ 1, 1], &[ 2], &[-1/2+1], &[1]),
(&[ 1, 1, 1], &[ 2], &[-1/2+1, -1/2+1], &[1]),
(&[ 0, 1], &[-1], &[1], &[1]),
(&[-1, -1], &[-2], &[2, 1], &[3])
fn test_mul() {
for mul_triples.each |elm| {
let (aVec, bVec, cVec) = *elm;
let a = BigUint::from_slice(aVec);
let b = BigUint::from_slice(bVec);
let c = BigUint::from_slice(cVec);
assert a * b == c;
assert b * a == c;
for divmod_quadruples.each |elm| {
let (aVec, bVec, cVec, dVec) = *elm;
let a = BigUint::from_slice(aVec);
let b = BigUint::from_slice(bVec);
let c = BigUint::from_slice(cVec);
let d = BigUint::from_slice(dVec);
assert a == b * c + d;
assert a == c * b + d;
fn test_divmod() {
for mul_triples.each |elm| {
let (aVec, bVec, cVec) = *elm;
let a = BigUint::from_slice(aVec);
let b = BigUint::from_slice(bVec);
let c = BigUint::from_slice(cVec);
if a.is_not_zero() {
assert c.divmod(&a) == (b, BigUint::zero());
if b.is_not_zero() {
assert c.divmod(&b) == (a, BigUint::zero());
for divmod_quadruples.each |elm| {
let (aVec, bVec, cVec, dVec) = *elm;
let a = BigUint::from_slice(aVec);
let b = BigUint::from_slice(bVec);
let c = BigUint::from_slice(cVec);
let d = BigUint::from_slice(dVec);
if b.is_not_zero() { assert a.divmod(&b) == (c, d); }
fn to_str_pairs() -> ~[ (BigUint, ~[(uint, ~str)]) ] {
~[( BigUint::zero(), ~[
(2, ~"0"), (3, ~"0")
]), ( BigUint::from_slice([ 0xff ]), ~[
(2, ~"11111111"),
(3, ~"100110"),
(4, ~"3333"),
(5, ~"2010"),
(6, ~"1103"),
(7, ~"513"),
(8, ~"377"),
(9, ~"313"),
(10, ~"255"),
(11, ~"212"),
(12, ~"193"),
(13, ~"168"),
(14, ~"143"),
(15, ~"120"),
(16, ~"ff")
]), ( BigUint::from_slice([ 0xfff ]), ~[
(2, ~"111111111111"),
(4, ~"333333"),
(16, ~"fff")
]), ( BigUint::from_slice([ 1, 2 ]), ~[
(2, ~"10" + str::from_chars(vec::from_elem(31, '0')) + "1"),
(4, ~"2" + str::from_chars(vec::from_elem(15, '0')) + "1"),
(10, ~"8589934593"),
(16, ~"2" + str::from_chars(vec::from_elem(7, '0')) + "1")
]), (BigUint::from_slice([ 1, 2, 3 ]), ~[
(2, ~"11" + str::from_chars(vec::from_elem(30, '0')) + "10" +
str::from_chars(vec::from_elem(31, '0')) + "1"),
(4, ~"3" + str::from_chars(vec::from_elem(15, '0')) + "2" +
str::from_chars(vec::from_elem(15, '0')) + "1"),
(10, ~"55340232229718589441"),
(16, ~"3" + str::from_chars(vec::from_elem(7, '0')) + "2" +
str::from_chars(vec::from_elem(7, '0')) + "1")
fn test_to_str_radix() {
for to_str_pairs().each |num_pair| {
let &(n, rs) = num_pair;
for rs.each |str_pair| {
let &(radix, str) = str_pair;
assert n.to_str_radix(radix) == str;
fn test_from_str_radix() {
for to_str_pairs().each |num_pair| {
let &(n, rs) = num_pair;
for rs.each |str_pair| {
let &(radix, str) = str_pair;
assert Some(n) == BigUint::from_str_radix(str, radix);
assert BigUint::from_str_radix(~"Z", 10) == None;
assert BigUint::from_str_radix(~"_", 2) == None;
assert BigUint::from_str_radix(~"-1", 10) == None;
fn test_factor() {
fn factor(n: uint) -> BigUint {
let mut f= BigUint::one();
for uint::range(2, n + 1) |i| {
f *= BigUint::from_uint(i);
return f;
assert factor(3) == BigUint::from_str_radix(~"6", 10).get();
assert factor(10) == BigUint::from_str_radix(~"3628800", 10).get();
assert factor(20) == BigUint::from_str_radix(
~"2432902008176640000", 10).get();
assert factor(30) == BigUint::from_str_radix(
~"265252859812191058636308480000000", 10).get();
mod bigint_tests {
fn test_from_biguint() {
assert BigInt::from_biguint(Plus, BigUint::from_uint(1)) ==
@ -346,7 +1176,7 @@ mod tests {
fn test_convert_int() {
fn check_conv(b: BigInt, i: int) {
assert b == num::from_int(i);
assert b == num::Num::from_int(i);
assert b.to_int() == i;

View File

@ -1,840 +0,0 @@
A Big unsigned integer.
A BigUint is represented as an array of BigDigits.
use core::cmp::{Eq, Ord};
A BigDigit is a BigUint's composing element.
A BigDigit is half the size of machine word size.
#[cfg(target_arch = "x86")]
#[cfg(target_arch = "arm")]
pub type BigDigit = u16;
A BigDigit is a BigUint's composing element.
A BigDigit is half the size of machine word size.
#[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
pub type BigDigit = u32;
pub mod BigDigit {
#[cfg(target_arch = "x86")]
#[cfg(target_arch = "arm")]
pub const bits: uint = 16;
#[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
pub const bits: uint = 32;
pub const base: uint = 1 << bits;
priv const hi_mask: uint = (-1 as uint) << bits;
priv const lo_mask: uint = (-1 as uint) >> bits;
priv pure fn get_hi(n: uint) -> BigDigit { (n >> bits) as BigDigit }
priv pure fn get_lo(n: uint) -> BigDigit { (n & lo_mask) as BigDigit }
/// Split one machine sized unsigned integer into two BigDigits.
pub pure fn from_uint(n: uint) -> (BigDigit, BigDigit) {
(get_hi(n), get_lo(n))
/// Join two BigDigits into one machine sized unsigned integer
pub pure fn to_uint(hi: BigDigit, lo: BigDigit) -> uint {
(lo as uint) | ((hi as uint) << bits)
A big unsigned integer type.
A BigUint-typed value BigUint { data: @[a, b, c] } represents a number
(a + b * BigDigit::base + c * BigDigit::base^2).
pub struct BigUint {
priv data: @[BigDigit]
impl BigUint : Eq {
pure fn eq(&self, other: &BigUint) -> bool { self.cmp(other) == 0 }
pure fn ne(&self, other: &BigUint) -> bool { self.cmp(other) != 0 }
impl BigUint : Ord {
pure fn lt(&self, other: &BigUint) -> bool { self.cmp(other) < 0 }
pure fn le(&self, other: &BigUint) -> bool { self.cmp(other) <= 0 }
pure fn ge(&self, other: &BigUint) -> bool { self.cmp(other) >= 0 }
pure fn gt(&self, other: &BigUint) -> bool { self.cmp(other) > 0 }
impl BigUint : ToStr {
pure fn to_str() -> ~str { self.to_str_radix(10) }
impl BigUint : from_str::FromStr {
static pure fn from_str(s: &str) -> Option<BigUint> {
BigUint::from_str_radix(s, 10)
impl BigUint : Shl<uint, BigUint> {
pure fn shl(&self, rhs: &uint) -> BigUint {
let n_unit = *rhs / BigDigit::bits;
let n_bits = *rhs % BigDigit::bits;
return self.shl_unit(n_unit).shl_bits(n_bits);
impl BigUint : Shr<uint, BigUint> {
pure fn shr(&self, rhs: &uint) -> BigUint {
let n_unit = *rhs / BigDigit::bits;
let n_bits = *rhs % BigDigit::bits;
return self.shr_unit(n_unit).shr_bits(n_bits);
impl BigUint : Num {
pure fn add(&self, other: &BigUint) -> BigUint {
let new_len = uint::max(,;
let mut carry = 0;
let sum = do at_vec::from_fn(new_len) |i| {
let ai = if i < {[i] } else { 0 };
let bi = if i < {[i] } else { 0 };
let (hi, lo) = BigDigit::from_uint(
(ai as uint) + (bi as uint) + (carry as uint)
carry = hi;
if carry == 0 { return BigUint::from_at_vec(sum) };
return BigUint::from_at_vec(sum + [carry]);
pure fn sub(&self, other: &BigUint) -> BigUint {
let new_len = uint::max(,;
let mut borrow = 0;
let diff = do at_vec::from_fn(new_len) |i| {
let ai = if i < {[i] } else { 0 };
let bi = if i < {[i] } else { 0 };
let (hi, lo) = BigDigit::from_uint(
(BigDigit::base) +
(ai as uint) - (bi as uint) - (borrow as uint)
hi * (base) + lo == 1*(base) + ai - bi - borrow
=> ai - bi - borrow < 0 <=> hi == 0
borrow = if hi == 0 { 1 } else { 0 };
assert borrow == 0; // <=> assert (self >= other);
return BigUint::from_at_vec(diff);
pure fn mul(&self, other: &BigUint) -> BigUint {
if self.is_zero() || other.is_zero() { return BigUint::zero(); }
let s_len =, o_len =;
if s_len == 1 { return mul_digit(other,[0]); }
if o_len == 1 { return mul_digit(self,[0]); }
// Using Karatsuba multiplication
// (a1 * base + a0) * (b1 * base + b0)
// = a1*b1 * base^2 +
// (a1*b1 + a0*b0 - (a1-b0)*(b1-a0)) * base +
// a0*b0
let half_len = uint::max(s_len, o_len) / 2;
let (sHi, sLo) = cut_at(self, half_len);
let (oHi, oLo) = cut_at(other, half_len);
let ll = sLo * oLo;
let hh = sHi * oHi;
let mm = match (sub_sign(sHi, sLo), sub_sign(oHi, oLo)) {
((s1, n1), (s2, n2)) if s1 * s2 < 0 => hh + ll + (n1 * n2),
((s1, n1), (s2, n2)) if s1 * s2 > 0 => hh + ll - (n1 * n2),
_ => hh + ll,
return ll + mm.shl_unit(half_len) + hh.shl_unit(half_len * 2);
pure fn mul_digit(a: &BigUint, n: BigDigit) -> BigUint {
if n == 0 { return BigUint::zero(); }
if n == 1 { return *a; }
let mut carry = 0;
let prod = do at_vec::map( |ai| {
let (hi, lo) = BigDigit::from_uint(
(*ai as uint) * (n as uint) + (carry as uint)
carry = hi;
if carry == 0 { return BigUint::from_at_vec(prod) };
return BigUint::from_at_vec(prod + [carry]);
pure fn cut_at(a: &BigUint, n: uint) -> (BigUint, BigUint) {
let mid = uint::min(, n);
return (BigUint::from_slice(vec::view(, mid,,
BigUint::from_slice(vec::view(, 0, mid)));
pure fn sub_sign(a: BigUint, b: BigUint) -> (int, BigUint) {
match a.cmp(&b) {
s if s < 0 => (s, b - a),
s if s > 0 => (s, a - b),
_ => (0, BigUint::zero())
pure fn div(&self, other: &BigUint) -> BigUint{
pure fn modulo(&self, other: &BigUint) -> BigUint {
pure fn neg(&self) -> BigUint { fail }
pure fn to_int(&self) -> int {
uint::min(self.to_uint(), int::max_value as uint) as int
static pure fn from_int(n: int) -> BigUint {
if (n < 0) { BigUint::zero() } else { BigUint::from_uint(n as uint) }
pub impl BigUint {
/// Creates and initializes an BigUint.
static pub pure fn from_uint(n: uint) -> BigUint {
match BigDigit::from_uint(n) {
(0, 0) => BigUint::zero(),
(0, n0) => BigUint::from_at_vec(@[n0]),
(n1, n0) => BigUint::from_at_vec(@[n0, n1])
/// Creates and initializes an BigUint.
static pub pure fn from_slice(slice: &[BigDigit]) -> BigUint {
// omit trailing zeros
let new_len = slice.rposition(|n| *n != 0)
.map_default(0, |p| *p + 1);
return BigUint { data: at_vec::from_fn(new_len, |i| slice[i]) };
/// Creates and initializes an BigUint.
static pub pure fn from_at_vec(at_vec: @[BigDigit]) -> BigUint {
// omit trailing zeros
let new_len = at_vec.rposition(|n| *n != 0)
.map_default(0, |p| *p + 1);
if new_len == at_vec.len() { return BigUint { data: at_vec }; }
return BigUint { data: at_vec::from_fn(new_len, |i| at_vec[i]) };
/// Creates and initializes an BigUint.
static pub pure fn from_str_radix(s: &str, radix: uint)
-> Option<BigUint> {
BigUint::parse_bytes(str::to_bytes(s), radix)
/// Creates and initializes an BigUint.
static pub pure fn parse_bytes(buf: &[u8], radix: uint)
-> Option<BigUint> {
let (base, unit_len) = get_radix_base(radix);
let base_num: BigUint = BigUint::from_uint(base);
let mut end = buf.len();
let mut n: BigUint = BigUint::zero();
let mut power: BigUint = BigUint::one();
loop {
let start = uint::max(end, unit_len) - unit_len;
match uint::parse_bytes(vec::view(buf, start, end), radix) {
Some(d) => n += BigUint::from_uint(d) * power,
None => return None
if end <= unit_len {
return Some(n);
end -= unit_len;
power *= base_num;
static pub pure fn zero() -> BigUint { BigUint::from_at_vec(@[]) }
static pub pure fn one() -> BigUint { BigUint::from_at_vec(@[1]) }
pure fn abs() -> BigUint { self }
/// Compare two BigUint value.
pure fn cmp(other: &BigUint) -> int {
let s_len =, o_len =;
if s_len < o_len { return -1; }
if s_len > o_len { return 1; }
for vec::rev_eachi( |i, elm| {
match (*elm,[i]) {
(l, r) if l < r => return -1,
(l, r) if l > r => return 1,
_ => loop
return 0;
pure fn divmod(other: &BigUint) -> (BigUint, BigUint) {
if other.is_zero() { fail }
if self.is_zero() { return (BigUint::zero(), BigUint::zero()); }
if *other == BigUint::one() { return (self, BigUint::zero()); }
match self.cmp(other) {
s if s < 0 => return (BigUint::zero(), self),
0 => return (BigUint::one(), BigUint::zero()),
_ => {} // Do nothing
let mut shift = 0;
let mut n =;
while n < (1 << BigDigit::bits - 2) {
n <<= 1;
shift += 1;
assert shift < BigDigit::bits;
let (d, m) = divmod_inner(self << shift, other << shift);
return (d, m >> shift);
pure fn divmod_inner(a: BigUint, b: BigUint) -> (BigUint, BigUint) {
let mut r = a;
let mut d = BigUint::zero();
let mut n = 1;
while r >= b {
let mut (d0, d_unit, b_unit) = div_estimate(r, b, n);
let mut prod = b * d0;
while prod > r {
d0 -= d_unit;
prod -= b_unit;
if d0.is_zero() {
n = 2;
n = 1;
d += d0;
r -= prod;
return (d, r);
pure fn div_estimate(a: BigUint, b: BigUint, n: uint)
-> (BigUint, BigUint, BigUint) {
if < n {
return (BigUint::zero(), BigUint::zero(), a);
let an = vec::view(, - n,;
let bn =;
let mut d = ~[];
let mut carry = 0;
for vec::rev_each(an) |elt| {
let ai = BigDigit::to_uint(carry, *elt);
let di = ai / (bn as uint);
assert di < BigDigit::base;
carry = (ai % (bn as uint)) as BigDigit;
d = ~[di as BigDigit] + d;
let shift = ( - an.len()) - ( - 1);
return (BigUint::from_slice(d).shl_unit(shift),
pure fn quot(other: &BigUint) -> BigUint { self.quotrem(other).first() }
pure fn rem(other: &BigUint) -> BigUint { self.quotrem(other).second() }
pure fn quotrem(other: &BigUint) -> (BigUint, BigUint) {
pure fn is_zero() -> bool { }
pure fn is_not_zero() -> bool { }
pure fn is_positive() -> bool { self.is_not_zero() }
pure fn is_negative() -> bool { false }
pure fn is_nonpositive() -> bool { self.is_zero() }
pure fn is_nonnegative() -> bool { true }
pure fn to_uint() -> uint {
match {
0 => 0,
1 =>[0] as uint,
2 => BigDigit::to_uint([1],[0]),
_ => uint::max_value
pure fn to_str_radix(radix: uint) -> ~str {
assert 1 < radix && radix <= 16;
pure fn convert_base(n: BigUint, base: uint) -> @[BigDigit] {
if base == BigDigit::base { return; }
let divider = BigUint::from_uint(base);
let mut result = @[];
let mut r = n;
while r > divider {
let (d, r0) = r.divmod(&divider);
result += [r0.to_uint() as BigDigit];
r = d;
if r.is_not_zero() {
result += [r.to_uint() as BigDigit];
return result;
pure fn fill_concat(v: &[BigDigit], radix: uint, l: uint) -> ~str {
if v.is_empty() { return ~"0" }
str::trim_left_chars(str::concat(vec::reversed(v).map(|n| {
let s = uint::to_str(*n as uint, radix);
str::from_chars(vec::from_elem(l - s.len(), '0')) + s
})), ['0'])
let (base, max_len) = get_radix_base(radix);
return fill_concat(convert_base(self, base), radix, max_len);
priv pure fn shl_unit(n_unit: uint) -> BigUint {
if n_unit == 0 || self.is_zero() { return self; }
return BigUint::from_at_vec(at_vec::from_elem(n_unit, 0) +;
priv pure fn shl_bits(n_bits: uint) -> BigUint {
if n_bits == 0 || self.is_zero() { return self; }
let mut carry = 0;
let shifted = do at_vec::map( |elem| {
let (hi, lo) = BigDigit::from_uint(
(*elem as uint) << n_bits | (carry as uint)
carry = hi;
if carry == 0 { return BigUint::from_at_vec(shifted); }
return BigUint::from_at_vec(shifted + [carry]);
priv pure fn shr_unit(n_unit: uint) -> BigUint {
if n_unit == 0 { return self; }
if < n_unit { return BigUint::zero(); }
return BigUint::from_slice(
vec::view(, n_unit,
priv pure fn shr_bits(n_bits: uint) -> BigUint {
if n_bits == 0 || { return self; }
let mut borrow = 0;
let mut shifted = @[];
for vec::rev_each( |elem| {
// internal compiler error: no enclosing scope with id 10671
// shifted = @[(*elem >> n_bits) | borrow] + shifted;
shifted = at_vec::append(@[(*elem >> n_bits) | borrow], shifted);
borrow = *elem << (uint::bits - n_bits);
return BigUint::from_at_vec(shifted);
priv pure fn get_radix_base(radix: uint) -> (uint, uint) {
assert 1 < radix && radix <= 16;
match radix {
2 => (4294967296, 32),
3 => (3486784401, 20),
4 => (4294967296, 16),
5 => (1220703125, 13),
6 => (2176782336, 12),
7 => (1977326743, 11),
8 => (1073741824, 10),
9 => (3486784401, 10),
10 => (1000000000, 9),
11 => (2357947691, 9),
12 => (429981696, 8),
13 => (815730721, 8),
14 => (1475789056, 8),
15 => (2562890625, 8),
16 => (4294967296, 8),
_ => fail
mod tests {
fn test_from_slice() {
let pairs = [
(&[1], &[1]),
(&[0, 0], &[]),
(&[1, 2, 0, 0], &[1, 2]),
(&[0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0], &[0, 0, 1, 2]),
(&[-1], &[-1])
for pairs.each |p| {
assert p.second() == BigUint::from_slice(p.first()).data;
fn test_cmp() {
let data = [ &[], &[1], &[2], &[-1], &[0, 1], &[2, 1], &[1, 1, 1] ]
.map(|v| BigUint::from_slice(*v));
for data.eachi |i, ni| {
for vec::view(data, i, data.len()).eachi |j0, nj| {
let j = j0 + i;
if i == j {
assert ni.cmp(nj) == 0;
assert nj.cmp(ni) == 0;
assert ni == nj;
assert !(ni != nj);
assert ni <= nj;
assert ni >= nj;
assert !(ni < nj);
assert !(ni > nj);
} else {
assert ni.cmp(nj) < 0;
assert nj.cmp(ni) > 0;
assert !(ni == nj);
assert ni != nj;
assert ni <= nj;
assert !(ni >= nj);
assert ni < nj;
assert !(ni > nj);
assert !(nj <= ni);
assert nj >= ni;
assert !(nj < ni);
assert nj > ni;
fn test_shl() {
assert BigUint::from_at_vec(@[]) << 3 == BigUint::from_at_vec(@[]);
assert BigUint::from_at_vec(@[1, 1, 1]) << 3 ==
BigUint::from_at_vec(@[1 << 3, 1 << 3, 1 << 3]);
assert BigUint::from_at_vec(@[1 << (BigDigit::bits - 2)]) << 2 ==
BigUint::from_at_vec(@[0, 1]);
assert BigUint::from_at_vec(@[1 << (BigDigit::bits - 2)]) << 3 ==
BigUint::from_at_vec(@[0, 2]);
assert (BigUint::from_at_vec(@[1 << (BigDigit::bits - 2)])
<< (3 + BigDigit::bits)) ==
BigUint::from_at_vec(@[0, 0, 2]);
assert BigUint::from_at_vec(
@[0x7654_3210, 0xfedc_ba98, 0x7654_3210, 0xfedc_ba98]
) << 4 == BigUint::from_at_vec(
@[0x6543_2100, 0xedcb_a987, 0x6543_210f, 0xedcb_a987, 0xf]
assert BigUint::from_at_vec(
@[0x2222_1111, 0x4444_3333, 0x6666_5555, 0x8888_7777]
) << 16 == BigUint::from_at_vec(
@[0x1111_0000, 0x3333_2222, 0x5555_4444, 0x7777_6666, 0x8888]
fn test_shr() {
assert BigUint::from_at_vec(@[]) >> 3 == BigUint::from_at_vec(@[]);
assert BigUint::from_at_vec(@[1, 1, 1]) >> 3 == BigUint::from_at_vec(
@[1 << (BigDigit::bits - 3), 1 << (BigDigit::bits - 3)]
assert BigUint::from_at_vec(@[1 << 2]) >> 2 ==
assert BigUint::from_at_vec(@[1, 2]) >> 3 ==
BigUint::from_at_vec(@[1 << (BigDigit::bits - 2)]);
assert BigUint::from_at_vec(@[1, 1, 2]) >> (3 + BigDigit::bits) ==
BigUint::from_at_vec(@[1 << (BigDigit::bits - 2)]);
assert BigUint::from_at_vec(
@[0x6543_2100, 0xedcb_a987, 0x6543_210f, 0xedcb_a987, 0xf]
) >> 4 == BigUint::from_at_vec(
@[0x7654_3210, 0xfedc_ba98, 0x7654_3210, 0xfedc_ba98]
assert BigUint::from_at_vec(
@[0x1111_0000, 0x3333_2222, 0x5555_4444, 0x7777_6666, 0x8888]
) >> 16 == BigUint::from_at_vec(
@[0x2222_1111, 0x4444_3333, 0x6666_5555, 0x8888_7777]
fn test_convert_int() {
fn check_conv(b: BigUint, i: int) {
assert b == num::from_int(i);
assert b.to_int() == i;
check_conv(BigUint::zero(), 0);
check_conv(BigUint::from_at_vec(@[1]), 1);
(uint::max_value >> BigDigit::bits) as int);
check_conv(BigUint::from_at_vec(@[ 0, 1]),
((uint::max_value >> BigDigit::bits) + 1) as int);
check_conv(BigUint::from_at_vec(@[-1, -1 >> 1]),
assert BigUint::from_at_vec(@[0, -1]).to_int() == int::max_value;
assert BigUint::from_at_vec(@[0, 0, 1]).to_int() == int::max_value;
assert BigUint::from_at_vec(@[0, 0, -1]).to_int() == int::max_value;
fn test_convert_uint() {
fn check_conv(b: BigUint, u: uint) {
assert b == BigUint::from_uint(u);
assert b.to_uint() == u;
check_conv(BigUint::zero(), 0);
check_conv(BigUint::from_at_vec(@[ 1]), 1);
uint::max_value >> BigDigit::bits);
check_conv(BigUint::from_at_vec(@[ 0, 1]),
(uint::max_value >> BigDigit::bits) + 1);
check_conv(BigUint::from_at_vec(@[ 0, -1]),
uint::max_value << BigDigit::bits);
check_conv(BigUint::from_at_vec(@[-1, -1]),
assert BigUint::from_at_vec(@[0, 0, 1]).to_uint() == uint::max_value;
assert BigUint::from_at_vec(@[0, 0, -1]).to_uint() == uint::max_value;
const sum_triples: &[(&[BigDigit], &[BigDigit], &[BigDigit])] = &[
(&[], &[], &[]),
(&[], &[ 1], &[ 1]),
(&[ 1], &[ 1], &[ 2]),
(&[ 1], &[ 1, 1], &[ 2, 1]),
(&[ 1], &[-1], &[ 0, 1]),
(&[ 1], &[-1, -1], &[ 0, 0, 1]),
(&[-1, -1], &[-1, -1], &[-2, -1, 1]),
(&[ 1, 1, 1], &[-1, -1], &[ 0, 1, 2]),
(&[ 2, 2, 1], &[-1, -2], &[ 1, 1, 2])
fn test_add() {
for sum_triples.each |elm| {
let (aVec, bVec, cVec) = *elm;
let a = BigUint::from_slice(aVec);
let b = BigUint::from_slice(bVec);
let c = BigUint::from_slice(cVec);
assert a + b == c;
assert b + a == c;
fn test_sub() {
for sum_triples.each |elm| {
let (aVec, bVec, cVec) = *elm;
let a = BigUint::from_slice(aVec);
let b = BigUint::from_slice(bVec);
let c = BigUint::from_slice(cVec);
assert c - a == b;
assert c - b == a;
const mul_triples: &[(&[BigDigit], &[BigDigit], &[BigDigit])] = &[
(&[], &[], &[]),
(&[], &[ 1], &[]),
(&[ 2], &[], &[]),
(&[ 1], &[ 1], &[1]),
(&[ 2], &[ 3], &[ 6]),
(&[ 1], &[ 1, 1, 1], &[1, 1, 1]),
(&[ 1, 2, 3], &[ 3], &[ 3, 6, 9]),
(&[ 1, 1, 1], &[-1], &[-1, -1, -1]),
(&[ 1, 2, 3], &[-1], &[-1, -2, -2, 2]),
(&[ 1, 2, 3, 4], &[-1], &[-1, -2, -2, -2, 3]),
(&[-1], &[-1], &[ 1, -2]),
(&[-1, -1], &[-1], &[ 1, -1, -2]),
(&[-1, -1, -1], &[-1], &[ 1, -1, -1, -2]),
(&[-1, -1, -1, -1], &[-1], &[ 1, -1, -1, -1, -2]),
(&[-1/2 + 1], &[ 2], &[ 0, 1]),
(&[0, -1/2 + 1], &[ 2], &[ 0, 0, 1]),
(&[ 1, 2], &[ 1, 2, 3], &[1, 4, 7, 6]),
(&[-1, -1], &[-1, -1, -1], &[1, 0, -1, -2, -1]),
(&[-1, -1, -1], &[-1, -1, -1, -1], &[1, 0, 0, -1, -2, -1, -1]),
(&[ 0, 0, 1], &[ 1, 2, 3], &[0, 0, 1, 2, 3]),
(&[ 0, 0, 1], &[ 0, 0, 0, 1], &[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1])
const divmod_quadruples: &[(&[BigDigit], &[BigDigit],
&[BigDigit], &[BigDigit])]
= &[
(&[ 1], &[ 2], &[], &[1]),
(&[ 1, 1], &[ 2], &[-1/2+1], &[1]),
(&[ 1, 1, 1], &[ 2], &[-1/2+1, -1/2+1], &[1]),
(&[ 0, 1], &[-1], &[1], &[1]),
(&[-1, -1], &[-2], &[2, 1], &[3])
fn test_mul() {
for mul_triples.each |elm| {
let (aVec, bVec, cVec) = *elm;
let a = BigUint::from_slice(aVec);
let b = BigUint::from_slice(bVec);
let c = BigUint::from_slice(cVec);
assert a * b == c;
assert b * a == c;
for divmod_quadruples.each |elm| {
let (aVec, bVec, cVec, dVec) = *elm;
let a = BigUint::from_slice(aVec);
let b = BigUint::from_slice(bVec);
let c = BigUint::from_slice(cVec);
let d = BigUint::from_slice(dVec);
assert a == b * c + d;
assert a == c * b + d;
fn test_divmod() {
for mul_triples.each |elm| {
let (aVec, bVec, cVec) = *elm;
let a = BigUint::from_slice(aVec);
let b = BigUint::from_slice(bVec);
let c = BigUint::from_slice(cVec);
if a.is_not_zero() {
assert c.divmod(&a) == (b, BigUint::zero());
if b.is_not_zero() {
assert c.divmod(&b) == (a, BigUint::zero());
for divmod_quadruples.each |elm| {
let (aVec, bVec, cVec, dVec) = *elm;
let a = BigUint::from_slice(aVec);
let b = BigUint::from_slice(bVec);
let c = BigUint::from_slice(cVec);
let d = BigUint::from_slice(dVec);
if b.is_not_zero() { assert a.divmod(&b) == (c, d); }
fn to_str_pairs() -> ~[ (BigUint, ~[(uint, ~str)]) ] {
~[( BigUint::zero(), ~[
(2, ~"0"), (3, ~"0")
]), ( BigUint::from_slice([ 0xff ]), ~[
(2, ~"11111111"),
(3, ~"100110"),
(4, ~"3333"),
(5, ~"2010"),
(6, ~"1103"),
(7, ~"513"),
(8, ~"377"),
(9, ~"313"),
(10, ~"255"),
(11, ~"212"),
(12, ~"193"),
(13, ~"168"),
(14, ~"143"),
(15, ~"120"),
(16, ~"ff")
]), ( BigUint::from_slice([ 0xfff ]), ~[
(2, ~"111111111111"),
(4, ~"333333"),
(16, ~"fff")
]), ( BigUint::from_slice([ 1, 2 ]), ~[
(2, ~"10" + str::from_chars(vec::from_elem(31, '0')) + "1"),
(4, ~"2" + str::from_chars(vec::from_elem(15, '0')) + "1"),
(10, ~"8589934593"),
(16, ~"2" + str::from_chars(vec::from_elem(7, '0')) + "1")
]), (BigUint::from_slice([ 1, 2, 3 ]), ~[
(2, ~"11" + str::from_chars(vec::from_elem(30, '0')) + "10" +
str::from_chars(vec::from_elem(31, '0')) + "1"),
(4, ~"3" + str::from_chars(vec::from_elem(15, '0')) + "2" +
str::from_chars(vec::from_elem(15, '0')) + "1"),
(10, ~"55340232229718589441"),
(16, ~"3" + str::from_chars(vec::from_elem(7, '0')) + "2" +
str::from_chars(vec::from_elem(7, '0')) + "1")
fn test_to_str_radix() {
for to_str_pairs().each |num_pair| {
let &(n, rs) = num_pair;
for rs.each |str_pair| {
let &(radix, str) = str_pair;
assert n.to_str_radix(radix) == str;
fn test_from_str_radix() {
for to_str_pairs().each |num_pair| {
let &(n, rs) = num_pair;
for rs.each |str_pair| {
let &(radix, str) = str_pair;
assert Some(n) == BigUint::from_str_radix(str, radix);
assert BigUint::from_str_radix(~"Z", 10) == None;
assert BigUint::from_str_radix(~"_", 2) == None;
assert BigUint::from_str_radix(~"-1", 10) == None;
fn test_factor() {
fn factor(n: uint) -> BigUint {
let mut f= BigUint::one();
for uint::range(2, n + 1) |i| {
f *= BigUint::from_uint(i);
return f;
assert factor(3) == BigUint::from_str_radix(~"6", 10).get();
assert factor(10) == BigUint::from_str_radix(~"3628800", 10).get();
assert factor(20) == BigUint::from_str_radix(
~"2432902008176640000", 10).get();
assert factor(30) == BigUint::from_str_radix(
~"265252859812191058636308480000000", 10).get();

View File

@ -99,7 +99,6 @@ pub mod base64;
pub mod rl;
pub mod workcache;
pub mod bigint;
pub mod biguint;
mod unicode;