Merge #10406
10406: internal: Restructure syntax element highlighting into node and token branches r=Veykril a=Veykril Gets rid of all the unseemly unwraps bors r+ Co-authored-by: Lukas Wirth <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -309,6 +309,7 @@ fn traverse(
match (token.kind(), parent.kind()) {
(T![ident], NAME | NAME_REF) => parent.into(),
(T![self] | T![super] | T![crate], NAME_REF) => parent.into(),
(INT_NUMBER, NAME_REF) => parent.into(),
_ => token.into(),
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ use ide_db::{
use rustc_hash::FxHashMap;
use syntax::{
ast, AstNode, AstToken, NodeOrToken, SyntaxElement,
ast, match_ast, AstNode, AstToken, NodeOrToken, SyntaxElement,
SyntaxKind::{self, *},
SyntaxNode, SyntaxToken, T,
@ -25,202 +25,220 @@ pub(super) fn element(
syntactic_name_ref_highlighting: bool,
element: SyntaxElement,
) -> Option<(Highlight, Option<u64>)> {
let mut binding_hash = None;
let highlight: Highlight = match element.kind() {
FN => {
return None;
match element {
NodeOrToken::Node(it) => {
node(sema, krate, bindings_shadow_count, syntactic_name_ref_highlighting, it)
// Highlight definitions depending on the "type" of the definition.
NAME => {
let name = element.into_node().and_then(ast::Name::cast).unwrap();
highlight_name(sema, bindings_shadow_count, &mut binding_hash, krate, name)
// Highlight references like the definitions they resolve to
NAME_REF if element.ancestors().any(|it| it.kind() == ATTR) => {
// FIXME: We highlight paths in attributes slightly differently to work around this module
// currently not knowing about tool attributes and rustc builtin attributes as
// we do not want to resolve those to functions that may be defined in scope.
let name_ref = element.into_node().and_then(ast::NameRef::cast).unwrap();
highlight_name_ref_in_attr(sema, name_ref)
let name_ref = element.into_node().and_then(ast::NameRef::cast).unwrap();
&mut binding_hash,
// Simple token-based highlighting
let comment = element.into_token().and_then(ast::Comment::cast)?;
let h = HlTag::Comment;
match comment.kind().doc {
Some(_) => h | HlMod::Documentation,
None => h.into(),
STRING | BYTE_STRING => HlTag::StringLiteral.into(),
ATTR => HlTag::Attribute.into(),
INT_NUMBER if element.ancestors().nth(1).map_or(false, |it| it.kind() == FIELD_EXPR) => {
INT_NUMBER | FLOAT_NUMBER => HlTag::NumericLiteral.into(),
BYTE => HlTag::ByteLiteral.into(),
CHAR => HlTag::CharLiteral.into(),
QUESTION => HlTag::Operator(HlOperator::Other) | HlMod::ControlFlow,
let lifetime = element.into_node().and_then(ast::Lifetime::cast).unwrap();
NodeOrToken::Token(it) => Some((token(sema, krate, it)?, None)),
match NameClass::classify_lifetime(sema, &lifetime) {
Some(NameClass::Definition(def)) => {
highlight_def(sema, krate, def) | HlMod::Definition
None => match NameRefClass::classify_lifetime(sema, &lifetime) {
Some(NameRefClass::Definition(def)) => highlight_def(sema, krate, def),
_ => SymbolKind::LifetimeParam.into(),
_ => Highlight::from(SymbolKind::LifetimeParam) | HlMod::Definition,
fn token(
sema: &Semantics<RootDatabase>,
krate: Option<hir::Crate>,
token: SyntaxToken,
) -> Option<Highlight> {
let highlight: Highlight = if let Some(comment) = ast::Comment::cast(token.clone()) {
let h = HlTag::Comment;
match comment.kind().doc {
Some(_) => h | HlMod::Documentation,
None => h.into(),
IDENT if parent_matches::<ast::TokenTree>(&element) => {
if let Some((attr, token)) =
match try_resolve_derive_input_at(sema, &attr, token) {
Some(makro) => highlight_def(sema, krate, Definition::Macro(makro)),
None => HlTag::None.into(),
} else {
} else {
match token.kind() {
STRING | BYTE_STRING => HlTag::StringLiteral.into(),
INT_NUMBER if token.ancestors().nth(1).map_or(false, |it| it.kind() == FIELD_EXPR) => {
p if p.is_punct() => match p {
T![&] if parent_matches::<ast::BinExpr>(&element) => HlOperator::Bitwise.into(),
T![&] => {
let h = HlTag::Operator(HlOperator::Other).into();
let is_unsafe = element
.map_or(false, |ref_expr| sema.is_unsafe_ref_expr(&ref_expr));
if is_unsafe {
h | HlMod::Unsafe
INT_NUMBER | FLOAT_NUMBER => HlTag::NumericLiteral.into(),
BYTE => HlTag::ByteLiteral.into(),
CHAR => HlTag::CharLiteral.into(),
T![?] => HlTag::Operator(HlOperator::Other) | HlMod::ControlFlow,
IDENT if parent_matches::<ast::TokenTree>(&token) => {
if let Some(attr) = token.ancestors().nth(2).and_then(ast::Attr::cast) {
match try_resolve_derive_input_at(sema, &attr, &token) {
Some(makro) => highlight_def(sema, krate, Definition::Macro(makro)),
None => HlTag::None.into(),
} else {
T![::] | T![->] | T![=>] | T![..] | T![=] | T![@] | T![.] => HlOperator::Other.into(),
T![!] if parent_matches::<ast::MacroCall>(&element) => SymbolKind::Macro.into(),
T![!] if parent_matches::<ast::NeverType>(&element) => HlTag::BuiltinType.into(),
T![!] if parent_matches::<ast::PrefixExpr>(&element) => HlOperator::Logical.into(),
T![*] if parent_matches::<ast::PtrType>(&element) => HlTag::Keyword.into(),
T![*] if parent_matches::<ast::PrefixExpr>(&element) => {
let prefix_expr = element.parent().and_then(ast::PrefixExpr::cast)?;
let expr = prefix_expr.expr()?;
let ty = sema.type_of_expr(&expr)?.original;
if ty.is_raw_ptr() {
HlTag::Operator(HlOperator::Other) | HlMod::Unsafe
} else if let Some(ast::UnaryOp::Deref) = prefix_expr.op_kind() {
p if p.is_punct() => match p {
T![&] if parent_matches::<ast::BinExpr>(&token) => HlOperator::Bitwise.into(),
T![&] => {
let h = HlTag::Operator(HlOperator::Other).into();
let is_unsafe = token
.map_or(false, |ref_expr| sema.is_unsafe_ref_expr(&ref_expr));
if is_unsafe {
h | HlMod::Unsafe
} else {
T![::] | T![->] | T![=>] | T![..] | T![=] | T![@] | T![.] => {
} else {
T![!] if parent_matches::<ast::MacroCall>(&token) => SymbolKind::Macro.into(),
T![!] if parent_matches::<ast::NeverType>(&token) => HlTag::BuiltinType.into(),
T![!] if parent_matches::<ast::PrefixExpr>(&token) => HlOperator::Logical.into(),
T![*] if parent_matches::<ast::PtrType>(&token) => HlTag::Keyword.into(),
T![*] if parent_matches::<ast::PrefixExpr>(&token) => {
let prefix_expr = token.parent().and_then(ast::PrefixExpr::cast)?;
let expr = prefix_expr.expr()?;
let ty = sema.type_of_expr(&expr)?.original;
if ty.is_raw_ptr() {
HlTag::Operator(HlOperator::Other) | HlMod::Unsafe
} else if let Some(ast::UnaryOp::Deref) = prefix_expr.op_kind() {
} else {
T![-] if parent_matches::<ast::PrefixExpr>(&token) => {
let prefix_expr = token.parent().and_then(ast::PrefixExpr::cast)?;
let expr = prefix_expr.expr()?;
match expr {
ast::Expr::Literal(_) => HlTag::NumericLiteral,
_ => HlTag::Operator(HlOperator::Other),
_ if parent_matches::<ast::PrefixExpr>(&token) => HlOperator::Other.into(),
T![+] | T![-] | T![*] | T![/] if parent_matches::<ast::BinExpr>(&token) => {
T![+=] | T![-=] | T![*=] | T![/=] if parent_matches::<ast::BinExpr>(&token) => {
Highlight::from(HlOperator::Arithmetic) | HlMod::Mutable
T![|] | T![&] | T![!] | T![^] if parent_matches::<ast::BinExpr>(&token) => {
T![|=] | T![&=] | T![^=] if parent_matches::<ast::BinExpr>(&token) => {
Highlight::from(HlOperator::Bitwise) | HlMod::Mutable
T![&&] | T![||] if parent_matches::<ast::BinExpr>(&token) => {
T![>] | T![<] | T![==] | T![>=] | T![<=] | T![!=]
if parent_matches::<ast::BinExpr>(&token) =>
_ if parent_matches::<ast::BinExpr>(&token) => HlOperator::Other.into(),
_ if parent_matches::<ast::RangeExpr>(&token) => HlOperator::Other.into(),
_ if parent_matches::<ast::RangePat>(&token) => HlOperator::Other.into(),
_ if parent_matches::<ast::RestPat>(&token) => HlOperator::Other.into(),
_ if parent_matches::<ast::Attr>(&token) => HlTag::Attribute.into(),
kind => match kind {
T!['['] | T![']'] => HlPunct::Bracket,
T!['{'] | T!['}'] => HlPunct::Brace,
T!['('] | T![')'] => HlPunct::Parenthesis,
T![<] | T![>] => HlPunct::Angle,
T![,] => HlPunct::Comma,
T![:] => HlPunct::Colon,
T![;] => HlPunct::Semi,
T![.] => HlPunct::Dot,
_ => HlPunct::Other,
k if k.is_keyword() => {
let h = Highlight::new(HlTag::Keyword);
match k {
T![await] => h | HlMod::Async | HlMod::ControlFlow,
| T![continue]
| T![else]
| T![if]
| T![in]
| T![loop]
| T![match]
| T![return]
| T![while]
| T![yield] => h | HlMod::ControlFlow,
T![for] if !is_child_of_impl(&token) => h | HlMod::ControlFlow,
T![unsafe] => h | HlMod::Unsafe,
T![true] | T![false] => HlTag::BoolLiteral.into(),
// self is handled as either a Name or NameRef already
T![self] => return None,
T![ref] => token
.and_then(|ident_pat| {
(sema.is_unsafe_ident_pat(&ident_pat)).then(|| HlMod::Unsafe)
.map_or(h, |modifier| h | modifier),
T![async] => h | HlMod::Async,
_ => h,
T![-] if parent_matches::<ast::PrefixExpr>(&element) => {
let prefix_expr = element.parent().and_then(ast::PrefixExpr::cast)?;
let expr = prefix_expr.expr()?;
match expr {
ast::Expr::Literal(_) => HlTag::NumericLiteral,
_ => HlTag::Operator(HlOperator::Other),
_ if parent_matches::<ast::PrefixExpr>(&element) => HlOperator::Other.into(),
T![+] | T![-] | T![*] | T![/] if parent_matches::<ast::BinExpr>(&element) => {
T![+=] | T![-=] | T![*=] | T![/=] if parent_matches::<ast::BinExpr>(&element) => {
Highlight::from(HlOperator::Arithmetic) | HlMod::Mutable
T![|] | T![&] | T![!] | T![^] if parent_matches::<ast::BinExpr>(&element) => {
T![|=] | T![&=] | T![^=] if parent_matches::<ast::BinExpr>(&element) => {
Highlight::from(HlOperator::Bitwise) | HlMod::Mutable
T![&&] | T![||] if parent_matches::<ast::BinExpr>(&element) => {
T![>] | T![<] | T![==] | T![>=] | T![<=] | T![!=]
if parent_matches::<ast::BinExpr>(&element) =>
_ if parent_matches::<ast::BinExpr>(&element) => HlOperator::Other.into(),
_ if parent_matches::<ast::RangeExpr>(&element) => HlOperator::Other.into(),
_ if parent_matches::<ast::RangePat>(&element) => HlOperator::Other.into(),
_ if parent_matches::<ast::RestPat>(&element) => HlOperator::Other.into(),
_ if parent_matches::<ast::Attr>(&element) => HlTag::Attribute.into(),
kind => match kind {
T!['['] | T![']'] => HlPunct::Bracket,
T!['{'] | T!['}'] => HlPunct::Brace,
T!['('] | T![')'] => HlPunct::Parenthesis,
T![<] | T![>] => HlPunct::Angle,
T![,] => HlPunct::Comma,
T![:] => HlPunct::Colon,
T![;] => HlPunct::Semi,
T![.] => HlPunct::Dot,
_ => HlPunct::Other,
k if k.is_keyword() => {
let h = Highlight::new(HlTag::Keyword);
match k {
T![await] => h | HlMod::Async | HlMod::ControlFlow,
| T![continue]
| T![else]
| T![if]
| T![in]
| T![loop]
| T![match]
| T![return]
| T![while]
| T![yield] => h | HlMod::ControlFlow,
T![for] if !is_child_of_impl(&element) => h | HlMod::ControlFlow,
T![unsafe] => h | HlMod::Unsafe,
T![true] | T![false] => HlTag::BoolLiteral.into(),
// self is handled as either a Name or NameRef already
T![self] => return None,
T![ref] => element
.and_then(|ident_pat| {
if sema.is_unsafe_ident_pat(&ident_pat) {
} else {
.map(|modifier| h | modifier)
T![async] => h | HlMod::Async,
_ => h,
_ => return None,
_ => return None,
return Some((highlight, binding_hash));
fn node(
sema: &Semantics<RootDatabase>,
krate: Option<hir::Crate>,
bindings_shadow_count: &mut FxHashMap<hir::Name, u32>,
syntactic_name_ref_highlighting: bool,
node: SyntaxNode,
) -> Option<(Highlight, Option<u64>)> {
let mut binding_hash = None;
let highlight = match_ast! {
match node {
ast::Fn(__) => {
return None;
ast::Attr(__) => {
// Highlight definitions depending on the "type" of the definition.
ast::Name(name) => {
highlight_name(sema, bindings_shadow_count, &mut binding_hash, krate, name)
// Highlight references like the definitions they resolve to
ast::NameRef(name_ref) => {
if node.ancestors().any(|it| it.kind() == ATTR) {
// FIXME: We highlight paths in attributes slightly differently to work around this module
// currently not knowing about tool attributes and rustc builtin attributes as
// we do not want to resolve those to functions that may be defined in scope.
highlight_name_ref_in_attr(sema, name_ref)
} else {
&mut binding_hash,
ast::Lifetime(lifetime) => {
match NameClass::classify_lifetime(sema, &lifetime) {
Some(NameClass::Definition(def)) => {
highlight_def(sema, krate, def) | HlMod::Definition
None => match NameRefClass::classify_lifetime(sema, &lifetime) {
Some(NameRefClass::Definition(def)) => highlight_def(sema, krate, def),
_ => SymbolKind::LifetimeParam.into(),
_ => Highlight::from(SymbolKind::LifetimeParam) | HlMod::Definition,
_ => return None,
Some((highlight, binding_hash))
fn highlight_name_ref_in_attr(sema: &Semantics<RootDatabase>, name_ref: ast::NameRef) -> Highlight {
@ -715,12 +733,12 @@ fn parents_match(mut node: NodeOrToken<SyntaxNode, SyntaxToken>, mut kinds: &[Sy
fn parent_matches<N: AstNode>(element: &SyntaxElement) -> bool {
element.parent().map_or(false, |it| N::can_cast(it.kind()))
fn parent_matches<N: AstNode>(token: &SyntaxToken) -> bool {
token.parent().map_or(false, |it| N::can_cast(it.kind()))
fn is_child_of_impl(element: &SyntaxElement) -> bool {
match element.parent() {
fn is_child_of_impl(token: &SyntaxToken) -> bool {
match token.parent() {
Some(e) => e.kind() == IMPL,
_ => false,
@ -12,11 +12,10 @@ use syntax::{
use crate::{
doc_links::{doc_attributes, extract_definitions_from_docs, resolve_doc_path_for_def},
syntax_highlighting::{highlights::Highlights, injector::Injector},
Analysis, HlMod, HlRange, HlTag, RootDatabase,
use super::{highlights::Highlights, injector::Injector};
pub(super) fn ra_fixture(
hl: &mut Highlights,
sema: &Semantics<RootDatabase>,
@ -17,9 +17,11 @@ impl Injector {
assert_eq!(len, source_range.len());
self.add_impl(text, Some(source_range.start()));
pub(super) fn add_unmapped(&mut self, text: &str) {
self.add_impl(text, None);
fn add_impl(&mut self, text: &str, source: Option<TextSize>) {
let len = TextSize::of(text);
let target_range = TextRange::at(TextSize::of(&self.buf), len);
@ -30,6 +32,7 @@ impl Injector {
pub(super) fn text(&self) -> &str {
pub(super) fn map_range_up(&self, range: TextRange) -> impl Iterator<Item = TextRange> + '_ {
equal_range_by(&self.ranges, |&(r, _)| TextRange::ordering(r, range)).filter_map(move |i| {
let (target_range, delta) = self.ranges[i];
Reference in New Issue
Block a user