diff --git a/src/compiletest/compiletest.rc b/src/compiletest/compiletest.rc
index db605c3caa4..166672988a7 100644
--- a/src/compiletest/compiletest.rc
+++ b/src/compiletest/compiletest.rc
@@ -26,6 +26,198 @@ mod common;
 mod errors;
+use std::getopts;
+use std::test;
+use core::result;
+use result::{Ok, Err};
+use common::config;
+use common::mode_run_pass;
+use common::mode_run_fail;
+use common::mode_compile_fail;
+use common::mode_pretty;
+use common::mode;
+use util::logv;
+fn main() {
+    let args = os::args();
+    let config = parse_config(args);
+    log_config(config);
+    run_tests(config);
+fn parse_config(args: ~[~str]) -> config {
+    let opts =
+        ~[getopts::reqopt(~"compile-lib-path"),
+          getopts::reqopt(~"run-lib-path"),
+          getopts::reqopt(~"rustc-path"), getopts::reqopt(~"src-base"),
+          getopts::reqopt(~"build-base"), getopts::reqopt(~"aux-base"),
+          getopts::reqopt(~"stage-id"),
+          getopts::reqopt(~"mode"), getopts::optflag(~"ignored"),
+          getopts::optopt(~"runtool"), getopts::optopt(~"rustcflags"),
+          getopts::optflag(~"verbose"),
+          getopts::optopt(~"logfile"),
+          getopts::optflag(~"jit")];
+    assert (vec::is_not_empty(args));
+    let args_ = vec::tail(args);
+    let matches =
+        match getopts::getopts(args_, opts) {
+          Ok(m) => m,
+          Err(f) => fail getopts::fail_str(f)
+        };
+    fn opt_path(m: getopts::Matches, nm: ~str) -> Path {
+        Path(getopts::opt_str(m, nm))
+    }
+    return {compile_lib_path: getopts::opt_str(matches, ~"compile-lib-path"),
+         run_lib_path: getopts::opt_str(matches, ~"run-lib-path"),
+         rustc_path: opt_path(matches, ~"rustc-path"),
+         src_base: opt_path(matches, ~"src-base"),
+         build_base: opt_path(matches, ~"build-base"),
+         aux_base: opt_path(matches, ~"aux-base"),
+         stage_id: getopts::opt_str(matches, ~"stage-id"),
+         mode: str_mode(getopts::opt_str(matches, ~"mode")),
+         run_ignored: getopts::opt_present(matches, ~"ignored"),
+         filter:
+             if vec::len(matches.free) > 0u {
+                 option::Some(matches.free[0])
+             } else { option::None },
+         logfile: option::map(&getopts::opt_maybe_str(matches,
+                                                     ~"logfile"),
+                              |s| Path(*s)),
+         runtool: getopts::opt_maybe_str(matches, ~"runtool"),
+         rustcflags: getopts::opt_maybe_str(matches, ~"rustcflags"),
+         jit: getopts::opt_present(matches, ~"jit"),
+         verbose: getopts::opt_present(matches, ~"verbose")};
+fn log_config(config: config) {
+    let c = config;
+    logv(c, fmt!("configuration:"));
+    logv(c, fmt!("compile_lib_path: %s", config.compile_lib_path));
+    logv(c, fmt!("run_lib_path: %s", config.run_lib_path));
+    logv(c, fmt!("rustc_path: %s", config.rustc_path.to_str()));
+    logv(c, fmt!("src_base: %s", config.src_base.to_str()));
+    logv(c, fmt!("build_base: %s", config.build_base.to_str()));
+    logv(c, fmt!("stage_id: %s", config.stage_id));
+    logv(c, fmt!("mode: %s", mode_str(config.mode)));
+    logv(c, fmt!("run_ignored: %b", config.run_ignored));
+    logv(c, fmt!("filter: %s", opt_str(config.filter)));
+    logv(c, fmt!("runtool: %s", opt_str(config.runtool)));
+    logv(c, fmt!("rustcflags: %s", opt_str(config.rustcflags)));
+    logv(c, fmt!("jit: %b", config.jit));
+    logv(c, fmt!("verbose: %b", config.verbose));
+    logv(c, fmt!("\n"));
+fn opt_str(maybestr: Option<~str>) -> ~str {
+    match maybestr { option::Some(s) => s, option::None => ~"(none)" }
+fn str_opt(maybestr: ~str) -> Option<~str> {
+    if maybestr != ~"(none)" { option::Some(maybestr) } else { option::None }
+fn str_mode(s: ~str) -> mode {
+    match s {
+      ~"compile-fail" => mode_compile_fail,
+      ~"run-fail" => mode_run_fail,
+      ~"run-pass" => mode_run_pass,
+      ~"pretty" => mode_pretty,
+      _ => fail ~"invalid mode"
+    }
+fn mode_str(mode: mode) -> ~str {
+    match mode {
+      mode_compile_fail => ~"compile-fail",
+      mode_run_fail => ~"run-fail",
+      mode_run_pass => ~"run-pass",
+      mode_pretty => ~"pretty"
+    }
+fn run_tests(config: config) {
+    let opts = test_opts(config);
+    let tests = make_tests(config);
+    let res = test::run_tests_console(&opts, tests);
+    if !res { fail ~"Some tests failed"; }
+fn test_opts(config: config) -> test::TestOpts {
+    {filter:
+         match config.filter {
+           option::Some(s) => option::Some(s),
+           option::None => option::None
+         },
+     run_ignored: config.run_ignored,
+     logfile:
+         match config.logfile {
+           option::Some(s) => option::Some(s.to_str()),
+           option::None => option::None
+         }
+    }
+fn make_tests(config: config) -> ~[test::TestDesc] {
+    debug!("making tests from %s",
+           config.src_base.to_str());
+    let mut tests = ~[];
+    for os::list_dir_path(&config.src_base).each |file| {
+        let file = copy *file;
+        debug!("inspecting file %s", file.to_str());
+        if is_test(config, file) {
+            tests.push(make_test(config, file))
+        }
+    }
+    move tests
+fn is_test(config: config, testfile: &Path) -> bool {
+    // Pretty-printer does not work with .rc files yet
+    let valid_extensions =
+        match config.mode {
+          mode_pretty => ~[~".rs"],
+          _ => ~[~".rc", ~".rs"]
+        };
+    let invalid_prefixes = ~[~".", ~"#", ~"~"];
+    let name = testfile.filename().get();
+    let mut valid = false;
+    for valid_extensions.each |ext| {
+        if str::ends_with(name, *ext) { valid = true; }
+    }
+    for invalid_prefixes.each |pre| {
+        if str::starts_with(name, *pre) { valid = false; }
+    }
+    return valid;
+fn make_test(config: config, testfile: &Path) ->
+   test::TestDesc {
+    {
+        name: make_test_name(config, testfile),
+        testfn: make_test_closure(config, testfile),
+        ignore: header::is_test_ignored(config, testfile),
+        should_fail: false
+    }
+fn make_test_name(config: config, testfile: &Path) -> ~str {
+    fmt!("[%s] %s", mode_str(config.mode), testfile.to_str())
+fn make_test_closure(config: config, testfile: &Path) -> test::TestFn {
+    let testfile = testfile.to_str();
+    fn~() { runtest::run(config, testfile) }
 // Local Variables:
 // fill-column: 78;
 // indent-tabs-mode: nil
diff --git a/src/compiletest/compiletest.rs b/src/compiletest/compiletest.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index e147ddc3ed7..00000000000
--- a/src/compiletest/compiletest.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
-use std::getopts;
-use std::test;
-use core::result;
-use result::{Ok, Err};
-use common::config;
-use common::mode_run_pass;
-use common::mode_run_fail;
-use common::mode_compile_fail;
-use common::mode_pretty;
-use common::mode;
-use util::logv;
-fn main() {
-    let args = os::args();
-    let config = parse_config(args);
-    log_config(config);
-    run_tests(config);
-fn parse_config(args: ~[~str]) -> config {
-    let opts =
-        ~[getopts::reqopt(~"compile-lib-path"),
-          getopts::reqopt(~"run-lib-path"),
-          getopts::reqopt(~"rustc-path"), getopts::reqopt(~"src-base"),
-          getopts::reqopt(~"build-base"), getopts::reqopt(~"aux-base"),
-          getopts::reqopt(~"stage-id"),
-          getopts::reqopt(~"mode"), getopts::optflag(~"ignored"),
-          getopts::optopt(~"runtool"), getopts::optopt(~"rustcflags"),
-          getopts::optflag(~"verbose"),
-          getopts::optopt(~"logfile"),
-          getopts::optflag(~"jit")];
-    assert (vec::is_not_empty(args));
-    let args_ = vec::tail(args);
-    let matches =
-        match getopts::getopts(args_, opts) {
-          Ok(m) => m,
-          Err(f) => fail getopts::fail_str(f)
-        };
-    fn opt_path(m: getopts::Matches, nm: ~str) -> Path {
-        Path(getopts::opt_str(m, nm))
-    }
-    return {compile_lib_path: getopts::opt_str(matches, ~"compile-lib-path"),
-         run_lib_path: getopts::opt_str(matches, ~"run-lib-path"),
-         rustc_path: opt_path(matches, ~"rustc-path"),
-         src_base: opt_path(matches, ~"src-base"),
-         build_base: opt_path(matches, ~"build-base"),
-         aux_base: opt_path(matches, ~"aux-base"),
-         stage_id: getopts::opt_str(matches, ~"stage-id"),
-         mode: str_mode(getopts::opt_str(matches, ~"mode")),
-         run_ignored: getopts::opt_present(matches, ~"ignored"),
-         filter:
-             if vec::len(matches.free) > 0u {
-                 option::Some(matches.free[0])
-             } else { option::None },
-         logfile: option::map(&getopts::opt_maybe_str(matches,
-                                                     ~"logfile"),
-                              |s| Path(*s)),
-         runtool: getopts::opt_maybe_str(matches, ~"runtool"),
-         rustcflags: getopts::opt_maybe_str(matches, ~"rustcflags"),
-         jit: getopts::opt_present(matches, ~"jit"),
-         verbose: getopts::opt_present(matches, ~"verbose")};
-fn log_config(config: config) {
-    let c = config;
-    logv(c, fmt!("configuration:"));
-    logv(c, fmt!("compile_lib_path: %s", config.compile_lib_path));
-    logv(c, fmt!("run_lib_path: %s", config.run_lib_path));
-    logv(c, fmt!("rustc_path: %s", config.rustc_path.to_str()));
-    logv(c, fmt!("src_base: %s", config.src_base.to_str()));
-    logv(c, fmt!("build_base: %s", config.build_base.to_str()));
-    logv(c, fmt!("stage_id: %s", config.stage_id));
-    logv(c, fmt!("mode: %s", mode_str(config.mode)));
-    logv(c, fmt!("run_ignored: %b", config.run_ignored));
-    logv(c, fmt!("filter: %s", opt_str(config.filter)));
-    logv(c, fmt!("runtool: %s", opt_str(config.runtool)));
-    logv(c, fmt!("rustcflags: %s", opt_str(config.rustcflags)));
-    logv(c, fmt!("jit: %b", config.jit));
-    logv(c, fmt!("verbose: %b", config.verbose));
-    logv(c, fmt!("\n"));
-fn opt_str(maybestr: Option<~str>) -> ~str {
-    match maybestr { option::Some(s) => s, option::None => ~"(none)" }
-fn str_opt(maybestr: ~str) -> Option<~str> {
-    if maybestr != ~"(none)" { option::Some(maybestr) } else { option::None }
-fn str_mode(s: ~str) -> mode {
-    match s {
-      ~"compile-fail" => mode_compile_fail,
-      ~"run-fail" => mode_run_fail,
-      ~"run-pass" => mode_run_pass,
-      ~"pretty" => mode_pretty,
-      _ => fail ~"invalid mode"
-    }
-fn mode_str(mode: mode) -> ~str {
-    match mode {
-      mode_compile_fail => ~"compile-fail",
-      mode_run_fail => ~"run-fail",
-      mode_run_pass => ~"run-pass",
-      mode_pretty => ~"pretty"
-    }
-fn run_tests(config: config) {
-    let opts = test_opts(config);
-    let tests = make_tests(config);
-    let res = test::run_tests_console(&opts, tests);
-    if !res { fail ~"Some tests failed"; }
-fn test_opts(config: config) -> test::TestOpts {
-    {filter:
-         match config.filter {
-           option::Some(s) => option::Some(s),
-           option::None => option::None
-         },
-     run_ignored: config.run_ignored,
-     logfile:
-         match config.logfile {
-           option::Some(s) => option::Some(s.to_str()),
-           option::None => option::None
-         }
-    }
-fn make_tests(config: config) -> ~[test::TestDesc] {
-    debug!("making tests from %s",
-           config.src_base.to_str());
-    let mut tests = ~[];
-    for os::list_dir_path(&config.src_base).each |file| {
-        let file = copy *file;
-        debug!("inspecting file %s", file.to_str());
-        if is_test(config, file) {
-            tests.push(make_test(config, file))
-        }
-    }
-    move tests
-fn is_test(config: config, testfile: &Path) -> bool {
-    // Pretty-printer does not work with .rc files yet
-    let valid_extensions =
-        match config.mode {
-          mode_pretty => ~[~".rs"],
-          _ => ~[~".rc", ~".rs"]
-        };
-    let invalid_prefixes = ~[~".", ~"#", ~"~"];
-    let name = testfile.filename().get();
-    let mut valid = false;
-    for valid_extensions.each |ext| {
-        if str::ends_with(name, *ext) { valid = true; }
-    }
-    for invalid_prefixes.each |pre| {
-        if str::starts_with(name, *pre) { valid = false; }
-    }
-    return valid;
-fn make_test(config: config, testfile: &Path) ->
-   test::TestDesc {
-    {
-        name: make_test_name(config, testfile),
-        testfn: make_test_closure(config, testfile),
-        ignore: header::is_test_ignored(config, testfile),
-        should_fail: false
-    }
-fn make_test_name(config: config, testfile: &Path) -> ~str {
-    fmt!("[%s] %s", mode_str(config.mode), testfile.to_str())
-fn make_test_closure(config: config, testfile: &Path) -> test::TestFn {
-    let testfile = testfile.to_str();
-    fn~() { runtest::run(config, testfile) }
-// Local Variables:
-// fill-column: 78;
-// indent-tabs-mode: nil
-// c-basic-offset: 4
-// buffer-file-coding-system: utf-8-unix
-// End:
diff --git a/src/libcargo/cargo.rc b/src/libcargo/cargo.rc
index 184deba04ca..1d94318bef4 100644
--- a/src/libcargo/cargo.rc
+++ b/src/libcargo/cargo.rc
@@ -36,3 +36,1982 @@ use core::*;
 mod pgp;
+use syntax::{ast, codemap, parse, visit, attr};
+use syntax::diagnostic::span_handler;
+use codemap::span;
+use rustc::metadata::filesearch::{get_cargo_root, get_cargo_root_nearest,
+                                     get_cargo_sysroot, libdir};
+use syntax::diagnostic;
+use result::{Ok, Err};
+use io::WriterUtil;
+use send_map::linear::LinearMap;
+use std::{map, json, tempfile, term, sort, getopts};
+use map::HashMap;
+use to_str::to_str;
+use getopts::{optflag, optopt, opt_present};
+use dvec::DVec;
+struct Package {
+    name: ~str,
+    uuid: ~str,
+    url: ~str,
+    method: ~str,
+    description: ~str,
+    reference: Option<~str>,
+    tags: ~[~str],
+    versions: ~[(~str, ~str)]
+impl Package : cmp::Ord {
+    #[cfg(stage0)]
+    pure fn lt(other: &Package) -> bool {
+        if self.name.lt(&(*other).name) { return true; }
+        if (*other).name.lt(&self.name) { return false; }
+        if self.uuid.lt(&(*other).uuid) { return true; }
+        if (*other).uuid.lt(&self.uuid) { return false; }
+        if self.url.lt(&(*other).url) { return true; }
+        if (*other).url.lt(&self.url) { return false; }
+        if self.method.lt(&(*other).method) { return true; }
+        if (*other).method.lt(&self.method) { return false; }
+        if self.description.lt(&(*other).description) { return true; }
+        if (*other).description.lt(&self.description) { return false; }
+        if self.tags.lt(&(*other).tags) { return true; }
+        if (*other).tags.lt(&self.tags) { return false; }
+        if self.versions.lt(&(*other).versions) { return true; }
+        return false;
+    }
+    #[cfg(stage1)]
+    #[cfg(stage2)]
+    pure fn lt(&self, other: &Package) -> bool {
+        if (*self).name.lt(&(*other).name) { return true; }
+        if (*other).name.lt(&(*self).name) { return false; }
+        if (*self).uuid.lt(&(*other).uuid) { return true; }
+        if (*other).uuid.lt(&(*self).uuid) { return false; }
+        if (*self).url.lt(&(*other).url) { return true; }
+        if (*other).url.lt(&(*self).url) { return false; }
+        if (*self).method.lt(&(*other).method) { return true; }
+        if (*other).method.lt(&(*self).method) { return false; }
+        if (*self).description.lt(&(*other).description) { return true; }
+        if (*other).description.lt(&(*self).description) { return false; }
+        if (*self).tags.lt(&(*other).tags) { return true; }
+        if (*other).tags.lt(&(*self).tags) { return false; }
+        if (*self).versions.lt(&(*other).versions) { return true; }
+        return false;
+    }
+    #[cfg(stage0)]
+    pure fn le(other: &Package) -> bool { !(*other).lt(&self) }
+    #[cfg(stage1)]
+    #[cfg(stage2)]
+    pure fn le(&self, other: &Package) -> bool { !(*other).lt(&(*self)) }
+    #[cfg(stage0)]
+    pure fn ge(other: &Package) -> bool { !self.lt(other)     }
+    #[cfg(stage1)]
+    #[cfg(stage2)]
+    pure fn ge(&self, other: &Package) -> bool { !(*self).lt(other)     }
+    #[cfg(stage0)]
+    pure fn gt(other: &Package) -> bool { (*other).lt(&self)  }
+    #[cfg(stage1)]
+    #[cfg(stage2)]
+    pure fn gt(&self, other: &Package) -> bool { (*other).lt(&(*self))  }
+struct Source {
+    name: ~str,
+    mut url: ~str,
+    mut method: ~str,
+    mut key: Option<~str>,
+    mut keyfp: Option<~str>,
+    packages: DVec<Package>
+struct Cargo {
+    pgp: bool,
+    root: Path,
+    installdir: Path,
+    bindir: Path,
+    libdir: Path,
+    workdir: Path,
+    sourcedir: Path,
+    sources: map::HashMap<~str, @Source>,
+    mut current_install: ~str,
+    dep_cache: map::HashMap<~str, bool>,
+    opts: Options
+struct Crate {
+    name: ~str,
+    vers: ~str,
+    uuid: ~str,
+    desc: Option<~str>,
+    sigs: Option<~str>,
+    crate_type: Option<~str>,
+    deps: ~[~str]
+struct Options {
+    test: bool,
+    mode: Mode,
+    free: ~[~str],
+    help: bool,
+enum Mode { SystemMode, UserMode, LocalMode }
+impl Mode : cmp::Eq {
+    #[cfg(stage0)]
+    pure fn eq(other: &Mode) -> bool {
+        (self as uint) == ((*other) as uint)
+    }
+    #[cfg(stage1)]
+    #[cfg(stage2)]
+    pure fn eq(&self, other: &Mode) -> bool {
+        ((*self) as uint) == ((*other) as uint)
+    }
+    #[cfg(stage0)]
+    pure fn ne(other: &Mode) -> bool { !self.eq(other) }
+    #[cfg(stage1)]
+    #[cfg(stage2)]
+    pure fn ne(&self, other: &Mode) -> bool { !(*self).eq(other) }
+fn opts() -> ~[getopts::Opt] {
+    ~[optflag(~"g"), optflag(~"G"), optflag(~"test"),
+     optflag(~"h"), optflag(~"help")]
+fn info(msg: ~str) {
+    let out = io::stdout();
+    if term::color_supported() {
+        term::fg(out, term::color_green);
+        out.write_str(~"info: ");
+        term::reset(out);
+        out.write_line(msg);
+    } else { out.write_line(~"info: " + msg); }
+fn warn(msg: ~str) {
+    let out = io::stdout();
+    if term::color_supported() {
+        term::fg(out, term::color_yellow);
+        out.write_str(~"warning: ");
+        term::reset(out);
+        out.write_line(msg);
+    }else { out.write_line(~"warning: " + msg); }
+fn error(msg: ~str) {
+    let out = io::stdout();
+    if term::color_supported() {
+        term::fg(out, term::color_red);
+        out.write_str(~"error: ");
+        term::reset(out);
+        out.write_line(msg);
+    }
+    else { out.write_line(~"error: " + msg); }
+fn is_uuid(id: ~str) -> bool {
+    let parts = str::split_str(id, ~"-");
+    if vec::len(parts) == 5u {
+        let mut correct = 0u;
+        for vec::eachi(parts) |i, part| {
+            fn is_hex_digit(+ch: char) -> bool {
+                ('0' <= ch && ch <= '9') ||
+                ('a' <= ch && ch <= 'f') ||
+                ('A' <= ch && ch <= 'F')
+            }
+            if !part.all(is_hex_digit) {
+                return false;
+            }
+            match i {
+                0u => {
+                    if part.len() == 8u {
+                        correct += 1u;
+                    }
+                }
+                1u | 2u | 3u => {
+                    if part.len() == 4u {
+                        correct += 1u;
+                    }
+                }
+                4u => {
+                    if part.len() == 12u {
+                        correct += 1u;
+                    }
+                }
+                _ => { }
+            }
+        }
+        if correct >= 5u {
+            return true;
+        }
+    }
+    return false;
+fn test_is_uuid() {
+    assert is_uuid(~"aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaafAF09");
+    assert !is_uuid(~"aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa");
+    assert !is_uuid(~"");
+    assert !is_uuid(~"aaaaaaaa-aaa -aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa");
+    assert !is_uuid(~"aaaaaaaa-aaa!-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa");
+    assert !is_uuid(~"aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa-a");
+    assert !is_uuid(~"aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaป");
+// FIXME (#2661): implement url/URL parsing so we don't have to resort
+// to weak checks
+fn has_archive_extension(p: ~str) -> bool {
+    str::ends_with(p, ~".tar") ||
+    str::ends_with(p, ~".tar.gz") ||
+    str::ends_with(p, ~".tar.bz2") ||
+    str::ends_with(p, ~".tar.Z") ||
+    str::ends_with(p, ~".tar.lz") ||
+    str::ends_with(p, ~".tar.xz") ||
+    str::ends_with(p, ~".tgz") ||
+    str::ends_with(p, ~".tbz") ||
+    str::ends_with(p, ~".tbz2") ||
+    str::ends_with(p, ~".tb2") ||
+    str::ends_with(p, ~".taz") ||
+    str::ends_with(p, ~".tlz") ||
+    str::ends_with(p, ~".txz")
+fn is_archive_path(u: ~str) -> bool {
+    has_archive_extension(u) && os::path_exists(&Path(u))
+fn is_archive_url(u: ~str) -> bool {
+    // FIXME (#2661): this requires the protocol bit - if we had proper
+    // url parsing, we wouldn't need it
+    match str::find_str(u, ~"://") {
+        option::Some(_) => has_archive_extension(u),
+        _ => false
+    }
+fn is_git_url(url: ~str) -> bool {
+    if str::ends_with(url, ~"/") { str::ends_with(url, ~".git/") }
+    else {
+        str::starts_with(url, ~"git://") || str::ends_with(url, ~".git")
+    }
+fn assume_source_method(url: ~str) -> ~str {
+    if is_git_url(url) {
+        return ~"git";
+    }
+    if str::starts_with(url, ~"file://") || os::path_exists(&Path(url)) {
+        return ~"file";
+    }
+    ~"curl"
+fn load_link(mis: ~[@ast::meta_item]) -> (Option<~str>,
+                                         Option<~str>,
+                                         Option<~str>) {
+    let mut name = None;
+    let mut vers = None;
+    let mut uuid = None;
+    for mis.each |a| {
+        match a.node {
+            ast::meta_name_value(v, {node: ast::lit_str(s), span: _}) => {
+                match v {
+                    ~"name" => name = Some(*s),
+                    ~"vers" => vers = Some(*s),
+                    ~"uuid" => uuid = Some(*s),
+                    _ => { }
+                }
+            }
+            _ => fail ~"load_link: meta items must be name-values"
+        }
+    }
+    (name, vers, uuid)
+fn load_crate(filename: &Path) -> Option<Crate> {
+    let sess = parse::new_parse_sess(None);
+    let c = parse::parse_crate_from_file(filename, ~[], sess);
+    let mut name = None;
+    let mut vers = None;
+    let mut uuid = None;
+    let mut desc = None;
+    let mut sigs = None;
+    let mut crate_type = None;
+    for c.node.attrs.each |a| {
+        match a.node.value.node {
+            ast::meta_name_value(v, {node: ast::lit_str(_), span: _}) => {
+                match v {
+                    ~"desc" => desc = Some(v),
+                    ~"sigs" => sigs = Some(v),
+                    ~"crate_type" => crate_type = Some(v),
+                    _ => { }
+                }
+            }
+            ast::meta_list(v, mis) => {
+                if v == ~"link" {
+                    let (n, v, u) = load_link(mis);
+                    name = n;
+                    vers = v;
+                    uuid = u;
+                }
+            }
+            _ => {
+                fail ~"crate attributes may not contain " +
+                     ~"meta_words";
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    type env = @{
+        mut deps: ~[~str]
+    };
+    fn goto_view_item(ps: syntax::parse::parse_sess, e: env,
+                      i: @ast::view_item) {
+        match i.node {
+            ast::view_item_use(ident, metas, _) => {
+                let name_items =
+                    attr::find_meta_items_by_name(metas, ~"name");
+                let m = if name_items.is_empty() {
+                    metas + ~[attr::mk_name_value_item_str(
+                        ~"name", *ps.interner.get(ident))]
+                } else {
+                    metas
+                };
+                let mut attr_name = ident;
+                let mut attr_vers = ~"";
+                let mut attr_from = ~"";
+              for m.each |item| {
+                    match attr::get_meta_item_value_str(*item) {
+                        Some(value) => {
+                            let name = attr::get_meta_item_name(*item);
+                            match name {
+                                ~"vers" => attr_vers = value,
+                                ~"from" => attr_from = value,
+                                _ => ()
+                            }
+                        }
+                        None => ()
+                    }
+                }
+                let query = if !str::is_empty(attr_from) {
+                    attr_from
+                } else {
+                    if !str::is_empty(attr_vers) {
+                        ps.interner.get(attr_name) + ~"@" + attr_vers
+                    } else { *ps.interner.get(attr_name) }
+                };
+                match *ps.interner.get(attr_name) {
+                    ~"std" | ~"core" => (),
+                    _ => e.deps.push(query)
+                }
+            }
+            _ => ()
+        }
+    }
+    fn goto_item(_e: env, _i: @ast::item) {
+    }
+    let e = @{
+        mut deps: ~[]
+    };
+    let v = visit::mk_simple_visitor(@{
+        visit_view_item: |a| goto_view_item(sess, e, a),
+        visit_item: |a| goto_item(e, a),
+        .. *visit::default_simple_visitor()
+    });
+    visit::visit_crate(*c, (), v);
+    let deps = copy e.deps;
+    match (name, vers, uuid) {
+        (Some(name0), Some(vers0), Some(uuid0)) => {
+            Some(Crate {
+                name: name0,
+                vers: vers0,
+                uuid: uuid0,
+                desc: desc,
+                sigs: sigs,
+                crate_type: crate_type,
+                deps: deps })
+        }
+        _ => return None
+    }
+fn print(s: ~str) {
+    io::stdout().write_line(s);
+fn rest(s: ~str, start: uint) -> ~str {
+    if (start >= str::len(s)) {
+        ~""
+    } else {
+        str::slice(s, start, str::len(s))
+    }
+fn need_dir(s: &Path) {
+    if os::path_is_dir(s) { return; }
+    if !os::make_dir(s, 493_i32 /* oct: 755 */) {
+        fail fmt!("can't make_dir %s", s.to_str());
+    }
+fn valid_pkg_name(s: &str) -> bool {
+    fn is_valid_digit(+c: char) -> bool {
+        ('0' <= c && c <= '9') ||
+        ('a' <= c && c <= 'z') ||
+        ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') ||
+        c == '-' ||
+        c == '_'
+    }
+    s.all(is_valid_digit)
+fn parse_source(name: ~str, j: &json::Json) -> @Source {
+    if !valid_pkg_name(name) {
+        fail fmt!("'%s' is an invalid source name", name);
+    }
+    match *j {
+        json::Object(j) => {
+            let mut url = match j.find(&~"url") {
+                Some(json::String(u)) => u,
+                _ => fail ~"needed 'url' field in source"
+            };
+            let method = match j.find(&~"method") {
+                Some(json::String(u)) => u,
+                _ => assume_source_method(url)
+            };
+            let key = match j.find(&~"key") {
+                Some(json::String(u)) => Some(u),
+                _ => None
+            };
+            let keyfp = match j.find(&~"keyfp") {
+                Some(json::String(u)) => Some(u),
+                _ => None
+            };
+            if method == ~"file" {
+                url = os::make_absolute(&Path(url)).to_str();
+            }
+            return @Source {
+                name: name,
+                mut url: url,
+                mut method: method,
+                mut key: key,
+                mut keyfp: keyfp,
+                packages: DVec() };
+        }
+        _ => fail ~"needed dict value in source"
+    };
+fn try_parse_sources(filename: &Path, sources: map::HashMap<~str, @Source>) {
+    if !os::path_exists(filename)  { return; }
+    let c = io::read_whole_file_str(filename);
+    match json::from_str(c.get()) {
+        Ok(json::Object(j)) => {
+            for j.each |k, v| {
+                sources.insert(copy *k, parse_source(*k, v));
+                debug!("source: %s", *k);
+            }
+        }
+        Ok(_) => fail ~"malformed sources.json",
+        Err(e) => fail fmt!("%s:%s", filename.to_str(), e.to_str())
+    }
+fn load_one_source_package(src: @Source, p: &json::Object) {
+    let name = match p.find(&~"name") {
+        Some(json::String(n)) => {
+            if !valid_pkg_name(n) {
+                warn(~"malformed source json: "
+                     + src.name + ~", '" + n + ~"'"+
+                     ~" is an invalid name (alphanumeric, underscores and" +
+                     ~" dashes only)");
+                return;
+            }
+            n
+        }
+        _ => {
+            warn(~"malformed source json: " + src.name + ~" (missing name)");
+            return;
+        }
+    };
+    let uuid = match p.find(&~"uuid") {
+        Some(json::String(n)) => {
+            if !is_uuid(n) {
+                warn(~"malformed source json: "
+                     + src.name + ~", '" + n + ~"'"+
+                     ~" is an invalid uuid");
+                return;
+            }
+            n
+        }
+        _ => {
+            warn(~"malformed source json: " + src.name + ~" (missing uuid)");
+            return;
+        }
+    };
+    let url = match p.find(&~"url") {
+        Some(json::String(n)) => n,
+        _ => {
+            warn(~"malformed source json: " + src.name + ~" (missing url)");
+            return;
+        }
+    };
+    let method = match p.find(&~"method") {
+        Some(json::String(n)) => n,
+        _ => {
+            warn(~"malformed source json: "
+                 + src.name + ~" (missing method)");
+            return;
+        }
+    };
+    let reference = match p.find(&~"ref") {
+        Some(json::String(n)) => Some(n),
+        _ => None
+    };
+    let mut tags = ~[];
+    match p.find(&~"tags") {
+        Some(json::List(js)) => {
+          for js.each |j| {
+                match *j {
+                    json::String(ref j) => tags.grow(1u, j),
+                    _ => ()
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        _ => ()
+    }
+    let description = match p.find(&~"description") {
+        Some(json::String(n)) => n,
+        _ => {
+            warn(~"malformed source json: " + src.name
+                 + ~" (missing description)");
+            return;
+        }
+    };
+    let newpkg = Package {
+        name: name,
+        uuid: uuid,
+        url: url,
+        method: method,
+        description: description,
+        reference: reference,
+        tags: tags,
+        versions: ~[]
+    };
+    match src.packages.position(|pkg| pkg.uuid == uuid) {
+        Some(idx) => {
+            src.packages.set_elt(idx, newpkg);
+            log(debug, ~"  updated package: " + src.name + ~"/" + name);
+        }
+        None => {
+            src.packages.push(newpkg);
+        }
+    }
+    log(debug, ~"  loaded package: " + src.name + ~"/" + name);
+fn load_source_info(c: &Cargo, src: @Source) {
+    let dir = c.sourcedir.push(src.name);
+    let srcfile = dir.push("source.json");
+    if !os::path_exists(&srcfile) { return; }
+    let srcstr = io::read_whole_file_str(&srcfile);
+    match json::from_str(srcstr.get()) {
+        Ok(ref json @ json::Object(_)) => {
+            let o = parse_source(src.name, json);
+            src.key = o.key;
+            src.keyfp = o.keyfp;
+        }
+        Ok(_) => {
+            warn(~"malformed source.json: " + src.name +
+                 ~"(source info is not a dict)");
+        }
+        Err(e) => {
+            warn(fmt!("%s:%s", src.name, e.to_str()));
+        }
+    };
+fn load_source_packages(c: &Cargo, src: @Source) {
+    log(debug, ~"loading source: " + src.name);
+    let dir = c.sourcedir.push(src.name);
+    let pkgfile = dir.push("packages.json");
+    if !os::path_exists(&pkgfile) { return; }
+    let pkgstr = io::read_whole_file_str(&pkgfile);
+    match json::from_str(pkgstr.get()) {
+        Ok(json::List(js)) => {
+          for js.each |j| {
+                match *j {
+                    json::Object(p) => {
+                        load_one_source_package(src, p);
+                    }
+                    _ => {
+                        warn(~"malformed source json: " + src.name +
+                             ~" (non-dict pkg)");
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        Ok(_) => {
+            warn(~"malformed packages.json: " + src.name +
+                 ~"(packages is not a list)");
+        }
+        Err(e) => {
+            warn(fmt!("%s:%s", src.name, e.to_str()));
+        }
+    };
+fn build_cargo_options(argv: ~[~str]) -> Options {
+    let matches = match getopts::getopts(argv, opts()) {
+        result::Ok(m) => m,
+        result::Err(f) => {
+            fail fmt!("%s", getopts::fail_str(f));
+        }
+    };
+    let test = opt_present(matches, ~"test");
+    let G    = opt_present(matches, ~"G");
+    let g    = opt_present(matches, ~"g");
+    let help = opt_present(matches, ~"h") || opt_present(matches, ~"help");
+    let len  = vec::len(matches.free);
+    let is_install = len > 1u && matches.free[1] == ~"install";
+    let is_uninstall = len > 1u && matches.free[1] == ~"uninstall";
+    if G && g { fail ~"-G and -g both provided"; }
+    if !is_install && !is_uninstall && (g || G) {
+        fail ~"-g and -G are only valid for `install` and `uninstall|rm`";
+    }
+    let mode =
+        if (!is_install && !is_uninstall) || g { UserMode }
+        else if G { SystemMode }
+        else { LocalMode };
+    Options {test: test, mode: mode, free: matches.free, help: help}
+fn configure(opts: Options) -> Cargo {
+    let home = match get_cargo_root() {
+        Ok(home) => home,
+        Err(_err) => get_cargo_sysroot().get()
+    };
+    let get_cargo_dir = match opts.mode {
+        SystemMode => get_cargo_sysroot,
+        UserMode => get_cargo_root,
+        LocalMode => get_cargo_root_nearest
+    };
+    let p = get_cargo_dir().get();
+    let sources = HashMap();
+    try_parse_sources(&home.push("sources.json"), sources);
+    try_parse_sources(&home.push("local-sources.json"), sources);
+    let dep_cache = HashMap();
+    let mut c = Cargo {
+        pgp: pgp::supported(),
+        root: home,
+        installdir: p,
+        bindir: p.push("bin"),
+        libdir: p.push("lib"),
+        workdir: p.push("work"),
+        sourcedir: home.push("sources"),
+        sources: sources,
+        mut current_install: ~"",
+        dep_cache: dep_cache,
+        opts: opts
+    };
+    need_dir(&c.root);
+    need_dir(&c.installdir);
+    need_dir(&c.sourcedir);
+    need_dir(&c.workdir);
+    need_dir(&c.libdir);
+    need_dir(&c.bindir);
+    for sources.each_key |k| {
+        let mut s = sources.get(k);
+        load_source_packages(&c, s);
+        sources.insert(k, s);
+    }
+    if c.pgp {
+        pgp::init(&c.root);
+    } else {
+        warn(~"command `gpg` was not found");
+        warn(~"you have to install gpg from source " +
+             ~" or package manager to get it to work correctly");
+    }
+    move c
+fn for_each_package(c: &Cargo, b: fn(s: @Source, p: &Package)) {
+    for c.sources.each_value |v| {
+        for v.packages.each |p| {
+            b(v, p);
+        }
+    }
+// Runs all programs in directory <buildpath>
+fn run_programs(buildpath: &Path) {
+    let newv = os::list_dir_path(buildpath);
+    for newv.each |ct| {
+        run::run_program(ct.to_str(), ~[]);
+    }
+// Runs rustc in <path + subdir> with the given flags
+// and returns <patho + subdir>
+fn run_in_buildpath(what: &str, path: &Path, subdir: &Path, cf: &Path,
+                    extra_flags: ~[~str]) -> Option<Path> {
+    let buildpath = path.push_rel(subdir);
+    need_dir(&buildpath);
+    debug!("%s: %s -> %s", what, cf.to_str(), buildpath.to_str());
+    let p = run::program_output(rustc_sysroot(),
+                                ~[~"--out-dir",
+                                  buildpath.to_str(),
+                                  cf.to_str()] + extra_flags);
+    if p.status != 0 {
+        error(fmt!("rustc failed: %d\n%s\n%s", p.status, p.err, p.out));
+        return None;
+    }
+    Some(buildpath)
+fn test_one_crate(_c: &Cargo, path: &Path, cf: &Path) {
+    let buildpath = match run_in_buildpath(~"testing", path,
+                                           &Path("test"),
+                                           cf,
+                                           ~[ ~"--test"]) {
+      None => return,
+    Some(bp) => bp
+  };
+  run_programs(&buildpath);
+fn install_one_crate(c: &Cargo, path: &Path, cf: &Path) {
+    let buildpath = match run_in_buildpath(~"installing", path,
+                                           &Path("build"),
+                                           cf, ~[]) {
+      None => return,
+      Some(bp) => bp
+    };
+    let newv = os::list_dir_path(&buildpath);
+    let exec_suffix = os::exe_suffix();
+    for newv.each |ct| {
+        if (exec_suffix != ~"" && str::ends_with(ct.to_str(),
+                                                 exec_suffix)) ||
+            (exec_suffix == ~"" &&
+             !str::starts_with(ct.filename().get(),
+                               ~"lib")) {
+            debug!("  bin: %s", ct.to_str());
+            install_to_dir(*ct, &c.bindir);
+            if c.opts.mode == SystemMode {
+                // FIXME (#2662): Put this file in PATH / symlink it so it can
+                // be used as a generic executable
+                // `cargo install -G rustray` and `rustray file.obj`
+            }
+        } else {
+            debug!("  lib: %s", ct.to_str());
+            install_to_dir(*ct, &c.libdir);
+        }
+    }
+fn rustc_sysroot() -> ~str {
+    match os::self_exe_path() {
+        Some(path) => {
+            let rustc = path.push_many([~"..", ~"bin", ~"rustc"]);
+            debug!("  rustc: %s", rustc.to_str());
+            rustc.to_str()
+        }
+        None => ~"rustc"
+    }
+fn install_source(c: &Cargo, path: &Path) {
+    debug!("source: %s", path.to_str());
+    os::change_dir(path);
+    let mut cratefiles = ~[];
+    for os::walk_dir(&Path(".")) |p| {
+        if p.filetype() == Some(~".rc") {
+            cratefiles.push(*p);
+        }
+    }
+    if vec::is_empty(cratefiles) {
+        fail ~"this doesn't look like a rust package (no .rc files)";
+    }
+    for cratefiles.each |cf| {
+        match load_crate(cf) {
+            None => loop,
+            Some(crate) => {
+              for crate.deps.each |query| {
+                    // FIXME (#1356): handle cyclic dependencies
+                    // (n.b. #1356 says "Cyclic dependency is an error
+                    // condition")
+                    let wd = get_temp_workdir(c);
+                    install_query(c, &wd, *query);
+                }
+                os::change_dir(path);
+                if c.opts.test {
+                    test_one_crate(c, path, cf);
+                }
+                install_one_crate(c, path, cf);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+fn install_git(c: &Cargo, wd: &Path, url: ~str, reference: Option<~str>) {
+    run::program_output(~"git", ~[~"clone", url, wd.to_str()]);
+    if reference.is_some() {
+        let r = reference.get();
+        os::change_dir(wd);
+        run::run_program(~"git", ~[~"checkout", r]);
+    }
+    install_source(c, wd);
+fn install_curl(c: &Cargo, wd: &Path, url: ~str) {
+    let tarpath = wd.push("pkg.tar");
+    let p = run::program_output(~"curl", ~[~"-f", ~"-s", ~"-o",
+                                         tarpath.to_str(), url]);
+    if p.status != 0 {
+        fail fmt!("fetch of %s failed: %s", url, p.err);
+    }
+    run::run_program(~"tar", ~[~"-x", ~"--strip-components=1",
+                               ~"-C", wd.to_str(),
+                               ~"-f", tarpath.to_str()]);
+    install_source(c, wd);
+fn install_file(c: &Cargo, wd: &Path, path: &Path) {
+    run::program_output(~"tar", ~[~"-x", ~"--strip-components=1",
+                                  ~"-C", wd.to_str(),
+                                  ~"-f", path.to_str()]);
+    install_source(c, wd);
+fn install_package(c: &Cargo, src: ~str, wd: &Path, pkg: Package) {
+    let url = copy pkg.url;
+    let method = match pkg.method {
+        ~"git" => ~"git",
+        ~"file" => ~"file",
+        _ => ~"curl"
+    };
+    info(fmt!("installing %s/%s via %s...", src, pkg.name, method));
+    match method {
+        ~"git" => install_git(c, wd, url, copy pkg.reference),
+        ~"file" => install_file(c, wd, &Path(url)),
+        ~"curl" => install_curl(c, wd, url),
+        _ => ()
+    }
+fn cargo_suggestion(c: &Cargo, fallback: fn())
+    if c.sources.size() == 0u {
+        error(~"no sources defined - you may wish to run " +
+              ~"`cargo init`");
+        return;
+    }
+    fallback();
+fn install_uuid(c: &Cargo, wd: &Path, uuid: ~str) {
+    let mut ps = ~[];
+    for_each_package(c, |s, p| {
+        if p.uuid == uuid {
+            vec::push(&mut ps, (s.name, copy *p));
+        }
+    });
+    if vec::len(ps) == 1u {
+        let (sname, p) = copy ps[0];
+        install_package(c, sname, wd, p);
+        return;
+    } else if vec::len(ps) == 0u {
+        cargo_suggestion(c, || {
+            error(~"can't find package: " + uuid);
+        });
+        return;
+    }
+    error(~"found multiple packages:");
+    for ps.each |elt| {
+        let (sname,p) = copy *elt;
+        info(~"  " + sname + ~"/" + p.uuid + ~" (" + p.name + ~")");
+    }
+fn install_named(c: &Cargo, wd: &Path, name: ~str) {
+    let mut ps = ~[];
+    for_each_package(c, |s, p| {
+        if p.name == name {
+            vec::push(&mut ps, (s.name, copy *p));
+        }
+    });
+    if vec::len(ps) == 1u {
+        let (sname, p) = copy ps[0];
+        install_package(c, sname, wd, p);
+        return;
+    } else if vec::len(ps) == 0u {
+        cargo_suggestion(c, || {
+            error(~"can't find package: " + name);
+        });
+        return;
+    }
+    error(~"found multiple packages:");
+    for ps.each |elt| {
+        let (sname,p) = copy *elt;
+        info(~"  " + sname + ~"/" + p.uuid + ~" (" + p.name + ~")");
+    }
+fn install_uuid_specific(c: &Cargo, wd: &Path, src: ~str, uuid: ~str) {
+    match c.sources.find(src) {
+        Some(s) => {
+            for s.packages.each |p| {
+                if p.uuid == uuid {
+                    install_package(c, src, wd, *p);
+                    return;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        _ => ()
+    }
+    error(~"can't find package: " + src + ~"/" + uuid);
+fn install_named_specific(c: &Cargo, wd: &Path, src: ~str, name: ~str) {
+    match c.sources.find(src) {
+        Some(s) => {
+            for s.packages.each |p| {
+                if p.name == name {
+                    install_package(c, src, wd, *p);
+                    return;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        _ => ()
+    }
+    error(~"can't find package: " + src + ~"/" + name);
+fn cmd_uninstall(c: &Cargo) {
+    if vec::len(c.opts.free) < 3u {
+        cmd_usage();
+        return;
+    }
+    let lib = &c.libdir;
+    let bin = &c.bindir;
+    let target = c.opts.free[2u];
+    // FIXME (#2662): needs stronger pattern matching
+    // FIXME (#2662): needs to uninstall from a specified location in a
+    // cache instead of looking for it (binaries can be uninstalled by
+    // name only)
+    fn try_uninstall(p: &Path) -> bool {
+        if os::remove_file(p) {
+            info(~"uninstalled: '" + p.to_str() + ~"'");
+            true
+        } else {
+            error(~"could not uninstall: '" +
+                  p.to_str() + ~"'");
+            false
+        }
+    }
+    if is_uuid(target) {
+        for os::list_dir(lib).each |file| {
+            match str::find_str(*file, ~"-" + target + ~"-") {
+              Some(_) => if !try_uninstall(&lib.push(*file)) { return },
+              None => ()
+            }
+        }
+        error(~"can't find package with uuid: " + target);
+    } else {
+        for os::list_dir(lib).each |file| {
+            match str::find_str(*file, ~"lib" + target + ~"-") {
+              Some(_) => if !try_uninstall(&lib.push(*file)) { return },
+              None => ()
+            }
+        }
+        for os::list_dir(bin).each |file| {
+            match str::find_str(*file, target) {
+              Some(_) => if !try_uninstall(&lib.push(*file)) { return },
+              None => ()
+            }
+        }
+        error(~"can't find package with name: " + target);
+    }
+fn install_query(c: &Cargo, wd: &Path, target: ~str) {
+    match c.dep_cache.find(target) {
+        Some(inst) => {
+            if inst {
+                return;
+            }
+        }
+        None => ()
+    }
+    c.dep_cache.insert(target, true);
+    if is_archive_path(target) {
+        install_file(c, wd, &Path(target));
+        return;
+    } else if is_git_url(target) {
+        let reference = if c.opts.free.len() >= 4u {
+            Some(c.opts.free[3u])
+        } else {
+            None
+        };
+        install_git(c, wd, target, reference);
+    } else if !valid_pkg_name(target) && has_archive_extension(target) {
+        install_curl(c, wd, target);
+        return;
+    } else {
+        let mut ps = copy target;
+        match str::find_char(ps, '/') {
+            option::Some(idx) => {
+                let source = str::slice(ps, 0u, idx);
+                ps = str::slice(ps, idx + 1u, str::len(ps));
+                if is_uuid(ps) {
+                    install_uuid_specific(c, wd, source, ps);
+                } else {
+                    install_named_specific(c, wd, source, ps);
+                }
+            }
+            option::None => {
+                if is_uuid(ps) {
+                    install_uuid(c, wd, ps);
+                } else {
+                    install_named(c, wd, ps);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // FIXME (#2662): This whole dep_cache and current_install thing is
+    // a bit of a hack. It should be cleaned up in the future.
+    if target == c.current_install {
+        for c.dep_cache.each |k, _v| {
+            c.dep_cache.remove(k);
+        }
+        c.current_install = ~"";
+    }
+fn get_temp_workdir(c: &Cargo) -> Path {
+    match tempfile::mkdtemp(&c.workdir, "cargo") {
+      Some(wd) => wd,
+      None => fail fmt!("needed temp dir: %s",
+                        c.workdir.to_str())
+    }
+fn cmd_install(c: &Cargo) unsafe {
+    let wd = get_temp_workdir(c);
+    if vec::len(c.opts.free) == 2u {
+        let cwd = os::getcwd();
+        let status = run::run_program(~"cp", ~[~"-R", cwd.to_str(),
+                                               wd.to_str()]);
+        if status != 0 {
+            fail fmt!("could not copy directory: %s", cwd.to_str());
+        }
+        install_source(c, &wd);
+        return;
+    }
+    sync(c);
+    let query = c.opts.free[2];
+    c.current_install = query.to_str();
+    install_query(c, &wd, query);
+fn sync(c: &Cargo) {
+    for c.sources.each_key |k| {
+        let mut s = c.sources.get(k);
+        sync_one(c, s);
+        c.sources.insert(k, s);
+    }
+fn sync_one_file(c: &Cargo, dir: &Path, src: @Source) -> bool {
+    let name = src.name;
+    let srcfile = dir.push("source.json.new");
+    let destsrcfile = dir.push("source.json");
+    let pkgfile = dir.push("packages.json.new");
+    let destpkgfile = dir.push("packages.json");
+    let keyfile = dir.push("key.gpg");
+    let srcsigfile = dir.push("source.json.sig");
+    let sigfile = dir.push("packages.json.sig");
+    let url = Path(src.url);
+    let mut has_src_file = false;
+    if !os::copy_file(&url.push("packages.json"), &pkgfile) {
+        error(fmt!("fetch for source %s (url %s) failed",
+                   name, url.to_str()));
+        return false;
+    }
+    if os::copy_file(&url.push("source.json"), &srcfile) {
+        has_src_file = false;
+    }
+    os::copy_file(&url.push("source.json.sig"), &srcsigfile);
+    os::copy_file(&url.push("packages.json.sig"), &sigfile);
+    match copy src.key {
+        Some(u) => {
+            let p = run::program_output(~"curl",
+                                        ~[~"-f", ~"-s",
+                                          ~"-o", keyfile.to_str(), u]);
+            if p.status != 0 {
+                error(fmt!("fetch for source %s (key %s) failed", name, u));
+                return false;
+            }
+            pgp::add(&c.root, &keyfile);
+        }
+        _ => ()
+    }
+    match (src.key, src.keyfp) {
+        (Some(_), Some(f)) => {
+            let r = pgp::verify(&c.root, &pkgfile, &sigfile);
+            if !r {
+                error(fmt!("signature verification failed for source %s with \
+                            key %s", name, f));
+                return false;
+            }
+            if has_src_file {
+                let e = pgp::verify(&c.root, &srcfile, &srcsigfile);
+                if !e {
+                    error(fmt!("signature verification failed for source %s \
+                                with key %s", name, f));
+                    return false;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        _ => ()
+    }
+    copy_warn(&pkgfile, &destpkgfile);
+    if has_src_file {
+        copy_warn(&srcfile, &destsrcfile);
+    }
+    os::remove_file(&keyfile);
+    os::remove_file(&srcfile);
+    os::remove_file(&srcsigfile);
+    os::remove_file(&pkgfile);
+    os::remove_file(&sigfile);
+    info(fmt!("synced source: %s", name));
+    return true;
+fn sync_one_git(c: &Cargo, dir: &Path, src: @Source) -> bool {
+    let name = src.name;
+    let srcfile = dir.push("source.json");
+    let pkgfile = dir.push("packages.json");
+    let keyfile = dir.push("key.gpg");
+    let srcsigfile = dir.push("source.json.sig");
+    let sigfile = dir.push("packages.json.sig");
+    let url = src.url;
+    fn rollback(name: ~str, dir: &Path, insecure: bool) {
+        fn msg(name: ~str, insecure: bool) {
+            error(fmt!("could not rollback source: %s", name));
+            if insecure {
+                warn(~"a past security check failed on source " +
+                     name + ~" and rolling back the source failed -"
+                     + ~" this source may be compromised");
+            }
+        }
+        if !os::change_dir(dir) {
+            msg(name, insecure);
+        }
+        else {
+            let p = run::program_output(~"git", ~[~"reset", ~"--hard",
+                                                ~"HEAD@{1}"]);
+            if p.status != 0 {
+                msg(name, insecure);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if !os::path_exists(&dir.push(".git")) {
+        let p = run::program_output(~"git", ~[~"clone", url, dir.to_str()]);
+        if p.status != 0 {
+            error(fmt!("fetch for source %s (url %s) failed", name, url));
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+        if !os::change_dir(dir) {
+            error(fmt!("fetch for source %s (url %s) failed", name, url));
+            return false;
+        }
+        let p = run::program_output(~"git", ~[~"pull"]);
+        if p.status != 0 {
+            error(fmt!("fetch for source %s (url %s) failed", name, url));
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    let has_src_file = os::path_exists(&srcfile);
+    match copy src.key {
+        Some(u) => {
+            let p = run::program_output(~"curl",
+                                        ~[~"-f", ~"-s",
+                                          ~"-o", keyfile.to_str(), u]);
+            if p.status != 0 {
+                error(fmt!("fetch for source %s (key %s) failed", name, u));
+                rollback(name, dir, false);
+                return false;
+            }
+            pgp::add(&c.root, &keyfile);
+        }
+        _ => ()
+    }
+    match (src.key, src.keyfp) {
+        (Some(_), Some(f)) => {
+            let r = pgp::verify(&c.root, &pkgfile, &sigfile);
+            if !r {
+                error(fmt!("signature verification failed for source %s with \
+                            key %s", name, f));
+                rollback(name, dir, false);
+                return false;
+            }
+            if has_src_file {
+                let e = pgp::verify(&c.root, &srcfile, &srcsigfile);
+                if !e {
+                    error(fmt!("signature verification failed for source %s \
+                                with key %s", name, f));
+                    rollback(name, dir, false);
+                    return false;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        _ => ()
+    }
+    os::remove_file(&keyfile);
+    info(fmt!("synced source: %s", name));
+    return true;
+fn sync_one_curl(c: &Cargo, dir: &Path, src: @Source) -> bool {
+    let name = src.name;
+    let srcfile = dir.push("source.json.new");
+    let destsrcfile = dir.push("source.json");
+    let pkgfile = dir.push("packages.json.new");
+    let destpkgfile = dir.push("packages.json");
+    let keyfile = dir.push("key.gpg");
+    let srcsigfile = dir.push("source.json.sig");
+    let sigfile = dir.push("packages.json.sig");
+    let mut url = src.url;
+    let smart = !str::ends_with(src.url, ~"packages.json");
+    let mut has_src_file = false;
+    if smart {
+        url += ~"/packages.json";
+    }
+    let p = run::program_output(~"curl",
+                                ~[~"-f", ~"-s",
+                                  ~"-o", pkgfile.to_str(), url]);
+    if p.status != 0 {
+        error(fmt!("fetch for source %s (url %s) failed", name, url));
+        return false;
+    }
+    if smart {
+        url = src.url + ~"/source.json";
+        let p =
+            run::program_output(~"curl",
+                                ~[~"-f", ~"-s",
+                                  ~"-o", srcfile.to_str(), url]);
+        if p.status == 0 {
+            has_src_file = true;
+        }
+    }
+    match copy src.key {
+       Some(u) => {
+            let p = run::program_output(~"curl",
+                                        ~[~"-f", ~"-s",
+                                          ~"-o", keyfile.to_str(), u]);
+            if p.status != 0 {
+                error(fmt!("fetch for source %s (key %s) failed", name, u));
+                return false;
+            }
+            pgp::add(&c.root, &keyfile);
+        }
+        _ => ()
+    }
+    match (src.key, src.keyfp) {
+        (Some(_), Some(f)) => {
+            if smart {
+                url = src.url + ~"/packages.json.sig";
+            }
+            else {
+                url = src.url + ~".sig";
+            }
+            let mut p = run::program_output(~"curl",
+                                            ~[~"-f", ~"-s", ~"-o",
+                                              sigfile.to_str(), url]);
+            if p.status != 0 {
+                error(fmt!("fetch for source %s (sig %s) failed", name, url));
+                return false;
+            }
+            let r = pgp::verify(&c.root, &pkgfile, &sigfile);
+            if !r {
+                error(fmt!("signature verification failed for source %s with \
+                            key %s", name, f));
+                return false;
+            }
+            if smart && has_src_file {
+                url = src.url + ~"/source.json.sig";
+                p = run::program_output(~"curl",
+                                        ~[~"-f", ~"-s", ~"-o",
+                                          srcsigfile.to_str(), url]);
+                if p.status != 0 {
+                    error(fmt!("fetch for source %s (sig %s) failed",
+                          name, url));
+                    return false;
+                }
+                let e = pgp::verify(&c.root, &srcfile, &srcsigfile);
+                if !e {
+                    error(~"signature verification failed for " +
+                          ~"source " + name + ~" with key " + f);
+                    return false;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        _ => ()
+    }
+    copy_warn(&pkgfile, &destpkgfile);
+    if smart && has_src_file {
+        copy_warn(&srcfile, &destsrcfile);
+    }
+    os::remove_file(&keyfile);
+    os::remove_file(&srcfile);
+    os::remove_file(&srcsigfile);
+    os::remove_file(&pkgfile);
+    os::remove_file(&sigfile);
+    info(fmt!("synced source: %s", name));
+    return true;
+fn sync_one(c: &Cargo, src: @Source) {
+    let name = src.name;
+    let dir = c.sourcedir.push(name);
+    info(fmt!("syncing source: %s...", name));
+    need_dir(&dir);
+    let result = match src.method {
+        ~"git" => sync_one_git(c, &dir, src),
+        ~"file" => sync_one_file(c, &dir, src),
+        _ => sync_one_curl(c, &dir, src)
+    };
+    if result {
+        load_source_info(c, src);
+        load_source_packages(c, src);
+    }
+fn cmd_init(c: &Cargo) {
+    let srcurl = ~"http://www.rust-lang.org/cargo/sources.json";
+    let sigurl = ~"http://www.rust-lang.org/cargo/sources.json.sig";
+    let srcfile = c.root.push("sources.json.new");
+    let sigfile = c.root.push("sources.json.sig");
+    let destsrcfile = c.root.push("sources.json");
+    let p =
+        run::program_output(~"curl", ~[~"-f", ~"-s",
+                                       ~"-o", srcfile.to_str(), srcurl]);
+    if p.status != 0 {
+        error(fmt!("fetch of sources.json failed: %s", p.out));
+        return;
+    }
+    let p =
+        run::program_output(~"curl", ~[~"-f", ~"-s",
+                                       ~"-o", sigfile.to_str(), sigurl]);
+    if p.status != 0 {
+        error(fmt!("fetch of sources.json.sig failed: %s", p.out));
+        return;
+    }
+    let r = pgp::verify(&c.root, &srcfile, &sigfile);
+    if !r {
+        error(fmt!("signature verification failed for '%s'",
+                   srcfile.to_str()));
+        return;
+    }
+    copy_warn(&srcfile, &destsrcfile);
+    os::remove_file(&srcfile);
+    os::remove_file(&sigfile);
+    info(fmt!("initialized .cargo in %s", c.root.to_str()));
+fn print_pkg(s: @Source, p: &Package) {
+    let mut m = s.name + ~"/" + p.name + ~" (" + p.uuid + ~")";
+    if vec::len(p.tags) > 0u {
+        m = m + ~" [" + str::connect(p.tags, ~", ") + ~"]";
+    }
+    info(m);
+    if p.description != ~"" {
+        print(~"   >> " + p.description + ~"\n")
+    }
+fn print_source(s: @Source) {
+    info(s.name + ~" (" + s.url + ~")");
+    let pks = sort::merge_sort(s.packages.get(), sys::shape_lt);
+    let l = vec::len(pks);
+    print(io::with_str_writer(|writer| {
+        let mut list = ~"   >> ";
+        for vec::eachi(pks) |i, pk| {
+            if str::len(list) > 78u {
+                writer.write_line(list);
+                list = ~"   >> ";
+            }
+            list += pk.name + (if l - 1u == i { ~"" } else { ~", " });
+        }
+        writer.write_line(list);
+    }));
+fn cmd_list(c: &Cargo) {
+    sync(c);
+    if vec::len(c.opts.free) >= 3u {
+        let v = vec::view(c.opts.free, 2u, vec::len(c.opts.free));
+        for vec::each(v) |name| {
+            if !valid_pkg_name(*name) {
+                error(fmt!("'%s' is an invalid source name", *name));
+            } else {
+                match c.sources.find(*name) {
+                    Some(source) => {
+                        print_source(source);
+                    }
+                    None => {
+                        error(fmt!("no such source: %s", *name));
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    } else {
+        for c.sources.each_value |v| {
+            print_source(v);
+        }
+    }
+fn cmd_search(c: &Cargo) {
+    if vec::len(c.opts.free) < 3u {
+        cmd_usage();
+        return;
+    }
+    sync(c);
+    let mut n = 0;
+    let name = c.opts.free[2];
+    let tags = vec::slice(c.opts.free, 3u, vec::len(c.opts.free));
+    for_each_package(c, |s, p| {
+        if (str::contains(p.name, name) || name == ~"*") &&
+            vec::all(tags, |t| vec::contains(p.tags, t) ) {
+            print_pkg(s, p);
+            n += 1;
+        }
+    });
+    info(fmt!("found %d packages", n));
+fn install_to_dir(srcfile: &Path, destdir: &Path) {
+    let newfile = destdir.push(srcfile.filename().get());
+    let status = run::run_program(~"cp", ~[~"-r", srcfile.to_str(),
+                                           newfile.to_str()]);
+    if status == 0 {
+        info(fmt!("installed: '%s'", newfile.to_str()));
+    } else {
+        error(fmt!("could not install: '%s'", newfile.to_str()));
+    }
+fn dump_cache(c: &Cargo) {
+    need_dir(&c.root);
+    let out = c.root.push("cache.json");
+    let _root = json::Object(~LinearMap());
+    if os::path_exists(&out) {
+        copy_warn(&out, &c.root.push("cache.json.old"));
+    }
+fn dump_sources(c: &Cargo) {
+    if c.sources.size() < 1u {
+        return;
+    }
+    need_dir(&c.root);
+    let out = c.root.push("sources.json");
+    if os::path_exists(&out) {
+        copy_warn(&out, &c.root.push("sources.json.old"));
+    }
+    match io::buffered_file_writer(&out) {
+        result::Ok(writer) => {
+            let mut hash = ~LinearMap();
+            for c.sources.each |k, v| {
+                let mut chash = ~LinearMap();
+                chash.insert(~"url", json::String(v.url));
+                chash.insert(~"method", json::String(v.method));
+                match copy v.key {
+                    Some(key) => {
+                        chash.insert(~"key", json::String(copy key));
+                    }
+                    _ => ()
+                }
+                match copy v.keyfp {
+                    Some(keyfp) => {
+                        chash.insert(~"keyfp", json::String(copy keyfp));
+                    }
+                    _ => ()
+                }
+                hash.insert(copy k, json::Object(move chash));
+            }
+            json::to_writer(writer, &json::Object(move hash))
+        }
+        result::Err(e) => {
+            error(fmt!("could not dump sources: %s", e));
+        }
+    }
+fn copy_warn(srcfile: &Path, destfile: &Path) {
+    if !os::copy_file(srcfile, destfile) {
+        warn(fmt!("copying %s to %s failed",
+                  srcfile.to_str(), destfile.to_str()));
+    }
+fn cmd_sources(c: &Cargo) {
+    if vec::len(c.opts.free) < 3u {
+        for c.sources.each_value |v| {
+            info(fmt!("%s (%s) via %s",
+                      v.name, v.url, v.method));
+        }
+        return;
+    }
+    let action = c.opts.free[2u];
+    match action {
+        ~"clear" => {
+          for c.sources.each_key |k| {
+                c.sources.remove(k);
+            }
+            info(~"cleared sources");
+        }
+        ~"add" => {
+            if vec::len(c.opts.free) < 5u {
+                cmd_usage();
+                return;
+            }
+            let name = c.opts.free[3u];
+            let url = c.opts.free[4u];
+            if !valid_pkg_name(name) {
+                error(fmt!("'%s' is an invalid source name", name));
+                return;
+            }
+            if c.sources.contains_key(name) {
+                error(fmt!("source already exists: %s", name));
+            } else {
+                c.sources.insert(name, @Source {
+                    name: name,
+                    mut url: url,
+                    mut method: assume_source_method(url),
+                    mut key: None,
+                    mut keyfp: None,
+                    packages: DVec()
+                });
+                info(fmt!("added source: %s", name));
+            }
+        }
+        ~"remove" => {
+            if vec::len(c.opts.free) < 4u {
+                cmd_usage();
+                return;
+            }
+            let name = c.opts.free[3u];
+            if !valid_pkg_name(name) {
+                error(fmt!("'%s' is an invalid source name", name));
+                return;
+            }
+            if c.sources.contains_key(name) {
+                c.sources.remove(name);
+                info(fmt!("removed source: %s", name));
+            } else {
+                error(fmt!("no such source: %s", name));
+            }
+        }
+        ~"set-url" => {
+            if vec::len(c.opts.free) < 5u {
+                cmd_usage();
+                return;
+            }
+            let name = c.opts.free[3u];
+            let url = c.opts.free[4u];
+            if !valid_pkg_name(name) {
+                error(fmt!("'%s' is an invalid source name", name));
+                return;
+            }
+            match c.sources.find(name) {
+                Some(source) => {
+                    let old = copy source.url;
+                    let method = assume_source_method(url);
+                    source.url = url;
+                    source.method = method;
+                    c.sources.insert(name, source);
+                    info(fmt!("changed source url: '%s' to '%s'", old, url));
+                }
+                None => {
+                    error(fmt!("no such source: %s", name));
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        ~"set-method" => {
+            if vec::len(c.opts.free) < 5u {
+                cmd_usage();
+                return;
+            }
+            let name = c.opts.free[3u];
+            let method = c.opts.free[4u];
+            if !valid_pkg_name(name) {
+                error(fmt!("'%s' is an invalid source name", name));
+                return;
+            }
+            match c.sources.find(name) {
+                Some(source) => {
+                    let old = copy source.method;
+                    source.method = match method {
+                        ~"git" => ~"git",
+                        ~"file" => ~"file",
+                        _ => ~"curl"
+                    };
+                    c.sources.insert(name, source);
+                    info(fmt!("changed source method: '%s' to '%s'", old,
+                         method));
+                }
+                None => {
+                    error(fmt!("no such source: %s", name));
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        ~"rename" => {
+            if vec::len(c.opts.free) < 5u {
+                cmd_usage();
+                return;
+            }
+            let name = c.opts.free[3u];
+            let newn = c.opts.free[4u];
+            if !valid_pkg_name(name) {
+                error(fmt!("'%s' is an invalid source name", name));
+                return;
+            }
+            if !valid_pkg_name(newn) {
+                error(fmt!("'%s' is an invalid source name", newn));
+                return;
+            }
+            match c.sources.find(name) {
+                Some(source) => {
+                    c.sources.remove(name);
+                    c.sources.insert(newn, source);
+                    info(fmt!("renamed source: %s to %s", name, newn));
+                }
+                None => {
+                    error(fmt!("no such source: %s", name));
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        _ => cmd_usage()
+    }
+fn cmd_usage() {
+    print(~"Usage: cargo <cmd> [options] [args..]
+e.g. cargo install <name>
+Where <cmd> is one of:
+    init, install, list, search, sources,
+    uninstall, usage
+    -h, --help                  Display this message
+    <cmd> -h, <cmd> --help      Display help for <cmd>
+fn cmd_usage_init() {
+    print(~"cargo init
+Re-initialize cargo in ~/.cargo. Clears all sources and then adds the
+default sources from <www.rust-lang.org/sources.json>.");
+fn cmd_usage_install() {
+    print(~"cargo install
+cargo install [source/]<name>[@version]
+cargo install [source/]<uuid>[@version]
+cargo install <git url> [ref]
+cargo install <tarball url>
+cargo install <tarball file>
+    --test      Run crate tests before installing
+    -g          Install to the user level (~/.cargo/bin/ instead of
+                locally in ./.cargo/bin/ by default)
+    -G          Install to the system level (/usr/local/lib/cargo/bin/)
+Install a crate. If no arguments are supplied, it installs from
+the current working directory. If a source is provided, only install
+from that source, otherwise it installs from any source.");
+fn cmd_usage_uninstall() {
+    print(~"cargo uninstall [source/]<name>[@version]
+cargo uninstall [source/]<uuid>[@version]
+cargo uninstall <meta-name>[@version]
+cargo uninstall <meta-uuid>[@version]
+    -g          Remove from the user level (~/.cargo/bin/ instead of
+                locally in ./.cargo/bin/ by default)
+    -G          Remove from the system level (/usr/local/lib/cargo/bin/)
+Remove a crate. If a source is provided, only remove
+from that source, otherwise it removes from any source.
+If a crate was installed directly (git, tarball, etc.), you can remove
+it by metadata.");
+fn cmd_usage_list() {
+    print(~"cargo list [sources..]
+If no arguments are provided, list all sources and their packages.
+If source names are provided, list those sources and their packages.
+fn cmd_usage_search() {
+    print(~"cargo search <query | '*'> [tags..]
+Search packages.");
+fn cmd_usage_sources() {
+    print(~"cargo sources
+cargo sources add <name> <url>
+cargo sources remove <name>
+cargo sources rename <name> <new>
+cargo sources set-url <name> <url>
+cargo sources set-method <name> <method>
+If no arguments are supplied, list all sources (but not their packages).
+    add             Add a source. The source method will be guessed
+                    from the URL.
+    remove          Remove a source.
+    rename          Rename a source.
+    set-url         Change the URL for a source.
+    set-method      Change the method for a source.");
+fn main() {
+    let argv = os::args();
+    let o = build_cargo_options(argv);
+    if vec::len(o.free) < 2u {
+        cmd_usage();
+        return;
+    }
+    if o.help {
+        match o.free[1] {
+            ~"init" => cmd_usage_init(),
+            ~"install" => cmd_usage_install(),
+            ~"uninstall" => cmd_usage_uninstall(),
+            ~"list" => cmd_usage_list(),
+            ~"search" => cmd_usage_search(),
+            ~"sources" => cmd_usage_sources(),
+            _ => cmd_usage()
+        }
+        return;
+    }
+    if o.free[1] == ~"usage" {
+        cmd_usage();
+        return;
+    }
+    let mut c = configure(o);
+    let home = c.root;
+    let first_time = os::path_exists(&home.push("sources.json"));
+    if !first_time && o.free[1] != ~"init" {
+        cmd_init(&c);
+        // FIXME (#2662): shouldn't need to reconfigure
+        c = configure(o);
+    }
+    let c = &move c;
+    match o.free[1] {
+        ~"init" => cmd_init(c),
+        ~"install" => cmd_install(c),
+        ~"uninstall" => cmd_uninstall(c),
+        ~"list" => cmd_list(c),
+        ~"search" => cmd_search(c),
+        ~"sources" => cmd_sources(c),
+        _ => cmd_usage()
+    }
+    dump_cache(c);
+    dump_sources(c);
diff --git a/src/libcargo/cargo.rs b/src/libcargo/cargo.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index f05ccfffa8a..00000000000
--- a/src/libcargo/cargo.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1982 +0,0 @@
-// cargo.rs - Rust package manager
-use syntax::{ast, codemap, parse, visit, attr};
-use syntax::diagnostic::span_handler;
-use codemap::span;
-use rustc::metadata::filesearch::{get_cargo_root, get_cargo_root_nearest,
-                                     get_cargo_sysroot, libdir};
-use syntax::diagnostic;
-use result::{Ok, Err};
-use io::WriterUtil;
-use send_map::linear::LinearMap;
-use std::{map, json, tempfile, term, sort, getopts};
-use map::HashMap;
-use to_str::to_str;
-use getopts::{optflag, optopt, opt_present};
-use dvec::DVec;
-struct Package {
-    name: ~str,
-    uuid: ~str,
-    url: ~str,
-    method: ~str,
-    description: ~str,
-    reference: Option<~str>,
-    tags: ~[~str],
-    versions: ~[(~str, ~str)]
-impl Package : cmp::Ord {
-    #[cfg(stage0)]
-    pure fn lt(other: &Package) -> bool {
-        if self.name.lt(&(*other).name) { return true; }
-        if (*other).name.lt(&self.name) { return false; }
-        if self.uuid.lt(&(*other).uuid) { return true; }
-        if (*other).uuid.lt(&self.uuid) { return false; }
-        if self.url.lt(&(*other).url) { return true; }
-        if (*other).url.lt(&self.url) { return false; }
-        if self.method.lt(&(*other).method) { return true; }
-        if (*other).method.lt(&self.method) { return false; }
-        if self.description.lt(&(*other).description) { return true; }
-        if (*other).description.lt(&self.description) { return false; }
-        if self.tags.lt(&(*other).tags) { return true; }
-        if (*other).tags.lt(&self.tags) { return false; }
-        if self.versions.lt(&(*other).versions) { return true; }
-        return false;
-    }
-    #[cfg(stage1)]
-    #[cfg(stage2)]
-    pure fn lt(&self, other: &Package) -> bool {
-        if (*self).name.lt(&(*other).name) { return true; }
-        if (*other).name.lt(&(*self).name) { return false; }
-        if (*self).uuid.lt(&(*other).uuid) { return true; }
-        if (*other).uuid.lt(&(*self).uuid) { return false; }
-        if (*self).url.lt(&(*other).url) { return true; }
-        if (*other).url.lt(&(*self).url) { return false; }
-        if (*self).method.lt(&(*other).method) { return true; }
-        if (*other).method.lt(&(*self).method) { return false; }
-        if (*self).description.lt(&(*other).description) { return true; }
-        if (*other).description.lt(&(*self).description) { return false; }
-        if (*self).tags.lt(&(*other).tags) { return true; }
-        if (*other).tags.lt(&(*self).tags) { return false; }
-        if (*self).versions.lt(&(*other).versions) { return true; }
-        return false;
-    }
-    #[cfg(stage0)]
-    pure fn le(other: &Package) -> bool { !(*other).lt(&self) }
-    #[cfg(stage1)]
-    #[cfg(stage2)]
-    pure fn le(&self, other: &Package) -> bool { !(*other).lt(&(*self)) }
-    #[cfg(stage0)]
-    pure fn ge(other: &Package) -> bool { !self.lt(other)     }
-    #[cfg(stage1)]
-    #[cfg(stage2)]
-    pure fn ge(&self, other: &Package) -> bool { !(*self).lt(other)     }
-    #[cfg(stage0)]
-    pure fn gt(other: &Package) -> bool { (*other).lt(&self)  }
-    #[cfg(stage1)]
-    #[cfg(stage2)]
-    pure fn gt(&self, other: &Package) -> bool { (*other).lt(&(*self))  }
-struct Source {
-    name: ~str,
-    mut url: ~str,
-    mut method: ~str,
-    mut key: Option<~str>,
-    mut keyfp: Option<~str>,
-    packages: DVec<Package>
-struct Cargo {
-    pgp: bool,
-    root: Path,
-    installdir: Path,
-    bindir: Path,
-    libdir: Path,
-    workdir: Path,
-    sourcedir: Path,
-    sources: map::HashMap<~str, @Source>,
-    mut current_install: ~str,
-    dep_cache: map::HashMap<~str, bool>,
-    opts: Options
-struct Crate {
-    name: ~str,
-    vers: ~str,
-    uuid: ~str,
-    desc: Option<~str>,
-    sigs: Option<~str>,
-    crate_type: Option<~str>,
-    deps: ~[~str]
-struct Options {
-    test: bool,
-    mode: Mode,
-    free: ~[~str],
-    help: bool,
-enum Mode { SystemMode, UserMode, LocalMode }
-impl Mode : cmp::Eq {
-    #[cfg(stage0)]
-    pure fn eq(other: &Mode) -> bool {
-        (self as uint) == ((*other) as uint)
-    }
-    #[cfg(stage1)]
-    #[cfg(stage2)]
-    pure fn eq(&self, other: &Mode) -> bool {
-        ((*self) as uint) == ((*other) as uint)
-    }
-    #[cfg(stage0)]
-    pure fn ne(other: &Mode) -> bool { !self.eq(other) }
-    #[cfg(stage1)]
-    #[cfg(stage2)]
-    pure fn ne(&self, other: &Mode) -> bool { !(*self).eq(other) }
-fn opts() -> ~[getopts::Opt] {
-    ~[optflag(~"g"), optflag(~"G"), optflag(~"test"),
-     optflag(~"h"), optflag(~"help")]
-fn info(msg: ~str) {
-    let out = io::stdout();
-    if term::color_supported() {
-        term::fg(out, term::color_green);
-        out.write_str(~"info: ");
-        term::reset(out);
-        out.write_line(msg);
-    } else { out.write_line(~"info: " + msg); }
-fn warn(msg: ~str) {
-    let out = io::stdout();
-    if term::color_supported() {
-        term::fg(out, term::color_yellow);
-        out.write_str(~"warning: ");
-        term::reset(out);
-        out.write_line(msg);
-    }else { out.write_line(~"warning: " + msg); }
-fn error(msg: ~str) {
-    let out = io::stdout();
-    if term::color_supported() {
-        term::fg(out, term::color_red);
-        out.write_str(~"error: ");
-        term::reset(out);
-        out.write_line(msg);
-    }
-    else { out.write_line(~"error: " + msg); }
-fn is_uuid(id: ~str) -> bool {
-    let parts = str::split_str(id, ~"-");
-    if vec::len(parts) == 5u {
-        let mut correct = 0u;
-        for vec::eachi(parts) |i, part| {
-            fn is_hex_digit(+ch: char) -> bool {
-                ('0' <= ch && ch <= '9') ||
-                ('a' <= ch && ch <= 'f') ||
-                ('A' <= ch && ch <= 'F')
-            }
-            if !part.all(is_hex_digit) {
-                return false;
-            }
-            match i {
-                0u => {
-                    if part.len() == 8u {
-                        correct += 1u;
-                    }
-                }
-                1u | 2u | 3u => {
-                    if part.len() == 4u {
-                        correct += 1u;
-                    }
-                }
-                4u => {
-                    if part.len() == 12u {
-                        correct += 1u;
-                    }
-                }
-                _ => { }
-            }
-        }
-        if correct >= 5u {
-            return true;
-        }
-    }
-    return false;
-fn test_is_uuid() {
-    assert is_uuid(~"aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaafAF09");
-    assert !is_uuid(~"aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa");
-    assert !is_uuid(~"");
-    assert !is_uuid(~"aaaaaaaa-aaa -aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa");
-    assert !is_uuid(~"aaaaaaaa-aaa!-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa");
-    assert !is_uuid(~"aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa-a");
-    assert !is_uuid(~"aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaป");
-// FIXME (#2661): implement url/URL parsing so we don't have to resort
-// to weak checks
-fn has_archive_extension(p: ~str) -> bool {
-    str::ends_with(p, ~".tar") ||
-    str::ends_with(p, ~".tar.gz") ||
-    str::ends_with(p, ~".tar.bz2") ||
-    str::ends_with(p, ~".tar.Z") ||
-    str::ends_with(p, ~".tar.lz") ||
-    str::ends_with(p, ~".tar.xz") ||
-    str::ends_with(p, ~".tgz") ||
-    str::ends_with(p, ~".tbz") ||
-    str::ends_with(p, ~".tbz2") ||
-    str::ends_with(p, ~".tb2") ||
-    str::ends_with(p, ~".taz") ||
-    str::ends_with(p, ~".tlz") ||
-    str::ends_with(p, ~".txz")
-fn is_archive_path(u: ~str) -> bool {
-    has_archive_extension(u) && os::path_exists(&Path(u))
-fn is_archive_url(u: ~str) -> bool {
-    // FIXME (#2661): this requires the protocol bit - if we had proper
-    // url parsing, we wouldn't need it
-    match str::find_str(u, ~"://") {
-        option::Some(_) => has_archive_extension(u),
-        _ => false
-    }
-fn is_git_url(url: ~str) -> bool {
-    if str::ends_with(url, ~"/") { str::ends_with(url, ~".git/") }
-    else {
-        str::starts_with(url, ~"git://") || str::ends_with(url, ~".git")
-    }
-fn assume_source_method(url: ~str) -> ~str {
-    if is_git_url(url) {
-        return ~"git";
-    }
-    if str::starts_with(url, ~"file://") || os::path_exists(&Path(url)) {
-        return ~"file";
-    }
-    ~"curl"
-fn load_link(mis: ~[@ast::meta_item]) -> (Option<~str>,
-                                         Option<~str>,
-                                         Option<~str>) {
-    let mut name = None;
-    let mut vers = None;
-    let mut uuid = None;
-    for mis.each |a| {
-        match a.node {
-            ast::meta_name_value(v, {node: ast::lit_str(s), span: _}) => {
-                match v {
-                    ~"name" => name = Some(*s),
-                    ~"vers" => vers = Some(*s),
-                    ~"uuid" => uuid = Some(*s),
-                    _ => { }
-                }
-            }
-            _ => fail ~"load_link: meta items must be name-values"
-        }
-    }
-    (name, vers, uuid)
-fn load_crate(filename: &Path) -> Option<Crate> {
-    let sess = parse::new_parse_sess(None);
-    let c = parse::parse_crate_from_crate_file(filename, ~[], sess);
-    let mut name = None;
-    let mut vers = None;
-    let mut uuid = None;
-    let mut desc = None;
-    let mut sigs = None;
-    let mut crate_type = None;
-    for c.node.attrs.each |a| {
-        match a.node.value.node {
-            ast::meta_name_value(v, {node: ast::lit_str(_), span: _}) => {
-                match v {
-                    ~"desc" => desc = Some(v),
-                    ~"sigs" => sigs = Some(v),
-                    ~"crate_type" => crate_type = Some(v),
-                    _ => { }
-                }
-            }
-            ast::meta_list(v, mis) => {
-                if v == ~"link" {
-                    let (n, v, u) = load_link(mis);
-                    name = n;
-                    vers = v;
-                    uuid = u;
-                }
-            }
-            _ => {
-                fail ~"crate attributes may not contain " +
-                     ~"meta_words";
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    type env = @{
-        mut deps: ~[~str]
-    };
-    fn goto_view_item(ps: syntax::parse::parse_sess, e: env,
-                      i: @ast::view_item) {
-        match i.node {
-            ast::view_item_use(ident, metas, _) => {
-                let name_items =
-                    attr::find_meta_items_by_name(metas, ~"name");
-                let m = if name_items.is_empty() {
-                    metas + ~[attr::mk_name_value_item_str(
-                        ~"name", *ps.interner.get(ident))]
-                } else {
-                    metas
-                };
-                let mut attr_name = ident;
-                let mut attr_vers = ~"";
-                let mut attr_from = ~"";
-              for m.each |item| {
-                    match attr::get_meta_item_value_str(*item) {
-                        Some(value) => {
-                            let name = attr::get_meta_item_name(*item);
-                            match name {
-                                ~"vers" => attr_vers = value,
-                                ~"from" => attr_from = value,
-                                _ => ()
-                            }
-                        }
-                        None => ()
-                    }
-                }
-                let query = if !str::is_empty(attr_from) {
-                    attr_from
-                } else {
-                    if !str::is_empty(attr_vers) {
-                        ps.interner.get(attr_name) + ~"@" + attr_vers
-                    } else { *ps.interner.get(attr_name) }
-                };
-                match *ps.interner.get(attr_name) {
-                    ~"std" | ~"core" => (),
-                    _ => e.deps.push(query)
-                }
-            }
-            _ => ()
-        }
-    }
-    fn goto_item(_e: env, _i: @ast::item) {
-    }
-    let e = @{
-        mut deps: ~[]
-    };
-    let v = visit::mk_simple_visitor(@{
-        visit_view_item: |a| goto_view_item(sess, e, a),
-        visit_item: |a| goto_item(e, a),
-        .. *visit::default_simple_visitor()
-    });
-    visit::visit_crate(*c, (), v);
-    let deps = copy e.deps;
-    match (name, vers, uuid) {
-        (Some(name0), Some(vers0), Some(uuid0)) => {
-            Some(Crate {
-                name: name0,
-                vers: vers0,
-                uuid: uuid0,
-                desc: desc,
-                sigs: sigs,
-                crate_type: crate_type,
-                deps: deps })
-        }
-        _ => return None
-    }
-fn print(s: ~str) {
-    io::stdout().write_line(s);
-fn rest(s: ~str, start: uint) -> ~str {
-    if (start >= str::len(s)) {
-        ~""
-    } else {
-        str::slice(s, start, str::len(s))
-    }
-fn need_dir(s: &Path) {
-    if os::path_is_dir(s) { return; }
-    if !os::make_dir(s, 493_i32 /* oct: 755 */) {
-        fail fmt!("can't make_dir %s", s.to_str());
-    }
-fn valid_pkg_name(s: &str) -> bool {
-    fn is_valid_digit(+c: char) -> bool {
-        ('0' <= c && c <= '9') ||
-        ('a' <= c && c <= 'z') ||
-        ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') ||
-        c == '-' ||
-        c == '_'
-    }
-    s.all(is_valid_digit)
-fn parse_source(name: ~str, j: &json::Json) -> @Source {
-    if !valid_pkg_name(name) {
-        fail fmt!("'%s' is an invalid source name", name);
-    }
-    match *j {
-        json::Object(j) => {
-            let mut url = match j.find(&~"url") {
-                Some(json::String(u)) => u,
-                _ => fail ~"needed 'url' field in source"
-            };
-            let method = match j.find(&~"method") {
-                Some(json::String(u)) => u,
-                _ => assume_source_method(url)
-            };
-            let key = match j.find(&~"key") {
-                Some(json::String(u)) => Some(u),
-                _ => None
-            };
-            let keyfp = match j.find(&~"keyfp") {
-                Some(json::String(u)) => Some(u),
-                _ => None
-            };
-            if method == ~"file" {
-                url = os::make_absolute(&Path(url)).to_str();
-            }
-            return @Source {
-                name: name,
-                mut url: url,
-                mut method: method,
-                mut key: key,
-                mut keyfp: keyfp,
-                packages: DVec() };
-        }
-        _ => fail ~"needed dict value in source"
-    };
-fn try_parse_sources(filename: &Path, sources: map::HashMap<~str, @Source>) {
-    if !os::path_exists(filename)  { return; }
-    let c = io::read_whole_file_str(filename);
-    match json::from_str(c.get()) {
-        Ok(json::Object(j)) => {
-            for j.each |k, v| {
-                sources.insert(copy *k, parse_source(*k, v));
-                debug!("source: %s", *k);
-            }
-        }
-        Ok(_) => fail ~"malformed sources.json",
-        Err(e) => fail fmt!("%s:%s", filename.to_str(), e.to_str())
-    }
-fn load_one_source_package(src: @Source, p: &json::Object) {
-    let name = match p.find(&~"name") {
-        Some(json::String(n)) => {
-            if !valid_pkg_name(n) {
-                warn(~"malformed source json: "
-                     + src.name + ~", '" + n + ~"'"+
-                     ~" is an invalid name (alphanumeric, underscores and" +
-                     ~" dashes only)");
-                return;
-            }
-            n
-        }
-        _ => {
-            warn(~"malformed source json: " + src.name + ~" (missing name)");
-            return;
-        }
-    };
-    let uuid = match p.find(&~"uuid") {
-        Some(json::String(n)) => {
-            if !is_uuid(n) {
-                warn(~"malformed source json: "
-                     + src.name + ~", '" + n + ~"'"+
-                     ~" is an invalid uuid");
-                return;
-            }
-            n
-        }
-        _ => {
-            warn(~"malformed source json: " + src.name + ~" (missing uuid)");
-            return;
-        }
-    };
-    let url = match p.find(&~"url") {
-        Some(json::String(n)) => n,
-        _ => {
-            warn(~"malformed source json: " + src.name + ~" (missing url)");
-            return;
-        }
-    };
-    let method = match p.find(&~"method") {
-        Some(json::String(n)) => n,
-        _ => {
-            warn(~"malformed source json: "
-                 + src.name + ~" (missing method)");
-            return;
-        }
-    };
-    let reference = match p.find(&~"ref") {
-        Some(json::String(n)) => Some(n),
-        _ => None
-    };
-    let mut tags = ~[];
-    match p.find(&~"tags") {
-        Some(json::List(js)) => {
-          for js.each |j| {
-                match *j {
-                    json::String(ref j) => tags.grow(1u, j),
-                    _ => ()
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        _ => ()
-    }
-    let description = match p.find(&~"description") {
-        Some(json::String(n)) => n,
-        _ => {
-            warn(~"malformed source json: " + src.name
-                 + ~" (missing description)");
-            return;
-        }
-    };
-    let newpkg = Package {
-        name: name,
-        uuid: uuid,
-        url: url,
-        method: method,
-        description: description,
-        reference: reference,
-        tags: tags,
-        versions: ~[]
-    };
-    match src.packages.position(|pkg| pkg.uuid == uuid) {
-        Some(idx) => {
-            src.packages.set_elt(idx, newpkg);
-            log(debug, ~"  updated package: " + src.name + ~"/" + name);
-        }
-        None => {
-            src.packages.push(newpkg);
-        }
-    }
-    log(debug, ~"  loaded package: " + src.name + ~"/" + name);
-fn load_source_info(c: &Cargo, src: @Source) {
-    let dir = c.sourcedir.push(src.name);
-    let srcfile = dir.push("source.json");
-    if !os::path_exists(&srcfile) { return; }
-    let srcstr = io::read_whole_file_str(&srcfile);
-    match json::from_str(srcstr.get()) {
-        Ok(ref json @ json::Object(_)) => {
-            let o = parse_source(src.name, json);
-            src.key = o.key;
-            src.keyfp = o.keyfp;
-        }
-        Ok(_) => {
-            warn(~"malformed source.json: " + src.name +
-                 ~"(source info is not a dict)");
-        }
-        Err(e) => {
-            warn(fmt!("%s:%s", src.name, e.to_str()));
-        }
-    };
-fn load_source_packages(c: &Cargo, src: @Source) {
-    log(debug, ~"loading source: " + src.name);
-    let dir = c.sourcedir.push(src.name);
-    let pkgfile = dir.push("packages.json");
-    if !os::path_exists(&pkgfile) { return; }
-    let pkgstr = io::read_whole_file_str(&pkgfile);
-    match json::from_str(pkgstr.get()) {
-        Ok(json::List(js)) => {
-          for js.each |j| {
-                match *j {
-                    json::Object(p) => {
-                        load_one_source_package(src, p);
-                    }
-                    _ => {
-                        warn(~"malformed source json: " + src.name +
-                             ~" (non-dict pkg)");
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        Ok(_) => {
-            warn(~"malformed packages.json: " + src.name +
-                 ~"(packages is not a list)");
-        }
-        Err(e) => {
-            warn(fmt!("%s:%s", src.name, e.to_str()));
-        }
-    };
-fn build_cargo_options(argv: ~[~str]) -> Options {
-    let matches = match getopts::getopts(argv, opts()) {
-        result::Ok(m) => m,
-        result::Err(f) => {
-            fail fmt!("%s", getopts::fail_str(f));
-        }
-    };
-    let test = opt_present(matches, ~"test");
-    let G    = opt_present(matches, ~"G");
-    let g    = opt_present(matches, ~"g");
-    let help = opt_present(matches, ~"h") || opt_present(matches, ~"help");
-    let len  = vec::len(matches.free);
-    let is_install = len > 1u && matches.free[1] == ~"install";
-    let is_uninstall = len > 1u && matches.free[1] == ~"uninstall";
-    if G && g { fail ~"-G and -g both provided"; }
-    if !is_install && !is_uninstall && (g || G) {
-        fail ~"-g and -G are only valid for `install` and `uninstall|rm`";
-    }
-    let mode =
-        if (!is_install && !is_uninstall) || g { UserMode }
-        else if G { SystemMode }
-        else { LocalMode };
-    Options {test: test, mode: mode, free: matches.free, help: help}
-fn configure(opts: Options) -> Cargo {
-    let home = match get_cargo_root() {
-        Ok(home) => home,
-        Err(_err) => get_cargo_sysroot().get()
-    };
-    let get_cargo_dir = match opts.mode {
-        SystemMode => get_cargo_sysroot,
-        UserMode => get_cargo_root,
-        LocalMode => get_cargo_root_nearest
-    };
-    let p = get_cargo_dir().get();
-    let sources = HashMap();
-    try_parse_sources(&home.push("sources.json"), sources);
-    try_parse_sources(&home.push("local-sources.json"), sources);
-    let dep_cache = HashMap();
-    let mut c = Cargo {
-        pgp: pgp::supported(),
-        root: home,
-        installdir: p,
-        bindir: p.push("bin"),
-        libdir: p.push("lib"),
-        workdir: p.push("work"),
-        sourcedir: home.push("sources"),
-        sources: sources,
-        mut current_install: ~"",
-        dep_cache: dep_cache,
-        opts: opts
-    };
-    need_dir(&c.root);
-    need_dir(&c.installdir);
-    need_dir(&c.sourcedir);
-    need_dir(&c.workdir);
-    need_dir(&c.libdir);
-    need_dir(&c.bindir);
-    for sources.each_key |k| {
-        let mut s = sources.get(k);
-        load_source_packages(&c, s);
-        sources.insert(k, s);
-    }
-    if c.pgp {
-        pgp::init(&c.root);
-    } else {
-        warn(~"command `gpg` was not found");
-        warn(~"you have to install gpg from source " +
-             ~" or package manager to get it to work correctly");
-    }
-    move c
-fn for_each_package(c: &Cargo, b: fn(s: @Source, p: &Package)) {
-    for c.sources.each_value |v| {
-        for v.packages.each |p| {
-            b(v, p);
-        }
-    }
-// Runs all programs in directory <buildpath>
-fn run_programs(buildpath: &Path) {
-    let newv = os::list_dir_path(buildpath);
-    for newv.each |ct| {
-        run::run_program(ct.to_str(), ~[]);
-    }
-// Runs rustc in <path + subdir> with the given flags
-// and returns <patho + subdir>
-fn run_in_buildpath(what: &str, path: &Path, subdir: &Path, cf: &Path,
-                    extra_flags: ~[~str]) -> Option<Path> {
-    let buildpath = path.push_rel(subdir);
-    need_dir(&buildpath);
-    debug!("%s: %s -> %s", what, cf.to_str(), buildpath.to_str());
-    let p = run::program_output(rustc_sysroot(),
-                                ~[~"--out-dir",
-                                  buildpath.to_str(),
-                                  cf.to_str()] + extra_flags);
-    if p.status != 0 {
-        error(fmt!("rustc failed: %d\n%s\n%s", p.status, p.err, p.out));
-        return None;
-    }
-    Some(buildpath)
-fn test_one_crate(_c: &Cargo, path: &Path, cf: &Path) {
-    let buildpath = match run_in_buildpath(~"testing", path,
-                                           &Path("test"),
-                                           cf,
-                                           ~[ ~"--test"]) {
-      None => return,
-    Some(bp) => bp
-  };
-  run_programs(&buildpath);
-fn install_one_crate(c: &Cargo, path: &Path, cf: &Path) {
-    let buildpath = match run_in_buildpath(~"installing", path,
-                                           &Path("build"),
-                                           cf, ~[]) {
-      None => return,
-      Some(bp) => bp
-    };
-    let newv = os::list_dir_path(&buildpath);
-    let exec_suffix = os::exe_suffix();
-    for newv.each |ct| {
-        if (exec_suffix != ~"" && str::ends_with(ct.to_str(),
-                                                 exec_suffix)) ||
-            (exec_suffix == ~"" &&
-             !str::starts_with(ct.filename().get(),
-                               ~"lib")) {
-            debug!("  bin: %s", ct.to_str());
-            install_to_dir(*ct, &c.bindir);
-            if c.opts.mode == SystemMode {
-                // FIXME (#2662): Put this file in PATH / symlink it so it can
-                // be used as a generic executable
-                // `cargo install -G rustray` and `rustray file.obj`
-            }
-        } else {
-            debug!("  lib: %s", ct.to_str());
-            install_to_dir(*ct, &c.libdir);
-        }
-    }
-fn rustc_sysroot() -> ~str {
-    match os::self_exe_path() {
-        Some(path) => {
-            let rustc = path.push_many([~"..", ~"bin", ~"rustc"]);
-            debug!("  rustc: %s", rustc.to_str());
-            rustc.to_str()
-        }
-        None => ~"rustc"
-    }
-fn install_source(c: &Cargo, path: &Path) {
-    debug!("source: %s", path.to_str());
-    os::change_dir(path);
-    let mut cratefiles = ~[];
-    for os::walk_dir(&Path(".")) |p| {
-        if p.filetype() == Some(~".rc") {
-            cratefiles.push(*p);
-        }
-    }
-    if vec::is_empty(cratefiles) {
-        fail ~"this doesn't look like a rust package (no .rc files)";
-    }
-    for cratefiles.each |cf| {
-        match load_crate(cf) {
-            None => loop,
-            Some(crate) => {
-              for crate.deps.each |query| {
-                    // FIXME (#1356): handle cyclic dependencies
-                    // (n.b. #1356 says "Cyclic dependency is an error
-                    // condition")
-                    let wd = get_temp_workdir(c);
-                    install_query(c, &wd, *query);
-                }
-                os::change_dir(path);
-                if c.opts.test {
-                    test_one_crate(c, path, cf);
-                }
-                install_one_crate(c, path, cf);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-fn install_git(c: &Cargo, wd: &Path, url: ~str, reference: Option<~str>) {
-    run::program_output(~"git", ~[~"clone", url, wd.to_str()]);
-    if reference.is_some() {
-        let r = reference.get();
-        os::change_dir(wd);
-        run::run_program(~"git", ~[~"checkout", r]);
-    }
-    install_source(c, wd);
-fn install_curl(c: &Cargo, wd: &Path, url: ~str) {
-    let tarpath = wd.push("pkg.tar");
-    let p = run::program_output(~"curl", ~[~"-f", ~"-s", ~"-o",
-                                         tarpath.to_str(), url]);
-    if p.status != 0 {
-        fail fmt!("fetch of %s failed: %s", url, p.err);
-    }
-    run::run_program(~"tar", ~[~"-x", ~"--strip-components=1",
-                               ~"-C", wd.to_str(),
-                               ~"-f", tarpath.to_str()]);
-    install_source(c, wd);
-fn install_file(c: &Cargo, wd: &Path, path: &Path) {
-    run::program_output(~"tar", ~[~"-x", ~"--strip-components=1",
-                                  ~"-C", wd.to_str(),
-                                  ~"-f", path.to_str()]);
-    install_source(c, wd);
-fn install_package(c: &Cargo, src: ~str, wd: &Path, pkg: Package) {
-    let url = copy pkg.url;
-    let method = match pkg.method {
-        ~"git" => ~"git",
-        ~"file" => ~"file",
-        _ => ~"curl"
-    };
-    info(fmt!("installing %s/%s via %s...", src, pkg.name, method));
-    match method {
-        ~"git" => install_git(c, wd, url, copy pkg.reference),
-        ~"file" => install_file(c, wd, &Path(url)),
-        ~"curl" => install_curl(c, wd, url),
-        _ => ()
-    }
-fn cargo_suggestion(c: &Cargo, fallback: fn())
-    if c.sources.size() == 0u {
-        error(~"no sources defined - you may wish to run " +
-              ~"`cargo init`");
-        return;
-    }
-    fallback();
-fn install_uuid(c: &Cargo, wd: &Path, uuid: ~str) {
-    let mut ps = ~[];
-    for_each_package(c, |s, p| {
-        if p.uuid == uuid {
-            vec::push(&mut ps, (s.name, copy *p));
-        }
-    });
-    if vec::len(ps) == 1u {
-        let (sname, p) = copy ps[0];
-        install_package(c, sname, wd, p);
-        return;
-    } else if vec::len(ps) == 0u {
-        cargo_suggestion(c, || {
-            error(~"can't find package: " + uuid);
-        });
-        return;
-    }
-    error(~"found multiple packages:");
-    for ps.each |elt| {
-        let (sname,p) = copy *elt;
-        info(~"  " + sname + ~"/" + p.uuid + ~" (" + p.name + ~")");
-    }
-fn install_named(c: &Cargo, wd: &Path, name: ~str) {
-    let mut ps = ~[];
-    for_each_package(c, |s, p| {
-        if p.name == name {
-            vec::push(&mut ps, (s.name, copy *p));
-        }
-    });
-    if vec::len(ps) == 1u {
-        let (sname, p) = copy ps[0];
-        install_package(c, sname, wd, p);
-        return;
-    } else if vec::len(ps) == 0u {
-        cargo_suggestion(c, || {
-            error(~"can't find package: " + name);
-        });
-        return;
-    }
-    error(~"found multiple packages:");
-    for ps.each |elt| {
-        let (sname,p) = copy *elt;
-        info(~"  " + sname + ~"/" + p.uuid + ~" (" + p.name + ~")");
-    }
-fn install_uuid_specific(c: &Cargo, wd: &Path, src: ~str, uuid: ~str) {
-    match c.sources.find(src) {
-        Some(s) => {
-            for s.packages.each |p| {
-                if p.uuid == uuid {
-                    install_package(c, src, wd, *p);
-                    return;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        _ => ()
-    }
-    error(~"can't find package: " + src + ~"/" + uuid);
-fn install_named_specific(c: &Cargo, wd: &Path, src: ~str, name: ~str) {
-    match c.sources.find(src) {
-        Some(s) => {
-            for s.packages.each |p| {
-                if p.name == name {
-                    install_package(c, src, wd, *p);
-                    return;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        _ => ()
-    }
-    error(~"can't find package: " + src + ~"/" + name);
-fn cmd_uninstall(c: &Cargo) {
-    if vec::len(c.opts.free) < 3u {
-        cmd_usage();
-        return;
-    }
-    let lib = &c.libdir;
-    let bin = &c.bindir;
-    let target = c.opts.free[2u];
-    // FIXME (#2662): needs stronger pattern matching
-    // FIXME (#2662): needs to uninstall from a specified location in a
-    // cache instead of looking for it (binaries can be uninstalled by
-    // name only)
-    fn try_uninstall(p: &Path) -> bool {
-        if os::remove_file(p) {
-            info(~"uninstalled: '" + p.to_str() + ~"'");
-            true
-        } else {
-            error(~"could not uninstall: '" +
-                  p.to_str() + ~"'");
-            false
-        }
-    }
-    if is_uuid(target) {
-        for os::list_dir(lib).each |file| {
-            match str::find_str(*file, ~"-" + target + ~"-") {
-              Some(_) => if !try_uninstall(&lib.push(*file)) { return },
-              None => ()
-            }
-        }
-        error(~"can't find package with uuid: " + target);
-    } else {
-        for os::list_dir(lib).each |file| {
-            match str::find_str(*file, ~"lib" + target + ~"-") {
-              Some(_) => if !try_uninstall(&lib.push(*file)) { return },
-              None => ()
-            }
-        }
-        for os::list_dir(bin).each |file| {
-            match str::find_str(*file, target) {
-              Some(_) => if !try_uninstall(&lib.push(*file)) { return },
-              None => ()
-            }
-        }
-        error(~"can't find package with name: " + target);
-    }
-fn install_query(c: &Cargo, wd: &Path, target: ~str) {
-    match c.dep_cache.find(target) {
-        Some(inst) => {
-            if inst {
-                return;
-            }
-        }
-        None => ()
-    }
-    c.dep_cache.insert(target, true);
-    if is_archive_path(target) {
-        install_file(c, wd, &Path(target));
-        return;
-    } else if is_git_url(target) {
-        let reference = if c.opts.free.len() >= 4u {
-            Some(c.opts.free[3u])
-        } else {
-            None
-        };
-        install_git(c, wd, target, reference);
-    } else if !valid_pkg_name(target) && has_archive_extension(target) {
-        install_curl(c, wd, target);
-        return;
-    } else {
-        let mut ps = copy target;
-        match str::find_char(ps, '/') {
-            option::Some(idx) => {
-                let source = str::slice(ps, 0u, idx);
-                ps = str::slice(ps, idx + 1u, str::len(ps));
-                if is_uuid(ps) {
-                    install_uuid_specific(c, wd, source, ps);
-                } else {
-                    install_named_specific(c, wd, source, ps);
-                }
-            }
-            option::None => {
-                if is_uuid(ps) {
-                    install_uuid(c, wd, ps);
-                } else {
-                    install_named(c, wd, ps);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    // FIXME (#2662): This whole dep_cache and current_install thing is
-    // a bit of a hack. It should be cleaned up in the future.
-    if target == c.current_install {
-        for c.dep_cache.each |k, _v| {
-            c.dep_cache.remove(k);
-        }
-        c.current_install = ~"";
-    }
-fn get_temp_workdir(c: &Cargo) -> Path {
-    match tempfile::mkdtemp(&c.workdir, "cargo") {
-      Some(wd) => wd,
-      None => fail fmt!("needed temp dir: %s",
-                        c.workdir.to_str())
-    }
-fn cmd_install(c: &Cargo) unsafe {
-    let wd = get_temp_workdir(c);
-    if vec::len(c.opts.free) == 2u {
-        let cwd = os::getcwd();
-        let status = run::run_program(~"cp", ~[~"-R", cwd.to_str(),
-                                               wd.to_str()]);
-        if status != 0 {
-            fail fmt!("could not copy directory: %s", cwd.to_str());
-        }
-        install_source(c, &wd);
-        return;
-    }
-    sync(c);
-    let query = c.opts.free[2];
-    c.current_install = query.to_str();
-    install_query(c, &wd, query);
-fn sync(c: &Cargo) {
-    for c.sources.each_key |k| {
-        let mut s = c.sources.get(k);
-        sync_one(c, s);
-        c.sources.insert(k, s);
-    }
-fn sync_one_file(c: &Cargo, dir: &Path, src: @Source) -> bool {
-    let name = src.name;
-    let srcfile = dir.push("source.json.new");
-    let destsrcfile = dir.push("source.json");
-    let pkgfile = dir.push("packages.json.new");
-    let destpkgfile = dir.push("packages.json");
-    let keyfile = dir.push("key.gpg");
-    let srcsigfile = dir.push("source.json.sig");
-    let sigfile = dir.push("packages.json.sig");
-    let url = Path(src.url);
-    let mut has_src_file = false;
-    if !os::copy_file(&url.push("packages.json"), &pkgfile) {
-        error(fmt!("fetch for source %s (url %s) failed",
-                   name, url.to_str()));
-        return false;
-    }
-    if os::copy_file(&url.push("source.json"), &srcfile) {
-        has_src_file = false;
-    }
-    os::copy_file(&url.push("source.json.sig"), &srcsigfile);
-    os::copy_file(&url.push("packages.json.sig"), &sigfile);
-    match copy src.key {
-        Some(u) => {
-            let p = run::program_output(~"curl",
-                                        ~[~"-f", ~"-s",
-                                          ~"-o", keyfile.to_str(), u]);
-            if p.status != 0 {
-                error(fmt!("fetch for source %s (key %s) failed", name, u));
-                return false;
-            }
-            pgp::add(&c.root, &keyfile);
-        }
-        _ => ()
-    }
-    match (src.key, src.keyfp) {
-        (Some(_), Some(f)) => {
-            let r = pgp::verify(&c.root, &pkgfile, &sigfile);
-            if !r {
-                error(fmt!("signature verification failed for source %s with \
-                            key %s", name, f));
-                return false;
-            }
-            if has_src_file {
-                let e = pgp::verify(&c.root, &srcfile, &srcsigfile);
-                if !e {
-                    error(fmt!("signature verification failed for source %s \
-                                with key %s", name, f));
-                    return false;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        _ => ()
-    }
-    copy_warn(&pkgfile, &destpkgfile);
-    if has_src_file {
-        copy_warn(&srcfile, &destsrcfile);
-    }
-    os::remove_file(&keyfile);
-    os::remove_file(&srcfile);
-    os::remove_file(&srcsigfile);
-    os::remove_file(&pkgfile);
-    os::remove_file(&sigfile);
-    info(fmt!("synced source: %s", name));
-    return true;
-fn sync_one_git(c: &Cargo, dir: &Path, src: @Source) -> bool {
-    let name = src.name;
-    let srcfile = dir.push("source.json");
-    let pkgfile = dir.push("packages.json");
-    let keyfile = dir.push("key.gpg");
-    let srcsigfile = dir.push("source.json.sig");
-    let sigfile = dir.push("packages.json.sig");
-    let url = src.url;
-    fn rollback(name: ~str, dir: &Path, insecure: bool) {
-        fn msg(name: ~str, insecure: bool) {
-            error(fmt!("could not rollback source: %s", name));
-            if insecure {
-                warn(~"a past security check failed on source " +
-                     name + ~" and rolling back the source failed -"
-                     + ~" this source may be compromised");
-            }
-        }
-        if !os::change_dir(dir) {
-            msg(name, insecure);
-        }
-        else {
-            let p = run::program_output(~"git", ~[~"reset", ~"--hard",
-                                                ~"HEAD@{1}"]);
-            if p.status != 0 {
-                msg(name, insecure);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    if !os::path_exists(&dir.push(".git")) {
-        let p = run::program_output(~"git", ~[~"clone", url, dir.to_str()]);
-        if p.status != 0 {
-            error(fmt!("fetch for source %s (url %s) failed", name, url));
-            return false;
-        }
-    }
-    else {
-        if !os::change_dir(dir) {
-            error(fmt!("fetch for source %s (url %s) failed", name, url));
-            return false;
-        }
-        let p = run::program_output(~"git", ~[~"pull"]);
-        if p.status != 0 {
-            error(fmt!("fetch for source %s (url %s) failed", name, url));
-            return false;
-        }
-    }
-    let has_src_file = os::path_exists(&srcfile);
-    match copy src.key {
-        Some(u) => {
-            let p = run::program_output(~"curl",
-                                        ~[~"-f", ~"-s",
-                                          ~"-o", keyfile.to_str(), u]);
-            if p.status != 0 {
-                error(fmt!("fetch for source %s (key %s) failed", name, u));
-                rollback(name, dir, false);
-                return false;
-            }
-            pgp::add(&c.root, &keyfile);
-        }
-        _ => ()
-    }
-    match (src.key, src.keyfp) {
-        (Some(_), Some(f)) => {
-            let r = pgp::verify(&c.root, &pkgfile, &sigfile);
-            if !r {
-                error(fmt!("signature verification failed for source %s with \
-                            key %s", name, f));
-                rollback(name, dir, false);
-                return false;
-            }
-            if has_src_file {
-                let e = pgp::verify(&c.root, &srcfile, &srcsigfile);
-                if !e {
-                    error(fmt!("signature verification failed for source %s \
-                                with key %s", name, f));
-                    rollback(name, dir, false);
-                    return false;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        _ => ()
-    }
-    os::remove_file(&keyfile);
-    info(fmt!("synced source: %s", name));
-    return true;
-fn sync_one_curl(c: &Cargo, dir: &Path, src: @Source) -> bool {
-    let name = src.name;
-    let srcfile = dir.push("source.json.new");
-    let destsrcfile = dir.push("source.json");
-    let pkgfile = dir.push("packages.json.new");
-    let destpkgfile = dir.push("packages.json");
-    let keyfile = dir.push("key.gpg");
-    let srcsigfile = dir.push("source.json.sig");
-    let sigfile = dir.push("packages.json.sig");
-    let mut url = src.url;
-    let smart = !str::ends_with(src.url, ~"packages.json");
-    let mut has_src_file = false;
-    if smart {
-        url += ~"/packages.json";
-    }
-    let p = run::program_output(~"curl",
-                                ~[~"-f", ~"-s",
-                                  ~"-o", pkgfile.to_str(), url]);
-    if p.status != 0 {
-        error(fmt!("fetch for source %s (url %s) failed", name, url));
-        return false;
-    }
-    if smart {
-        url = src.url + ~"/source.json";
-        let p =
-            run::program_output(~"curl",
-                                ~[~"-f", ~"-s",
-                                  ~"-o", srcfile.to_str(), url]);
-        if p.status == 0 {
-            has_src_file = true;
-        }
-    }
-    match copy src.key {
-       Some(u) => {
-            let p = run::program_output(~"curl",
-                                        ~[~"-f", ~"-s",
-                                          ~"-o", keyfile.to_str(), u]);
-            if p.status != 0 {
-                error(fmt!("fetch for source %s (key %s) failed", name, u));
-                return false;
-            }
-            pgp::add(&c.root, &keyfile);
-        }
-        _ => ()
-    }
-    match (src.key, src.keyfp) {
-        (Some(_), Some(f)) => {
-            if smart {
-                url = src.url + ~"/packages.json.sig";
-            }
-            else {
-                url = src.url + ~".sig";
-            }
-            let mut p = run::program_output(~"curl",
-                                            ~[~"-f", ~"-s", ~"-o",
-                                              sigfile.to_str(), url]);
-            if p.status != 0 {
-                error(fmt!("fetch for source %s (sig %s) failed", name, url));
-                return false;
-            }
-            let r = pgp::verify(&c.root, &pkgfile, &sigfile);
-            if !r {
-                error(fmt!("signature verification failed for source %s with \
-                            key %s", name, f));
-                return false;
-            }
-            if smart && has_src_file {
-                url = src.url + ~"/source.json.sig";
-                p = run::program_output(~"curl",
-                                        ~[~"-f", ~"-s", ~"-o",
-                                          srcsigfile.to_str(), url]);
-                if p.status != 0 {
-                    error(fmt!("fetch for source %s (sig %s) failed",
-                          name, url));
-                    return false;
-                }
-                let e = pgp::verify(&c.root, &srcfile, &srcsigfile);
-                if !e {
-                    error(~"signature verification failed for " +
-                          ~"source " + name + ~" with key " + f);
-                    return false;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        _ => ()
-    }
-    copy_warn(&pkgfile, &destpkgfile);
-    if smart && has_src_file {
-        copy_warn(&srcfile, &destsrcfile);
-    }
-    os::remove_file(&keyfile);
-    os::remove_file(&srcfile);
-    os::remove_file(&srcsigfile);
-    os::remove_file(&pkgfile);
-    os::remove_file(&sigfile);
-    info(fmt!("synced source: %s", name));
-    return true;
-fn sync_one(c: &Cargo, src: @Source) {
-    let name = src.name;
-    let dir = c.sourcedir.push(name);
-    info(fmt!("syncing source: %s...", name));
-    need_dir(&dir);
-    let result = match src.method {
-        ~"git" => sync_one_git(c, &dir, src),
-        ~"file" => sync_one_file(c, &dir, src),
-        _ => sync_one_curl(c, &dir, src)
-    };
-    if result {
-        load_source_info(c, src);
-        load_source_packages(c, src);
-    }
-fn cmd_init(c: &Cargo) {
-    let srcurl = ~"http://www.rust-lang.org/cargo/sources.json";
-    let sigurl = ~"http://www.rust-lang.org/cargo/sources.json.sig";
-    let srcfile = c.root.push("sources.json.new");
-    let sigfile = c.root.push("sources.json.sig");
-    let destsrcfile = c.root.push("sources.json");
-    let p =
-        run::program_output(~"curl", ~[~"-f", ~"-s",
-                                       ~"-o", srcfile.to_str(), srcurl]);
-    if p.status != 0 {
-        error(fmt!("fetch of sources.json failed: %s", p.out));
-        return;
-    }
-    let p =
-        run::program_output(~"curl", ~[~"-f", ~"-s",
-                                       ~"-o", sigfile.to_str(), sigurl]);
-    if p.status != 0 {
-        error(fmt!("fetch of sources.json.sig failed: %s", p.out));
-        return;
-    }
-    let r = pgp::verify(&c.root, &srcfile, &sigfile);
-    if !r {
-        error(fmt!("signature verification failed for '%s'",
-                   srcfile.to_str()));
-        return;
-    }
-    copy_warn(&srcfile, &destsrcfile);
-    os::remove_file(&srcfile);
-    os::remove_file(&sigfile);
-    info(fmt!("initialized .cargo in %s", c.root.to_str()));
-fn print_pkg(s: @Source, p: &Package) {
-    let mut m = s.name + ~"/" + p.name + ~" (" + p.uuid + ~")";
-    if vec::len(p.tags) > 0u {
-        m = m + ~" [" + str::connect(p.tags, ~", ") + ~"]";
-    }
-    info(m);
-    if p.description != ~"" {
-        print(~"   >> " + p.description + ~"\n")
-    }
-fn print_source(s: @Source) {
-    info(s.name + ~" (" + s.url + ~")");
-    let pks = sort::merge_sort(s.packages.get(), sys::shape_lt);
-    let l = vec::len(pks);
-    print(io::with_str_writer(|writer| {
-        let mut list = ~"   >> ";
-        for vec::eachi(pks) |i, pk| {
-            if str::len(list) > 78u {
-                writer.write_line(list);
-                list = ~"   >> ";
-            }
-            list += pk.name + (if l - 1u == i { ~"" } else { ~", " });
-        }
-        writer.write_line(list);
-    }));
-fn cmd_list(c: &Cargo) {
-    sync(c);
-    if vec::len(c.opts.free) >= 3u {
-        let v = vec::view(c.opts.free, 2u, vec::len(c.opts.free));
-        for vec::each(v) |name| {
-            if !valid_pkg_name(*name) {
-                error(fmt!("'%s' is an invalid source name", *name));
-            } else {
-                match c.sources.find(*name) {
-                    Some(source) => {
-                        print_source(source);
-                    }
-                    None => {
-                        error(fmt!("no such source: %s", *name));
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    } else {
-        for c.sources.each_value |v| {
-            print_source(v);
-        }
-    }
-fn cmd_search(c: &Cargo) {
-    if vec::len(c.opts.free) < 3u {
-        cmd_usage();
-        return;
-    }
-    sync(c);
-    let mut n = 0;
-    let name = c.opts.free[2];
-    let tags = vec::slice(c.opts.free, 3u, vec::len(c.opts.free));
-    for_each_package(c, |s, p| {
-        if (str::contains(p.name, name) || name == ~"*") &&
-            vec::all(tags, |t| vec::contains(p.tags, t) ) {
-            print_pkg(s, p);
-            n += 1;
-        }
-    });
-    info(fmt!("found %d packages", n));
-fn install_to_dir(srcfile: &Path, destdir: &Path) {
-    let newfile = destdir.push(srcfile.filename().get());
-    let status = run::run_program(~"cp", ~[~"-r", srcfile.to_str(),
-                                           newfile.to_str()]);
-    if status == 0 {
-        info(fmt!("installed: '%s'", newfile.to_str()));
-    } else {
-        error(fmt!("could not install: '%s'", newfile.to_str()));
-    }
-fn dump_cache(c: &Cargo) {
-    need_dir(&c.root);
-    let out = c.root.push("cache.json");
-    let _root = json::Object(~LinearMap());
-    if os::path_exists(&out) {
-        copy_warn(&out, &c.root.push("cache.json.old"));
-    }
-fn dump_sources(c: &Cargo) {
-    if c.sources.size() < 1u {
-        return;
-    }
-    need_dir(&c.root);
-    let out = c.root.push("sources.json");
-    if os::path_exists(&out) {
-        copy_warn(&out, &c.root.push("sources.json.old"));
-    }
-    match io::buffered_file_writer(&out) {
-        result::Ok(writer) => {
-            let mut hash = ~LinearMap();
-            for c.sources.each |k, v| {
-                let mut chash = ~LinearMap();
-                chash.insert(~"url", json::String(v.url));
-                chash.insert(~"method", json::String(v.method));
-                match copy v.key {
-                    Some(key) => {
-                        chash.insert(~"key", json::String(copy key));
-                    }
-                    _ => ()
-                }
-                match copy v.keyfp {
-                    Some(keyfp) => {
-                        chash.insert(~"keyfp", json::String(copy keyfp));
-                    }
-                    _ => ()
-                }
-                hash.insert(copy k, json::Object(move chash));
-            }
-            json::to_writer(writer, &json::Object(move hash))
-        }
-        result::Err(e) => {
-            error(fmt!("could not dump sources: %s", e));
-        }
-    }
-fn copy_warn(srcfile: &Path, destfile: &Path) {
-    if !os::copy_file(srcfile, destfile) {
-        warn(fmt!("copying %s to %s failed",
-                  srcfile.to_str(), destfile.to_str()));
-    }
-fn cmd_sources(c: &Cargo) {
-    if vec::len(c.opts.free) < 3u {
-        for c.sources.each_value |v| {
-            info(fmt!("%s (%s) via %s",
-                      v.name, v.url, v.method));
-        }
-        return;
-    }
-    let action = c.opts.free[2u];
-    match action {
-        ~"clear" => {
-          for c.sources.each_key |k| {
-                c.sources.remove(k);
-            }
-            info(~"cleared sources");
-        }
-        ~"add" => {
-            if vec::len(c.opts.free) < 5u {
-                cmd_usage();
-                return;
-            }
-            let name = c.opts.free[3u];
-            let url = c.opts.free[4u];
-            if !valid_pkg_name(name) {
-                error(fmt!("'%s' is an invalid source name", name));
-                return;
-            }
-            if c.sources.contains_key(name) {
-                error(fmt!("source already exists: %s", name));
-            } else {
-                c.sources.insert(name, @Source {
-                    name: name,
-                    mut url: url,
-                    mut method: assume_source_method(url),
-                    mut key: None,
-                    mut keyfp: None,
-                    packages: DVec()
-                });
-                info(fmt!("added source: %s", name));
-            }
-        }
-        ~"remove" => {
-            if vec::len(c.opts.free) < 4u {
-                cmd_usage();
-                return;
-            }
-            let name = c.opts.free[3u];
-            if !valid_pkg_name(name) {
-                error(fmt!("'%s' is an invalid source name", name));
-                return;
-            }
-            if c.sources.contains_key(name) {
-                c.sources.remove(name);
-                info(fmt!("removed source: %s", name));
-            } else {
-                error(fmt!("no such source: %s", name));
-            }
-        }
-        ~"set-url" => {
-            if vec::len(c.opts.free) < 5u {
-                cmd_usage();
-                return;
-            }
-            let name = c.opts.free[3u];
-            let url = c.opts.free[4u];
-            if !valid_pkg_name(name) {
-                error(fmt!("'%s' is an invalid source name", name));
-                return;
-            }
-            match c.sources.find(name) {
-                Some(source) => {
-                    let old = copy source.url;
-                    let method = assume_source_method(url);
-                    source.url = url;
-                    source.method = method;
-                    c.sources.insert(name, source);
-                    info(fmt!("changed source url: '%s' to '%s'", old, url));
-                }
-                None => {
-                    error(fmt!("no such source: %s", name));
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        ~"set-method" => {
-            if vec::len(c.opts.free) < 5u {
-                cmd_usage();
-                return;
-            }
-            let name = c.opts.free[3u];
-            let method = c.opts.free[4u];
-            if !valid_pkg_name(name) {
-                error(fmt!("'%s' is an invalid source name", name));
-                return;
-            }
-            match c.sources.find(name) {
-                Some(source) => {
-                    let old = copy source.method;
-                    source.method = match method {
-                        ~"git" => ~"git",
-                        ~"file" => ~"file",
-                        _ => ~"curl"
-                    };
-                    c.sources.insert(name, source);
-                    info(fmt!("changed source method: '%s' to '%s'", old,
-                         method));
-                }
-                None => {
-                    error(fmt!("no such source: %s", name));
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        ~"rename" => {
-            if vec::len(c.opts.free) < 5u {
-                cmd_usage();
-                return;
-            }
-            let name = c.opts.free[3u];
-            let newn = c.opts.free[4u];
-            if !valid_pkg_name(name) {
-                error(fmt!("'%s' is an invalid source name", name));
-                return;
-            }
-            if !valid_pkg_name(newn) {
-                error(fmt!("'%s' is an invalid source name", newn));
-                return;
-            }
-            match c.sources.find(name) {
-                Some(source) => {
-                    c.sources.remove(name);
-                    c.sources.insert(newn, source);
-                    info(fmt!("renamed source: %s to %s", name, newn));
-                }
-                None => {
-                    error(fmt!("no such source: %s", name));
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        _ => cmd_usage()
-    }
-fn cmd_usage() {
-    print(~"Usage: cargo <cmd> [options] [args..]
-e.g. cargo install <name>
-Where <cmd> is one of:
-    init, install, list, search, sources,
-    uninstall, usage
-    -h, --help                  Display this message
-    <cmd> -h, <cmd> --help      Display help for <cmd>
-fn cmd_usage_init() {
-    print(~"cargo init
-Re-initialize cargo in ~/.cargo. Clears all sources and then adds the
-default sources from <www.rust-lang.org/sources.json>.");
-fn cmd_usage_install() {
-    print(~"cargo install
-cargo install [source/]<name>[@version]
-cargo install [source/]<uuid>[@version]
-cargo install <git url> [ref]
-cargo install <tarball url>
-cargo install <tarball file>
-    --test      Run crate tests before installing
-    -g          Install to the user level (~/.cargo/bin/ instead of
-                locally in ./.cargo/bin/ by default)
-    -G          Install to the system level (/usr/local/lib/cargo/bin/)
-Install a crate. If no arguments are supplied, it installs from
-the current working directory. If a source is provided, only install
-from that source, otherwise it installs from any source.");
-fn cmd_usage_uninstall() {
-    print(~"cargo uninstall [source/]<name>[@version]
-cargo uninstall [source/]<uuid>[@version]
-cargo uninstall <meta-name>[@version]
-cargo uninstall <meta-uuid>[@version]
-    -g          Remove from the user level (~/.cargo/bin/ instead of
-                locally in ./.cargo/bin/ by default)
-    -G          Remove from the system level (/usr/local/lib/cargo/bin/)
-Remove a crate. If a source is provided, only remove
-from that source, otherwise it removes from any source.
-If a crate was installed directly (git, tarball, etc.), you can remove
-it by metadata.");
-fn cmd_usage_list() {
-    print(~"cargo list [sources..]
-If no arguments are provided, list all sources and their packages.
-If source names are provided, list those sources and their packages.
-fn cmd_usage_search() {
-    print(~"cargo search <query | '*'> [tags..]
-Search packages.");
-fn cmd_usage_sources() {
-    print(~"cargo sources
-cargo sources add <name> <url>
-cargo sources remove <name>
-cargo sources rename <name> <new>
-cargo sources set-url <name> <url>
-cargo sources set-method <name> <method>
-If no arguments are supplied, list all sources (but not their packages).
-    add             Add a source. The source method will be guessed
-                    from the URL.
-    remove          Remove a source.
-    rename          Rename a source.
-    set-url         Change the URL for a source.
-    set-method      Change the method for a source.");
-fn main() {
-    let argv = os::args();
-    let o = build_cargo_options(argv);
-    if vec::len(o.free) < 2u {
-        cmd_usage();
-        return;
-    }
-    if o.help {
-        match o.free[1] {
-            ~"init" => cmd_usage_init(),
-            ~"install" => cmd_usage_install(),
-            ~"uninstall" => cmd_usage_uninstall(),
-            ~"list" => cmd_usage_list(),
-            ~"search" => cmd_usage_search(),
-            ~"sources" => cmd_usage_sources(),
-            _ => cmd_usage()
-        }
-        return;
-    }
-    if o.free[1] == ~"usage" {
-        cmd_usage();
-        return;
-    }
-    let mut c = configure(o);
-    let home = c.root;
-    let first_time = os::path_exists(&home.push("sources.json"));
-    if !first_time && o.free[1] != ~"init" {
-        cmd_init(&c);
-        // FIXME (#2662): shouldn't need to reconfigure
-        c = configure(o);
-    }
-    let c = &move c;
-    match o.free[1] {
-        ~"init" => cmd_init(c),
-        ~"install" => cmd_install(c),
-        ~"uninstall" => cmd_uninstall(c),
-        ~"list" => cmd_list(c),
-        ~"search" => cmd_search(c),
-        ~"sources" => cmd_sources(c),
-        _ => cmd_usage()
-    }
-    dump_cache(c);
-    dump_sources(c);
diff --git a/src/libcore/alternate_crate.rc b/src/libcore/alternate_crate.rc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..74f8d6b5cec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libcore/alternate_crate.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+The Rust core library.
+The Rust core library provides runtime features required by the language,
+including the task scheduler and memory allocators, as well as library
+support for Rust built-in types, platform abstractions, and other commonly
+used features.
+`core` includes modules corresponding to each of the integer types, each of
+the floating point types, the `bool` type, tuples, characters, strings,
+vectors (`vec`), shared boxes (`box`), and unsafe and borrowed pointers
+(`ptr`).  Additionally, `core` provides task management and creation (`task`),
+communication primitives (`comm` and `pipes`), an efficient vector builder
+(`dvec`), platform abstractions (`os` and `path`), basic I/O abstractions
+(`io`), common traits (`cmp`, `num`, `to_str`), and complete bindings
+to the C standard library (`libc`).
+`core` is linked to all crates by default and its contents imported.
+Implicitly, all crates behave as if they included the following prologue:
+    extern mod core;
+    use core::*;
+#[link(name = "core",
+       vers = "0.5",
+       uuid = "c70c24a7-5551-4f73-8e37-380b11d80be8",
+       url = "https://github.com/mozilla/rust/tree/master/src/libcore")];
+#[comment = "The Rust core library"];
+#[license = "MIT"];
+#[crate_type = "lib"];
+// Don't link to core. We are core.
+// Built-in-type support modules
+/// Operations and constants for `int`
+#[path = "int-template.rs"]
+#[merge = "int-template/intb.rs"]
+pub mod int;
+/// Operations and constants for `i8`
+#[path = "int-template.rs"]
+#[merge = "int-template/i8b.rs"]
+pub mod i8;
+/// Operations and constants for `i16`
+#[path = "int-template.rs"]
+#[merge = "int-template/i16b.rs"]
+pub mod i16;
+/// Operations and constants for `i32`
+#[path = "int-template.rs"]
+#[merge = "int-template/i32b.rs"]
+pub mod i32;
+/// Operations and constants for `i64`
+#[path = "int-template.rs"]
+#[merge = "int-template/i64b.rs"]
+pub mod i64;
+/// Operations and constants for `uint`
+#[path = "uint-template.rs"]
+#[merge = "uint-template/uintb.rs"]
+pub mod uint;
+/// Operations and constants for `u8`
+#[path = "uint-template.rs"]
+#[merge = "uint-template/u8b.rs"]
+pub mod u8;
+/// Operations and constants for `u16`
+#[path = "uint-template.rs"]
+#[merge = "uint-template/u16b.rs"]
+pub mod u16;
+/// Operations and constants for `u32`
+#[path = "uint-template.rs"]
+#[merge = "uint-template/u32b.rs"]
+pub mod u32;
+/// Operations and constants for `u64`
+#[path = "uint-template.rs"]
+#[merge = "uint-template/u64b.rs"]
+pub mod u64;
+pub mod box;
+pub mod char;
+pub mod float;
+pub mod f32;
+pub mod f64;
+pub mod str;
+pub mod ptr;
+pub mod vec;
+pub mod at_vec;
+pub mod bool;
+pub mod tuple;
+pub mod unit;
+pub mod owned;
+// Ubiquitous-utility-type modules
+pub mod ops;
+pub mod cmp;
+pub mod num;
+pub mod hash;
+pub mod either;
+pub mod iter;
+pub mod logging;
+pub mod option;
+#[merge = "iter-trait/optionb.rs"]
+pub mod option_iter;
+pub mod result;
+pub mod to_str;
+pub mod to_bytes;
+pub mod from_str;
+pub mod util;
+// Data structure modules
+pub mod dvec;
+#[merge = "iter-trait/dvecb.rs"]
+pub mod dvec_iter;
+pub mod dlist;
+#[merge = "iter-trait/dlistb.rs"]
+pub mod dlist_iter;
+pub mod send_map;
+// Concurrency
+pub mod comm;
+#[merge = "task/mod.rs"]
+pub mod task;
+pub mod pipes;
+// Runtime and language-primitive support
+pub mod gc;
+pub mod io;
+pub mod libc;
+pub mod os;
+pub mod path;
+pub mod rand;
+pub mod run;
+pub mod sys;
+pub mod cast;
+pub mod mutable;
+pub mod flate;
+pub mod repr;
+pub mod cleanup;
+pub mod reflect;
+pub mod condition;
+// Modules supporting compiler-generated code
+// Exported but not part of the public interface
+pub mod extfmt;
+// The test harness links against core, so don't include runtime in tests.
+pub mod rt;
+// Ideally not exported, but currently is.
+pub mod private;
+// For internal use, not exported.
+mod unicode;
+mod cmath;
+mod stackwalk;
+// Top-level, visible-everywhere definitions.
+// Export various ubiquitous types, constructors, methods.
+pub use option::{Some, None};
+pub use Option = option::Option;
+pub use result::{Result, Ok, Err};
+pub use Path = path::Path;
+pub use GenericPath = path::GenericPath;
+pub use WindowsPath = path::WindowsPath;
+pub use PosixPath = path::PosixPath;
+pub use tuple::{CopyableTuple, ImmutableTuple, ExtendedTupleOps};
+pub use str::{StrSlice, Trimmable};
+pub use vec::{ConstVector, CopyableVector, ImmutableVector};
+pub use vec::{ImmutableEqVector, ImmutableCopyableVector};
+pub use vec::{MutableVector, MutableCopyableVector};
+pub use iter::{BaseIter, ExtendedIter, EqIter, CopyableIter};
+pub use iter::{CopyableOrderedIter, CopyableNonstrictIter, Times};
+pub use num::Num;
+pub use ptr::Ptr;
+pub use to_str::ToStr;
+// The following exports are the core operators and kinds
+// The compiler has special knowlege of these so we must not duplicate them
+// when compiling for testing
+pub use ops::{Const, Copy, Send, Owned};
+pub use ops::{Drop};
+pub use ops::{Add, Sub, Mul, Div, Modulo, Neg, BitAnd, BitOr, BitXor};
+pub use ops::{Shl, Shr, Index};
+extern mod coreops(name = "core", vers = "0.5");
+pub use coreops::ops::{Const, Copy, Send, Owned};
+pub use coreops::ops::{Drop};
+pub use coreops::ops::{Add, Sub, Mul, Div, Modulo, Neg, BitAnd, BitOr};
+pub use coreops::ops::{BitXor};
+pub use coreops::ops::{Shl, Shr, Index};
+// Export the log levels as global constants. Higher levels mean
+// more-verbosity. Error is the bottom level, default logging level is
+// warn-and-below.
+/// The error log level
+pub const error : u32 = 1_u32;
+/// The warning log level
+pub const warn : u32 = 2_u32;
+/// The info log level
+pub const info : u32 = 3_u32;
+/// The debug log level
+pub const debug : u32 = 4_u32;
+// A curious inner-module that's not exported that contains the binding
+// 'core' so that macro-expanded references to core::error and such
+// can be resolved within libcore.
+#[doc(hidden)] // FIXME #3538
+mod core {
+    pub const error : u32 = 1_u32;
+    pub const warn : u32 = 2_u32;
+    pub const info : u32 = 3_u32;
+    pub const debug : u32 = 4_u32;
+// Similar to above. Some magic to make core testable.
+mod std {
+    extern mod std(vers = "0.5");
+    pub use std::test;
+// Local Variables:
+// mode: rust;
+// fill-column: 78;
+// indent-tabs-mode: nil
+// c-basic-offset: 4
+// buffer-file-coding-system: utf-8-unix
+// End:
diff --git a/src/libcore/core.rc b/src/libcore/core.rc
index 707d6125046..86417c93616 100644
--- a/src/libcore/core.rc
+++ b/src/libcore/core.rc
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
 The Rust core library.
diff --git a/src/libcore/int-template/i16b.rs b/src/libcore/int-template/i16b.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b24eb86e4ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libcore/int-template/i16b.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+mod inst {
+    pub type T = i16;
+    pub const bits: uint = u16::bits;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/libcore/int-template/i32b.rs b/src/libcore/int-template/i32b.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5bfb8a6d01c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libcore/int-template/i32b.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+mod inst {
+    pub type T = i32;
+    pub const bits: uint = u32::bits;
diff --git a/src/libcore/int-template/i64b.rs b/src/libcore/int-template/i64b.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..86552b2cced
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libcore/int-template/i64b.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+mod inst {
+    pub type T = i64;
+    pub const bits: uint = u64::bits;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/libcore/int-template/i8b.rs b/src/libcore/int-template/i8b.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2cf7ed2983f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libcore/int-template/i8b.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+mod inst {
+    pub type T = i8;
+    pub const bits: uint = u8::bits;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/libcore/int-template/intb.rs b/src/libcore/int-template/intb.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c1f2ca944dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libcore/int-template/intb.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+pub use inst::pow;
+mod inst {
+    pub type T = int;
+    pub const bits: uint = uint::bits;
+    /// Returns `base` raised to the power of `exponent`
+    pub fn pow(base: int, exponent: uint) -> int {
+        if exponent == 0u {
+            //Not mathemtically true if ~[base == 0]
+            return 1;
+        }
+        if base     == 0  { return 0; }
+        let mut my_pow  = exponent;
+        let mut acc     = 1;
+        let mut multiplier = base;
+        while(my_pow > 0u) {
+            if my_pow % 2u == 1u {
+                acc *= multiplier;
+            }
+            my_pow     /= 2u;
+            multiplier *= multiplier;
+        }
+        return acc;
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_pow() {
+        assert (pow(0, 0u) == 1);
+        assert (pow(0, 1u) == 0);
+        assert (pow(0, 2u) == 0);
+        assert (pow(-1, 0u) == 1);
+        assert (pow(1, 0u) == 1);
+        assert (pow(-3, 2u) == 9);
+        assert (pow(-3, 3u) == -27);
+        assert (pow(4, 9u) == 262144);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_overflows() {
+        assert (max_value > 0);
+        assert (min_value <= 0);
+        assert (min_value + max_value + 1 == 0);
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/libcore/iter-trait/dlistb.rs b/src/libcore/iter-trait/dlistb.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2d782b1262b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libcore/iter-trait/dlistb.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+mod inst {
+    #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
+    pub type IMPL_T<A> = dlist::DList<A>;
+    /**
+    * Iterates through the current contents.
+    *
+    * Attempts to access this dlist during iteration are allowed (to
+    * allow for e.g. breadth-first search with in-place enqueues), but
+    * removing the current node is forbidden.
+    */
+    pub pure fn EACH<A>(self: &IMPL_T<A>, f: fn(v: &A) -> bool) {
+        let mut link = self.peek_n();
+        while option::is_some(&link) {
+            let nobe = option::get(link);
+            assert nobe.linked;
+            if !f(&nobe.data) { break; }
+            // Check (weakly) that the user didn't do a remove.
+            if self.size == 0 {
+                fail ~"The dlist became empty during iteration??"
+            }
+            if !nobe.linked ||
+                (!((nobe.prev.is_some()
+                    || box::ptr_eq(*self.hd.expect(~"headless dlist?"),
+                                   *nobe))
+                   && (nobe.next.is_some()
+                    || box::ptr_eq(*self.tl.expect(~"tailless dlist?"),
+                                   *nobe)))) {
+                fail ~"Removing a dlist node during iteration is forbidden!"
+            }
+            link = nobe.next_link();
+        }
+    }
+    pub pure fn SIZE_HINT<A>(self: &IMPL_T<A>) -> Option<uint> {
+        Some(self.len())
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/libcore/iter-trait/dvecb.rs b/src/libcore/iter-trait/dvecb.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b30c1372a2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libcore/iter-trait/dvecb.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+mod inst {
+    #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
+    pub type IMPL_T<A> = dvec::DVec<A>;
+    /**
+    * Iterates through the current contents.
+    *
+    * Attempts to access this dvec during iteration will fail.
+    */
+    pub pure fn EACH<A>(self: &IMPL_T<A>, f: fn(v: &A) -> bool) {
+        unsafe {
+            do self.swap |v| {
+                v.each(f);
+                move v
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    pub pure fn SIZE_HINT<A>(self: &IMPL_T<A>) -> Option<uint> {
+        Some(self.len())
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/libcore/iter-trait/optionb.rs b/src/libcore/iter-trait/optionb.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..680893eb95b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libcore/iter-trait/optionb.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+mod inst {
+    #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
+    pub type IMPL_T<A> = Option<A>;
+    pub pure fn EACH<A>(self: &IMPL_T<A>, f: fn(v: &A) -> bool) {
+        match *self {
+            None => (),
+            Some(ref a) => { f(a); }
+        }
+    }
+    pub pure fn SIZE_HINT<A>(self: &IMPL_T<A>) -> Option<uint> {
+        match *self {
+            None => Some(0),
+            Some(_) => Some(1)
+        }
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/libcore/task/mod.rs b/src/libcore/task/mod.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..887983e8b6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libcore/task/mod.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+mod local_data_priv;
+pub mod local_data;
+pub mod rt;
+pub mod spawn;
diff --git a/src/libcore/uint-template/u16b.rs b/src/libcore/uint-template/u16b.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..aafd46f845b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libcore/uint-template/u16b.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+mod inst {
+    pub type T = u16;
+    pub const bits: uint = 16;
diff --git a/src/libcore/uint-template/u32b.rs b/src/libcore/uint-template/u32b.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8e784bdf225
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libcore/uint-template/u32b.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+mod inst {
+    pub type T = u32;
+    pub const bits: uint = 32;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/libcore/uint-template/u64b.rs b/src/libcore/uint-template/u64b.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..43a8169f08b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libcore/uint-template/u64b.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+mod inst {
+    pub type T = u64;
+    pub const bits: uint = 64;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/libcore/uint-template/u8b.rs b/src/libcore/uint-template/u8b.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a3e750861e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libcore/uint-template/u8b.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+pub use inst::is_ascii;
+mod inst {
+    pub type T = u8;
+    pub const bits: uint = 8;
+    // Type-specific functions here. These must be reexported by the
+    // parent module so that they appear in core::u8 and not core::u8::u8;
+    pub pure fn is_ascii(x: T) -> bool { return 0 as T == x & 128 as T; }
diff --git a/src/libcore/uint-template/uintb.rs b/src/libcore/uint-template/uintb.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..68054d47e1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libcore/uint-template/uintb.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+pub use inst::{
+    div_ceil, div_round, div_floor, iterate,
+    next_power_of_two
+mod inst {
+    pub type T = uint;
+    #[cfg(target_arch = "x86")]
+    #[cfg(target_arch = "arm")]
+    pub const bits: uint = 32;
+    #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
+    pub const bits: uint = 64;
+    /**
+    * Divide two numbers, return the result, rounded up.
+    *
+    * # Arguments
+    *
+    * * x - an integer
+    * * y - an integer distinct from 0u
+    *
+    * # Return value
+    *
+    * The smallest integer `q` such that `x/y <= q`.
+    */
+    pub pure fn div_ceil(x: uint, y: uint) -> uint {
+        let div = x / y;
+        if x % y == 0u { div }
+        else { div + 1u }
+    }
+    /**
+    * Divide two numbers, return the result, rounded to the closest integer.
+    *
+    * # Arguments
+    *
+    * * x - an integer
+    * * y - an integer distinct from 0u
+    *
+    * # Return value
+    *
+    * The integer `q` closest to `x/y`.
+    */
+    pub pure fn div_round(x: uint, y: uint) -> uint {
+        let div = x / y;
+        if x % y * 2u  < y { div }
+        else { div + 1u }
+    }
+    /**
+    * Divide two numbers, return the result, rounded down.
+    *
+    * Note: This is the same function as `div`.
+    *
+    * # Arguments
+    *
+    * * x - an integer
+    * * y - an integer distinct from 0u
+    *
+    * # Return value
+    *
+    * The smallest integer `q` such that `x/y <= q`. This
+    * is either `x/y` or `x/y + 1`.
+    */
+    pub pure fn div_floor(x: uint, y: uint) -> uint { return x / y; }
+    /**
+    * Iterate over the range [`lo`..`hi`), or stop when requested
+    *
+    * # Arguments
+    *
+    * * lo - The integer at which to start the loop (included)
+    * * hi - The integer at which to stop the loop (excluded)
+    * * it - A block to execute with each consecutive integer of the range.
+    *        Return `true` to continue, `false` to stop.
+    *
+    * # Return value
+    *
+    * `true` If execution proceeded correctly, `false` if it was interrupted,
+    * that is if `it` returned `false` at any point.
+    */
+    pub pure fn iterate(lo: uint, hi: uint, it: fn(uint) -> bool) -> bool {
+        let mut i = lo;
+        while i < hi {
+            if (!it(i)) { return false; }
+            i += 1u;
+        }
+        return true;
+    }
+    /// Returns the smallest power of 2 greater than or equal to `n`
+    #[inline(always)]
+    pub fn next_power_of_two(n: uint) -> uint {
+        let halfbits: uint = sys::size_of::<uint>() * 4u;
+        let mut tmp: uint = n - 1u;
+        let mut shift: uint = 1u;
+        while shift <= halfbits { tmp |= tmp >> shift; shift <<= 1u; }
+        return tmp + 1u;
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_next_power_of_two() {
+        assert (uint::next_power_of_two(0u) == 0u);
+        assert (uint::next_power_of_two(1u) == 1u);
+        assert (uint::next_power_of_two(2u) == 2u);
+        assert (uint::next_power_of_two(3u) == 4u);
+        assert (uint::next_power_of_two(4u) == 4u);
+        assert (uint::next_power_of_two(5u) == 8u);
+        assert (uint::next_power_of_two(6u) == 8u);
+        assert (uint::next_power_of_two(7u) == 8u);
+        assert (uint::next_power_of_two(8u) == 8u);
+        assert (uint::next_power_of_two(9u) == 16u);
+        assert (uint::next_power_of_two(10u) == 16u);
+        assert (uint::next_power_of_two(11u) == 16u);
+        assert (uint::next_power_of_two(12u) == 16u);
+        assert (uint::next_power_of_two(13u) == 16u);
+        assert (uint::next_power_of_two(14u) == 16u);
+        assert (uint::next_power_of_two(15u) == 16u);
+        assert (uint::next_power_of_two(16u) == 16u);
+        assert (uint::next_power_of_two(17u) == 32u);
+        assert (uint::next_power_of_two(18u) == 32u);
+        assert (uint::next_power_of_two(19u) == 32u);
+        assert (uint::next_power_of_two(20u) == 32u);
+        assert (uint::next_power_of_two(21u) == 32u);
+        assert (uint::next_power_of_two(22u) == 32u);
+        assert (uint::next_power_of_two(23u) == 32u);
+        assert (uint::next_power_of_two(24u) == 32u);
+        assert (uint::next_power_of_two(25u) == 32u);
+        assert (uint::next_power_of_two(26u) == 32u);
+        assert (uint::next_power_of_two(27u) == 32u);
+        assert (uint::next_power_of_two(28u) == 32u);
+        assert (uint::next_power_of_two(29u) == 32u);
+        assert (uint::next_power_of_two(30u) == 32u);
+        assert (uint::next_power_of_two(31u) == 32u);
+        assert (uint::next_power_of_two(32u) == 32u);
+        assert (uint::next_power_of_two(33u) == 64u);
+        assert (uint::next_power_of_two(34u) == 64u);
+        assert (uint::next_power_of_two(35u) == 64u);
+        assert (uint::next_power_of_two(36u) == 64u);
+        assert (uint::next_power_of_two(37u) == 64u);
+        assert (uint::next_power_of_two(38u) == 64u);
+        assert (uint::next_power_of_two(39u) == 64u);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_overflows() {
+        assert (uint::max_value > 0u);
+        assert (uint::min_value <= 0u);
+        assert (uint::min_value + uint::max_value + 1u == 0u);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_div() {
+        assert(uint::div_floor(3u, 4u) == 0u);
+        assert(uint::div_ceil(3u, 4u)  == 1u);
+        assert(uint::div_round(3u, 4u) == 1u);
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/libfuzzer/fuzzer.rc b/src/libfuzzer/fuzzer.rc
index 11456ba3e1a..805e7b7d823 100644
--- a/src/libfuzzer/fuzzer.rc
+++ b/src/libfuzzer/fuzzer.rc
@@ -24,6 +24,635 @@ extern mod syntax(vers = "0.5");
 use core::*;
+use io::WriterUtil;
+use syntax::{ast, ast_util, fold, visit, codemap};
+use syntax::parse;
+use syntax::print::pprust;
+use syntax::diagnostic;
+enum test_mode { tm_converge, tm_run, }
+type context = { mode: test_mode }; // + rng
+impl test_mode : cmp::Eq {
+    pure fn eq(other: &test_mode) -> bool {
+        (self as uint) == ((*other) as uint)
+    }
+    pure fn ne(other: &test_mode) -> bool { !self.eq(other) }
+impl test_mode : cmp::Eq {
+    pure fn eq(&self, other: &test_mode) -> bool {
+        ((*self) as uint) == ((*other) as uint)
+    }
+    pure fn ne(&self, other: &test_mode) -> bool { !(*self).eq(other) }
+fn write_file(filename: &Path, content: ~str) {
+    result::get(
+        &io::file_writer(filename, ~[io::Create, io::Truncate]))
+        .write_str(content);
+fn contains(haystack: ~str, needle: ~str) -> bool {
+    str::contains(haystack, needle)
+fn find_rust_files(files: &mut ~[Path], path: &Path) {
+    if path.filetype() == Some(~".rs") && !contains(path.to_str(), ~"utf8") {
+        // ignoring "utf8" tests because something is broken
+        files.push(*path);
+    } else if os::path_is_dir(path)
+        && !contains(path.to_str(), ~"compile-fail")
+        && !contains(path.to_str(), ~"build") {
+        for os::list_dir_path(path).each |p| {
+            find_rust_files(files, *p);
+        }
+    }
+fn common_exprs() -> ~[ast::expr] {
+    fn dse(e: ast::expr_) -> ast::expr {
+        { id: 0, callee_id: -1, node: e, span: ast_util::dummy_sp() }
+    }
+    fn dsl(l: ast::lit_) -> ast::lit {
+        { node: l, span: ast_util::dummy_sp() }
+    }
+    ~[dse(ast::expr_break(option::None)),
+     dse(ast::expr_again(option::None)),
+     dse(ast::expr_fail(option::None)),
+     dse(ast::expr_fail(option::Some(
+         @dse(ast::expr_lit(@dsl(ast::lit_str(@~"boo"))))))),
+     dse(ast::expr_ret(option::None)),
+     dse(ast::expr_lit(@dsl(ast::lit_nil))),
+     dse(ast::expr_lit(@dsl(ast::lit_bool(false)))),
+     dse(ast::expr_lit(@dsl(ast::lit_bool(true)))),
+     dse(ast::expr_unary(ast::box(ast::m_imm),
+                         @dse(ast::expr_lit(@dsl(ast::lit_bool(true)))))),
+     dse(ast::expr_unary(ast::uniq(ast::m_imm),
+                         @dse(ast::expr_lit(@dsl(ast::lit_bool(true))))))
+    ]
+pure fn safe_to_steal_expr(e: @ast::expr, tm: test_mode) -> bool {
+    safe_to_use_expr(*e, tm)
+pure fn safe_to_use_expr(e: ast::expr, tm: test_mode) -> bool {
+    match tm {
+      tm_converge => {
+        match e.node {
+          // If the fuzzer moves a block-ending-in-semicolon into callee
+          // position, the pretty-printer can't preserve this even by
+          // parenthesizing!!  See email to marijn.
+          ast::expr_if(*) | ast::expr_block(*)
+          | ast::expr_match(*) | ast::expr_while(*)  => { false }
+          // https://github.com/mozilla/rust/issues/929
+          ast::expr_cast(*) | ast::expr_assert(*) |
+          ast::expr_binary(*) | ast::expr_assign(*) |
+          ast::expr_assign_op(*) => { false }
+          ast::expr_fail(option::None) |
+          ast::expr_ret(option::None) => { false }
+          // https://github.com/mozilla/rust/issues/953
+          ast::expr_fail(option::Some(_)) => { false }
+          // https://github.com/mozilla/rust/issues/928
+          //ast::expr_cast(_, _) { false }
+          // https://github.com/mozilla/rust/issues/1458
+          ast::expr_call(_, _, _) => { false }
+          _ => { true }
+        }
+      }
+      tm_run => { true }
+    }
+fn safe_to_steal_ty(t: @ast::Ty, tm: test_mode) -> bool {
+    // Restrictions happen to be the same.
+    safe_to_replace_ty(t.node, tm)
+// Not type-parameterized: https://github.com/mozilla/rust/issues/898 (FIXED)
+fn stash_expr_if(c: fn@(@ast::expr, test_mode)->bool,
+                 es: @mut ~[ast::expr],
+                 e: @ast::expr,
+                 tm: test_mode) {
+    if c(e, tm) {
+        *es += ~[*e];
+    } else {/* now my indices are wrong :( */ }
+fn stash_ty_if(c: fn@(@ast::Ty, test_mode)->bool,
+               es: @mut ~[ast::Ty],
+               e: @ast::Ty,
+               tm: test_mode) {
+    if c(e, tm) {
+        es.push(*e);
+    } else {/* now my indices are wrong :( */ }
+type stolen_stuff = {exprs: ~[ast::expr], tys: ~[ast::Ty]};
+fn steal(crate: ast::crate, tm: test_mode) -> stolen_stuff {
+    let exprs = @mut ~[];
+    let tys = @mut ~[];
+    let v = visit::mk_simple_visitor(@{
+        visit_expr: |a| stash_expr_if(safe_to_steal_expr, exprs, a, tm),
+        visit_ty: |a| stash_ty_if(safe_to_steal_ty, tys, a, tm),
+        .. *visit::default_simple_visitor()
+    });
+    visit::visit_crate(crate, (), v);
+    {exprs: *exprs, tys: *tys}
+fn safe_to_replace_expr(e: ast::expr_, _tm: test_mode) -> bool {
+    match e {
+      // https://github.com/mozilla/rust/issues/652
+      ast::expr_if(*) => { false }
+      ast::expr_block(_) => { false }
+      // expr_call is also missing a constraint
+      ast::expr_fn_block(*) => { false }
+      _ => { true }
+    }
+fn safe_to_replace_ty(t: ast::ty_, _tm: test_mode) -> bool {
+    match t {
+      ast::ty_infer => { false } // always implicit, always top level
+      ast::ty_bot => { false }   // in source, can only appear
+                              // as the out type of a function
+      ast::ty_mac(_) => { false }
+      _ => { true }
+    }
+// Replace the |i|th expr (in fold order) of |crate| with |newexpr|.
+fn replace_expr_in_crate(crate: ast::crate, i: uint,
+                         newexpr: ast::expr, tm: test_mode) ->
+   ast::crate {
+    let j: @mut uint = @mut 0u;
+    fn fold_expr_rep(j_: @mut uint, i_: uint, newexpr_: ast::expr_,
+                     original: ast::expr_, fld: fold::ast_fold,
+                     tm_: test_mode) ->
+       ast::expr_ {
+        *j_ += 1u;
+        if i_ + 1u == *j_ && safe_to_replace_expr(original, tm_) {
+            newexpr_
+        } else {
+            fold::noop_fold_expr(original, fld)
+        }
+    }
+    let afp = @{
+        fold_expr: fold::wrap(|a,b| {
+            fold_expr_rep(j, i, newexpr.node, a, b, tm)
+        }),
+        .. *fold::default_ast_fold()
+    };
+    let af = fold::make_fold(afp);
+    let crate2: @ast::crate = @af.fold_crate(crate);
+    *crate2
+// Replace the |i|th ty (in fold order) of |crate| with |newty|.
+fn replace_ty_in_crate(crate: ast::crate, i: uint, newty: ast::Ty,
+                       tm: test_mode) -> ast::crate {
+    let j: @mut uint = @mut 0u;
+    fn fold_ty_rep(j_: @mut uint, i_: uint, newty_: ast::ty_,
+                   original: ast::ty_, fld: fold::ast_fold,
+                   tm_: test_mode) ->
+       ast::ty_ {
+        *j_ += 1u;
+        if i_ + 1u == *j_ && safe_to_replace_ty(original, tm_) {
+            newty_
+        } else { fold::noop_fold_ty(original, fld) }
+    }
+    let afp = @{
+        fold_ty: fold::wrap(|a,b| fold_ty_rep(j, i, newty.node, a, b, tm) ),
+        .. *fold::default_ast_fold()
+    };
+    let af = fold::make_fold(afp);
+    let crate2: @ast::crate = @af.fold_crate(crate);
+    *crate2
+fn under(n: uint, it: fn(uint)) {
+    let mut i: uint = 0u;
+    while i < n { it(i); i += 1u; }
+fn as_str(f: fn@(+x: io::Writer)) -> ~str {
+    io::with_str_writer(f)
+fn check_variants_of_ast(crate: ast::crate, codemap: @codemap::CodeMap,
+                         filename: &Path, cx: context) {
+    let stolen = steal(crate, cx.mode);
+    let extra_exprs = vec::filter(common_exprs(),
+                                  |a| safe_to_use_expr(*a, cx.mode) );
+    check_variants_T(crate, codemap, filename, ~"expr",
+                     extra_exprs + stolen.exprs, pprust::expr_to_str,
+                     replace_expr_in_crate, cx);
+    check_variants_T(crate, codemap, filename, ~"ty", stolen.tys,
+                     pprust::ty_to_str, replace_ty_in_crate, cx);
+fn check_variants_T<T: Copy>(
+  crate: ast::crate,
+  codemap: @codemap::CodeMap,
+  filename: &Path,
+  thing_label: ~str,
+  things: ~[T],
+  stringifier: fn@(@T, @syntax::parse::token::ident_interner) -> ~str,
+  replacer: fn@(ast::crate, uint, T, test_mode) -> ast::crate,
+  cx: context
+  ) {
+    error!("%s contains %u %s objects", filename.to_str(),
+           things.len(), thing_label);
+    // Assuming we're not generating any token_trees
+    let intr = syntax::parse::token::mk_fake_ident_interner();
+    let L = things.len();
+    if L < 100 {
+        do under(uint::min(L, 20)) |i| {
+            log(error, ~"Replacing... #" + uint::str(i));
+            let fname = str::from_slice(filename.to_str());
+            do under(uint::min(L, 30)) |j| {
+                log(error, ~"With... " + stringifier(@things[j], intr));
+                let crate2 = @replacer(crate, i, things[j], cx.mode);
+                // It would be best to test the *crate* for stability, but
+                // testing the string for stability is easier and ok for now.
+                let handler = diagnostic::mk_handler(None);
+                let str3 = do io::with_str_reader("") |rdr| {
+                    @as_str(|a|pprust::print_crate(
+                        codemap,
+                        intr,
+                        diagnostic::mk_span_handler(handler, codemap),
+                        crate2,
+                        fname,
+                        rdr, a,
+                        pprust::no_ann(),
+                        false))
+                };
+                match cx.mode {
+                  tm_converge => {
+                    check_roundtrip_convergence(str3, 1u);
+                  }
+                  tm_run => {
+                    let file_label = fmt!("rusttmp/%s_%s_%u_%u",
+                                          last_part(filename.to_str()),
+                                          thing_label, i, j);
+                    let safe_to_run = !(content_is_dangerous_to_run(*str3)
+                                        || has_raw_pointers(*crate2));
+                    check_whole_compiler(*str3, &Path(file_label),
+                                         safe_to_run);
+                  }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+fn last_part(filename: ~str) -> ~str {
+  let ix = option::get(str::rfind_char(filename, '/'));
+  str::slice(filename, ix + 1u, str::len(filename) - 3u)
+enum happiness {
+    passed,
+    cleanly_rejected(~str),
+    known_bug(~str),
+    failed(~str),
+// We'd find more bugs if we could take an AST here, but
+// - that would find many "false positives" or unimportant bugs
+// - that would be tricky, requiring use of tasks or serialization
+//   or randomness.
+// This seems to find plenty of bugs as it is :)
+fn check_whole_compiler(code: ~str, suggested_filename_prefix: &Path,
+                        allow_running: bool) {
+    let filename = &suggested_filename_prefix.with_filetype("rs");
+    write_file(filename, code);
+    let compile_result = check_compiling(filename);
+    let run_result = match (compile_result, allow_running) {
+      (passed, true) => { check_running(suggested_filename_prefix) }
+      (h, _) => { h }
+    };
+    match run_result {
+      passed | cleanly_rejected(_) | known_bug(_) => {
+        removeIfExists(suggested_filename_prefix);
+        removeIfExists(&suggested_filename_prefix.with_filetype("rs"));
+        removeDirIfExists(&suggested_filename_prefix.with_filetype("dSYM"));
+      }
+      failed(s) => {
+        log(error, ~"check_whole_compiler failure: " + s);
+        log(error, ~"Saved as: " + filename.to_str());
+      }
+    }
+fn removeIfExists(filename: &Path) {
+    // So sketchy!
+    assert !contains(filename.to_str(), ~" ");
+    run::program_output(~"bash", ~[~"-c", ~"rm " + filename.to_str()]);
+fn removeDirIfExists(filename: &Path) {
+    // So sketchy!
+    assert !contains(filename.to_str(), ~" ");
+    run::program_output(~"bash", ~[~"-c", ~"rm -r " + filename.to_str()]);
+fn check_running(exe_filename: &Path) -> happiness {
+    let p = run::program_output(
+        ~"/Users/jruderman/scripts/timed_run_rust_program.py",
+        ~[exe_filename.to_str()]);
+    let comb = p.out + ~"\n" + p.err;
+    if str::len(comb) > 1u {
+        log(error, ~"comb comb comb: " + comb);
+    }
+    if contains(comb, ~"Assertion failed:") {
+        failed(~"C++ assertion failure")
+    } else if contains(comb, ~"leaked memory in rust main loop") {
+        // might also use exit code 134
+        //failed("Leaked")
+        known_bug(~"https://github.com/mozilla/rust/issues/910")
+    } else if contains(comb, ~"src/rt/") {
+        failed(~"Mentioned src/rt/")
+    } else if contains(comb, ~"malloc") {
+        failed(~"Mentioned malloc")
+    } else {
+        match p.status {
+            0         => { passed }
+            100       => { cleanly_rejected(~"running: explicit fail") }
+            101 | 247 => { cleanly_rejected(~"running: timed out") }
+            245 | 246 | 138 | 252 => {
+              known_bug(~"https://github.com/mozilla/rust/issues/1466")
+            }
+            136 | 248 => {
+              known_bug(
+                  ~"SIGFPE - https://github.com/mozilla/rust/issues/944")
+            }
+            rc => {
+              failed(~"Rust program ran but exited with status " +
+                     int::str(rc))
+            }
+        }
+    }
+fn check_compiling(filename: &Path) -> happiness {
+    let p = run::program_output(
+        ~"/Users/jruderman/code/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/\
+         stage1/bin/rustc",
+        ~[filename.to_str()]);
+    //error!("Status: %d", p.status);
+    if p.status == 0 {
+        passed
+    } else if p.err != ~"" {
+        if contains(p.err, ~"error:") {
+            cleanly_rejected(~"rejected with span_error")
+        } else {
+            log(error, ~"Stderr: " + p.err);
+            failed(~"Unfamiliar error message")
+        }
+    } else if contains(p.out, ~"Assertion") && contains(p.out, ~"failed") {
+        log(error, ~"Stdout: " + p.out);
+        failed(~"Looks like an llvm assertion failure")
+    } else if contains(p.out, ~"internal compiler error unimplemented") {
+        known_bug(~"Something unimplemented")
+    } else if contains(p.out, ~"internal compiler error") {
+        log(error, ~"Stdout: " + p.out);
+        failed(~"internal compiler error")
+    } else {
+        log(error, p.status);
+        log(error, ~"!Stdout: " + p.out);
+        failed(~"What happened?")
+    }
+fn parse_and_print(code: @~str) -> ~str {
+    let filename = Path("tmp.rs");
+    let sess = parse::new_parse_sess(option::None);
+    write_file(&filename, *code);
+    let crate = parse::parse_crate_from_source_str(
+        filename.to_str(), code, ~[], sess);
+    do io::with_str_reader(*code) |rdr| {
+        as_str(|a|
+               pprust::print_crate(
+                   sess.cm,
+                   // Assuming there are no token_trees
+                   syntax::parse::token::mk_fake_ident_interner(),
+                   sess.span_diagnostic,
+                   crate,
+                   filename.to_str(),
+                   rdr, a,
+                   pprust::no_ann(),
+                   false) )
+    }
+fn has_raw_pointers(c: ast::crate) -> bool {
+    let has_rp = @mut false;
+    fn visit_ty(flag: @mut bool, t: @ast::Ty) {
+        match t.node {
+          ast::ty_ptr(_) => { *flag = true; }
+          _ => { }
+        }
+    }
+    let v =
+        visit::mk_simple_visitor(@{visit_ty: |a| visit_ty(has_rp, a),
+                                      .. *visit::default_simple_visitor()});
+    visit::visit_crate(c, (), v);
+    return *has_rp;
+fn content_is_dangerous_to_run(code: ~str) -> bool {
+    let dangerous_patterns =
+        ~[~"xfail-test",
+         ~"import",  // espeically fs, run
+         ~"extern",
+         ~"unsafe",
+         ~"log"];    // python --> rust pipe deadlock?
+    for dangerous_patterns.each |p| { if contains(code, *p) { return true; } }
+    return false;
+fn content_is_dangerous_to_compile(code: ~str) -> bool {
+    let dangerous_patterns =
+        ~[~"xfail-test"];
+    for dangerous_patterns.each |p| { if contains(code, *p) { return true; } }
+    return false;
+fn content_might_not_converge(code: ~str) -> bool {
+    let confusing_patterns =
+        ~[~"xfail-test",
+         ~"xfail-pretty",
+         ~"self",       // crazy rules enforced by parser not typechecker?
+         ~"spawn",      // precedence issues?
+         ~"bind",       // precedence issues?
+         ~" be ",       // don't want to replace its child with a non-call:
+                       // "Non-call expression in tail call"
+         ~"\n\n\n\n\n"  // https://github.com/mozilla/rust/issues/850
+        ];
+    for confusing_patterns.each |p| { if contains(code, *p) { return true; } }
+    return false;
+fn file_might_not_converge(filename: &Path) -> bool {
+    let confusing_files = ~[
+      ~"expr-alt.rs", // pretty-printing "(a = b) = c"
+                     // vs "a = b = c" and wrapping
+      ~"block-arg-in-ternary.rs", // wrapping
+      ~"move-3-unique.rs", // 0 becomes (0), but both seem reasonable. wtf?
+      ~"move-3.rs"  // 0 becomes (0), but both seem reasonable. wtf?
+    ];
+    for confusing_files.each |f| {
+        if contains(filename.to_str(), *f) {
+            return true;
+        }
+    }
+    return false;
+fn check_roundtrip_convergence(code: @~str, maxIters: uint) {
+    let mut i = 0u;
+    let mut newv = code;
+    let mut oldv = code;
+    while i < maxIters {
+        oldv = newv;
+        if content_might_not_converge(*oldv) { return; }
+        newv = @parse_and_print(oldv);
+        if oldv == newv { break; }
+        i += 1u;
+    }
+    if oldv == newv {
+        error!("Converged after %u iterations", i);
+    } else {
+        error!("Did not converge after %u iterations!", i);
+        write_file(&Path("round-trip-a.rs"), *oldv);
+        write_file(&Path("round-trip-b.rs"), *newv);
+        run::run_program(~"diff",
+                         ~[~"-w", ~"-u", ~"round-trip-a.rs",
+                          ~"round-trip-b.rs"]);
+        fail ~"Mismatch";
+    }
+fn check_convergence(files: &[Path]) {
+    error!("pp convergence tests: %u files", vec::len(files));
+    for files.each |file| {
+        if !file_might_not_converge(file) {
+            let s = @result::get(&io::read_whole_file_str(file));
+            if !content_might_not_converge(*s) {
+                error!("pp converge: %s", file.to_str());
+                // Change from 7u to 2u once
+                // https://github.com/mozilla/rust/issues/850 is fixed
+                check_roundtrip_convergence(s, 7u);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+fn check_variants(files: &[Path], cx: context) {
+    for files.each |file| {
+        if cx.mode == tm_converge &&
+            file_might_not_converge(file) {
+            error!("Skipping convergence test based on\
+                    file_might_not_converge");
+            loop;
+        }
+        let s = @result::get(&io::read_whole_file_str(file));
+        if contains(*s, ~"#") {
+            loop; // Macros are confusing
+        }
+        if cx.mode == tm_converge && content_might_not_converge(*s) {
+            loop;
+        }
+        if cx.mode == tm_run && content_is_dangerous_to_compile(*s) {
+            loop;
+        }
+        let file_str = file.to_str();
+        log(error, ~"check_variants: " + file_str);
+        let sess = parse::new_parse_sess(option::None);
+        let crate =
+            parse::parse_crate_from_source_str(
+                file_str,
+                s, ~[], sess);
+        io::with_str_reader(*s, |rdr| {
+            error!("%s",
+                   as_str(|a| pprust::print_crate(
+                       sess.cm,
+                       // Assuming no token_trees
+                       syntax::parse::token::mk_fake_ident_interner(),
+                       sess.span_diagnostic,
+                       crate,
+                       file_str,
+                       rdr, a,
+                       pprust::no_ann(),
+                       false)))
+        });
+        check_variants_of_ast(*crate, sess.cm, file, cx);
+    }
+fn main() {
+    let args = os::args();
+    if vec::len(args) != 2u {
+        error!("usage: %s <testdir>", args[0]);
+        return;
+    }
+    let mut files = ~[];
+    let root = Path(args[1]);
+    find_rust_files(&mut files, &root);
+    error!("== check_convergence ==");
+    check_convergence(files);
+    error!("== check_variants: converge ==");
+    check_variants(files, { mode: tm_converge });
+    error!("== check_variants: run ==");
+    check_variants(files, { mode: tm_run });
+    error!("Fuzzer done");
 // Local Variables:
 // fill-column: 78;
 // indent-tabs-mode: nil
diff --git a/src/libfuzzer/fuzzer.rs b/src/libfuzzer/fuzzer.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 652837909b1..00000000000
--- a/src/libfuzzer/fuzzer.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,638 +0,0 @@
-use io::WriterUtil;
-use syntax::{ast, ast_util, fold, visit, codemap};
-use syntax::parse;
-use syntax::print::pprust;
-use syntax::diagnostic;
-enum test_mode { tm_converge, tm_run, }
-type context = { mode: test_mode }; // + rng
-impl test_mode : cmp::Eq {
-    pure fn eq(other: &test_mode) -> bool {
-        (self as uint) == ((*other) as uint)
-    }
-    pure fn ne(other: &test_mode) -> bool { !self.eq(other) }
-impl test_mode : cmp::Eq {
-    pure fn eq(&self, other: &test_mode) -> bool {
-        ((*self) as uint) == ((*other) as uint)
-    }
-    pure fn ne(&self, other: &test_mode) -> bool { !(*self).eq(other) }
-fn write_file(filename: &Path, content: ~str) {
-    result::get(
-        &io::file_writer(filename, ~[io::Create, io::Truncate]))
-        .write_str(content);
-fn contains(haystack: ~str, needle: ~str) -> bool {
-    str::contains(haystack, needle)
-fn find_rust_files(files: &mut ~[Path], path: &Path) {
-    if path.filetype() == Some(~".rs") && !contains(path.to_str(), ~"utf8") {
-        // ignoring "utf8" tests because something is broken
-        files.push(*path);
-    } else if os::path_is_dir(path)
-        && !contains(path.to_str(), ~"compile-fail")
-        && !contains(path.to_str(), ~"build") {
-        for os::list_dir_path(path).each |p| {
-            find_rust_files(files, *p);
-        }
-    }
-fn common_exprs() -> ~[ast::expr] {
-    fn dse(e: ast::expr_) -> ast::expr {
-        { id: 0, callee_id: -1, node: e, span: ast_util::dummy_sp() }
-    }
-    fn dsl(l: ast::lit_) -> ast::lit {
-        { node: l, span: ast_util::dummy_sp() }
-    }
-    ~[dse(ast::expr_break(option::None)),
-     dse(ast::expr_again(option::None)),
-     dse(ast::expr_fail(option::None)),
-     dse(ast::expr_fail(option::Some(
-         @dse(ast::expr_lit(@dsl(ast::lit_str(@~"boo"))))))),
-     dse(ast::expr_ret(option::None)),
-     dse(ast::expr_lit(@dsl(ast::lit_nil))),
-     dse(ast::expr_lit(@dsl(ast::lit_bool(false)))),
-     dse(ast::expr_lit(@dsl(ast::lit_bool(true)))),
-     dse(ast::expr_unary(ast::box(ast::m_imm),
-                         @dse(ast::expr_lit(@dsl(ast::lit_bool(true)))))),
-     dse(ast::expr_unary(ast::uniq(ast::m_imm),
-                         @dse(ast::expr_lit(@dsl(ast::lit_bool(true))))))
-    ]
-pure fn safe_to_steal_expr(e: @ast::expr, tm: test_mode) -> bool {
-    safe_to_use_expr(*e, tm)
-pure fn safe_to_use_expr(e: ast::expr, tm: test_mode) -> bool {
-    match tm {
-      tm_converge => {
-        match e.node {
-          // If the fuzzer moves a block-ending-in-semicolon into callee
-          // position, the pretty-printer can't preserve this even by
-          // parenthesizing!!  See email to marijn.
-          ast::expr_if(*) | ast::expr_block(*)
-          | ast::expr_match(*) | ast::expr_while(*)  => { false }
-          // https://github.com/mozilla/rust/issues/929
-          ast::expr_cast(*) | ast::expr_assert(*) |
-          ast::expr_binary(*) | ast::expr_assign(*) |
-          ast::expr_assign_op(*) => { false }
-          ast::expr_fail(option::None) |
-          ast::expr_ret(option::None) => { false }
-          // https://github.com/mozilla/rust/issues/953
-          ast::expr_fail(option::Some(_)) => { false }
-          // https://github.com/mozilla/rust/issues/928
-          //ast::expr_cast(_, _) { false }
-          // https://github.com/mozilla/rust/issues/1458
-          ast::expr_call(_, _, _) => { false }
-          _ => { true }
-        }
-      }
-      tm_run => { true }
-    }
-fn safe_to_steal_ty(t: @ast::Ty, tm: test_mode) -> bool {
-    // Restrictions happen to be the same.
-    safe_to_replace_ty(t.node, tm)
-// Not type-parameterized: https://github.com/mozilla/rust/issues/898 (FIXED)
-fn stash_expr_if(c: fn@(@ast::expr, test_mode)->bool,
-                 es: @mut ~[ast::expr],
-                 e: @ast::expr,
-                 tm: test_mode) {
-    if c(e, tm) {
-        *es += ~[*e];
-    } else {/* now my indices are wrong :( */ }
-fn stash_ty_if(c: fn@(@ast::Ty, test_mode)->bool,
-               es: @mut ~[ast::Ty],
-               e: @ast::Ty,
-               tm: test_mode) {
-    if c(e, tm) {
-        es.push(*e);
-    } else {/* now my indices are wrong :( */ }
-type stolen_stuff = {exprs: ~[ast::expr], tys: ~[ast::Ty]};
-fn steal(crate: ast::crate, tm: test_mode) -> stolen_stuff {
-    let exprs = @mut ~[];
-    let tys = @mut ~[];
-    let v = visit::mk_simple_visitor(@{
-        visit_expr: |a| stash_expr_if(safe_to_steal_expr, exprs, a, tm),
-        visit_ty: |a| stash_ty_if(safe_to_steal_ty, tys, a, tm),
-        .. *visit::default_simple_visitor()
-    });
-    visit::visit_crate(crate, (), v);
-    {exprs: *exprs, tys: *tys}
-fn safe_to_replace_expr(e: ast::expr_, _tm: test_mode) -> bool {
-    match e {
-      // https://github.com/mozilla/rust/issues/652
-      ast::expr_if(*) => { false }
-      ast::expr_block(_) => { false }
-      // expr_call is also missing a constraint
-      ast::expr_fn_block(*) => { false }
-      _ => { true }
-    }
-fn safe_to_replace_ty(t: ast::ty_, _tm: test_mode) -> bool {
-    match t {
-      ast::ty_infer => { false } // always implicit, always top level
-      ast::ty_bot => { false }   // in source, can only appear
-                              // as the out type of a function
-      ast::ty_mac(_) => { false }
-      _ => { true }
-    }
-// Replace the |i|th expr (in fold order) of |crate| with |newexpr|.
-fn replace_expr_in_crate(crate: ast::crate, i: uint,
-                         newexpr: ast::expr, tm: test_mode) ->
-   ast::crate {
-    let j: @mut uint = @mut 0u;
-    fn fold_expr_rep(j_: @mut uint, i_: uint, newexpr_: ast::expr_,
-                     original: ast::expr_, fld: fold::ast_fold,
-                     tm_: test_mode) ->
-       ast::expr_ {
-        *j_ += 1u;
-        if i_ + 1u == *j_ && safe_to_replace_expr(original, tm_) {
-            newexpr_
-        } else {
-            fold::noop_fold_expr(original, fld)
-        }
-    }
-    let afp = @{
-        fold_expr: fold::wrap(|a,b| {
-            fold_expr_rep(j, i, newexpr.node, a, b, tm)
-        }),
-        .. *fold::default_ast_fold()
-    };
-    let af = fold::make_fold(afp);
-    let crate2: @ast::crate = @af.fold_crate(crate);
-    *crate2
-// Replace the |i|th ty (in fold order) of |crate| with |newty|.
-fn replace_ty_in_crate(crate: ast::crate, i: uint, newty: ast::Ty,
-                       tm: test_mode) -> ast::crate {
-    let j: @mut uint = @mut 0u;
-    fn fold_ty_rep(j_: @mut uint, i_: uint, newty_: ast::ty_,
-                   original: ast::ty_, fld: fold::ast_fold,
-                   tm_: test_mode) ->
-       ast::ty_ {
-        *j_ += 1u;
-        if i_ + 1u == *j_ && safe_to_replace_ty(original, tm_) {
-            newty_
-        } else { fold::noop_fold_ty(original, fld) }
-    }
-    let afp = @{
-        fold_ty: fold::wrap(|a,b| fold_ty_rep(j, i, newty.node, a, b, tm) ),
-        .. *fold::default_ast_fold()
-    };
-    let af = fold::make_fold(afp);
-    let crate2: @ast::crate = @af.fold_crate(crate);
-    *crate2
-fn under(n: uint, it: fn(uint)) {
-    let mut i: uint = 0u;
-    while i < n { it(i); i += 1u; }
-fn as_str(f: fn@(+x: io::Writer)) -> ~str {
-    io::with_str_writer(f)
-fn check_variants_of_ast(crate: ast::crate, codemap: @codemap::CodeMap,
-                         filename: &Path, cx: context) {
-    let stolen = steal(crate, cx.mode);
-    let extra_exprs = vec::filter(common_exprs(),
-                                  |a| safe_to_use_expr(*a, cx.mode) );
-    check_variants_T(crate, codemap, filename, ~"expr",
-                     extra_exprs + stolen.exprs, pprust::expr_to_str,
-                     replace_expr_in_crate, cx);
-    check_variants_T(crate, codemap, filename, ~"ty", stolen.tys,
-                     pprust::ty_to_str, replace_ty_in_crate, cx);
-fn check_variants_T<T: Copy>(
-  crate: ast::crate,
-  codemap: @codemap::CodeMap,
-  filename: &Path,
-  thing_label: ~str,
-  things: ~[T],
-  stringifier: fn@(@T, @syntax::parse::token::ident_interner) -> ~str,
-  replacer: fn@(ast::crate, uint, T, test_mode) -> ast::crate,
-  cx: context
-  ) {
-    error!("%s contains %u %s objects", filename.to_str(),
-           things.len(), thing_label);
-    // Assuming we're not generating any token_trees
-    let intr = syntax::parse::token::mk_fake_ident_interner();
-    let L = things.len();
-    if L < 100 {
-        do under(uint::min(L, 20)) |i| {
-            log(error, ~"Replacing... #" + uint::str(i));
-            let fname = str::from_slice(filename.to_str());
-            do under(uint::min(L, 30)) |j| {
-                log(error, ~"With... " + stringifier(@things[j], intr));
-                let crate2 = @replacer(crate, i, things[j], cx.mode);
-                // It would be best to test the *crate* for stability, but
-                // testing the string for stability is easier and ok for now.
-                let handler = diagnostic::mk_handler(None);
-                let str3 = do io::with_str_reader("") |rdr| {
-                    @as_str(|a|pprust::print_crate(
-                        codemap,
-                        intr,
-                        diagnostic::mk_span_handler(handler, codemap),
-                        crate2,
-                        fname,
-                        rdr, a,
-                        pprust::no_ann(),
-                        false))
-                };
-                match cx.mode {
-                  tm_converge => {
-                    check_roundtrip_convergence(str3, 1u);
-                  }
-                  tm_run => {
-                    let file_label = fmt!("rusttmp/%s_%s_%u_%u",
-                                          last_part(filename.to_str()),
-                                          thing_label, i, j);
-                    let safe_to_run = !(content_is_dangerous_to_run(*str3)
-                                        || has_raw_pointers(*crate2));
-                    check_whole_compiler(*str3, &Path(file_label),
-                                         safe_to_run);
-                  }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-fn last_part(filename: ~str) -> ~str {
-  let ix = option::get(str::rfind_char(filename, '/'));
-  str::slice(filename, ix + 1u, str::len(filename) - 3u)
-enum happiness {
-    passed,
-    cleanly_rejected(~str),
-    known_bug(~str),
-    failed(~str),
-// We'd find more bugs if we could take an AST here, but
-// - that would find many "false positives" or unimportant bugs
-// - that would be tricky, requiring use of tasks or serialization
-//   or randomness.
-// This seems to find plenty of bugs as it is :)
-fn check_whole_compiler(code: ~str, suggested_filename_prefix: &Path,
-                        allow_running: bool) {
-    let filename = &suggested_filename_prefix.with_filetype("rs");
-    write_file(filename, code);
-    let compile_result = check_compiling(filename);
-    let run_result = match (compile_result, allow_running) {
-      (passed, true) => { check_running(suggested_filename_prefix) }
-      (h, _) => { h }
-    };
-    match run_result {
-      passed | cleanly_rejected(_) | known_bug(_) => {
-        removeIfExists(suggested_filename_prefix);
-        removeIfExists(&suggested_filename_prefix.with_filetype("rs"));
-        removeDirIfExists(&suggested_filename_prefix.with_filetype("dSYM"));
-      }
-      failed(s) => {
-        log(error, ~"check_whole_compiler failure: " + s);
-        log(error, ~"Saved as: " + filename.to_str());
-      }
-    }
-fn removeIfExists(filename: &Path) {
-    // So sketchy!
-    assert !contains(filename.to_str(), ~" ");
-    run::program_output(~"bash", ~[~"-c", ~"rm " + filename.to_str()]);
-fn removeDirIfExists(filename: &Path) {
-    // So sketchy!
-    assert !contains(filename.to_str(), ~" ");
-    run::program_output(~"bash", ~[~"-c", ~"rm -r " + filename.to_str()]);
-fn check_running(exe_filename: &Path) -> happiness {
-    let p = run::program_output(
-        ~"/Users/jruderman/scripts/timed_run_rust_program.py",
-        ~[exe_filename.to_str()]);
-    let comb = p.out + ~"\n" + p.err;
-    if str::len(comb) > 1u {
-        log(error, ~"comb comb comb: " + comb);
-    }
-    if contains(comb, ~"Assertion failed:") {
-        failed(~"C++ assertion failure")
-    } else if contains(comb, ~"leaked memory in rust main loop") {
-        // might also use exit code 134
-        //failed("Leaked")
-        known_bug(~"https://github.com/mozilla/rust/issues/910")
-    } else if contains(comb, ~"src/rt/") {
-        failed(~"Mentioned src/rt/")
-    } else if contains(comb, ~"malloc") {
-        failed(~"Mentioned malloc")
-    } else {
-        match p.status {
-            0         => { passed }
-            100       => { cleanly_rejected(~"running: explicit fail") }
-            101 | 247 => { cleanly_rejected(~"running: timed out") }
-            245 | 246 | 138 | 252 => {
-              known_bug(~"https://github.com/mozilla/rust/issues/1466")
-            }
-            136 | 248 => {
-              known_bug(
-                  ~"SIGFPE - https://github.com/mozilla/rust/issues/944")
-            }
-            rc => {
-              failed(~"Rust program ran but exited with status " +
-                     int::str(rc))
-            }
-        }
-    }
-fn check_compiling(filename: &Path) -> happiness {
-    let p = run::program_output(
-        ~"/Users/jruderman/code/rust/build/x86_64-apple-darwin/\
-         stage1/bin/rustc",
-        ~[filename.to_str()]);
-    //error!("Status: %d", p.status);
-    if p.status == 0 {
-        passed
-    } else if p.err != ~"" {
-        if contains(p.err, ~"error:") {
-            cleanly_rejected(~"rejected with span_error")
-        } else {
-            log(error, ~"Stderr: " + p.err);
-            failed(~"Unfamiliar error message")
-        }
-    } else if contains(p.out, ~"Assertion") && contains(p.out, ~"failed") {
-        log(error, ~"Stdout: " + p.out);
-        failed(~"Looks like an llvm assertion failure")
-    } else if contains(p.out, ~"internal compiler error unimplemented") {
-        known_bug(~"Something unimplemented")
-    } else if contains(p.out, ~"internal compiler error") {
-        log(error, ~"Stdout: " + p.out);
-        failed(~"internal compiler error")
-    } else {
-        log(error, p.status);
-        log(error, ~"!Stdout: " + p.out);
-        failed(~"What happened?")
-    }
-fn parse_and_print(code: @~str) -> ~str {
-    let filename = Path("tmp.rs");
-    let sess = parse::new_parse_sess(option::None);
-    write_file(&filename, *code);
-    let crate = parse::parse_crate_from_source_str(
-        filename.to_str(), code, ~[], sess);
-    do io::with_str_reader(*code) |rdr| {
-        as_str(|a|
-               pprust::print_crate(
-                   sess.cm,
-                   // Assuming there are no token_trees
-                   syntax::parse::token::mk_fake_ident_interner(),
-                   sess.span_diagnostic,
-                   crate,
-                   filename.to_str(),
-                   rdr, a,
-                   pprust::no_ann(),
-                   false) )
-    }
-fn has_raw_pointers(c: ast::crate) -> bool {
-    let has_rp = @mut false;
-    fn visit_ty(flag: @mut bool, t: @ast::Ty) {
-        match t.node {
-          ast::ty_ptr(_) => { *flag = true; }
-          _ => { }
-        }
-    }
-    let v =
-        visit::mk_simple_visitor(@{visit_ty: |a| visit_ty(has_rp, a),
-                                      .. *visit::default_simple_visitor()});
-    visit::visit_crate(c, (), v);
-    return *has_rp;
-fn content_is_dangerous_to_run(code: ~str) -> bool {
-    let dangerous_patterns =
-        ~[~"xfail-test",
-         ~"import",  // espeically fs, run
-         ~"extern",
-         ~"unsafe",
-         ~"log"];    // python --> rust pipe deadlock?
-    for dangerous_patterns.each |p| { if contains(code, *p) { return true; } }
-    return false;
-fn content_is_dangerous_to_compile(code: ~str) -> bool {
-    let dangerous_patterns =
-        ~[~"xfail-test"];
-    for dangerous_patterns.each |p| { if contains(code, *p) { return true; } }
-    return false;
-fn content_might_not_converge(code: ~str) -> bool {
-    let confusing_patterns =
-        ~[~"xfail-test",
-         ~"xfail-pretty",
-         ~"self",       // crazy rules enforced by parser not typechecker?
-         ~"spawn",      // precedence issues?
-         ~"bind",       // precedence issues?
-         ~" be ",       // don't want to replace its child with a non-call:
-                       // "Non-call expression in tail call"
-         ~"\n\n\n\n\n"  // https://github.com/mozilla/rust/issues/850
-        ];
-    for confusing_patterns.each |p| { if contains(code, *p) { return true; } }
-    return false;
-fn file_might_not_converge(filename: &Path) -> bool {
-    let confusing_files = ~[
-      ~"expr-alt.rs", // pretty-printing "(a = b) = c"
-                     // vs "a = b = c" and wrapping
-      ~"block-arg-in-ternary.rs", // wrapping
-      ~"move-3-unique.rs", // 0 becomes (0), but both seem reasonable. wtf?
-      ~"move-3.rs"  // 0 becomes (0), but both seem reasonable. wtf?
-    ];
-    for confusing_files.each |f| {
-        if contains(filename.to_str(), *f) {
-            return true;
-        }
-    }
-    return false;
-fn check_roundtrip_convergence(code: @~str, maxIters: uint) {
-    let mut i = 0u;
-    let mut newv = code;
-    let mut oldv = code;
-    while i < maxIters {
-        oldv = newv;
-        if content_might_not_converge(*oldv) { return; }
-        newv = @parse_and_print(oldv);
-        if oldv == newv { break; }
-        i += 1u;
-    }
-    if oldv == newv {
-        error!("Converged after %u iterations", i);
-    } else {
-        error!("Did not converge after %u iterations!", i);
-        write_file(&Path("round-trip-a.rs"), *oldv);
-        write_file(&Path("round-trip-b.rs"), *newv);
-        run::run_program(~"diff",
-                         ~[~"-w", ~"-u", ~"round-trip-a.rs",
-                          ~"round-trip-b.rs"]);
-        fail ~"Mismatch";
-    }
-fn check_convergence(files: &[Path]) {
-    error!("pp convergence tests: %u files", vec::len(files));
-    for files.each |file| {
-        if !file_might_not_converge(file) {
-            let s = @result::get(&io::read_whole_file_str(file));
-            if !content_might_not_converge(*s) {
-                error!("pp converge: %s", file.to_str());
-                // Change from 7u to 2u once
-                // https://github.com/mozilla/rust/issues/850 is fixed
-                check_roundtrip_convergence(s, 7u);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-fn check_variants(files: &[Path], cx: context) {
-    for files.each |file| {
-        if cx.mode == tm_converge &&
-            file_might_not_converge(file) {
-            error!("Skipping convergence test based on\
-                    file_might_not_converge");
-            loop;
-        }
-        let s = @result::get(&io::read_whole_file_str(file));
-        if contains(*s, ~"#") {
-            loop; // Macros are confusing
-        }
-        if cx.mode == tm_converge && content_might_not_converge(*s) {
-            loop;
-        }
-        if cx.mode == tm_run && content_is_dangerous_to_compile(*s) {
-            loop;
-        }
-        let file_str = file.to_str();
-        log(error, ~"check_variants: " + file_str);
-        let sess = parse::new_parse_sess(option::None);
-        let crate =
-            parse::parse_crate_from_source_str(
-                file_str,
-                s, ~[], sess);
-        io::with_str_reader(*s, |rdr| {
-            error!("%s",
-                   as_str(|a| pprust::print_crate(
-                       sess.cm,
-                       // Assuming no token_trees
-                       syntax::parse::token::mk_fake_ident_interner(),
-                       sess.span_diagnostic,
-                       crate,
-                       file_str,
-                       rdr, a,
-                       pprust::no_ann(),
-                       false)))
-        });
-        check_variants_of_ast(*crate, sess.cm, file, cx);
-    }
-fn main() {
-    let args = os::args();
-    if vec::len(args) != 2u {
-        error!("usage: %s <testdir>", args[0]);
-        return;
-    }
-    let mut files = ~[];
-    let root = Path(args[1]);
-    find_rust_files(&mut files, &root);
-    error!("== check_convergence ==");
-    check_convergence(files);
-    error!("== check_variants: converge ==");
-    check_variants(files, { mode: tm_converge });
-    error!("== check_variants: run ==");
-    check_variants(files, { mode: tm_run });
-    error!("Fuzzer done");
-// Local Variables:
-// mode: rust;
-// fill-column: 78;
-// indent-tabs-mode: nil
-// c-basic-offset: 4
-// buffer-file-coding-system: utf-8-unix
-// End:
diff --git a/src/librustc/alternate_crate.rc b/src/librustc/alternate_crate.rc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1d2d0c1f77c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/librustc/alternate_crate.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,501 @@
+// -*- rust -*-
+#[link(name = "rustc",
+       vers = "0.5",
+       uuid = "0ce89b41-2f92-459e-bbc1-8f5fe32f16cf",
+       url = "https://github.com/mozilla/rust/tree/master/src/rustc")];
+#[comment = "The Rust compiler"];
+#[license = "MIT"];
+#[crate_type = "lib"];
+extern mod core(vers = "0.5");
+extern mod std(vers = "0.5");
+extern mod syntax(vers = "0.5");
+use core::*;
+Alternate names for some modules.
+I am using this to help extract metadata into its own crate. In metadata.rs
+it redefines all these modules in order to gate access from metadata to the
+rest of the compiler, then uses these to access the original implementation.
+use util_ = util;
+use lib_ = lib;
+use driver_ = driver;
+use middle_ = middle;
+use back_ = back;
+mod middle {
+    #[legacy_exports];
+    mod trans {
+        #[legacy_exports];
+        #[legacy_exports]
+        #[path = "middle/trans/inline.rs"]
+        mod inline;
+        #[legacy_exports]
+        #[path = "middle/trans/monomorphize.rs"]
+        mod monomorphize;
+        #[legacy_exports]
+        #[path = "middle/trans/controlflow.rs"]
+        mod controlflow;
+        #[legacy_exports]
+        #[path = "middle/trans/glue.rs"]
+        mod glue;
+        #[legacy_exports]
+        #[path = "middle/trans/datum.rs"]
+        mod datum;
+        #[legacy_exports]
+        #[path = "middle/trans/callee.rs"]
+        mod callee;
+        #[legacy_exports]
+        #[path = "middle/trans/expr.rs"]
+        mod expr;
+        #[legacy_exports]
+        #[path = "middle/trans/common.rs"]
+        mod common;
+        #[legacy_exports]
+        #[path = "middle/trans/consts.rs"]
+        mod consts;
+        #[legacy_exports]
+        #[path = "middle/trans/type_of.rs"]
+        mod type_of;
+        #[legacy_exports]
+        #[path = "middle/trans/build.rs"]
+        mod build;
+        #[legacy_exports]
+        #[path = "middle/trans/base.rs"]
+        mod base;
+        #[legacy_exports]
+        #[path = "middle/trans/alt.rs"]
+        mod alt;
+        #[legacy_exports]
+        #[path = "middle/trans/uniq.rs"]
+        mod uniq;
+        #[legacy_exports]
+        #[path = "middle/trans/closure.rs"]
+        mod closure;
+        #[legacy_exports]
+        #[path = "middle/trans/tvec.rs"]
+        mod tvec;
+        #[legacy_exports]
+        #[path = "middle/trans/meth.rs"]
+        mod meth;
+        #[legacy_exports]
+        #[path = "middle/trans/foreign.rs"]
+        mod foreign;
+        #[legacy_exports]
+        #[path = "middle/trans/reflect.rs"]
+        mod reflect;
+        #[legacy_exports]
+        #[path = "middle/trans/shape.rs"]
+        mod shape;
+        #[legacy_exports]
+        #[path = "middle/trans/debuginfo.rs"]
+        mod debuginfo;
+        #[legacy_exports]
+        #[path = "middle/trans/type_use.rs"]
+        mod type_use;
+        #[legacy_exports]
+        #[path = "middle/trans/reachable.rs"]
+        mod reachable;
+        #[path = "middle/trans/machine.rs"]
+        mod machine;
+        #[path = "middle/trans/deriving.rs"]
+        mod deriving;
+    }
+    #[legacy_exports]
+    #[path = "middle/ty.rs"]
+    mod ty;
+    #[legacy_exports]
+    #[path = "middle/resolve.rs"]
+    mod resolve;
+    #[path = "middle/typeck.rs"]
+    #[merge = "middle/typeck/mod.rs"]
+    pub mod typeck;
+    #[legacy_exports]
+    #[path = "middle/check_loop.rs"]
+    mod check_loop;
+    #[legacy_exports]
+    #[path = "middle/check_alt.rs"]
+    mod check_alt;
+    #[legacy_exports]
+    #[path = "middle/check_const.rs"]
+    mod check_const;
+    #[legacy_exports]
+    #[path = "middle/lint.rs"]
+    mod lint;
+    #[path = "middle/borrowck.rs"]
+    #[merge = "middle/borrowck/mod.rs"]
+    mod borrowck;
+    #[legacy_exports]
+    #[path = "middle/mem_categorization.rs"]
+    mod mem_categorization;
+    #[legacy_exports]
+    #[path = "middle/liveness.rs"]
+    mod liveness;
+    #[legacy_exports]
+    #[path = "middle/kind.rs"]
+    mod kind;
+    #[legacy_exports]
+    #[path = "middle/freevars.rs"]
+    mod freevars;
+    #[legacy_exports]
+    #[path = "middle/capture.rs"]
+    mod capture;
+    #[legacy_exports]
+    #[path = "middle/pat_util.rs"]
+    mod pat_util;
+    #[legacy_exports]
+    #[path = "middle/region.rs"]
+    mod region;
+    #[legacy_exports]
+    #[path = "middle/const_eval.rs"]
+    mod const_eval;
+    #[legacy_exports]
+    #[path = "middle/astencode.rs"]
+    mod astencode;
+    #[legacy_exports]
+    #[path = "middle/lang_items.rs"]
+    mod lang_items;
+    #[legacy_exports]
+    #[path = "middle/privacy.rs"]
+    mod privacy;
+mod front {
+    #[legacy_exports];
+    #[legacy_exports]
+    #[path = "front/config.rs"]
+    mod config;
+    #[legacy_exports]
+    #[path = "front/test.rs"]
+    mod test;
+    #[legacy_exports]
+    #[path = "front/core_inject.rs"]
+    mod core_inject;
+    #[legacy_exports]
+    #[path = "front/intrinsic_inject.rs"]
+    mod intrinsic_inject;
+mod back {
+    #[legacy_exports];
+    #[legacy_exports]
+    #[path = "back/link.rs"]
+    mod link;
+    #[legacy_exports]
+    #[path = "back/abi.rs"]
+    mod abi;
+    #[legacy_exports]
+    #[path = "back/upcall.rs"]
+    mod upcall;
+    #[legacy_exports]
+    #[path = "back/x86.rs"]
+    mod x86;
+    #[legacy_exports]
+    #[path = "back/x86_64.rs"]
+    mod x86_64;
+    #[legacy_exports]
+    #[path = "back/rpath.rs"]
+    mod rpath;
+    #[legacy_exports]
+    #[path = "back/target_strs.rs"]
+    mod target_strs;
+#[merge = "metadata/mod.rs"]
+mod metadata;
+#[merge = "driver/mod.rs"]
+mod driver;
+mod util {
+    #[legacy_exports];
+    #[legacy_exports]
+    #[path = "util/common.rs"]
+    mod common;
+    #[legacy_exports]
+    #[path = "util/ppaux.rs"]
+    mod ppaux;
+mod lib {
+    #[legacy_exports];
+    #[legacy_exports]
+    #[path = "lib/llvm.rs"]
+    mod llvm;
+use result::{Ok, Err};
+use io::ReaderUtil;
+use std::getopts;
+use std::map::HashMap;
+use getopts::{opt_present};
+use getopts::groups;
+use syntax::codemap;
+use syntax::diagnostic;
+use driver::driver::{host_triple, optgroups, early_error,
+                     str_input, file_input, build_session_options,
+                     build_session, build_configuration, parse_pretty,
+                     pp_mode, pretty_print_input, list_metadata,
+                     compile_input};
+use driver::session;
+use middle::lint;
+fn version(argv0: &str) {
+    let mut vers = ~"unknown version";
+    let env_vers = env!("CFG_VERSION");
+    if env_vers.len() != 0 { vers = env_vers; }
+    io::println(fmt!("%s %s", argv0, vers));
+    io::println(fmt!("host: %s", host_triple()));
+fn usage(argv0: &str) {
+    let message = fmt!("Usage: %s [OPTIONS] INPUT", argv0);
+    io::println(groups::usage(message, optgroups()) +
+                ~"Additional help:
+    -W help             Print 'lint' options and default settings
+    -Z help             Print internal options for debugging rustc
+fn describe_warnings() {
+    io::println(fmt!("
+Available lint options:
+    -W <foo>           Warn about <foo>
+    -A <foo>           Allow <foo>
+    -D <foo>           Deny <foo>
+    -F <foo>           Forbid <foo> (deny, and deny all overrides)
+    let lint_dict = lint::get_lint_dict();
+    let mut max_key = 0;
+    for lint_dict.each_key |k| { max_key = uint::max(k.len(), max_key); }
+    fn padded(max: uint, s: &str) -> ~str {
+        str::from_bytes(vec::from_elem(max - s.len(), ' ' as u8)) + s
+    }
+    io::println(fmt!("\nAvailable lint checks:\n"));
+    io::println(fmt!("    %s  %7.7s  %s",
+                     padded(max_key, ~"name"), ~"default", ~"meaning"));
+    io::println(fmt!("    %s  %7.7s  %s\n",
+                     padded(max_key, ~"----"), ~"-------", ~"-------"));
+    for lint_dict.each |k, v| {
+        let k = str::replace(k, ~"_", ~"-");
+        io::println(fmt!("    %s  %7.7s  %s",
+                         padded(max_key, k),
+                         match v.default {
+                             lint::allow => ~"allow",
+                             lint::warn => ~"warn",
+                             lint::deny => ~"deny",
+                             lint::forbid => ~"forbid"
+                         },
+                         v.desc));
+    }
+    io::println(~"");
+fn describe_debug_flags() {
+    io::println(fmt!("\nAvailable debug options:\n"));
+    for session::debugging_opts_map().each |pair| {
+        let (name, desc, _) = *pair;
+        io::println(fmt!("    -Z %-20s -- %s", name, desc));
+    }
+fn run_compiler(args: &~[~str], demitter: diagnostic::emitter) {
+    // Don't display log spew by default. Can override with RUST_LOG.
+    logging::console_off();
+    let mut args = *args;
+    let binary = args.shift();
+    if args.is_empty() { usage(binary); return; }
+    let matches =
+        match getopts::groups::getopts(args, optgroups()) {
+          Ok(m) => m,
+          Err(f) => {
+            early_error(demitter, getopts::fail_str(f))
+          }
+        };
+    if opt_present(matches, ~"h") || opt_present(matches, ~"help") {
+        usage(binary);
+        return;
+    }
+    let lint_flags = vec::append(getopts::opt_strs(matches, ~"W"),
+                                 getopts::opt_strs(matches, ~"warn"));
+    if lint_flags.contains(&~"help") {
+        describe_warnings();
+        return;
+    }
+    if getopts::opt_strs(matches, ~"Z").contains(&~"help") {
+        describe_debug_flags();
+        return;
+    }
+    if opt_present(matches, ~"v") || opt_present(matches, ~"version") {
+        version(binary);
+        return;
+    }
+    let input = match vec::len(matches.free) {
+      0u => early_error(demitter, ~"no input filename given"),
+      1u => {
+        let ifile = matches.free[0];
+        if ifile == ~"-" {
+            let src = str::from_bytes(io::stdin().read_whole_stream());
+            str_input(src)
+        } else {
+            file_input(Path(ifile))
+        }
+      }
+      _ => early_error(demitter, ~"multiple input filenames provided")
+    };
+    let sopts = build_session_options(binary, matches, demitter);
+    let sess = build_session(sopts, demitter);
+    let odir = getopts::opt_maybe_str(matches, ~"out-dir");
+    let odir = odir.map(|o| Path(*o));
+    let ofile = getopts::opt_maybe_str(matches, ~"o");
+    let ofile = ofile.map(|o| Path(*o));
+    let cfg = build_configuration(sess, binary, input);
+    let pretty =
+        option::map(&getopts::opt_default(matches, ~"pretty",
+                                         ~"normal"),
+                    |a| parse_pretty(sess, *a) );
+    match pretty {
+      Some::<pp_mode>(ppm) => {
+        pretty_print_input(sess, cfg, input, ppm);
+        return;
+      }
+      None::<pp_mode> => {/* continue */ }
+    }
+    let ls = opt_present(matches, ~"ls");
+    if ls {
+        match input {
+          file_input(ifile) => {
+            list_metadata(sess, &ifile, io::stdout());
+          }
+          str_input(_) => {
+            early_error(demitter, ~"can not list metadata for stdin");
+          }
+        }
+        return;
+    }
+    compile_input(sess, cfg, input, &odir, &ofile);
+enum monitor_msg {
+    fatal,
+    done,
+impl monitor_msg : cmp::Eq {
+    #[cfg(stage0)]
+    pure fn eq(other: &monitor_msg) -> bool {
+        (self as uint) == ((*other) as uint)
+    }
+    #[cfg(stage1)]
+    #[cfg(stage2)]
+    pure fn eq(&self, other: &monitor_msg) -> bool {
+        ((*self) as uint) == ((*other) as uint)
+    }
+    #[cfg(stage0)]
+    pure fn ne(other: &monitor_msg) -> bool { !self.eq(other) }
+    #[cfg(stage1)]
+    #[cfg(stage2)]
+    pure fn ne(&self, other: &monitor_msg) -> bool { !(*self).eq(other) }
+This is a sanity check that any failure of the compiler is performed
+through the diagnostic module and reported properly - we shouldn't be calling
+plain-old-fail on any execution path that might be taken. Since we have
+console logging off by default, hitting a plain fail statement would make the
+compiler silently exit, which would be terrible.
+This method wraps the compiler in a subtask and injects a function into the
+diagnostic emitter which records when we hit a fatal error. If the task
+fails without recording a fatal error then we've encountered a compiler
+bug and need to present an error.
+fn monitor(+f: fn~(diagnostic::emitter)) {
+    let p = comm::Port();
+    let ch = comm::Chan(&p);
+    match do task::try |move f| {
+        // The 'diagnostics emitter'. Every error, warning, etc. should
+        // go through this function.
+        let demitter = fn@(cmsp: Option<(@codemap::CodeMap, codemap::span)>,
+                           msg: &str, lvl: diagnostic::level) {
+            if lvl == diagnostic::fatal {
+                comm::send(ch, fatal);
+            }
+            diagnostic::emit(cmsp, msg, lvl);
+        };
+        struct finally {
+            ch: comm::Chan<monitor_msg>,
+            drop { comm::send(self.ch, done); }
+        }
+        let _finally = finally { ch: ch };
+        f(demitter)
+    } {
+        result::Ok(_) => { /* fallthrough */ }
+        result::Err(_) => {
+            // Task failed without emitting a fatal diagnostic
+            if comm::recv(p) == done {
+                diagnostic::emit(
+                    None,
+                    diagnostic::ice_msg(~"unexpected failure"),
+                    diagnostic::error);
+                for [
+                    ~"the compiler hit an unexpected failure path. \
+                     this is a bug",
+                    ~"try running with RUST_LOG=rustc=1,::rt::backtrace \
+                     to get further details and report the results \
+                     to github.com/mozilla/rust/issues"
+                ].each |note| {
+                    diagnostic::emit(None, *note, diagnostic::note)
+                }
+            }
+            // Fail so the process returns a failure code
+            fail;
+        }
+    }
+fn main() {
+    let mut args = os::args();
+    do monitor |move args, demitter| {
+        run_compiler(&args, demitter);
+    }
+// Local Variables:
+// fill-column: 78;
+// indent-tabs-mode: nil
+// c-basic-offset: 4
+// buffer-file-coding-system: utf-8-unix
+// End:
diff --git a/src/librustc/driver/mod.rs b/src/librustc/driver/mod.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7d9a55571d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/librustc/driver/mod.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+mod driver;
+mod session;
diff --git a/src/librustc/driver/session.rs b/src/librustc/driver/session.rs
index d1ec992bc53..8115c4d1885 100644
--- a/src/librustc/driver/session.rs
+++ b/src/librustc/driver/session.rs
@@ -357,7 +357,6 @@ mod test {
         if with_bin { attrs += ~[make_crate_type_attr(~"bin")]; }
         if with_lib { attrs += ~[make_crate_type_attr(~"lib")]; }
         @ast_util::respan(ast_util::dummy_sp(), {
-            directives: ~[],
             module: {view_items: ~[], items: ~[]},
             attrs: attrs,
             config: ~[]
diff --git a/src/librustc/metadata/mod.rs b/src/librustc/metadata/mod.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a82ad39d412
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/librustc/metadata/mod.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+export encoder;
+export creader;
+export cstore;
+export csearch;
+export common;
+export decoder;
+export tyencode;
+export tydecode;
+export loader;
+export filesearch;
+mod common;
+mod tyencode;
+mod tydecode;
+mod encoder;
+mod decoder;
+mod creader;
+mod cstore;
+mod csearch;
+mod loader;
+mod filesearch;
diff --git a/src/librustc/middle/borrowck/mod.rs b/src/librustc/middle/borrowck/mod.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c4411008404
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/librustc/middle/borrowck/mod.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+mod check_loans;
+mod gather_loans;
+mod loan;
+mod preserve;
diff --git a/src/librustc/middle/typeck/check/mod.rs b/src/librustc/middle/typeck/check/mod.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6e999aeb0af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/librustc/middle/typeck/check/mod.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+mod alt;
+mod vtable;
+mod writeback;
+mod regionmanip;
+mod regionck;
+mod demand;
+pub mod method;
diff --git a/src/librustc/middle/typeck/infer/mod.rs b/src/librustc/middle/typeck/infer/mod.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3ce09d454d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/librustc/middle/typeck/infer/mod.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+mod assignment;
+mod combine;
+mod glb;
+mod integral;
+mod floating;
+mod lattice;
+mod lub;
+mod region_inference;
+mod resolve;
+mod sub;
+mod to_str;
+mod unify;
diff --git a/src/librustc/middle/typeck/mod.rs b/src/librustc/middle/typeck/mod.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..11077081d91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/librustc/middle/typeck/mod.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#[merge = "check/mod.rs"]
+pub mod check;
+mod rscope;
+mod astconv;
+#[merge = "infer/mod.rs"]
+mod infer;
+mod collect;
+mod coherence;
+mod deriving;
diff --git a/src/librustc/rustc.rc b/src/librustc/rustc.rc
index 28b21693a51..25bf8ab1027 100644
--- a/src/librustc/rustc.rc
+++ b/src/librustc/rustc.rc
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
 // -*- rust -*-
 #[link(name = "rustc",
diff --git a/src/librustdoc/rustdoc.rc b/src/librustdoc/rustdoc.rc
index 5ab5d8f7055..7eed06c9bf8 100644
--- a/src/librustdoc/rustdoc.rc
+++ b/src/librustdoc/rustdoc.rc
@@ -52,3 +52,95 @@ mod page_pass;
 mod sectionalize_pass;
 mod escape_pass;
 mod prune_private_pass;
+use doc::ItemUtils;
+use doc::Item;
+use pass::Pass;
+use config::Config;
+fn main() {
+    let args = os::args();
+    if args.contains(&~"-h") || args.contains(&~"--help") {
+        config::usage();
+        return;
+    }
+    let config = match config::parse_config(args) {
+      Ok(config) => config,
+      Err(err) => {
+        io::println(fmt!("error: %s", err));
+        return;
+      }
+    };
+    run(config);
+/// Runs rustdoc over the given file
+fn run(config: Config) {
+    let source_file = config.input_crate;
+    // Create an AST service from the source code
+    do astsrv::from_file(source_file.to_str()) |srv| {
+        // Just time how long it takes for the AST to become available
+        do time(~"wait_ast") {
+            do astsrv::exec(srv) |_ctxt| { }
+        };
+        // Extract the initial doc tree from the AST. This contains
+        // just names and node ids.
+        let doc = time(~"extract", || {
+            let default_name = source_file;
+            extract::from_srv(srv, default_name.to_str())
+        });
+        // Refine and publish the document
+        pass::run_passes(srv, doc, ~[
+            // Generate type and signature strings
+            tystr_pass::mk_pass(),
+            // Record the full paths to various nodes
+            path_pass::mk_pass(),
+            // Extract the docs attributes and attach them to doc nodes
+            attr_pass::mk_pass(),
+            // Perform various text escaping
+            escape_pass::mk_pass(),
+            // Remove things marked doc(hidden)
+            prune_hidden_pass::mk_pass(),
+            // Remove things that are private
+            // XXX enable this after 'export' is removed in favor of 'pub'
+            // prune_private_pass::mk_pass(),
+            // Extract brief documentation from the full descriptions
+            desc_to_brief_pass::mk_pass(),
+            // Massage the text to remove extra indentation
+            unindent_pass::mk_pass(),
+            // Split text into multiple sections according to headers
+            sectionalize_pass::mk_pass(),
+            // Trim extra spaces from text
+            trim_pass::mk_pass(),
+            // Sort items by name
+            sort_item_name_pass::mk_pass(),
+            // Sort items again by kind
+            sort_item_type_pass::mk_pass(),
+            // Create indexes appropriate for markdown
+            markdown_index_pass::mk_pass(config),
+            // Break the document into pages if required by the
+            // output format
+            page_pass::mk_pass(config.output_style),
+            // Render
+            markdown_pass::mk_pass(
+                markdown_writer::make_writer_factory(config)
+            )
+        ]);
+    }
+fn time<T>(what: ~str, f: fn() -> T) -> T {
+    let start = std::time::precise_time_s();
+    let rv = f();
+    let end = std::time::precise_time_s();
+    info!("time: %3.3f s    %s", end - start, what);
+    move rv
diff --git a/src/librustdoc/rustdoc.rs b/src/librustdoc/rustdoc.rs
deleted file mode 100755
index e09f57339a7..00000000000
--- a/src/librustdoc/rustdoc.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-use doc::ItemUtils;
-use doc::Item;
-use pass::Pass;
-use config::Config;
-fn main() {
-    let args = os::args();
-    if args.contains(&~"-h") || args.contains(&~"--help") {
-        config::usage();
-        return;
-    }
-    let config = match config::parse_config(args) {
-      Ok(config) => config,
-      Err(err) => {
-        io::println(fmt!("error: %s", err));
-        return;
-      }
-    };
-    run(config);
-/// Runs rustdoc over the given file
-fn run(config: Config) {
-    let source_file = config.input_crate;
-    // Create an AST service from the source code
-    do astsrv::from_file(source_file.to_str()) |srv| {
-        // Just time how long it takes for the AST to become available
-        do time(~"wait_ast") {
-            do astsrv::exec(srv) |_ctxt| { }
-        };
-        // Extract the initial doc tree from the AST. This contains
-        // just names and node ids.
-        let doc = time(~"extract", || {
-            let default_name = source_file;
-            extract::from_srv(srv, default_name.to_str())
-        });
-        // Refine and publish the document
-        pass::run_passes(srv, doc, ~[
-            // Generate type and signature strings
-            tystr_pass::mk_pass(),
-            // Record the full paths to various nodes
-            path_pass::mk_pass(),
-            // Extract the docs attributes and attach them to doc nodes
-            attr_pass::mk_pass(),
-            // Perform various text escaping
-            escape_pass::mk_pass(),
-            // Remove things marked doc(hidden)
-            prune_hidden_pass::mk_pass(),
-            // Remove things that are private
-            // XXX enable this after 'export' is removed in favor of 'pub'
-            // prune_private_pass::mk_pass(),
-            // Extract brief documentation from the full descriptions
-            desc_to_brief_pass::mk_pass(),
-            // Massage the text to remove extra indentation
-            unindent_pass::mk_pass(),
-            // Split text into multiple sections according to headers
-            sectionalize_pass::mk_pass(),
-            // Trim extra spaces from text
-            trim_pass::mk_pass(),
-            // Sort items by name
-            sort_item_name_pass::mk_pass(),
-            // Sort items again by kind
-            sort_item_type_pass::mk_pass(),
-            // Create indexes appropriate for markdown
-            markdown_index_pass::mk_pass(config),
-            // Break the document into pages if required by the
-            // output format
-            page_pass::mk_pass(config.output_style),
-            // Render
-            markdown_pass::mk_pass(
-                markdown_writer::make_writer_factory(config)
-            )
-        ]);
-    }
-fn time<T>(what: ~str, f: fn() -> T) -> T {
-    let start = std::time::precise_time_s();
-    let rv = f();
-    let end = std::time::precise_time_s();
-    info!("time: %3.3f s    %s", end - start, what);
-    move rv
diff --git a/src/librusti/rusti.rc b/src/librusti/rusti.rc
index 160bf56a0b0..1b90a227098 100644
--- a/src/librusti/rusti.rc
+++ b/src/librusti/rusti.rc
@@ -31,3 +31,385 @@ use syntax::ast_util::*;
 use parse::token;
 use print::{pp, pprust};
 use std::rl;
+ * A structure shared across REPL instances for storing history
+ * such as statements and view items. I wish the AST was sendable.
+ */
+struct Repl {
+    prompt: ~str,
+    binary: ~str,
+    running: bool,
+    view_items: ~str,
+    stmts: ~str
+// Action to do after reading a :command
+enum CmdAction {
+    action_none,
+    action_run_line(~str),
+/// A utility function that hands off a pretty printer to a callback.
+fn with_pp(intr: @token::ident_interner,
+           cb: fn(pprust::ps, io::Writer)) -> ~str {
+    do io::with_str_writer |writer| {
+        let pp = pprust::rust_printer(writer, intr);
+        cb(pp, writer);
+        pp::eof(pp.s);
+    }
+ * The AST (or the rest of rustc) are not sendable yet,
+ * so recorded things are printed to strings. A terrible hack that
+ * needs changes to rustc in order to be outed. This is unfortunately
+ * going to cause the REPL to regress in parser performance,
+ * because it has to parse the statements and view_items on each
+ * input.
+ */
+fn record(repl: Repl, blk: @ast::blk, intr: @token::ident_interner) -> Repl {
+    let view_items = if blk.node.view_items.len() > 0 {
+        let new_view_items = do with_pp(intr) |pp, writer| {
+            for blk.node.view_items.each |view_item| {
+                pprust::print_view_item(pp, *view_item);
+                writer.write_line(~"");
+            }
+        };
+        debug!("new view items %s", new_view_items);
+        repl.view_items + "\n" + new_view_items
+    } else { repl.view_items };
+    let stmts = if blk.node.stmts.len() > 0 {
+        let new_stmts = do with_pp(intr) |pp, writer| {
+            for blk.node.stmts.each |stmt| {
+                match stmt.node {
+                    ast::stmt_decl(*) => {
+                        pprust::print_stmt(pp, **stmt);
+                        writer.write_line(~"");
+                    }
+                    ast::stmt_expr(expr, _) | ast::stmt_semi(expr, _) => {
+                        match expr.node {
+                            ast::expr_assign(*) |
+                            ast::expr_assign_op(*) |
+                            ast::expr_swap(*) => {
+                                pprust::print_stmt(pp, **stmt);
+                                writer.write_line(~"");
+                            }
+                            _ => {}
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        };
+        debug!("new stmts %s", new_stmts);
+        repl.stmts + "\n" + new_stmts
+    } else { repl.stmts };
+    Repl{
+        view_items: view_items,
+        stmts: stmts,
+        .. repl
+    }
+/// Run an input string in a Repl, returning the new Repl.
+fn run(repl: Repl, input: ~str) -> Repl {
+    let options: @session::options = @{
+        crate_type: session::unknown_crate,
+        binary: repl.binary,
+        addl_lib_search_paths: ~[os::getcwd()],
+        .. *session::basic_options()
+    };
+    debug!("building driver input");
+    let head = include_str!("wrapper.rs");
+    let foot = fmt!("%s\nfn main() {\n%s\n\nprint({\n%s\n})\n}",
+                    repl.view_items, repl.stmts, input);
+    let wrapped = driver::str_input(head + foot);
+    debug!("inputting %s", head + foot);
+    debug!("building a driver session");
+    let sess = driver::build_session(options, diagnostic::emit);
+    debug!("building driver configuration");
+    let cfg = driver::build_configuration(sess,
+                                          repl.binary,
+                                          wrapped);
+    debug!("parsing");
+    let mut crate = driver::parse_input(sess, cfg, wrapped);
+    let mut opt = None;
+    for crate.node.module.items.each |item| {
+        match item.node {
+            ast::item_fn(_, _, _, blk) => {
+                if item.ident == sess.ident_of(~"main") {
+                    opt = blk.node.expr;
+                }
+            }
+            _ => {}
+        }
+    }
+    let blk = match opt.get().node {
+        ast::expr_call(_, exprs, _) => {
+            match exprs[0].node {
+                ast::expr_block(blk) => @blk,
+                _ => fail
+            }
+        }
+        _ => fail
+    };
+    debug!("configuration");
+    crate = front::config::strip_unconfigured_items(crate);
+    debug!("maybe building test harness");
+    crate = front::test::modify_for_testing(sess, crate);
+    debug!("expansion");
+    crate = syntax::ext::expand::expand_crate(sess.parse_sess,
+                                              sess.opts.cfg,
+                                              crate);
+    debug!("intrinsic injection");
+    crate = front::intrinsic_inject::inject_intrinsic(sess, crate);
+    debug!("core injection");
+    crate = front::core_inject::maybe_inject_libcore_ref(sess, crate);
+    debug!("building lint settings table");
+    lint::build_settings_crate(sess, crate);
+    debug!("ast indexing");
+    let ast_map = syntax::ast_map::map_crate(sess.diagnostic(), *crate);
+    debug!("external crate/lib resolution");
+    creader::read_crates(sess.diagnostic(), *crate, sess.cstore,
+                         sess.filesearch,
+                         session::sess_os_to_meta_os(sess.targ_cfg.os),
+                         sess.opts.static, sess.parse_sess.interner);
+    debug!("language item collection");
+    let lang_items = middle::lang_items::collect_language_items(crate, sess);
+    debug!("resolution");
+    let {def_map: def_map,
+         exp_map2: exp_map2,
+         trait_map: trait_map} = middle::resolve::resolve_crate(sess,
+                                                                lang_items,
+                                                                crate);
+    debug!("freevar finding");
+    let freevars = freevars::annotate_freevars(def_map, crate);
+    debug!("region_resolution");
+    let region_map = middle::region::resolve_crate(sess, def_map, crate);
+    debug!("region paramaterization inference");
+    let rp_set = middle::region::determine_rp_in_crate(sess, ast_map,
+                                                       def_map, crate);
+    debug!("typechecking");
+    let ty_cx = ty::mk_ctxt(sess, def_map, ast_map, freevars,
+                            region_map, rp_set, move lang_items, crate);
+    let (method_map, vtable_map) = typeck::check_crate(ty_cx, trait_map,
+                                                       crate);
+    debug!("const marking");
+    middle::const_eval::process_crate(crate, def_map, ty_cx);
+    debug!("const checking");
+    middle::check_const::check_crate(sess, crate, ast_map, def_map,
+                                     method_map, ty_cx);
+    debug!("privacy checking");
+    middle::privacy::check_crate(ty_cx, &method_map, crate);
+    debug!("loop checking");
+    middle::check_loop::check_crate(ty_cx, crate);
+    debug!("alt checking");
+    middle::check_alt::check_crate(ty_cx, crate);
+    debug!("liveness checking");
+    let last_use_map = middle::liveness::check_crate(ty_cx,
+                                                     method_map, crate);
+    debug!("borrow checking");
+    let (root_map, mutbl_map) = middle::borrowck::check_crate(ty_cx,
+                                                              method_map,
+                                                              last_use_map,
+                                                              crate);
+    debug!("kind checking");
+    kind::check_crate(ty_cx, method_map, last_use_map, crate);
+    debug!("lint checking");
+    lint::check_crate(ty_cx, crate);
+    let maps = {mutbl_map: mutbl_map,
+                root_map: root_map,
+                last_use_map: last_use_map,
+                method_map: method_map,
+                vtable_map: vtable_map};
+    debug!("translation");
+    let (llmod, _) = trans::base::trans_crate(sess, crate, ty_cx,
+                                              ~path::from_str("<repl>"),
+                                              exp_map2, maps);
+    let pm = llvm::LLVMCreatePassManager();
+    debug!("executing jit");
+    back::link::jit::exec(sess, pm, llmod, 0, false);
+    llvm::LLVMDisposePassManager(pm);
+    debug!("recording input into repl history");
+    record(repl, blk, sess.parse_sess.interner)
+/// Tries to get a line from rl after outputting a prompt. Returns
+/// None if no input was read (e.g. EOF was reached).
+fn get_line(prompt: ~str) -> Option<~str> {
+    let result = unsafe { rl::read(prompt) };
+    if result.is_none() {
+        return None;
+    }
+    let line = result.get();
+    unsafe { rl::add_history(line) };
+    return Some(line);
+/// Run a command, e.g. :clear, :exit, etc.
+fn run_cmd(repl: &mut Repl, _in: io::Reader, _out: io::Writer,
+           cmd: ~str, _args: ~[~str]) -> CmdAction {
+    let mut action = action_none;
+    match cmd {
+        ~"exit" => repl.running = false,
+        ~"clear" => {
+            repl.view_items = ~"";
+            repl.stmts = ~"";
+            // XXX: Win32 version of linenoise can't do this
+            //rl::clear();
+        }
+        ~"help" => {
+            io::println(
+                ~":{\\n ..lines.. \\n:}\\n - execute multiline command\n" +
+                ~":clear - clear the screen\n" +
+                ~":exit - exit from the repl\n" +
+                ~":help - show this message");
+        }
+        ~"{" => {
+            let mut multiline_cmd = ~"";
+            let mut end_multiline = false;
+            while (!end_multiline) {
+                match get_line(~"rusti| ") {
+                    None => fail ~"unterminated multiline command :{ .. :}",
+                    Some(line) => {
+                        if str::trim(line) == ~":}" {
+                            end_multiline = true;
+                        } else {
+                            multiline_cmd += line + ~"\n";
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            action = action_run_line(multiline_cmd);
+        }
+        _ => io::println(~"unknown cmd: " + cmd)
+    }
+    return action;
+/// Executes a line of input, which may either be rust code or a
+/// :command. Returns a new Repl if it has changed.
+fn run_line(repl: &mut Repl, in: io::Reader, out: io::Writer, line: ~str)
+    -> Option<Repl> {
+    if line.starts_with(~":") {
+        let full = line.substr(1, line.len() - 1);
+        let split = str::words(full);
+        let len = split.len();
+        if len > 0 {
+            let cmd = split[0];
+            if !cmd.is_empty() {
+                let args = if len > 1 {
+                    do vec::view(split, 1, len - 1).map |arg| {
+                        *arg
+                    }
+                } else { ~[] };
+                match run_cmd(repl, in, out, cmd, args) {
+                    action_none => { }
+                    action_run_line(multiline_cmd) => {
+                        if !multiline_cmd.is_empty() {
+                            return run_line(repl, in, out, multiline_cmd);
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                return None;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    let r = *repl;
+    let result = do task::try |copy r| {
+        run(r, line)
+    };
+    if result.is_ok() {
+        return Some(result.get());
+    }
+    return None;
+pub fn main() {
+    let args = os::args();
+    let in = io::stdin();
+    let out = io::stdout();
+    let mut repl = Repl {
+        prompt: ~"rusti> ",
+        binary: args[0],
+        running: true,
+        view_items: ~"",
+        stmts: ~""
+    };
+    unsafe {
+        do rl::complete |line, suggest| {
+            if line.starts_with(":") {
+                suggest(~":clear");
+                suggest(~":exit");
+                suggest(~":help");
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    while repl.running {
+        match get_line(repl.prompt) {
+            None => break,
+            Some(line) => {
+                if line.is_empty() {
+                    io::println(~"()");
+                    loop;
+                }
+                match run_line(&mut repl, in, out, line) {
+                    Some(new_repl) => repl = new_repl,
+                    None => { }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/src/librusti/rusti.rs b/src/librusti/rusti.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 79009761467..00000000000
--- a/src/librusti/rusti.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,381 +0,0 @@
- * A structure shared across REPL instances for storing history
- * such as statements and view items. I wish the AST was sendable.
- */
-struct Repl {
-    prompt: ~str,
-    binary: ~str,
-    running: bool,
-    view_items: ~str,
-    stmts: ~str
-// Action to do after reading a :command
-enum CmdAction {
-    action_none,
-    action_run_line(~str),
-/// A utility function that hands off a pretty printer to a callback.
-fn with_pp(intr: @token::ident_interner,
-           cb: fn(pprust::ps, io::Writer)) -> ~str {
-    do io::with_str_writer |writer| {
-        let pp = pprust::rust_printer(writer, intr);
-        cb(pp, writer);
-        pp::eof(pp.s);
-    }
- * The AST (or the rest of rustc) are not sendable yet,
- * so recorded things are printed to strings. A terrible hack that
- * needs changes to rustc in order to be outed. This is unfortunately
- * going to cause the REPL to regress in parser performance,
- * because it has to parse the statements and view_items on each
- * input.
- */
-fn record(repl: Repl, blk: @ast::blk, intr: @token::ident_interner) -> Repl {
-    let view_items = if blk.node.view_items.len() > 0 {
-        let new_view_items = do with_pp(intr) |pp, writer| {
-            for blk.node.view_items.each |view_item| {
-                pprust::print_view_item(pp, *view_item);
-                writer.write_line(~"");
-            }
-        };
-        debug!("new view items %s", new_view_items);
-        repl.view_items + "\n" + new_view_items
-    } else { repl.view_items };
-    let stmts = if blk.node.stmts.len() > 0 {
-        let new_stmts = do with_pp(intr) |pp, writer| {
-            for blk.node.stmts.each |stmt| {
-                match stmt.node {
-                    ast::stmt_decl(*) => {
-                        pprust::print_stmt(pp, **stmt);
-                        writer.write_line(~"");
-                    }
-                    ast::stmt_expr(expr, _) | ast::stmt_semi(expr, _) => {
-                        match expr.node {
-                            ast::expr_assign(*) |
-                            ast::expr_assign_op(*) |
-                            ast::expr_swap(*) => {
-                                pprust::print_stmt(pp, **stmt);
-                                writer.write_line(~"");
-                            }
-                            _ => {}
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        };
-        debug!("new stmts %s", new_stmts);
-        repl.stmts + "\n" + new_stmts
-    } else { repl.stmts };
-    Repl{
-        view_items: view_items,
-        stmts: stmts,
-        .. repl
-    }
-/// Run an input string in a Repl, returning the new Repl.
-fn run(repl: Repl, input: ~str) -> Repl {
-    let options: @session::options = @{
-        crate_type: session::unknown_crate,
-        binary: repl.binary,
-        addl_lib_search_paths: ~[os::getcwd()],
-        .. *session::basic_options()
-    };
-    debug!("building driver input");
-    let head = include_str!("wrapper.rs");
-    let foot = fmt!("%s\nfn main() {\n%s\n\nprint({\n%s\n})\n}",
-                    repl.view_items, repl.stmts, input);
-    let wrapped = driver::str_input(head + foot);
-    debug!("inputting %s", head + foot);
-    debug!("building a driver session");
-    let sess = driver::build_session(options, diagnostic::emit);
-    debug!("building driver configuration");
-    let cfg = driver::build_configuration(sess,
-                                          repl.binary,
-                                          wrapped);
-    debug!("parsing");
-    let mut crate = driver::parse_input(sess, cfg, wrapped);
-    let mut opt = None;
-    for crate.node.module.items.each |item| {
-        match item.node {
-            ast::item_fn(_, _, _, blk) => {
-                if item.ident == sess.ident_of(~"main") {
-                    opt = blk.node.expr;
-                }
-            }
-            _ => {}
-        }
-    }
-    let blk = match opt.get().node {
-        ast::expr_call(_, exprs, _) => {
-            match exprs[0].node {
-                ast::expr_block(blk) => @blk,
-                _ => fail
-            }
-        }
-        _ => fail
-    };
-    debug!("configuration");
-    crate = front::config::strip_unconfigured_items(crate);
-    debug!("maybe building test harness");
-    crate = front::test::modify_for_testing(sess, crate);
-    debug!("expansion");
-    crate = syntax::ext::expand::expand_crate(sess.parse_sess,
-                                              sess.opts.cfg,
-                                              crate);
-    debug!("intrinsic injection");
-    crate = front::intrinsic_inject::inject_intrinsic(sess, crate);
-    debug!("core injection");
-    crate = front::core_inject::maybe_inject_libcore_ref(sess, crate);
-    debug!("building lint settings table");
-    lint::build_settings_crate(sess, crate);
-    debug!("ast indexing");
-    let ast_map = syntax::ast_map::map_crate(sess.diagnostic(), *crate);
-    debug!("external crate/lib resolution");
-    creader::read_crates(sess.diagnostic(), *crate, sess.cstore,
-                         sess.filesearch,
-                         session::sess_os_to_meta_os(sess.targ_cfg.os),
-                         sess.opts.static, sess.parse_sess.interner);
-    debug!("language item collection");
-    let lang_items = middle::lang_items::collect_language_items(crate, sess);
-    debug!("resolution");
-    let {def_map: def_map,
-         exp_map2: exp_map2,
-         trait_map: trait_map} = middle::resolve::resolve_crate(sess,
-                                                                lang_items,
-                                                                crate);
-    debug!("freevar finding");
-    let freevars = freevars::annotate_freevars(def_map, crate);
-    debug!("region_resolution");
-    let region_map = middle::region::resolve_crate(sess, def_map, crate);
-    debug!("region paramaterization inference");
-    let rp_set = middle::region::determine_rp_in_crate(sess, ast_map,
-                                                       def_map, crate);
-    debug!("typechecking");
-    let ty_cx = ty::mk_ctxt(sess, def_map, ast_map, freevars,
-                            region_map, rp_set, move lang_items, crate);
-    let (method_map, vtable_map) = typeck::check_crate(ty_cx, trait_map,
-                                                       crate);
-    debug!("const marking");
-    middle::const_eval::process_crate(crate, def_map, ty_cx);
-    debug!("const checking");
-    middle::check_const::check_crate(sess, crate, ast_map, def_map,
-                                     method_map, ty_cx);
-    debug!("privacy checking");
-    middle::privacy::check_crate(ty_cx, &method_map, crate);
-    debug!("loop checking");
-    middle::check_loop::check_crate(ty_cx, crate);
-    debug!("alt checking");
-    middle::check_alt::check_crate(ty_cx, crate);
-    debug!("liveness checking");
-    let last_use_map = middle::liveness::check_crate(ty_cx,
-                                                     method_map, crate);
-    debug!("borrow checking");
-    let (root_map, mutbl_map) = middle::borrowck::check_crate(ty_cx,
-                                                              method_map,
-                                                              last_use_map,
-                                                              crate);
-    debug!("kind checking");
-    kind::check_crate(ty_cx, method_map, last_use_map, crate);
-    debug!("lint checking");
-    lint::check_crate(ty_cx, crate);
-    let maps = {mutbl_map: mutbl_map,
-                root_map: root_map,
-                last_use_map: last_use_map,
-                method_map: method_map,
-                vtable_map: vtable_map};
-    debug!("translation");
-    let (llmod, _) = trans::base::trans_crate(sess, crate, ty_cx,
-                                              ~path::from_str("<repl>"),
-                                              exp_map2, maps);
-    let pm = llvm::LLVMCreatePassManager();
-    debug!("executing jit");
-    back::link::jit::exec(sess, pm, llmod, 0, false);
-    llvm::LLVMDisposePassManager(pm);
-    debug!("recording input into repl history");
-    record(repl, blk, sess.parse_sess.interner)
-/// Tries to get a line from rl after outputting a prompt. Returns
-/// None if no input was read (e.g. EOF was reached).
-fn get_line(prompt: ~str) -> Option<~str> {
-    let result = unsafe { rl::read(prompt) };
-    if result.is_none() {
-        return None;
-    }
-    let line = result.get();
-    unsafe { rl::add_history(line) };
-    return Some(line);
-/// Run a command, e.g. :clear, :exit, etc.
-fn run_cmd(repl: &mut Repl, _in: io::Reader, _out: io::Writer,
-           cmd: ~str, _args: ~[~str]) -> CmdAction {
-    let mut action = action_none;
-    match cmd {
-        ~"exit" => repl.running = false,
-        ~"clear" => {
-            repl.view_items = ~"";
-            repl.stmts = ~"";
-            // XXX: Win32 version of linenoise can't do this
-            //rl::clear();
-        }
-        ~"help" => {
-            io::println(
-                ~":{\\n ..lines.. \\n:}\\n - execute multiline command\n" +
-                ~":clear - clear the screen\n" +
-                ~":exit - exit from the repl\n" +
-                ~":help - show this message");
-        }
-        ~"{" => {
-            let mut multiline_cmd = ~"";
-            let mut end_multiline = false;
-            while (!end_multiline) {
-                match get_line(~"rusti| ") {
-                    None => fail ~"unterminated multiline command :{ .. :}",
-                    Some(line) => {
-                        if str::trim(line) == ~":}" {
-                            end_multiline = true;
-                        } else {
-                            multiline_cmd += line + ~"\n";
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            action = action_run_line(multiline_cmd);
-        }
-        _ => io::println(~"unknown cmd: " + cmd)
-    }
-    return action;
-/// Executes a line of input, which may either be rust code or a
-/// :command. Returns a new Repl if it has changed.
-fn run_line(repl: &mut Repl, in: io::Reader, out: io::Writer, line: ~str)
-    -> Option<Repl> {
-    if line.starts_with(~":") {
-        let full = line.substr(1, line.len() - 1);
-        let split = str::words(full);
-        let len = split.len();
-        if len > 0 {
-            let cmd = split[0];
-            if !cmd.is_empty() {
-                let args = if len > 1 {
-                    do vec::view(split, 1, len - 1).map |arg| {
-                        *arg
-                    }
-                } else { ~[] };
-                match run_cmd(repl, in, out, cmd, args) {
-                    action_none => { }
-                    action_run_line(multiline_cmd) => {
-                        if !multiline_cmd.is_empty() {
-                            return run_line(repl, in, out, multiline_cmd);
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                return None;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    let r = *repl;
-    let result = do task::try |copy r| {
-        run(r, line)
-    };
-    if result.is_ok() {
-        return Some(result.get());
-    }
-    return None;
-pub fn main() {
-    let args = os::args();
-    let in = io::stdin();
-    let out = io::stdout();
-    let mut repl = Repl {
-        prompt: ~"rusti> ",
-        binary: args[0],
-        running: true,
-        view_items: ~"",
-        stmts: ~""
-    };
-    unsafe {
-        do rl::complete |line, suggest| {
-            if line.starts_with(":") {
-                suggest(~":clear");
-                suggest(~":exit");
-                suggest(~":help");
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    while repl.running {
-        match get_line(repl.prompt) {
-            None => break,
-            Some(line) => {
-                if line.is_empty() {
-                    io::println(~"()");
-                    loop;
-                }
-                match run_line(&mut repl, in, out, line) {
-                    Some(new_repl) => repl = new_repl,
-                    None => { }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/src/libsyntax/alternate_crate.rc b/src/libsyntax/alternate_crate.rc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d5a28a716ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libsyntax/alternate_crate.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+#[link(name = "syntax",
+       vers = "0.5",
+       uuid = "9311401b-d6ea-4cd9-a1d9-61f89499c645")];
+#[crate_type = "lib"];
+extern mod core(vers = "0.5");
+extern mod std(vers = "0.5");
+use core::*;
+mod attr;
+mod diagnostic;
+mod codemap;
+mod ast;
+mod ast_util;
+mod ast_map;
+mod visit;
+mod fold;
+mod util {
+    #[legacy_exports];
+    #[legacy_exports]
+    #[path = "util/interner.rs"]
+    mod interner;
+#[merge = "parse/mod.rs"]
+mod parse;
+mod print {
+    #[legacy_exports];
+    #[legacy_exports]
+    #[path = "print/pp.rs"]
+    mod pp;
+    #[legacy_exports]
+    #[path = "print/pprust.rs"]
+    mod pprust;
+mod ext {
+    #[legacy_exports];
+    #[legacy_exports]
+    #[path = "ext/base.rs"]
+    mod base;
+    #[legacy_exports]
+    #[path = "ext/expand.rs"]
+    mod expand;
+    #[legacy_exports]
+    #[path = "ext/qquote.rs"]
+    mod qquote;
+    #[path = "ext/quote.rs"]
+    mod quote;
+    #[path = "ext/deriving.rs"]
+    mod deriving;
+    #[legacy_exports]
+    #[path = "ext/build.rs"]
+    mod build;
+    mod tt {
+        #[legacy_exports];
+        #[legacy_exports]
+        #[path = "ext/tt/transcribe.rs"]
+        mod transcribe;
+        #[legacy_exports]
+        #[path = "ext/tt/macro_parser.rs"]
+        mod macro_parser;
+        #[legacy_exports]
+        #[path = "ext/tt/macro_rules.rs"]
+        mod macro_rules;
+    }
+    #[legacy_exports]
+    #[path = "ext/simplext.rs"]
+    mod simplext;
+    #[legacy_exports]
+    #[path = "ext/fmt.rs"]
+    mod fmt;
+    #[legacy_exports]
+    #[path = "ext/env.rs"]
+    mod env;
+    #[legacy_exports]
+    #[path = "ext/concat_idents.rs"]
+    mod concat_idents;
+    #[legacy_exports]
+    #[path = "ext/ident_to_str.rs"]
+    mod ident_to_str;
+    #[legacy_exports]
+    #[path = "ext/log_syntax.rs"]
+    mod log_syntax;
+    #[legacy_exports]
+    #[path = "ext/auto_serialize.rs"]
+    mod auto_serialize;
+    #[legacy_exports]
+    #[path = "ext/source_util.rs"]
+    mod source_util;
+    #[legacy_exports]
+    #[path = "ext/pipes.rs"]
+    #[merge = "ext/pipes/mod.rs"]
+    mod pipes;
+    #[legacy_exports]
+    #[path = "ext/trace_macros.rs"]
+    mod trace_macros;
diff --git a/src/libsyntax/ast.rs b/src/libsyntax/ast.rs
index da28e349a56..21ce366e1c4 100644
--- a/src/libsyntax/ast.rs
+++ b/src/libsyntax/ast.rs
@@ -406,25 +406,10 @@ type crate_cfg = ~[@meta_item];
 type crate = spanned<crate_>;
 type crate_ =
-    {directives: ~[@crate_directive],
-     module: _mod,
+    {module: _mod,
      attrs: ~[attribute],
      config: crate_cfg};
-enum crate_directive_ {
-    cdir_src_mod(visibility, ident, ~[attribute]),
-    cdir_dir_mod(visibility, ident, ~[@crate_directive], ~[attribute]),
-    // NB: cdir_view_item is *not* processed by the rest of the compiler, the
-    // attached view_items are sunk into the crate's module during parsing,
-    // and processed (resolved, imported, etc.) there. This enum-variant
-    // exists only to preserve the view items in order in case we decide to
-    // pretty-print crates in the future.
-    cdir_view_item(@view_item),
-type crate_directive = spanned<crate_directive_>;
 type meta_item = spanned<meta_item_>;
diff --git a/src/libsyntax/ext/pipes/mod.rs b/src/libsyntax/ext/pipes/mod.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..638ccad0143
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libsyntax/ext/pipes/mod.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+mod ast_builder;
+mod parse_proto;
+mod pipec;
+mod proto;
+mod check;
+mod liveness;
diff --git a/src/libsyntax/fold.rs b/src/libsyntax/fold.rs
index 9d57b5ae814..7369e47eed3 100644
--- a/src/libsyntax/fold.rs
+++ b/src/libsyntax/fold.rs
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ export extensions;
 trait ast_fold {
     fn fold_crate(crate) -> crate;
-    fn fold_crate_directive(&&v: @crate_directive) -> @crate_directive;
     fn fold_view_item(&&v: @view_item) -> @view_item;
     fn fold_foreign_item(&&v: @foreign_item) -> @foreign_item;
     fn fold_item(&&v: @item) -> Option<@item>;
@@ -51,8 +50,6 @@ trait ast_fold {
 type ast_fold_precursor = @{
     //unlike the others, item_ is non-trivial
     fold_crate: fn@(crate_, span, ast_fold) -> (crate_, span),
-    fold_crate_directive: fn@(crate_directive_, span,
-                              ast_fold) -> (crate_directive_, span),
     fold_view_item: fn@(view_item_, ast_fold) -> view_item_,
     fold_foreign_item: fn@(&&v: @foreign_item, ast_fold) -> @foreign_item,
     fold_item: fn@(&&v: @item, ast_fold) -> Option<@item>,
@@ -150,29 +147,12 @@ fn noop_fold_crate(c: crate_, fld: ast_fold) -> crate_ {
     let fold_attribute = |x| fold_attribute_(x, fld);
     return {
-        directives: vec::map(c.directives, |x| fld.fold_crate_directive(*x)),
         module: fld.fold_mod(c.module),
         attrs: vec::map(c.attrs, |x| fold_attribute(*x)),
         config: vec::map(c.config, |x| fold_meta_item(*x))
-fn noop_fold_crate_directive(cd: crate_directive_, fld: ast_fold) ->
-   crate_directive_ {
-    return match cd {
-          cdir_src_mod(vis, id, attrs) => {
-            cdir_src_mod(vis, fld.fold_ident(id),
-                         /* FIXME (#2543) */ copy attrs)
-          }
-          cdir_dir_mod(vis, id, cds, attrs) => {
-            cdir_dir_mod(vis, fld.fold_ident(id),
-                         vec::map(cds, |x| fld.fold_crate_directive(*x)),
-                         /* FIXME (#2543) */ copy attrs)
-          }
-          cdir_view_item(vi) => cdir_view_item(fld.fold_view_item(vi)),
-        }
 fn noop_fold_view_item(vi: view_item_, _fld: ast_fold) -> view_item_ {
     return /* FIXME (#2543) */ copy vi;
@@ -635,7 +615,6 @@ fn noop_span(sp: span) -> span { return sp; }
 fn default_ast_fold() -> ast_fold_precursor {
     return @{fold_crate: wrap(noop_fold_crate),
-          fold_crate_directive: wrap(noop_fold_crate_directive),
           fold_view_item: noop_fold_view_item,
           fold_foreign_item: noop_fold_foreign_item,
           fold_item: noop_fold_item,
@@ -666,12 +645,6 @@ impl ast_fold_precursor: ast_fold {
         let (n, s) = self.fold_crate(c.node, c.span, self as ast_fold);
         return {node: n, span: self.new_span(s)};
-    fn fold_crate_directive(&&c: @crate_directive) -> @crate_directive {
-        let (n, s) = self.fold_crate_directive(c.node, c.span,
-                                               self as ast_fold);
-        return @{node: n,
-              span: self.new_span(s)};
-    }
     fn fold_view_item(&&x: @view_item) ->
        @view_item {
         return @{node: self.fold_view_item(x.node, self as ast_fold),
diff --git a/src/libsyntax/parse.rs b/src/libsyntax/parse.rs
index d1388bedad9..ccca4139c9b 100644
--- a/src/libsyntax/parse.rs
+++ b/src/libsyntax/parse.rs
@@ -1,5 +1,16 @@
 //! The main parser interface
+export parser;
+export common;
+export lexer;
+export token;
+export comments;
+export prec;
+export classify;
+export attr;
 export parse_sess;
 export new_parse_sess, new_parse_sess_special_handler;
 export next_node_id;
@@ -51,40 +62,6 @@ fn new_parse_sess_special_handler(sh: span_handler, cm: @codemap::CodeMap)
 fn parse_crate_from_file(input: &Path, cfg: ast::crate_cfg,
                          sess: parse_sess) -> @ast::crate {
-    if input.filetype() == Some(~".rc") {
-        parse_crate_from_crate_file(input, cfg, sess)
-    } else if input.filetype() == Some(~".rs") {
-        parse_crate_from_source_file(input, cfg, sess)
-    } else {
-        sess.span_diagnostic.handler().fatal(~"unknown input file type: " +
-                                             input.to_str())
-    }
-fn parse_crate_from_crate_file(input: &Path, cfg: ast::crate_cfg,
-                               sess: parse_sess) -> @ast::crate {
-    let p = new_crate_parser_from_file(sess, cfg, input);
-    let lo = p.span.lo;
-    let prefix = input.dir_path();
-    let leading_attrs = p.parse_inner_attrs_and_next();
-    let { inner: crate_attrs, next: first_cdir_attr } = leading_attrs;
-    let cdirs = p.parse_crate_directives(token::EOF, first_cdir_attr);
-    let cx = @{sess: sess, cfg: /* FIXME (#2543) */ copy p.cfg};
-    let companionmod = input.filestem().map(|s| Path(*s));
-    let (m, attrs) = eval::eval_crate_directives_to_mod(
-        cx, cdirs, &prefix, &companionmod);
-    let mut hi = p.span.hi;
-    p.expect(token::EOF);
-    p.abort_if_errors();
-    return @ast_util::respan(ast_util::mk_sp(lo, hi),
-                          {directives: cdirs,
-                           module: m,
-                           attrs: vec::append(crate_attrs, attrs),
-                           config: /* FIXME (#2543) */ copy p.cfg});
-fn parse_crate_from_source_file(input: &Path, cfg: ast::crate_cfg,
-                                sess: parse_sess) -> @ast::crate {
     let p = new_crate_parser_from_file(sess, cfg, input);
     let r = p.parse_crate_mod(cfg);
     return r;
diff --git a/src/libsyntax/parse/mod.rs b/src/libsyntax/parse/mod.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a7c5f20fedf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libsyntax/parse/mod.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+mod lexer;
+mod parser;
+mod token;
+mod comments;
+mod attr;
+/// Common routines shared by parser mods
+mod common;
+/// Functions dealing with operator precedence
+mod prec;
+/// Routines the parser uses to classify AST nodes
+mod classify;
+/// Reporting obsolete syntax
+mod obsolete;
diff --git a/src/libsyntax/parse/parser.rs b/src/libsyntax/parse/parser.rs
index 2f32b8436af..382b572f33e 100644
--- a/src/libsyntax/parse/parser.rs
+++ b/src/libsyntax/parse/parser.rs
@@ -27,9 +27,8 @@ use ast::{_mod, add, arg, arm, attribute,
              bind_by_ref, bind_by_implicit_ref, bind_by_value, bind_by_move,
              bitand, bitor, bitxor, blk, blk_check_mode, box, by_copy,
              by_move, by_ref, by_val, capture_clause,
-             capture_item, cdir_dir_mod, cdir_src_mod, cdir_view_item,
-             class_immutable, class_mutable,
-             crate, crate_cfg, crate_directive, decl, decl_item, decl_local,
+             capture_item, class_immutable, class_mutable,
+             crate, crate_cfg, decl, decl_item, decl_local,
              default_blk, deref, div, enum_def, enum_variant_kind, expl, expr,
              expr_, expr_addr_of, expr_match, expr_again, expr_assert,
              expr_assign, expr_assign_op, expr_binary, expr_block, expr_break,
@@ -2966,15 +2965,7 @@ impl Parser {
         let info_ = if self.token == token::SEMI {
             // This mod is in an external file. Let's go get it!
-            let eval_ctx = @{
-                sess: self.sess,
-                cfg: self.cfg
-            };
-            let prefix = Path(self.sess.cm.span_to_filename(copy self.span));
-            let prefix = prefix.dir_path();
-            let (m, attrs) = eval::eval_src_mod(eval_ctx, &prefix,
-                                                outer_attrs,
-                                                id, id_span);
+            let (m, attrs) = self.eval_src_mod(id, outer_attrs, id_span);
             (id, m, Some(move attrs))
         } else {
@@ -2990,20 +2981,18 @@ impl Parser {
         // its contents
         match ::attr::first_attr_value_str_by_name(outer_attrs, ~"merge") {
             Some(path) => {
-                let eval_ctx = @{
-                    sess: self.sess,
-                    cfg: self.cfg
-                };
-                let prefix = Path(self.sess.cm.span_to_filename(copy self.span));
+                let prefix = Path(
+                    self.sess.cm.span_to_filename(copy self.span));
                 let prefix = prefix.dir_path();
                 let path = Path(path);
-                let (new_mod_item, new_attrs) = eval::eval_src_mod_from_path(
-                    eval_ctx, &prefix, &path, ~[], id_span);
+                let (new_mod_item, new_attrs) = self.eval_src_mod_from_path(
+                    prefix, path, ~[], id_span);
                 let (main_id, main_mod_item, main_attrs) = info_;
                 let main_attrs = main_attrs.get();
-                let (main_mod, new_mod) = match (main_mod_item, new_mod_item) {
+                let (main_mod, new_mod) =
+                    match (main_mod_item, new_mod_item) {
                     (item_mod(m), item_mod(n)) => (m, n),
                     _ => self.bug(~"parsed mod item should be mod")
@@ -3019,6 +3008,51 @@ impl Parser {
+    fn eval_src_mod(id: ast::ident,
+                    outer_attrs: ~[ast::attribute],
+                    id_sp: span) -> (ast::item_, ~[ast::attribute]) {
+        let prefix = Path(self.sess.cm.span_to_filename(copy self.span));
+        let prefix = prefix.dir_path();
+        let default_path = self.sess.interner.get(id) + ~".rs";
+        let file_path = match ::attr::first_attr_value_str_by_name(
+            outer_attrs, ~"path") {
+            Some(d) => d,
+            None => default_path
+        };
+        let file_path = Path(file_path);
+        self.eval_src_mod_from_path(prefix, file_path,
+                                    outer_attrs, id_sp)
+    }
+    fn eval_src_mod_from_path(prefix: Path, path: Path,
+                              outer_attrs: ~[ast::attribute],
+                              id_sp: span
+                             ) -> (ast::item_, ~[ast::attribute]) {
+        let full_path = if path.is_absolute {
+            path
+        } else {
+            prefix.push_many(path.components)
+        };
+        let p0 =
+            new_sub_parser_from_file(self.sess, self.cfg,
+                                     &full_path, id_sp);
+        let inner_attrs = p0.parse_inner_attrs_and_next();
+        let mod_attrs = vec::append(outer_attrs, inner_attrs.inner);
+        let first_item_outer_attrs = inner_attrs.next;
+        let m0 = p0.parse_mod_items(token::EOF, first_item_outer_attrs);
+        return (ast::item_mod(m0), mod_attrs);
+        fn cdir_path_opt(default: ~str, attrs: ~[ast::attribute]) -> ~str {
+            match ::attr::first_attr_value_str_by_name(attrs, ~"path") {
+                Some(d) => d,
+                None => default
+            }
+        }
+    }
     fn parse_item_foreign_fn( +attrs: ~[attribute]) -> @foreign_item {
         let lo = self.span.lo;
         let vis = self.parse_visibility();
@@ -3699,8 +3733,7 @@ impl Parser {
         let first_item_outer_attrs = crate_attrs.next;
         let m = self.parse_mod_items(token::EOF, first_item_outer_attrs);
         return @spanned(lo, self.span.lo,
-                     {directives: ~[],
-                      module: m,
+                     {module: m,
                       attrs: crate_attrs.inner,
                       config: self.cfg});
@@ -3711,78 +3744,6 @@ impl Parser {
           _ =>  self.fatal(~"expected string literal")
-    // Logic for parsing crate files (.rc)
-    //
-    // Each crate file is a sequence of directives.
-    //
-    // Each directive imperatively extends its environment with 0 or more
-    // items.
-    fn parse_crate_directive(first_outer_attr: ~[attribute]) ->
-        crate_directive {
-        // Collect the next attributes
-        let outer_attrs = vec::append(first_outer_attr,
-                                      self.parse_outer_attributes());
-        // In a crate file outer attributes are only going to apply to mods
-        let expect_mod = vec::len(outer_attrs) > 0u;
-        let lo = self.span.lo;
-        let vis = self.parse_visibility();
-        if expect_mod || self.is_keyword(~"mod") {
-            self.expect_keyword(~"mod");
-            let id = self.parse_ident();
-            match self.token {
-              // mod x = "foo.rs";
-              token::SEMI => {
-                let mut hi = self.span.hi;
-                self.bump();
-                return spanned(lo, hi, cdir_src_mod(vis, id, outer_attrs));
-              }
-              // mod x = "foo_dir" { ...directives... }
-              token::LBRACE => {
-                self.bump();
-                let inner_attrs = self.parse_inner_attrs_and_next();
-                let mod_attrs = vec::append(outer_attrs, inner_attrs.inner);
-                let next_outer_attr = inner_attrs.next;
-                let cdirs = self.parse_crate_directives(token::RBRACE,
-                                                        next_outer_attr);
-                let mut hi = self.span.hi;
-                self.expect(token::RBRACE);
-                return spanned(lo, hi,
-                            cdir_dir_mod(vis, id, cdirs, mod_attrs));
-              }
-              _ => self.unexpected()
-            }
-        } else if self.is_view_item() {
-            let vi = self.parse_view_item(outer_attrs, vis);
-            return spanned(lo, vi.span.hi, cdir_view_item(vi));
-        }
-        return self.fatal(~"expected crate directive");
-    }
-    fn parse_crate_directives(term: token::Token,
-                              first_outer_attr: ~[attribute]) ->
-        ~[@crate_directive] {
-        // This is pretty ugly. If we have an outer attribute then we can't
-        // accept seeing the terminator next, so if we do see it then fail the
-        // same way parse_crate_directive would
-        if vec::len(first_outer_attr) > 0u && self.token == term {
-            self.expect_keyword(~"mod");
-        }
-        let mut cdirs: ~[@crate_directive] = ~[];
-        let mut first_outer_attr = first_outer_attr;
-        while self.token != term {
-            let cdir = @self.parse_crate_directive(first_outer_attr);
-            cdirs.push(cdir);
-            first_outer_attr = ~[];
-        }
-        return cdirs;
-    }
 impl restriction : cmp::Eq {
diff --git a/src/libsyntax/syntax.rc b/src/libsyntax/syntax.rc
index 2837e8fc64f..afd961f22fc 100644
--- a/src/libsyntax/syntax.rc
+++ b/src/libsyntax/syntax.rc
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
 #[link(name = "syntax",
        vers = "0.5",
        uuid = "9311401b-d6ea-4cd9-a1d9-61f89499c645")];
@@ -54,8 +56,6 @@ mod parse {
     export classify;
     export attr;
-    #[legacy_exports]
-    mod eval;
     mod lexer;
diff --git a/src/libsyntax/visit.rs b/src/libsyntax/visit.rs
index ae0de2add81..afd928a9fbc 100644
--- a/src/libsyntax/visit.rs
+++ b/src/libsyntax/visit.rs
@@ -93,16 +93,6 @@ fn visit_crate<E>(c: crate, e: E, v: vt<E>) {
     v.visit_mod(c.node.module, c.span, crate_node_id, e, v);
-fn visit_crate_directive<E>(cd: @crate_directive, e: E, v: vt<E>) {
-    match cd.node {
-      cdir_src_mod(_, _, _) => (),
-      cdir_dir_mod(_, _, cdirs, _) => for cdirs.each |cdir| {
-        visit_crate_directive(*cdir, e, v);
-      },
-      cdir_view_item(vi) => v.visit_view_item(vi, e, v),
-    }
 fn visit_mod<E>(m: _mod, _sp: span, _id: node_id, e: E, v: vt<E>) {
     for m.view_items.each |vi| { v.visit_view_item(*vi, e, v); }
     for m.items.each |i| { v.visit_item(*i, e, v); }
diff --git a/src/test/compile-fail/attr-bad-crate-attr.rc b/src/test/compile-fail/attr-bad-crate-attr.rc
index 0a86c40a3af..8d1d15138fd 100644
--- a/src/test/compile-fail/attr-bad-crate-attr.rc
+++ b/src/test/compile-fail/attr-bad-crate-attr.rc
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// error-pattern: expected `mod`
+// error-pattern: expected item
 #[attr = "val"];
 #[attr = "val"] // Unterminated
diff --git a/src/test/run-pass/companionmod-src/b.rs b/src/test/run-pass/companionmod-src/b.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index e4350ab4ee7..00000000000
--- a/src/test/run-pass/companionmod-src/b.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-use g = x::f;
-export g;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/test/run-pass/companionmod-src/b/x.rs b/src/test/run-pass/companionmod-src/b/x.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index d81ff2ba9a5..00000000000
--- a/src/test/run-pass/companionmod-src/b/x.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-fn f() -> ~str { ~"ralph" }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/test/run-pass/companionmod-src/d.rs b/src/test/run-pass/companionmod-src/d.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index e4350ab4ee7..00000000000
--- a/src/test/run-pass/companionmod-src/d.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-use g = x::f;
-export g;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/test/run-pass/companionmod-src/d/x.rs b/src/test/run-pass/companionmod-src/d/x.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index b27e39327f1..00000000000
--- a/src/test/run-pass/companionmod-src/d/x.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-fn f() -> ~str { ~"nelson" }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/test/run-pass/companionmod.rc b/src/test/run-pass/companionmod.rc
deleted file mode 100644
index 8736345c982..00000000000
--- a/src/test/run-pass/companionmod.rc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-// xfail-win32 don't understand what's wrong
-// Test that crates and directory modules can contain code
-#[path = "companionmod-src"]
-mod a {
-    #[legacy_exports];
-    mod b {
-        #[legacy_exports];
-        #[legacy_exports]
-        mod x;
-    }
-    #[path = "d"]
-    mod c {
-        #[legacy_exports];
-        #[legacy_exports]
-        mod x;
-    }
diff --git a/src/test/run-pass/companionmod.rs b/src/test/run-pass/companionmod.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index ff15fe58056..00000000000
--- a/src/test/run-pass/companionmod.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-// This isn't really xfailed; it's used by the companionmod.rc test
-// xfail-test
-fn main() {
-    assert a::b::g() == ~"ralph";
-    assert a::c::g() == ~"nelson";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/test/run-pass/crate-attributes-src/foo.rs b/src/test/run-pass/crate-attributes-src/foo.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 7086ebf2ea8..00000000000
--- a/src/test/run-pass/crate-attributes-src/foo.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-// These are attributes of the foo module
-#[attr1 = "val"];
-#[attr2 = "val"];
-// Attributes of the following function
-#[attr1 = "val"]
-#[attr2 = "val"]
-fn main() { }
diff --git a/src/test/run-pass/crate-attributes.rc b/src/test/run-pass/crate-attributes.rc
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ee41913f40..00000000000
--- a/src/test/run-pass/crate-attributes.rc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-#[name = "crate-attributes"];
-#[vers = "1.0"];
-#[path = "crate-attributes-src"]
-mod m {
-    #[legacy_exports];
-  #[attr_inner];
-  #[attr2]
-    #[legacy_exports]
-  mod foo;
diff --git a/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism-files/inst_f32.rs b/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism-files/inst_f32.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index ea7d8fd77a0..00000000000
--- a/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism-files/inst_f32.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-type T = f32;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism-files/inst_f64.rs b/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism-files/inst_f64.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 8811863b27c..00000000000
--- a/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism-files/inst_f64.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-type T = f64;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism-files/inst_float.rs b/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism-files/inst_float.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 5726ccf7ad0..00000000000
--- a/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism-files/inst_float.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-type T = float;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism-files/template.rs b/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism-files/template.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index c8d52145cab..00000000000
--- a/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism-files/template.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-fn plus(x: T, y: T) -> T {
-    x + y
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism.rc b/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism.rc
deleted file mode 100644
index bce2d80e045..00000000000
--- a/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism.rc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-#[path = "module-polymorphism-files"]
-mod my_float {
-    #[legacy_exports];
-    // The type of the float
-    use inst::T;
-    // Define T as float
-    #[path = "inst_float.rs"]
-    #[legacy_exports]
-    mod inst;
-    // Add in the implementation from a single source file
-    #[path = "template.rs"]
-    #[legacy_exports]
-    mod template;
-#[path = "module-polymorphism-files"]
-mod my_f64 {
-    #[legacy_exports];
-    use inst::T;
-    // Define T as f64
-    #[path = "inst_f64.rs"]
-    #[legacy_exports]
-    mod inst;
-    // Use the implementation for the same source file!
-    #[path = "template.rs"]
-    #[legacy_exports]
-    mod template;
-#[path = "module-polymorphism-files"]
-mod my_f32 {
-    #[legacy_exports];
-    use inst::T;
-    #[path = "inst_f32.rs"]
-    #[legacy_exports]
-    mod inst;
-    #[path = "template.rs"]
-    #[legacy_exports]
-    mod template;
diff --git a/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism.rs b/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 26c3582d6a6..00000000000
--- a/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-// This isn't really xfailed; it's used by the
-// module-polymorphism.rc test
-// xfail-test
-fn main() {
-    // All of these functions are defined by a single module
-    // source file but instantiated for different types
-    assert my_float::template::plus(1.0f, 2.0f) == 3.0f;
-    assert my_f64::template::plus(1.0f64, 2.0f64) == 3.0f64;
-    assert my_f32::template::plus(1.0f32, 2.0f32) == 3.0f32;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism2-files/float-template/inst_f32.rs b/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism2-files/float-template/inst_f32.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index ea7d8fd77a0..00000000000
--- a/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism2-files/float-template/inst_f32.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-type T = f32;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism2-files/float-template/inst_f64.rs b/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism2-files/float-template/inst_f64.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 8811863b27c..00000000000
--- a/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism2-files/float-template/inst_f64.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-type T = f64;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism2-files/float-template/inst_float.rs b/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism2-files/float-template/inst_float.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 5726ccf7ad0..00000000000
--- a/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism2-files/float-template/inst_float.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-type T = float;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism2-files/float-template/template.rs b/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism2-files/float-template/template.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index c8d52145cab..00000000000
--- a/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism2-files/float-template/template.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-fn plus(x: T, y: T) -> T {
-    x + y
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism2.rc b/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism2.rc
deleted file mode 100644
index 49cd60fc0a9..00000000000
--- a/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism2.rc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-#[path = "module-polymorphism2-files"]
-mod mystd {
-    #[legacy_exports];
-    #[path = "float-template"]
-    mod float {
-        #[legacy_exports];
-        // The type of the float
-        use inst::T;
-        // Unfortunate
-        use template::*;
-        export plus;
-        // Define T as float
-        #[path = "inst_float.rs"]
-        #[legacy_exports]
-        mod inst;
-        // Add in the implementation from a single source file
-        #[path = "template.rs"]
-        #[legacy_exports]
-        mod template;
-    }
-    #[path = "float-template"]
-    mod f64 {
-        #[legacy_exports];
-        use inst::T;
-        // Unfortunate
-        use template::*;
-        export plus;
-        // Define T as f64
-        #[path = "inst_f64.rs"]
-        #[legacy_exports]
-        mod inst;
-        // Use the implementation for the same source file!
-        #[path = "template.rs"]
-        #[legacy_exports]
-        mod template;
-    }
-    #[path = "float-template"]
-    mod f32 {
-        #[legacy_exports];
-        use inst::T;
-        // Unfortunate
-        use template::*;
-        export plus;
-        #[path = "inst_f32.rs"]
-        #[legacy_exports]
-        mod inst;
-        #[path = "template.rs"]
-        #[legacy_exports]
-        mod template;
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism2.rs b/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism2.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 7bb55c45430..00000000000
--- a/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism2.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-// This isn't really xfailed; it's used by the
-// module-polymorphism.rc test
-// xfail-test
-fn main() {
-    // All of these functions are defined by a single module
-    // source file but instantiated for different types
-    assert mystd::float::plus(1.0f, 2.0f) == 3.0f;
-    assert mystd::f64::plus(1.0f64, 2.0f64) == 3.0f64;
-    assert mystd::f32::plus(1.0f32, 2.0f32) == 3.0f32;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism3-files/float-template.rs b/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism3-files/float-template.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index c8d52145cab..00000000000
--- a/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism3-files/float-template.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-fn plus(x: T, y: T) -> T {
-    x + y
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism3-files/float-template/inst_f32.rs b/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism3-files/float-template/inst_f32.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index ea7d8fd77a0..00000000000
--- a/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism3-files/float-template/inst_f32.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-type T = f32;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism3-files/float-template/inst_f64.rs b/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism3-files/float-template/inst_f64.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 8811863b27c..00000000000
--- a/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism3-files/float-template/inst_f64.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-type T = f64;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism3-files/float-template/inst_float.rs b/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism3-files/float-template/inst_float.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 5726ccf7ad0..00000000000
--- a/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism3-files/float-template/inst_float.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-type T = float;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism3.rc b/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism3.rc
deleted file mode 100644
index 27d9753d9d5..00000000000
--- a/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism3.rc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-// Use one template module to specify in a single file the implementation
-// of functions for multiple types
-#[path = "module-polymorphism3-files"]
-mod mystd {
-    #[legacy_exports];
-    // The template is specified in float-template.rs
-    #[path = "float-template"]
-    mod float {
-        #[legacy_exports];
-        // The type of the float
-        use inst::T;
-        // Define T as appropriate for platform
-        #[path = "inst_float.rs"]
-        mod inst;
-    }
-    // Use the same template
-    #[path = "float-template"]
-    mod f64 {
-        #[legacy_exports];
-        use inst::T;
-        // Define T as f64
-        #[path = "inst_f64.rs"]
-        mod inst;
-    }
-    #[path = "float-template"]
-    mod f32 {
-        #[legacy_exports];
-        use inst::T;
-        #[path = "inst_f32.rs"]
-        mod inst;
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism3.rs b/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism3.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 7bb55c45430..00000000000
--- a/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism3.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-// This isn't really xfailed; it's used by the
-// module-polymorphism.rc test
-// xfail-test
-fn main() {
-    // All of these functions are defined by a single module
-    // source file but instantiated for different types
-    assert mystd::float::plus(1.0f, 2.0f) == 3.0f;
-    assert mystd::f64::plus(1.0f64, 2.0f64) == 3.0f64;
-    assert mystd::f32::plus(1.0f32, 2.0f32) == 3.0f32;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism4-files/cat.rs b/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism4-files/cat.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index f19b72ed181..00000000000
--- a/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism4-files/cat.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-type T = cat;
-enum cat {
-    howlycat,
-    meowlycat
-fn animal() -> ~str { ~"cat" }
-fn talk(c: cat) -> ~str {
-    match c {
-      howlycat =>  { ~"howl" }
-      meowlycat => { ~"meow" }
-    }
diff --git a/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism4-files/dog.rs b/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism4-files/dog.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 4fd212deb8d..00000000000
--- a/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism4-files/dog.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-type T = dog;
-enum dog {
-    dog
-fn animal() -> ~str { ~"dog" }
-fn talk(_d: dog) -> ~str { ~"woof" }
diff --git a/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism4-files/trait_.rs b/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism4-files/trait_.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 983a4039eeb..00000000000
--- a/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism4-files/trait_.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-trait says {
-    fn says() -> ~str;
-impl T: says {
-    // 'animal' and 'talk' functions are implemented by the module
-    // instantiating the talky trait. They are 'abstract'
-    fn says() -> ~str {
-        animal() + ~" says '" + talk(self) + ~"'"
-    }
diff --git a/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism4.rc b/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism4.rc
deleted file mode 100644
index 4cb7acf8f03..00000000000
--- a/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism4.rc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-#[path = "module-polymorphism4-files"]
-mod cat {
-    #[legacy_exports];
-    use inst::*;
-    #[path = "cat.rs"]
-    #[legacy_exports]
-    mod inst;
-    #[path = "trait_.rs"]
-    #[legacy_exports]
-    mod trait_;
-#[path = "module-polymorphism4-files"]
-mod dog {
-    #[legacy_exports];
-    use inst::*;
-    #[path = "dog.rs"]
-    #[legacy_exports]
-    mod inst;
-    #[path = "trait_.rs"]
-    #[legacy_exports]
-    mod trait_;
diff --git a/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism4.rs b/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism4.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 0824e5b49bb..00000000000
--- a/src/test/run-pass/module-polymorphism4.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-// This isn't really xfailed; it's used by the
-// module-polymorphism.rc test
-// xfail-test
-fn main() {
-    let cat1 = cat::inst::meowlycat;
-    let cat2 = cat::inst::howlycat;
-    let dog = dog::inst::dog;
-    assert cat1.says() == ~"cat says 'meow'";
-    assert cat2.says() == ~"cat says 'howl'";
-    assert dog.says() == ~"dog says 'woof'";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/test/run-pass/multi-src/bar.rs b/src/test/run-pass/multi-src/bar.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 33699ac4f84..00000000000
--- a/src/test/run-pass/multi-src/bar.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-fn other() { debug!("yes"); }
diff --git a/src/test/run-pass/multi-src/foo.rs b/src/test/run-pass/multi-src/foo.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 466b6b9be56..00000000000
--- a/src/test/run-pass/multi-src/foo.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-fn main() { debug!("hello, multi-file world."); bar::other(); }
diff --git a/src/test/run-pass/multi.rc b/src/test/run-pass/multi.rc
deleted file mode 100644
index 61c81030bba..00000000000
--- a/src/test/run-pass/multi.rc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-#[path = "multi-src"]
-mod multi {
-    #[legacy_exports];
-  // implicitly #[path = "foo.rs"]
-  #[legacy_exports]
-  mod foo;
-  #[path  = "bar.rs"]
-  #[legacy_exports]
-  mod bar;
diff --git a/src/test/run-pass/trait-mix.rc b/src/test/run-pass/trait-mix.rc
deleted file mode 100644
index 818f41de262..00000000000
--- a/src/test/run-pass/trait-mix.rc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-mod trait_mix {
-    #[legacy_exports];
-    #[path = "trait-mix.rs"]
-    #[legacy_exports]
-    mod trait_mix;
-    #[legacy_exports]
-    mod u_trait_mix;
diff --git a/src/test/run-pass/trait_mix/trait-mix.rs b/src/test/run-pass/trait_mix/trait-mix.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 800fb4f9006..00000000000
--- a/src/test/run-pass/trait_mix/trait-mix.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-impl f32: u_trait_mix::num {
-    pure fn add(&&other: f32)    -> f32 { return self + other; }
-    pure fn sub(&&other: f32)    -> f32 { return self - other; }
-    pure fn mul(&&other: f32)    -> f32 { return self * other; }
-    pure fn div(&&other: f32)    -> f32 { return self / other; }
-    pure fn modulo(&&other: f32) -> f32 { return self % other; }
-    pure fn neg()                -> f32 { return -self;        }
-    pure fn to_int()         -> int { return self as int; }
-    static pure fn from_int(n: int) -> f32 { return n as f32;    }
-It seems that this will fail if I try using it from another crate.
-// ICEs if I put this in num -- ???
-trait from_int {
-fn main() {}
diff --git a/src/test/run-pass/trait_mix/u_trait_mix.rs b/src/test/run-pass/trait_mix/u_trait_mix.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 260955e687a..00000000000
--- a/src/test/run-pass/trait_mix/u_trait_mix.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-trait num {
-    // FIXME: Trait composition. (#2616)
-    pure fn add(&&other: self) -> self;
-    pure fn sub(&&other: self) -> self;
-    pure fn mul(&&other: self) -> self;
-    pure fn div(&&other: self) -> self;
-    pure fn modulo(&&other: self) -> self;
-    pure fn neg() -> self;
-    pure fn to_int() -> int;
-    static pure fn from_int(n: int) -> self;