Lower closure binders to hir & properly check them
This commit is contained in:
@ -642,7 +642,7 @@ pub fn walk_generics<'a, V: Visitor<'a>>(visitor: &mut V, generics: &'a Generics
pub fn walk_closure_binder<'a, V: Visitor<'a>>(visitor: &mut V, binder: &'a ClosureBinder) {
match binder {
ClosureBinder::NotPresent => {}
ClosureBinder::For { span: _, generic_params } => {
ClosureBinder::For { generic_params, span: _ } => {
walk_list!(visitor, visit_generic_param, generic_params)
@ -609,6 +609,7 @@ impl<'hir> LoweringContext<'_, 'hir> {
// `static |_task_context| -> <ret_ty> { body }`:
let generator_kind = hir::ExprKind::Closure {
binder: &hir::ClosureBinder::Default,
bound_generic_params: &[],
@ -842,15 +843,9 @@ impl<'hir> LoweringContext<'_, 'hir> {
body: &Expr,
fn_decl_span: Span,
) -> hir::ExprKind<'hir> {
// FIXME(waffle): lower binder
if let &ClosureBinder::For { span, .. } = binder {
.struct_span_err(span, "`for<...>` binders for closures are not yet supported")
.help("consider removing `for<...>`")
let (binder_clause, generic_params) = self.lower_closure_binder(binder);
let (body, generator_option) = self.with_new_scopes(move |this| {
let (body_id, generator_option) = self.with_new_scopes(move |this| {
let prev = this.current_item;
this.current_item = Some(fn_decl_span);
let mut generator_kind = None;
@ -865,15 +860,16 @@ impl<'hir> LoweringContext<'_, 'hir> {
(body_id, generator_option)
self.with_lifetime_binder(closure_id, &[], |this, bound_generic_params| {
self.with_lifetime_binder(closure_id, generic_params, |this, bound_generic_params| {
// Lower outside new scope to preserve `is_in_loop_condition`.
let fn_decl = this.lower_fn_decl(decl, None, FnDeclKind::Closure, None);
hir::ExprKind::Closure {
binder: binder_clause,
body: body_id,
fn_decl_span: this.lower_span(fn_decl_span),
movability: generator_option,
@ -918,6 +914,21 @@ impl<'hir> LoweringContext<'_, 'hir> {
fn lower_closure_binder<'c>(
&mut self,
binder: &'c ClosureBinder,
) -> (&'hir hir::ClosureBinder, &'c [GenericParam]) {
let (binder, params) = match binder {
ClosureBinder::NotPresent => (hir::ClosureBinder::Default, &[][..]),
&ClosureBinder::For { span, ref generic_params } => {
let span = self.lower_span(span);
(hir::ClosureBinder::For { span }, &**generic_params)
(self.arena.alloc(binder), params)
fn lower_expr_async_closure(
&mut self,
binder: &ClosureBinder,
@ -928,17 +939,15 @@ impl<'hir> LoweringContext<'_, 'hir> {
body: &Expr,
fn_decl_span: Span,
) -> hir::ExprKind<'hir> {
// FIXME(waffle): lower binder
if let &ClosureBinder::For { span, .. } = binder {
"`for<...>` binders for async closures are not yet supported",
.help("consider removing `for<...>`")
"`for<...>` binders on `async` closures are not currently supported",
let (binder_clause, generic_params) = self.lower_closure_binder(binder);
let outer_decl =
FnDecl { inputs: decl.inputs.clone(), output: FnRetTy::Default(fn_decl_span) };
@ -976,13 +985,14 @@ impl<'hir> LoweringContext<'_, 'hir> {
self.with_lifetime_binder(closure_id, &[], |this, bound_generic_params| {
self.with_lifetime_binder(closure_id, generic_params, |this, bound_generic_params| {
// We need to lower the declaration outside the new scope, because we
// have to conserve the state of being inside a loop condition for the
// closure argument types.
let fn_decl = this.lower_fn_decl(&outer_decl, None, FnDeclKind::Closure, None);
hir::ExprKind::Closure {
binder: binder_clause,
@ -1931,6 +1931,7 @@ pub enum ExprKind<'hir> {
/// This may also be a generator literal or an `async block` as indicated by the
/// `Option<Movability>`.
Closure {
binder: &'hir ClosureBinder,
capture_clause: CaptureBy,
bound_generic_params: &'hir [GenericParam<'hir>],
fn_decl: &'hir FnDecl<'hir>,
@ -2715,6 +2716,17 @@ impl FnRetTy<'_> {
/// Represents `for<...>` binder before a closure
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, HashStable_Generic)]
pub enum ClosureBinder {
/// Binder is not specified.
/// Binder is specified.
/// Span points to the whole `for<...>`.
For { span: Span },
#[derive(Encodable, Debug, HashStable_Generic)]
pub struct Mod<'hir> {
pub spans: ModSpans,
@ -925,7 +925,7 @@ pub fn walk_fn_kind<'v, V: Visitor<'v>>(visitor: &mut V, function_kind: FnKind<'
FnKind::ItemFn(_, generics, ..) => {
FnKind::Method(..) | FnKind::Closure => {}
FnKind::Closure | FnKind::Method(..) => {}
@ -1145,6 +1145,7 @@ pub fn walk_expr<'v, V: Visitor<'v>>(visitor: &mut V, expression: &'v Expr<'v>)
walk_list!(visitor, visit_arm, arms);
ExprKind::Closure {
binder: _,
ref fn_decl,
@ -1153,7 +1154,13 @@ pub fn walk_expr<'v, V: Visitor<'v>>(visitor: &mut V, expression: &'v Expr<'v>)
movability: _,
} => {
walk_list!(visitor, visit_generic_param, bound_generic_params);
visitor.visit_fn(FnKind::Closure, fn_decl, body, expression.span, expression.hir_id)
ExprKind::Block(ref block, ref opt_label) => {
walk_list!(visitor, visit_label, opt_label);
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ use rustc_ast_pretty::pp::Breaks::{Consistent, Inconsistent};
use rustc_ast_pretty::pp::{self, Breaks};
use rustc_ast_pretty::pprust::{Comments, PrintState};
use rustc_hir as hir;
use rustc_hir::LifetimeParamKind;
use rustc_hir::{GenericArg, GenericParam, GenericParamKind, Node, Term};
use rustc_hir::{GenericBound, PatKind, RangeEnd, TraitBoundModifier};
use rustc_span::source_map::SourceMap;
@ -1441,6 +1442,7 @@ impl<'a> State<'a> {
hir::ExprKind::Closure {
@ -1448,7 +1450,7 @@ impl<'a> State<'a> {
fn_decl_span: _,
movability: _,
} => {
self.print_closure_binder(binder, bound_generic_params);
self.print_closure_params(fn_decl, body);
@ -2033,6 +2035,42 @@ impl<'a> State<'a> {
pub fn print_closure_binder(
&mut self,
binder: &hir::ClosureBinder,
generic_params: &[GenericParam<'_>],
) {
let generic_params = generic_params
.filter(|p| {
GenericParam {
kind: GenericParamKind::Lifetime { kind: LifetimeParamKind::Explicit },
match binder {
hir::ClosureBinder::Default => {}
// we need to distinguish `|...| {}` from `for<> |...| {}` as `for<>` adds additional restrictions
hir::ClosureBinder::For { .. } if generic_params.is_empty() => self.word("for<>"),
hir::ClosureBinder::For { .. } => {
self.commasep(Inconsistent, &generic_params, |s, param| {
pub fn print_bounds<'b>(
&mut self,
prefix: &'static str,
@ -154,6 +154,7 @@ impl<'a, T: EarlyLintPass> ast_visit::Visitor<'a> for EarlyContextAndPass<'a, T>
run_early_pass!(self, check_fn_post, fk, span, id);
@ -844,19 +844,30 @@ impl<'a: 'ast, 'ast> Visitor<'ast> for LateResolutionVisitor<'a, '_, 'ast> {
this.in_func_body = previous_state;
FnKind::Closure(declaration, body) => {
// We do not have any explicit generic lifetime parameter.
// FIXME(rfc3216): Change when implementing `for<>` bounds on closures.
FnKind::Closure(binder, declaration, body) => {
LifetimeRibKind::AnonymousCreateParameter {
binder: fn_id,
report_in_path: false,
match binder {
// We do not have any explicit generic lifetime parameter.
ClosureBinder::NotPresent => {
LifetimeRibKind::AnonymousCreateParameter {
binder: fn_id,
report_in_path: false,
ClosureBinder::For { .. } => LifetimeRibKind::AnonymousReportError,
// Add each argument to the rib.
|this| this.resolve_params(&declaration.inputs),
LifetimeRibKind::AnonymousPassThrough(fn_id, true),
match binder {
ClosureBinder::NotPresent => {
LifetimeRibKind::AnonymousPassThrough(fn_id, true)
ClosureBinder::For { .. } => LifetimeRibKind::AnonymousReportError,
|this| visit::walk_fn_ret_ty(this, &declaration.output),
@ -891,6 +902,18 @@ impl<'a: 'ast, 'ast> Visitor<'ast> for LateResolutionVisitor<'a, '_, 'ast> {
fn visit_closure_binder(&mut self, b: &'ast ClosureBinder) {
match b {
ClosureBinder::NotPresent => {}
ClosureBinder::For { generic_params, .. } => {
fn visit_generic_arg(&mut self, arg: &'ast GenericArg) {
debug!("visit_generic_arg({:?})", arg);
let prev = replace(&mut self.diagnostic_metadata.currently_processing_generics, true);
@ -3515,6 +3538,18 @@ impl<'a: 'ast, 'b, 'ast> LateResolutionVisitor<'a, 'b, 'ast> {
// For closures, ClosureOrAsyncRibKind is added in visit_fn
ExprKind::Closure(ClosureBinder::For { ref generic_params, span }, ..) => {
LifetimeRibKind::Generics {
binder: expr.id,
kind: LifetimeBinderKind::Function,
|this| visit::walk_expr(this, expr),
ExprKind::Closure(..) => visit::walk_expr(self, expr),
ExprKind::Async(..) => {
self.with_label_rib(ClosureOrAsyncRibKind, |this| visit::walk_expr(this, expr));
@ -571,7 +571,51 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx> Visitor<'tcx> for LifetimeContext<'a, 'tcx> {
fn visit_expr(&mut self, e: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>) {
if let hir::ExprKind::Closure { bound_generic_params, .. } = e.kind {
if let hir::ExprKind::Closure { binder, bound_generic_params, fn_decl, .. } = e.kind {
if let &hir::ClosureBinder::For { span: for_sp, .. } = binder {
fn span_of_infer(ty: &hir::Ty<'_>) -> Option<Span> {
struct V(Option<Span>);
impl<'v> Visitor<'v> for V {
fn visit_ty(&mut self, t: &'v hir::Ty<'v>) {
match t.kind {
_ if self.0.is_some() => (),
hir::TyKind::Infer => {
self.0 = Some(t.span);
_ => intravisit::walk_ty(self, t),
let mut v = V(None);
let infer_in_rt_sp = match fn_decl.output {
hir::FnRetTy::DefaultReturn(sp) => Some(sp),
hir::FnRetTy::Return(ty) => span_of_infer(ty),
let infer_spans = fn_decl
if !infer_spans.is_empty() {
"implicit types in closure signatures are forbidden when `for<...>` is present",
.span_label(for_sp, "`for<...>` is here")
let next_early_index = self.next_early_index();
let (lifetimes, binders): (FxIndexMap<LocalDefId, Region>, Vec<_>) =
@ -584,6 +628,9 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx> Visitor<'tcx> for LifetimeContext<'a, 'tcx> {
(pair, r)
// FIXME: missing_named_lifetime_spots
self.map.late_bound_vars.insert(e.hir_id, binders);
let scope = Scope::Binder {
hir_id: e.hir_id,
@ -4,4 +4,5 @@
fn main() {
for<'a> async || ();
//~^ ERROR `for<...>` binders on `async` closures are not currently supported
//~^^ ERROR implicit types in closure signatures are forbidden when `for<...>` is present
@ -4,5 +4,13 @@ error: `for<...>` binders on `async` closures are not currently supported
LL | for<'a> async || ();
| ^^^^^^^
error: aborting due to previous error
error: implicit types in closure signatures are forbidden when `for<...>` is present
--> $DIR/async-closure-with-binder.rs:5:5
LL | for<'a> async || ();
| -------^^^^^^^^^
| |
| `for<...>` is here
error: aborting due to 2 previous errors
@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
fn main() {
let _f = for<'a> |_: &'a ()| {};
//~^ implicit return type is forbidden when `for<...>` is present
//~^ implicit types in closure signatures are forbidden when `for<...>` is present
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
error: implicit return type is forbidden when `for<...>` is present
error: implicit types in closure signatures are forbidden when `for<...>` is present
--> $DIR/implicit-return.rs:4:34
LL | let _f = for<'a> |_: &'a ()| {};
@ -1,12 +1,8 @@
fn main() {
for<> || {};
for<> || -> () {};
//~^ ERROR `for<...>` binders for closures are experimental
//~^^ ERROR `for<...>` binders for closures are not yet supported
for<'a> || {};
for<'a> || -> () {};
//~^ ERROR `for<...>` binders for closures are experimental
//~^^ ERROR `for<...>` binders for closures are not yet supported
for<'a, 'b> |_: &'a ()| {};
for<'a, 'b> |_: &'a ()| -> () {};
//~^ ERROR `for<...>` binders for closures are experimental
//~^^ ERROR `for<...>` binders for closures are not yet supported
//~^^^ ERROR use of undeclared lifetime name `'a`
@ -1,16 +1,7 @@
error[E0261]: use of undeclared lifetime name `'a`
--> $DIR/feature-gate-closure_lifetime_binder.rs:8:22
LL | fn main() {
| - help: consider introducing lifetime `'a` here: `<'a>`
LL | for<'a, 'b> |_: &'a ()| {};
| ^^ undeclared lifetime
error[E0658]: `for<...>` binders for closures are experimental
--> $DIR/feature-gate-closure_lifetime_binder.rs:2:5
LL | for<> || {};
LL | for<> || -> () {};
| ^^^^^
= note: see issue #97362 <https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/97362> for more information
@ -18,9 +9,9 @@ LL | for<> || {};
= help: consider removing `for<...>`
error[E0658]: `for<...>` binders for closures are experimental
--> $DIR/feature-gate-closure_lifetime_binder.rs:5:5
--> $DIR/feature-gate-closure_lifetime_binder.rs:4:5
LL | for<'a> || {};
LL | for<'a> || -> () {};
| ^^^^^^^
= note: see issue #97362 <https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/97362> for more information
@ -28,40 +19,15 @@ LL | for<'a> || {};
= help: consider removing `for<...>`
error[E0658]: `for<...>` binders for closures are experimental
--> $DIR/feature-gate-closure_lifetime_binder.rs:8:5
--> $DIR/feature-gate-closure_lifetime_binder.rs:6:5
LL | for<'a, 'b> |_: &'a ()| {};
LL | for<'a, 'b> |_: &'a ()| -> () {};
| ^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: see issue #97362 <https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/97362> for more information
= help: add `#![feature(closure_lifetime_binder)]` to the crate attributes to enable
= help: consider removing `for<...>`
error: `for<...>` binders for closures are not yet supported
--> $DIR/feature-gate-closure_lifetime_binder.rs:2:5
LL | for<> || {};
| ^^^^^
= help: consider removing `for<...>`
error: aborting due to 3 previous errors
error: `for<...>` binders for closures are not yet supported
--> $DIR/feature-gate-closure_lifetime_binder.rs:5:5
LL | for<'a> || {};
| ^^^^^^^
= help: consider removing `for<...>`
error: `for<...>` binders for closures are not yet supported
--> $DIR/feature-gate-closure_lifetime_binder.rs:8:5
LL | for<'a, 'b> |_: &'a ()| {};
| ^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: consider removing `for<...>`
error: aborting due to 7 previous errors
Some errors have detailed explanations: E0261, E0658.
For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0261`.
For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0658`.
@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
fn main() {
for<'a> |x: &'a u8| *x + 1;
//~^ ERROR use of undeclared lifetime name `'a`
//~^^ ERROR `for<...>` binders for closures are experimental
//~^^^ ERROR `for<...>` binders for closures are not yet supported
//~^ ERROR `for<...>` binders for closures are experimental
//~^^ ERROR implicit types in closure signatures are forbidden when `for<...>` is present
enum Foo { Bar }
@ -1,17 +1,9 @@
error: expected one of `move`, `static`, `|`, or `||`, found `::`
--> $DIR/recover-quantified-closure.rs:10:14
--> $DIR/recover-quantified-closure.rs:9:14
LL | for <Foo>::Bar in x {}
| ^^ expected one of `move`, `static`, `|`, or `||`
error[E0261]: use of undeclared lifetime name `'a`
--> $DIR/recover-quantified-closure.rs:2:18
LL | fn main() {
| - help: consider introducing lifetime `'a` here: `<'a>`
LL | for<'a> |x: &'a u8| *x + 1;
| ^^ undeclared lifetime
error[E0658]: `for<...>` binders for closures are experimental
--> $DIR/recover-quantified-closure.rs:2:5
@ -23,7 +15,7 @@ LL | for<'a> |x: &'a u8| *x + 1;
= help: consider removing `for<...>`
error[E0658]: `for<...>` binders for closures are experimental
--> $DIR/recover-quantified-closure.rs:10:5
--> $DIR/recover-quantified-closure.rs:9:5
LL | for <Foo>::Bar in x {}
| ^^^^^^^^^
@ -32,15 +24,14 @@ LL | for <Foo>::Bar in x {}
= help: add `#![feature(closure_lifetime_binder)]` to the crate attributes to enable
= help: consider removing `for<...>`
error: `for<...>` binders for closures are not yet supported
--> $DIR/recover-quantified-closure.rs:2:5
error: implicit types in closure signatures are forbidden when `for<...>` is present
--> $DIR/recover-quantified-closure.rs:2:25
LL | for<'a> |x: &'a u8| *x + 1;
| ^^^^^^^
= help: consider removing `for<...>`
| ------- ^
| |
| `for<...>` is here
error: aborting due to 5 previous errors
error: aborting due to 4 previous errors
Some errors have detailed explanations: E0261, E0658.
For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0261`.
For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0658`.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user