Added a message send that uses shared chans. They are slower than port selectors, but scale better.

This commit is contained in:
Eric Holk 2012-07-12 15:57:12 -07:00
parent 75e55c1b12
commit ba10819800

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@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
// A port of the simplistic benchmark from
// I *think* it's the same, more or less.
// This version uses pipes with a shared send endpoint. It should have
// different scalability characteristics compared to the select
// version.
use std;
import io::writer;
import io::writer_util;
import arc::methods;
import pipes::{port, chan};
macro_rules! move {
{ $x:expr } => { unsafe { let y <- *ptr::addr_of($x); y } }
enum request {
fn server(requests: port<request>, responses: pipes::chan<uint>) {
let mut count = 0u;
let mut done = false;
while !done {
alt requests.try_recv() {
some(get_count) { responses.send(copy count); }
some(bytes(b)) {
//#error("server: received %? bytes", b);
count += b;
none { done = true; }
_ { }
//#error("server exiting");
fn run(args: &[str]) {
let (to_parent, from_child) = pipes::stream();
let (to_child, from_parent) = pipes::stream();
let to_child = shared_chan(to_child);
let size = option::get(uint::from_str(args[1]));
let workers = option::get(uint::from_str(args[2]));
let num_bytes = 100;
let start = std::time::precise_time_s();
let mut worker_results = ~[];
for uint::range(0u, workers) |i| {
let builder = task::builder();
vec::push(worker_results, task::future_result(builder));
let to_child = to_child.clone();
do task::run(builder) {
for uint::range(0u, size / workers) |_i| {
//#error("worker %?: sending %? bytes", i, num_bytes);
//#error("worker %? exiting", i);
do task::spawn {
server(from_parent, to_parent);
vec::iter(worker_results, |r| { future::get(r); } );
//#error("sending stop message");
let result = from_child.recv();
let end = std::time::precise_time_s();
let elapsed = end - start;
io::stdout().write_str(#fmt("Count is %?\n", result));
io::stdout().write_str(#fmt("Test took %? seconds\n", elapsed));
let thruput = ((size / workers * workers) as float) / (elapsed as float);
io::stdout().write_str(#fmt("Throughput=%f per sec\n", thruput));
assert result == num_bytes * size;
fn main(args: ~[str]) {
let args = if os::getenv("RUST_BENCH").is_some() {
~["", "1000000", "10000"]
} else if args.len() <= 1u {
~["", "10000", "4"]
} else {
copy args
#debug("%?", args);
// Treat a whole bunch of ports as one.
class box<T> {
let mut contents: option<T>;
new(+x: T) { self.contents = some(x); }
fn swap(f: fn(+T) -> T) {
let mut tmp = none;
self.contents <-> tmp;
self.contents = some(f(option::unwrap(tmp)));
fn unwrap() -> T {
let mut tmp = none;
self.contents <-> tmp;
class port_set<T: send> {
let mut ports: ~[pipes::port<T>];
new() { self.ports = ~[]; }
fn add(+port: pipes::port<T>) {
vec::push(self.ports, port)
fn try_recv() -> option<T> {
let mut result = none;
while result == none && self.ports.len() > 0 {
let i = pipes::wait_many(|p| p.header()));
// dereferencing an unsafe pointer nonsense to appease the
// borrowchecker.
alt unsafe {(*ptr::addr_of(self.ports[i])).try_recv()} {
some(m) {
result = some(move!{m});
none {
// Remove this port.
let mut ports = ~[];
self.ports <-> ports;
|j, x| if i != j { vec::push(self.ports, x) });
while !done {
do self.ports.swap |ports| {
if ports.len() > 0 {
let old_len = ports.len();
let (_, m, ports) = pipes::select(ports);
alt m {
some(pipes::streamp::data(x, next)) {
result = some(move!{x});
done = true;
assert ports.len() == old_len - 1;
vec::append_one(ports, move!{next})
none {
//#error("pipe closed");
assert ports.len() == old_len - 1;
else {
//#error("no more pipes");
done = true;
fn recv() -> T {
impl private_methods/&<T: send> for pipes::port<T> {
pure fn header() -> *pipes::packet_header unchecked {
alt self.endp {
some(endp) {
none { fail "peeking empty stream" }
type shared_chan<T: send> = arc::exclusive<pipes::chan<T>>;
impl chan<T: send> for shared_chan<T> {
fn send(+x: T) {
let mut xx = some(x);
do self.with |_c, chan| {
let mut x = none;
x <-> xx;
fn shared_chan<T:send>(+c: pipes::chan<T>) -> shared_chan<T> {