diff --git a/mk/main.mk b/mk/main.mk
index f2bcdbd4bd5..24ab522ec60 100644
--- a/mk/main.mk
+++ b/mk/main.mk
@@ -349,14 +349,12 @@ EXTRAFLAGS_STAGE$(1) = $$(RUSTFLAGS_STAGE$(1))
 CFGFLAG$(1)_T_$(2)_H_$(3) = stage$(1)
-# Pass --cfg stage0 only for the build->host part of stage0;
-# if you're building a cross config, the host->* parts are
-# effectively stage1, since it uses the just-built stage0.
-ifeq ($(1),0)
-ifneq ($(strip $(CFG_BUILD)),$(strip $(3)))
-CFGFLAG$(1)_T_$(2)_H_$(3) = stage1
+# Same macro/variables as above, but defined in a separate loop so it can use
+# all the varibles above for all archs. The RPATH_VAR setup sometimes needs to
+# reach across triples to get things in order.
+define SREQ_CMDS
 ifeq ($$(OSTYPE_$(3)),apple-darwin)
   RPATH_VAR$(1)_T_$(2)_H_$(3) := \
@@ -366,6 +364,31 @@ else
+# Pass --cfg stage0 only for the build->host part of stage0;
+# if you're building a cross config, the host->* parts are
+# effectively stage1, since it uses the just-built stage0.
+# This logic is similar to how the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable must
+# change be slightly different when doing cross compilations.
+# The build doesn't copy over all target libraries into
+# a new directory, so we need to point the library path at
+# the build directory where all the target libraries came
+# from (the stage0 build host). Otherwise the relative rpaths
+# inside of the rustc binary won't get resolved correctly.
+ifeq ($(1),0)
+ifneq ($(strip $(CFG_BUILD)),$(strip $(3)))
+CFGFLAG$(1)_T_$(2)_H_$(3) = stage1
+ifeq ($$(OSTYPE_$(3)),apple-darwin)
+  RPATH_VAR$(1)_T_$(2)_H_$(3) := \
+  RPATH_VAR$(1)_T_$(2)_H_$(3) := \
 STAGE$(1)_T_$(2)_H_$(3) := 						\
 	$$(Q)$$(RPATH_VAR$(1)_T_$(2)_H_$(3))                            \
 		$$(call CFG_RUN_TARG_$(3),$(1),				\
@@ -390,6 +413,11 @@ $(foreach build,$(CFG_HOST), \
   $(eval $(foreach stage,$(STAGES), \
    $(eval $(call SREQ,$(stage),$(target),$(build))))))))
+$(foreach build,$(CFG_HOST), \
+ $(eval $(foreach target,$(CFG_TARGET), \
+  $(eval $(foreach stage,$(STAGES), \
+   $(eval $(call SREQ_CMDS,$(stage),$(target),$(build))))))))
 # rustc-H-targets