Made libflate functions return Options instead of outright failing

This commit is contained in:
Tobba 2014-04-08 01:08:49 +02:00 committed by Alex Crichton
parent dc49018679
commit bc234ae130
5 changed files with 39 additions and 21 deletions

@ -54,43 +54,49 @@ static LZ_NORM : c_int = 0x80; // LZ with 128 probes, "normal"
static TINFL_FLAG_PARSE_ZLIB_HEADER : c_int = 0x1; // parse zlib header and adler32 checksum
static TDEFL_WRITE_ZLIB_HEADER : c_int = 0x01000; // write zlib header and adler32 checksum
fn deflate_bytes_internal(bytes: &[u8], flags: c_int) -> CVec<u8> {
fn deflate_bytes_internal(bytes: &[u8], flags: c_int) -> Option<CVec<u8>> {
unsafe {
let mut outsz : size_t = 0;
let res = rustrt::tdefl_compress_mem_to_heap(bytes.as_ptr() as *c_void,
bytes.len() as size_t,
&mut outsz,
CVec::new_with_dtor(res as *mut u8, outsz as uint, proc() libc::free(res))
if !res.is_null() {
Some(CVec::new_with_dtor(res as *mut u8, outsz as uint, proc() libc::free(res)))
} else {
pub fn deflate_bytes(bytes: &[u8]) -> CVec<u8> {
pub fn deflate_bytes(bytes: &[u8]) -> Option<CVec<u8>> {
deflate_bytes_internal(bytes, LZ_NORM)
pub fn deflate_bytes_zlib(bytes: &[u8]) -> CVec<u8> {
pub fn deflate_bytes_zlib(bytes: &[u8]) -> Option<CVec<u8>> {
deflate_bytes_internal(bytes, LZ_NORM | TDEFL_WRITE_ZLIB_HEADER)
fn inflate_bytes_internal(bytes: &[u8], flags: c_int) -> CVec<u8> {
fn inflate_bytes_internal(bytes: &[u8], flags: c_int) -> Option<CVec<u8>> {
unsafe {
let mut outsz : size_t = 0;
let res = rustrt::tinfl_decompress_mem_to_heap(bytes.as_ptr() as *c_void,
bytes.len() as size_t,
&mut outsz,
CVec::new_with_dtor(res as *mut u8, outsz as uint, proc() libc::free(res))
if !res.is_null() {
Some(CVec::new_with_dtor(res as *mut u8, outsz as uint, proc() libc::free(res)))
} else {
pub fn inflate_bytes(bytes: &[u8]) -> CVec<u8> {
pub fn inflate_bytes(bytes: &[u8]) -> Option<CVec<u8>> {
inflate_bytes_internal(bytes, 0)
pub fn inflate_bytes_zlib(bytes: &[u8]) -> CVec<u8> {
pub fn inflate_bytes_zlib(bytes: &[u8]) -> Option<CVec<u8>> {
inflate_bytes_internal(bytes, TINFL_FLAG_PARSE_ZLIB_HEADER)
@ -117,8 +123,8 @@ mod tests {
debug!("de/inflate of {} bytes of random word-sequences",
let cmp = deflate_bytes(input);
let out = inflate_bytes(cmp.as_slice());
let cmp = deflate_bytes(input).expect("deflation failed");
let out = inflate_bytes(cmp.as_slice()).expect("inflation failed");
debug!("{} bytes deflated to {} ({:.1f}% size)",
input.len(), cmp.len(),
100.0 * ((cmp.len() as f64) / (input.len() as f64)));
@ -129,8 +135,8 @@ mod tests {
fn test_zlib_flate() {
let bytes = vec!(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
let deflated = deflate_bytes(bytes.as_slice());
let inflated = inflate_bytes(deflated.as_slice());
let deflated = deflate_bytes(bytes.as_slice()).expect("deflation failed");
let inflated = inflate_bytes(deflated.as_slice()).expect("inflation failed");
assert_eq!(inflated.as_slice(), bytes.as_slice());

@ -945,11 +945,14 @@ fn link_rlib<'a>(sess: &'a Session,
let bc_deflated = obj_filename.with_extension("bc.deflate");
match fs::File::open(&bc).read_to_end().and_then(|data| {
.write(match flate::deflate_bytes(data.as_slice()) {
Some(compressed) => compressed,
None => sess.fatal("failed to compress bytecode")
}) {
Ok(()) => {}
Err(e) => {
sess.err(format!("failed to compress bytecode: {}", e));
sess.err(format!("failed to write compressed bytecode: {}", e));

@ -56,7 +56,10 @@ pub fn run(sess: &session::Session, llmod: ModuleRef,!("{}.bc.deflate", name)));
let bc = bc.expect("missing compressed bytecode in archive!");
let bc = time(sess.time_passes(), format!("inflate {}.bc", name), (), |_|
match flate::inflate_bytes(bc) {
Some(bc) => bc,
None => sess.fatal(format!("failed to decompress bc of `{}`", name))
let ptr = bc.as_slice().as_ptr();
debug!("linking {}", name);
time(sess.time_passes(), format!("ll link {}", name), (), |()| unsafe {

@ -494,14 +494,17 @@ fn get_metadata_section_imp(os: Os, filename: &Path) -> Result<MetadataBlob, ~st
let version_ok = slice::raw::buf_as_slice(cvbuf, minsz,
|buf0| buf0 == encoder::metadata_encoding_version);
if !version_ok { return Err(format!("incompatible metadata version found: '{}'",
filename.display())); }
let cvbuf1 = cvbuf.offset(vlen as int);
debug!("inflating {} bytes of compressed metadata",
csz - vlen);
slice::raw::buf_as_slice(cvbuf1, csz-vlen, |bytes| {
let inflated = flate::inflate_bytes(bytes);
found = Ok(MetadataVec(inflated));
match flate::inflate_bytes(bytes) {
Some(inflated) => found = Ok(MetadataVec(inflated)),
None => found = Err(format!("failed to decompress metadata for: '{}'",
if found.is_ok() {
return found;

@ -2236,7 +2236,10 @@ pub fn write_metadata(cx: &CrateContext, krate: &ast::Crate) -> Vec<u8> {
let encode_parms = crate_ctxt_to_encode_parms(cx, encode_inlined_item);
let metadata = encoder::encode_metadata(encode_parms, krate);
let compressed = encoder::metadata_encoding_version +
match flate::deflate_bytes(metadata.as_slice()) {
Some(compressed) => compressed,
None => cx.sess().fatal(format!("failed to compress metadata", ))
let llmeta = C_bytes(cx, compressed);
let llconst = C_struct(cx, [llmeta], false);
let name = format!("rust_metadata_{}_{}_{}",,