auto merge of #12339 : alexcrichton/rust/rustdoc-fixes, r=sfackler
Commits have the details
This commit is contained in:
@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ use rustc::metadata::csearch;
use rustc::metadata::decoder;
use std;
use std::hashmap::HashMap;
use doctree;
use visit_ast;
@ -68,7 +67,7 @@ impl<T: Clean<U>, U> Clean<~[U]> for syntax::opt_vec::OptVec<T> {
pub struct Crate {
name: ~str,
module: Option<Item>,
externs: HashMap<ast::CrateNum, ExternalCrate>,
externs: ~[(ast::CrateNum, ExternalCrate)],
impl<'a> Clean<Crate> for visit_ast::RustdocVisitor<'a> {
@ -76,9 +75,9 @@ impl<'a> Clean<Crate> for visit_ast::RustdocVisitor<'a> {
use syntax::attr::find_crateid;
let cx = local_data::get(super::ctxtkey, |x| *x.unwrap());
let mut externs = HashMap::new();
let mut externs = ~[];
cx.sess.cstore.iter_crate_data(|n, meta| {
externs.insert(n, meta.clean());
externs.push((n, meta.clean()));
Crate {
@ -181,6 +180,7 @@ pub enum ItemEnum {
#[deriving(Clone, Encodable, Decodable)]
@ -206,7 +206,8 @@ impl Clean<Item> for doctree::Module {
self.fns.clean(), self.foreigns.clean().concat_vec(),
self.mods.clean(), self.typedefs.clean(),
self.statics.clean(), self.traits.clean(),
self.impls.clean(), self.view_items.clean()].concat_vec()
self.impls.clean(), self.view_items.clean(),
@ -1263,3 +1264,23 @@ fn resolve_def(id: ast::NodeId) -> Option<ast::DefId> {
None => None
#[deriving(Clone, Encodable, Decodable)]
pub struct Macro {
source: ~str,
impl Clean<Item> for doctree::Macro {
fn clean(&self) -> Item {
Item {
name: Some(,
attrs: self.attrs.clean(),
source: self.where.clean(),
visibility: ast::Public.clean(),
inner: MacroItem(Macro {
source: self.where.to_src(),
@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ pub struct Module {
impls: ~[Impl],
foreigns: ~[ast::ForeignMod],
view_items: ~[ast::ViewItem],
macros: ~[Macro],
impl Module {
@ -52,6 +53,7 @@ impl Module {
impls : ~[],
view_items : ~[],
foreigns : ~[],
macros : ~[],
@ -157,6 +159,13 @@ pub struct Impl {
id: ast::NodeId,
pub struct Macro {
name: Ident,
id: ast::NodeId,
attrs: ~[ast::Attribute],
where: Span,
pub fn struct_type_from_def(sd: &ast::StructDef) -> StructType {
if sd.ctor_id.is_some() {
// We are in a tuple-struct
@ -157,6 +157,7 @@ pub struct Cache {
priv parent_stack: ~[ast::NodeId],
priv search_index: ~[IndexItem],
priv privmod: bool,
priv public_items: HashSet<ast::NodeId>,
/// Helper struct to render all source code to HTML pages
@ -231,18 +232,23 @@ pub fn run(mut krate: clean::Crate, dst: Path) -> io::IoResult<()> {
// Crawl the crate to build various caches used for the output
let mut cache = Cache {
impls: HashMap::new(),
typarams: HashMap::new(),
paths: HashMap::new(),
traits: HashMap::new(),
implementors: HashMap::new(),
stack: ~[],
parent_stack: ~[],
search_index: ~[],
extern_locations: HashMap::new(),
privmod: false,
let mut cache = local_data::get(::analysiskey, |analysis| {
let public_items =|a| a.public_items.clone());
let public_items = public_items.unwrap_or(HashSet::new());
Cache {
impls: HashMap::new(),
typarams: HashMap::new(),
paths: HashMap::new(),
traits: HashMap::new(),
implementors: HashMap::new(),
stack: ~[],
parent_stack: ~[],
search_index: ~[],
extern_locations: HashMap::new(),
privmod: false,
public_items: public_items,
krate = cache.fold_crate(krate);
@ -305,7 +311,7 @@ pub fn run(mut krate: clean::Crate, dst: Path) -> io::IoResult<()> {
krate = folder.fold_crate(krate);
for (&n, e) in krate.externs.iter() {
for &(n, ref e) in krate.externs.iter() {
cache.extern_locations.insert(n, extern_location(e, &cx.dst));
@ -565,8 +571,24 @@ impl DocFolder for Cache {
clean::StructItem(..) | clean::EnumItem(..) |
clean::TypedefItem(..) | clean::TraitItem(..) |
clean::FunctionItem(..) | clean::ModuleItem(..) |
clean::ForeignFunctionItem(..) | clean::VariantItem(..) => {
self.paths.insert(, (self.stack.clone(), shortty(&item)));
clean::ForeignFunctionItem(..) => {
// Reexported items mean that the same id can show up twice in
// the rustdoc ast that we're looking at. We know, however, that
// a reexported item doesn't show up in the `public_items` map,
// so we can skip inserting into the paths map if there was
// already an entry present and we're not a public item.
if !self.paths.contains_key(& ||
self.public_items.contains(& {
(self.stack.clone(), shortty(&item)));
// link variants to their parent enum because pages aren't emitted
// for each variant
clean::VariantItem(..) => {
let mut stack = self.stack.clone();
self.paths.insert(, (stack, "enum"));
_ => {}
@ -791,6 +813,7 @@ fn shortty(item: &clean::Item) -> &'static str {
clean::VariantItem(..) => "variant",
clean::ForeignFunctionItem(..) => "ffi",
clean::ForeignStaticItem(..) => "ffs",
clean::MacroItem(..) => "macro",
@ -869,6 +892,7 @@ impl<'a> fmt::Show for Item<'a> {
clean::StructItem(ref s) => item_struct(fmt.buf, self.item, s),
clean::EnumItem(ref e) => item_enum(fmt.buf, self.item, e),
clean::TypedefItem(ref t) => item_typedef(fmt.buf, self.item, t),
clean::MacroItem(ref m) => item_macro(fmt.buf, self.item, m),
_ => Ok(())
@ -937,6 +961,8 @@ fn item_module(w: &mut Writer, cx: &Context,
(_, &clean::ViewItemItem(..)) => Greater,
(&clean::ModuleItem(..), _) => Less,
(_, &clean::ModuleItem(..)) => Greater,
(&clean::MacroItem(..), _) => Less,
(_, &clean::MacroItem(..)) => Greater,
(&clean::StructItem(..), _) => Less,
(_, &clean::StructItem(..)) => Greater,
(&clean::EnumItem(..), _) => Less,
@ -987,6 +1013,7 @@ fn item_module(w: &mut Writer, cx: &Context,
clean::VariantItem(..) => "Variants",
clean::ForeignFunctionItem(..) => "Foreign Functions",
clean::ForeignStaticItem(..) => "Foreign Statics",
clean::MacroItem(..) => "Macros",
@ -1099,7 +1126,7 @@ fn item_trait(w: &mut Writer, it: &clean::Item,
if_ok!(write!(w, "\\{\n"));
for m in required.iter() {
if_ok!(write!(w, " "));
if_ok!(render_method(w, m.item(), true));
if_ok!(render_method(w, m.item()));
if_ok!(write!(w, ";\n"));
if required.len() > 0 && provided.len() > 0 {
@ -1107,7 +1134,7 @@ fn item_trait(w: &mut Writer, it: &clean::Item,
for m in provided.iter() {
if_ok!(write!(w, " "));
if_ok!(render_method(w, m.item(), true));
if_ok!(render_method(w, m.item()));
if_ok!(write!(w, " \\{ ... \\}\n"));
if_ok!(write!(w, "\\}"));
@ -1121,7 +1148,7 @@ fn item_trait(w: &mut Writer, it: &clean::Item,
if_ok!(write!(w, "<h3 id='{}.{}' class='method'><code>",
if_ok!(render_method(w, m.item(), false));
if_ok!(render_method(w, m.item()));
if_ok!(write!(w, "</code></h3>"));
if_ok!(document(w, m.item()));
@ -1176,16 +1203,12 @@ fn item_trait(w: &mut Writer, it: &clean::Item,
fn render_method(w: &mut Writer, meth: &clean::Item,
withlink: bool) -> fmt::Result {
fn render_method(w: &mut Writer, meth: &clean::Item) -> fmt::Result {
fn fun(w: &mut Writer, it: &clean::Item, purity: ast::Purity,
g: &clean::Generics, selfty: &clean::SelfTy, d: &clean::FnDecl,
withlink: bool) -> fmt::Result {
write!(w, "{}fn {withlink, select,
true{<a href='\\#{ty}.{name}'
other{<span class='fnname'>{name}</span>}
g: &clean::Generics, selfty: &clean::SelfTy,
d: &clean::FnDecl) -> fmt::Result {
write!(w, "{}fn <a href='\\#{ty}.{name}' class='fnname'>{name}</a>\
match purity {
ast::UnsafeFn => "unsafe ",
_ => "",
@ -1193,15 +1216,14 @@ fn render_method(w: &mut Writer, meth: &clean::Item,
ty = shortty(it),
name =,
generics = *g,
decl = Method(selfty, d),
withlink = if withlink {"true"} else {"false"})
decl = Method(selfty, d))
match meth.inner {
clean::TyMethodItem(ref m) => {
fun(w, meth, m.purity, &m.generics, &m.self_, &m.decl, withlink)
fun(w, meth, m.purity, &m.generics, &m.self_, &m.decl)
clean::MethodItem(ref m) => {
fun(w, meth, m.purity, &m.generics, &m.self_, &m.decl, withlink)
fun(w, meth, m.purity, &m.generics, &m.self_, &m.decl)
_ => unreachable!()
@ -1432,7 +1454,7 @@ fn render_impl(w: &mut Writer, i: &clean::Impl,
fn docmeth(w: &mut Writer, item: &clean::Item) -> io::IoResult<bool> {
if_ok!(write!(w, "<h4 id='method.{}' class='method'><code>",
if_ok!(render_method(w, item, false));
if_ok!(render_method(w, item));
if_ok!(write!(w, "</code></h4>\n"));
match item.doc_value() {
Some(s) => {
@ -1609,3 +1631,9 @@ impl<'a> fmt::Show for Source<'a> {
fn item_macro(w: &mut Writer, it: &clean::Item,
t: &clean::Macro) -> fmt::Result {
if_ok!(write!(w, "<pre class='macro'>{}</pre>", t.source));
document(w, it)
@ -301,3 +301,5 @@ a {
.stability.Stable { border-color: #AEC516; color: #7c8b10; }
.stability.Frozen { border-color: #009431; color: #007726; }
.stability.Locked { border-color: #0084B6; color: #00668c; }
:target { background: #FDFFD3; }
@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ fn json_output(krate: clean::Crate, res: ~[plugins::PluginJson],
let crate_json = match json::from_str(crate_json_str) {
Ok(j) => j,
Err(_) => fail!("Rust generated JSON is invalid??")
Err(e) => fail!("Rust generated JSON is invalid: {:?}", e)
json.insert(~"crate", crate_json);
@ -150,8 +150,8 @@ impl<'a> fold::DocFolder for Stripper<'a> {
clean::ImplItem(..) => {}
// tymethods have no control over privacy
clean::TyMethodItem(..) => {}
// tymethods/macros have no control over privacy
clean::MacroItem(..) | clean::TyMethodItem(..) => {}
let fastreturn = match i.inner {
@ -280,7 +280,14 @@ impl<'a> RustdocVisitor<'a> {
ast::ItemForeignMod(ref fm) => {
_ => (),
ast::ItemMac(ref _m) => {
om.macros.push(Macro {
attrs: item.attrs.clone(),
name: item.ident,
where: item.span,
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
#[cfg(test)] pub use ops = realstd::ops;
#[cfg(test)] pub use cmp = realstd::cmp;
mod macros;
pub mod macros;
mod rtdeps;
@ -7,8 +7,29 @@
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
//! Standard library macros
//! This modules contains a set of macros which are exported from the standard
//! library. Each macro is available for use when linking against the standard
//! library.
/// The standard logging macro
/// This macro will generically log over a provided level (of type u32) with a
/// format!-based argument list. See documentation in `std::fmt` for details on
/// how to use the syntax, and documentation in `std::logging` for info about
/// logging macros.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// log!(::std::logging::DEBUG, "this is a debug message");
/// log!(::std::logging::WARN, "this is a warning {}", "message");
/// log!(6, "this is a custom logging level: {level}", level=6);
/// ```
macro_rules! log(
($lvl:expr, $($arg:tt)+) => ({
@ -21,26 +42,73 @@ macro_rules! log(
/// A convenience macro for logging at the error log level. See `std::logging`
/// for more information. about logging.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # let error = 3;
/// error!("the build has failed with error code: {}", error);
/// ```
macro_rules! error(
($($arg:tt)*) => (log!(1u32, $($arg)*))
/// A convenience macro for logging at the warning log level. See `std::logging`
/// for more information. about logging.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # let code = 3;
/// warn!("you may like to know that a process exited with: {}", code);
/// ```
macro_rules! warn(
($($arg:tt)*) => (log!(2u32, $($arg)*))
/// A convenience macro for logging at the info log level. See `std::logging`
/// for more information. about logging.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # let ret = 3;
/// info!("this function is about to return: {}", ret);
/// ```
macro_rules! info(
($($arg:tt)*) => (log!(3u32, $($arg)*))
/// A convenience macro for logging at the debug log level. See `std::logging`
/// for more information. about logging.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// debug!("x = {x}, y = {y}", x=10, y=20);
/// ```
macro_rules! debug(
($($arg:tt)*) => (if cfg!(not(ndebug)) { log!(4u32, $($arg)*) })
/// A macro to test whether a log level is enabled for the current module.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # struct Point { x: int, y: int }
/// # fn some_expensive_computation() -> Point { Point { x: 1, y: 2 } }
/// if log_enabled!(std::logging::DEBUG) {
/// let x = some_expensive_computation();
/// debug!("x.x = {}, x.y = {}", x.x, x.y);
/// }
/// ```
macro_rules! log_enabled(
($lvl:expr) => ({
@ -49,6 +117,25 @@ macro_rules! log_enabled(
/// The entry point for failure of rust tasks.
/// This macro is used to inject failure into a rust task, causing the task to
/// unwind and fail entirely. Each task's failure can be reaped as the `~Any`
/// type, and the single-argument form of the `fail!` macro will be the value
/// which is transmitted.
/// The multi-argument form of this macro fails with a string and has the
/// `format!` sytnax for building a string.
/// # Example
/// ```should_fail
/// # #[allow(unreachable_code)];
/// fail!();
/// fail!("this is a terrible mistake!");
/// fail!(4); // fail with the value of 4 to be collected elsewhere
/// fail!("this is a {} {message}", "fancy", message = "message");
/// ```
macro_rules! fail(
() => (
@ -70,6 +157,26 @@ macro_rules! fail(
/// Ensure that a boolean expression is `true` at runtime.
/// This will invoke the `fail!` macro if the provided expression cannot be
/// evaluated to `true` at runtime.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// // the failure message for these assertions is the stringified value of the
/// // expression given.
/// assert!(true);
/// # fn some_computation() -> bool { true }
/// assert!(some_computation());
/// // assert with a custom message
/// # let x = true;
/// assert!(x, "x wasn't true!");
/// # let a = 3; let b = 27;
/// assert!(a + b == 30, "a = {}, b = {}", a, b);
/// ```
macro_rules! assert(
($cond:expr) => (
@ -89,6 +196,18 @@ macro_rules! assert(
/// Asserts that two expressions are equal to each other, testing equality in
/// both directions.
/// On failure, this macro will print the values of the expressions.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// let a = 3;
/// let b = 1 + 2;
/// assert_eq!(a, b);
/// ```
macro_rules! assert_eq(
($given:expr , $expected:expr) => ({
@ -110,13 +229,15 @@ macro_rules! assert_eq(
/// # Example
/// ~~~rust
/// struct Item { weight: uint }
/// fn choose_weighted_item(v: &[Item]) -> Item {
/// assert!(!v.is_empty());
/// let mut so_far = 0u;
/// for item in v.iter() {
/// so_far += item.weight;
/// if so_far > 100 {
/// return item;
/// return *item;
/// }
/// }
/// // The above loop always returns, so we must hint to the
@ -136,6 +257,16 @@ macro_rules! unimplemented(
() => (fail!("not yet implemented"))
/// Use the syntax described in `std::fmt` to create a value of type `~str`.
/// See `std::fmt` for more information.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// format!("test");
/// format!("hello {}", "world!");
/// format!("x = {}, y = {y}", 10, y = 30);
/// ```
macro_rules! format(
($($arg:tt)*) => (
@ -143,6 +274,19 @@ macro_rules! format(
/// Use the `format!` syntax to write data into a buffer of type `&mut Writer`.
/// See `std::fmt` for more information.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # #[allow(unused_must_use)];
/// use std::io::MemWriter;
/// let mut w = MemWriter::new();
/// write!(&mut w, "test");
/// write!(&mut w, "formatted {}", "arguments");
/// ```
macro_rules! write(
($dst:expr, $($arg:tt)*) => ({
@ -151,6 +295,8 @@ macro_rules! write(
/// Equivalent to the `write!` macro, except that a newline is appended after
/// the message is written.
macro_rules! writeln(
($dst:expr, $($arg:tt)*) => ({
@ -159,16 +305,42 @@ macro_rules! writeln(
/// Equivalent to the `println!` macro except that a newline is not printed at
/// the end of the message.
macro_rules! print(
($($arg:tt)*) => (format_args!(::std::io::stdio::print_args, $($arg)*))
/// Macro for printing to a task's stdout handle.
/// Each task can override its stdout handle via `std::io::stdio::set_stdout`.
/// The syntax of this macro is the same as that used for `format!`. For more
/// information, see `std::fmt` and `std::io::stdio`.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// println!("hello there!");
/// println!("format {} arguments", "some");
/// ```
macro_rules! println(
($($arg:tt)*) => (format_args!(::std::io::stdio::println_args, $($arg)*))
/// Declare a task-local key with a specific type.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use std::local_data;
/// local_data_key!(my_integer: int)
/// local_data::set(my_integer, 2);
/// local_data::get(my_integer, |val| println!("{}",|i| *i)));
/// ```
macro_rules! local_data_key(
($name:ident: $ty:ty) => (
@ -179,6 +351,9 @@ macro_rules! local_data_key(
/// Helper macro for unwrapping `Result` values while returning early with an
/// error if the value of the expression is `Err`. For more information, see
/// `std::io`.
macro_rules! if_ok(
($e:expr) => (match $e { Ok(e) => e, Err(e) => return Err(e) })
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
-include ../
$(RUSTDOC) -w json -o $(TMPDIR)/doc.json
$(RUSTDOC) -o $(TMPDIR)/doc $(TMPDIR)/doc.json
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
// Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
#[crate_id = "foo#0.1"];
//! Very docs
pub mod bar {
/// So correct
pub mod baz {
/// Much detail
pub fn baz() { }
/// *wow*
pub trait Doge { }
Reference in New Issue
Block a user