[breaking-change] remove the sign from integer literals in the ast
This commit is contained in:
@ -1328,15 +1328,13 @@ fn lit_to_const(sess: &Session, span: Span, lit: &ast::Lit, ty_hint: Option<Ty>)
ast::LitByte(n) => Uint(n as u64),
ast::LitChar(n) => Uint(n as u64),
ast::LitInt(n, ast::SignedIntLit(_, ast::Plus)) => Int(n as i64),
ast::LitInt(n, ast::UnsuffixedIntLit(ast::Plus)) => {
ast::LitInt(n, ast::SignedIntLit(_)) => Int(n as i64),
ast::LitInt(n, ast::UnsuffixedIntLit) => {
match ty_hint.map(|ty| &ty.sty) {
Some(&ty::TyUint(_)) => Uint(n),
_ => Int(n as i64)
ast::LitInt(n, ast::SignedIntLit(_, ast::Minus)) |
ast::LitInt(n, ast::UnsuffixedIntLit(ast::Minus)) => Int(-(n as i64)),
ast::LitInt(n, ast::UnsignedIntLit(_)) => Uint(n),
ast::LitFloat(ref n, _) |
ast::LitFloatUnsuffixed(ref n) => {
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ impl LateLintPass for TypeLimits {
ast::LitInt(_, ast::UnsignedIntLit(_)) => {
forbid_unsigned_negation(cx, e.span);
ast::LitInt(_, ast::UnsuffixedIntLit(_)) => {
ast::LitInt(_, ast::UnsuffixedIntLit) => {
if let ty::TyUint(_) = cx.tcx.node_id_to_type(e.id).sty {
forbid_unsigned_negation(cx, e.span);
@ -159,8 +159,8 @@ impl LateLintPass for TypeLimits {
match cx.tcx.node_id_to_type(e.id).sty {
ty::TyInt(t) => {
match lit.node {
ast::LitInt(v, ast::SignedIntLit(_, ast::Plus)) |
ast::LitInt(v, ast::UnsuffixedIntLit(ast::Plus)) => {
ast::LitInt(v, ast::SignedIntLit(_)) |
ast::LitInt(v, ast::UnsuffixedIntLit) => {
let int_type = if let ast::IntTy::Is = t {
} else {
@ -311,10 +311,8 @@ impl LateLintPass for TypeLimits {
let (min, max) = int_ty_range(int_ty);
let lit_val: i64 = match lit.node {
hir::ExprLit(ref li) => match li.node {
ast::LitInt(v, ast::SignedIntLit(_, ast::Plus)) |
ast::LitInt(v, ast::UnsuffixedIntLit(ast::Plus)) => v as i64,
ast::LitInt(v, ast::SignedIntLit(_, ast::Minus)) |
ast::LitInt(v, ast::UnsuffixedIntLit(ast::Minus)) => -(v as i64),
ast::LitInt(v, ast::SignedIntLit(_)) |
ast::LitInt(v, ast::UnsuffixedIntLit) => v as i64,
_ => return true
_ => panic!()
@ -66,13 +66,13 @@ pub fn const_lit(cx: &CrateContext, e: &hir::Expr, lit: &ast::Lit)
match lit.node {
ast::LitByte(b) => C_integral(Type::uint_from_ty(cx, ast::UintTy::U8), b as u64, false),
ast::LitChar(i) => C_integral(Type::char(cx), i as u64, false),
ast::LitInt(i, ast::SignedIntLit(t, _)) => {
ast::LitInt(i, ast::SignedIntLit(t)) => {
C_integral(Type::int_from_ty(cx, t), i, true)
ast::LitInt(u, ast::UnsignedIntLit(t)) => {
C_integral(Type::uint_from_ty(cx, t), u, false)
ast::LitInt(i, ast::UnsuffixedIntLit(_)) => {
ast::LitInt(i, ast::UnsuffixedIntLit) => {
let lit_int_ty = cx.tcx().node_id_to_type(e.id);
match lit_int_ty.sty {
ty::TyInt(t) => {
@ -2613,9 +2613,9 @@ fn check_lit<'a, 'tcx>(fcx: &FnCtxt<'a, 'tcx>,
ast::LitByte(_) => tcx.types.u8,
ast::LitChar(_) => tcx.types.char,
ast::LitInt(_, ast::SignedIntLit(t, _)) => tcx.mk_mach_int(t),
ast::LitInt(_, ast::SignedIntLit(t)) => tcx.mk_mach_int(t),
ast::LitInt(_, ast::UnsignedIntLit(t)) => tcx.mk_mach_uint(t),
ast::LitInt(_, ast::UnsuffixedIntLit(_)) => {
ast::LitInt(_, ast::UnsuffixedIntLit) => {
let opt_ty = expected.to_option(fcx).and_then(|ty| {
match ty.sty {
ty::TyInt(_) | ty::TyUint(_) => Some(ty),
@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ pub use self::Mutability::*;
pub use self::Pat_::*;
pub use self::PathListItem_::*;
pub use self::PrimTy::*;
pub use self::Sign::*;
pub use self::Stmt_::*;
pub use self::StrStyle::*;
pub use self::StructFieldKind::*;
@ -1269,36 +1268,11 @@ pub enum StrStyle {
/// A literal
pub type Lit = Spanned<Lit_>;
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, RustcEncodable, RustcDecodable, Hash, Debug, Copy)]
pub enum Sign {
impl Sign {
pub fn new<T: IntSign>(n: T) -> Sign {
pub trait IntSign {
fn sign(&self) -> Sign;
macro_rules! doit {
($($t:ident)*) => ($(impl IntSign for $t {
fn sign(&self) -> Sign {
if *self < 0 {Minus} else {Plus}
doit! { i8 i16 i32 i64 isize u8 u16 u32 u64 usize }
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, RustcEncodable, RustcDecodable, Hash, Debug, Copy)]
pub enum LitIntType {
SignedIntLit(IntTy, Sign),
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, RustcEncodable, RustcDecodable, Hash, Debug)]
@ -683,8 +683,13 @@ impl<'a> AstBuilder for ExtCtxt<'a> {
self.expr_lit(span, ast::LitInt(i as u64, ast::UnsignedIntLit(ast::UintTy::Us)))
fn expr_isize(&self, sp: Span, i: isize) -> P<ast::Expr> {
self.expr_lit(sp, ast::LitInt(i as u64, ast::SignedIntLit(ast::IntTy::Is,
if i < 0 {
let i = (-i) as u64;
let lit = self.expr_lit(sp, ast::LitInt(i, ast::SignedIntLit(ast::IntTy::Is)));
self.expr_unary(sp, ast::UnOp::Neg, lit)
} else {
self.expr_lit(sp, ast::LitInt(i as u64, ast::SignedIntLit(ast::IntTy::Is)))
fn expr_u32(&self, sp: Span, u: u32) -> P<ast::Expr> {
self.expr_lit(sp, ast::LitInt(u as u64, ast::UnsignedIntLit(ast::UintTy::U32)))
@ -263,9 +263,27 @@ pub mod rt {
(signed, $t:ty, $tag:expr) => (
impl ToTokens for $t {
fn to_tokens(&self, cx: &ExtCtxt) -> Vec<TokenTree> {
let lit = ast::LitInt(*self as u64, ast::SignedIntLit($tag,
let val = if *self < 0 {
} else {
let lit = ast::LitInt(val as u64, ast::SignedIntLit($tag));
let lit = P(ast::Expr {
id: ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID,
node: ast::ExprKind::Lit(P(dummy_spanned(lit))),
span: DUMMY_SP,
attrs: None,
if *self >= 0 {
return lit.to_tokens(cx);
P(ast::Expr {
id: ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID,
node: ast::ExprKind::Unary(ast::UnOp::Neg, lit),
span: DUMMY_SP,
attrs: None,
@ -586,7 +586,7 @@ pub fn integer_lit(s: &str,
let mut base = 10;
let orig = s;
let mut ty = ast::UnsuffixedIntLit(ast::Plus);
let mut ty = ast::UnsuffixedIntLit;
if char_at(s, 0) == '0' && s.len() > 1 {
match char_at(s, 1) {
@ -618,11 +618,11 @@ pub fn integer_lit(s: &str,
if let Some(ref suf) = suffix {
if suf.is_empty() { sd.span_bug(sp, "found empty literal suffix in Some")}
ty = match &**suf {
"isize" => ast::SignedIntLit(ast::IntTy::Is, ast::Plus),
"i8" => ast::SignedIntLit(ast::IntTy::I8, ast::Plus),
"i16" => ast::SignedIntLit(ast::IntTy::I16, ast::Plus),
"i32" => ast::SignedIntLit(ast::IntTy::I32, ast::Plus),
"i64" => ast::SignedIntLit(ast::IntTy::I64, ast::Plus),
"isize" => ast::SignedIntLit(ast::IntTy::Is),
"i8" => ast::SignedIntLit(ast::IntTy::I8),
"i16" => ast::SignedIntLit(ast::IntTy::I16),
"i32" => ast::SignedIntLit(ast::IntTy::I32),
"i64" => ast::SignedIntLit(ast::IntTy::I64),
"usize" => ast::UnsignedIntLit(ast::UintTy::Us),
"u8" => ast::UnsignedIntLit(ast::UintTy::U8),
"u16" => ast::UnsignedIntLit(ast::UintTy::U16),
@ -651,9 +651,9 @@ pub fn integer_lit(s: &str,
debug!("integer_lit: the type is {:?}, base {:?}, the new string is {:?}, the original \
string was {:?}, the original suffix was {:?}", ty, base, s, orig, suffix);
let res = match u64::from_str_radix(s, base).ok() {
Some(r) => r,
None => {
match u64::from_str_radix(s, base) {
Ok(r) => ast::LitInt(r, ty),
Err(_) => {
// small bases are lexed as if they were base 10, e.g, the string
// might be `0b10201`. This will cause the conversion above to fail,
// but these cases have errors in the lexer: we don't want to emit
@ -665,16 +665,8 @@ pub fn integer_lit(s: &str,
if !already_errored {
sd.span_err(sp, "int literal is too large");
ast::LitInt(0, ty)
// adjust the sign
let sign = ast::Sign::new(res);
match ty {
ast::SignedIntLit(t, _) => ast::LitInt(res, ast::SignedIntLit(t, sign)),
ast::UnsuffixedIntLit(_) => ast::LitInt(res, ast::UnsuffixedIntLit(sign)),
us@ast::UnsignedIntLit(_) => ast::LitInt(res, us)
@ -645,24 +645,16 @@ pub trait PrintState<'a> {
ast::LitInt(i, t) => {
match t {
ast::SignedIntLit(st, ast::Plus) => {
ast::SignedIntLit(st) => {
&st.val_to_string(i as i64))
ast::SignedIntLit(st, ast::Minus) => {
let istr = st.val_to_string(-(i as i64));
&format!("-{}", istr))
ast::UnsignedIntLit(ut) => {
word(self.writer(), &ut.val_to_string(i))
ast::UnsuffixedIntLit(ast::Plus) => {
ast::UnsuffixedIntLit => {
word(self.writer(), &format!("{}", i))
ast::UnsuffixedIntLit(ast::Minus) => {
word(self.writer(), &format!("-{}", i))
ast::LitFloat(ref f, t) => {
@ -38,14 +38,10 @@ pub fn expand_syntax_ext(cx: &mut base::ExtCtxt,
ast::LitInt(i, ast::UnsignedIntLit(_)) |
ast::LitInt(i, ast::SignedIntLit(_, ast::Plus)) |
ast::LitInt(i, ast::UnsuffixedIntLit(ast::Plus)) => {
ast::LitInt(i, ast::SignedIntLit(_)) |
ast::LitInt(i, ast::UnsuffixedIntLit) => {
accumulator.push_str(&format!("{}", i));
ast::LitInt(i, ast::SignedIntLit(_, ast::Minus)) |
ast::LitInt(i, ast::UnsuffixedIntLit(ast::Minus)) => {
accumulator.push_str(&format!("-{}", i));
ast::LitBool(b) => {
accumulator.push_str(&format!("{}", b));
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