@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ pub trait RandomAccessIterator<A>: Iterator<A> {
/// In the future these will be default methods instead of a utility trait.
pub trait DoubleEndedIteratorUtil {
/// Flip the direction of the iterator
fn invert(self) -> InvertIterator<Self>;
fn invert(self) -> Invert<Self>;
/// Iterator adaptors provided for every `DoubleEndedIterator` implementation.
@ -83,25 +83,25 @@ pub trait DoubleEndedIteratorUtil {
impl<A, T: DoubleEndedIterator<A>> DoubleEndedIteratorUtil for T {
/// Flip the direction of the iterator
fn invert(self) -> InvertIterator<T> {
InvertIterator{iter: self}
fn invert(self) -> Invert<T> {
Invert{iter: self}
/// An double-ended iterator with the direction inverted
pub struct InvertIterator<T> {
pub struct Invert<T> {
priv iter: T
impl<A, T: DoubleEndedIterator<A>> Iterator<A> for InvertIterator<T> {
impl<A, T: DoubleEndedIterator<A>> Iterator<A> for Invert<T> {
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<A> { self.iter.next_back() }
fn size_hint(&self) -> (uint, Option<uint>) { self.iter.size_hint() }
impl<A, T: DoubleEndedIterator<A>> DoubleEndedIterator<A> for InvertIterator<T> {
impl<A, T: DoubleEndedIterator<A>> DoubleEndedIterator<A> for Invert<T> {
fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<A> { self.iter.next() }
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ pub trait IteratorUtil<A> {
/// assert_eq!(it.next().get(), &1);
/// assert!(it.next().is_none());
/// ~~~
fn chain_<U: Iterator<A>>(self, other: U) -> ChainIterator<Self, U>;
fn chain_<U: Iterator<A>>(self, other: U) -> Chain<Self, U>;
/// Creates an iterator which iterates over both this and the specified
/// iterators simultaneously, yielding the two elements as pairs. When
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ pub trait IteratorUtil<A> {
/// assert_eq!(it.next().get(), (&0, &1));
/// assert!(it.next().is_none());
/// ~~~
fn zip<B, U: Iterator<B>>(self, other: U) -> ZipIterator<Self, U>;
fn zip<B, U: Iterator<B>>(self, other: U) -> Zip<Self, U>;
// FIXME: #5898: should be called map
/// Creates a new iterator which will apply the specified function to each
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ pub trait IteratorUtil<A> {
/// assert_eq!(it.next().get(), 4);
/// assert!(it.next().is_none());
/// ~~~
fn transform<'r, B>(self, f: &'r fn(A) -> B) -> MapIterator<'r, A, B, Self>;
fn transform<'r, B>(self, f: &'r fn(A) -> B) -> Map<'r, A, B, Self>;
/// Creates an iterator which applies the predicate to each element returned
/// by this iterator. Only elements which have the predicate evaluate to
@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ pub trait IteratorUtil<A> {
/// assert_eq!(it.next().get(), &2);
/// assert!(it.next().is_none());
/// ~~~
fn filter<'r>(self, predicate: &'r fn(&A) -> bool) -> FilterIterator<'r, A, Self>;
fn filter<'r>(self, predicate: &'r fn(&A) -> bool) -> Filter<'r, A, Self>;
/// Creates an iterator which both filters and maps elements.
/// If the specified function returns None, the element is skipped.
@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ pub trait IteratorUtil<A> {
/// assert_eq!(it.next().get(), 4);
/// assert!(it.next().is_none());
/// ~~~
fn filter_map<'r, B>(self, f: &'r fn(A) -> Option<B>) -> FilterMapIterator<'r, A, B, Self>;
fn filter_map<'r, B>(self, f: &'r fn(A) -> Option<B>) -> FilterMap<'r, A, B, Self>;
/// Creates an iterator which yields a pair of the value returned by this
/// iterator plus the current index of iteration.
@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ pub trait IteratorUtil<A> {
/// assert_eq!(it.next().get(), (1, &200));
/// assert!(it.next().is_none());
/// ~~~
fn enumerate(self) -> EnumerateIterator<Self>;
fn enumerate(self) -> Enumerate<Self>;
/// Creates an iterator which invokes the predicate on elements until it
/// returns false. Once the predicate returns false, all further elements are
@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ pub trait IteratorUtil<A> {
/// assert_eq!(it.next().get(), &1);
/// assert!(it.next().is_none());
/// ~~~
fn skip_while<'r>(self, predicate: &'r fn(&A) -> bool) -> SkipWhileIterator<'r, A, Self>;
fn skip_while<'r>(self, predicate: &'r fn(&A) -> bool) -> SkipWhile<'r, A, Self>;
/// Creates an iterator which yields elements so long as the predicate
/// returns true. After the predicate returns false for the first time, no
@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ pub trait IteratorUtil<A> {
/// assert_eq!(it.next().get(), &2);
/// assert!(it.next().is_none());
/// ~~~
fn take_while<'r>(self, predicate: &'r fn(&A) -> bool) -> TakeWhileIterator<'r, A, Self>;
fn take_while<'r>(self, predicate: &'r fn(&A) -> bool) -> TakeWhile<'r, A, Self>;
/// Creates an iterator which skips the first `n` elements of this iterator,
/// and then it yields all further items.
@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ pub trait IteratorUtil<A> {
/// assert_eq!(it.next().get(), &5);
/// assert!(it.next().is_none());
/// ~~~
fn skip(self, n: uint) -> SkipIterator<Self>;
fn skip(self, n: uint) -> Skip<Self>;
// FIXME: #5898: should be called take
/// Creates an iterator which yields the first `n` elements of this
@ -259,12 +259,12 @@ pub trait IteratorUtil<A> {
/// assert_eq!(it.next().get(), &3);
/// assert!(it.next().is_none());
/// ~~~
fn take_(self, n: uint) -> TakeIterator<Self>;
fn take_(self, n: uint) -> Take<Self>;
/// Creates a new iterator which behaves in a similar fashion to foldl.
/// There is a state which is passed between each iteration and can be
/// mutated as necessary. The yielded values from the closure are yielded
/// from the ScanIterator instance when not None.
/// from the Scan instance when not None.
/// # Example
@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ pub trait IteratorUtil<A> {
/// assert!(it.next().is_none());
/// ~~~
fn scan<'r, St, B>(self, initial_state: St, f: &'r fn(&mut St, A) -> Option<B>)
-> ScanIterator<'r, A, B, Self, St>;
-> Scan<'r, A, B, Self, St>;
/// Creates an iterator that maps each element to an iterator,
/// and yields the elements of the produced iterators
@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ pub trait IteratorUtil<A> {
/// ~~~
// FIXME: #5898: should be called `flat_map`
fn flat_map_<'r, B, U: Iterator<B>>(self, f: &'r fn(A) -> U)
-> FlatMapIterator<'r, A, Self, U>;
-> FlatMap<'r, A, Self, U>;
/// Creates an iterator that calls a function with a reference to each
/// element before yielding it. This is often useful for debugging an
@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ pub trait IteratorUtil<A> {
/// ~~~
// FIXME: #5898: should be called `peek`
fn peek_<'r>(self, f: &'r fn(&A)) -> PeekIterator<'r, A, Self>;
fn peek_<'r>(self, f: &'r fn(&A)) -> Peek<'r, A, Self>;
/// An adaptation of an external iterator to the for-loop protocol of rust.
@ -469,73 +469,73 @@ pub trait IteratorUtil<A> {
/// In the future these will be default methods instead of a utility trait.
impl<A, T: Iterator<A>> IteratorUtil<A> for T {
fn chain_<U: Iterator<A>>(self, other: U) -> ChainIterator<T, U> {
ChainIterator{a: self, b: other, flag: false}
fn chain_<U: Iterator<A>>(self, other: U) -> Chain<T, U> {
Chain{a: self, b: other, flag: false}
fn zip<B, U: Iterator<B>>(self, other: U) -> ZipIterator<T, U> {
ZipIterator{a: self, b: other}
fn zip<B, U: Iterator<B>>(self, other: U) -> Zip<T, U> {
Zip{a: self, b: other}
// FIXME: #5898: should be called map
fn transform<'r, B>(self, f: &'r fn(A) -> B) -> MapIterator<'r, A, B, T> {
MapIterator{iter: self, f: f}
fn transform<'r, B>(self, f: &'r fn(A) -> B) -> Map<'r, A, B, T> {
Map{iter: self, f: f}
fn filter<'r>(self, predicate: &'r fn(&A) -> bool) -> FilterIterator<'r, A, T> {
FilterIterator{iter: self, predicate: predicate}
fn filter<'r>(self, predicate: &'r fn(&A) -> bool) -> Filter<'r, A, T> {
Filter{iter: self, predicate: predicate}
fn filter_map<'r, B>(self, f: &'r fn(A) -> Option<B>) -> FilterMapIterator<'r, A, B, T> {
FilterMapIterator { iter: self, f: f }
fn filter_map<'r, B>(self, f: &'r fn(A) -> Option<B>) -> FilterMap<'r, A, B, T> {
FilterMap { iter: self, f: f }
fn enumerate(self) -> EnumerateIterator<T> {
EnumerateIterator{iter: self, count: 0}
fn enumerate(self) -> Enumerate<T> {
Enumerate{iter: self, count: 0}
fn skip_while<'r>(self, predicate: &'r fn(&A) -> bool) -> SkipWhileIterator<'r, A, T> {
SkipWhileIterator{iter: self, flag: false, predicate: predicate}
fn skip_while<'r>(self, predicate: &'r fn(&A) -> bool) -> SkipWhile<'r, A, T> {
SkipWhile{iter: self, flag: false, predicate: predicate}
fn take_while<'r>(self, predicate: &'r fn(&A) -> bool) -> TakeWhileIterator<'r, A, T> {
TakeWhileIterator{iter: self, flag: false, predicate: predicate}
fn take_while<'r>(self, predicate: &'r fn(&A) -> bool) -> TakeWhile<'r, A, T> {
TakeWhile{iter: self, flag: false, predicate: predicate}
fn skip(self, n: uint) -> SkipIterator<T> {
SkipIterator{iter: self, n: n}
fn skip(self, n: uint) -> Skip<T> {
Skip{iter: self, n: n}
// FIXME: #5898: should be called take
fn take_(self, n: uint) -> TakeIterator<T> {
TakeIterator{iter: self, n: n}
fn take_(self, n: uint) -> Take<T> {
Take{iter: self, n: n}
fn scan<'r, St, B>(self, initial_state: St, f: &'r fn(&mut St, A) -> Option<B>)
-> ScanIterator<'r, A, B, T, St> {
ScanIterator{iter: self, f: f, state: initial_state}
-> Scan<'r, A, B, T, St> {
Scan{iter: self, f: f, state: initial_state}
fn flat_map_<'r, B, U: Iterator<B>>(self, f: &'r fn(A) -> U)
-> FlatMapIterator<'r, A, T, U> {
FlatMapIterator{iter: self, f: f, subiter: None }
-> FlatMap<'r, A, T, U> {
FlatMap{iter: self, f: f, subiter: None }
// FIXME: #5898: should be called `peek`
fn peek_<'r>(self, f: &'r fn(&A)) -> PeekIterator<'r, A, T> {
PeekIterator{iter: self, f: f}
fn peek_<'r>(self, f: &'r fn(&A)) -> Peek<'r, A, T> {
Peek{iter: self, f: f}
/// A shim implementing the `for` loop iteration protocol for iterator objects
@ -774,24 +774,24 @@ pub trait ClonableIterator {
/// assert_eq!(cy.next(), Some(1));
/// assert_eq!(cy.next(), Some(1));
/// ~~~
fn cycle(self) -> CycleIterator<Self>;
fn cycle(self) -> Cycle<Self>;
impl<A, T: Clone + Iterator<A>> ClonableIterator for T {
fn cycle(self) -> CycleIterator<T> {
CycleIterator{orig: self.clone(), iter: self}
fn cycle(self) -> Cycle<T> {
Cycle{orig: self.clone(), iter: self}
/// An iterator that repeats endlessly
pub struct CycleIterator<T> {
pub struct Cycle<T> {
priv orig: T,
priv iter: T,
impl<A, T: Clone + Iterator<A>> Iterator<A> for CycleIterator<T> {
impl<A, T: Clone + Iterator<A>> Iterator<A> for Cycle<T> {
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<A> {
match self.iter.next() {
@ -813,13 +813,13 @@ impl<A, T: Clone + Iterator<A>> Iterator<A> for CycleIterator<T> {
/// An iterator which strings two iterators together
pub struct ChainIterator<T, U> {
pub struct Chain<T, U> {
priv a: T,
priv b: U,
priv flag: bool
impl<A, T: Iterator<A>, U: Iterator<A>> Iterator<A> for ChainIterator<T, U> {
impl<A, T: Iterator<A>, U: Iterator<A>> Iterator<A> for Chain<T, U> {
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<A> {
if self.flag {
@ -856,7 +856,7 @@ impl<A, T: Iterator<A>, U: Iterator<A>> Iterator<A> for ChainIterator<T, U> {
impl<A, T: DoubleEndedIterator<A>, U: DoubleEndedIterator<A>> DoubleEndedIterator<A>
for ChainIterator<T, U> {
for Chain<T, U> {
fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<A> {
match self.b.next_back() {
@ -867,7 +867,7 @@ for ChainIterator<T, U> {
impl<A, T: RandomAccessIterator<A>, U: RandomAccessIterator<A>> RandomAccessIterator<A>
for ChainIterator<T, U> {
for Chain<T, U> {
fn indexable(&self) -> uint {
let (a, b) = (self.a.indexable(), self.b.indexable());
@ -892,12 +892,12 @@ for ChainIterator<T, U> {
/// An iterator which iterates two other iterators simultaneously
pub struct ZipIterator<T, U> {
pub struct Zip<T, U> {
priv a: T,
priv b: U
impl<A, B, T: Iterator<A>, U: Iterator<B>> Iterator<(A, B)> for ZipIterator<T, U> {
impl<A, B, T: Iterator<A>, U: Iterator<B>> Iterator<(A, B)> for Zip<T, U> {
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<(A, B)> {
match (self.a.next(), self.b.next()) {
@ -925,12 +925,12 @@ impl<A, B, T: Iterator<A>, U: Iterator<B>> Iterator<(A, B)> for ZipIterator<T, U
/// An iterator which maps the values of `iter` with `f`
pub struct MapIterator<'self, A, B, T> {
pub struct Map<'self, A, B, T> {
priv iter: T,
priv f: &'self fn(A) -> B
impl<'self, A, B, T: Iterator<A>> Iterator<B> for MapIterator<'self, A, B, T> {
impl<'self, A, B, T: Iterator<A>> Iterator<B> for Map<'self, A, B, T> {
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<B> {
match self.iter.next() {
@ -946,7 +946,7 @@ impl<'self, A, B, T: Iterator<A>> Iterator<B> for MapIterator<'self, A, B, T> {
impl<'self, A, B, T: DoubleEndedIterator<A>> DoubleEndedIterator<B>
for MapIterator<'self, A, B, T> {
for Map<'self, A, B, T> {
fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<B> {
match self.iter.next_back() {
@ -957,12 +957,12 @@ for MapIterator<'self, A, B, T> {
/// An iterator which filters the elements of `iter` with `predicate`
pub struct FilterIterator<'self, A, T> {
pub struct Filter<'self, A, T> {
priv iter: T,
priv predicate: &'self fn(&A) -> bool
impl<'self, A, T: Iterator<A>> Iterator<A> for FilterIterator<'self, A, T> {
impl<'self, A, T: Iterator<A>> Iterator<A> for Filter<'self, A, T> {
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<A> {
for self.iter.advance |x| {
@ -982,7 +982,7 @@ impl<'self, A, T: Iterator<A>> Iterator<A> for FilterIterator<'self, A, T> {
impl<'self, A, T: DoubleEndedIterator<A>> DoubleEndedIterator<A> for FilterIterator<'self, A, T> {
impl<'self, A, T: DoubleEndedIterator<A>> DoubleEndedIterator<A> for Filter<'self, A, T> {
fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<A> {
loop {
@ -1001,12 +1001,12 @@ impl<'self, A, T: DoubleEndedIterator<A>> DoubleEndedIterator<A> for FilterItera
/// An iterator which uses `f` to both filter and map elements from `iter`
pub struct FilterMapIterator<'self, A, B, T> {
pub struct FilterMap<'self, A, B, T> {
priv iter: T,
priv f: &'self fn(A) -> Option<B>
impl<'self, A, B, T: Iterator<A>> Iterator<B> for FilterMapIterator<'self, A, B, T> {
impl<'self, A, B, T: Iterator<A>> Iterator<B> for FilterMap<'self, A, B, T> {
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<B> {
for self.iter.advance |x| {
@ -1026,7 +1026,7 @@ impl<'self, A, B, T: Iterator<A>> Iterator<B> for FilterMapIterator<'self, A, B,
impl<'self, A, B, T: DoubleEndedIterator<A>> DoubleEndedIterator<B>
for FilterMapIterator<'self, A, B, T> {
for FilterMap<'self, A, B, T> {
fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<B> {
loop {
@ -1045,12 +1045,12 @@ for FilterMapIterator<'self, A, B, T> {
/// An iterator which yields the current count and the element during iteration
pub struct EnumerateIterator<T> {
pub struct Enumerate<T> {
priv iter: T,
priv count: uint
impl<A, T: Iterator<A>> Iterator<(uint, A)> for EnumerateIterator<T> {
impl<A, T: Iterator<A>> Iterator<(uint, A)> for Enumerate<T> {
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<(uint, A)> {
match self.iter.next() {
@ -1070,13 +1070,13 @@ impl<A, T: Iterator<A>> Iterator<(uint, A)> for EnumerateIterator<T> {
/// An iterator which rejects elements while `predicate` is true
pub struct SkipWhileIterator<'self, A, T> {
pub struct SkipWhile<'self, A, T> {
priv iter: T,
priv flag: bool,
priv predicate: &'self fn(&A) -> bool
impl<'self, A, T: Iterator<A>> Iterator<A> for SkipWhileIterator<'self, A, T> {
impl<'self, A, T: Iterator<A>> Iterator<A> for SkipWhile<'self, A, T> {
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<A> {
let mut next = self.iter.next();
@ -1108,13 +1108,13 @@ impl<'self, A, T: Iterator<A>> Iterator<A> for SkipWhileIterator<'self, A, T> {
/// An iterator which only accepts elements while `predicate` is true
pub struct TakeWhileIterator<'self, A, T> {
pub struct TakeWhile<'self, A, T> {
priv iter: T,
priv flag: bool,
priv predicate: &'self fn(&A) -> bool
impl<'self, A, T: Iterator<A>> Iterator<A> for TakeWhileIterator<'self, A, T> {
impl<'self, A, T: Iterator<A>> Iterator<A> for TakeWhile<'self, A, T> {
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<A> {
if self.flag {
@ -1143,12 +1143,12 @@ impl<'self, A, T: Iterator<A>> Iterator<A> for TakeWhileIterator<'self, A, T> {
/// An iterator which skips over `n` elements of `iter`.
pub struct SkipIterator<T> {
pub struct Skip<T> {
priv iter: T,
priv n: uint
impl<A, T: Iterator<A>> Iterator<A> for SkipIterator<T> {
impl<A, T: Iterator<A>> Iterator<A> for Skip<T> {
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<A> {
let mut next = self.iter.next();
@ -1191,12 +1191,12 @@ impl<A, T: Iterator<A>> Iterator<A> for SkipIterator<T> {
/// An iterator which only iterates over the first `n` iterations of `iter`.
pub struct TakeIterator<T> {
pub struct Take<T> {
priv iter: T,
priv n: uint
impl<A, T: Iterator<A>> Iterator<A> for TakeIterator<T> {
impl<A, T: Iterator<A>> Iterator<A> for Take<T> {
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<A> {
let next = self.iter.next();
@ -1224,7 +1224,7 @@ impl<A, T: Iterator<A>> Iterator<A> for TakeIterator<T> {
/// An iterator to maintain state while iterating another iterator
pub struct ScanIterator<'self, A, B, T, St> {
pub struct Scan<'self, A, B, T, St> {
priv iter: T,
priv f: &'self fn(&mut St, A) -> Option<B>,
@ -1232,7 +1232,7 @@ pub struct ScanIterator<'self, A, B, T, St> {
state: St
impl<'self, A, B, T: Iterator<A>, St> Iterator<B> for ScanIterator<'self, A, B, T, St> {
impl<'self, A, B, T: Iterator<A>, St> Iterator<B> for Scan<'self, A, B, T, St> {
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<B> {
self.iter.next().chain(|a| (self.f)(&mut self.state, a))
@ -1248,14 +1248,14 @@ impl<'self, A, B, T: Iterator<A>, St> Iterator<B> for ScanIterator<'self, A, B,
/// An iterator that maps each element to an iterator,
/// and yields the elements of the produced iterators
pub struct FlatMapIterator<'self, A, T, U> {
pub struct FlatMap<'self, A, T, U> {
priv iter: T,
priv f: &'self fn(A) -> U,
priv subiter: Option<U>,
impl<'self, A, T: Iterator<A>, B, U: Iterator<B>> Iterator<B> for
FlatMapIterator<'self, A, T, U> {
FlatMap<'self, A, T, U> {
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<B> {
loop {
@ -1274,12 +1274,12 @@ impl<'self, A, T: Iterator<A>, B, U: Iterator<B>> Iterator<B> for
/// An iterator that calls a function with a reference to each
/// element before yielding it.
pub struct PeekIterator<'self, A, T> {
pub struct Peek<'self, A, T> {
priv iter: T,
priv f: &'self fn(&A)
impl<'self, A, T: Iterator<A>> Iterator<A> for PeekIterator<'self, A, T> {
impl<'self, A, T: Iterator<A>> Iterator<A> for Peek<'self, A, T> {
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<A> {
let next = self.iter.next();
@ -1298,7 +1298,7 @@ impl<'self, A, T: Iterator<A>> Iterator<A> for PeekIterator<'self, A, T> {
impl<'self, A, T: DoubleEndedIterator<A>> DoubleEndedIterator<A> for PeekIterator<'self, A, T> {
impl<'self, A, T: DoubleEndedIterator<A>> DoubleEndedIterator<A> for Peek<'self, A, T> {
fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<A> {
let next = self.iter.next_back();
@ -1313,26 +1313,26 @@ impl<'self, A, T: DoubleEndedIterator<A>> DoubleEndedIterator<A> for PeekIterato
/// An iterator which just modifies the contained state throughout iteration.
pub struct UnfoldrIterator<'self, A, St> {
pub struct Unfoldr<'self, A, St> {
priv f: &'self fn(&mut St) -> Option<A>,
/// Internal state that will be yielded on the next iteration
state: St
impl<'self, A, St> UnfoldrIterator<'self, A, St> {
impl<'self, A, St> Unfoldr<'self, A, St> {
/// Creates a new iterator with the specified closure as the "iterator
/// function" and an initial state to eventually pass to the iterator
pub fn new<'a>(initial_state: St, f: &'a fn(&mut St) -> Option<A>)
-> UnfoldrIterator<'a, A, St> {
UnfoldrIterator {
-> Unfoldr<'a, A, St> {
Unfoldr {
f: f,
state: initial_state
impl<'self, A, St> Iterator<A> for UnfoldrIterator<'self, A, St> {
impl<'self, A, St> Iterator<A> for Unfoldr<'self, A, St> {
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<A> {
(self.f)(&mut self.state)
@ -1534,7 +1534,7 @@ mod tests {
let mut it = UnfoldrIterator::new(0, count);
let mut it = Unfoldr::new(0, count);
let mut i = 0;
for it.advance |counted| {
assert_eq!(counted, i);