rustc: Factor the type parameter and type lookup out of instantiate_path(), as patterns need different logic
This commit is contained in:
@ -128,74 +128,77 @@ fn substitute_ty_params(&@crate_ctxt ccx,
ret ty.fold_ty(substituter, typ);
// Instantiates the given path, which must refer to an item with the given
// definition.
fn instantiate_path(@fn_ctxt fcx, &ast.path pth, &ast.def defn, &span sp)
-> ast.ann {
auto t;
auto ty_params;
type ty_params_opt_and_ty = tup(option.t[vec[ast.def_id]], @ty.t);
// Returns the type parameters and the type for the given definition.
fn ty_params_and_ty_for_def(@fn_ctxt fcx, &ast.def defn)
-> ty_params_opt_and_ty {
alt (defn) {
case (ast.def_arg(?id)) {
check (fcx.locals.contains_key(id));
t = fcx.locals.get(id);
ty_params = none[vec[ast.def_id]];
ret tup(none[vec[ast.def_id]], fcx.locals.get(id));
case (ast.def_local(?id)) {
auto t;
alt (fcx.locals.find(id)) {
case (some[@ty.t](?t1)) { t = t1; }
case (none[@ty.t]) { t = plain_ty(ty.ty_local(id)); }
ty_params = none[vec[ast.def_id]];
ret tup(none[vec[ast.def_id]], t);
case (ast.def_obj_field(?id)) {
check (fcx.locals.contains_key(id));
t = fcx.locals.get(id);
ty_params = none[vec[ast.def_id]];
ret tup(none[vec[ast.def_id]], fcx.locals.get(id));
case (ast.def_fn(?id)) {
check (fcx.ccx.item_types.contains_key(id));
t = fcx.ccx.item_types.get(id);
ty_params = some(fcx.ccx.item_ty_params.get(id));
ret tup(some(fcx.ccx.item_ty_params.get(id)),
case (ast.def_native_fn(?id)) {
check (fcx.ccx.item_types.contains_key(id));
t = fcx.ccx.item_types.get(id);
ty_params = some(fcx.ccx.item_ty_params.get(id));
ret tup(some(fcx.ccx.item_ty_params.get(id)),
case (ast.def_const(?id)) {
check (fcx.ccx.item_types.contains_key(id));
t = fcx.ccx.item_types.get(id);
ty_params = none[vec[ast.def_id]];
ret tup(none[vec[ast.def_id]], fcx.ccx.item_types.get(id));
case (ast.def_variant(?tag_id, ?variant_id)) {
check (fcx.ccx.item_types.contains_key(variant_id));
t = fcx.ccx.item_types.get(variant_id);
ty_params = some(fcx.ccx.item_ty_params.get(tag_id));
ret tup(some(fcx.ccx.item_ty_params.get(tag_id)),
case (ast.def_binding(?id)) {
check (fcx.locals.contains_key(id));
t = fcx.locals.get(id);
ty_params = none[vec[ast.def_id]];
ret tup(none[vec[ast.def_id]], fcx.locals.get(id));
case (ast.def_obj(?id)) {
check (fcx.ccx.item_types.contains_key(id));
t = fcx.ccx.item_types.get(id);
ty_params = some(fcx.ccx.item_ty_params.get(id));
ret tup(some(fcx.ccx.item_ty_params.get(id)),
case (ast.def_mod(_)) {
// Hopefully part of a path.
t = plain_ty(ty.ty_nil); // TODO: something more poisonous?
ty_params = none[vec[ast.def_id]];
// TODO: return a type that's more poisonous, perhaps?
ret tup(none[vec[ast.def_id]], plain_ty(ty.ty_nil));
case (_) {
// FIXME: handle other names.
fcx.ccx.sess.unimpl("definition variant for: "
+ _str.connect(pth.node.idents, "."));
fcx.ccx.sess.unimpl("definition variant");
// Instantiates the given path, which must refer to an item with the given
// type parameters and type.
fn instantiate_path(@fn_ctxt fcx, &ast.path pth, &ty_params_opt_and_ty tpt,
&span sp) -> ast.ann {
auto ty_params = tpt._0;
auto t = tpt._1;
auto ty_substs_opt;
auto ty_substs_len = _vec.len[@ast.ty](pth.node.types);
@ -1669,7 +1672,8 @@ fn check_expr(&@fn_ctxt fcx, @ast.expr expr) -> @ast.expr {
auto t = plain_ty(ty.ty_nil);
check (defopt != none[ast.def]);
auto defn = option.get[ast.def](defopt);
auto ann = instantiate_path(fcx, pth, defn, expr.span);
auto tpt = ty_params_and_ty_for_def(fcx, defn);
auto ann = instantiate_path(fcx, pth, tpt, expr.span);
ret @fold.respan[ast.expr_](expr.span,
ast.expr_path(pth, defopt, ann));
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