rustpkg: Handle sysroot more correctly

In rustpkg, pass around sysroot; in rustpkg tests, set the sysroot
manually so that tests can find libcore and such.

With bonus metadata::filesearch refactoring to avoid copies.
This commit is contained in:
Tim Chevalier 2013-05-03 16:47:53 -07:00
parent 376a5526a7
commit c42f1218a0
9 changed files with 106 additions and 52 deletions

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ pub fn get_rpath_flags(sess: session::Session, out_filename: &Path)
// where rustrt is and we know every rust program needs it
let libs = vec::append_one(libs, get_sysroot_absolute_rt_lib(sess));
let rpaths = get_rpaths(os, &sysroot, output, libs,
let rpaths = get_rpaths(os, sysroot, output, libs,

@ -603,7 +603,7 @@ pub fn build_session_options(binary: @~str,
} else { link::output_type_exe };
let sysroot_opt = getopts::opt_maybe_str(matches, ~"sysroot");
let sysroot_opt =|m| Path(*m));
let sysroot_opt =|m| @Path(*m));
let target_opt = getopts::opt_maybe_str(matches, ~"target");
let target_feature_opt = getopts::opt_maybe_str(matches, ~"target-feature");
let save_temps = getopts::opt_present(matches, ~"save-temps");

@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ pub struct options {
output_type: back::link::output_type,
addl_lib_search_paths: ~[Path],
linker_args: ~[~str],
maybe_sysroot: Option<Path>,
maybe_sysroot: Option<@Path>,
target_triple: ~str,
target_feature: ~str,
// User-specified cfg meta items. The compiler itself will add additional

@ -20,41 +20,49 @@ pub fn pick_file(file: Path, path: &Path) -> Option<Path> {
pub trait FileSearch {
fn sysroot(&self) -> Path;
fn lib_search_paths(&self) -> ~[Path];
fn sysroot(&self) -> @Path;
fn for_each_lib_search_path(&self, f: &fn(&Path) -> bool);
fn get_target_lib_path(&self) -> Path;
fn get_target_lib_file_path(&self, file: &Path) -> Path;
pub fn mk_filesearch(maybe_sysroot: &Option<Path>,
pub fn mk_filesearch(maybe_sysroot: &Option<@Path>,
target_triple: &str,
addl_lib_search_paths: ~[Path])
-> @FileSearch {
struct FileSearchImpl {
sysroot: Path,
sysroot: @Path,
addl_lib_search_paths: ~[Path],
target_triple: ~str
impl FileSearch for FileSearchImpl {
fn sysroot(&self) -> Path { /*bad*/copy self.sysroot }
fn lib_search_paths(&self) -> ~[Path] {
let mut paths = /*bad*/copy self.addl_lib_search_paths;
fn sysroot(&self) -> @Path { self.sysroot }
fn for_each_lib_search_path(&self, f: &fn(&Path) -> bool) {
debug!("filesearch: searching additional lib search paths");
if !self.addl_lib_search_paths.each(f) {
match get_rustpkg_lib_path_nearest() {
result::Ok(ref p) => paths.push((/*bad*/copy *p)),
result::Err(_) => ()
debug!("filesearch: searching target lib path");
if !f(&make_target_lib_path(self.sysroot,
self.target_triple)) {
match get_rustpkg_lib_path() {
result::Ok(ref p) => paths.push((/*bad*/copy *p)),
result::Err(_) => ()
debug!("filesearch: searching rustpkg lib path nearest");
if match get_rustpkg_lib_path_nearest() {
result::Ok(ref p) => f(p),
result::Err(_) => true
} {
debug!("filesearch: searching rustpkg lib path");
match get_rustpkg_lib_path() {
result::Ok(ref p) => f(p),
result::Err(_) => true
fn get_target_lib_path(&self) -> Path {
make_target_lib_path(&self.sysroot, self.target_triple)
make_target_lib_path(self.sysroot, self.target_triple)
fn get_target_lib_file_path(&self, file: &Path) -> Path {
@ -72,7 +80,7 @@ pub fn mk_filesearch(maybe_sysroot: &Option<Path>,
pub fn search<T:Copy>(filesearch: @FileSearch, pick: pick<T>) -> Option<T> {
let mut rslt = None;
for filesearch.lib_search_paths().each |lib_search_path| {
for filesearch.for_each_lib_search_path() |lib_search_path| {
debug!("searching %s", lib_search_path.to_str());
for os::list_dir_path(lib_search_path).each |path| {
debug!("testing %s", path.to_str());
@ -108,10 +116,10 @@ fn get_or_default_sysroot() -> Path {
fn get_sysroot(maybe_sysroot: &Option<Path>) -> Path {
fn get_sysroot(maybe_sysroot: &Option<@Path>) -> @Path {
match *maybe_sysroot {
option::Some(ref sr) => (/*bad*/copy *sr),
option::None => get_or_default_sysroot()
option::Some(sr) => sr,
option::None => @get_or_default_sysroot()

@ -13,6 +13,9 @@
use core::hashmap::HashMap;
pub struct Ctx {
// Sysroot -- if this is None, uses rustc filesearch's
// idea of the default
sysroot_opt: Option<@Path>,
// I'm not sure what this is for
json: bool,
// Cache of hashes of things already installed

@ -29,11 +29,7 @@ pub static u_rwx: i32 = (S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IXUSR) as i32;
/// Creates a directory that is readable, writeable,
/// and executable by the user. Returns true iff creation
/// succeeded.
pub fn make_dir_rwx(p: &Path) -> bool {
use core::libc::consts::os::posix88::{S_IRUSR, S_IWUSR, S_IXUSR};
os::make_dir(p, u_rwx)
pub fn make_dir_rwx(p: &Path) -> bool { os::make_dir(p, u_rwx) }
/// Replace all occurrences of '-' in the stem part of path with '_'
/// This is because we treat rust-foo-bar-quux and rust_foo_bar_quux

@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ impl Ctx {
// Find crates inside the workspace
// Build it!, cfgs);, cfgs, self.sysroot_opt);
@ -506,6 +506,7 @@ pub fn main() {
Ctx {
sysroot_opt: None, // Currently, only tests override this
json: json,
dep_cache: @mut HashMap::new()
}.run(cmd, args);
@ -648,6 +649,8 @@ impl PkgSrc {
debug!("Checking dir: %s", dir.to_str());
// tjc: Rather than erroring out, need to try downloading the
// contents of the path to a local directory (#5679)
if !os::path_exists(&dir) {
cond.raise((, ~"missing package dir"));
@ -744,18 +747,20 @@ impl PkgSrc {
fn build_crates(&self, dst_dir: &Path,
src_dir: &Path,
crates: &[Crate],
cfgs: ~[~str],
test: bool, crate_type: crate_type) {
fn build_crates(&self,
maybe_sysroot: Option<@Path>,
dst_dir: &Path,
src_dir: &Path,
crates: &[Crate],
cfgs: ~[~str],
test: bool, crate_type: crate_type) {
for crates.each |&crate| {
let path = &src_dir.push_rel(&crate.file).normalize();
util::note(fmt!("build_crates: compiling %s", path.to_str()));
util::note(fmt!("build_crates: destination dir is %s", dst_dir.to_str()));
let result = util::compile_crate(None,, path,
let result = util::compile_crate(maybe_sysroot,, path,
crate.cfgs + cfgs,
@ -769,15 +774,15 @@ impl PkgSrc {
fn build(&self, dst_dir: &Path, cfgs: ~[~str]) {
fn build(&self, dst_dir: &Path, cfgs: ~[~str], maybe_sysroot: Option<@Path>) {
let dir = self.check_dir();
debug!("Building libs");
self.build_crates(dst_dir, &dir, self.libs, cfgs, false, lib_crate);
self.build_crates(maybe_sysroot, dst_dir, &dir, self.libs, cfgs, false, lib_crate);
debug!("Building mains");
self.build_crates(dst_dir, &dir, self.mains, cfgs, false, bin_crate);
self.build_crates(maybe_sysroot, dst_dir, &dir, self.mains, cfgs, false, bin_crate);
debug!("Building tests");
self.build_crates(dst_dir, &dir, self.tests, cfgs, true, bin_crate);
self.build_crates(maybe_sysroot, dst_dir, &dir, self.tests, cfgs, true, bin_crate);
debug!("Building benches");
self.build_crates(dst_dir, &dir, self.benchs, cfgs, true, bin_crate);
self.build_crates(maybe_sysroot, dst_dir, &dir, self.benchs, cfgs, true, bin_crate);

@ -20,8 +20,9 @@ use path_util::{target_executable_in_workspace, target_library_in_workspace,
make_dir_rwx, u_rwx};
use core::os::mkdir_recursive;
fn fake_ctxt() -> Ctx {
fn fake_ctxt(sysroot_opt: Option<@Path>) -> Ctx {
Ctx {
sysroot_opt: sysroot_opt,
json: false,
dep_cache: @mut HashMap::new()
@ -34,6 +35,13 @@ fn fake_pkg() -> PkgId {
fn remote_pkg() -> PkgId {
PkgId {
path: Path(~""),
version: default_version()
fn writeFile(file_path: &Path, contents: ~str) {
let out: @io::Writer =
@ -69,6 +77,15 @@ fn is_rwx(p: &Path) -> bool {
fn test_sysroot() -> Path {
// Totally gross hack but it's just for test cases.
// Infer the sysroot from the exe name and tack "stage2"
// onto it. (Did I mention it was a gross hack?)
let self_path = os::self_exe_path().expect("Couldn't get self_exe path");
fn test_make_dir_rwx() {
let temp = &os::tmpdir();
@ -84,11 +101,9 @@ fn test_make_dir_rwx() {
fn test_install_valid() {
use rustc::metadata::filesearch;
let sysroot = filesearch::get_rustpkg_sysroot();
debug!("sysroot = %s", sysroot.get().to_str());
let ctxt = fake_ctxt();
let sysroot = test_sysroot();
debug!("sysroot = %s", sysroot.to_str());
let ctxt = fake_ctxt(Some(@sysroot));
let temp_pkg_id = fake_pkg();
let temp_workspace = mk_temp_workspace(&temp_pkg_id.path);
// should have test, bench, lib, and main
@ -114,7 +129,7 @@ fn test_install_invalid() {
use conditions::nonexistent_package::cond;
use cond1 = conditions::missing_pkg_files::cond;
let ctxt = fake_ctxt();
let ctxt = fake_ctxt(None);
let pkgid = fake_pkg();
let temp_workspace = mkdtemp(&os::tmpdir(), "test").expect("couldn't create temp dir");
let mut error_occurred = false;
@ -130,3 +145,29 @@ fn test_install_invalid() {
assert!(error_occurred && error1_occurred);
#[ignore(reason = "install from URL-fragment not yet implemented")]
fn test_install_url() {
let sysroot = test_sysroot();
debug!("sysroot = %s", sysroot.to_str());
let ctxt = fake_ctxt(Some(@sysroot));
let temp_pkg_id = remote_pkg();
let temp_workspace = mk_temp_workspace(&temp_pkg_id.path);
// should have test, bench, lib, and main
ctxt.install(&temp_workspace, temp_pkg_id);
// Check that all files exist
let exec = target_executable_in_workspace(temp_pkg_id, &temp_workspace);
debug!("exec = %s", exec.to_str());
let lib = target_library_in_workspace(temp_pkg_id, &temp_workspace);
debug!("lib = %s", lib.to_str());
// And that the test and bench executables aren't installed
assert!(!os::path_exists(&target_test_in_workspace(temp_pkg_id, &temp_workspace)));
let bench = target_bench_in_workspace(temp_pkg_id, &temp_workspace);
debug!("bench = %s", bench.to_str());

@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ pub fn add_pkg(pkg: &Pkg) -> bool {
// FIXME (#4432): Use workcache to only compile when needed
pub fn compile_input(sysroot: Option<Path>,
pub fn compile_input(sysroot: Option<@Path>,
pkg_id: PkgId,
in_file: &Path,
out_dir: &Path,
@ -474,6 +474,7 @@ pub fn compile_input(sysroot: Option<Path>,
debug!("flags: %s", str::connect(flags, ~" "));
debug!("cfgs: %s", str::connect(cfgs, ~" "));
debug!("compile_input's sysroot = %?", sysroot);
let matches = getopts(~[~"-Z", ~"time-passes"]
+ if building_library { ~[~"--lib"] }
@ -587,7 +588,7 @@ fn add_attrs(c: ast::crate, new_attrs: ~[attribute]) -> @ast::crate {
// Called by build_crates
// FIXME (#4432): Use workcache to only compile when needed
pub fn compile_crate(sysroot: Option<Path>, pkg_id: PkgId,
pub fn compile_crate(sysroot: Option<@Path>, pkg_id: PkgId,
crate: &Path, dir: &Path,
flags: ~[~str], cfgs: ~[~str], opt: bool,
test: bool, crate_type: crate_type) -> bool {