with Validation MIR around drop being fixed, we can remove the hack working around this

This commit is contained in:
Ralf Jung 2017-07-26 22:02:52 -07:00
parent dd533a9ec6
commit b3fa42fc0e

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@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ use super::{
EvalError, EvalResult, EvalErrorKind,
EvalContext, DynamicLifetime,
AccessKind, LockInfo,
PrimVal, Value,
Lvalue, LvalueExtra,
@ -181,16 +181,11 @@ std::sync::atomic::AtomicBool::get_mut$|\
// HACK: For now, bail out if we hit a dead local during recovery (can happen because sometimes we have
// StorageDead before EndRegion).
// TODO: We should rather fix the MIR.
// HACK: Releasing on dead/undef local variables is a NOP. This can happen because of releases being added
// before drop elaboration.
// TODO: Fix the MIR so that these releases do not happen.
match query.lval {
Lvalue::Local { frame, local } => {
let res = self.stack[frame].get_local(local);
match (res, mode) {
(Err(EvalError{ kind: EvalErrorKind::DeadLocal, ..}), ValidationMode::Recover(_)) |
(Err(EvalError{ kind: EvalErrorKind::DeadLocal, ..}), ValidationMode::Release) |
(Ok(Value::ByVal(PrimVal::Undef)), ValidationMode::Release) => {
(Err(EvalError{ kind: EvalErrorKind::DeadLocal, ..}), ValidationMode::Recover(_)) => {
return Ok(());
_ => {},