Add per-platform file-open flags to std.os. Open buffers as desired in std._io.

This commit is contained in:
Roy Frostig 2010-08-04 17:14:11 -07:00
parent cbe68d4ccb
commit c17ea956a2
4 changed files with 73 additions and 6 deletions

View File

@ -43,7 +43,11 @@ fn new_buf_reader(str path) -> buf_reader {
auto fd =, 0);
auto fd =,
os.libc_constants.O_RDONLY() |
if (fd < 0) {
log "error opening file for reading";
log sys.rustrt.last_os_error();
@ -52,7 +56,9 @@ fn new_buf_reader(str path) -> buf_reader {
ret fd_buf_reader(fd, new_buf());
fn new_buf_writer(str path) -> buf_writer {
type fileflag = tag(append(), create(), truncate());
fn new_buf_writer(str path, vec[fileflag] flags) -> buf_writer {
unsafe obj fd_buf_writer(int fd) {
@ -77,7 +83,23 @@ fn new_buf_writer(str path) -> buf_writer {
auto fd =, 0);
let int fflags =
os.libc_constants.O_WRONLY() |
for (fileflag f in flags) {
alt (f) {
case (append()) { fflags |= os.libc_constants.O_APPEND(); }
case (create()) { fflags |= os.libc_constants.O_CREAT(); }
case (truncate()) { fflags |= os.libc_constants.O_TRUNC(); }
auto fd =,
os.libc_constants.S_IRUSR() |
if (fd < 0) {
log "error opening file for writing";
log sys.rustrt.last_os_error();

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import _vec.vbuf;
native mod libc = "" {
fn open(sbuf s, int flags) -> int;
fn open(sbuf s, int flags, uint mode) -> int;
fn read(int fd, vbuf buf, uint count) -> int;
fn write(int fd, vbuf buf, uint count) -> int;
fn close(int fd) -> int;
@ -17,3 +17,18 @@ native mod libc = "" {
fn setenv(sbuf n, sbuf v, int overwrite) -> int;
fn unsetenv(sbuf n) -> int;
mod libc_constants {
fn O_RDONLY() -> int { ret 0x0000; }
fn O_WRONLY() -> int { ret 0x0001; }
fn O_RDWR() -> int { ret 0x0002; }
fn O_APPEND() -> int { ret 0x0400; }
fn O_CREAT() -> int { ret 0x0040; }
fn O_EXCL() -> int { ret 0x0080; }
fn O_TRUNC() -> int { ret 0x0200; }
fn O_TEXT() -> int { ret 0x0000; } // nonexistent in linux libc
fn O_BINARY() -> int { ret 0x0000; } // nonexistent in linux libc
fn S_IRUSR() -> uint { ret 0x0100u; }
fn S_IWUSR() -> uint { ret 0x0080u; }

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import _vec.vbuf;
native mod libc = "libc.dylib" {
fn open(sbuf s, int flags) -> int;
fn open(sbuf s, int flags, uint mode) -> int;
fn read(int fd, vbuf buf, uint count) -> int;
fn write(int fd, vbuf buf, uint count) -> int;
fn close(int fd) -> int;
@ -17,3 +17,18 @@ native mod libc = "libc.dylib" {
fn setenv(sbuf n, sbuf v, int overwrite) -> int;
fn unsetenv(sbuf n) -> int;
mod libc_constants {
fn O_RDONLY() -> int { ret 0x0000; }
fn O_WRONLY() -> int { ret 0x0001; }
fn O_RDWR() -> int { ret 0x0002; }
fn O_APPEND() -> int { ret 0x0008; }
fn O_CREAT() -> int { ret 0x0200; }
fn O_EXCL() -> int { ret 0x0800; }
fn O_TRUNC() -> int { ret 0x0400; }
fn O_TEXT() -> int { ret 0x0000; } // nonexistent in darwin libc
fn O_BINARY() -> int { ret 0x0000; } // nonexistent in darwin libc
fn S_IRUSR() -> uint { ret 0x0400u; }
fn S_IWUSR() -> uint { ret 0x0200u; }

View File

@ -2,8 +2,23 @@ import _str.sbuf;
import _vec.vbuf;
native mod libc = "msvcrt.dll" {
fn open(sbuf s, int flags) -> int = "_open";
fn open(sbuf s, int flags, uint mode) -> int = "_open";
fn read(int fd, vbuf buf, uint count) -> int = "_read";
fn write(int fd, vbuf buf, uint count) -> int = "_write";
fn close(int fd) -> int = "_close";
mod libc_constants {
fn O_RDONLY() -> int { ret 0x0000; }
fn O_WRONLY() -> int { ret 0x0001; }
fn O_RDWR() -> int { ret 0x0002; }
fn O_APPEND() -> int { ret 0x0400; }
fn O_CREAT() -> int { ret 0x0040; }
fn O_EXCL() -> int { ret 0x0080; }
fn O_TRUNC() -> int { ret 0x0200; }
fn O_TEXT() -> int { ret 0x4000; }
fn O_BINARY() -> int { ret 0x8000; }
fn S_IRUSR() -> uint { ret 0x0100u; } // really _S_IREAD in win32
fn S_IWUSR() -> uint { ret 0x0080u; } // really _S_IWRITE in win32