diff --git a/src/liburl/lib.rs b/src/liburl/lib.rs
index a60cc8e992b..c1adc5d84e6 100644
--- a/src/liburl/lib.rs
+++ b/src/liburl/lib.rs
@@ -25,9 +25,8 @@ use std::collections::HashMap;
 use std::fmt;
 use std::from_str::FromStr;
 use std::hash;
-use std::io::BufReader;
-use std::string::String;
 use std::uint;
+use std::path::BytesContainer;
 /// A Uniform Resource Locator (URL).  A URL is a form of URI (Uniform Resource
 /// Identifier) that includes network location information, such as hostname or
@@ -36,16 +35,13 @@ use std::uint;
 /// # Example
 /// ```rust
-/// use url::{Url, UserInfo};
+/// use url::Url;
-/// let url = Url { scheme: "https".to_string(),
-///                 user: Some(UserInfo { user: "username".to_string(), pass: None }),
-///                 host: "example.com".to_string(),
-///                 port: Some("8080".to_string()),
-///                 path: "/foo/bar".to_string(),
-///                 query: vec!(("baz".to_string(), "qux".to_string())),
-///                 fragment: Some("quz".to_string()) };
-/// // https://username@example.com:8080/foo/bar?baz=qux#quz
+/// let raw = "https://username@example.com:8080/foo/bar?baz=qux#quz";
+/// match Url::parse(raw) {
+///     Ok(u) => println!("Parsed '{}'", u),
+///     Err(e) => println!("Couldn't parse '{}': {}", raw, e),
+/// }
 /// ```
 #[deriving(Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
 pub struct Url {
@@ -56,26 +52,20 @@ pub struct Url {
     /// A domain name or IP address.  For example, `example.com`.
     pub host: String,
     /// A TCP port number, for example `8080`.
-    pub port: Option<String>,
-    /// The path component of a URL, for example `/foo/bar`.
-    pub path: String,
-    /// The query component of a URL.
-    /// `vec!(("baz".to_string(), "qux".to_string()))` represents the fragment
-    /// `baz=qux` in the above example.
-    pub query: Query,
-    /// The fragment component, such as `quz`.  Doesn't include the leading `#` character.
-    pub fragment: Option<String>
+    pub port: Option<u16>,
+    /// The path component of a URL, for example `/foo/bar?baz=qux#quz`.
+    pub path: Path,
-#[deriving(Clone, PartialEq)]
+#[deriving(Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
 pub struct Path {
     /// The path component of a URL, for example `/foo/bar`.
     pub path: String,
     /// The query component of a URL.
-    /// `vec!(("baz".to_string(), "qux".to_string()))` represents the fragment
+    /// `vec![("baz".to_string(), "qux".to_string())]` represents the fragment
     /// `baz=qux` in the above example.
     pub query: Query,
-    /// The fragment component, such as `quz`.  Doesn't include the leading `#` character.
+    /// The fragment component, such as `quz`. Not including the leading `#` character.
     pub fragment: Option<String>
@@ -95,7 +85,7 @@ impl Url {
     pub fn new(scheme: String,
                user: Option<UserInfo>,
                host: String,
-               port: Option<String>,
+               port: Option<u16>,
                path: String,
                query: Query,
                fragment: Option<String>)
@@ -105,11 +95,48 @@ impl Url {
             user: user,
             host: host,
             port: port,
-            path: path,
-            query: query,
-            fragment: fragment,
+            path: Path::new(path, query, fragment)
+    /// Parses a URL, converting it from a string to a `Url` representation.
+    ///
+    /// # Arguments
+    /// * rawurl - a string representing the full URL, including scheme.
+    ///
+    /// # Return value
+    ///
+    /// `Err(e)` if the string did not represent a valid URL, where `e` is a
+    /// `String` error message. Otherwise, `Ok(u)` where `u` is a `Url` struct
+    /// representing the URL.
+    pub fn parse(rawurl: &str) -> DecodeResult<Url> {
+        // scheme
+        let (scheme, rest) = try!(get_scheme(rawurl));
+        // authority
+        let (userinfo, host, port, rest) = try!(get_authority(rest));
+        // path
+        let has_authority = host.len() > 0;
+        let (path, rest) = try!(get_path(rest, has_authority));
+        // query and fragment
+        let (query, fragment) = try!(get_query_fragment(rest));
+        let url = Url::new(scheme.to_string(),
+                            userinfo,
+                            host.to_string(),
+                            port,
+                            path,
+                            query,
+                            fragment);
+        Ok(url)
+    }
+#[deprecated="use `Url::parse`"]
+pub fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Url, String> {
+    Url::parse(s)
 impl Path {
@@ -123,6 +150,30 @@ impl Path {
             fragment: fragment,
+    /// Parses a URL path, converting it from a string to a `Path` representation.
+    ///
+    /// # Arguments
+    /// * rawpath - a string representing the path component of a URL.
+    ///
+    /// # Return value
+    ///
+    /// `Err(e)` if the string did not represent a valid URL path, where `e` is a
+    /// `String` error message. Otherwise, `Ok(p)` where `p` is a `Path` struct
+    /// representing the URL path.
+    pub fn parse(rawpath: &str) -> DecodeResult<Path> {
+        let (path, rest) = try!(get_path(rawpath, false));
+        // query and fragment
+        let (query, fragment) = try!(get_query_fragment(rest.as_slice()));
+        Ok(Path{ path: path, query: query, fragment: fragment })
+    }
+#[deprecated="use `Path::parse`"]
+pub fn path_from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Path, String> {
+    Path::parse(s)
 impl UserInfo {
@@ -132,294 +183,221 @@ impl UserInfo {
-fn encode_inner(s: &str, full_url: bool) -> String {
-    let mut rdr = BufReader::new(s.as_bytes());
-    let mut out = String::new();
+fn encode_inner<T: BytesContainer>(c: T, full_url: bool) -> String {
+    c.container_as_bytes().iter().fold(String::new(), |mut out, &b| {
+        match b as char {
+            // unreserved:
+            'A' .. 'Z'
+            | 'a' .. 'z'
+            | '0' .. '9'
+            | '-' | '.' | '_' | '~' => out.push_char(b as char),
-    loop {
-        let mut buf = [0];
-        let ch = match rdr.read(buf) {
-            Err(..) => break,
-            Ok(..) => buf[0] as char,
+            // gen-delims:
+            ':' | '/' | '?' | '#' | '[' | ']' | '@' |
+            // sub-delims:
+            '!' | '$' | '&' | '"' | '(' | ')' | '*' |
+            '+' | ',' | ';' | '='
+                if full_url => out.push_char(b as char),
+            ch => out.push_str(format!("%{:02X}", ch as uint).as_slice()),
-        match ch {
-          // unreserved:
-          'A' .. 'Z' |
-          'a' .. 'z' |
-          '0' .. '9' |
-          '-' | '.' | '_' | '~' => {
-            out.push_char(ch);
-          }
-          _ => {
-              if full_url {
-                match ch {
-                  // gen-delims:
-                  ':' | '/' | '?' | '#' | '[' | ']' | '@' |
+        out
+    })
-                  // sub-delims:
-                  '!' | '$' | '&' | '"' | '(' | ')' | '*' |
-                  '+' | ',' | ';' | '=' => {
-                    out.push_char(ch);
-                  }
+/// Encodes a URI by replacing reserved characters with percent-encoded
+/// character sequences.
+/// This function is compliant with RFC 3986.
+/// # Example
+/// ```rust
+/// use url::encode;
+/// let url = encode("https://example.com/Rust (programming language)");
+/// println!("{}", url); // https://example.com/Rust%20(programming%20language)
+/// ```
+pub fn encode<T: BytesContainer>(container: T) -> String {
+    encode_inner(container, true)
-                  _ => out.push_str(format!("%{:02X}", ch as uint).as_slice())
+/// Encodes a URI component by replacing reserved characters with percent-
+/// encoded character sequences.
+/// This function is compliant with RFC 3986.
+pub fn encode_component<T: BytesContainer>(container: T) -> String {
+    encode_inner(container, false)
+pub type DecodeResult<T> = Result<T, String>;
+/// Decodes a percent-encoded string representing a URI.
+/// This will only decode escape sequences generated by `encode`.
+/// # Example
+/// ```rust
+/// use url::decode;
+/// let url = decode("https://example.com/Rust%20(programming%20language)");
+/// println!("{}", url); // https://example.com/Rust (programming language)
+/// ```
+pub fn decode<T: BytesContainer>(container: T) -> DecodeResult<String> {
+    decode_inner(container, true)
+/// Decode a string encoded with percent encoding.
+pub fn decode_component<T: BytesContainer>(container: T) -> DecodeResult<String> {
+    decode_inner(container, false)
+fn decode_inner<T: BytesContainer>(c: T, full_url: bool) -> DecodeResult<String> {
+    let mut out = String::new();
+    let mut iter = c.container_as_bytes().iter().map(|&b| b);
+    loop {
+        match iter.next() {
+            Some(b) => match b as char {
+                '%' => {
+                    let bytes = match (iter.next(), iter.next()) {
+                        (Some(one), Some(two)) => [one as u8, two as u8],
+                        _ => return Err(format!("Malformed input: found '%' \
+                                                without two trailing bytes")),
+                    };
+                    // Only decode some characters if full_url:
+                    match uint::parse_bytes(bytes, 16u).unwrap() as u8 as char {
+                        // gen-delims:
+                        ':' | '/' | '?' | '#' | '[' | ']' | '@' |
+                        // sub-delims:
+                        '!' | '$' | '&' | '"' | '(' | ')' | '*' |
+                        '+' | ',' | ';' | '='
+                            if full_url => {
+                            out.push_char('%');
+                            out.push_char(bytes[0u] as char);
+                            out.push_char(bytes[1u] as char);
+                        }
+                        ch => out.push_char(ch)
+                    }
-            } else {
-                out.push_str(format!("%{:02X}", ch as uint).as_slice());
-            }
-          }
+                ch => out.push_char(ch)
+            },
+            None => return Ok(out),
-    out
- * Encodes a URI by replacing reserved characters with percent-encoded
- * character sequences.
- *
- * This function is compliant with RFC 3986.
- *
- * # Example
- *
- * ```rust
- * use url::encode;
- *
- * let url = encode("https://example.com/Rust (programming language)");
- * println!("{}", url); // https://example.com/Rust%20(programming%20language)
- * ```
- */
-pub fn encode(s: &str) -> String {
-    encode_inner(s, true)
- * Encodes a URI component by replacing reserved characters with percent-
- * encoded character sequences.
- *
- * This function is compliant with RFC 3986.
- */
-pub fn encode_component(s: &str) -> String {
-    encode_inner(s, false)
-fn decode_inner(s: &str, full_url: bool) -> String {
-    let mut rdr = BufReader::new(s.as_bytes());
-    let mut out = String::new();
-    loop {
-        let mut buf = [0];
-        let ch = match rdr.read(buf) {
-            Err(..) => break,
-            Ok(..) => buf[0] as char
-        };
-        match ch {
-          '%' => {
-            let mut bytes = [0, 0];
-            match rdr.read(bytes) {
-                Ok(2) => {}
-                _ => fail!() // FIXME: malformed url?
-            }
-            let ch = uint::parse_bytes(bytes, 16u).unwrap() as u8 as char;
-            if full_url {
-                // Only decode some characters:
-                match ch {
-                  // gen-delims:
-                  ':' | '/' | '?' | '#' | '[' | ']' | '@' |
-                  // sub-delims:
-                  '!' | '$' | '&' | '"' | '(' | ')' | '*' |
-                  '+' | ',' | ';' | '=' => {
-                    out.push_char('%');
-                    out.push_char(bytes[0u] as char);
-                    out.push_char(bytes[1u] as char);
-                  }
-                  ch => out.push_char(ch)
-                }
-            } else {
-                  out.push_char(ch);
-            }
-          }
-          ch => out.push_char(ch)
-        }
-    }
-    out
- * Decodes a percent-encoded string representing a URI.
- *
- * This will only decode escape sequences generated by `encode`.
- *
- * # Example
- *
- * ```rust
- * use url::decode;
- *
- * let url = decode("https://example.com/Rust%20(programming%20language)");
- * println!("{}", url); // https://example.com/Rust (programming language)
- * ```
- */
-pub fn decode(s: &str) -> String {
-    decode_inner(s, true)
- * Decode a string encoded with percent encoding.
- */
-pub fn decode_component(s: &str) -> String {
-    decode_inner(s, false)
-fn encode_plus(s: &str) -> String {
-    let mut rdr = BufReader::new(s.as_bytes());
-    let mut out = String::new();
-    loop {
-        let mut buf = [0];
-        let ch = match rdr.read(buf) {
-            Ok(..) => buf[0] as char,
-            Err(..) => break,
-        };
-        match ch {
-          'A' .. 'Z' | 'a' .. 'z' | '0' .. '9' | '_' | '.' | '-' => {
-            out.push_char(ch);
-          }
-          ' ' => out.push_char('+'),
-          _ => out.push_str(format!("%{:X}", ch as uint).as_slice())
-        }
-    }
-    out
- * Encode a hashmap to the 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' media type.
- */
+/// Encode a hashmap to the 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' media type.
 pub fn encode_form_urlencoded(m: &HashMap<String, Vec<String>>) -> String {
-    let mut out = String::new();
-    let mut first = true;
+    fn encode_plus<T: Str>(s: &T) -> String {
+        s.as_slice().bytes().fold(String::new(), |mut out, b| {
+            match b as char {
+              'A' .. 'Z'
+              | 'a' .. 'z'
+              | '0' .. '9'
+              | '_' | '.' | '-' => out.push_char(b as char),
+              ' ' => out.push_char('+'),
+              ch => out.push_str(format!("%{:X}", ch as uint).as_slice())
+            }
-    for (key, values) in m.iter() {
-        let key = encode_plus(key.as_slice());
+            out
+        })
+    }
+    let mut first = true;
+    m.iter().fold(String::new(), |mut out, (key, values)| {
+        let key = encode_plus(key);
         for value in values.iter() {
             if first {
                 first = false;
             } else {
-                first = false;
-            out.push_str(format!("{}={}",
-                                 key,
-                                 encode_plus(value.as_slice())).as_slice());
+            out.push_str(key.as_slice());
+            out.push_char('=');
+            out.push_str(encode_plus(value).as_slice());
+        }
+        out
+    })
+/// Decode a string encoded with the 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' media
+/// type into a hashmap.
+pub fn decode_form_urlencoded(s: &[u8])
+                            -> DecodeResult<HashMap<String, Vec<String>>> {
+    fn maybe_push_value(map: &mut HashMap<String, Vec<String>>,
+                        key: String,
+                        value: String) {
+        if key.len() > 0 && value.len() > 0 {
+            let values = map.find_or_insert_with(key, |_| vec!());
+            values.push(value);
-    out
+    let mut out = HashMap::new();
+    let mut iter = s.iter().map(|&x| x);
- * Decode a string encoded with the 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' media
- * type into a hashmap.
- */
-pub fn decode_form_urlencoded(s: &[u8]) -> HashMap<String, Vec<String>> {
-    let mut rdr = BufReader::new(s);
-    let mut m: HashMap<String,Vec<String>> = HashMap::new();
     let mut key = String::new();
     let mut value = String::new();
     let mut parsing_key = true;
     loop {
-        let mut buf = [0];
-        let ch = match rdr.read(buf) {
-            Ok(..) => buf[0] as char,
-            Err(..) => break,
-        };
-        match ch {
-            '&' | ';' => {
-                if key.len() > 0 && value.len() > 0 {
-                    let mut values = match m.pop_equiv(&key.as_slice()) {
-                        Some(values) => values,
-                        None => vec!(),
+        match iter.next() {
+            Some(b) => match b as char {
+                '&' | ';' => {
+                    maybe_push_value(&mut out, key, value);
+                    parsing_key = true;
+                    key = String::new();
+                    value = String::new();
+                }
+                '=' => parsing_key = false,
+                ch => {
+                    let ch = match ch {
+                        '%' => {
+                            let bytes = match (iter.next(), iter.next()) {
+                                (Some(one), Some(two)) => [one as u8, two as u8],
+                                _ => return Err(format!("Malformed input: found \
+                                                '%' without two trailing bytes"))
+                            };
+                            uint::parse_bytes(bytes, 16u).unwrap() as u8 as char
+                        }
+                        '+' => ' ',
+                        ch => ch
-                    values.push(value);
-                    m.insert(key, values);
-                }
-                parsing_key = true;
-                key = String::new();
-                value = String::new();
-            }
-            '=' => parsing_key = false,
-            ch => {
-                let ch = match ch {
-                    '%' => {
-                        let mut bytes = [0, 0];
-                        match rdr.read(bytes) {
-                            Ok(2) => {}
-                            _ => fail!() // FIXME: malformed?
-                        }
-                        uint::parse_bytes(bytes, 16u).unwrap() as u8 as char
+                    if parsing_key {
+                        key.push_char(ch)
+                    } else {
+                        value.push_char(ch)
-                    '+' => ' ',
-                    ch => ch
-                };
-                if parsing_key {
-                    key.push_char(ch)
-                } else {
-                    value.push_char(ch)
+            },
+            None => {
+                maybe_push_value(&mut out, key, value);
+                return Ok(out)
-    if key.len() > 0 && value.len() > 0 {
-        let mut values = match m.pop_equiv(&key.as_slice()) {
-            Some(values) => values,
-            None => vec!(),
-        };
-        values.push(value);
-        m.insert(key, values);
-    }
-    m
+fn split_char_first<'a>(s: &'a str, c: char) -> (&'a str, &'a str) {
+    let mut iter = s.splitn(c, 1);
-fn split_char_first(s: &str, c: char) -> (String, String) {
-    let len = s.len();
-    let mut index = len;
-    let mut mat = 0;
-    let mut rdr = BufReader::new(s.as_bytes());
-    loop {
-        let mut buf = [0];
-        let ch = match rdr.read(buf) {
-            Ok(..) => buf[0] as char,
-            Err(..) => break,
-        };
-        if ch == c {
-            // found a match, adjust markers
-            index = (rdr.tell().unwrap() as uint) - 1;
-            mat = 1;
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    if index+mat == len {
-        return (s.slice(0, index).to_string(), "".to_string());
-    } else {
-        return (s.slice(0, index).to_string(),
-                s.slice(index + mat, s.len()).to_string());
+    match (iter.next(), iter.next()) {
+        (Some(a), Some(b)) => (a, b),
+        (Some(a), None) => (a, ""),
+        (None, _) => unreachable!(),
@@ -432,103 +410,86 @@ impl fmt::Show for UserInfo {
-fn query_from_str(rawquery: &str) -> Query {
+fn query_from_str(rawquery: &str) -> DecodeResult<Query> {
     let mut query: Query = vec!();
     if !rawquery.is_empty() {
         for p in rawquery.split('&') {
             let (k, v) = split_char_first(p, '=');
-            query.push((decode_component(k.as_slice()),
-                        decode_component(v.as_slice())));
-        };
-    }
-    return query;
- * Converts an instance of a URI `Query` type to a string.
- *
- * # Example
- *
- * ```rust
- * let query = vec!(("title".to_string(), "The Village".to_string()),
- *                  ("north".to_string(), "52.91".to_string()),
- *                  ("west".to_string(), "4.10".to_string()));
- * println!("{}", url::query_to_str(&query));  // title=The%20Village&north=52.91&west=4.10
- * ```
- */
-pub fn query_to_str(query: &Query) -> String {
-    use std::io::MemWriter;
-    use std::str;
-    let mut writer = MemWriter::new();
-    for (i, &(ref k, ref v)) in query.iter().enumerate() {
-        if i != 0 { write!(&mut writer, "&"); }
-        write!(&mut writer, "{}={}", encode_component(k.as_slice()),
-               encode_component(v.as_slice()));
-    }
-    str::from_utf8_lossy(writer.unwrap().as_slice()).to_string()
- * Returns a tuple of the URI scheme and the rest of the URI, or a parsing error.
- *
- * Does not include the separating `:` character.
- *
- * # Example
- *
- * ```rust
- * use url::get_scheme;
- *
- * let scheme = match get_scheme("https://example.com/") {
- *     Ok((sch, _)) => sch,
- *     Err(_) => "(None)".to_string(),
- * };
- * println!("Scheme in use: {}.", scheme); // Scheme in use: https.
- * ```
- */
-pub fn get_scheme(rawurl: &str) -> Result<(String, String), String> {
-    for (i,c) in rawurl.chars().enumerate() {
-        match c {
-          'A' .. 'Z' | 'a' .. 'z' => continue,
-          '0' .. '9' | '+' | '-' | '.' => {
-            if i == 0 {
-                return Err("url: Scheme must begin with a \
-                            letter.".to_string());
-            }
-            continue;
-          }
-          ':' => {
-            if i == 0 {
-                return Err("url: Scheme cannot be empty.".to_string());
-            } else {
-                return Ok((rawurl.slice(0,i).to_string(),
-                           rawurl.slice(i+1,rawurl.len()).to_string()));
-            }
-          }
-          _ => {
-            return Err("url: Invalid character in scheme.".to_string());
-          }
+            query.push((try!(decode_component(k)),
+                        try!(decode_component(v))));
-    };
-    return Err("url: Scheme must be terminated with a colon.".to_string());
+    }
+    Ok(query)
-#[deriving(Clone, PartialEq)]
-enum Input {
-    Digit, // all digits
-    Hex, // digits and letters a-f
-    Unreserved // all other legal characters
+/// Converts an instance of a URI `Query` type to a string.
+/// # Example
+/// ```rust
+/// let query = vec![("title".to_string(), "The Village".to_string()),
+///                  ("north".to_string(), "52.91".to_string()),
+///                  ("west".to_string(), "4.10".to_string())];
+/// println!("{}", url::query_to_str(&query));  // title=The%20Village&north=52.91&west=4.10
+/// ```
+pub fn query_to_str(query: &Query) -> String {
+    query.iter().enumerate().fold(String::new(), |mut out, (i, &(ref k, ref v))| {
+        if i != 0 {
+            out.push_char('&');
+        }
+        out.push_str(encode_component(k.as_slice()).as_slice());
+        out.push_char('=');
+        out.push_str(encode_component(v.as_slice()).as_slice());
+        out
+    })
+/// Returns a tuple of the URI scheme and the rest of the URI, or a parsing error.
+/// Does not include the separating `:` character.
+/// # Example
+/// ```rust
+/// use url::get_scheme;
+/// let scheme = match get_scheme("https://example.com/") {
+///     Ok((sch, _)) => sch,
+///     Err(_) => "(None)",
+/// };
+/// println!("Scheme in use: {}.", scheme); // Scheme in use: https.
+/// ```
+pub fn get_scheme<'a>(rawurl: &'a str) -> DecodeResult<(&'a str, &'a str)> {
+    for (i,c) in rawurl.chars().enumerate() {
+        let result = match c {
+            'A' .. 'Z'
+            | 'a' .. 'z' => continue,
+            '0' .. '9' | '+' | '-' | '.' => {
+                if i != 0 { continue }
+                Err("url: Scheme must begin with a letter.".to_string())
+            }
+            ':' => {
+                if i == 0 {
+                    Err("url: Scheme cannot be empty.".to_string())
+                } else {
+                    Ok((rawurl.slice(0,i), rawurl.slice(i+1,rawurl.len())))
+                }
+            }
+            _ => Err("url: Invalid character in scheme.".to_string()),
+        };
+        return result;
+    }
+    Err("url: Scheme must be terminated with a colon.".to_string())
 // returns userinfo, host, port, and unparsed part, or an error
-fn get_authority(rawurl: &str) ->
-    Result<(Option<UserInfo>, String, Option<String>, String), String> {
-    if !rawurl.starts_with("//") {
-        // there is no authority.
-        return Ok((None, "".to_string(), None, rawurl.to_str()));
-    }
+fn get_authority<'a>(rawurl: &'a str) ->
+    DecodeResult<(Option<UserInfo>, &'a str, Option<u16>, &'a str)> {
     enum State {
         Start, // starting state
         PassHostPort, // could be in user or port
@@ -538,12 +499,24 @@ fn get_authority(rawurl: &str) ->
         InPort // are in port
+    #[deriving(Clone, PartialEq)]
+    enum Input {
+        Digit, // all digits
+        Hex, // digits and letters a-f
+        Unreserved // all other legal characters
+    }
+    if !rawurl.starts_with("//") {
+        // there is no authority.
+        return Ok((None, "", None, rawurl));
+    }
     let len = rawurl.len();
     let mut st = Start;
     let mut input = Digit; // most restricted, start here.
     let mut userinfo = None;
-    let mut host = "".to_string();
+    let mut host = "";
     let mut port = None;
     let mut colon_count = 0u;
@@ -551,27 +524,27 @@ fn get_authority(rawurl: &str) ->
     let mut begin = 2;
     let mut end = len;
-    for (i,c) in rawurl.chars().enumerate() {
-        if i < 2 { continue; } // ignore the leading //
+    for (i,c) in rawurl.chars().enumerate()
+                               // ignore the leading '//' handled by early return
+                               .skip(2) {
         // deal with input class first
         match c {
-          '0' .. '9' => (),
-          'A' .. 'F' | 'a' .. 'f' => {
-            if input == Digit {
-                input = Hex;
+            '0' .. '9' => (),
+            'A' .. 'F'
+            | 'a' .. 'f' => {
+                if input == Digit {
+                    input = Hex;
+                }
-          }
-          'G' .. 'Z' | 'g' .. 'z' | '-' | '.' | '_' | '~' | '%' |
-          '&' |'\'' | '(' | ')' | '+' | '!' | '*' | ',' | ';' | '=' => {
-            input = Unreserved;
-          }
-          ':' | '@' | '?' | '#' | '/' => {
-            // separators, don't change anything
-          }
-          _ => {
-            return Err("Illegal character in authority".to_string());
-          }
+            'G' .. 'Z'
+            | 'g' .. 'z'
+            | '-' | '.' | '_' | '~' | '%'
+            | '&' |'\'' | '(' | ')' | '+'
+            | '!' | '*' | ',' | ';' | '=' => input = Unreserved,
+            ':' | '@' | '?' | '#' | '/' => {
+                // separators, don't change anything
+            }
+            _ => return Err("Illegal character in authority".to_string()),
         // now process states
@@ -595,7 +568,7 @@ fn get_authority(rawurl: &str) ->
                 pos = i;
                 if input == Unreserved {
                     // must be port
-                    host = rawurl.slice(begin, i).to_string();
+                    host = rawurl.slice(begin, i);
                     st = InPort;
                 } else {
                     // can't be sure whether this is an ipv6 address or a port
@@ -604,21 +577,18 @@ fn get_authority(rawurl: &str) ->
               Ip6Port => {
                 if input == Unreserved {
-                    return Err("Illegal characters in \
-                                authority.".to_string());
+                    return Err("Illegal characters in authority.".to_string());
                 st = Ip6Host;
               Ip6Host => {
                 if colon_count > 7 {
-                    host = rawurl.slice(begin, i).to_string();
+                    host = rawurl.slice(begin, i);
                     pos = i;
                     st = InPort;
-              _ => {
-                return Err("Invalid ':' in authority.".to_string());
-              }
+              _ => return Err("Invalid ':' in authority.".to_string()),
             input = Digit; // reset input class
@@ -638,9 +608,7 @@ fn get_authority(rawurl: &str) ->
                 userinfo = Some(UserInfo::new(user, Some(pass)));
                 st = InHost;
-              _ => {
-                return Err("Invalid '@' in authority.".to_string());
-              }
+              _ => return Err("Invalid '@' in authority.".to_string()),
             begin = i+1;
@@ -655,44 +623,53 @@ fn get_authority(rawurl: &str) ->
     // finish up
     match st {
-      Start => {
-        host = rawurl.slice(begin, end).to_string();
-      }
-      PassHostPort | Ip6Port => {
+      Start => host = rawurl.slice(begin, end),
+      PassHostPort
+      | Ip6Port => {
         if input != Digit {
             return Err("Non-digit characters in port.".to_string());
-        host = rawurl.slice(begin, pos).to_string();
-        port = Some(rawurl.slice(pos+1, end).to_string());
-      }
-      Ip6Host | InHost => {
-        host = rawurl.slice(begin, end).to_string();
+        host = rawurl.slice(begin, pos);
+        port = Some(rawurl.slice(pos+1, end));
+      Ip6Host
+      | InHost => host = rawurl.slice(begin, end),
       InPort => {
         if input != Digit {
             return Err("Non-digit characters in port.".to_string());
-        port = Some(rawurl.slice(pos+1, end).to_string());
+        port = Some(rawurl.slice(pos+1, end));
-    let rest = rawurl.slice(end, len).to_string();
-    return Ok((userinfo, host, port, rest));
+    let rest = rawurl.slice(end, len);
+    // If we have a port string, ensure it parses to u16.
+    let port = match port {
+        None => None,
+        opt => match opt.and_then(|p| FromStr::from_str(p)) {
+            None => return Err(format!("Failed to parse port: {}", port)),
+            opt => opt
+        }
+    };
+    Ok((userinfo, host, port, rest))
 // returns the path and unparsed part of url, or an error
-fn get_path(rawurl: &str, authority: bool) ->
-    Result<(String, String), String> {
+fn get_path<'a>(rawurl: &'a str, is_authority: bool)
+                                            -> DecodeResult<(String, &'a str)> {
     let len = rawurl.len();
     let mut end = len;
     for (i,c) in rawurl.chars().enumerate() {
         match c {
-          'A' .. 'Z' | 'a' .. 'z' | '0' .. '9' | '&' |'\'' | '(' | ')' | '.'
-          | '@' | ':' | '%' | '/' | '+' | '!' | '*' | ',' | ';' | '='
-          | '_' | '-' | '~' => {
-            continue;
-          }
+          'A' .. 'Z'
+          | 'a' .. 'z'
+          | '0' .. '9'
+          | '&' |'\'' | '(' | ')' | '.'
+          | '@' | ':' | '%' | '/' | '+'
+          | '!' | '*' | ',' | ';' | '='
+          | '_' | '-' | '~' => continue,
           '?' | '#' => {
             end = i;
@@ -701,127 +678,53 @@ fn get_path(rawurl: &str, authority: bool) ->
-    if authority {
-        if end != 0 && !rawurl.starts_with("/") {
-            return Err("Non-empty path must begin with\
-                              '/' in presence of authority.".to_string());
-        }
+    if is_authority && end != 0 && !rawurl.starts_with("/") {
+        Err("Non-empty path must begin with \
+            '/' in presence of authority.".to_string())
+    } else {
+        Ok((try!(decode_component(rawurl.slice(0, end))),
+            rawurl.slice(end, len)))
-    return Ok((decode_component(rawurl.slice(0, end)),
-                    rawurl.slice(end, len).to_string()));
 // returns the parsed query and the fragment, if present
-fn get_query_fragment(rawurl: &str) ->
-    Result<(Query, Option<String>), String> {
-    if !rawurl.starts_with("?") {
-        if rawurl.starts_with("#") {
-            let f = decode_component(rawurl.slice(
-                                                1,
-                                                rawurl.len()));
-            return Ok((vec!(), Some(f)));
-        } else {
-            return Ok((vec!(), None));
-        }
+fn get_query_fragment(rawurl: &str) -> DecodeResult<(Query, Option<String>)> {
+    let (before_fragment, raw_fragment) = split_char_first(rawurl, '#');
+    // Parse the fragment if available
+    let fragment = match raw_fragment {
+        "" => None,
+        raw => Some(try!(decode_component(raw)))
+    };
+    match before_fragment.slice_shift_char() {
+        (Some('?'), rest) => Ok((try!(query_from_str(rest)), fragment)),
+        (None, "") => Ok((vec!(), fragment)),
+        _ => Err(format!("Query didn't start with '?': '{}..'", before_fragment)),
-    let (q, r) = split_char_first(rawurl.slice(1, rawurl.len()), '#');
-    let f = if r.len() != 0 {
-        Some(decode_component(r.as_slice()))
-    } else {
-        None
-    };
-    return Ok((query_from_str(q.as_slice()), f));
- * Parses a URL, converting it from a string to `Url` representation.
- *
- * # Arguments
- *
- * `rawurl` - a string representing the full URL, including scheme.
- *
- * # Returns
- *
- * A `Url` struct type representing the URL.
- */
-pub fn from_str(rawurl: &str) -> Result<Url, String> {
-    // scheme
-    let (scheme, rest) = match get_scheme(rawurl) {
-        Ok(val) => val,
-        Err(e) => return Err(e),
-    };
-    // authority
-    let (userinfo, host, port, rest) = match get_authority(rest.as_slice()) {
-        Ok(val) => val,
-        Err(e) => return Err(e),
-    };
-    // path
-    let has_authority = host.len() > 0;
-    let (path, rest) = match get_path(rest.as_slice(), has_authority) {
-        Ok(val) => val,
-        Err(e) => return Err(e),
-    };
-    // query and fragment
-    let (query, fragment) = match get_query_fragment(rest.as_slice()) {
-        Ok(val) => val,
-        Err(e) => return Err(e),
-    };
-    Ok(Url::new(scheme, userinfo, host, port, path, query, fragment))
-pub fn path_from_str(rawpath: &str) -> Result<Path, String> {
-    let (path, rest) = match get_path(rawpath, false) {
-        Ok(val) => val,
-        Err(e) => return Err(e)
-    };
-    // query and fragment
-    let (query, fragment) = match get_query_fragment(rest.as_slice()) {
-        Ok(val) => val,
-        Err(e) => return Err(e),
-    };
-    Ok(Path{ path: path, query: query, fragment: fragment })
 impl FromStr for Url {
     fn from_str(s: &str) -> Option<Url> {
-        match from_str(s) {
-            Ok(url) => Some(url),
-            Err(_) => None
-        }
+        Url::parse(s).ok()
 impl FromStr for Path {
     fn from_str(s: &str) -> Option<Path> {
-        match path_from_str(s) {
-            Ok(path) => Some(path),
-            Err(_) => None
-        }
+        Path::parse(s).ok()
 impl fmt::Show for Url {
-    /**
-     * Converts a URL from `Url` to string representation.
-     *
-     * # Arguments
-     *
-     * `url` - a URL.
-     *
-     * # Returns
-     *
-     * A string that contains the formatted URL. Note that this will usually
-     * be an inverse of `from_str` but might strip out unneeded separators;
-     * for example, "http://somehost.com?", when parsed and formatted, will
-     * result in just "http://somehost.com".
-     */
+    /// Converts a URL from `Url` to string representation.
+    ///
+    /// # Returns
+    ///
+    /// A string that contains the formatted URL. Note that this will usually
+    /// be an inverse of `from_str` but might strip out unneeded separators;
+    /// for example, "http://somehost.com?", when parsed and formatted, will
+    /// result in just "http://somehost.com".
     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
         try!(write!(f, "{}:", self.scheme));
@@ -838,18 +741,7 @@ impl fmt::Show for Url {
-        try!(write!(f, "{}", self.path));
-        if !self.query.is_empty() {
-            try!(write!(f, "?{}", query_to_str(&self.query)));
-        }
-        match self.fragment {
-            Some(ref fragment) => {
-                write!(f, "#{}", encode_component(fragment.as_slice()))
-            }
-            None => Ok(()),
-        }
+        write!(f, "{}", self.path)
@@ -857,7 +749,7 @@ impl fmt::Show for Path {
     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
         try!(write!(f, "{}", self.path));
         if !self.query.is_empty() {
-            try!(write!(f, "?{}", self.query))
+            try!(write!(f, "?{}", query_to_str(&self.query)))
         match self.fragment {
@@ -887,12 +779,12 @@ impl<S: hash::Writer> hash::Hash<S> for Path {
 fn test_split_char_first() {
     let (u,v) = split_char_first("hello, sweet world", ',');
-    assert_eq!(u, "hello".to_string());
-    assert_eq!(v, " sweet world".to_string());
+    assert_eq!(u, "hello");
+    assert_eq!(v, " sweet world");
     let (u,v) = split_char_first("hello sweet world", ',');
-    assert_eq!(u, "hello sweet world".to_string());
-    assert_eq!(v, "".to_string());
+    assert_eq!(u, "hello sweet world");
+    assert_eq!(v, "");
@@ -900,40 +792,39 @@ fn test_get_authority() {
     let (u, h, p, r) = get_authority(
     assert_eq!(u, Some(UserInfo::new("user".to_string(), Some("pass".to_string()))));
-    assert_eq!(h, "rust-lang.org".to_string());
+    assert_eq!(h, "rust-lang.org");
-    assert_eq!(r, "/something".to_string());
+    assert_eq!(r, "/something");
     let (u, h, p, r) = get_authority(
-    assert_eq!(h, "rust-lang.org".to_string());
-    assert_eq!(p, Some("8000".to_string()));
-    assert_eq!(r, "?something".to_string());
+    assert_eq!(h, "rust-lang.org");
+    assert_eq!(p, Some(8000));
+    assert_eq!(r, "?something");
-    let (u, h, p, r) = get_authority(
-        "//rust-lang.org#blah").unwrap();
+    let (u, h, p, r) = get_authority("//rust-lang.org#blah").unwrap();
-    assert_eq!(h, "rust-lang.org".to_string());
+    assert_eq!(h, "rust-lang.org");
-    assert_eq!(r, "#blah".to_string());
+    assert_eq!(r, "#blah");
     // ipv6 tests
     let (_, h, _, _) = get_authority(
-    assert_eq!(h, "2001:0db8:85a3:0042:0000:8a2e:0370:7334".to_string());
+    assert_eq!(h, "2001:0db8:85a3:0042:0000:8a2e:0370:7334");
     let (_, h, p, _) = get_authority(
-    assert_eq!(h, "2001:0db8:85a3:0042:0000:8a2e:0370:7334".to_string());
-    assert_eq!(p, Some("8000".to_string()));
+    assert_eq!(h, "2001:0db8:85a3:0042:0000:8a2e:0370:7334");
+    assert_eq!(p, Some(8000));
     let (u, h, p, _) = get_authority(
     assert_eq!(u, Some(UserInfo::new("us".to_string(), Some("p".to_string()))));
-    assert_eq!(h, "2001:0db8:85a3:0042:0000:8a2e:0370:7334".to_string());
-    assert_eq!(p, Some("8000".to_string()));
+    assert_eq!(h, "2001:0db8:85a3:0042:0000:8a2e:0370:7334");
+    assert_eq!(p, Some(8000));
     // invalid authorities;
@@ -942,25 +833,27 @@ fn test_get_authority() {
+    // outside u16 range
+    assert!(get_authority("//user:pass@rust-lang:65536").is_err());
     // these parse as empty, because they don't start with '//'
     let (_, h, _, _) = get_authority("user:pass@rust-lang").unwrap();
-    assert_eq!(h, "".to_string());
+    assert_eq!(h, "");
     let (_, h, _, _) = get_authority("rust-lang.org").unwrap();
-    assert_eq!(h, "".to_string());
+    assert_eq!(h, "");
 fn test_get_path() {
     let (p, r) = get_path("/something+%20orother", true).unwrap();
     assert_eq!(p, "/something+ orother".to_string());
-    assert_eq!(r, "".to_string());
+    assert_eq!(r, "");
     let (p, r) = get_path("test@email.com#fragment", false).unwrap();
     assert_eq!(p, "test@email.com".to_string());
-    assert_eq!(r, "#fragment".to_string());
+    assert_eq!(r, "#fragment");
     let (p, r) = get_path("/gen/:addr=?q=v", false).unwrap();
     assert_eq!(p, "/gen/:addr=".to_string());
-    assert_eq!(r, "?q=v".to_string());
+    assert_eq!(r, "?q=v");
     //failure cases
     assert!(get_path("something?q", true).is_err());
@@ -968,96 +861,95 @@ fn test_get_path() {
 mod tests {
-    use {encode_form_urlencoded, decode_form_urlencoded,
-         decode, encode, from_str, encode_component, decode_component,
-         path_from_str, UserInfo, get_scheme};
+    use {encode_form_urlencoded, decode_form_urlencoded, decode, encode,
+        encode_component, decode_component, UserInfo, get_scheme, Url, Path};
     use std::collections::HashMap;
+    use std::path::BytesContainer;
     fn test_url_parse() {
         let url = "http://user:pass@rust-lang.org:8080/doc/~u?s=v#something";
+        let u = from_str::<Url>(url).unwrap();
-        let up = from_str(url);
-        let u = up.unwrap();
-        assert_eq!(&u.scheme, &"http".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(&u.user, &Some(UserInfo::new("user".to_string(), Some("pass".to_string()))));
-        assert_eq!(&u.host, &"rust-lang.org".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(&u.port, &Some("8080".to_string()));
-        assert_eq!(&u.path, &"/doc/~u".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(&u.query, &vec!(("s".to_string(), "v".to_string())));
-        assert_eq!(&u.fragment, &Some("something".to_string()));
+        assert_eq!(u.scheme, "http".to_string());
+        assert_eq!(u.user, Some(UserInfo::new("user".to_string(), Some("pass".to_string()))));
+        assert_eq!(u.host, "rust-lang.org".to_string());
+        assert_eq!(u.port, Some(8080));
+        assert_eq!(u.path.path, "/doc/~u".to_string());
+        assert_eq!(u.path.query, vec!(("s".to_string(), "v".to_string())));
+        assert_eq!(u.path.fragment, Some("something".to_string()));
     fn test_path_parse() {
         let path = "/doc/~u?s=v#something";
+        let u = from_str::<Path>(path).unwrap();
-        let up = path_from_str(path);
-        let u = up.unwrap();
-        assert_eq!(&u.path, &"/doc/~u".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(&u.query, &vec!(("s".to_string(), "v".to_string())));
-        assert_eq!(&u.fragment, &Some("something".to_string()));
+        assert_eq!(u.path, "/doc/~u".to_string());
+        assert_eq!(u.query, vec!(("s".to_string(), "v".to_string())));
+        assert_eq!(u.fragment, Some("something".to_string()));
     fn test_url_parse_host_slash() {
         let urlstr = "";
-        let url = from_str(urlstr).unwrap();
-        assert!(url.host == "".to_string());
-        assert!(url.path == "/".to_string());
+        let url = from_str::<Url>(urlstr).unwrap();
+        assert_eq!(url.host, "".to_string());
+        assert_eq!(url.path.path, "/".to_string());
     fn test_path_parse_host_slash() {
         let pathstr = "/";
-        let path = path_from_str(pathstr).unwrap();
-        assert!(path.path == "/".to_string());
+        let path = from_str::<Path>(pathstr).unwrap();
+        assert_eq!(path.path, "/".to_string());
     fn test_url_host_with_port() {
         let urlstr = "scheme://host:1234";
-        let url = from_str(urlstr).unwrap();
-        assert_eq!(&url.scheme, &"scheme".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(&url.host, &"host".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(&url.port, &Some("1234".to_string()));
+        let url = from_str::<Url>(urlstr).unwrap();
+        assert_eq!(url.scheme, "scheme".to_string());
+        assert_eq!(url.host, "host".to_string());
+        assert_eq!(url.port, Some(1234));
         // is empty path really correct? Other tests think so
-        assert_eq!(&url.path, &"".to_string());
+        assert_eq!(url.path.path, "".to_string());
         let urlstr = "scheme://host:1234/";
-        let url = from_str(urlstr).unwrap();
-        assert_eq!(&url.scheme, &"scheme".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(&url.host, &"host".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(&url.port, &Some("1234".to_string()));
-        assert_eq!(&url.path, &"/".to_string());
+        let url = from_str::<Url>(urlstr).unwrap();
+        assert_eq!(url.scheme, "scheme".to_string());
+        assert_eq!(url.host, "host".to_string());
+        assert_eq!(url.port, Some(1234));
+        assert_eq!(url.path.path, "/".to_string());
     fn test_url_with_underscores() {
         let urlstr = "http://dotcom.com/file_name.html";
-        let url = from_str(urlstr).unwrap();
-        assert!(url.path == "/file_name.html".to_string());
+        let url = from_str::<Url>(urlstr).unwrap();
+        assert_eq!(url.path.path, "/file_name.html".to_string());
     fn test_path_with_underscores() {
         let pathstr = "/file_name.html";
-        let path = path_from_str(pathstr).unwrap();
-        assert!(path.path == "/file_name.html".to_string());
+        let path = from_str::<Path>(pathstr).unwrap();
+        assert_eq!(path.path, "/file_name.html".to_string());
     fn test_url_with_dashes() {
         let urlstr = "http://dotcom.com/file-name.html";
-        let url = from_str(urlstr).unwrap();
-        assert!(url.path == "/file-name.html".to_string());
+        let url = from_str::<Url>(urlstr).unwrap();
+        assert_eq!(url.path.path, "/file-name.html".to_string());
     fn test_path_with_dashes() {
         let pathstr = "/file-name.html";
-        let path = path_from_str(pathstr).unwrap();
-        assert!(path.path == "/file-name.html".to_string());
+        let path = from_str::<Path>(pathstr).unwrap();
+        assert_eq!(path.path, "/file-name.html".to_string());
@@ -1067,83 +959,93 @@ mod tests {
     fn test_invalid_scheme_errors() {
-        assert!(from_str("99://something").is_err());
-        assert!(from_str("://something").is_err());
+        assert!(Url::parse("99://something").is_err());
+        assert!(Url::parse("://something").is_err());
     fn test_full_url_parse_and_format() {
         let url = "http://user:pass@rust-lang.org/doc?s=v#something";
-        assert_eq!(from_str(url).unwrap().to_str().as_slice(), url);
+        let u = from_str::<Url>(url).unwrap();
+        assert_eq!(format!("{}", u).as_slice(), url);
     fn test_userless_url_parse_and_format() {
         let url = "http://rust-lang.org/doc?s=v#something";
-        assert_eq!(from_str(url).unwrap().to_str().as_slice(), url);
+        let u = from_str::<Url>(url).unwrap();
+        assert_eq!(format!("{}", u).as_slice(), url);
     fn test_queryless_url_parse_and_format() {
         let url = "http://user:pass@rust-lang.org/doc#something";
-        assert_eq!(from_str(url).unwrap().to_str().as_slice(), url);
+        let u = from_str::<Url>(url).unwrap();
+        assert_eq!(format!("{}", u).as_slice(), url);
     fn test_empty_query_url_parse_and_format() {
         let url = "http://user:pass@rust-lang.org/doc?#something";
         let should_be = "http://user:pass@rust-lang.org/doc#something";
-        assert_eq!(from_str(url).unwrap().to_str().as_slice(), should_be);
+        let u = from_str::<Url>(url).unwrap();
+        assert_eq!(format!("{}", u).as_slice(), should_be);
     fn test_fragmentless_url_parse_and_format() {
         let url = "http://user:pass@rust-lang.org/doc?q=v";
-        assert_eq!(from_str(url).unwrap().to_str().as_slice(), url);
+        let u = from_str::<Url>(url).unwrap();
+        assert_eq!(format!("{}", u).as_slice(), url);
     fn test_minimal_url_parse_and_format() {
         let url = "http://rust-lang.org/doc";
-        assert_eq!(from_str(url).unwrap().to_str().as_slice(), url);
+        let u = from_str::<Url>(url).unwrap();
+        assert_eq!(format!("{}", u).as_slice(), url);
     fn test_url_with_port_parse_and_format() {
         let url = "http://rust-lang.org:80/doc";
-        assert_eq!(from_str(url).unwrap().to_str().as_slice(), url);
+        let u = from_str::<Url>(url).unwrap();
+        assert_eq!(format!("{}", u).as_slice(), url);
     fn test_scheme_host_only_url_parse_and_format() {
         let url = "http://rust-lang.org";
-        assert_eq!(from_str(url).unwrap().to_str().as_slice(), url);
+        let u = from_str::<Url>(url).unwrap();
+        assert_eq!(format!("{}", u).as_slice(), url);
     fn test_pathless_url_parse_and_format() {
         let url = "http://user:pass@rust-lang.org?q=v#something";
-        assert_eq!(from_str(url).unwrap().to_str().as_slice(), url);
+        let u = from_str::<Url>(url).unwrap();
+        assert_eq!(format!("{}", u).as_slice(), url);
     fn test_scheme_host_fragment_only_url_parse_and_format() {
         let url = "http://rust-lang.org#something";
-        assert_eq!(from_str(url).unwrap().to_str().as_slice(), url);
+        let u = from_str::<Url>(url).unwrap();
+        assert_eq!(format!("{}", u).as_slice(), url);
     fn test_url_component_encoding() {
         let url = "http://rust-lang.org/doc%20uments?ba%25d%20=%23%26%2B";
-        let u = from_str(url).unwrap();
-        assert!(u.path == "/doc uments".to_string());
-        assert!(u.query == vec!(("ba%d ".to_string(), "#&+".to_string())));
+        let u = from_str::<Url>(url).unwrap();
+        assert!(u.path.path == "/doc uments".to_string());
+        assert!(u.path.query == vec!(("ba%d ".to_string(), "#&+".to_string())));
     fn test_path_component_encoding() {
         let path = "/doc%20uments?ba%25d%20=%23%26%2B";
-        let p = path_from_str(path).unwrap();
+        let p = from_str::<Path>(path).unwrap();
         assert!(p.path == "/doc uments".to_string());
         assert!(p.query == vec!(("ba%d ".to_string(), "#&+".to_string())));
@@ -1151,124 +1053,151 @@ mod tests {
     fn test_url_without_authority() {
         let url = "mailto:test@email.com";
-        assert_eq!(from_str(url).unwrap().to_str().as_slice(), url);
+        let u = from_str::<Url>(url).unwrap();
+        assert_eq!(format!("{}", u).as_slice(), url);
     fn test_encode() {
-        assert_eq!(encode(""), "".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(encode("http://example.com"), "http://example.com".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(encode("foo bar% baz"), "foo%20bar%25%20baz".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(encode(" "), "%20".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(encode("!"), "!".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(encode("\""), "\"".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(encode("#"), "#".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(encode("$"), "$".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(encode("%"), "%25".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(encode("&"), "&".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(encode("'"), "%27".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(encode("("), "(".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(encode(")"), ")".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(encode("*"), "*".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(encode("+"), "+".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(encode(","), ",".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(encode("/"), "/".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(encode(":"), ":".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(encode(";"), ";".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(encode("="), "=".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(encode("?"), "?".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(encode("@"), "@".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(encode("["), "[".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(encode("]"), "]".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(encode("\0"), "%00".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(encode("\n"), "%0A".to_string());
+        fn t<T: BytesContainer>(input: T, expected: &str) {
+            assert_eq!(encode(input), expected.to_string())
+        }
+        t("", "");
+        t("http://example.com", "http://example.com");
+        t("foo bar% baz", "foo%20bar%25%20baz");
+        t(" ", "%20");
+        t("!", "!");
+        t("\"", "\"");
+        t("#", "#");
+        t("$", "$");
+        t("%", "%25");
+        t("&", "&");
+        t("'", "%27");
+        t("(", "(");
+        t(")", ")");
+        t("*", "*");
+        t("+", "+");
+        t(",", ",");
+        t("/", "/");
+        t(":", ":");
+        t(";", ";");
+        t("=", "=");
+        t("?", "?");
+        t("@", "@");
+        t("[", "[");
+        t("]", "]");
+        t("\0", "%00");
+        t("\n", "%0A");
+        t(&[0u8, 10, 37], "%00%0A%25");
     fn test_encode_component() {
-        assert_eq!(encode_component(""), "".to_string());
-        assert!(encode_component("http://example.com") ==
-            "http%3A%2F%2Fexample.com".to_string());
-        assert!(encode_component("foo bar% baz") ==
-            "foo%20bar%25%20baz".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(encode_component(" "), "%20".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(encode_component("!"), "%21".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(encode_component("#"), "%23".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(encode_component("$"), "%24".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(encode_component("%"), "%25".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(encode_component("&"), "%26".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(encode_component("'"), "%27".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(encode_component("("), "%28".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(encode_component(")"), "%29".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(encode_component("*"), "%2A".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(encode_component("+"), "%2B".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(encode_component(","), "%2C".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(encode_component("/"), "%2F".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(encode_component(":"), "%3A".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(encode_component(";"), "%3B".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(encode_component("="), "%3D".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(encode_component("?"), "%3F".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(encode_component("@"), "%40".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(encode_component("["), "%5B".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(encode_component("]"), "%5D".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(encode_component("\0"), "%00".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(encode_component("\n"), "%0A".to_string());
+        fn t<T: BytesContainer>(input: T, expected: &str) {
+            assert_eq!(encode_component(input), expected.to_string())
+        }
+        t("", "");
+        t("http://example.com", "http%3A%2F%2Fexample.com");
+        t("foo bar% baz", "foo%20bar%25%20baz");
+        t(" ", "%20");
+        t("!", "%21");
+        t("#", "%23");
+        t("$", "%24");
+        t("%", "%25");
+        t("&", "%26");
+        t("'", "%27");
+        t("(", "%28");
+        t(")", "%29");
+        t("*", "%2A");
+        t("+", "%2B");
+        t(",", "%2C");
+        t("/", "%2F");
+        t(":", "%3A");
+        t(";", "%3B");
+        t("=", "%3D");
+        t("?", "%3F");
+        t("@", "%40");
+        t("[", "%5B");
+        t("]", "%5D");
+        t("\0", "%00");
+        t("\n", "%0A");
+        t(&[0u8, 10, 37], "%00%0A%25");
     fn test_decode() {
-        assert_eq!(decode(""), "".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(decode("abc/def 123"), "abc/def 123".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(decode("abc%2Fdef%20123"), "abc%2Fdef 123".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(decode("%20"), " ".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(decode("%21"), "%21".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(decode("%22"), "%22".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(decode("%23"), "%23".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(decode("%24"), "%24".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(decode("%25"), "%".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(decode("%26"), "%26".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(decode("%27"), "'".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(decode("%28"), "%28".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(decode("%29"), "%29".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(decode("%2A"), "%2A".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(decode("%2B"), "%2B".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(decode("%2C"), "%2C".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(decode("%2F"), "%2F".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(decode("%3A"), "%3A".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(decode("%3B"), "%3B".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(decode("%3D"), "%3D".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(decode("%3F"), "%3F".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(decode("%40"), "%40".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(decode("%5B"), "%5B".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(decode("%5D"), "%5D".to_string());
+        fn t<T: BytesContainer>(input: T, expected: &str) {
+            assert_eq!(decode(input), Ok(expected.to_string()))
+        }
+        assert!(decode("sadsadsda%").is_err());
+        assert!(decode("waeasd%4").is_err());
+        t("", "");
+        t("abc/def 123", "abc/def 123");
+        t("abc%2Fdef%20123", "abc%2Fdef 123");
+        t("%20", " ");
+        t("%21", "%21");
+        t("%22", "%22");
+        t("%23", "%23");
+        t("%24", "%24");
+        t("%25", "%");
+        t("%26", "%26");
+        t("%27", "'");
+        t("%28", "%28");
+        t("%29", "%29");
+        t("%2A", "%2A");
+        t("%2B", "%2B");
+        t("%2C", "%2C");
+        t("%2F", "%2F");
+        t("%3A", "%3A");
+        t("%3B", "%3B");
+        t("%3D", "%3D");
+        t("%3F", "%3F");
+        t("%40", "%40");
+        t("%5B", "%5B");
+        t("%5D", "%5D");
+        t("%00%0A%25".as_bytes(), "\0\n%");
     fn test_decode_component() {
-        assert_eq!(decode_component(""), "".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(decode_component("abc/def 123"), "abc/def 123".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(decode_component("abc%2Fdef%20123"), "abc/def 123".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(decode_component("%20"), " ".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(decode_component("%21"), "!".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(decode_component("%22"), "\"".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(decode_component("%23"), "#".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(decode_component("%24"), "$".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(decode_component("%25"), "%".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(decode_component("%26"), "&".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(decode_component("%27"), "'".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(decode_component("%28"), "(".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(decode_component("%29"), ")".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(decode_component("%2A"), "*".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(decode_component("%2B"), "+".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(decode_component("%2C"), ",".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(decode_component("%2F"), "/".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(decode_component("%3A"), ":".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(decode_component("%3B"), ";".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(decode_component("%3D"), "=".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(decode_component("%3F"), "?".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(decode_component("%40"), "@".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(decode_component("%5B"), "[".to_string());
-        assert_eq!(decode_component("%5D"), "]".to_string());
+        fn t<T: BytesContainer>(input: T, expected: &str) {
+            assert_eq!(decode_component(input), Ok(expected.to_string()))
+        }
+        assert!(decode_component("asacsa%").is_err());
+        assert!(decode_component("acsas%4").is_err());
+        t("", "");
+        t("abc/def 123", "abc/def 123");
+        t("abc%2Fdef%20123", "abc/def 123");
+        t("%20", " ");
+        t("%21", "!");
+        t("%22", "\"");
+        t("%23", "#");
+        t("%24", "$");
+        t("%25", "%");
+        t("%26", "&");
+        t("%27", "'");
+        t("%28", "(");
+        t("%29", ")");
+        t("%2A", "*");
+        t("%2B", "+");
+        t("%2C", ",");
+        t("%2F", "/");
+        t("%3A", ":");
+        t("%3B", ";");
+        t("%3D", "=");
+        t("%3F", "?");
+        t("%40", "@");
+        t("%5B", "[");
+        t("%5D", "]");
+        t("%00%0A%25".as_bytes(), "\0\n%");
@@ -1286,16 +1215,16 @@ mod tests {
         let mut m = HashMap::new();
         m.insert("foo bar".to_string(), vec!("abc".to_string(), "12 = 34".to_string()));
-        assert!(encode_form_urlencoded(&m) ==
-            "foo+bar=abc&foo+bar=12+%3D+34".to_string());
+        assert_eq!(encode_form_urlencoded(&m),
+                    "foo+bar=abc&foo+bar=12+%3D+34".to_string());
     fn test_decode_form_urlencoded() {
-        assert_eq!(decode_form_urlencoded([]).len(), 0);
+        assert_eq!(decode_form_urlencoded([]).unwrap().len(), 0);
         let s = "a=1&foo+bar=abc&foo+bar=12+%3D+34".as_bytes();
-        let form = decode_form_urlencoded(s);
+        let form = decode_form_urlencoded(s).unwrap();
         assert_eq!(form.len(), 2);
         assert_eq!(form.get(&"a".to_string()), &vec!("1".to_string()));
         assert_eq!(form.get(&"foo bar".to_string()),