auto merge of #13115 : huonw/rust/rand-errors, r=alexcrichton
move errno -> IoError converter into std, bubble up OSRng errors Also adds a general errno -> `~str` converter to `std::os`, and makes the failure messages for the things using `OSRng` (e.g. (transitively) the task-local RNG, meaning hashmap initialisation failures aren't such a black box).
This commit is contained in:
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ pub mod bench {
map: &mut M,
bh: &mut BenchHarness) {
// setup
let mut rng = rand::XorShiftRng::new();
let mut rng = rand::weak_rng();
for _ in range(0, n) {
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ pub mod bench {
map: &mut M,
bh: &mut BenchHarness) {
// setup
let mut rng = rand::XorShiftRng::new();
let mut rng = rand::weak_rng();
let mut keys = slice::from_fn(n, |_| rng.gen::<uint>() % n);
for k in keys.iter() {
@ -967,7 +967,12 @@ impl ClosureConverter for UnsafeTaskReceiver {
// worry there.
fn new_sched_rng() -> XorShiftRng {
match XorShiftRng::new() {
Ok(r) => r,
Err(e) => {
rtabort!("sched: failed to create seeded RNG: {}", e)
fn new_sched_rng() -> XorShiftRng {
@ -96,10 +96,8 @@ extern "system" {
fn get_error(_: c_int) -> IoError {
use super::translate_error;
unsafe {
translate_error(WSAGetLastError() as i32, true)
IoError::from_errno(WSAGetLastError() as uint, true)
@ -86,73 +86,10 @@ fn unimpl() -> IoError {
fn translate_error(errno: i32, detail: bool) -> IoError {
fn get_err(errno: i32) -> (io::IoErrorKind, &'static str) {
match errno {
libc::EOF => (io::EndOfFile, "end of file"),
libc::ERROR_NO_DATA => (io::BrokenPipe, "the pipe is being closed"),
libc::ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND => (io::FileNotFound, "file not found"),
libc::ERROR_INVALID_NAME => (io::InvalidInput, "invalid file name"),
libc::WSAECONNREFUSED => (io::ConnectionRefused, "connection refused"),
libc::WSAECONNRESET => (io::ConnectionReset, "connection reset"),
libc::WSAEACCES => (io::PermissionDenied, "permission denied"),
(io::ResourceUnavailable, "resource temporarily unavailable")
libc::WSAENOTCONN => (io::NotConnected, "not connected"),
libc::WSAECONNABORTED => (io::ConnectionAborted, "connection aborted"),
libc::WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL => (io::ConnectionRefused, "address not available"),
libc::WSAEADDRINUSE => (io::ConnectionRefused, "address in use"),
libc::ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE => (io::EndOfFile, "the pipe has ended"),
// libuv maps this error code to EISDIR. we do too. if it is found
// to be incorrect, we can add in some more machinery to only
// return this message when ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION after certain
// win32 calls.
libc::ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION => (io::InvalidInput,
"illegal operation on a directory"),
_ => (io::OtherIoError, "unknown error")
fn get_err(errno: i32) -> (io::IoErrorKind, &'static str) {
// FIXME: this should probably be a bit more descriptive...
match errno {
libc::EOF => (io::EndOfFile, "end of file"),
libc::ECONNREFUSED => (io::ConnectionRefused, "connection refused"),
libc::ECONNRESET => (io::ConnectionReset, "connection reset"),
libc::EPERM | libc::EACCES =>
(io::PermissionDenied, "permission denied"),
libc::EPIPE => (io::BrokenPipe, "broken pipe"),
libc::ENOTCONN => (io::NotConnected, "not connected"),
libc::ECONNABORTED => (io::ConnectionAborted, "connection aborted"),
libc::EADDRNOTAVAIL => (io::ConnectionRefused, "address not available"),
libc::EADDRINUSE => (io::ConnectionRefused, "address in use"),
libc::ENOENT => (io::FileNotFound, "no such file or directory"),
libc::EISDIR => (io::InvalidInput, "illegal operation on a directory"),
// These two constants can have the same value on some systems, but
// different values on others, so we can't use a match clause
x if x == libc::EAGAIN || x == libc::EWOULDBLOCK =>
(io::ResourceUnavailable, "resource temporarily unavailable"),
_ => (io::OtherIoError, "unknown error")
let (kind, desc) = get_err(errno);
IoError {
kind: kind,
desc: desc,
detail: if detail {Some(os::last_os_error())} else {None},
fn last_error() -> IoError {
fn last_error() -> IoError { translate_error(os::errno() as i32, true) }
// unix has nonzero values as errors
fn mkerr_libc(ret: libc::c_int) -> IoResult<()> {
if ret != 0 {
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ fn last_error() -> io::IoError {
extern "system" {
fn WSAGetLastError() -> libc::c_int;
super::translate_error(unsafe { WSAGetLastError() }, true)
io::IoError::from_errno(unsafe { WSAGetLastError() } as uint, true)
@ -481,7 +481,7 @@ fn spawn_process_os(config: p::ProcessConfig,
(bytes[1] << 16) as i32 |
(bytes[2] << 8) as i32 |
(bytes[3] << 0) as i32;
Err(super::translate_error(errno, false))
Err(io::IoError::from_errno(errno as uint, false))
Err(e) => {
assert!(e.kind == io::BrokenPipe ||
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ mod bench {
fn rand_exp(bh: &mut BenchHarness) {
let mut rng = XorShiftRng::new();
let mut rng = XorShiftRng::new().unwrap();
let mut exp = Exp::new(2.71828 * 3.14159);
bh.iter(|| {
@ -370,14 +370,14 @@ mod bench {
use self::test::BenchHarness;
use std::mem::size_of;
use distributions::IndependentSample;
use {StdRng, RAND_BENCH_N};
use {XorShiftRng, RAND_BENCH_N};
use super::Gamma;
fn bench_gamma_large_shape(bh: &mut BenchHarness) {
let gamma = Gamma::new(10., 1.0);
let mut rng = StdRng::new();
let mut rng = XorShiftRng::new().unwrap();
bh.iter(|| {
for _ in range(0, RAND_BENCH_N) {
@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ mod bench {
fn bench_gamma_small_shape(bh: &mut BenchHarness) {
let gamma = Gamma::new(0.1, 1.0);
let mut rng = StdRng::new();
let mut rng = XorShiftRng::new().unwrap();
bh.iter(|| {
for _ in range(0, RAND_BENCH_N) {
@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ mod bench {
fn rand_normal(bh: &mut BenchHarness) {
let mut rng = XorShiftRng::new();
let mut rng = XorShiftRng::new().unwrap();
let mut normal = Normal::new(-2.71828, 3.14159);
bh.iter(|| {
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
//! The ISAAC random number generator.
use {Rng, SeedableRng, OSRng};
use std::io::IoResult;
use std::iter::{range_step, Repeat};
use std::slice::raw;
use std::mem;
@ -44,19 +45,23 @@ static EMPTY: IsaacRng = IsaacRng {
impl IsaacRng {
/// Create an ISAAC random number generator with a random seed.
pub fn new() -> IsaacRng {
/// This reads randomness from the operating system (via `OSRng`)
/// which may fail, any error is propagated via the `IoResult`
/// return value.
pub fn new() -> IoResult<IsaacRng> {
let mut rng = EMPTY;
let mut os_rng = try!(OSRng::new());
unsafe {
let ptr = rng.rsl.as_mut_ptr();
raw::mut_buf_as_slice(ptr as *mut u8, mem::size_of_val(&rng.rsl), |slice| {
/// Create an ISAAC random number generator using the default
@ -249,19 +254,24 @@ static EMPTY_64: Isaac64Rng = Isaac64Rng {
impl Isaac64Rng {
/// Create a 64-bit ISAAC random number generator with a random
/// seed.
pub fn new() -> Isaac64Rng {
/// This reads randomness from the operating system (via `OSRng`)
/// which may fail, any error is propagated via the `IoResult`
/// return value.
pub fn new() -> IoResult<Isaac64Rng> {
let mut rng = EMPTY_64;
let mut os_rng = try!(OSRng::new());
unsafe {
let ptr = rng.rsl.as_mut_ptr();
raw::mut_buf_as_slice(ptr as *mut u8, mem::size_of_val(&rng.rsl), |slice| {
/// Create a 64-bit ISAAC random number generator using the
@ -430,19 +440,19 @@ impl<'a> SeedableRng<&'a [u64]> for Isaac64Rng {
mod test {
use super::{IsaacRng, Isaac64Rng};
use {Rng, SeedableRng, OSRng};
use {Rng, SeedableRng, task_rng};
use std::slice;
fn test_rng_32_rand_seeded() {
let s = OSRng::new().gen_vec::<u32>(256);
let s = task_rng().gen_vec::<u32>(256);
let mut ra: IsaacRng = SeedableRng::from_seed(s.as_slice());
let mut rb: IsaacRng = SeedableRng::from_seed(s.as_slice());
assert_eq!(ra.gen_ascii_str(100u), rb.gen_ascii_str(100u));
fn test_rng_64_rand_seeded() {
let s = OSRng::new().gen_vec::<u64>(256);
let s = task_rng().gen_vec::<u64>(256);
let mut ra: Isaac64Rng = SeedableRng::from_seed(s.as_slice());
let mut rb: Isaac64Rng = SeedableRng::from_seed(s.as_slice());
assert_eq!(ra.gen_ascii_str(100u), rb.gen_ascii_str(100u));
@ -465,7 +475,7 @@ mod test {
fn test_rng_32_reseed() {
let s = OSRng::new().gen_vec::<u32>(256);
let s = task_rng().gen_vec::<u32>(256);
let mut r: IsaacRng = SeedableRng::from_seed(s.as_slice());
let string1 = r.gen_ascii_str(100);
@ -476,7 +486,7 @@ mod test {
fn test_rng_64_reseed() {
let s = OSRng::new().gen_vec::<u64>(256);
let s = task_rng().gen_vec::<u64>(256);
let mut r: Isaac64Rng = SeedableRng::from_seed(s.as_slice());
let string1 = r.gen_ascii_str(100);
@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ println!("{:?}", tuple_ptr)
#[phase(syntax, link)] extern crate log;
use std::cast;
use std::io::IoResult;
use std::kinds::marker;
use std::local_data;
use std::str;
@ -403,7 +404,7 @@ pub trait SeedableRng<Seed>: Rng {
/// appropriate.
#[deprecated="use `task_rng` or `StdRng::new`"]
pub fn rng() -> StdRng {
/// The standard RNG. This is designed to be efficient on the current
@ -425,9 +426,12 @@ impl StdRng {
/// number of random numbers, or doesn't need the utmost speed for
/// generating each number, `task_rng` and/or `random` may be more
/// appropriate.
/// Reading the randomness from the OS may fail, and any error is
/// propagated via the `IoResult` return value.
pub fn new() -> StdRng {
StdRng { rng: IsaacRng::new() }
pub fn new() -> IoResult<StdRng> {
IsaacRng::new().map(|r| StdRng { rng: r })
/// Create a randomly seeded instance of `StdRng`.
@ -437,9 +441,12 @@ impl StdRng {
/// number of random numbers, or doesn't need the utmost speed for
/// generating each number, `task_rng` and/or `random` may be more
/// appropriate.
/// Reading the randomness from the OS may fail, and any error is
/// propagated via the `IoResult` return value.
pub fn new() -> StdRng {
StdRng { rng: Isaac64Rng::new() }
pub fn new() -> IoResult<StdRng> {
Isaac64Rng::new().map(|r| StdRng { rng: r })
@ -477,7 +484,10 @@ impl<'a> SeedableRng<&'a [uint]> for StdRng {
/// This will read randomness from the operating system to seed the
/// generator.
pub fn weak_rng() -> XorShiftRng {
match XorShiftRng::new() {
Ok(r) => r,
Err(e) => fail!("weak_rng: failed to create seeded RNG: {}", e)
/// An Xorshift[1] random number
@ -539,10 +549,10 @@ impl SeedableRng<[u32, .. 4]> for XorShiftRng {
impl XorShiftRng {
/// Create an xor shift random number generator with a random seed.
pub fn new() -> XorShiftRng {
pub fn new() -> IoResult<XorShiftRng> {
let mut s = [0u8, ..16];
let mut r = try!(OSRng::new());
loop {
let mut r = OSRng::new();
if !s.iter().all(|x| *x == 0) {
@ -550,7 +560,7 @@ impl XorShiftRng {
let s: [u32, ..4] = unsafe { cast::transmute(s) };
@ -559,7 +569,10 @@ struct TaskRngReseeder;
impl reseeding::Reseeder<StdRng> for TaskRngReseeder {
fn reseed(&mut self, rng: &mut StdRng) {
*rng = StdRng::new();
*rng = match StdRng::new() {
Ok(r) => r,
Err(e) => fail!("could not reseed task_rng: {}", e)
static TASK_RNG_RESEED_THRESHOLD: uint = 32_768;
@ -596,7 +609,11 @@ local_data_key!(TASK_RNG_KEY: ~TaskRngInner)
pub fn task_rng() -> TaskRng {
local_data::get_mut(TASK_RNG_KEY, |rng| match rng {
None => {
let mut rng = ~reseeding::ReseedingRng::new(StdRng::new(),
let r = match StdRng::new() {
Ok(r) => r,
Err(e) => fail!("could not initialize task_rng: {}", e)
let mut rng = ~reseeding::ReseedingRng::new(r,
let ptr = &mut *rng as *mut TaskRngInner;
@ -679,7 +696,7 @@ pub struct Closed01<F>(F);
mod test {
use std::slice;
use super::{Rng, task_rng, random, OSRng, SeedableRng, StdRng};
use super::{Rng, task_rng, random, SeedableRng, StdRng};
struct ConstRng { i: u64 }
impl Rng for ConstRng {
@ -841,7 +858,7 @@ mod test {
fn test_std_rng_seeded() {
let s = OSRng::new().gen_vec::<uint>(256);
let s = task_rng().gen_vec::<uint>(256);
let mut ra: StdRng = SeedableRng::from_seed(s.as_slice());
let mut rb: StdRng = SeedableRng::from_seed(s.as_slice());
assert_eq!(ra.gen_ascii_str(100u), rb.gen_ascii_str(100u));
@ -849,7 +866,7 @@ mod test {
fn test_std_rng_reseed() {
let s = OSRng::new().gen_vec::<uint>(256);
let s = task_rng().gen_vec::<uint>(256);
let mut r: StdRng = SeedableRng::from_seed(s.as_slice());
let string1 = r.gen_ascii_str(100);
@ -872,7 +889,7 @@ mod bench {
fn rand_xorshift(bh: &mut BenchHarness) {
let mut rng = XorShiftRng::new();
let mut rng = XorShiftRng::new().unwrap();
bh.iter(|| {
for _ in range(0, RAND_BENCH_N) {
@ -883,7 +900,7 @@ mod bench {
fn rand_isaac(bh: &mut BenchHarness) {
let mut rng = IsaacRng::new();
let mut rng = IsaacRng::new().unwrap();
bh.iter(|| {
for _ in range(0, RAND_BENCH_N) {
@ -894,7 +911,7 @@ mod bench {
fn rand_isaac64(bh: &mut BenchHarness) {
let mut rng = Isaac64Rng::new();
let mut rng = Isaac64Rng::new().unwrap();
bh.iter(|| {
for _ in range(0, RAND_BENCH_N) {
@ -905,7 +922,7 @@ mod bench {
fn rand_std(bh: &mut BenchHarness) {
let mut rng = StdRng::new();
let mut rng = StdRng::new().unwrap();
bh.iter(|| {
for _ in range(0, RAND_BENCH_N) {
@ -916,7 +933,7 @@ mod bench {
fn rand_shuffle_100(bh: &mut BenchHarness) {
let mut rng = XorShiftRng::new();
let mut rng = XorShiftRng::new().unwrap();
let x : &mut[uint] = [1,..100];
bh.iter(|| {
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ pub use self::imp::OSRng;
mod imp {
use Rng;
use reader::ReaderRng;
use std::io::File;
use std::io::{IoResult, File};
/// A random number generator that retrieves randomness straight from
/// the operating system. Platform sources:
@ -35,12 +35,11 @@ mod imp {
impl OSRng {
/// Create a new `OSRng`.
pub fn new() -> OSRng {
let reader = File::open(&Path::new("/dev/urandom"));
let reader = reader.ok().expect("Error opening /dev/urandom");
pub fn new() -> IoResult<OSRng> {
let reader = try!(File::open(&Path::new("/dev/urandom")));
let reader_rng = ReaderRng::new(reader);
OSRng { inner: reader_rng }
Ok(OSRng { inner: reader_rng })
@ -61,6 +60,7 @@ mod imp {
mod imp {
use Rng;
use std::cast;
use std::io::{IoResult, IoError};
use std::libc::{c_ulong, DWORD, BYTE, LPCSTR, BOOL};
use std::os;
use std::rt::stack;
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ mod imp {
impl OSRng {
/// Create a new `OSRng`.
pub fn new() -> OSRng {
pub fn new() -> IoResult<OSRng> {
let mut hcp = 0;
let mut ret = unsafe {
CryptAcquireContextA(&mut hcp, 0 as LPCSTR, 0 as LPCSTR,
@ -143,9 +143,10 @@ mod imp {
if ret == 0 {
fail!("couldn't create context: {}", os::last_os_error());
} else {
Ok(OSRng { hcryptprov: hcp })
OSRng { hcryptprov: hcp }
@ -191,7 +192,7 @@ mod test {
fn test_os_rng() {
let mut r = OSRng::new();
let mut r = OSRng::new().unwrap();
@ -213,7 +214,7 @@ mod test {
// deschedule to attempt to interleave things as much
// as possible (XXX: is this a good test?)
let mut r = OSRng::new();
let mut r = OSRng::new().unwrap();
let mut v = [0u8, .. 1000];
@ -100,12 +100,12 @@ impl<S, R: SeedableRng<S>, Rsdr: Reseeder<R>>
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// use rand::{Rng, SeedableRng};
/// use rand::{Rng, SeedableRng, StdRng};
/// use rand::reseeding::{Reseeder, ReseedingRng};
/// struct TickTockReseeder { tick: bool }
/// impl Reseeder<rand::StdRng> for TickTockReseeder {
/// fn reseed(&mut self, rng: &mut rand::StdRng) {
/// impl Reseeder<StdRng> for TickTockReseeder {
/// fn reseed(&mut self, rng: &mut StdRng) {
/// let val = if self.tick {0} else {1};
/// rng.reseed(&[val]);
/// self.tick = !self.tick;
@ -113,7 +113,9 @@ impl<S, R: SeedableRng<S>, Rsdr: Reseeder<R>>
/// }
/// fn main() {
/// let rsdr = TickTockReseeder { tick: true };
/// let mut rng = ReseedingRng::new(rand::StdRng::new(), 10, rsdr);
/// let inner = StdRng::new().unwrap();
/// let mut rng = ReseedingRng::new(inner, 10, rsdr);
/// // this will repeat, because it gets reseeded very regularly.
/// println!("{}", rng.gen_ascii_str(100));
@ -400,31 +400,31 @@ mod bench {
fn format_bin(bh: &mut BenchHarness) {
let mut rng = XorShiftRng::new();
let mut rng = XorShiftRng::new().unwrap();
bh.iter(|| { format!("{:t}", rng.gen::<uint>()); })
fn format_oct(bh: &mut BenchHarness) {
let mut rng = XorShiftRng::new();
let mut rng = XorShiftRng::new().unwrap();
bh.iter(|| { format!("{:o}", rng.gen::<uint>()); })
fn format_dec(bh: &mut BenchHarness) {
let mut rng = XorShiftRng::new();
let mut rng = XorShiftRng::new().unwrap();
bh.iter(|| { format!("{:u}", rng.gen::<uint>()); })
fn format_hex(bh: &mut BenchHarness) {
let mut rng = XorShiftRng::new();
let mut rng = XorShiftRng::new().unwrap();
bh.iter(|| { format!("{:x}", rng.gen::<uint>()); })
fn format_base_36(bh: &mut BenchHarness) {
let mut rng = XorShiftRng::new();
let mut rng = XorShiftRng::new().unwrap();
bh.iter(|| { format!("{}", radix(rng.gen::<uint>(), 36)); })
@ -436,31 +436,31 @@ mod bench {
fn format_bin(bh: &mut BenchHarness) {
let mut rng = XorShiftRng::new();
let mut rng = XorShiftRng::new().unwrap();
bh.iter(|| { format!("{:t}", rng.gen::<int>()); })
fn format_oct(bh: &mut BenchHarness) {
let mut rng = XorShiftRng::new();
let mut rng = XorShiftRng::new().unwrap();
bh.iter(|| { format!("{:o}", rng.gen::<int>()); })
fn format_dec(bh: &mut BenchHarness) {
let mut rng = XorShiftRng::new();
let mut rng = XorShiftRng::new().unwrap();
bh.iter(|| { format!("{:d}", rng.gen::<int>()); })
fn format_hex(bh: &mut BenchHarness) {
let mut rng = XorShiftRng::new();
let mut rng = XorShiftRng::new().unwrap();
bh.iter(|| { format!("{:x}", rng.gen::<int>()); })
fn format_base_36(bh: &mut BenchHarness) {
let mut rng = XorShiftRng::new();
let mut rng = XorShiftRng::new().unwrap();
bh.iter(|| { format!("{}", radix(rng.gen::<int>(), 36)); })
@ -1286,7 +1286,7 @@ mod test {
use rand::{StdRng, Rng};
let mut bytes = [0, ..1024];
let tmpdir = tmpdir();
@ -216,6 +216,8 @@ use container::Container;
use fmt;
use int;
use iter::Iterator;
use libc;
use os;
use option::{Option, Some, None};
use path::Path;
use result::{Ok, Err, Result};
@ -290,6 +292,88 @@ pub struct IoError {
pub detail: Option<~str>
impl IoError {
/// Convert an `errno` value into an `IoError`.
/// If `detail` is `true`, the `detail` field of the `IoError`
/// struct is filled with an allocated string describing the error
/// in more detail, retrieved from the operating system.
pub fn from_errno(errno: uint, detail: bool) -> IoError {
fn get_err(errno: i32) -> (IoErrorKind, &'static str) {
match errno {
libc::EOF => (EndOfFile, "end of file"),
libc::ERROR_NO_DATA => (BrokenPipe, "the pipe is being closed"),
libc::ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND => (FileNotFound, "file not found"),
libc::ERROR_INVALID_NAME => (InvalidInput, "invalid file name"),
libc::WSAECONNREFUSED => (ConnectionRefused, "connection refused"),
libc::WSAECONNRESET => (ConnectionReset, "connection reset"),
libc::WSAEACCES => (PermissionDenied, "permission denied"),
(ResourceUnavailable, "resource temporarily unavailable")
libc::WSAENOTCONN => (NotConnected, "not connected"),
libc::WSAECONNABORTED => (ConnectionAborted, "connection aborted"),
libc::WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL => (ConnectionRefused, "address not available"),
libc::WSAEADDRINUSE => (ConnectionRefused, "address in use"),
libc::ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE => (EndOfFile, "the pipe has ended"),
// libuv maps this error code to EISDIR. we do too. if it is found
// to be incorrect, we can add in some more machinery to only
// return this message when ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION after certain
// win32 calls.
libc::ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION => (InvalidInput,
"illegal operation on a directory"),
_ => (OtherIoError, "unknown error")
fn get_err(errno: i32) -> (IoErrorKind, &'static str) {
// FIXME: this should probably be a bit more descriptive...
match errno {
libc::EOF => (EndOfFile, "end of file"),
libc::ECONNREFUSED => (ConnectionRefused, "connection refused"),
libc::ECONNRESET => (ConnectionReset, "connection reset"),
libc::EPERM | libc::EACCES =>
(PermissionDenied, "permission denied"),
libc::EPIPE => (BrokenPipe, "broken pipe"),
libc::ENOTCONN => (NotConnected, "not connected"),
libc::ECONNABORTED => (ConnectionAborted, "connection aborted"),
libc::EADDRNOTAVAIL => (ConnectionRefused, "address not available"),
libc::EADDRINUSE => (ConnectionRefused, "address in use"),
libc::ENOENT => (FileNotFound, "no such file or directory"),
libc::EISDIR => (InvalidInput, "illegal operation on a directory"),
// These two constants can have the same value on some systems, but
// different values on others, so we can't use a match clause
x if x == libc::EAGAIN || x == libc::EWOULDBLOCK =>
(ResourceUnavailable, "resource temporarily unavailable"),
_ => (OtherIoError, "unknown error")
let (kind, desc) = get_err(errno as i32);
IoError {
kind: kind,
desc: desc,
detail: if detail {Some(os::error_string(errno))} else {None},
/// Retrieve the last error to occur as a (detailed) IoError.
/// This uses the OS `errno`, and so there should not be any task
/// descheduling or migration (other than that performed by the
/// operating system) between the call(s) for which errors are
/// being checked and the call of this function.
pub fn last_error() -> IoError {
IoError::from_errno(os::errno() as uint, true)
impl fmt::Show for IoError {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
@ -821,31 +821,31 @@ mod bench {
fn to_str_bin(bh: &mut BenchHarness) {
let mut rng = XorShiftRng::new();
let mut rng = XorShiftRng::new().unwrap();
bh.iter(|| { rng.gen::<uint>().to_str_radix(2); })
fn to_str_oct(bh: &mut BenchHarness) {
let mut rng = XorShiftRng::new();
let mut rng = XorShiftRng::new().unwrap();
bh.iter(|| { rng.gen::<uint>().to_str_radix(8); })
fn to_str_dec(bh: &mut BenchHarness) {
let mut rng = XorShiftRng::new();
let mut rng = XorShiftRng::new().unwrap();
bh.iter(|| { rng.gen::<uint>().to_str_radix(10); })
fn to_str_hex(bh: &mut BenchHarness) {
let mut rng = XorShiftRng::new();
let mut rng = XorShiftRng::new().unwrap();
bh.iter(|| { rng.gen::<uint>().to_str_radix(16); })
fn to_str_base_36(bh: &mut BenchHarness) {
let mut rng = XorShiftRng::new();
let mut rng = XorShiftRng::new().unwrap();
bh.iter(|| { rng.gen::<uint>().to_str_radix(36); })
@ -857,31 +857,31 @@ mod bench {
fn to_str_bin(bh: &mut BenchHarness) {
let mut rng = XorShiftRng::new();
let mut rng = XorShiftRng::new().unwrap();
bh.iter(|| { rng.gen::<int>().to_str_radix(2); })
fn to_str_oct(bh: &mut BenchHarness) {
let mut rng = XorShiftRng::new();
let mut rng = XorShiftRng::new().unwrap();
bh.iter(|| { rng.gen::<int>().to_str_radix(8); })
fn to_str_dec(bh: &mut BenchHarness) {
let mut rng = XorShiftRng::new();
let mut rng = XorShiftRng::new().unwrap();
bh.iter(|| { rng.gen::<int>().to_str_radix(10); })
fn to_str_hex(bh: &mut BenchHarness) {
let mut rng = XorShiftRng::new();
let mut rng = XorShiftRng::new().unwrap();
bh.iter(|| { rng.gen::<int>().to_str_radix(16); })
fn to_str_base_36(bh: &mut BenchHarness) {
let mut rng = XorShiftRng::new();
let mut rng = XorShiftRng::new().unwrap();
bh.iter(|| { rng.gen::<int>().to_str_radix(36); })
@ -893,7 +893,7 @@ mod bench {
fn float_to_str(bh: &mut BenchHarness) {
let mut rng = XorShiftRng::new();
let mut rng = XorShiftRng::new().unwrap();
bh.iter(|| { f64::to_str(rng.gen()); })
@ -663,10 +663,12 @@ pub fn errno() -> uint {
/// Get a string representing the platform-dependent last error
pub fn last_os_error() -> ~str {
/// Return the string corresponding to an `errno()` value of `errnum`.
pub fn error_string(errnum: uint) -> ~str {
return strerror(errnum);
fn strerror() -> ~str {
fn strerror(errnum: uint) -> ~str {
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
#[cfg(target_os = "android")]
#[cfg(target_os = "freebsd")]
@ -702,7 +704,7 @@ pub fn last_os_error() -> ~str {
let p = buf.as_mut_ptr();
unsafe {
if strerror_r(errno() as c_int, p, buf.len() as libc::size_t) < 0 {
if strerror_r(errnum as c_int, p, buf.len() as libc::size_t) < 0 {
fail!("strerror_r failure");
@ -711,7 +713,7 @@ pub fn last_os_error() -> ~str {
fn strerror() -> ~str {
fn strerror(errnum: uint) -> ~str {
use libc::types::os::arch::extra::DWORD;
use libc::types::os::arch::extra::LPWSTR;
use libc::types::os::arch::extra::LPVOID;
@ -735,7 +737,6 @@ pub fn last_os_error() -> ~str {
// This value is calculated from the macro
let langId = 0x0800 as DWORD;
let err = errno() as DWORD;
let mut buf = [0 as WCHAR, ..TMPBUF_SZ];
@ -743,7 +744,7 @@ pub fn last_os_error() -> ~str {
let res = FormatMessageW(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM |
errnum as DWORD,
buf.len() as DWORD,
@ -751,18 +752,21 @@ pub fn last_os_error() -> ~str {
if res == 0 {
// Sometimes FormatMessageW can fail e.g. system doesn't like langId,
let fm_err = errno();
return format!("OS Error {} (FormatMessageW() returned error {})", err, fm_err);
return format!("OS Error {} (FormatMessageW() returned error {})", errnum, fm_err);
let msg = str::from_utf16(str::truncate_utf16_at_nul(buf));
match msg {
Some(msg) => format!("OS Error {}: {}", err, msg),
None => format!("OS Error {} (FormatMessageW() returned invalid UTF-16)", err),
Some(msg) => format!("OS Error {}: {}", errnum, msg),
None => format!("OS Error {} (FormatMessageW() returned invalid UTF-16)", errnum),
/// Get a string representing the platform-dependent last error
pub fn last_os_error() -> ~str {
error_string(errno() as uint)
static mut EXIT_STATUS: AtomicInt = INIT_ATOMIC_INT;
@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ mod test {
fn rng() {
use rand::{StdRng, Rng};
let mut r = StdRng::new();
let mut r = StdRng::new().unwrap();
let _ = r.next_u32();
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ struct Noise2DContext {
impl Noise2DContext {
fn new() -> Noise2DContext {
let mut rng = StdRng::new();
let mut rng = StdRng::new().unwrap();
let mut rgradients = [Vec2 { x: 0.0, y: 0.0 }, ..256];
for x in rgradients.mut_iter() {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user