Enforce privacy declarations for class fields and methods

This commit is contained in:
Tim Chevalier 2012-03-26 09:59:59 -07:00
parent a00538b3b3
commit c282810ab0
12 changed files with 185 additions and 58 deletions

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@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ import std::map::hashmap;
export get_symbol;
export get_class_fields;
export get_class_method;
// export get_class_method_ids;
export get_field_type;
export get_type_param_count;
export lookup_defs;
@ -131,14 +130,6 @@ fn get_class_fields(tcx: ty::ctxt, def: ast::def_id) -> [ty::field_ty] {
decoder::get_class_fields(cdata, def.node)
fn get_class_method_ids(tcx: ty::ctxt, def: ast::def_id) -> [ty::field_ty] {
let cstore = tcx.sess.cstore;
let cdata = cstore::get_crate_data(cstore, def.crate);
decoder::get_class_method_ids(cdata, def.node)
fn get_type(tcx: ty::ctxt, def: ast::def_id) -> ty::ty_param_bounds_and_ty {
let cstore = tcx.sess.cstore;
let cdata = cstore::get_crate_data(cstore, def.crate);

View File

@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ import middle::trans::common::maps;
import util::ppaux::ty_to_str;
export get_class_fields;
// export get_class_method_ids;
export get_symbol;
export get_enum_variants;
export get_type;
@ -427,38 +426,38 @@ fn get_iface_methods(cdata: cmd, id: ast::node_id, tcx: ty::ctxt)
// Helper function that gets either fields or methods
fn get_class_members(cdata: cmd, id: ast::node_id,
family: char) -> [ty::field_ty] {
p: fn(char) -> bool) -> [ty::field_ty] {
let data = cdata.data;
let item = lookup_item(id, data);
let mut result = [];
ebml::tagged_docs(item, tag_item_field) {|an_item|
if item_family(an_item) == family {
let f = item_family(an_item);
if p(f) {
let name = item_name(an_item);
let did = class_member_id(an_item, cdata);
result += [{ident: name, id: did}];
result += [{ident: name, id: did, privacy:
// This won't work for methods, argh
pure fn family_to_privacy(family: char) -> ast::privacy {
alt family {
'g' { ast::pub }
_ { ast::priv }
/* Take a node ID for a class, return a vector of the class's
field names/IDs */
/* 'g' for public field, 'j' for private field */
fn get_class_fields(cdata: cmd, id: ast::node_id) -> [ty::field_ty] {
get_class_members(cdata, id, 'g')
get_class_members(cdata, id, {|f| f == 'g' || f == 'j'})
/* Take a node ID for a class, return a vector of the class's
method names/IDs */
fn get_class_method_ids(cdata: cmd, id: ast::node_id) -> [ty::field_ty] {
get_class_members(cdata, id, 'h')
fn family_has_type_params(fam_ch: char) -> bool {
alt check fam_ch {
'c' | 'T' | 'm' | 'n' | 'g' | 'h' { false }
'c' | 'T' | 'm' | 'n' | 'g' | 'h' | 'j' { false }
'f' | 'u' | 'p' | 'F' | 'U' | 'P' | 'y' | 't' | 'v' | 'i' | 'I' | 'C'
| 'a'
{ true }

View File

@ -353,6 +353,11 @@ fn encode_info_for_mod(ecx: @encode_ctxt, ebml_w: ebml::writer, md: _mod,
fn encode_privacy(ebml_w: ebml::writer, privacy: privacy) {
encode_family(ebml_w, alt privacy {
pub { 'g' } priv { 'j' }});
/* Returns an index of items in this class */
fn encode_info_for_class(ecx: @encode_ctxt, ebml_w: ebml::writer,
id: node_id, path: ast_map::path,
@ -369,7 +374,7 @@ fn encode_info_for_class(ecx: @encode_ctxt, ebml_w: ebml::writer,
*index += [{val: id, pos: ebml_w.writer.tell()}];
#debug("encode_info_for_class: doing %s %d", nm, id);
encode_family(ebml_w, 'g');
encode_privacy(ebml_w, ci.node.privacy);
encode_name(ebml_w, nm);
encode_path(ebml_w, path, ast_map::path_name(nm));
encode_type(ecx, ebml_w, node_id_to_type(tcx, id));
@ -564,19 +569,25 @@ fn encode_info_for_item(ecx: @encode_ctxt, ebml_w: ebml::writer, item: @item,
let (fs,ms) = ast_util::split_class_items(items);
for f in fs {
encode_family(ebml_w, 'g');
encode_privacy(ebml_w, f.privacy);
encode_name(ebml_w, f.ident);
encode_def_id(ebml_w, local_def(f.id));
for m in ms {
#debug("Writing %s %d", m.ident, m.id);
encode_family(ebml_w, purity_fn_family(m.decl.purity));
encode_name(ebml_w, m.ident);
encode_type(ecx, ebml_w, node_id_to_type(tcx, m.id));
encode_def_id(ebml_w, local_def(m.id));
for mt in ms {
alt mt.privacy {
priv { /* do nothing */ }
pub {
let m = mt.meth;
#debug("Writing %s %d", m.ident, m.id);
encode_family(ebml_w, purity_fn_family(m.decl.purity));
encode_name(ebml_w, m.ident);
encode_type(ecx, ebml_w, node_id_to_type(tcx, m.id));
encode_def_id(ebml_w, local_def(m.id));
/* Each class has its own index -- encode it */
let bkts = create_index(idx, hash_node_id);

View File

@ -4271,7 +4271,8 @@ fn trans_item(ccx: @crate_ctxt, item: ast::item) {
// Translate methods
let (_, ms) = ast_util::split_class_items(items);
impl::trans_impl(ccx, *path, item.ident, ms, tps);
impl::trans_impl(ccx, *path, item.ident,
vec::map(ms, {|m| m.meth}), tps);
_ {/* fall through */ }

View File

@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ export lookup_class_fields;
export lookup_class_method_by_name;
export lookup_field_type;
export lookup_item_type;
export lookup_public_fields;
export method;
export method_idx;
export mk_class;
@ -160,10 +161,10 @@ type constr_table = hashmap<ast::node_id, [constr]>;
type mt = {ty: t, mutbl: ast::mutability};
// Just use <field> for class fields?
type field_ty = {
ident: ident,
id: def_id,
privacy: ast::privacy
// Contains information needed to resolve types and (in the future) look up
@ -1996,14 +1997,26 @@ fn lookup_class_fields(cx: ctxt, did: ast::def_id) -> [field_ty] {
fn lookup_public_fields(cx: ctxt, did: ast::def_id) -> [field_ty] {
vec::filter(lookup_class_fields(cx, did), is_public)
pure fn is_public(f: field_ty) -> bool {
alt f.privacy {
pub { true }
priv { false }
// Look up the list of method names and IDs for a given class
// Fails if the id is not bound to a class.
fn lookup_class_method_ids(cx: ctxt, did: ast::def_id)
: is_local(did) -> [{name: ident, id: node_id}] {
: is_local(did) -> [{name: ident, id: node_id, privacy: privacy}] {
alt cx.items.find(did.node) {
some(ast_map::node_item(@{node: item_class(_,items,_), _}, _)) {
let (_,ms) = split_class_items(items);
vec::map(ms, {|m| {name: m.ident, id: m.id}})
vec::map(ms, {|m| {name: m.meth.ident, id: m.meth.id,
privacy: m.privacy}})
_ {
cx.sess.bug("lookup_class_method_ids: id not bound to a class");
@ -2012,19 +2025,19 @@ fn lookup_class_method_ids(cx: ctxt, did: ast::def_id)
/* Given a class def_id and a method name, return the method's
def_id. Needed so we can do static dispatch for methods */
def_id. Needed so we can do static dispatch for methods
Fails if the requested method is private */
fn lookup_class_method_by_name(cx:ctxt, did: ast::def_id, name: ident,
sp: span) ->
def_id {
sp: span) -> def_id {
if check is_local(did) {
let ms = lookup_class_method_ids(cx, did);
for m in ms {
if m.name == name {
if m.name == name && m.privacy == ast::pub {
ret ast_util::local_def(m.id);
cx.sess.span_fatal(sp, #fmt("Class doesn't have a method named %s",
cx.sess.span_fatal(sp, #fmt("Class doesn't have a public method \
named %s", name));
else {
csearch::get_class_method(cx.sess.cstore, did, name)
@ -2036,7 +2049,8 @@ fn class_field_tys(items: [@class_item]) -> [field_ty] {
for it in items {
alt it.node.decl {
instance_var(nm, _, _, id) {
rslt += [{ident: nm, id: ast_util::local_def(id)}];
rslt += [{ident: nm, id: ast_util::local_def(id),
privacy: it.node.privacy}];
class_method(_) {

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import pat_util::*;
import middle::ty;
import middle::ty::{node_id_to_type, arg, block_ty,
expr_ty, field, node_type_table, mk_nil,
ty_param_bounds_and_ty, lookup_class_fields};
ty_param_bounds_and_ty, lookup_public_fields};
import util::ppaux::ty_to_str;
import std::smallintmap;
import std::map::{hashmap, int_hash};
@ -934,7 +934,9 @@ mod collect {
ast_map::node_item(@{node: ast::item_class(_,its,_), _}, _) {
let (_,ms) = split_class_items(its);
store_methods::<@ast::method>(tcx, id, ms, {|m|
// Handling all methods here
let ps = ast_util::ignore_privacy(ms);
store_methods::<@ast::method>(tcx, id, ps, {|m|
ty_of_method(tcx, m_collect, m)});
@ -1089,10 +1091,13 @@ mod collect {
for f in fields {
convert_class_item(tcx, f);
// The selfty is just the class type
let selfty = ty::mk_class(tcx, local_def(it.id),
mk_ty_params(tcx, tps).params);
// The selfty is just the class type
convert_methods(tcx, methods, @[], some(selfty));
// Need to convert all methods so we can check internal
// references to private methods
convert_methods(tcx, ast_util::ignore_privacy(methods), @[],
_ {
// This call populates the type cache with the converted type
@ -3095,7 +3100,11 @@ fn check_expr_with_unifier(fcx: @fn_ctxt, expr: @ast::expr, unify: unifier,
// (1) verify that the class id actually has a field called
// field
#debug("class named %s", ty_to_str(tcx, base_t));
let cls_items = lookup_class_fields(tcx, base_id);
This is an external reference, so only consider public
let cls_items = lookup_public_fields(tcx, base_id);
#debug("cls_items: %?", cls_items);
alt lookup_field_ty(tcx, base_id, cls_items, field) {
some(field_ty) {
@ -3119,7 +3128,7 @@ fn check_expr_with_unifier(fcx: @fn_ctxt, expr: @ast::expr, unify: unifier,
none {
let t_err = resolve_type_vars_if_possible(fcx, expr_t);
let msg = #fmt["attempted access of field %s on type %s, but \
no field or method with that name was found",
no public field or method with that name was found",
field, ty_to_str(tcx, t_err)];
tcx.sess.span_err(expr.span, msg);
// NB: Adding a bogus type to allow typechecking to continue
@ -3613,9 +3622,8 @@ fn class_types(ccx: @crate_ctxt, members: [@ast::class_item]) -> class_map {
fn check_class_member(ccx: @crate_ctxt, cm: ast::class_member) {
alt cm {
ast::instance_var(_,t,_,_) { // ??? Not sure
ast::instance_var(_,t,_,_) {
// not right yet -- need a scope
ast::class_method(m) { check_method(ccx, m); }

View File

@ -435,16 +435,29 @@ pure fn class_item_ident(ci: @class_item) -> ident {
type ivar = {ident: ident, ty: @ty, cm: class_mutability, id: node_id};
type ivar = {ident: ident, ty: @ty, cm: class_mutability,
id: node_id, privacy: privacy};
fn split_class_items(cs: [@class_item]) -> ([ivar], [@method]) {
type cmethod = {privacy: privacy, meth: @method};
fn public_methods(cms: [cmethod]) -> [@method] {
vec::filter_map(cms, {|cm| alt cm.privacy {
pub { some(cm.meth) }
_ { none }}})
fn ignore_privacy(cms: [cmethod]) -> [@method] {
vec::map(cms, {|cm| cm.meth})
fn split_class_items(cs: [@class_item]) -> ([ivar], [cmethod]) {
let mut vs = [], ms = [];
for c in cs {
alt c.node.decl {
instance_var(i, t, cm, id) {
vs += [{ident: i, ty: t, cm: cm, id: id}];
vs += [{ident: i, ty: t, cm: cm, id: id, privacy: c.node.privacy}];
class_method(m) { ms += [m]; }
class_method(m) { ms += [{privacy: c.node.privacy, meth: m}]; }
(vs, ms)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
// error-pattern:assigning to immutable field
class cat {
priv {
let mutable meows : uint;
let how_hungry : int;
fn speak() { meows += 1u; }
new(in_x : uint, in_y : int) { meows = in_x; how_hungry = in_y; }
fn main() {
let nyan : cat = cat(52u, 99);
nyan.speak = fn@() { log(error, "meow"); };

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
// error-pattern:no public field or method with that name
class cat {
priv {
let mutable meows : uint;
let how_hungry : int;
new(in_x : uint, in_y : int) { meows = in_x; how_hungry = in_y; }
fn main() {
let nyan : cat = cat(52u, 99);
assert (nyan.meows == 52u);
other tests:
not ok to refer to a private method outside a class
ok to refer to private method within a class
can't assign to a non-mutable var
can't assign to a method
all the same tests, cross-crate

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
// error-pattern:Class doesn't have a public method named nap
class cat {
priv {
let mutable meows : uint;
fn nap() { uint::range(1u, 10000u) {|_i|}}
let how_hungry : int;
new(in_x : uint, in_y : int) { meows = in_x; how_hungry = in_y; }
fn main() {
let nyan : cat = cat(52u, 99);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
class cat {
priv {
let mutable meows : uint;
let how_hungry : int;
fn meow_count() -> uint { meows }
new(in_x : uint, in_y : int) { meows = in_x; how_hungry = in_y; }
fn main() {
let nyan : cat = cat(52u, 99);
assert (nyan.meow_count() == 52u);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
class cat {
priv {
let mutable meows : uint;
fn nap() { uint::range(1u, 10u) {|_i|}}
let how_hungry : int;
fn play() {
meows += 1u;
new(in_x : uint, in_y : int) { meows = in_x; how_hungry = in_y; }
fn main() {
let nyan : cat = cat(52u, 99);