rustc: Stub some region resolution stuff in infer

This commit is contained in:
Patrick Walton 2012-03-24 21:30:57 -07:00
parent f507b54f19
commit bd6e6e349b

@ -25,10 +25,21 @@ enum var_value {
type region_bound = option<ty::region>;
type region_bounds = {lb: region_bound, ub: region_bound};
enum region_value {
enum infer_ctxt = @{
tcx: ty::ctxt,
vals: smallintmap<var_value>,
mut bindings: [(uint, var_value)]
mut bindings: [(uint, var_value)],
region_vals: smallintmap<region_value>,
mut region_bindings: [(uint, region_value)]
type ures = result::result<(), ty::type_err>;
@ -37,7 +48,9 @@ type fres<T> = result::result<T,int>;
fn new_infer_ctxt(tcx: ty::ctxt) -> infer_ctxt {
infer_ctxt(@{tcx: tcx,
vals: smallintmap::mk(),
mut bindings: []})
mut bindings: [],
region_vals: smallintmap::mk(),
mut region_bindings: []})
fn mk_subty(cx: infer_ctxt, a: ty::t, b: ty::t) -> ures {
@ -186,6 +199,28 @@ impl unify_methods for infer_ctxt {
// FIXME: See if we can't throw some polymorphism on this to make this
// less of a straight copy of the above.
fn get_region(rid: uint) -> {root: uint, bounds:region_bounds} {
alt self.region_vals.find(rid) {
none {
let bnds = {lb: none, ub: none};
self.region_vals.insert(rid, rv_bounded(bnds));
{root: rid, bounds: bnds}
some(rv_redirect(rid)) {
let {root, bounds} = self.get_region(rid);
if root != rid {
self.region_vals.insert(rid, rv_redirect(root));
{root: root, bounds: bounds}
some(rv_bounded(bounds)) {
{root: rid, bounds: bounds}
// Combines the two bounds. Returns a bounds r where ( <:
// a,b) and (a,b <: r.ub) (if such a bounds exists).
fn merge_bnds(a: bound, b: bound) -> result<bounds, ty::type_err> {
@ -603,7 +638,7 @@ impl resolve_methods for infer_ctxt {
fn rerr(v: int) -> fres<ty::t> {
fn rerr<T>(v: int) -> fres<T> {
#debug["Resolve error: %?", v];
@ -628,6 +663,14 @@ impl resolve_methods for infer_ctxt {
fn resolve_ty(typ: ty::t) -> fres<ty::t> {
alt ty::get(typ).struct {
ty::ty_var(vid) { self.resolve_var(vid) }
ty::ty_rptr(ty::re_var(rid), base_ty) {
alt self.resolve_region(rid as int) {
result::err(terr) { result::err(terr) }
result::ok(region) {
self.rok(ty::mk_rptr(self.tcx, region, base_ty))
_ { self.rok(typ) }
@ -682,4 +725,61 @@ impl resolve_methods for infer_ctxt {
some(var_id) { ret self.rerr(var_id); }
// FIXME: These should be integrated with the two functions above instead
// of being such blatant lazy duplicates.
fn resolve_region(rid: int) -> fres<ty::region> {
let {root:_, bounds} = self.get_region(rid as uint);
// See comments in resolve_ty above re. nonobviousness.
alt bounds {
{ ub:_, lb:some(r) } |
{ ub:some(r), lb:_ } |
{ ub:_, lb:some(r) } { result::ok(r) }
{ ub:none, lb:none } { self.rerr(rid) }
fn subst_regions(unresolved: @mutable option<int>,
regions_seen: std::list::list<int>,
rid: int) -> ty::region {
// Should really return a fixup_result instead of a t, but fold_ty
// doesn't allow returning anything but a t.
alt self.resolve_region(rid) {
result::err(rid) {
*unresolved = some(rid);
ret ty::re_var(rid as uint);
result::ok(rr) {
let mut give_up = false;
std::list::iter(regions_seen) {|r|
if r == rid {
*unresolved = some(-1); // hack: communicate inf region
give_up = true;
ret rr;
fn fixup_regions(typ: ty::t) -> fres<ty::t> {
let unresolved = @mutable none::<int>;
let rty = ty::fold_ty(self.tcx, ty::fm_rptr({ |region, _under_rptr|
alt region {
ty::re_var(rid) {
self.subst_regions(unresolved, std::list::nil, rid as int)
_ { region }
}), typ);
let ur = *unresolved;
alt ur {
none { ret self.rok(rty); }
some(var_id) { ret self.rerr(var_id); }